Tfce Barmen Press-Jim! C. a BUltKlt, FKOPKLKTOB fULftlBOK, HKBRA8KA The. Filipinos Lave taken to baseball. Now we'll never pacify them. The Spanish government has a stir plus of Income, which is so novel that H may prove ernbarraxsin?. According to Carlyle, a.l speech has something of song in it. But what we objee-t to is the sing-song. Madame Humbert's lawyer admitted that she convicted herself by talking too much. Pretty nearly an admission of guilt Emperor William Rays Mania Luther was the greatest of all Ger mans. Isn't this a little disloyal to grandpa? They say that Shamrock III is a prettier boat than the Reliance. No doubt there are prettier marts than Lou Dillon.- So long as the public is willing to pay to see a vanquished pugilist on the theatrical stage, there is consola tion in defeat. Marie Corelli bad an English race horse named after her, but the near est the jockeys could get to, the name was "Merry Gorilla." Foreign consuls in Turkey are sub ject to many perils and vexations, but they are happily free from any an noyance by life insurance agents. "Gambling," says a philosopher, "takes money that does not belong to you." Gambling, we beg to amend, loses money that bel mgs to tome body else. Stephen D. Roath. a Chicago million aire, has given his relatives half bis fortune, just to see what they will do with it. Spend it probably, and come after the rest. A German actor recently got off a Joke on the stage and was gfven eight months for it. It was on the emperor. There are Jokes not on the eaijveror that d.serve to do time. The Chicago millionaire who Is di viding his money among his relatives "just to see what they will do with It" is also regarded, by those interest ed, as a jolly good fellow. A New York policeman has been de clared Insane because he thought lie had a plan to btat the races. If this policy becomes general we may have (to Increase the capacity of our insane hospitals. Some of the farmers' boys whom the navy enlisted as an experiment must .have worked their way rapidly to the !top. The cipher wireless message jwhich resulted in the capture of the "invading" fleet in the recent man oenvers read: "Hens, chickens and Pigs-" The young man is In demand. If he fails to avail himself of some kind of an opportunity it is usually his own fault. The elder Vandf-rbiit once said that you couid take a young man and stick him down anywhere and If he had the right kind of stuff in him he would get on and save a lit tle money. This may be a strong statement, but there Is a good deal of truth in It. European scientists have bad encour aging success in crossing the zebra with the horse. The zebrula, as the resulting offspring Is called, has qual ities of Intelligence and endurance which, in the opinion Oi a United States consul, will make the animal an excellent substitute for tue govern ment mule. The zebrula has the stripes of one of its parent. A white star in the forehead, Inherited from t lie other, would certainly qualify it for service in the United States army. No better illustration of what hap pens to him who Is master of one subject has recmtly been afforded than the eAteiieiOil of the ierm of Lord Curam as Viceroy of India. As a young man- he became Interested In jndia and the Aplastic question, and re-ad all he could find on the subject, then studied It at first hand In India, Persia and Afghanistan. He was thor oughly equipped for the office of vice roy, and he has, consequently, been successful. Although there are orr.i exceptions to the rule, It usu ally happens In the long run that the man who knows how to do a given piece of work will get that work to do. Women In many cities and towns are waging a vigorous campaign In de fense of benuty. The disfiguring ael Tertlsement, the elevatee railway, the plgh building, the smoke-laden air, the! tiibblsh-strewu street have each been J attacked In turn. It was primarily jbe effort of women which not long go won from the United States Su preme Court (he decision thnt the pe-o-ple have the power to protect the-w-belres against an inlury to Irf-atUy on Jvedl as agslnsf that to property or to Jrcisoti.,. It Is not the beauty of the My street or square alone which needs he defense of women. The cmtiiliy ond and the village green are ' -a ,-' I let open to attack from ihe van lata who have no eye for color or form. The well meaning board of e fectOMOt wblcb orders the bashes to m est from, roadside needs t be told far trofMathat it If destroying one of the i-h: : - .-ft i ,., !i t u ,. a d-i f iu : a' u. - ;- i fl' aiv i f Itti e.'.l a 'it si par' and al.M.8 S--;t 1 1., h v. :.?. The t. upiootcJ to j.'a-e for a t 1 phone wire cr'n out f r pioti'i-ii'-n. The trill"- line cutting a r the vil lage green is an injury to the chil dren's children. A gool example wufc set by the women's club which re cently raised money to buy a pine grove on the edge of the village, ami give it to the town in pi rpeiuiiy, on condition that the trees should never be cut. Men ami women come and go, but the tree and the village com mon may tell for a hundred years bow beauty has been loved, and how It h is repaid sacrifice for its sake by rich gifts of uncounted treasures. A member of the Cleveland school council in commending certain nomin ationg for the public library ward, said: "Men who are very busy were preferred, it being the consensus of opinion that they would devote more time to the work than others." The member who said thi is a woman, but the good sense is worthy of a man. It is worthy of a man so busy that he has time to think. Habitual leisure is a result, not of conditions or chance environment, but of a man's qualities and characteristics. It Is an unmistakable symptom of inherent laziness. The man who Is not busy with affairs of his own will not get busy with affair of the public. The mainspring of enthused energy that is weak in the one case will lie weak in the other. There is a common Impres sion that to acquire titness for a library board a man must lead a life of leisure. Nothing could be further from the truth. The man of leisure Is not tit for anything. Even the wide reading that "makes a full man" is done by the men who are busy. Tiii panoramic view of the world of book is given only to the mind that Is broad and d'vp. and no mind is this that is not active, and diversified in ,ts activ ity. In the literary end as well as In the business end of library manage ment inactivity mia:is stagnation, and stagnation is decay. The: man of leis ure is mere rotting driftwood, I'n dtTStnnding, judgment, tact, intuition, to be true and clear, must have activ ity at the fountain head, just as streams that are purest and coolest come of never-ceasing springs. The life that is not busy is not win levonie or healthy, mentally, morally or physi cally. "Spent man." There Is , aching pathos in tiat phrase. How did so ciology ever manage to wander so far from arid intellect and come so mar to damp emotion? "f-'peiitmau'' is the classification they employ at the mun icipal lodging house for the una whose vital spark has sunk so low that there is little hope of its ever being reviv ed. This does not mean that the man will die. He may live many years. But he will live as the ship lives that with no coal and no steam, drifts to meet its last storm. What makes "spent men"? "The chief assigned cause." says Mr. Uobins, superintend ent of the municipal lodging house, "is child labor." Read two of the entries in the lodging house record: " , 21 years old. Began work when 13 for the Queen City Cotton Company; worked steadily for five years. Kceim-d discouraged. Low vitality. Worker as common laborer two days. Gave up. Passed on." " - -----'.'2 year old, Pennsylvania. Began work at U, dog in glass works; steady four years; gave out; restaurant work three years; tramping since; power gone; passec on." There are many more records like these. They confirm what Jane Addams Raid long ago about the con nection between a certain kind of child labor and a certain kind of vagrancy Exhaust the child. You may have to feed the adult. Exploit the Isjy Jalsir er The man tramp may exploit you. "Be sure your sins will find you out' is an adminltion which includes social sins as well as personal ones. Is there any more piteous figure In the world lhan that of the "spent man," who can never enjoy even the personal satis faction of curbing some Individual human being for hh ruin, who can only feel Ir, a blind, hunted way, thai society, human beings in general, has been against him; and who Is la caught sight of when the lodging house record says: "Pas-d on." He fleet on this "spent" and reflect on child labor. Tea In ft "fliicrvoir." Ilei-e is a good t ry about a woimit, if the "new-rich type who set up a I ret. ntiojs establishment in New York eviih the view e;f gaining an en trance Into soeddy. Among heT cheic( possessions was ft tea urn wrought In euibovsel brass. The term for this device Is "samovar," and the woman treate-d her new urn like a ne w toy. She gave a reception In or dcr to exploit her lea devle-e, and bet guests W(tp In continued subdued flic of laughter because their hostess snl.1: "I do so love ten out of a reservoir. Tins reservoir-cms froa Russia. Of course It Is really a tea urn, but I prefi.T the national term, don't youf' Xew York Pre. Acts Both Ways. The boy who doesn't turn out weli is pretty sure fo get turned out, Louisville Journal. When there Is a bad aoelbnt, the first thing the coroner does Is to go through the pockets of the man re sponsible for it to see If a bottle eri be found. Ton are not really enjoying corn on tbe cob unless you get butler ail th way ifMs4aS) year ears. Ma4A j STOCKING J HE liOYAL LARDER. Vrovinion fir K:.: .!riJ'i llouse b lit Kill a (JuurliT of an Acre. The amount of food consumed in the royal household Is truly prodiyio.ia and consequently the most spacious larders are necessary to coutain it, says Pears n' Weekly. As a mat er of fact, the larders, cellars and dairies cover an area of nearly a quar ter of an acre. At all the king's residence's except Buckingham palace the bread is pro duced in the royal bakeries and when the king and his suite ane staying at Wiiuisor an average of nearly two sae-ks of flour a day is converted into bread by the five bakers In tin; house hold. There are six bakings a week, and as the loaves leave the oven they are stored in the underground pan tries. A great deal of cake and con fectionery Is also made daily, but the king shows a preference feu- a light freodcake which is dispatched every day from a small shop in the high lands. It Is somewhat surprising to learn that approximately a ton of meat is consumed every week at Windsor, a geod deal of which conies from the king's farm at Sandringlmm. So vari ed is the meat supply that his majesty eould, if lie witdied, be served with almost any joint he desired at nn hour's notice, though it is very i rarely he selects anything not found in tins kitchen. The meat, ou arrival, Is stor ed in the ice-houses and e ut up by the king's butchers. Saiulringhain also supplies the royal dairies with a large amount eif but ter and eggs, which are dispatched from the king's Norfolk home d.iily. The butter is sent In quarter pound pats, fitampi'd with the crown. Eigh teen gallons of new milk alone are consumed at Windsor every day, be sides an eepial proportion of ithui, A great deal of the ebe-ese comes, from t-oinersetshlre. A daily supply of fish is received nil the year round, and twice a week during the season some splendid sal mon are sent from the king's fish ings on the Dee. Se'eiihind Is nls'i responsible for the marmalades, which is never omitted from King Edward' breakfast table. India contributes its quota to tin royal larder, for regular supplies of spie-es, e-butne-ys ami other prepara tions are sent from Calcutta, together with native cordials, for. which the sovereign has a great liking, in fact. every quarter of the empire sends something to the king's larder even Malta, whence come ut Intervals large quantities of sardines and pickled pil- '-hards. ART OF BATTING THE BALL. Bremakan, the Giaota' R-t (Utter, Gives Point on the Game. Confidence and good eye are the prin cipal things a base-hail playi-r must pe,ss-?s if he wishes to become a gexjd baiter, together with the ability to judge from the location of the oppos ing fielders whm they expe-e-t ;he man at the bat to lilt the ball. The man who stand close to the plate while at the bat and bears In mind that every pitcher, no mutter who he is er what his reputation may be, must put the bail over the rubber, can, with prae- tie-e. become a good and, I may say, n dangerous hitter, even- if he ha not Ihe natural ability of some of the treat batter of the pa-t and present, saves lioger Itresieabas In the i!!us tialeei f-'perting News. One ve-ry lad fault many young players have is the habit of pulling away from the plate', as it is caibd. when a bail looks as though It might possibly hit the batter. How many titties have you seen a man step back from a curvevl ball which a second afle-r "cut the plate'' and was ciilbd a slrike, mui-h to his dlse:oiuforture? The reim-dy for this, I think, is a elm ple one, which can be maslered by ony young man poesslng Uie ne;es tmry confidence; It Is simply to step forward ai:d meet the ball be-foie It e-reisses tbe plate. In this way the bail Is always in front of flic batter, and he .s, so tej speak, on top of it befere It breaks. Many pitchers have a puzzling drop ball which iooks e;iy and fades away from the bat when yem sirike ttt If. On t!)e other blind, many of the best boxii.e-u are now using a rise la l piriice-.-i vt!i h ieti- snii htnUtu. A iin ter bus a much hi tti-r chaise to kill t ithe-r eif tin Ke- halls by sleeping into them le the limit of the b;!Ui r's box a-i they a pioHch the plate. The san e th'ng Bppllcs to lull either on the In-t'iL- eir the otitsidf of the plnle, It Is mue-h e;isier to hit the ball by running in on it. By me ting th" bill early it e-iin be sent in the direction of the left, field. Thtj old the-ory that If you wish to strike a bull toward the right field you must slrike at It after It had crossed the plate is pretty well exploded. liy ste-pplng In and meet In:; Ihe bull In front eif yon It is Just as ensy. If neit easier, to drive It toward right field as Jt Is to pull It Into lift Mel. So Mental flfTort. Ho you have taken tip the study of thiosophy?" "Yes." "In'f It hnrd to understand?" "That's the beatify of It, You aren't mippi scd to tindeTt-tiind if. That's why it If so restful." Washington Htar. Cirreet. Kiiin of Sew i'ork. Chicago MnnJt's see. New Yferk Is tho place yon go through on your w to Urooklyn. Is It not? Kew Yorker Ob, no. New York is he pluce tlmt goe-s through you on voiir way to Brooklyn. Judge. Finer chewing tobacco dews not oIp Ihe looks of bad tee th. '"' A Vote from ihn Pulpit. -j KeT. Jacob D. Van jDoren, of 67 Sixth street, Fond da Lac, Wis., Presbyterian cler gyman. Bays: "I had at tacks of kidney disor ders which kept me In the bouse for (lays at a time, unable to do any thing. What 1 suffered can hardly be told. 1 Complications set in. the particulars of which I will be pleased to give in a personal in terview to any one who requires Information. This I can conscien tiously say, Doan's Kidney Pills caused a general improvement in my health. They brought great relief by lessening the pain and correcting the action of the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil- burn Co., Buffalo, N. L, Strong Drawlae Card. Bookkeeper (telephone company) ' Customers ae ordering tbelr tele phones out all over the city. The say they don't pay. " Superintendent "Humph! Some thing must be done. Write an item for the newspapers, say riff that by attaching the te ephone wires to the water pipes it is possible fo bear wbat is being said In the next bouse." THE I5SSV POMMEL SLICK . IN THE WORLD Ort'JilPJ tii. la t4 hats TVvX for oil kink cf wft work V it ii often wtated but fO 51 1 ETALt fitnk ire bloxlv or yellow and f.ifiy S'jAranteei bv STICK TO THE: bICNOf 7K P!3M. J !W. CO. TDWMj)ir(CQ Vrry Odd. ' Jlnkij "Remarkable thin In the paper this me.rn tig an account of an American citizen who bas been 111- triated r y a foreign geivernment." Winks "Wbat was sej remarkable about it?" Jinks -He has a name I can pro nounce. Maafiiem Csnnol Ila Cnrart rev lval r)ii!-aUnfi. a thpy rammt rnwh th ai-wil iirtiou rf (lie ear. 'ilirre is ociToue sy t cneei iJealuevi, ami that 1 Uy oon-liiii-tl-nnl re-mellM. Jieatnesa 1 b an iu- fa.-fi-el cmxlUkiD of tbe mtvenis llninti of Hie t u.UM-htaii Ttitw. Wtieii tlih tube jieU liiftaniwi f-ou lisvo mmblliijr rmiDil or Inijwfwt bear .li'S. n! when it K e-riliriv clo-wd :-siiie ie fpMilt, awl on!ess Hie Inlianntiialtoo .nui ti 'tee eit nt Oil leiiw retofel m iu normal (fm-iitltm. bearlne will be dfetmve.1 (orever; time caes out of Icq are raiiMrd by e aoirrli, s liU-b In nollilrig but n Uifiauieii (xeqeliUon of Ihf bieii-nu-, Mirl&ce. He will Kite erne llnm!rri Iintlarn for any feif iKTiluiMJi (caiii.e,! krausrrh; Uisteanniit 1 cuml by Hall i, (mrrh Uun. jjcad lor e;lr ttilars, freie. , v. r, r, J rH K?iE -Toledo, 0, Sold bjr Dnieefll. 7. Hill's Kiuiijr I'llli re tbe beet. Twits Ker Thus. Eastern Man "Those Socla'lsts bave succded in steali ng a train, I w;e. Kow what are they wrangling a bom?" Western Man "Tbey all want to be passengerg." White ants areconsldered a delicacy by the Indians of South America Tbey are caught by pushing Into tbe nest a grass sta k, which tbe ants soem cover. In a few minutei the Btaik is withdrawn, and tbe insects are brush ed into a yesel containing water. ' Farm hands in Norway receive MO to 150 a ytar. Tattoilng Is now done with a needle driven by electricity. The typewriter Is more largely use;ei in SK-xico tl an in France. More than one-third of the Inhabi tants of St. Louis are of German blood. Jn Sweden bricks are laid In zoro weathe r by heating the sand for tbe mortar. Hope buds eternally, but it seldom ;eimes to full blo'-ro. BUOY DOCTOR Pomettm-e Oeerlooiee Point. The physician Is such a busy man that he sometimes ovfirlvoks a valu able! point to which bis attention may be called by an Intelligent patient who la a thinker. "About a ymr ago my attention was csliefd to Grape-Nuts by one of my patients," says a physician of Cincin nati. "At tbe time my own health was bad and I was pretty well rundown, but I saw In a minute that tbe theories behind Grape-Nuts were perfect and if tbe food was all that was claimed for It It was a perfect food, ao I com menced to use Grape-Nuts with warm milk twice a dsy and In a abort time began to Improve In every way and 1 am now mucb stronger, feW BO per cent better and weigh mor than I ever did In my life. "I know that all of this fevd la due to Crape-Nuts and I am firmly con vinced that fh claims ntaeUt for tbe fond are trn. I rec;mmruded and (till recommend the fo4 to a great many of my patients, wltb splen did results, and In some case tbe Im provement of patlmts os tols foe foe d k bora wonderful, "As s bra la and serve food, 1st fset M s fen era I food, Orspe-MUts stands alone." Nsme flrea by Pestoia c. BatUs Oresk, Mica. Look la esci psckag far a asay af t faissn Bttls aasft, Tka Baai M 4s 4 UMKb-t -Zt M - Comparing Notes "So Mr. Smllax told you bis ?eart was broken when you refused him," said Maud. "yes," answered Mamie. "The im pudence of him, to ofler me damaged goods tbe nezt day." Washington dtr. A Tip to Firebugs. An insurance adjuster tel a of a new expedient of the Incendiary. A man's store bad been burned, and be bad half admit ted setting it off to a friend wbo wanted full particulars with a view to similar practices. "I tell you," said the proprietor, "the rats gnawed matches and aet it going :: - "How do you know? Did you see them?" "Nej, I dldD't see them, but I know I rubbed matches in the llmburger cheese before I threw them on the floor." N. Y. Tribune. The McBride Cmme Asslav St John. Kan., Oct 2(1. Mr. and Mrs. William Mcllride and Jesse U I.lines, M. D., have gone before Mr. Creorge E. Moore, Notary Public, and have sworn and subscribed to written statements confirming the story of tbe awful illness and subsequent cure of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Mc Iiride. Dr. Limes Is particularly emphatic in his statement, anil there deies not now seem to be any room for doubt as to the fact that Dodd'a Kidney Tills and neidiinj? else, saved the little beey. He was so bad that he had Kplleptic spells wblcb seized him with increas ing freipiene-y. He was semi-paralyzed in the rlxht side, and his mind was badly affected. In their sworn statement, Mr. and Mrs. McBride say; "The very day we began to use Doeid's Kidney I'llls our boy had twenty-seven of theae Epileptic spells or fits. In less than a week be ceased having them entirely." The case has cauMcd a great sensa tion in the neighborhood. The sworn statements have confirmed tbe whole story. UDIES $3 m cur ot.ij lo-tr 4er Wititmijf iUrM, Day onri' nklrt and &nU t rvy-ni-Jp pri Thr o-U en fc'lit. tjr prii ' mrr t-.w. our ftf"1 (itf fr fcaioytitat.-i oni-4 r3tiI r rlc to renii. Km yo -r tB clotjir Irr .n4 make f ar t th-. i!3 Mmw AWKKICAV 4KKT l'05tiT0 tU WtHKiwnni A mtr, 1 K I HOIT, JM 11 YL L. DOUGLAS '3.53 &'3 SHOES ISSS! Too csn v from S3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. I. Doughu .30 or $3 ihoes. i fie-y eiiunl tlioso thai have bue-n cost ing yon from 84.00 Ut 85,00. Tlie im mense e .tie of W. L. IioukIm siloes proves tlieir superiority over all otlior iiiiki;. S.1 by rstail tioe elealen evarywlie:re. i.( lor Dsiua aad price i on bottom. TV I Deaiclu guwrer- ! k ell srotc, there li . la ftonirln, (fPiiVt., '- l Ik iivh.t fc'.i -i The! I onalolt i ralae fereei I. Ik. klSwt iriit P.t.LMfli.rMjd,.";.' .litek shw lir null. ; n in.... x Ceuloffre. H. f,(i! L 1 i s. Hrorkioa. Hut. A lily, a poppy, a nasturlutn, and several species of muss are luminous at night. Mrs. Wliilow' )'ITKtSf SYRUP forth!! drt-ri U-tlhinK.&oftcriR ihe enmii, rliici-i lniie aietlou, !)- .iu curen colic. I'iIcbAm bottle The sacrifices that have made the world what it Is have been individ ual, and those that will make the world what it is to be will be indi vidual. r'TO JVrmfcnnllCNired. Xfl AM or n-raMlM arar It u i ey , Ir, Kuiw'n 1,,-,-st Nrr, Vj- 1U. H. U. kUki. LuS,, Wl Arpli a,, l luxuuplito. 1 ft. Few people get h'gh enough up tbe ladder of fame to make tin-in dizzy. When a public speaker pauses for a reply, it breaks him all up if he gels it. Young courage and ( Id caution make a strong pair. In New York city schoo's 1,000 chlldrec bave trichoma. out of the 13,50,000 in Mexico, less than 2,000,0o0 can read, though the titst printing prtsa in the world was set up In Mexico, In Surinam the thermometer aver ages 78 degrees, and In winter it is only a half a degree less. Two bottles of Pino'i Cure for Coa sumption cured me of i terrible, roush, KreJ Hermann, '21 m Box svenue, Buffalo. N, y 8pt 24, 1U01. An economic census of the ton of York, Fngland, showed that. 2 1.'iOO O'Jt Of the 70,000 liihabltatits live habitually beio the starTatlon line, IH wsiti Ail nil iTiT I .J Beat Cuusr rup. tum I'M I tjBestCuos IJI la Uu. tiu,e. i4 br 4ruttt" iUMMleBUU. m. u, ras 44. york Ntan r A Dad Fix . Wtei ana up hirr frars head to teat, aai S9j lha belli lander te Ike ku U, when Soreness and Stiffness Mies every matlea af Die lna peine!, tka aaraal aad aatdteet wet eat af Uta IraaMa la to aas St. Jacobs Oil WUKLU1 FAIR MICWS OM Chattanooga, Tenn., will crest 25,000 building at the World's Fir. Mrs. Sallie D. Walters of l GKanffS bas been named as a member of UM J'eias World's Fair commission. Mrs Emma J. Walsh of Baraboo hatj been appointed hostess for tbe Wis consin building at the World's Fair! Mrs Walsh filled a similar position with credit at the Pan-American ex position. The National Retail Druggists' As sociation wi 1 bold Its contention in St. Louis durlftg the World's Fair. ' Norway Las officially accepted th Invitation to participate in th Word's Fair. This completes tbe Scandinavian trinity, Sweden and Denmark baring already accepted. 0. P. McCarty general passengei agent for the Big tour railroad, Inn spected the Word's Fair last wek. Mr. McCarty spoke in high praise of tbe progress of tbe expos tlon. He said that SU Louis was prepared to comfortably take care of 300,000 stran gers daily. Mrs. Dore Lyon, second loe-prsi-dentof the New York State Federa tion and president of tbe New York City Federation of Women's Clubs, bas been appoiuled assistant secretary to the Jew Vrrk State commission for the World's Fair aud lady mauaner for New York's band-ome state build-j at the Louisiana Purchase exposition.! The historical plans of tbe city ofj Bonn will be exhibited at the World' Fair, St. Louis for the first time out-j side of Germany. They will attract general attcnt ou as the city bas had a most eventful history during Itscen turles of Its existence. New Mexico will make an exhibit of turquoise mining at the World's Fair, A lapidary snowing how the stejnes are cut and polished and prepared for the market will le a feature. ) . Work on the new emergency bos-i pita! began recently at tbe Wrrld's Fair. It will co-t 16,0' 0 and will be completed Decern tr 1. Tbe struc ture will be perfectly equfppid and me,dern, containing a'l appliances for treating the sick and Injured. He f anient. It is said that John Jacob Astot once replied f an inquisitive man who asked Inm bow much money be hadi 'Just enough, sir so that I can eat. one dinner a day." Jlowmuch wealth, would a man need to enable him te eat two? if we are sometimes tempt ed to envy the very wealthy, let us re flect that in all es-wntial particular we are quite as well ff as they. The co'ors that dye the t-ky at sunset or paint the leaves of the forest In su tumn, are no lovelier tei fiem than to us; sleep is as Sxeet an i rest fu!, and activity as Joyous to rs a to ! hem; If we miss certain advantages, so also we escape the care ai d s;itlety of wealth: A man's Ife cors'SteVu not In the abundance of the things wblcb be possesseth." Ihe ( !). tit l;iol Order. Wife "Dear roe, you can never Ar t a tblng wit h'lut asking: me where U Is, How did you get along before yos were married?" li unhand ''Th lies stayed when they were put then," Tbeexporisof Amcitcan flour U Hong Koi g So iml cie 457,610 bat rels, and in l'Jo2 l,207,tii3 barrels a iucrease of 94i,2 3 barrels. The United States imports a tropical and semi tiopical frulr Sl.oo-J.uto a day. Tbe density of relative population of Cuba is nearly tbe same as tb of the United States. Tblity-seven per cent of the Ames lean people now live iu cities of mon thau 4,0C0 inhabitants. Panama ranks tiftli In populatlo and suventb in area among tbe stats' of the Columbian empire. Sick, Probub y. First Vi lager " Wall, that's to. queerest thing 1 eversiw." Second Villager "Kb? What?" First Vii.uger "A bicyclist goio1 along tbe public street, and he isn'f tryln' to break the record." i l IN AM FA ! iKf.KMS DIES but 10 cents per pjickage. Strange Seutlmeals. Mrs. I)eFasl.ion-'Yes, I wish s net butler." App leant Well, mum, I am s de scendant of "i do not care whom you are dy scended from. I wsnt to kaow wbat irou are gw 4 for." "Hess me, muml I never before heard such sentiments In the fot hundred."