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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1903)
TL. - - - -i-o aTtna - i, i i. s t ' ; j u .1 1 i S I j, 9 j : BQURRET& DAVIS. General Merchants. (Successors to MARSTELLER BROS.) Tnriti your inspection of our Goods for quality nd Prices for fairnes. Our stock is as complete m any and we expect to keep it so. Here in the Hne of DRY GOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, BOOTS SHOES, etc., you will find everything iD the latest up-to-date styles and patterns. GROCERIES, fresh and of the best quality. FLOUR, GRAIN, CURED MEATS. HARDWARE, TINWARE. Give us a trial. We will try to treat you right at all times. BOURRET & DAVIS- CHARLES H. NEW.1AH, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER INiiw Ercmber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. STOCK BRANDS. tai J..T bval will wnriltsh your brand, like ibe f oUowlmt, tor K . lT vear. Kach ad, lit al brand TS cent. r.vcrv tsrmer or rancbu,e til Sloui and adjoining counties .bould ad verllse tuair brands in ThkJoCK liLM It etriuUtea all over tli ett. It may be tbe means of Having uiouf V lor you S500 REWARD. tor the arrest mid conviction oi any p-.rty ir pal tin. KirulliiK r disf inuring any brand a stock oeianifiiiif to the und.-riKned Pr r. K. JASIIT. Brand. 60, 117, H on left hli ii left Jaw, aft hip ol Cuttle. Post Office. Hewitt, Moux County, Nebraska. G ICO 1(0 K fcWASSON tattle branded lorses branded jl on left shoo der. raitire on Saldier (tfi-k. Any stock branded us above being etrsy d from my ririirc, discovered hy uiiy body on giving im liiforiiiiitiwn will Ik- rewarded. Address, H. Uobinson, Nebraska KRANK NCTTO. Cuttle branded sldt And same on der if horses. Also some of the llores tin sre branded on side slwalder some us describ abov baiiud. on the left U'lt shotil- mid Cut. and I lie i-d lor the Addreg, Harrison. Nebraska. I H. WILHERMSDORFEB, WATCHMAKER JEWELER Jk kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. . PARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. t illirnef made to order. ; Saddles' re-covered. Tr00wO000O000' k TTTT? DTAMrPDDIJ A DM A HV 5 liiLy i luiNLLii. i iinivrinui. Drugs, Druggist's Sundries, Taints. Oils. Varnishes, Books and Stationary. RICHARDS & JONES, Successors, J. E. Phinney. it:...--l ( I 'JUL-! -L -J- JJ1 jfTlifc Commercial HAHRISON. NEBRASKA. Bank.- DIRECTORS. f..V. Correi, President. F. W. Clarke, Cashier rtuA. C. J1me!x. H. S. Clark k, A. McGinle i :-. . ...... . . : ,. Stockmen having use for a bank at thi point may rely oi ' us to handle their entire Banking busines. oWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all times ANDREW crm-run V A l " yv . J MM a m J. K. HUVTEI. Xtl branded M, Mioirn v tB fli VMMl lMlafla IP rtcbt H ktp, r Also iMtal4i. Mailt aw cliwnad tW E2WARJ) will be paM forartdxnrc arlMiaf ? for murlrn r.W or u T war taMperli with (tock aavlnc any T MM braaw or tranda. . kaMk M A4rwa, HrW, 444raa. nmoa fafir. SAML KL KSOltl. Cattlx bramled Mtiy wbrra on li'ft nh of tbe anlmul Kange on I'ral- ilv I on and -Vlon roe Creek . Addri'M, Harrison. Nbnoka Press-Jotirnn I Tin v V..w S I C. C. Burke. Prop. l.KThlIKU IK TIIK POST OKKICE AT II IB . B1SIJN KEhlt. AShU ONK CLASS M ATTbK' OKlICIAU PAPER OK SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Ytar. ADVERTISING RATKS- IVr ini'h, niiitle clu'iin, per innntli l!0c Pi-r cdliuiin, p-r month J 00 Prof-Kti m I mriis -r er, ooe incn 5.00 L"Uil lr line ruvii imsud ,05 j 50 r t ent off mi j farly contracts. p '. . . ' UTTTT Speci c for our Maillr lCll Customers For TE!I DAYS we r;i!l cflar Js!t$ 2nd CQ Overcaals wsitk $12 and SI5 far. . , .4- John r. snow. KwWWa.M hi-Hiidixt on b'ft oliouldt-r riw Hiid ChUIh I'll on IcftHldo I'otft tiffli'v AdilnM, I'utrlck, l-Mriiniltt Co. Wyo. iiKKi i.ivk h'I(m;k vo Krund(Ml mil li-(t lilp of t.V.ttl und on l'fl I'hw1 oi ilorp Hitncoii lifi'p Cren. AtditM, 1 frwk Live Stork Co.. J. II. lUi.HKliT, Kurfinai., l.lcii, KbraKk. It I Send f:r Sai?!!t.' T-8 in Hi potest i2l:u ws, ar if othar fin, km cTtr of.'erei. The mterial are the bt obtainable. LInin?i and fabrics that hae bi-en approved are used. There nre over two hund'ed ttylea from wh ch to choo,e You ran toll exactly ho a or overcoat wm appear. Don't have to sipeculute as you do when you go to a tail or. You have our positive g-uarante? aa to quality and wear. These suits and overcoats stand compnrtson In every detail of Its making with the product of the most conscientious tailor In the business. Every seam well laid, every detail of f iuish perfectly executed. -3- Cor. l.jth and Farnam, OMAHA, J 3 11. 1 ESSLOW. Cattli brands on inn i Hide .n its cut. A'.d bIo JJ on iKht, hip. Horses branifd jg on right sliouidur or Jaw. HunKa on W.iltn Klvor, on the old lime t"olvill rf.ncb. P. O. Adrtrt"; Glen, Nebr. U Cr ltKWAKO. will ity fi. 00 iv ward for e,ti h )wad of lavet)l ville'slmrs- branded on either jaw or tlnifh turned ver o .hn llnwr on Knnnint' 'ater. a I mo flOO.OO for proof to convict any p-rwn unlawfully lianiiling anv of said horwH. W. J A. Raih. KUI1KKT r. SKKfK. Cattle Branded HuiiKe on Ml dn l-ft Ride AIo cnttle bninJwl 1 on led hip'lfr ir !(!. Kill ItHHlfeun CEaH KuiminK Water. I', u. Addi-ens Agmr,, ebr:uka. J. l.KV'BH, Catt la branded i. Err sin)! I'o-titf e A -Id rex. Chad rOH SebraiikH. UK SKY WAUNKKK. Cattle lirnn-1- 1 on left ld. 4tante on Running Water Creeek. l. O. Addrem llrrlon. Nebraska. A. K. KK.VSEUV. rattle Krnnded TO on Klflil H!d fclioulder P.O. Addrt, (,'ruaford, Nehm-ka. OC.'AVK IIAUKIt, Cattle branai-il a iown on left lde a UN over bit on Uft ear. Uange on Hun nlng Water, P0. Addrea, Marland, Sebr. I Hi rr pup MEIL JURI1AN. Ilorwea and fat lie branded on either aide, him as on eat. And Cattle branded aide, aud lloraaa on lelt ill " Jaw. Addraam, Bod arc, Hebraaka. : a JOHN A. HANdON owna the follow- Inibrand naalUi e?s Alao HO on rat tie and l,rw nitleiin leftolda 'Htritea on loft aiuklr, Kanye on III Ivor prlnga and oaat of tato tlaa PnKV-Haerlaorr S. KKKWS1 Kit A CO. Cattle brand- fd :.Hiiie aa that 9 ni, either eft hip or on left aiioutdcr. mm mm lluri'i limded with any of alxjve brands. Addreea, J. A. Amikxbon, llHrriton, Nebraska. B(ll KHET A Cattle brand- Mi nilnu 9 thBt ' KT"1 j on rnt on eith- JiSi er ide o" nl- And loltoH-liiK mi left sl'la of i-Httl'. ud tllla And this on left mde of she itock. on left aldu and hip. KHHgcon Knnnlna; Water. Post Offire Address, Harrison, Kehraska. KOTIi E TO LAN'.) OWNERS. To am. To whom rr T cosrek: The comnils-loiicr a1uolnied to Iccnte a road (oniinenrlnir at a point wln re county rond So. A inb-rvm'ta the hill m" thm line running at and wi st thronh urctlon 21, Tap. 92. Kunge theiiae east on or anaut Do ro-is; I thense e w 20 rod, then' W rods in south ! (XJCSTY SCttVF.YOK eiinteruly dlreetlon, th'-nae soutn west 40 i And Don't Forget That We Do JOB WORK H03sO For we are here yet And can do as good work as ever and that is first class. Call in and get our prices on Business Card?, Not Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes etc., any way. The Press-Journal. FUSION STATE TI KET. For JuHtre of the Supreme Court JUoOE J. J. SULLIVAN. For Heciil of Ilia University WM. O. JONES. Of Countv. LR E. O. WEBBKIi. Of Siunder Coun'y. For Wstrio' Judaea llili Jud. Iht. W. 11. vMG&l'OVELl, Of Shend in t'ounty J. J. HARRiNOTON, Of Holt Counlt . ONLY fliflrffl I ' a Morntni;. No 13, 1iiS::W COUNTY TICKET. , COi:TYTBKASl.KLB- C, M. I.UI- tX)USTY CLERK William II. GnyburS- (XH'XTY SIIERirr- Alei Lowry COCNTY JCIiUE-" ' John H. lJicy- j No. f"3. loc. frt. 10 CfmTY ASSESSOR 1 CIhiu ('lirlxUinsen I ()f)l'NTY eUPKKIJTtN f'EST j J. I). Burke COOTY COKONKR i Pat Ijiey Railroad batweorv Mlsaourl KlvH and) Chicago, Direct lino to St. Paul Mlnneapolla- Dlroct Llnato Black Hllla. Aunly to nesrsst cvgent for rate, miM cwnd time o&rda. TIME TABLE West Bxind, Eiat Bound. EveniiiK. No. U, 1'iie No fi loc. frt fid rods, then.-31 toils esl gud connecting with silri road o, 4 nt a point on or about one fom ih of a mile Irom the fMil ,t where It le ivesssid aboe mentioned half fvee. line. Reeoinmend lhat said tosd le showed and also that the following desrribni portion of county resd So. lie vnc.tted, thnt portion from the point wbern the pro;mnd riMil connect, with roKl No. 4 to ihu point It InU'rsectn rtuui So 4 as now est-ikllsDed. All objections thereto, or rUlins for dam- sfes ntusl Is- died l.i (he county clerk'-, office on or la-fore noon of the 12th dsy of Nov. 1902 or such row! will In established and that portion vacated without reference thereto. WM. J. A RUa, County Clerk. M. Itumnir- COl'STY COMMISSIO.HEH ISP. DIsiUl. T Anioa (',. Cullers- Freak Turkey. Ce of the oddeat freaki of nature that - MiKfourl ever produced was taken to Pleasant Hill a few daya afro hy Mica Amle Lee Hayi. It was a young turkey having two head, threo bills, ilx cri, six wlngi arid four feet. Aa It dlej aoon after being hatched. It was placed In alcohol, and ia ro- on exhibition In the window of a drug tor In Pleaaant Hiil. . ' "" VI I" " "' r ' A Qallant Governor. In 1900 too Southern Mutlr Teach Effect of Tobacco. I era' amoelatlon held a convention at Tbe effect of the uie of p'ire and Atlanta. Oor. Chauler of Georgia en adulterated tobacco will be the tfuiy joyed the recltala and loctur-, and taken op by Dr. Wiley of tbe fifrrlf ul- did all In bit power to encourage the tural department, after havlrr enn- movoment The governor also bo'd a eluded eperlinenti In the efferta of brilliant reception, and at the conclu adulterated food a he la now conduct- (Ion of maalcal number the governor Ing. It Ii hla Intention to take men exclaimed with much enthusiasm, wbo are regular smokers and to aa- "What la beaven'i toes It our rein," certain their pbyilcal condition aa to "Juat the rwrene, governor," corrc.ed heart action, breathing and digestion, a young lady, "yon mean our lots l ! Vblle contlnulag the uae of tobacco beaven'i gain " "No." aald the gt.vcr-, CsAae mrmat eaailltUwia and Ik., tn tmr hnwln aallant Iv "Ir la h...n'l lhat nan hs l.i.,l I.- .n kTe tbem an44aly eeaae (be nee of loai until you are all dead, then it Ii within the range of maa't capaijUlu. tobacco entirety. oar lovt," Detroit Yf p-e PV Mm- TM rose of ryrteaia, Cartful eaUu.atea of tbe force of a .-j-clone and the energy requlrt-d lo keep the full-fledsed hurrtcano In ac Ive ept-ratlnn rereal the prcv-r.ce of power that makea the mightiest et forts of iran appear aa nothlpg in c,,ro. i-lson. A force fully oo-iat ; nvw tOO,COO:00 borse power w.u, tail tites -. .ive!oed la a Weet cytir,- 1 M. U iknul r, r ., .. .wUUi uir.-u uir.ei iji i,(,wi Caret Crip bl Two tlaa on every k box. 23c. X 1 ' t..t X' V. . . -, 1 . .'... Aat w a-s . r y K M "4M.