Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 05, 1903, Image 4

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FOBTBILEY, Kas., Oct. 26. A
review of ill the troops In camp,
WO In number, was beld Saturday
morning in Smoky II ills flats, at tb
tout be rn end of the reservation and
is a purely military spectacle It li
doubtful If, lo this country, at least.
It was ever surpassed. There was aa
absence of tbe glitter and gay colon
of holiday occasions. Tbe unl forma
were for the most part atalned with
hard work, but tbe men, after week
of drill, were in excellent condition,
and wben tbey streamed in long,
close get ranks, past the reviewing
stand, Gen. Ian Hamilton of tbe
British army could not contain hla
expressions of pleasure, and repeated
ly expressed bis gratification. Even
tbe subalterns of tbe regular army
seemed pleased with thornselvrs and
a'l tbe world at the coccluslon of
the review, and that tells, s much
as anything can, that the allair was
a most decisive success.
The first brigade under General L.
D. Brant hart the right of the line.
It comprised the Second, Twenty
first and one battalion of the Twelfth
r gular Infantry. They camcs in col
ubds of companies and made a fine
ihowing, ,
General Bell, superbl? mounted on
white-faced chestnut, came next
with' hla hrluaffe. made un of the i
Sixth and Twenty fifth regular in
fantry and the Fifty-fifth Iowa.
General Bell has been extremely for
tunate In the makeup of bis brigade,
for there are uo finer organizations
In the array than the Sltxb and
Twenty-fifth, aDd the Fifty-first
Iowa is .'without d'uiht one of the
b st national guard organizations In
the country. Its bearing and march
ing railed forth warm praise on all
sides. Thl3 regiment bas made a
most favorable impression on the
officers of the regular army for its
ability in the field, and its work
today showed It was as good in the
fancy points of the game of war as
whe n id is marching over the hills or
covering long stretches of dusty i
toads. The Third brigade, under
General Barry, was hcadod by the
Missouri provisional regiment, that
looked and marched exceedingly well.
Its ranks were full and well kept and
It was highly praised.
The Second Nebraska, tb.it came
next, was as good as the best of the
national guard regiments. Colonel
McDonnell, on a handsome dun
horse, was. a conspicuous figure at
tbe bea'J of his raiment and the
battalions that camo afi.er bim were
as satisfactory to Juoic upon as ti e
The cavalry brigade, under Gen-ral
Carr, followed the infantry, arid in
appear nee and marching it sustained
Its reputation of befog a portion of
the finest light cavalry In the world.
Nine batterleg of artillery rumbled
along after horstnen bad passed and J
then came the prosaic but highly
important quartermaster's train. In
the afternoon tbero wero athletic
games by enlisted men of the regular
irrry on the open air gymnasium be
tween Fort P.iiey and Junction City.
Major Raker, the chief quartermas
ter, delivered a lecture ot "Transpor
tation," which was hi-hly Interest
ing to tbe military men.
Kills His Two Boyi
MARION, Ind., Oct. 26. Jesse
McClure, a farm hand, killed his two
ions, five and seveu years old, leav
ing their bodies In a fence corner.
While a mob was forming tu lynch
bim McClure drove to Marion and
gave himself up. He has been se
creted by the authorities, who fear
mob violence.
McClure separated from bis wife a
year ago. She refused to live with
him and returned with her children
ts her father's home. McClure
hired a rig at Elviood and drove
to the farm of Mrs McClure's father
He found the children playing In the
front yard and induced them with
candy to take a ildo with bim. He
drove a mile up the road, carried the
children to a fence corner and shot
them with a revolver. The older one
was found dead a few minutes later
and the younger was dying, a piece
of the candy still being In bis mouth.
Tbe alarm was given and from all
grounding towns armed pursuers
jBtarted, McClure succeeding In
freachlng the Marlon Jail without be
ing caught.
Drop Deaj In the Depot.
The Rev. T. M. Dillon, a minister;
f the Methodist Episcopal churcn j
1.1 -II. . I-,. ,., f tlx 1
Jtocbestcr Item, dropped dead In the
waiting room of the Baltimore &
. ....... . ...it
wmo Douinwesiein lauwnj
at Rochester, this miotj. He was
a native or new toik state, was ni-tr-elght
yran old, and leaves a wife.
Pbyilclana pronounce tb cat onr
,ot bat dlaaaaa.
Europe Srntlins ill Bulk, With Italy .Fu
in the ld-Kerly Nine 1 buuund
BeJecUid for Varioiu Cuw.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. -The an
nual report of Commissioner General
Frank P. Sargent of the bureau ot
immigration shows large Increase of
steerage Immigration over that of the
preceding year, the aggregate for the
ncal year of 1003 being 857,046 ao ex
cess over that of last year of 208.303,
or 32 par cent. The statistics, show
an increase in immigration from all
foreign suurces, suggesting as the
chief cause of the influx of aliens in
t'i the United States duriog tbe year
the inducements offered to settian
here rather than any special cause
of discontent In their own countries.
Of tbe total steerage Immigration
therR fanift from TiurODB
! I 'dm Asia 2S).fi6 and from all othei
suurces 12,573. II to tnese ngures
'are added thi.se representing the tot
al arrivals of alien cabin passengers,
64.209 the result will show that the
total immigration of aliens to tb
United Slates during the year aggre
gated 921,315, or 105,043 more than
: the greatest number heretofore re
'ported for any one year.
The greatest number of immi
grants, 2:10,(522, came from Italy, an
! increase of 52,217 over last year,
1 while Austria-Hungary lurr.isb.d
208.011. an inciease i,f 31,022; Russia,
13(5,193, an increase of 2.174t; Ger
m,mv. 40.08fi, an increase -of 11,782;
Swcdm, 44.02, an Increase of 15,134;
ilrelaod. 35,3 lo au increase of 0,172,
and England, 0,21!), an increase ol
h 12.041.
' Of the oriental countries, Japan
iwas roreruost with l'j.5, an ir.crease
of 5,U!)8, vM'e China contributed
2,200, au increase of 500 over last
Of the total number of steeragt
'aliens 13l,4i were mahs and 243,000
wtre ftmai.s, of whom 202,431 were
under fourteen years of age. There
were of these 3,351 who could read,
butctulcl not write, and 185,007 who
, could neither read nor write. The
'total amount of money brought bi
them Into the United States was
! Exclusive of those denl-d admiss
ion at ibe land boundaries of the
United States 8,7'JO alien immigrants
were rejected for various causes, the
nimbtr of rejections b.hg nearly
double thoso of the .r'cdiog year.
Of these 5,812 were paupers, 1.773
were atllictid with disease and 1,080
were contract laborers.
Commissioner Sargent strongly rec
ommends that an examination by
competent medical officials be made
of immigrants ou behalf of this gov
ernment t foinign potts of embaik
ation. He balieves tint skilled phy
sician's, representing this govern
ment, should be detailed for this
Commissioner Sartrent. in view of
the arrival of approximately 1,000,000
immigrants uunually, urges that leg
islation be exacted to improve tbe
quality, morally and intellectually
of those admitted.
Tribute to United Mates.
BERLIN, Oct. 24.-"The land ol
unlinvted possibilities," a book
written by L. M. Goidberger, a
privy councillor of commerce, who
made u visit t the United States in
1901, was published t day. In tbo
conc'udlng chapter, wiitteu after tne
recent events In Wall street, Ilerr
Goidberger siy: "The economic
giant America, finds the strong rcla
of Its power in the soil of the count ry
which, after every storm, gives un
limited possibilities for the rapid re
cuperations of the high moral forces
which live in the American people.
"Tbey repudiate any and every
Identification with sharpers and
cheats and they are struggling stead
ily toward firmer ground. Every
where we find nervous enprgy; every
where development. Science and art
are taking deeper and deeper root,
and their Independent spirit Is linked
with sincere admiration for creative
labor. "
Kratz Under Arrest.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24. A special to
tne rost-jrispaun rrom uuaoaiajara,
j Mexico, savs: Charles Kratz, a
member of t he St. T.nula rltv rnurirll.
Indicted on achrge of bribery, who
Jumped a 120,000 bond, waa arrested
today on oiders from tho federal gov
ernment at City of Mexico. He will
be held until offices with requUtlon
papera from tbe United1 States ar
rive. '
OTTAWA, Ont., Oct. 23. In thej
senate yesterdaySir MacKenzie Bo well,1
leader of the opposition, asked for In
formation concerning the Alaskan
boundary award.
Mr. Scott, for the government, re
plied that the most important reason
why the Canadian commissioners did
not approve of the award was that it
was not a judicial document decision.
Bir Mackenzie Bowell sail that it
was unfortunate that in every case
when negotiations have taken place
between the United States and Eng
land; where Canada was affected, the
United States diplomats had succeed
ed in securing islands which command
the most important points of the do
minion. There was the island .right
opposite the harbor of Port Arthur.
In the case of a difficulty, he said that
island would have to be secured by the
British people for, if fortified, it
would command the entrance to that
harbor. Uoless that was done the
United States could secure it and with
the guns they have at present would
be able to aestroy the whole connec
tion between tr e east and west. It
was the same with the island of Baa
Juan, another secured by treaty nego
tiations. "Now," said Mr. MacKenzie, "the
United States will command Fori
Simpson. In every case Canadian in
terests were sacrificed."
Senator McMullen said that the de
ci. 'on would create as much dissatis
faction in Canada as there was in tbe
Transvaal and in Ireland.
LONDON, Oct. 23. A cable mes
sage has been received in London
from President Roosevelt thanking
the American commissioners and th
counsel of the Alaskan boundary tri
bunal and expressing congratulation!
In the name of the people of the
United States on the result of tbe tri
bunal's deliberations.
Nixon Still on tbe Stand.
NEW YORK, Oct 23-Lewls Nixon
occupied the witness chair again to
day at the hearing before an examin
er of the United .States shipbuilding
'ie and gave much valuable testi-
ney covering the finances and gen
eral affairs of the corporation. He
test! tied that be had opposed the
Sheldon reorganization plan and had
as a counter-proposition urged that
the stock be assessed in order to raise
the amount necessary to save the
combination from default and bank
ruptcy. His plan of assessment was
opposed by Charles M. Schwab, hold
er at that time, of $20,000,000 of the
stock, who, according to Mr. Nixon
declared that the stockholders would
not pay the assessment. Mr. Schwab
so Mr. Nixon swt re, declined to pus
up any more uoless the Bethlehem
steel bonds were given preference as
a lieu on tbe shipbuilding plants to
the first mortgage bonds, Mr. Nix
on's testimony also developed the
fact that there was a wide discrep
ancy as to estimated earnings in let
ters written by treasurer Gary to
members of the reorganization coin
mltte, and Samuel Untermeyer,
counsel for the bondholders, asked if
It did not show that there had been
an attempt to minimize the value of
tbe shipyards and magnify the value
of the Bethlehem plant, but tbe wit
ness would not say so.
Dowte Meetings Draw a Disorderly
NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Thirty
thousand people, according to the
estimates of tne police, tried to get
Into Madison Square Garden to see
John Alexanler Dowie last night.
Abmt one-third that number had
secured admittance when at 8 o'clock
Howie ordered the door shut. When
the 20,000 found themsclv s shut out
the wildest disorder prevailed, and
the police, four hundred strong, were
for a time utterly unable to cope
with the mad rush of the crowd.
Men and women weie knocked down
and trampled on and many narrowly
escaped death In the crush,
'Several times Inspector Walsh sent
In calls for extra icheives and it was
not until the mee'lng was suddenly
terminated by Dowbs shortly after
9 o'clock that anything could be
done with tha crowd.
in the surginn of i Ire crowd, Grace
George, who was ou ner way to tho
theatre, where she Is playing, was
iwept off her feet and trumpled on
and had her clothing badly torn. She
accused tho police of handling her
Mrs William J. Buckley of Newark.
N. J. was caught in the crush and
fell fainting to, the si reef. She was
badly bruised. Inspector Walsh was
near the wt.man when she fell and
with the aid of fifteen policemen he
rescued and carried her to safety
Several people were arrested ou
charges of disorderly conduct,
Fishermen to Form Union.
PEORIA. III., Oct. 23.-A call hac
been issued for a meeting to be held
at Spring Lake next Sunday of fisher
men along the Illinois river. A move
ment has been started for the form
lion of a union among the finherroei
;ir mutuiil protection, and to enab
hern to better fight the caea tha
re preferred by tbe various flab ward
m. r-pi Ing Lake, about twenty mlU-
,ow here, is one of the best flabltu
'muni tu tne west
Revolt Wiii Caused by Numerous Cni'om
House Frauda Kiid Prevarications
or Ministers of War.
CAPE HAYTIEN, Ilayti, Oct. 27.
The town of Santiago, in the Dom
inican republic, was surrounded yes
terday morning by insurgent troops
tho command of Gen. Epifiano Rod
rirjuez. After severe fighting, which
lasted for several hours and during
which a r.umher of men were wound
ed, the revolutionisis triumphed and
Santiago fell in;o their hands.
The retolution, which has broken
out in the northern part of the re
public of Santo Domingo and which
has already resulted in tho establish
ment of a provisional government at
Fureto Plata under tbe presidency ol
General Morales, was caused, accord
ing to advices received here, by the
numerous customs hmise frauds and
the prevarications of the ministers
of war and of finance. The signal
for the outbreak of t lie revolt was
given at two o'clock on Saturday af
ternoon by three cannon shots. That
sane evening all the partisans ol
President Wosey Gil at Puerto Plata
were arrested. The inhabitants ol
Moite Cristo, La Llnge and Loca
united and attacked Santiago. Tele
graphic communication between San
tiago and La Vega has been severed.
The revolutionary outbreak is ex
tending, and the general opinion U
that thr government of President
Wosey (iil is lost.
Vice President Deschamps has ar
rived here in a small sail boat: fn m
Monte Cristo. He bas abandoned the
PARIS, Oct. 27. Advices received
from Cape Ila.vt.eln, Hatyti, confirm
the reports that, the revolutionary
movement in the republic of Santo
D uningo is' in favor of former
President .limine. The revolution
is spreading, and, according to the
dispatches received here, all the in
habitants of the region of Mont?
Chibo have joined the uprising
against the government. Tbe elec
tion of General Morales as president
of the provisional government is said
to be a step taken pending the ar
rival of General .Umietu, who will
b elected pnsident of the republic
if the revolution Is successful.
Robbers Loot Oregon Bank.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 27. A
special to the Evening Telegram
fiom Sheridan, Ore., says:
.At j o'clock yesterday morning
burglaismtered the banking house oi
Scrogglt.s k Wortsman in this city,
blew open the safe with giant pow
oer, secured 7,ooo in coin and man
their escape before the sleeping rei,i
dents of the town could be aroused.
The bank is situated in a brick
building in the center of the town.
The principal depositors are tbe
farmers of the surrounding country.
The robbers took the most opportune
hour for their work, as the town
was iu slumber and enveloped In a
dense fog. No watchman was on
duty, as there pever has been any
need of guarding property.
The building was not rnateriallj
damaged. The explosion awakened
Mayor Eakln, who lives over bis s!or
diagonally across the street from the
bank. Looking from bis window a
moment later, he saw tbo robber!
emerge from the bank building, juraf
Into a rig and dilve to the south.
The mayor secured a rifle and fired
three shots at tho men us they disap
pcarcd down the roid. Outsido tin
building a sledge and two picks ap
parnnily sto'eu from the Sojthcrt
Pact tic, wero found. Tho robberi
t' ok nothing fr m the vault but tb
Hikes p'ea of Innocence
HELENA, Mont, Oct. 27.-Isaai
Gravlllo, believed by oflidils to b
the leider In the Northern Pacific
dynamite conspiracy, pleaded not
guilty In the district court. Th
Information charges assault In ttt
first degree, lie was bound over.
Sentences Him to be Shot.
OGDEX, Utah, Oct. 27. -At Far
jnlnglon Judge Rolapp senten
ced Nick Hawurth to be sh .t oi
Friday, December 11. Ilawortt
killed Thomas Sundall, watchman li
a store at Lay ton. Ilawoith was ont
of the prisoners who escaped fron
the penitentiary two weeks ago and
was recaptured after four days' liber
Nebraska cHptes
The Wlsner corn carnival closed a
uccessful week Saturday night The
irowds were large each day.
While driving a team in a cornfield
Peter Elsenmeuger of Humphrey
received serious icjuries. Tbe team
ran away and dragged the wagon
J.er bis body.
Albao Emily, son of Cashier Emily
)f the Citizen's bank at Wisner, had
I foot crushed under a passenger
;rain. The lad was Jumping on the
;raia for a short ride.
The Maxwell state bank of Max
well bas incorporated with a paid up
lapital of $5,000. W. H. McDonald
Is president and W. H. Plumer cash
ier. :
The postoffice department bas ap
pointed tbe following carriers in Ne
braska: At Spring Ranch, regular,'
John Mylcr; substitute, John Cun
A westbound freight on the Rock
Island crashed into a work train at
Fairbury. The engine of the freight
and several cars were badly smastud
up, but no lives were lost.
II. D. Dodc. dorf, a traveling sales
man for the Fremont Brewing com
pany, died at Norfolk Sunday "even
ing of a stroke of paralysis. The re
mains were taken to Fremont.
At Litchfield last week sparks frorr
the Burlington flyer set fire to a field.
The next train, a freight, sioppeo
and tbe crew fought the fire.' Grain
to the value of 400 was burned.
Incorporation papers have bet
issued to the new Bank of Edison, i
Furnas county. It starts businesi
with $5,000 capital. C. A. Miller ii
president and G. P. Smith cashier
The funeral of Anson Hewitt, whe
died at his home in Arlington Mon.
day, will take place tomorrow. lit
was 73 years old and was one of tbi
fjist settlers in Washington county.
Articles have been Hied by WiJliarrj
N. Skinner and he will be permitted
by the state banking board to con
duct a private banking business al
Springview. The capital stock ti
Burglars at Foster secured somt
tools from a blacksmith shop, and
entering the s ore of Schraum
ErotherH, blew open the safe, securing
about tOO in money and makin(
good their escape.
The Missouri Eii-er Dispatch com
pany of Hastings has filed articles o
incorporation at Lincoln wiih a capi
tal stock of r0,000 and with W. H
Ferguson, A. L. Clarke and Clarena
J. Miles as Incorporators.
Miss Carrie Crawford and Ulysse
Brown were married at the borne o
the bride's mother in Kearney. Ite.
George A. Beecher officiating. Thi
groom is the eldest son of Editu
ltrown of the Kearney Hub.
A great revival is in progress in tbt
M. E. church in Dorchester. Abou
fifty have professed conversion so fa;
from persons eighty-two years of ag'
to middle-aged people, fathers, moth
ers, young people and children. Tin
whole community is awakened.
Carrie Longfellow died at the hom
of her sister, Mrs. Lucy Btoffle, it
Wahoo of consumption. Deceaset
was a sister of the late P. R. Long
fellow, who died at Mountain Home
Idaho, last July. The funeral wa
held from the residence, Rev Mi
Darby, pastor of the Methodis
church, officiating. Interment was it
Sunrise cemetery.
A quiet wedding occurred at tin
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rangi
in Piattsmouth, when Kev. H. B. Bur
gess united Miss Edna A.Oliver ad
William 0. Wescott. After the cero
mony the bridal couple departed oi
a wedding trip to the east. Thei
future home will be at Rock Spring?.
S. D. The bride, who is a daughter o,
IE. A. Oliver, was a former Platta
mouth girl.
Mrs. Allen Price died at her hotn
In West Kearney, after an illness o
four or five years duration. Decease!
was born In Jetlerson county, Ken
tucky, Januar y 6, 1847, and came t
Kearney In 1HD8. Besides her husbar
she leaves to mourn her, three daugh
ters and a son. Mrs Bessie CroweJ
of Omaha, Misses iMollie and Eflle ol
Kearney and Thomas B. Price of Sap
Robbers blew the safe at Pleasant
Dale, fourteen miles west of Lincoln
First reports Indicated that they se
surcd $3,500, but it was stated
on 'the authority of the ba-.k't
ollicers that the robbers got nothing
tat while they wrecked the safe and
blew out part of one side of tbe build
Ing they left before reaching the re
ceptacle where the cash was held, evi.
dentiy being frightened away by cltl
Kens who bad heard the explosion.
8. A. Curtis, a farmer living fiv
miles north of Stella, Las a curi isitj
in a thn c euged pig. It Is about -h
weeks old and belongs to a large ut
ter. It has two perfectly formed hind
legs while there le poly one In front.
coming out of the middle of tlx
breast. Mr. Curtis says the pig doei
not seem to be Inconvcnlen rd by 111
deformity and gets around as Hveljr l
any of the oti lets. He has a ulcturi
mads It In a good pnx v -frj tbi
an aroceKS.
YOKOHAMA, Oct. 28. Myster
ious movements of Russians in Ko
rea continue to be reported. A de
tachment of 200 Russian troops is
said to have crossed tbe river Turnf
into Korea and another contingent
of forty Russians appeared at Wijju
on Friday lust and subsequently re
turned. The newspapers here regard
tue situation as beiug easier aud be
lieve that Baron de liosen, the Rus
sian minister, and Foreign Minister
Kornura are nearer to reaching aa
Following the announcement made
here-that - the - Korean - government -
bad p otested against tbe Russian
fortiticaticn of YoogampbD, on tbe
Yalu river, official advicrs received
at Tokio tend to centum the reporb
that the Russians have fortified that
plaue. This may lead to importaut
aevelopmeut, as the fortifications
of Yonampho would ba an Infringe
ment on Korean integr ty.
repeit sent out from Honolulu a few
days ago to the effect that the Toyo
Ki eui steamship, Nippin Maru,
would call at Midway island on her
wa to Yokohama owing to anxiety
over the alieged stiained relations
between Japan and Russia, is denied
by tbe general agent of tbe line in
his city, on the authority of Minis
ter Takahira at Washington. When
tbe report concerning the Nippon
Maru was received there Agent Avery
consulted Janaoese Cousul Uyeno an
hs in turn wired Minister Takahra.
woo promptly denied it on tbo
strength of a cablegram from the
consul general at Honolulu.
Cannot be Twice assessed.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Oct. 23
The supreme court affirmed the de
cision of the Sangamon circuit court
io the case of the people of the state
of Illinois ex rel. Carter H. Harri
son, mayor of Chicago, gains' 1' e
state board of equalization. j.oe
court refused to issue a writ of man
damus directed against the state
board lo compel them to assess all .
railroad property, other than main
tracks as local p-operty.
'ibe supreme court says tha'j ill
finds no authority in the statute for
the iqualiz rs to divide the real es
tate rf a railroad into two parts, one
to be known as "railroad tracks''
and tbe other to be known i's "rail
road tracks, otuer than main tracks "
The board being a creature of thai
statute has no powers other than'
those expressly conferred upon it by
The constitution of this state, re
Mors claim, requires all real estate
to be taxed within the limits, aot
not otherwise, of the municipality
wnerein it is located. If this con
tention were conceded, according to
the supreme court, then the power
of the state board of equalization to
assess "railioad'' track is swept
away. The court is of the opinion,
however, that this poition ,f ths re
venue act is clearly consitutiorat
Suffocated in His Bed.
LEAD, S, I)., Oct. 28. J. A Mar
coux, bead carpenter for tbe Hidden
Treasure Mining company, was mur
dered and his wife barely escaped
suffocation by the use of chloroform,
robbery being the purpose of the
crime. Mrs. Mircoux was arousedj
neatly ruffocated and made her way;
to the kitchen. When she was re-,
vived and returned she found her
husband dead. An empty chloroform
viol and a saturated handkerchief
were found near the pillow of the
dead man. A large sum of money'
received the day before by Mr. Mar-!
coux had beeu placed in tbe bank.)
Thresher Engine Explodes,
HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. 2 Thei
sixteen horse power threshing engine
of John Smith exploded on tbe farm
of George HeineMchs, nine miles!
southeast of this city at noon.'
Huge pieces of iron were found one-'
half mile from where tbe engine!
Tho crew was at dinner at the,
time of the expulsion for which tea-
son no one was injured.
Flnd Dead Body In Alley.
bel H. P.Rchtel, twenty-one years,
was murdered and bcr body placed In
an underground alley adjoining her
h une, where it was found by,
her mother. Her skull was crushed,
but there were no other mark- of
vlulcnoe on the body Miss Bechtcl
went driving with Davis Weisimbcrg
and this was the last time she waa
seen alive.
Head Severed From Body,
COI.tTM IltIS, Neb , Of. 28 -Cam-)
den Fduilsori, a Union Pacific brake
man, was instantly killed at 3 o'clock)
this afternoon. He was engaged loi
switching at Spalding and fell from
a car across the rail and bis bead waaj
Sivered from his body. He waat
twenty-eight years of age and bad a
faintly residing here. The remalnai
are being beld there at the order op
tbe coroner who will bold an Inquest