A SIMPLE RUSE ff fcORGE SCHUYLER belonged IVTl fo an old New York family. Helen Ganzevoort also belonged lo an old New York family. George's branch of the Schuyler family was poor. Helen s branch of the CanKe vaort family waa rich. The parent of both these young peo pU had been the staunchest kind of friends since they had been old enough a know what friendship meant and friends had the ancestors beeu for geu ration back to the time of the stump legged Peter. George Schuyler was Ave years older than Helen Ganze Toort. There win enough of the same Dutch Idea left in George to make him duti.'ul son as there was enough f the same Dutch in Helen to make her a dutiful daughter, George Schuy ler had been brought up to Ix-lieve that one day he must marry Helen Ganzevoort and Helen Ganzevoort had been brought up to believe that one day she must marry George Schuyler. The Schuylers were not rich, as has keen said, and when (ieorge was 10, Instead of being sent to college he was shipped west, to see If he could pick up a fortune. Helen was at that tiaae II years old, and she did not feel keenly at all the parting with her prospective husband, and It must be confessed that George didn't shed many tears when he said good -by to this plain little girl with her hair In -pigtails. George Schuyler went to San Fran cisco, and there in the course of nine ears he did manage to pick up what the farmer calls a "tidy bit of money." George went east twice during his San Francisco stay, but both times Helen Ganzevoort was abroad. They wrote . or mmm "Wry',1 SAW A COUNTRY GIRL IK A CALICO Diiices. to each other once every three months, and while there wasn't a line of affec tion In the letters on either side, there was enough In tbem to show that each felt that the old marriage arrange ment made by the parents still stood. George Schuyler was 25 years old. His income now was large enough to justify blm in marrying, and in feel ing that be wouldn't have to go to the bureau drawer every morning to find his wife's purse. George was going back to take a bride that he hadn't Men in nine years, and it's just barely possible that he didn't feel overly com fortable at the prospect. As a mat ter of fact, Ueorge Schuyler liked bachelorhood. No woman ever as yet had stirred his puis. His gun and his rod were more to him than all the women in the world. Hut George bad been getting letters from his aged parents, who said that it was time he came east and went to wooing in earn est He wrote that be would start In a week, but that on his way be was to stop for a few days' fishing with an old friend on the Beaverkill, that ideal trout stream which tumbles down the southern slope of the Cats kill on Its way to Delaware. George Schuyler took his fly book and bis split Immboo rod on the first morning after, bis arrival at his friend's wilderness lodge and started out to whip the tfream for the speckled beauties. He was in wading boots hip high, ami down the tit ream he went, dropping his "coachman" lure to tlui surface of every pool where It looked as though a trout might lurk. Luck was only fair and the sun was getting high. . Trout don't like the glare of the midday sun and they keep away from the surface, no matter how tempting the morsel offered for con sumption. George Schuyler was think ing about, reeling in and going back to the lodge, when suddenly at a place where the Beaverskill broadened he saw a country girl, in a calico dress and sunltonnet. sitting at the water's edge. She was listening to the song of a brown thrasher that, tilting on a low tree top, was pouring forth Its medley for the benefit of his sunboti neted friend. George Schuyler stopped tn mld atreaui. lie did not wish to disturb the bird's solo, upon which the listen ing girl seemed so intent. He stopped, bat slipiK on a ronnd stone and plashed the water, which was calm and still just there. The thrasher went Into the thicket like a flash and the girl turned her bead just as quickly. George Schuyler saw a face under the shadow of the huge country bon Bt that was much more than pretty M4 which had in It that which men rightly calf character. George's flah map's cap was off In as taatant. Good morn.ags" are allowable la the WJfeirruraw wimivui in iiwm vi m litradr.'ttoa. . "L am just about to stop fishing and go back to the lodge of my friend, Mr. Payson. Can y u tell me if there is a shorter putb than the stream it self?" The girl nodded brlghUy. "Yes," she said, "you can take the trail through the tamaracks. It begins just here." Then the girl turned her at tention once more to the brown thrash er, who gave symptoms of being will ing to start his solo once more. Schuyler thanked the girl courteous ly aud after reeling in bis line started along ...the ..trail Indicated; When he reached his friend James Payson's lodge the first thing he said was: "Jim, in the name of all that's lovely, who is your sunbonneted neighbor with a voice like a bubbling spring and- eyes like those of the girls in old Her rick's poems?" Jim Payson laughed. "You must have run across old Cheney's daughter. He has 400 or 500 rocky acres with a little house on them. Mary is his only daughter, and he put her through Vas sar and made quite a lady of her. She is a beauty and no mistake. Hit you first time, eh, old man?" Schuyler colored a little and said: "Well, not exactly hit, Jim. I must not be hit, you know, but the girl is attractive and no mistake." That evening Jim Payson asked his guest if he wouldn't like to go over and call on old Cheney. There was no hesitancy in falling in with the pro posal. They found old Cheney on the porch smoking his pipe. He was a white-haired old fellow of the farmer type, and while he admitted it was hard wringing crops from the stony Catskill slope, yet he said he wouldn't give up his mountainside with its air and scenery for the best valley land on the continent. Then George Schuyler net Mary Cheney. James Payson did the Introducing. Schuyler found his mountain flower all that he had ex pected from the glimpse that he had caught of Its beauty in the morning. The girl was refinement itself, and as Schuyler looki-d at the old fellow sitting In the porch eonr-r puffing contentedly at his -urii-oh pipe he wondered how this sip could have come from such a parent stem. Well, It's belter in make it short, George bchuyler nay. d a week and then lingered for two more. He wrote to New York that he was enjoying the iishing. So he was for ahum an hour every morning. One day he brought himself up with a round torn. He thought of -his duty to Helen Gauze voort He knew in bis heart that i.e loved this girl of the mountainside who Lad a voice like one of the veeries that sing every day at sunset. That night he went to Mary Cheney and told ber aJL He knew somehow that the girl had grown ro love him as he had grown to love her. They stood on the porch looking down onto the far-off valley. It was twilight and the veeries and the vesper sparrows were singing everywhere. He told nor of Ills childhood engagement to Helen Ganzevoort. "I have not seen her since she was 11 years old," he said. "She cares nothing for me; she cannot She doesn't even know me. The whole thing wag a bit of parental foolishness, but nevertheless there is the question of my duty. I shall leave for New Tori; the day after to-morrow. I will see Helen, and upon what she says and does depends all. I may have done wrong. Mary, in lingering here, but I loved yon, and let that fact plead for me." He left her stand ing there. Just as the last bird voices of the day were hushed and the whip poorwlll took up his nightly chant. Two days later George Bebuyler stood In a Fifth avenue drawing-room waiting for the coming of Helen Ganzevoort. The lights were bright On the wall hung a picture of Helen as be had last known her niue years before as a child. The eyes seemed to look at him reproachfully. There was a light step behind him. He turned quickly. For a moment he felt frozen, then the blood went through him like a torrent. In front of him in evening dress stood the girl whom but 48 hours before be had left on the mountainside. "Mary," be said. Something like a smile came Into the girl's face. "Not Mary, George," she said, "but Helen," George Schuyler's mind was Ix-fogged. "I don't under stand," be stammered. "It's easily understood, George," she laughed. "You didn't suppose for a moment, did you. that I wished to marry a man I never had seen and who I knew was to marry me from sheer force of duty? Your mother told me you were going to stop at the Beaverkill to fish, and Mr. Payson, who is an old family friend, and Giles, who Is an old family servant, and who, by the way, made a good farmer, did the rest." "Helen, what do yon think of me?" "I think, George, that you fell in love. with me for what I am, and" smiling "I think I shall have to take you for what you are.' Chicago. Rec- ord Herald. .- ' Qatte a Family Kelp. Newlywed Do you think you can help me to economize?" Mrs. Newlywed Oh, John, I never told yo before. I can do my own maokmrlDf ! New York San. Aa a ralav when a man baa phenome nal nerra, tbarv la nothing slat to blm. MACHINE TO BLOW QLA88. Oa of the Mast Marveloa Coatrlv nee la the World of Industry. Glass has at last been successfully blown by machinery and, as has gen erally been the case when mechanical mean supersede hand methods, all feats of hand-blowing have been out done. The secret of the remarkable inven tion Is still hidden, but specimens of the work done have been shown. The cylinders are of Immense size, the larg est being thirty Inches in diameter and i ineteeu feet long. The new machine Is the Invention of John A. Lubbers, a glassbiower of Al legheny, Pa. It has been built at the Alexandria, Ind., branch of the Ameri can Window Glass Company's plant The process of blowing window glass is simple in theory, but difficult In practice, ... On the end of a Jong tube a mass of molten glass is collected. This Is then heated In a furnace and gradually distended by blowing into a larj,e tube with straight sides. To accomplish this without the pecu liar twisting and manipulation employ ed by the human glassbiower has puz zled many clever inventors, and the Lubbers machine was msde successful only after a great many experiments. Lubbers has invented several lalor savlng devices and this latest-triumph is likely to make him many times a millionaire when it Is generally In btalled. Skilled mechanics from the Westing house factories In Pittsburg have been working behind barred gates and high walls for months in te erection and installation of the machines, which no man other than old and skilled em ployes of the company was allowed to see. Patents have not yet been granted on certain parts of the machines and therefore the secrecy. So confident is the company of the merits of the machine that it is pre paring to spend thousands of dollars in Its Installation in all of the forty one plants controlled by It In various parts of the country. It is expected that the device will do away with hand blowtrs altogether. So confident are the men that this will be the case that many are getting out of the business. The betbT class of Mowers earn from $150 to $1)00 a mouth. New York World. Modern Antiquities. The quest for things antique has led to s s'ematlc forgery and imita tion on the part of dialers. Paris la the great center of this deceitful in dustry, says the Xat! n. There has bien discovered in the suburbs a thriv ing factory for the fabrication of Egyp tian mummies, cases and all. These tire shipped to Egypt, and in due time return as properly antiquated discov eries. A fuuuy story is now current about a collector of medieval things. A cer tain clever workman lu stone made to the order of a dealer lu medieval an tiquities a Venetian chlmneyplece of the fifteenth century, and received for his work some two or three thousand francs. The dealer shipped the chim neyplece to Italy, and had it set up in a palace near Venice, bringing back to Paris photographs of the palace and of the chlmneyplece In situ. By means of these photographs he aroused the interest of a rich collector, who sent his secretary to Venice to make sure that the photographs did not lie, and on his favorable report, bought the thing for fifty thousand francs. On the arrival of the article at his house in Paris, he sent for some workmen to open the cases. One of them appear ed to him to go about the work rather carelessly, and be remonstrated with the man, who answered, "Have no fear. sir. I know Just how It needs to be opened, for I packed it when It left Paris." Good Hupply. During the early years of his ca reer as an evangelist the late 1). L. Moody was not quite the practical man of affairs which he became as he grew older and bis Judgment ripened. A characteristic Incident of this pe riod of his life Is vouched for by a correspondent. He was holding a se ries of meetings In a small town In central Illinois, where, with his wife, he enjoyed the hospitality of a prom inent citizen. At dinner one day his fancy was particularly taken with some cucumber pickles. "I am very fond of plekl he said, "ami these are certainly the finest I ever tasted. I wish 1 could get some like them lu our market at home." '1 can give you all you want to lake home with you, Mr. Moody," said his generous hostess. "But I don't want them as a gift, I would like to buy them." "Well, of course. If you would rather have them that way 1 can pickle n lot of them from our garden and the nelghljors' and my husband can send thein to you.' What quantity would you want?" "I think a barrel would be enough," said. Mr. Moody, without a moment's hesitation. "Send me a barrel of them." ; But here his more practical wife In terfered, and the order was cut down to a small keg. A Good Guess. "John' Jones, the patlelit who came in a little while ago," said the attend ant . in the out-patient department "didn't give his occupation." "What was the nature of his trou ble?" asked the resident physician, "Injury t the base of the spine." 'T'ut blm down as a book agent" Philadelphia Presa. Whan a woman reada bar husband's old lora lettura, a certain expression gata Into bar eyes, and aba says, dis dainfully: "My, baw ha baa cnaagad." The changing of a river's channel la the greatest project now being con sidered by Italian engineers. The Sale flows into the Mediterranean near Salermo, but It Is to be tapped In the hills, aud the water taken across to the Adriatic watershed to Irrigate the province of Puglla. For measuring feeble Illuminations, like the Zodiacal Light aud Gegen Bchein. M. Touchet has devised a spe cial instrument resembling a theodo lite iu appearance. It is provided with a constant flame ami a slit regulated In width by a screw with divided head, and when the Illumination of the field through the slit exactly equals the light to be measured, a reading Is ob tained that is easily reduced to a standard. Although there Is a certain area of alnjut three and a half acres ou Man hattan Island where the density of population is at the rate of 030,000 to the square mile, yet the city of Paris shows a far greater average density of opulatlon than New York, the figures for Paris being 79,300 per sqr.ire mile, aud Tor New Y'ork City pri yyr 40,000 per square mile. The average density of London's popula tion is 37,000 per square mile, aud that of Berlin G7,0O0. The Flusen lamps are now credited with ten cures of cancer of 'he skin out of twenty-two cases treated, and with cures of obstinate acne and of baldness due to bacteria. Hryslpalas and minor eruptions have been treated with good results. At the Flnseo In stitute are rooms for exposing patlrnta to clectric-llght baths and to gun-baths, and an exhaustive and promis'iig in vestigation of the Influence of light tn various nervous diseases and In in sanity Is In progress. A New York man has lu vented a mirror that can ba made trsnslucent at will, so that when placed In a bIiow wludow It at first reflects the faces of people looking In, but suddenly turns transparent, whereupon the spet-tators set the contents of the window' In place of their own reflections. This Is effect ed by means of a thin film on the l ack of the glass, which, when the back ground is dark, reflects the light from in front like a mirror, but when the background Is illuminated, becomes as invisible as a pane of clear gla.ss One of the winter sights of St Pet ersburg Is a system of elec'ric tram ways on the ice In the Neva. One runs from the left shore of the river to the island of Petrowsky, and an other from the English quay, opposlto the Senate House, to the island of Basilio, near the Academy of Fine Arts. Wooden posts solidly embedded In the Ice support the trolley wire. Besides these tramways many wooden roads, intended for pedestrians, cross the water In various directions. In dim mer bridges of boats take the place of the roads on the Ice. The smelting of steel by electricity is still an attractive problem. The two furnaces built In Sweden in 1UO0 reached a technical solution by pro ducing steel of fine quality, but the furnaces were ruined by fire before commercial success had been attained. Another furnace planned by the same makers Is to hold 3J70 pounds, with a yearly capacity of 1,500 tons, and is to receive the current of a three hun dred horse-power dynamo. Though microscopically identical with crucible steel, the electric product Is claimed '.o excell in strength, density, uniformity, toughness aud case of working when cold. ERROR THAT COST DEARLY. Millions Might Have Been ftavctl If Astnr Had Keen Backed Up. When, back in 1811, John Jacob As tor, with his Pacific Fur Company, established the trading post of Astoria, at the mouth of the Columbia, he look a step which, if followed up by the support that he had a right to expect from the United States government, would soon have given t'tls country possession t.t all the territory on the Pacific .coast up to Russia's colony of Alaska, which came to Us Ihruiigh pur chase lu li!7. mid thus haveou Kng land and Canada out of access to the great wean. Ieiiied by President Madison . the slight measure of military aid which he asked for the defense of his post on the Pacific In the war of 1812-15 with England, and with his appeal to the same President for letters of marque to equip an armed vessel at his own expense to defend (he mouth of the Columbia Ignored, Mr, Astor lost his post, which was sold by his treach erous Biltlsh subordinates, who were temporarily in control, in J81TI to Can ada's Northwest Fur Company for a third of Its value and the place was captured by a British war vie shortly nfti-rward. Hi the settlement at the close of the wlir the place was given back to the Americans, but here ogalti Madison, and nubs 'qiienfly .Mon roe, denlwl'to Mr. Ator t4ie protection of t,hc few soldiers which he asked and he declined to re-fwlahlisb the post. ' TliU lack of courage aal6irc!ght on the part of these two Prvsldents lif this case was fatal to AmerlcHii Inter fta on the Pacific. Here are some of the faw things which would buve come to pass bad Mr. Astor beeu sustained by the government: He would easily bare held his ground against (he Brit ish warship wblcb captured the post In 1813 aud the transfer to the Cana dian company, wblcb took place be fort the capture, would have been averted. With the advantage of hli sea base and bis Russian afllllttlona It Alaska, both of which bad been flrmlj established before the news of the wai arrived on the coast be could readilj have excluded England's Hudson Ba) Company and Canada's Northwest Fui j Company from all the territory wesl I of the Rocky mountains. That dls i pute about the ownership of the pre ent States of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, which did not end until Eng land gave up all claims In 1&46 to thi territory, would never have takea place, for Kngland through ber fui tradi-rs would never have obtained I foothold there. AH the present Cana dlan territory of British Columbia ant Yukon, which are west of the great mountain chain, would have been se cur d for the United States. And then, when the transfer of Alaska to us bj Russia came and it would have comi earlier than 1807 In that event wi would have an unbroken stretch oj territory from the northern border ol Mexico up to beyond the arctic circle Leslie's Weekly. NEW 8TORV OF EBEN HOLDEN. Liltle Girl Who Loved a Doll Kattci Than h Old Herself. "Wal," said Uncle Eh, thoughtfully "I 'member one year, the day befor Cbrlstmus, my father gin me 2 sliill In'. I walked ail the way t' Salen with it. I went In a big store whet I come t' the city. See s' many thingi couldn't make up my mind t' bu) nuthiu'. I stud tbire feeiiu' uv i pair o' skates. They wuz grand aL' shiny with new straps an' buckles I did want 'em awful but I didn't hei enough money. Purty soon I see leetle bit uv a girl In a red jacket lookln' at a lot o' dolls. She wus rag ged an' there were holes In her shoe an' she did look awful poor an' sick ly. She'd go up an' put her hand ot one o' tbem dolls' dresses and whls per: " 'Some day,' she'll say, 'some day.' "Then she'd go to another an' fusf a mlnnit with its clothes au' whis per 'some day.' Purty soon she as'l if they had any doll with a blue dresi on for 3 pennies. " 'No,' says a woman, says she, 'tin lowest price for a doll with a dresi on it Is one sliillln'.' "The little she Jes looked es II she wus goln' t' cry. Her lips trem bled. " '.Some day I'm goin' t' hev one,' said be. "I couldn't st..n' It, an' so I slipped up an' Itotight one an' put it In ln-i amis. I liever'll fergit the look thai come Into her face then. Wal. sht went away an' set down all by hirself, an' It come cold an' that night they found her asleep In a dark alley, sht was holdin' the little doll wltj a blu dress on. The girl was hah' dead will the cold an' there was one thing aboul it all that made hi r famous. She bed took off her. red Jacket an wrapped it 'round the little doll." "It's one of those gocd old stories, said I. "Of course she died and weul to heaven." "No," said he quickly, "she lived an' went thTt Ye don't hev t' die P g to heaven. Ye've crossed the boundary when ye beirin t' love someliody mon 'n ye do yerself. If It ain't nobody bet ter 'n a rag doll." Irving BacbelliT, If Leslie's Monthly. The Ileal "Hoy" lo Fiction. It was Miss Yonge who first Intro dueed me to the Boy In Fiction witl whom I playid, studied, quarrebd, and made up every day or two of uiy life whose standards of honor and play 1 tried to make my own, whose faults I had a wholesome aversion to, and wh was one of the strongest formativ influences of my childhood. He standi out against the romance, the chivalry. the high idi-ala, and poetic fancy ol Sir Walter Scott as the Intimate com panion of everyday life. Into a world In which fairies were already unfold lug from the truest realities of ex Istence Into the tradition, the auri which makes reality a forever buddluj prophecy and promise, he brought ceaseless activity and the opportunity to exercise It, a keen love of the rougl and tumble of life, and an equally keen desire, not for money to buy beautiful things, but for capacity te know and enjoy (hern. Miss Yonge's Boy Is not alwayi clever, and ho Is never perfect, bul he Is so healthily and sanely alive thill he makes you ashamed not to be tin same. Then, too, bis opportunities art always at hand there is no m ed ol shipwrecks and desert Islands, and t ship conveniently above water wltk convenient supplies until you havi made friends with your Island ainl your man Friday and yourself In youi strange new I fe. You might l ing for ever to be Robinson Crusoe in vnln, but you could be Harry May. or Nor man, or Reginald, or any one of j score of boys, by Just making the most of your own country and your place it it. Gunton's Magazine. Physical Culture, Miss Vasi-ar- Of all the six months- old babli-s I think Mrs. Humpling' it Hip finest little MIks Spoarty Oh! Do you know her? MIsh Vassnr Yes", Indeed; Site wa In college lth me. She was In'tlu '05 cluJ Jhcre. . . " l Miss Spoarty The Meal She's i-as lly In the HO pound class now,-Loul villi; Post. The World's Colonies. The colonial possesion In the worl number 141 and all of I hem are trop leal or subtropical In location excep Canada. Their populations aggregate Aa you grow older, aim to rat youi affairs straightened out, and quitted down. HE HAD HI8 WAV. flat bod af KIIIIok Ware Not Ik Usual Ofln, Y'es, I was all through the civil war," laid the one-aruud man, "and I bad my kwn way of flghting when It came to a battle." "Was It a peculiar way?" asked ona tt the passengers. "Yea, they aaid It was. For lnstanca, ny first battlt was that of Willlauia urg. The first man I killed was aa infantryman. They were driving ua h hen we turned and charged I sets Id blm by the arm and foot and held dim aloft for an Instant and then flung blm down bead first aud broke his seek. A dozen of us plainly heard the Inap above the roar of battle. That nan never knew what hurt him." "But you had a musket," protested the man who bad spoken before. "Oh, of course. But I was fighting my own way, you see. So long as 1 :ould kill men and save cartridges It was all right. The second man I selz td and broke his back over my knee, the third I drowned in the creek, the fourth I battered against a fence un til 1 smashed in his skull and the fifth 1 chased' around until he dropped dead it heart failure. "1 ought to have killed ten men lo that battle, but I was new at the busi ness and didn't know exactly how to jo to work at it. Tl.ey made me a icrgennt, however, and our coloutjl leemed lo think I had done fairly well." "And did you keep up that style of lighting all through the war?" "Well, uo. In my next battle I had been fighting for half au hour before I got hold of a man. He was a young tniiu and when I seized him by the far he colli d out that he had a dear ld mother at home. I have oftea wished that I had spared him, but the frenzy of blood was upon me at that moment. Having his ears as a L-vcr 1 slowly turned his head until I broke his neck. It went clear around 1111 lie was looking backward. "When I got hold of my second man I was cooler. I am not sure whether be offered to surrendiT or not. He jailed out something, but I seized him ind flung him down and then opened 'he veins of his wrists with my jacTc tnife. lie must have dl'-d very quietly, for there was a smile on his face as the 'niriul parties found him. I have no loubt that he was thankful to me In bis dying moments." "And your third man?" was asked. "There was no third man. Just as I finished the second one our briga liur came til ing mid said that 1 was too strenuous and wanted to end the tvar too soon and I was ordered to the 'ear and sent borne. As to how I lost tuy arm, that happened when I killed even cowboys In Colorado, but I never relate the particulars of the affair. I im one who seeks no praise from his fellow men." SCORES WOMEN'S CLUBS. (Vorda of a Noted Cblcaao Preacher Have IMlrrrd t'p Great Commotion. Rev. William 11. I ach. I). D., pastor of the fashionable Methodist Church lu Wicker Purk, a Chicago suburb, de nounces women's clubs. In a recent sermon in the church Or. Leach scored women's clubs for "aping" men's clubs lu cnrdplaying and even In gambling and drinking. He bf;v. dr. l.KAcn. styled such clubs "a curse" aud charged that they led inevitably to the neglect of children and the ruin of happy homes. "The women's clubs that 1 have In mind," he said, "are those mannish organizations In whose club rooms I am told the aroma of the strongest perfumes used by the ladles is not able to keep down the pungent odors of strong drink. In those clubs the women memlers are accustomed to stay out late at night, perhaps for the sufficient reason that they are in no condition to brave the Inquisitive, staring glances of the multitudes lu the streets and public places earlier lu the night Homes and children and all the household duties Hre neglected sadly. Such a state of affairs. I say. Is disgraceful in a Christian country. I have reliable information that tho drink habit and card playing for money are fearfully on the Increase In the club riwmm of many of the most fashlonuble women's dubs of ' Chi cago." As a rule Ir. I-each preaches "gos pel sermons" pure and simple, avoid ing the more sensational topics of tho day. But whenever be gets out "bis big stick" for the evils of the current times he prods aud pokes and hits In a wuy that stirs up a terrific commo tion not only among the members of his fashionable congregation at Wicker Park, but among church. goers ax well as fjou-churchgoers everywhere. The" hucceasful Ffirtuier. Towno Poor Rlior gave up his nll- orlul Job' this spring, you know, itartcd to run n farm., , , Browne Yes, land be's inakli barrel of uiwiey.''. I ' Tow?n Na4tM! 'Why, all' ii nd lug a Jilt crops I a nen, huh Browne I know, bul 'then he took to writing booklets and pJuuphbtH.de. leriptlvc of his farm, and hVs got so many summer boarders be had to build another bouse for I hem. Philadelphia Pri. Proof of iManlir Hliown. Aubrey Vooan dauicbtah has eon. Rented to mawy me, and er I'd Ilka to know If there la any Insanity la I oils h family Old Gentleman (emphatically) rbsre must bal Boaton Utoba-