Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XVI. SARISOISr, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, ITOVEMBEB 5. 1903. NO.X9 Mi V I 1 .bit i LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN J. E. Pelreo wa in from Adelia y ester Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rands were in town Ifondav. Jaroes McCann and wife were in front the valley Monday. CUreace Hulling! worth is visiting his faaiily in town thin week. Jim Nolan, trom Raw Hide, was in town a couple of da s this week. Earnest Plnnnev was down from the ranch in South Jhikotu this week. Marcus Vuldez and Henry Moravek moved down from Wyoming latt week. Halloween night was not very fully observed here; No great disturbance was made. P. B. and E. A. Bigelow were calM to the bedside of their mother, who is mck in Iowa. For Sale, On S inch Bain wagon for sale. e,uue at this office. In- .lutes C. (ullerswas electa! by one pnjrity. Vote stood 168 for Leithotf and IS for Culler. lr, S'hwaru guarantees all his work In .ive tii. lire :ili-Ue!iou. Come early and get 'the b-u, ti''': , .VVwl into the . M.um louvr, -' i: '.'!'.fted by Mr. uml Mr Mi. .-. Jaow. ''-' a in town Saturday. and In -i: J ; p. asunt call at our office Come again Mr. Wilson. L. L. Wilson was a Harrison visitor last Saturday. Mr. W. did dot forget the poor printer in his visit. Uobert Porter, who is looking after VcGinley oV Hester's cattle in Wyoming, was visiting In town this week; Julius Burke, who bus been working in tins printing office fol the past live flKMithe, started to school Monday. Mr. . w. llall came in on the west pnurid train- Monday, lie wei.t out to 0 valley to visit with his sun Matt. Joe Hoffman was In town lat Sulur day. He took a sihool iii.iini oui. will bim, ad their schoul Iwgun Munday. f. Mike Jordan was down from Iturk crsjtk MiiiKlay and informed us I hat, be would ship horses to I owa this week. Adam B tumg.ird become a reader of the Pliim JoCHAL with tliis issue. He wants tu fcp posted to what is going on Dieckmann and Lacv are now owner of Ihe 8. B. Coffee properly adjoining the Irtwn site, having purchased it Monday (X F. Coffee was in town Monday stalk ing hands with Uis many friends and breaking -the monotony by Ins jolly mood and j.ikes. Commissioner's Bigelnv and Jordan Wore viewing bruises last wees, hi1 they y Will pas tip-in the bent bridges built in itt County- Vise West was surprised Inst Saturday eOning by the arrival of her brother Joe tw iiiim U visit her He started back Mfeoday morning. Thma Hines was tskinfr in the sights In our little burg Momisy, T m is al wats jolly slid makes things brighter when he comas to town. Tor sick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets; thev will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by All Druggists. Th Harrison schools will give an nte. isinmtnl Nov. 25' h. Admittance Mcts. Nat proceeds will bn usl to bu library books for the school.. Ail ere Cirrdially invited THANKBG1VINO BALL. The next graiid ball will be given, rhiifiksivid-f evaoinif. Nov. at the T ball. ' omore and all und hsve a food tun. . R. C. Lcsn to ti'w a win tu our. oat. lass LaimIIv Hra nQul.lii. lihlu ill ntifflM rlt.. btnonli lfaili lo I eflre. ft. W, Oroee'e slfnstur boa ua raW.CM It jfrtii fiatf a rud cola J ouftee-J a (rood re-bald medicine lilfe Clitlan-rliiiii' timh Ki iie.ly to.I'Mtseii.atHl riiv it, mp I to .nUv W irVtialie I and- ifittmri'tin V't ! lUi ilrro vta nlaaa SMtmU " VvV,(M. here and there Emmet Johnson was in from Canton Wednesday. Mr John iron says Cecil-, Ins son. is at Orand Island gniui to - school and is well (.leaned with the school. I. 8. Mcintosh was up from his ranch in the South part of the count) last Sat iirdnv. Mr. Mcintosh use to reside on White River and is one nf ihe old timers, at.d ik a staunch Democrat besides. Horano Humor, the musical fun mak er, of the Modern Woodman of America, will give an entertainment here at the hall Saturday evening Nov. 14 1903. Admission 15 ar.d 23cts. Come one and all. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Green and son Orval were visit ing friends in Har-ison Saturday and Sunday. The Press Jour nal family acktiow ledge a pleasant visit from theHi, hoping they may come oftener. Mr.' John Brown and son were in town Moiulay. Mr. Brown says ho has added the Bnn Smith place to his ranch; This makes his ranch in better shuH, and we are glivd to see him buyini; real erta'e for that means that he still likes Sioux county. We hope our readers will excuse us in not liinf on time for the past three wi;eks. Our ready prints did not come on time the two previous weeks auel last week w had to out tin ballots and that made us one day lute, Mr. and Mrs E P. Maine leftfor Nook sack, Washington Tuesday evening, where they intend to make their future homo. A large number of their friends gathered at the dejxit to bid them fare- well him wisti them a happy journey We wish them the best of success. The Ladies Aid supper given here last night was well attended snd a good sup r was prepared, which alwaws is by the Ladies Aid Society It is wonderful how nmnv kept mum. durin? the mum part of the social, hut we noticed sone hud to i their mouths shut. 'We all bad a fine An extra Inrtre crowd attended the E L social Inst Saturday nitftit La'eer than expected, but all got their fill; If 1 hey (I rin't it war't the pickles fault "several Barnes were plave; before nnd after nipper. I'tirintr a march before supper a number of thnsts nprw -it red and r1 t hinpi merry for a while Every h"dv bad n pond lime or at least we have beard nothing different. JTJSr WHVT YOUNEE l. Crtemberlk.ln' Stonn-vcK and Liver TexMeis. H'hen von feel dull arter eating. T1 hen you have no npoetite, When you have a had tate in ' the mooth. Hlien vnnr liver i torpid. IVh'-n vnnr bowels ar corstipated, H'ben yu bnve n headache. H'ben you feel Jiil ons. Thev will improve your nppetite. p'pnnse and invieorate vnnr s'nmncri nnrt recul i'e your liver ami hn-tl, Price 2S cents per box. For sale by All Drug gists. The returns yrn not all in vet, but thre pre enough to insure the Election! of E. F Pontius clerk. Alex Lowrv sher- ff. Carl Lux treasurer, J. H. Wilherms- dnrfer jnilne, John Rorkev county Supt., Solom in Story se-mor, Pat Licy corner. nnd it will probably require the Official count to decide the commissioner. Westover wjll carry the courty by a arge mni ritv rut ennt ssv who will be the other luck v man until all the returns are in. The Youth's Companion In 1904 An the -esrs increase IllK YotTH's OMPASIO: endeavor to keep pace Willi lh tn in all ih it s wise, beautiful and progressive, and not onlv lo retain hut to deserve the bomHiibt" nnd xc pliotiallv hiiih place, H holds in t lie cor.fl n-nce and effecti'in of three tonerations of readers. The greatest living authors in all branches of literature continue to contribute to It. Among the important series of articles will ha on on Dim occupation of the farmer in mnv parts of the world In , England. In Irlnnd, in India, In Argentina & etc. The annual Announcement Number of TUB COHTAIHO!!. ders-ribing the principal lekturwa of THlCoMrsKIOK'inaw vol u ma. will he sent to any address. Free, Tha new subscrilstr for 1004 will receive all the issues ofTm OMPsNiOI for th remaining we.ksof 1908. free from the finis of subscription; also I'M I'OMFAN l(W Calendar for 1904, lithographed in twelve color snd if"ld. THE YoHTU'S (OMPA5I0N. 144 ferlulev Street, llOrTaW, MASH i,',.A.Ksr1' 5:tr Coming Again! Dr. Shwartz, The Noted Eye Specialist Of Denver, will again be in Harrison Nov. 17. Stepped Against s Hot Stove. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday niht liath, stepoed back ngainst a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great auony mid bis mother cou'd do not hing to pacify him. Remeniliering thai be had a bottle of t Chamberlain's Pain Balm in ,the house, she thought she would try it In less than half an hour after Kpplying it the child was quiet and in les? than two wiekswaf well. Mrs. Benson isa well known resident of Kelhir, Va Pain B'lm is an antiseptic liniment and especially valuable for bums, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by All Druggists. SORE FOOTBALL PLAYER.. HelMLVesths University of Nebraska Team. Lincoln, Oct 23. Piqued by his trans fer from the 'varsity to the scrubs, Floyd M. ('lark, a member of the football squad at the University of Nebraska, bus turn ed in bis suit at the gymnasium, nnd liesides not appearing lor practice, helms quit his recitations in school. Clark is credited with the intention of going to Madison to join Coach Curtis' squad at Wisconsin university. His roommate in Lincoln declares that trans portation has lieen promised ("lark by the I athletic authorities at Madison if he goes there to play football. Omaha Daily News. The Best Remedy for Croup. fFrom the Atchison. Kan , Daily Olobe This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to lw awakened ir. the middle of the night by' a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies nre almost ns sur to be lost, incase of croup, as revolver is sure to be lost in case of bur;-lars. There used to I an old fashioned remedy for croup, knows as hive syrup and tolu, hut some modern mothers that hanilwrlain's Couth Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and giVr'S relief in a shorter tune. Give this remedy as soon as lh croupy cough ap pears and it will prevent the attack It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by All lruKgists. The printer has his ins nd outs with I be ol her professions, as wan Ihe case last week. After having printed the nai lots nnu Having tnem nil sacked up for delivery the editor Sid down to rest his we.iry limbs and bruin, Mid on pick ing up the World Herald be discovered that the ballots that he had printed were unlawful, hs the Legislature said last winter the blanket ballot could not he used any more; So all Ihe printer bad to lo was to go to work nnd do the thing ovev, t no lh;.i Ks to U. C. Wright, editor nf the Sun, nnd W. H. Davis wtio so kindly laid aside tlsir coats; And by midnight, with twoor three pasting an culling paper, w were able to start the ballots forth once more to fulfill the wishes of the voter. There was not much kicking b-the office force oilier than if representative Currm voted for this law, that be didn't have all the ballots to paste together. , Bodarc Gleanings. We learn that Mrs. J H Montgomery has been quite sick for the past few days. Miss Christian the RimWo leacher, has decided m make her home for tlie winter at Mrs. John Thayer's. John Mack took the new teacher, Miss E,'an, In Harrison Saturday. Now boys don't interfere, this is Jol nr ie's chance. I Mr. snd Mrs. II. Zimmerman visiten with E irnest Bnnge and family on the divide the first of the week. News is scarce. If we could write "bout the election we muht tell of broken faith, blasted hopes ami sad hearts as the result., but unfortunately we are dehared from visiting the polls, so it must ha left to tha iuiaiuatioo of lb reader. M. A. (5. Corkwood Cask tha Bast. . . ... . , , ' poucds and similar cask o( hard - wood wolgbi 80 pound!. Thoao cask. wtlch wara rsoeotly Invented by reildent of Algeria, are non-conduct- on of heat and arid, and U aUvee 4e not jv r . .. VV'-.v' ; . Hunter Happenings. Some of our neighbcrs west to Craw- foid last Thursday oiglit, returning on Monday, , Mr. D. W. Snepherd, of Olenrock Wyo. was visiting at Hunter Sunday, Tomsiy Jones Mpn the sick list this week. ' : Miss Anna Hanson went to her home in Crawford Monday to stay over Tues- George BaldiJ-am down from Harrison Saturday 'evening returning Tuesd.iy. Birdie Jones fell in the deep part of the river Friday. Tommy and Ray llager man pulled hr out. Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Jones visited at Harrison Saturday. Mrs Basset went down the road on Tuesday returning Thursday. Mr. Cook shipped four cars of cattle last Saturday. . Mr. Jack Cook Came home Monday. Mr J. R Lever has been over in the south irt of the county and spde over to Hunter with Ire Agate mail. Last S tttirday Panzy Jones was on a horse and rode out in the river; she let go or the reins and they got around the h .rse's head. Ihe horse got one foot through the reins and started to back, Peaila jumped from her horse and caught Panz by the arm. Panzy ran behind a tree, . They got the bridle off of the horse and then they went home with. out further trouble. There was a dance at Glen last Satur day night. Some of our people went do wu and report a good time. BOCQUET. PHILIPPINES DESCRIBED. Schoolteacher Takes a Few Falls Out of tha Pacific Archipelago -The Instructor Is a Regular Ai'temus Ward, but I a Belter Speller. Tht following article to the Manilla Leader, from the en of a former resident f Denver, is interest ing reading: Manilla, P. X, June 14, 1902. -The Philippines are a bunch of trouble, gath ered together on Ihe western (roast of civilization. They are bounded on the nest, by hooilooism and smugglers, and on the norlli by rocks and destruction, on the east bv typhoons and moonshines and on the south by cannibals and earth quakes. The climate is a combination of electrical changes especially adapted to raising cum. The soil isextnordin:iri ly fertile in producing birge crops of it surrectiou and trickery. The inhabit., mils are very- imlusi rious, the cliiel occupation lieing trench budding, the making of bolus and knives and reloading ol Remington cartridges. Theiramusements are cock lighting, monte, theft and cheating. Their diel consists of Ixiilrd rice, stewed rice, dried rice and rice. The Filhpino marriage service is very impressive, especially the clause wherein the wife is given the privilege of working as much ns her husband requires. The animal of burden is the canbow. On a tliree-tiule journey only ten days' rations may lie enrried, but if the journey is for 1Q0 miles the driver usually dies of fdd age before reaching his destination. The rivers are serpentine in their course, the waters running in a manner Contrary to all know n laws of nature. Manila, the capital and principal city, is situated on Manila pay in a large land locked body of water full of filth, sharks and Spanish snhniarine hoats. t'svite, Hie next in importance, is soled for its natural facihlied, for a naval station nnd its large n urn her of saloons and chrnos The principal exports of the. islands are rice, hemp, sick soldiers, and war bulb ins. The principal imports are American suldiers, arms, ammunition, ber und tobacco. Miliaria is so prevalent that on numerous occasions the islands have been taken with a chill. Luz in, the largest island of Ihe group, resembles one of old i y Green's cast off bowls. Communication has been established between the n ulcerous Mai ds by sub stiluting the mosquito Iming much larger snd hotter adapted to stand the fatigue of the journey, The native costume consists of a flour suck lied around t he waist nnd everything under 18 jeais of iige wans until next year for his clothes. The towns are an ag gregation of shacks full of tilth, fleas, cur dogs and disorder. The dogs, bui, lice nnd family all sleep together, on terms of i-quiiity. Ihe Hiilippims are nppropriiile to present to a deailh enemy. The' native a friend at the point of a gun. I The climate pb-nsunl and hoa 'bv for 1 ' "'. ''. scorp o. s, centimes ',n,, lligtors. The Island-A !0"d forsaken, canniisilized, AKiimaldo J infested blot oa the face of (lod's Orean ami tit. A. W, PARJCS, Tawcliar. t m .u ; s . ' . t; ALL Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possible and i the place to do this is at GERLACEIS GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the? world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- War Bonnet Topics. Hurrah for the Republicans, I know they are ahead. Mr. Tom Willi ims has been hauling sand from here. Maggie Jane Scott has the whooping cough quite bad. Rout. Keel's potato crop amounts to about 600 bushels. Mrs. Jack Finley attended lodge in Harrison Saturday. Robt. Keels baby and little Eva are very bad with whooping cough. Neil Jordan and Nels Anderson were dehorning their cattle at the S E Tues day. Mr. Bartell and John Davis visited the S. S. Sunday and Mr, Dotvis gave a good talk. Homer Kennedy shot and killed t.vo coyotes last week. Let the good work co on. Mrs. Nels Anderson and babe stayed at ibeS Eafcw days while Nels went liter his cuttle. School was dismissed last Tuesday in order for the voting which was held at the school house. Arthur Dunn visited with us a couple of days. It was his farewell visit, as he leaves for Denver soon. I understand Mrs. Zerbst is going to name her baby, (it beintr her first girl,) Mary Anne Lillian Elizabeth, and call her Mary. Mr. Virg Hester arid Mr, Jones, the druggist,, were in this vicinity shooting (fame Sunday and took dinner at Robort Keel's. Miss Lilhfi Harris is going to board at Robert Keel's Ihe remainder of the term u it was ijuite too far from Mr Zrb-it's, I the days are gelling so short. ' Mrs. Belle Dunn was the In. k ." winner of the talking machine at Bourret & Davis's. She is going to lake a rest A few more of us women nefd one. Mr. Peticer and wife and lilt le grandson from Lincoln, ere visiting at Robert Keels Thursday and took in a few sights ncluding the devil's den. They nlsn visited Mrs, Belle IJnnn on the divide returning to their home Saturday. They tonk with them a sample, of Robt. Keel's potatoes, of which I hey say there are none like in the state. Peoot. FIGHT WITH INDIANS. The following is a dispatch clipped from the State Journol. DouplsF, Wo., Nov. 1 Sheriff A Mci'ermott tonight received word of a haMle fouuht last evening between Sheriff Miller of Weston county, unci por;se, and a hand of Indians. The sheriff was fatally shot and Depniv Sheriff Fal kenburp was killed. Three Indians were killed. A nuniberof cowboys arm ed with rifles, left this mormnp, nnd another posse beaded bv Deputy Sheriff Cook left Ibis nfternoon for the scene of I rouble. Another large posse left Lusk Innighl ann there is preat excitement here and all sorts of rumors are, current. Kbrriff Miller and his deputies left New Cnslle twelve days fcgo lo arrest the Indians, ho were in ona band lo the nu.ibei' of twenty-five or thirty. Ranch men had reported that in addition to slniif!hterinK larpe numbers of deer and snlelope the Indians were killing cattle and sheep, stealing horses and uoaimitt tntl other depredations. The Indians were trailed t to near the head of Beaver Creek, where they had camped. All of the men, save a few olu bucks were out on the plains hunting (tame, nnd the ramp was in chsrpe ol those who were preparing Ihe skins nnd meat for future nee. Hheriff Miller took possession of thecump, loaded the equip page on Ave wagons and sent the outfit Uirk to New Casl le in charge of Lieu tenant Hilton, In company with deputies James Davis I). O. Johnson, R B. Hackney and Fred Howell, the sheriff next day set out on Ihe trail of the Indians. It is not, known 1 where the chase led, btil the In'liaas hud rvMimily received warning ol the up- proai.b ol the 1 Hirers and at templed to get out of the country.' It m not known whether an ambus, sdej imis laid fr the fbV on I.iKbitiii g : r.. - ;;..,v 'ii.jtAv.Vi- PEOPLE J. H. LACY. We have our building completed now and have a new supply of goods, and will sell them right. ' DEALER IN Lumber, lath, sash, doors, lime, cement, and building; material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery. Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I am agent for the Wood manse wind-mill. Have a supply of pump fitting on hand. Com in and get my prices whether you buy or not. J. E. PHINNEY, Physician Surgeon OFFICE: AXDREWs BJjOGK.. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OPPOSITE DEPOT. A -V 1T 1 l" f r -HTM tJS- r e5 EVEYTHINU FIRST CLASS. AXD At.!. TREATKD WITH COURTESY. Board By Day or Wek. W. B- WRIGHT, Pimp. creek, the scene of the ha' tie, or whether th i Indians resisted the ollicers aftsr the warrants had been read to tl eui. That mtagra detail indicated an ambuscade. Take Notice.' A Kalamazoo man has npl'rt wrt timely death at the age of 89 tts:n ccBsive use of tobacco. Warnlrni ire bcrornlns more plontlftil every day. Indianapolis News. Cigar Penel'. A certain ticvolty lool s :t!;c-a" fnff sized cigar, but It. Is a ''Pnrl!,-ur 1 when the lower edn Is. tu.-ticd a'ri.-j of( black lead makes its ap2araii.ee u the Up. Vltl Try to Forget Trfigec?y. The sisters of the late cut- of orvla are about to purchase a vi! . 011 i.ake Zurich and expect to raal;t' l.icui selves comfortable. The Home of Sulphur. Sicily Is the home of sulphur. The Islaud exports 300,000 tons a yean of which the United States gets on-thlrd. Rlcrt Woinen In Feud. Mrs. Jcanstte P. Ooin la one of Ne York's richest women, bat Is nevet een in aocloty, for whlcti ehe ex presses vast contempt. Mrs. Oola own an Immense dual of valuable real estate. Adjolturjg hr homo on Flfta. avenue l that of Mr3. Perry Belmont, who built an extension eotae time n'o, Uiereby Cutting off Mr U(As't UfM and air. The latter tbeWupim quietly purcbased a lot a round ttie torncr,- on which she built a hlali tump fetite. Jr. Belmont 8 extuHiloU ban Sea, much darkened In conenquence, but re. OoIb derlerfcs her fence will re wain until Mrs. Biilmont's extension. hare been taKen dowu. gfJ " "t 1 ' r"rT 1 Pnwi Stem h r I- ft' It ' ; 1.1 " tn. ?!