Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 15, 1903, Image 3

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    Free Core fcr
Fmn Mlihljaa Doctor Annoances tke Dla
eovery ol Marveloas Mysterious Scent
Con.pc Tkal Almost lostaatly
Carea Caasoniption, Coot k aaa1
Lao( Troubles.
It Has Bceo Tried and Tealed y Stale OffklaU
aaaj Ureal Medical Mea Wa Proa.
It lac Grandest Discovery
I the Age.
LaI Trial Package Sen! Free by Keren
Mail to AU Who Scad Their Stmt
aad Address.
1 hare Dixie the tnoit marrefona dtsceT-
la ths realm of medicine. 1 qst pro-i
c.'Ht a nnsti-rlous compound unknown toi
otacr chrmist. or to mpdli-sl si-lrnce, aud It
mi tnu U uiost wimiierful cure for can-
1 Cure Consumption, Coughs,
Throat an J Lung Troubles
Ur. VonKei man.
'imptlon. eotixhs, throat and lung troubles.
rvrr uiscoven-u.
I tiiir taken ronsntnptlrr who
fnsr.ll;tf l.ftfin lti:r H,., H. .n h1
tiirir ou Home physicians tn'ille In a dny'
r itg, mso I have cured them romilitHy j
'l'lu:e ar l ngalu 1 bnr restored bealtta t
Oiiiumpihe who were In the very Jaws
f d"t tt. Mjr wnnoloiiH and mysterious
-om.uul. of whleb I alone hold the ae
(. will cure anjr case (t consumption,
'Ui-I-. ti:roit and lung troublea, do mat
ter bow far advanced. Where there l life
there I hope, for my mnrveliiu compound
will cure eoitn.iiii .li.iii n every stage. 1 fur
biu proof lit tn -Hilda of Instances. The
1-nillh;; men In , ,;rly every civilized com
munity bate carefully Investigated my won-"
cerful discovery aud all have been com-p-
lied by the stories of those I have cured
't the deadly consumption to scknowiedgs
that my work la little short of miraculous.,
and thnt 1 positively do cure consumption,
no matter bow many remedlea or deetore
hive, failed.
My famous discovery for the etjre of con
suuijiilon la emphatically endorsed by the1
foiioMiiiK noted men:
The Uev. Kdward Collins of Detroit,.
Mli a , one of the moat noted pulpit orators'
lu the wct.
Hon. K. A. Morlarlty, secretary of thai
rMlon of Health, Department of 1'ubllu
ei.ift-ty, Coinmlius, Ohio.
lion. A. T. Turk, Duluth, Minn., Coonty
Kuperliiteedeiit of Kchoola and one of tba
fuiemoHt edueators In the U, H.
Senator ileriry J. tilertseo of Minneapolis
Inximetor General of the rttate of Minne
sota, aud member of Uoveruor Van Bants
Hon. Ilarry I Fisher of Greater New
York, one of the beet known business men
In New York, and a famous polities! leader.
Hon. W. li. ilenueaay. managing editor of
(be Ht. I'sul (Minn ) l.lotic. and promiuent
member of the Minnesota leKlslsture.
lion. 1. M. Itieuion, mayor of lies M'dnes,
the esplial rlly of Iowa, and oue of the
beted onitors In the went.
lien. W II. iilnriebeen, forcjer Secretary
ef Mate of lllluola, and fit-member of Con
arrrju. lion. I.. P. MeTormael, State Tjibor Com
nilNNlouer of Indiana, and one of tbe moat
lion. H. M. Krlea, Lincoln. Neb., men
ber of the N"hrnka Klate lcrliflture.
Hon. Hlihard K. Kurke, t'bieaifo, Dera
nrmllc leader In the Illinois House of Kcp-reM-iiiatUea
snd noted lawyer.
Hun. Ilalpb H. Gregory of Munele. Ind ,,
out f the rnont noted criminal lawyers la
the l ulled Kialea
JiMllje W. ). I'ardwell, Kansas City, one1
of tbe neat known jnrmts snd public men
of the fclsle of Uliwuiorl.
Kherlff Jehu Towers of Omaha, one of
the best known criminal hunters la the
Hon. D. J. O'Rrlen, Omaha, who Is papa
Inrlr known as "tbc Deimoulco of Onaua"
and the went.
I do not aak any consumptive Is tsks my
word fur thin, I want every persoa sb k snd
sunVrlnir from consumption to write me.
Adiln-ss me peraonally, 1'r. lerk P. Yon-'
keriiiau, Slhl, hhakeapenre Hide, Kalaina
iki, Mieh . and I wlil jc lad lr aeud them, by
return mull, a laree trial packaite absolute
ly free, nil ebar(ea prepaid, and I guarantee
that no matter bow alck or discouraged you
nre Il ls trial treatment will convince yon
and do j"ii more good than all chain va of
tliifitile ur olbrr reinedlcs.
AHtmni'interu nnnounre that Ihe
Utar i t llcthlebem, which dlroctpd
the wise men to the blrtb place of'
the Hat lor. will appear once more Id
l'JIO or 1011. Joseph ii g the Hebrew
lilitorlan, ipeaks of thlialir, which
ii now knowo as IFnllej'a comet, itid
since this lime It bm appeared oo.
I went.) -three occasions'.
If i iliiwct pot It laid on 1U aids
Hie Hiulk of the plant growlDR In It
it: yr;iluj!y t)ure tipwaid until It
aiu e a veitleal coaltloo.
New York, Oct. 7. Sterling F.
Hayward of this city lias been ap
pointed ieeelverof the Morse Iron
Works and Dry Duck company, which
has operated a lt2.000.tMJO plant in
South llrooklyn, said to be oce of the
largest cu the Atlantic comt. Tlie
receiver is a director of the compnny.
He was appointed by Judge Thomas
on application of three credituis
whos combined claims amount to
15 0(X). Receiver Hayward says the
I aWilites of the company are about
1, 000,000 that tbe plant is worth
twice that sum.
He expressed touch bitterness
against the labor union which be de
clared caused tbe closing of the yards
a 1 the destruction of a splendid
business which Mr. Morse had built
up in less than twenly years, having
begun himself as a workman. Tbe
yards employed 3,000 men when the
trouble wltb the union began. Can
cell-Jtlon or contracts was necessary
and. as further strikes were declared
tbe number of employes dwindled to
a few hundred.
Steal riuney and Steamer
Manila, Oct. 7. George Form-i"
Extensive Region Storm Swept and Lint
of Caaiioltles 1'robably Not Complete
Property Ibiiiika Heavy
chief Inspector, and C. J. Joiius u
constabulary supply oflicer, both sta
Honed at Missamis, Mand inao whose
acts were under Investigation, took
$6,000 from the safe, seized a steamer
and have started for Borneo. Kun
oing slioit of coal they stopped a na
tlve vessel nd took from her a new
supply. A steamer has been sent to
Homeo to interrupt the fugitives
)ish(.p Doherty, the first American
clerical dlgnitaiy appointed for tbe
islands, lias just anived here. An
enthusiastic welcome was extended
to him by the Filipinos and Spanish
Arneiican residents.
(Jenural Ola, leader of the insur
gent armies In the province of Albay
Luzon, continues to turn out the
guns of bis command to the Ameri
can aul.hoiltlcs. During the Ciin
ua;i;n loo insuigtnts were killed aotl
700 men and loo guns were captured
At the time of the surrender Ola
m?n nerein taK's, hungry and covered
with sores. He lias pnmKed to help
the authorities to capture Tolono and
Laria. the insurgent Icad'.-rs still at
laige. General Allen siys he has
promised to giant immunity to Ola.
Washington. Oct. ti. 'lhe war de
paitment today received the follow
log cablegram from Governor Taft
"Governor Belts reports the sui
render to Colonel Hanholtz of tbe
constabulary, of thirty-three more
rifles, at Llgao, Albay, making
hundred in all. All people witb-
diawn from outlying barriers re
turned to their homes by order of pro-
vli-niul board. Trouble In tbe prov
ince reported at au end."
Duty Must be Done
Ft. Louis. Oct 7. Sweeping in
structions to Investigate naturalize
lion fraud.v'get-rich-quiek" scheme,
fiaudulaut concerns operating unjer
the guise of a ligltlmate brokerage
business and all games of chance,
which trick the Ignorant and unwary,
were delivered to the newly Impan
ehd federal grand jury by Judge
Elmer H. Adams of tb United States
district court today.
Judge Adams dwelt with particu
lar vigor on the subject of iiaturall
zation fraud. He said:
"To get at the fountain head of
this grave offense against the laws of
tbe United States you must get the
men in high places. Keport any
body, rich or poor, liign or low, Irre
spective 0i his position."
Uoycott an Illegal Weapon.
Boston. Oct. 7, In addressing tin
special commission on relations be
tween employer and employe at a
hearing today Samuel Davenport of
liildgcport, Conn., agent of the
American antl-hoyc 1 1 association,
Riild thai he thought tbe commission
was sallslii'd thai the- boycott was
an iH-gai weapon ami mat ine Amer
ican r deration of labor, a combina
tion of I.Iouihmi men, was a menace
in that its enoimoiis power rested In
the hands of Its president, lie stld
that It sir uld he made plain that
every member of a union was respon
sible f"r the illegal acts of its oliicers
In declailng a horentt.
, The fea-
CalU il Hie Devil'
Salt Ltike. Utah. Oct. 7
lure of yesterday's session of the sev
enth semi-annual conference of the
Mir oanc'. ur b, which Is being held In
the taiieiiiacle, was the stirring ex-
orlation f Apoitlo John W. Taylor,
In which ha denounced Christian
science, hypnotism, evolution and
spitltuullsin ami other "isms" ns
the work of the devil and urged
Mormons to spurn the teachers of
.hose doctrines from their homes.
Emporia, Kan., Oct 8. Three per-,
sons were killed outright, two fatally
injured and fourteen others more or
less seriously hurt, with enormous
property damage, Is the result of
tornados that prevailed near Hamil
ton, Greenwood county, and near
Alicevills, In Coffey county, Kansas,
Tuesday night The town of Allce
vllle, which has, 200 inhabitants, was
practically demolished. Wires were
proystrated aud the extent of the
storm was not learned until late
. Jleavy rain and wind storms were
general all over central Kansas
With tbe exception of those near
Hamilton and Alice vllle and vi
clnity, however, they did only
minor damage. In Gieenwood ami
Coffey counties five distinct funnel
shaped clouds formed at about the
siinie time. The two largest of these
clouds struck near Aliceville, and
traveling southwest, destroyed build
ings and crops over a strip a quarter
of a mile in width. At Aliceville
everyone of the fifty houses In town
were either totally wrecked or moved
from Its foundation.
At Aliceville but one person, Will
iam Bruce, was seriously hurt. He
will die. Southwest of Aliceville, in
ColTey county, heavy damage was
done to farming property. The farm
house of John E irlwine was torn to
pieces and four members of the fam
ily slightly injured. Tne house of J.
Atherton was blown away. All
the membei of the Atherton famil
except a young daughter . escaped in
jury. She will probably die. The
othar injured lived four miks west
of Hamilton, where, within a limited
locality, nine farm houses were de
stioyed. Many small buildings were
turned over and hundreds of stacks
of hay and corn shocks scattered.
DEATH ON lake MICHIGAN I Nebraska ZHotes
Marinette, Wis., Oct. 5. During
Squall Sunday night on Lake Micbi
pan, the steamer J. II. Ha :kley cap
:.ea, ana eleven persons were
drowned. The Goodrich "line pteam
er Sheboygan eaily Sunday nirnin
rescued the other seven persons who
had bren floating about for several
hours ou pieces of wreckage. Ite
port of the disaster reached Marin
ette today.
The Iiaekley was struck by the
lu.uall when some distance off Green
Island, which Is seven miles from
iianneiie. ine upper wort was
blowo away before tbe men could
leach a haven. Tbe boat then turned
oyer and went dowu In deep water
As the Iiaekley went to the not
torn, those who could, seized floatin
piece of wreckage, while the women
ind three or four of the med, failing
to find any object to which to cling
sank In tbe raging sea, as far
lhe darkness made rescue slow
but the oliicers of the Sheboygan feel
lure that they took abroad every
person afloat. Some of the persons
who were rescued say that it Is possl
ble that one or more of Mie eleven
persons missing may have escaped
death. This view is not given much
tredence by the sailors, of the She
boy iran.
lhe Sheboygan made into Fish
0 eek when hope of resciing othr
persons seemed improbable. The
rescued persons were so exhausted
from their struggle against drowning
tnat tiity were unable for some time
to tell anything about the wreck.
The persons saved l;y the Sbeboy-
in say that with the crashing away
3f the upper work, all persons aboar:
the Iiaekley ran on deck. Hasty pre
Durations for a plunge into the wacer
were begun hut before any plans
:ouM be carried out. th3 boa
listed, tuined over and went do.vn
like a rock.
Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 5. A Sen
Life Crush ed Out
Humboldt, Neb,. Oct. 8. Wore
1 as reached here of the accidental
and probably fatal injury of Charles
Scholpp, a young German farm band.
who for several years has been In th
employ of L. J. Segrlst, a local farm
er and stockman. Scholpp recentlj
left with a threshing gang for west
ern Kansas and while in Norton
county a few days ago fell from s
water wagon, the wheels of which
passed over his chest, almost crush-
log the lllc out of him. For a long
time he was thought to be dead, but
after hard work some signs of life
were noticeable. The physiciar
fears internal injuries and holds nc
hopes of his recovery. The youot
man was about thirty years or ag(
and unmarried.
Ju y Finally Chosen
Grand Island, Neb., Oct. 7. The
gelec'lon of the Jury to try WMIam
T. Turley for the murder of Noiman
T. Ullss, begun In the district court
Tinsd iy afternoon was not completed
until after 3 o'clock this afternoon
when tbe state bud used live of Its
six peremptory challaneges, the de
fense fifteen of Its sixteen and ninety-seven
talesmen had been examined
ss to their qualifications to act In tbe
Offered to Sell Position
Emporia, Kan.. Oct. 8. To Judge
Kepllnger ul the Kansas City, Kan..
mercantile club, who is here gather
ing infoim.illo.i on the lilleg itiotis ol
oiling made against, the Kansa;
City hoard of education, Profesoi
Sawtell, principal of the Kmpori
hlyh school, is quoted as siylng:
'I was an applicant lor the piin-
clpalshlp last year and was Informer
by a third person that 1 could havi
the lob'for 300. 1 turned down tin
proposition. A second proposition
was advanced and I turned it dowr
without learning what It was. 1
found out many things that were rot
ten to the core and am willing to tel.1
11m in before a grand jury."
Professor Sawtell will goto Kan
sas City next Filday to uld in the
Stroke flay be Futnl
Humboldt, Neb,, Oct. 8. Dtniut
the thunder storm at an early houi
Tuesday morning John Gutzmer, a
young farmer living a few miles
north of the city, was struck bj
lightning and fears are still enter
talncd that bis injuries may prove
Collision Causes Explosion "
Spifngfleld, 111., Oct. 8. The en
pine of a Chicago, llurllngton ,1
Qnlncf passenger train, which en
itered I bo yards at lleardstown at the
rate of twenty miles an hour, eailv
this morning, left the main track
through an open switch and dasheri
into a string of six loaded nil tanks
on the side track. Two of the oil
tanks exploded, setting lire to lhe
cars and sheds nearby. The mall car
of the passenger train was consumed
entirely, snd tbe train Is almost a
total wreck.
Uriel special from Sturgeon Bay, Wis.,
Purser BIak;Seld, one of the sur
vivors of the iiaekley who was on the
Jteuuer Shehhoygan when it reached
heie, g.ive a vivid desctlptlon of the
wr.'ck. He said:
The squall struck us about
a' clock as we were just noitb of Green
Islmd It came suddenly and with
ten i lie fury. I was in the pilot
house wito the captain who had just
Jild that the elements looked threat
ening and that he would try to run
to port. When tbe first Uerce gust
tilt us the captain tried to throw the
boat op Into the water and bis efforts
to do so were unavailing. Then I
joined him at the wheel but our
lombined efforts were not sulllclent
to make her mind the wheel.
"Then, of a sudden she lifted and
aegan to till with water. Realizing
:hat the passengers and crew were
secoming panic stricken, I left the
tiptain in the pilot house and ian
ift to let down the lift boat. By
the time I got aft the Hackley was
illling so rapidly that it was appar
ent it would be impossible to launch
any boat. There came another fierce
plast and tbe upper works went by
the board, Then the steamer began
to sink rapidly, and it was apparent
ier settling to the bottom would be
t question of only a few minutes.
"Eiguleeu of the nineteen people
aboard were gathered on the deck,
nost of them in a state of frantic
panic. The situation was made par
ticularly heart-rending by the woman
ho shouted hysterically, lmploiing
'lie men to save them, and accom
ptnled their appeals for assistance
with prayers. As the boat sank il
was clear that there was only one
nope til uny one being saved and that
was by clinging to the wreckage. 1
save orders for the men to put the
women on It first. They did s-o, and
behaved well, every man remaining
on the sinking boat until tbe women
bad been placed on pieces of tbe
cabin and other wreckage. It was
then a wild scramble on the part of
acb man to get such pieces of plank
ing as lie could secure and cling tc
"Every man found something to
loat on except the captain, who re
mained In the pilot house to the last,
doing his best to right the boat, and
he linally went dowo with her.
"Those of us, who were fortunate
enough to escape clung to the wreck
age all night, bitten by the cold wind
and benumbed by the colder watet
and tbe surprise Is that we did not
all die of exposure. We drifted I
know not where until picked up l.j
the Sheboygan.
The district reunion of the countlei
of Cherry, Keya Paba, Itock and
Brown counties will be held next yeai
at Aioswortb.
: ---'5? -V:
The state conference of Germai
congregational ministers arrived a'.
Crete yesterday. The sesslj-. was a
very successful one.
nenry Peters, a 13-year-old boy at
Millard, shot himself through tbe
foot with a rifle.' while out Sunday
Grandpa Hnstetler, father of B. O I
Hosteller oi Kearney, died, yusterdaj
at tbe home of bis son, fioiu a stroke
't paralysis.
C. E. Hoffman, a prominent citizen
of Gordon, died yesterday. Tbe fu
neral will be held Sunday under th
auspices of the Masonle order.
R. C. Orr was named by the repub
licans for Judge t)f the Fourteenth
judical district at McCook Satdiday,
the nomination being made by accla
E. J. Smith, a pioneer merchant ol
Superior, died yesterday from a com
plication of diseases. The Masons
took charge of the remains at thi
While returning to his home about
six miles from Plattsmoutb, Georg3
Lubben claims that be was waylaid
tnd beaten ULmercifully by John
The sum of $21,000 was collected by
the stale treasurer yesterday from
various sources. The state universi
ty paid in $1,),000 for matriculation
and other fees.
L. C. nurd was nominated for dis
trict judge by the republican county
(invention at Fairmont yesterday.
Twenty ballots were necessary to de
Charles Hope, a deaf mute, was
arraignea in district court at Me-
moot yesterday charged with pass
ng a forged check. He pleadec
guilty and was sentenced to fjurteet
months in the penitentiary
All the church denominations ol
Fairbury gathered to participate in
I be farewell tendered the Rev. Will-
t o M. Balsh of the Methodist church
who goes to Pawnee City. He has
been theie theee years.
Robbers visited the saloons of Jor
nelia. George Biodfuher lost $22,
ana tne cash register ana siot ma
chines were broken to pieces. Onlj
75 cents was secured at J. M.
Sprecbt's saloon.
Officers at Tecumseb yesterdaj
took charge of John Coburn.a farm
hand, who had gone insane. He was
examined by the insanity board and
will be take to the asylum for tbe In-
s inc at Lincoln.
Tho state board of purchases and
supplies is still busy buying snppliei
for state Institutions. The purcbast
the supplies by item is said to b
favored by the majority of the mem
bers of the board.
The funeral of G. D. Streeter, wh
died suddenly at Joplin, Mo., last
Saturday, was held at Crete Suudaj
afteicoou. Deceased was a membei
of the Grand Army of the .Republic,
which organization conducted thi
f jueral services.
rurley Has Keen A 1'risoner of the Hall
County Jail liver Since the Crime
and Han Not Worried Mucn
Over Outcome
Actor Shot by physician
Van Burn, Ark , Oct 5 Charle.
Tolsfin, an actor, leading man anc
manager of a stock company was shot
and probably fatally wounded at thi
depot here yesterday by Dr. Perch
monta well known practitioner of thii
cl y. The troupe was at the depoi
aba ting a train when Or. Pcrchmoni
appeared and, cMllnir Tolson by nami
opened Are on him with a revnlvet
Tolson is In a critical condition at th
hospital In Fort Scott.
Arthur Caner, an 18-year-old boy
of Murdock, was taken to Platts
mouth by SberitI Mcllride because ( 1
threats which he is said to bavj
made against the lives of severa
persons. He was examined and
found to be insane.
The trial of Willam Turley, for the
Killing of Norman T. Bliss, three
miles northeast of Shelton. Neh .
immenced in the district court of
Hail county Monday morning.
ibe crime occuried on Sunday af
ternoon, March 21. Bliss was a farmer
residing at the time however wittt
his family in the city of Shelton.
tils farm house was unoccupied ex
lepting as use by him for meals, and
tt times at night when work com
pelled him to go out to tbe place.,
ruiley was tbe renter on another
farm adjoining on the west, the lat
ter being in Buffalo county. Turley
had moved to this farm only oo the
Saturday before the day of the shoot
ing. He bad charge of some bogs be
longing to the place, which bad pre
viously gone over tbe road and onto
Bliss' land and fed from a pile of
:orn In Bliss' fields. The evidence
lubmitted to the coroner's jury at
the time of the trial tended to show
that Turley, accompanied by his son
md another little boy walked over to
ibe Bliss' Held, from which Norman
Bliss and his son had been chasing
I'm ley's pigs, of which pigs Bliss and
bis son ki.Ied two; that Turley saw
the pigs which had been killed and
the manner in which they had been
Kspatcbed, (with pitchforks) and
that lurley asked Bliss about it and
Wiat the latter, then in the road,
told Tuiley not to ask too many ques
tions; that Bliss, who was carrying a
pitchfork, went into tho field to or
ier Turley off, and that after having
3one so, and Turley having refused,
knd threatened Bliss, the latter began
ivalking away from Turley; that
Ivhile Bliss was walking away In the
lirectioo of his bouse and had his
Jack turned toward Turley, Turley
Jischarged one barrel, about fifteen
ihot lodging in Bliss' left arm and
tide, from the rear; that Bliss then
turned around and said, according to
)ne witness: "Don't shoot, don't
moot," and according to another,
'I'll pay you, I'll pay you;" that
Immediately Turley pulled tbe other
Irigger, about fifty shot entering the
tight breast completely perforating
ind destroying the right lobe of th
lung, causing extreme hemorrhage
Ind instant death. The evidence
lurther went to prove that Turley
thereupon walked away. without stop
Sing to see if Bliss was dead, wen
to his home, told bis wife he had
ihot a man, rode to Shelton and gave
iimself up to the village marshal
rhe shots were fired at a distance ol
vbout twenty feet.
A noitlon of the furniture for the
new Masonic home at Plattsmoutl
arrived from Omaha which wil
be used to furnish two of tbt
parlors and was donated by Mr. ant
Mrs George W, Lininger of Omaha
the former being at tho head of tlx
Masonic Home association of Nebras
ka. .
Fire from unknown cause broki
out in the art studio of Vlcto
A. Palm at Hastings. The fin
stirted In tho art room anc
though the lire department responded
piomptly the flames made quick work
among the portraits, ins tnougni
tonight that about 11,500 woith 0
;portraits and artist's materials won
idestroyed. Tbe loss will be total, a
the goods burned have no insurance
District court adjourned at Beat
irico to convene again about Novem
ber 16. This has bien one of thi
most important sessions for severa
years. Two state cases were bcail
oa Monday. That against Jam)
-Hayes, an Indian, for horse stealing
was the first. He was convicted, a:
was Roy Green for stealing a saddi
.btldle and spurs, the property of
Ground to Pieces.
A young man named Schroeder fell
Into a threshing machine on a farm
twelve miles northwest of Papillion
Neb., Saturday, and was ground to
lie was throwing bundles of grain
Into the machine from a stack, when
he slipped and fell, striking squarely
In tbe opening of the grain separa
tor. The body went- clear through the
machine, fragments of it going
through the elevator.
prisoner In tbe county jail.
Sam Parks is Humbled.
New York, Oct. 6 Samuel Parks
walking dtllgate of tbe bousemiths'
ind bi 1 igome.is' union, returned to
lay ftom the convention of the iron
workers' union at Kansas City, and
Innounced that he was for peace with
the employers under an aibitratlon
igreoment, and that he had had en
ough lighting and was ready to rettu
Is a leader in favor of a younger and
more vigorous man. He declared
ilso that it was not true that he in
tended to call a strike oo tbe East
Mver bridge.
Boat Is Capsized.
Ciiseville, Mich., Oct., 6-Gcorge
II nether a Russian, took his wife and,
four children rowing on the Pigeon
liver lust Sunday While passing
inder a small footbridge one of tbt
mlldrcn stood up In tho boat and
.ob log his balance capsized It Three
if the children, John aged twelre;
Mary, aged four and Lena aged twi
Were drowned. The father Is out ol
els mind as a result of tbe tragedy.