.JlV ia,,JI,' I 35 2 I u BOURRET & DAVIS." Gent, ral Merchants. 0ifTfVetfMrs trt MAKXTKLI.KR BROS.) Tnritp your inpction of our florals for quality anf! Pricps for t'airnos. Our stock is as coiiipL-tc any ;!nd weexpcet to keep it so. 1 1 ere in the line of DRV HOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, HOOTS SIIOKS, etc., you will find every thing in the latest up-to-date styles and patterns. GROC'KRIKS, fresh and of the best quality. FLOIJH, GRAIN, CURED MEATS. - HARim ARE, TIN WARE. Give us a trial, all times. We will CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, 4DEALEE INijv .timber, Doors, Sash. Lime, Coal, Wagons, Kuggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind -Mills, Towers, Piping, I'umps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. J. D. WILHERMSDORFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re -covered. THE PIONEER Druids, Dn ji;st's Sundries;, I -riints. Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. R1CHAUDS & JONES, Successors, J. E. Phinney. 00000f0000o043-K;00CC 3Ths Commercial Bank.1- HARRISON, NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. :. F. CorPKit, President F. W.Clarkr, Cashier C'HAS. C; JaMKHD.V. II. S. CfAKKK, A. McGinley "Stockmen having use for a hank at thi point may rely or ' us to handle their entire liankiriK biiaine?. lnWe are jirepared to take tare of our trade at all timHd AKDKKW tT.niSTIAN Cattle hrn I ed on laft aide aame at cut and horsen branded on left uliooldi itne aa rut Um prvparty of indrew Chrlitian an trTbaiary to Taa Taxxl Springi. . Ad'THaa, Klt-tlv, Wyo, try to treat you ritfht at BOUKRET DAVIS- J j PHARMACY. 0 J. R. Ht.NTEU cattle branded aa uliown In mil cut, on' rlcht lde, hip, orijljL Also a on left 1dn. Klifat eat cllpi.sd SlOO REWARD 1D be paid forevuli nee ronvirUng any one tor running olT or In any way tampering with stock having any of U ahoy brnnd or brand. IhIi at Andrew. Setir, AUdrraa, HsrrlMin Knltr. 51 dun uiihiiuj. f HE J : Kit 11. ill Kiibitxb "ur i.i ,.ii-l. iil the t nium 'Ins, for f" Hi. e-r vi ir. ( ,.cii u ! IRii al brau.l rents rv-rv t i-n r r ranchmen In simix mid julioinii.tf eu'infn-s hHll! advertise their brilli'ls Ill 1 lit . Ji IK HAL n It circulates all ov. r tin- state. It Uisy lie the menu ot savii'H liumrv lr ton S500 REWARD. Fur tin arte- and eonvti-tiou ot any p-irty or pal tin s'l-allnir or dl-diirmtiuc any braud n stock tielntiKmif to the underMitned unt ies: r. k.j nit. 60, 117, Rmud mi left hit - ti " ielt Jaw; I'osl urttc It hip ol Cuttle. ioux bounty. Nebraska, i.KUK(,K hV ANSON on left k)U Any Mm 1c brum.', iih iiljovt tH'iiitf sttriiy I from my nt'itf.', i,"ovt-re1 l.y .'.uy hotly on givnik' inc infortiuitiMti H ili ba i m hi , FRANK NVTIO. on tlu N tt U't t MilOUl- iJe ami itmi' on l.-r .r l.or. r. Cut. the "lllllll'll'r Itlll' UK ilpsi-rib- isl lur the liliov bilittnl. Ail'lrfif!., Jhu'riKon, Ni-Iruikft. .tAVl'KL K.NUIJ1. ii It IP lirnml.-.l uny iji'ic mi ll'l t Hifll' of t III' HIliUIHl lliiiilli' on I'rai- lie l i.KJB'l Won iue Cri-'kii, A'Mre. Ilnrriaon, Ni-hrnika KKWARIi. .( , will ny f ").00 reward for e.tch head of lxi ve t "ol vi lie's li'irw. hramleil on either j;iw or llnt;h toniec C'.'r o Tolin Hief r on IJuriniiii w.iler, also itlOO.W for pnu.f n convict any pt-rson utilawfully lnoiiiin any of said horses. W. J. A. I!ai m. iitii!i:i:r f. nkkck. Cuttle r.rnlifled l:lhfi' OH let l Hide Alio cuttle bruti'leil s!ii.iiili-r or ide. Itioitre on on !e!t hip liiiuuinx Water. i. o. Atlflri'MH Aft.-. Selir J. I.M'fcK. Cattle tiraii'lei 'V'l.KrT SIliK I'tt'H"- e A tilrr. CliailrOH .Nidiito.Ka. IIKNUV W A UNKhK. Cuttle brand ed on left side. Kioitfe on Hiinni'n; Watej- Clei-rk. . Address HarriMin, Ni lna.ka. A. K. KKSNKUV. ittl ltnunlc(l on Hiifht Hln shoiadcr P.O. AddrrH, raloid, Nebra-aa. X'IAVK HAIilill, Cattle hrautli-d aa shown on left side with over bit on lilt liantre on tiiia nlnil Wati-r, I'. O. Addresi, Marsland, Nebr. nkii. Jordan. llor-M-a and cat tle branded on cither aid, , amiie as on cut. And Cattle brunded Fffiffia on left side, asd Horse on '"YkIAr I iaw' Addren, lloiluro, Nebranka, iOUS A. HANSON Owns the follow. !''-.. Y ln(brnd on ell h- Vt er: Also HQ on rat' tie and hornei. r-Mllleon lefi-dile horsi-" on left, ' v k shoulder. -JLlI Ifnnxe on Hllver PprlnifS and east of ut Itn. PosUifltcft Harrison Neb. " Joum.'il I i.l I.i-HaY, (lit. VU, I WW. C. '. Jtui k-, lr. i- m i 1. 1 n i riu; rnr it tHKir n n l!si,' SMtll. A cl.iNi ('..Vi MVTTKIt OFFICIAL I'APKK OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Yar. ADVKRTISING KATKS- IVr inch, single column, per month .in,- ; Per column, per month ft! 00 professional cauls per year, one inci, 5.00 Liaals per -lifie -I'll! Il Iseiift- - - .0.) "ill per et off nti yearly contracts. jmiin v. llv. HOI M-A III 1. 11 '''' HIUn' hrmii'ifl oh li-rt ulioulitcr Hurt CuHle p on luft nilc rout (iflli v AiMri'HH, I'ntrU'li, l urHinic Co. V yo. 1 1 KM I ItlK" I.IVK.VKH-K Co ttiituilii wii li'lt Inp of Cttli' Hll't Oil ll'l I rill'"1' Ol llOMI Km k Iii cp Cri-ck. A'Mri'KN, I lii-p Creek l.lveMoi-k C,. J. II. IUliickt, Koremai., iilen, Ni'braHki.. 3 II. I EN SLOW. Wr DL jittl hruu'li'i! on :jfit h1!h n cut. A'.l ! I) on Mght hip. lloriMM bnin IimI r iit ulioiiiiler (,rj.lB ItuHL'e on w.iite Hlver, on tho old Due Cuiville vi (itli. I'.o. Address; tilni, Nfbr. l!l(hvs KU A. Co. " :-Hinr iu. tlint ,ft lit or on llorw" 1)"h ti1 wilii uy ( uUivt ontntn. Altlrrwt J. . AMiKttN'r, Jtol HHl.T A MONft, t :il!l- Ill-unit. -t nami. tin tli;tt cut oi, eilli r side of Hnl- s Hj 7y iiiai And lollou Inif on left Mm Of rattl'. Oil left Hllfi hip. I'(w fJftV'i AU'In', llirri-i, N'brMki. ONLV O'C rrTT ITT i i ii mm. i Haliroad betwesn Mlaaourl Klvr and Chicago, Direct lino to St. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Line to Black Hill. Apply to nearest cvgent for rates, maps v nd time cevrds. NQTIi K TO LANDOWNERS. Toti.To whom IT MY cosriHv: The eo,nnilslouer appointed to lecutn a road coaiiuenclni; lit a jeilnt where county road No. 4 interwets the hall sei-tlou line running eal and wist through Metion 71, Twp. :?2, lianire Ut; the.4e eat on or utiMtit "Mi rods; tin use em art ro'ls. themu- 10 pi'U in a south eanternly direction, thenar- outn el 40 irl", then :X rods west null connect Intf altii sail! road No. 4 al a fsilnt on or ttlmut one fourth of a mile from the (mint whcia It (e:ive ml itt)ov ineiitioued half sec. line. Ifecoinmend that said road be allowed ana ali-o that the foil, wln desi-rlbeit portion if county road No 4 be vacated, that jeirtlou from the polnl wherit the prosjsed toad connei-t. a II Ii ro id No. 4 to tha point It luU-rsei'tt road No. 4 aa now cutsbllsned. All objections thereto, or claim for dam uge mut la- filed in Ihe county clerk'- office on or la-fore noon of the 131 It day of Nov. HKC or sui-h ro ul will bo eslabllslied and that fiortlon vncatvd without reference thereto, M m. J. A. liAt m, Comity Clerar. .i r Jr. mm i .d mis iTISf 11 Take laxanvo urorao quinine Ttiiztt. Open our catalog to page 5. There 3 011 will see samples of the suits for men Q fifi that we sell for . . .M Tliei suits are tniule by b ni"tifn"tufins tailor wlio U o jwl oim of his i-eimtatiun ti ui lie wont iici-niit iik to nientioii his tiama In our atlvei-tUciiicnts iinlc- wf ma n'.iiSu liix high jirlpc. W coiildnt do that. If we did we would mtke more jimlit thun our rule require. ho wo let thin tateiuunt hiilliec. The quality of the matfrialu in uot so iiitivh Iwtter, hut tlio patterns ure m exduaive, the lailofinir. h'lde8 liavins' the jxii-fpction of oth'T hish crude clolhinir. hu been ?lven In tiuincraiile, touches of t U ince which havo toe effr-ct of classing it with the kind your tui'or could not make for Ins tha i I0. tMAIL ORDERS FILLED THESE SOITJ If you havn't our catalog Send for it at once. .1. FUSION' STATE TI KET. For Juilire of the Supreme ' "on rt JUiKJE J. J. SULLIVAN. F'or Ket'ents of the Univernily VM. O. JONES. Of AdairiH (Jountv. liR E. O. WEBBFK. Of Saunders County. For I)islrici. Judp-H 15ih Jud. Ilist. v. a. s EsrovEti, Ol Sherulai) t 'ounty J. J. HARRINGTON. Ol Holt County. COUNTY TICKET. Cdl NTV t UK sr u Kit C. M. t.nx - COCNTV Cl.KliK- Wllliuin II. (iiiylmrt- COCNTY SIlKUIKf - Alex !Attry ( ol NTY JI lxiK - John II. Lacy - r: f.NTV AsKssnit I litn Cliristi'llnell nit'NTV si I'K I'.I NTKN 1 ' K .NT - J.' It. linrUc ( H NT V (OltllNKIi-- I'iit Ijiry - Ciil NTY si iiVKYOK - M. Knltlnif - (it STY CU.M.MI10NM( 2M. tl-i KI T Amos C. Cullers- The article imlilished in the Lvnch Jnorual last week chart: inir H". H. West over, our district judjre, with heintrdrunk ;iiid refMfrihtr yiu In ii.it'e jieople for prrKif was a net rut hfnl as tin. p irt ies re ll,.on-t ho tind ,tn llnnj; to do wil h tfettii.K it no II vas evidently a Fish-r s huiie. W. T. Wills was close'eil wild M.Farland -vet-il hour-, the dav previous! to puhli -at ion dn y and Will ami Fisher j as-Kled at the O Neil I Frontier .Hire j ,, , , , , .i ,1 u'e'tini.' out nn extra edil ion of a Ihoimand i copies ,.f -hat paper with IheH-ticle cop J led from lie- Journal, Alter that Wills I went to Kir-hvii Mr Wesiovi-r't. I.oioe wln-re h called al Imtli newspaper 'mil declared the slateoienl a he. dlici The p-:!i!aat!.-.n f:f the article referred lot as made manv repubiuan votes for Mr. Westnver, ei-pr-cmllv 111 Hlltie wla-ie you ivr referred for prooT. li net. 1 and fair mind ! men are llioroiu iily d -. ,,,-ret al, cnf.r n deed ortere.. -Misled W'th Huch melius! and it is w j , ; thev shotild Im. Soiue one will have to answer for this in the near future w it h ou! dout.t." Wb w ill s-iy 'it reference to the alKive article that lhioflca h is ir its po.,,-Mo,i illj.i,i,fr, n.e .,i,.iw 11 "'"-'"'" r.intm i,v the ui-triet . iv rep.ii.liran-. siaui.tr that the nlsne (harden are lale. For lark of spnee Ifl.idlvshow them to i,vone that tlinvl" ' feel l n I e 1 1-, I e 1 1 in 1 he tun I ter. i hern need , ... ha no comment on our part in referet c lo the above arte le olher than that the h"oiIh of Sionx county know W, II. Wehtover and they know A. (J. Fisher, and it will not take loni for them to de- cidu in this matjer, for .Jud,:e Wesfover has proven hiu-self 1 he ahlesl j,,.!,;., t l,:.t ..... ,, has ever presided , ih,s count v, anil his moral htainlinn has riot lieeii questioned during the fine h has been jud gu. Jul . Adella Happening. Miss (Vrriu I'elren viaitw) with Hilda Uor nls.-ix last Sunilav, Kuit r.irnons visited the whool last Thursilay. Hit rsrla tha school pro- reHinK verv well, lie riiiul a pleasant call at A. P. Tvnsenls;rj when down. Mr Archie Harrison slarted lo a hool at the Ohudron Acailamy at Monday, Huccena to him. I inn aorry to nay that Hutalay School htops-d aa there was not enough that hivd interest tit it to corns. Our postmaster anil merclmnt was I usy hiiskirg rfrn lnt week. To Cure a Cold in One Day sv Cor. 15tli and Farnara. War Bonnet Topics. Mrs Mike Carroll and baby and daugh iter Murv vmdud with Mrs. John Plunkett j Sunday. i Miss E i ma and Unssie Noreiwh and Mik.s Lulie Harris visited at Scotts Sun day. Frank Scott if working for Xela Ander son t tut week, Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Conner visited with Mrs. fielle l)uuii Sunday. Frank Scott, and his son l'n played for a dance at N'els Eiicl hrells last week they rt port a linj dance with plenty to eat and di ink, Julius Ilurke was at the S-E Stt Sunday. Mr. John Uavis was in our vicinity passiiifr ciiain and IniyinK KlattMs. M ss Nellin Scott visitwj friends io IIarrrion Sunday. Mrs. H die llunii i on trw sick list at present. lii-member Sunday m hool com all. Vviur. liISTIJICT OJITtT. District "oiirt convened Monday, Oct. HI with the honorable J.J. Harrington jude. pre-ldlli In the pne of K. K. Iiindt v Sioux connlr. u conntv, will jff to k v- TIhx. jt plMitilKT. firoy, aIkUji I Vi ilH Pr di:clde ntfaltlHt pliilutitt. Case will (jo to tin nupreiiin n, art. Ilei,r t.ulick 11 snyder. d ifciidf-si-il Ht eoitt ot t-lt-e Jo, ph u. Y:-ruer vh l;iiln-rt Comeroy, t iff ulliiwed lo an tend his return to ' Itli the fai-ts, deli-ndsM t allowdl ! ""sner atid plalntilT to I Hereafter for r..l' Kdwaid M-liwiiit. m I'.K.IM.V. H,K.iu, Hiis-,il d.miiUm-d on million of defendant. K. (.j,,,,. W. . I'liiier-on, dls,ni-. ..a, motion of him II nt and J u.l in u t of loi.r esurt to siund. Gr.mt i.uthrle v Jo,eji, tt- !'.! el al, sale continue I and de d ,.,,., ord- reil. Join, el r vs Nador Rlelintela, . (.nrn,ed ..nd deed orl-rwt Charl'4 inn m l vh Frederii-k M. Proi nnli r. Upft. j defaulted, i iree for p alailff. Ileairlt-ltt j II Maine v I'lUcllla n. Keityoa, lelts. He j ratilled found for plulntitf. .i-iha . I shi l"iilniuii ;slavfdc. sB-i.rtiironr. j ,..,,, t ,i,.rultd found lor plaint. ir. i abnolnte divorce Krint.d. I on Inn llartell v " Ha-t, found for plaintiff. Cllas. S.... ....... l..i... II ... ..I 1 ... i . . , Ui, il I'nllen v M K. Hit- A A N !KTK ATOK' S A LR. Notice l hereltv Kivtni, that I. ( b tries Y. I i tti e, Aa,, h,i-.itator of the entitle of j Siimuel liuflinlon I olTee, deceased, lute of j eoul.tv, Nebraska, under and by vlrtuo let f "A I eon 1 1 of nal'l eoiliitv, to ae the real entill ;,.,,, ,,ec.;,,., . , ;i, on the n,. day ; NnvemU-r, A. Ji. I'.x.l, at one o'eba-k In the it tie- coin t h'ni.e 1,1 Hie vIIIhki- of Harrison eouiit;'. offer lor nale at public 1 "endue, to Ihe hlKbct bidder for eh, or pirt cash end part credit on the usual l-riiia the folloa Iiik ileerll-d preiuiM-a and real estate situated In mild county, and 'longing tu the Pilate of said deei-UMCtl, to wit : Tha outhet quarter of nei tlon thirty three C.J!) iu township thirty throe (H) north of i range fifty four ; V) west lit ald rounty. " " u,u" de.erll. i.-tl estate to wit: Th" horlliwri ipiarU-r of section tir. ln township thirty one '311 north ' of l uiqrc fifty s v , t, ) wost In said coanty. for the pin '.w ot paying the valid claims mid ehutoes iixaiiisl tho entile of aald, dieea.id. Iia ted nt Harrison, Nebr., Oc-lober 1st, P"n8. A.w.cuj ks. Chahi.ks K, C irrr.r.. Attornev for Administrator AdiiihiUliLtor. as aforenatd. 41 W, Is He Learned at Creat TrutK, Il is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Weslej : "Viv do you lull llial chilil the same I hi ng over anti over Agiiiiy "John Wesley, le-caunat once i.s not eommh." It is for tins same reit',011 I hut you lira (old a;iu tlttit (.'luiiiila-rlalii'p ' iiiinh Iteiiieily cures Colds nnd rip: Ihnt it cuunlanicta any ten dency ol lhtie 1,1 result in pneumonia, and that il is pleasant and aafe lo lake, (or sal hy All Druft;ists. ComCrV h Two Dsrya. on every box. 25c. i I 4 '8 .1 j 1 T '. . , 'i a "Ssi- , V '- v.