7 .1 . o V. ' r f - VOL. XYI. SA.ISOIT, ISTE IB A.S A, T JEX UE;3 ID A.TtT, OJrDBHa 15. 1903. IN) O. IB S ...J -a - & JLJT: v 4 V'4 LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN Ih. T. H. Rpindlo, the Craw ford dentist, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Zerbe were Harrison visitor last Tuesday Neis Anderson was a business visitor in Harrison yesterday. James Nolan van in from his ranch on Indian creek Tuesday, J. W. Tiild from Eckanl Sou Hi Iak. wan in from his ranch Tuesday. E. K.Pullen of Fort Robinson Incomes reader of the Pttixs Jotrnal with this ssiis. Bioux County has had lots of rain this full which only proves detriiiKjji'ai to our winter range. For Sl. One S inch Bain wagon f Ir- qu.it at tin oflic For a pleasant physic take Jtoamtier lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. Easy to take. Fieasuot in Fir sale by All Druggists. J. E. Mollingsworlh was in from his riicii last, Monday. Mr Holhngs worth aUmkii rather lonesome since XI rs. H. and . -in siren left for California. Jw Statmiey returned hmne Sunday in let.ponse to a telegram that. Ins wife wn seriously ill, ht we are .'hid lo siy thut tJie i improving:, init. slow I v. iMvo Bartiett and familv left last Saturday mortiint; for California. He disposed nf his interests here atl will make his tmine in the future in t i.at stale. J. r.. Arner ww a il irnson visiior lasi , i TovHt.iv, while here Mr. Amur ml-crih ed lor the I'IIKnS Jtit'PNAL that lie rti.u'ht kfty. p.isUsJ on wltitf going vu iu the county. We notice in the fi-irdon Journal thai Mis. I. H. finsivuld was sick l;st we. k hut was itiipciivinr at lat asoin.ts. Mr. inswii. h;is nianv fin-nds here who win feel ii.tA-resled m her recovery. Yestwtay v.hi1e t hnrl ( 'a Jimenzmd. r1 family were alisent from tneir home from some nnknowM -auv the liousi; look lire i' 1 every lhuiW,i ion.unied xi t pt a comm-..:e that stood near the bir. M. It Jordan t'.w c;iTididit rominnted f 01 county treasurer hy Ih' !! iiohln an 1 last Sn'ordav has ibsdined to make the! race, and many more will wish thev had h-eu a wise , Mr. Jordan alter the votes ..rtl in November. I I CRAfiD BALL. Vr. w.llhea ,.i tt. lml 1 in 1'nrrmon. Oct. '22. The siium nmsar will j lie furm-hed ns has lieen heretofore, also siccoinniod.ilioiis, oome till, and enjoy J vourselvevi. K. L 1 fS. ir ferm n t.peciI to the Omaha World Herri hi that KiVeniont H. U. is iiaving ignite a. hi cm. Tt ranchmen I leaded hv It S Ttitibs nt e lea ntng up the old F.Igen.ont ditch and aiegoint to irrigal all thv Iwal under this iht-h wluti was votist.nicted soul years ago. On Inst Frirlay fire broke out in J. II. Wiiliermsrlor'ers harness shop, no oii lieinic 111 the buildup at the time the fire was hurninir furiously when discovered. The ready response of every one soon lrn.i(;ht the flames under subject ion, but j Hot before it hud about destroyed I h" en- j 1 ire skk k of i;ood. Mr. WitiieriiisSorfr whs eai-ryiRf' liikiiriince, tail It is ooini fnll if he receives the full amount of lninagw done to his stock of Roods, but we hope h won't sustain my w-riotis osH, LIST OF JVR.OR.S. Lit of jurors for October term of Court: Henry T'leckenliroi k, Millard Thayer, Stephen Serres, James R. Jrlm-j on, I an Slatlery. tieorge 1 lapp, jonn lheckmann, Oeorpe Weber. A. L Hteig, Jacob J. Heory, llenrv J. ltise, David lltrllett, Walter Keed, T. 0. Williams, Walter fi. Heath, W. K. Heldcti, Fred I'il!ioff, Frank Miller, S J. Lselmg, llilnrtl ).ie,n. N-l Ahiniioti, James Wilson, Ired Witt, August M.ner. Cilned Forty Pound In Thlrtr Dv For several inouihs our jounif let lb hml lieen lroildd wnh mdigestion. It.- tnl several remedies Isit Kt 110 'lit from them. W e purchased some of f liiiinbrrlHiii'a Stomach mid Liver Tab. Ids and Im cummeiHsid Kking them. luside.Xthir'vd. is he liatl pniti. d for' v ,od, inn..,,, Jle is now fullv recover. .. V.V have n w..e trade o,, the TaWl. il f;:v riM I . (.1 . l.o to l .-sJi, '! ')' "' "gits. H'-!--"W";!"5, e T I V T? Ii VH HT 1 1 I? r? Tt " IllIVly AINU 1 Illy lvlvj 4"M"!',4i'-f5"t ?Ha3..jH. .j-Minj. Hie Crawford dentist, Ur. T, II. Spindlo. . fVrl M. Lux, of C'ot ton wood precinet, Sioux county, was fiiiniinated hv tl, IX-mooratH of thati 'Minly on Saturday 8 aamilidate for county treasurer: Mr. Lux is "at linn e" with MKUiea Und is 'h mest s the day is lonr." His friends are as numerous as bin nt (juaiiiUiia es and we predict his election by a bi majority. Crawford Bullotin. . Ran b. Ten Porvny Nll ThrougK Hi Hfcnd While opening a I...X. J. C. Mount . of Three ..llle Hiy. N. ran a ten ,enuy nail thruu-h the fleshy part of his hand. "IthouKlit at once of all the pain l-nd iren., VI.... would cause me," lie .ays. l i llt 1 m uni 1ulr aiiii iui I 'in n, Lupin n. Uwa, 1 17 ii.ni. hi... . Pain Halm and s eas onally afterwards. 'lo my hur,.nse it removed all pain and soren-ss ami the injuried parts healed." rorsalehy AIIDrug-isls. Notice Strayed one white pilnv mare tiranded 4-k on left hip, Horrel colt white strip in face tiy side, also one hrown pony mare branded X or cross on riht shoulder with wire cut across breast with roan colt by side; two dollars reward per head w ill he civeii for information leading to t heir recovery. C. J. and I'.DWW Mavm. 'ra wford Nelir. He t.pa.med . Croat Tru'.K. It is said (I John U ,-sley lliat lie once said t o ,.Iisiress V esley : "Why do you tell Hint child lli sum' tiling nvr und j w?re willing to d.i so iii;uiii, had lie re over ii;.r.,iii'r" "Ji ici Wesley, Is cause 1 ci veil t he noin iuat in. I'olit ios cai.'t tie once is tad eiirniuli.' . It, is for t Ins same id led np-on, :ind espeeitil I y w hen there; Is res -on that you ure to. aain that 'it Iittie preju lice "tie ups are made ( 'ham I" flam's Unuli Itemed v cures colds anil r;p; th.it. it fouui'Tacts any ten der:cv of these io result m .neuiuonia, ;ind 1 list it is pleas, mi an I sale lo take. 1'or s;tie by Ail iirugists. The Arirmnl Sunday School ronveution of I lawes coc.niy was Intd at. Cmwloid iiMil Sat uidiiv. '1 he attendance ivnsooil inrid I he interest taken in tlie work w as I ifiRpiriojr. The !eie;;ste irere kmdlv j cared for by the citizens of I 'raw ford, ami f the day will U-lonj remaindered hv thosei J present as lo the many kindness- show n j tU'in. and the abl e and e'licient - ihkiumm- j in w hich the prenienl, Hev. John Aodress I of Chadron pi elided over t le ineetiris. The RVpoblie-uis vd, on la, .tor.lav and nominated tlm following -nr.tv ,"'et- L. V. 'nTitjii, :!erk: Rnsvoii piecinct M. !. Jordan. Treas. Snt'ar Loaf E '' l-nn- K n"w('" J- II- WdlM.rmsaorfer, .lodge. Howe., Soh.mou R. Smrv, Assessor. Antelope I .John liorkv, Supt. Mon'rosH Mat Ha II, Surveyor, Hat-Vek ! A' '' A ",e- "'-" Aiif-ostL. llintr, mine in Momlfiy to it tend colli t , not hitvius received notice ttmt court was adjourned until the h. j There must lie souietlnnv: wrontr with ' 1,'ncle Sam's service f r the 11:ws. ; .hn. KNlil, left Iter Thiif sl i v nicht. and i hhould have hei-n to A rdmore hv S.i'ur day anywav but Mr. Umg intones us Hat he don't t;et it t t m,es unt il Tui-s-day nearly one week after il is mailed i out. Som nien express Ihrir admiration for I a woman w ho can siici -est ully icin igea business enterprise. It does not take as ; much courage and ability to run store i or a newt-paper as p does to keen house successfullv, bring up a family of child-; rirI1 j t. f,,.,r of t h- Lrrd, and, hv pray-' r aI,(j ti;iiti strength, hold some vacilhtt- inr lonj f creation within a niiiei if his : marriage vws. Stuart Ledger. LISTKESS WAHUANT SALE. I will sell at public miction on ( Ictohi-.r JO. l!M:l at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, ut James F. Hanuan's place of residence, ' in Andrews precinct, iu Sioux county, Nebraska, for ('.anh in hand, to the high est, bidder, the following deserilied ,,ropfrty: Six oos with calves by their sidu Four dry cows Four one-year old steers Four two vear old heifers. For lX"s for the years of IfMlo, 1!il. IsslTi. ltslMi, lSfli, !Sli'.l, l'.I'VI, l'JIll, l'.tdj and I'JOVJ Al.FX LowltV, Sheriff of said county. j Vt t r don't fnrpet, w hen you coma to I... I.,. II., I II ..I lieleeM W. II. .11.1 . . r Vfelovor Ktiil .1 .1 1 hllTim I on are I w o ol , ,..,, .,(,., 1, i the most competent Judges that we have 1 ever had in the injudicial 1 . ...... 'la lisiricv. 1 in v 1 h ve, never handed down an opinion jet that was intended to dodge the merit of j the ca-e no matter who It hurl, or who it !',, l(,eir decisions have lam,, clear and ,rrsl,ediv ot l-raofia l,l.d l n 1...,.- -o. l, n..ii t (ut (In not. fear to io Ilia , rnjhlthi.iK wd.y not keep Uiejw, To Tilt; Voter of Nioti County, ' A'h,lioiiiiii:itiriifoi-tlmolHi:eofl'. 'Suieriiiteu,i..nl be"ti t-ndivl me, 1 . tak thm nrt unity of nay in; that 1 K'",l,t fi:l"1 "inc"'- lf il 1,J d"- hire of the citizens of tlm county tint I : hiil take il a tin. I am kur: that my interest for the educational work has not j filiated " the least, and if elected mv -Wv.r . nri effci-t JI be to adc ! work. My resi-nalion of this work ni time ai;o nas mit th.it I had niiv j la lt ol interest in tlie wor.;, tnt tur reasons of my own which I J i nut ran! j I s1ftt bere. I can't very well cnntiou.i j i in work that I am now eina'sl I jn w iilmut e:ivin tiie coim'y, and then j rol(( noj )H ,,IIH lls much as I 'hnuld. r,lh.,i , ,, lt cnra C) B j.ir(fo !V . , f;t,ivas m:ne is too much fur my w,fe, ! t li-r-I ore I leel that it is not the ri-ht , ,r , (() H am, especially j wh,. , ,e rofy ,,av, ...... j S((lotj Ytv inn m raithfullv irrpspertiVH of , Mr, '. (l(,v ' dn , vo ,.)t ,nv a(lnjnlHtratio.i .11 ! lltt for the advaoceui-.it. of the e,, at ion- work tlf U(e V) ,,, l(,ics. Very UesjKcl f u i I v J. li. fSUUKC. Tin re has Veil a prea impression brought, to Is-ar en Mr. Win. J. A li.iiiiii that he has been shamefully used by the Ivmncrats, anil that, he should retaliate in some wav. We. have known Mr. ft iu m for a number of ymrs and have been a close friend of lus for the past three ears or more, we can sa y t ins ithuiit. it ur of en! t r.oh'cl i.m. that Mr. Ki'iin is ioe uiiK'h ol a man to fors.ike the party and lus many (i lends that, have ! s'ood 1 y him f ir tile pus; four ears, and will 'l '"il't expel led. 1"; was the case 111 the convention that defeated him for the no .low t ion. There i- no qm shon hot what he w o'll.l have been re-elect d even though for a third term, had he received the notoicat ion ; bu t. a-t It i we nil, stale lh.it he will mpnurt. the ticket til.'.t. has h(-u iioiuiiiau-u, idlhcf,t,h tie tias not said t() i,h thai he woual: hut we Umnv the man, "'.Mr. Kiuin has timde an euvia- j ,. 1 , cor. I as count V del I. j turns the oliice over to hi tiid when he Mlece.s;r, he an do so kuo , irm- th.it he has never J hut.-d lo accomm, hi, it - and help any one t ,a t need his coiic-il or loop. His j msiy fi -.ei.-ls w ho have supported him ! can a I .--a s ioid,- upon h ,01 as one that I never lndrad the coi.lidciice that tlav l iu4V(. !",,, , . r,,u,f tiH-v j iJ V iiin .,( , ,.,,,, lH tt,rk i that iu a few months he will lav down ki,owii. that it was honestly j done. and y.ell In FreViy lirnsis- A icmc-kin j:ivw till H -1 1 1 In a ir ten sji il in K.iuas; ()r,e niyu sseil anodier with 1 a t. in empty gun In a v.ayi-ide j lint in K in-.i-: l.idpole even turaid to a wlril Analligitor st-nuig from a wo; And a shitepoke mated with ; ini'.ai". In a )iiri; soim where in Kmsi TLereV a lean with eyes ill toe hi. hc.d In the f.-eat( stiilo of T T-"is; i"-t-i-!: I light' of A won. .111 wait g 1 her tongue who had Ion;; been dead, Out here in sunny K.ina. A covide (lined on a iraeehiig nmn, ,1 In tel run on retrenchment plan. Used hul'.ilo .bqis iftder a frying pan. In a prune townn Kansas. I'.mtam rooster I.00 a Ih-.ihnia eivg In a hennerr here m K msas; A man was horn with 11 wo, den leg, And ft" hobbles around 10 Kansas: A farmer has a cow wiih le-r K.it t op; Al-o a hog that won't touch slop; Hot there never is a failure in the big corn crop Out here in Kansas. Kx. .j..;..; ..J..;-! ?; .;: t' a.- OVER IN VYOMING. T-M-V-H -I 1-r-M- -. M- H ! l-H-V '' V ! Ilill hatio is diguing Wilsons potatoes ! this w c( k. j Mr. Newlin came nit lo the Unlge Moil ' day to dig his later crop. Oscar Hol ies, who is working for Mr. Sides, was home Sunday, Mr. l'ancher. L.br, ami II iiiilin look grili ( Lsk Inst Silnrd.iy. "..duel" sui'cess.ii' l irgot to sign his j Items last week, h will try and do belt-r ! liter llllll The west school of Mist. No. 7 will ' a H'L'Ill Aloliuav 1 yci. 1.11 11 w 1 1 11 in iss ,-i;o( 1 K e- of Ithsica N. Y- ns teat her. Thereisst.il I I . 1 . f. . 1 , I " ,"1"",'r "lr ' I News are. scarcer tbnu den teet.it, ami , the writer very busy, but about ..II there . is to say, is that, everybody Is Pll,.r lliiusinnL- or (ii"Kinur imaioes ur 0010. SlMTUfTOS. War Bonnet Topics. Hill Harvey was at Uuslave NureisHn-s Sunday. Mrs. Scott, visitrxl at the S E last Sat unlay. Mr. noil Mrs. .J. B Burke visited at tin; I K last Imi'sd.iv. Mr.''., (iustavrt NoreiS"h visited with I i J.r l-'mltiy Sunday. - j Joe (in mm started to school last week j th.it nukes 10 scholars enrolled. Will f J ri in ill crime home to visit, hut j returned to tiie jiair, Monday. j Miss Aice Slalterr is stuviug- on h-r ci.imi on the f'.ivido cooking fur thresliers i this wi-k. : Mrs. Cimest Lyons an I Mrj. .1 -'in j Jiarte.'l n.'adea hu-iriess trip to tin va!!ev j one ,!..v ti-t wee;. M;, Mahle Ihclow who is tc-chin-in ; j djt,,,t s(,!.nt Saturday uo 1 J j Sunday at her home on the divide. I KoM. Keel, Frank Scott and Mr. ! Dunl.ip oheyed Mr. ZerhMs orders and i worked the road, which re'iliy needed II. Lit 'le Sammy Knori had a spasm last Fr.day and he bus IiOen q uite sick ever since - mia'ile to know the (iiu. 1 hope he will s.ioii recover. .. Mrs. Jack Finley and her son R'nnie slarlcd (o low n m a curt Saturday wlii-e. j one of the w heels smashed, but fort uo j iitely they wasn't, off of their p!a-e, and W didn't have for to oback. Mr. uprl Mrs. ( Mem l,"rdm took-a line new rocking vlu.ir hotie from town Sit. uriiiy Mr. Lis -1 in-' ,-avs it is Ins. but I j think it i- for schoolrnarnis as I know j I V are fond of rocking chairs. M.-'s Fvnnia and (inssie Nnreisch ntieiidp-l t'ae P. irt'.jtt farewell dance in I hi'i ison Frid;iv ni.:ht. They report tine ris'isi'i hv Mr. H n-lb-tt and daughter ami j Mrs I .iinrt. Isunpose Mr. t'.irllett j is in the hind of "oiiii: and honey" by this ; "me, pro:-pi.-rtly he his. is the wishes of I i'egcy. Mr. Keel had lian ln.vi. rrnnriri fliirke j and frank l'nii.nev onl iron, toen pi, 1: j !i;r op r,.-ttoeti Satunlav. Seems queer I a man will go out of tho neitibor'iood I for hel n hen 111, re isnlentv cfi:ooii UiVs right nrmind hot) siioiling for a job, hut, evi i v one to 1 .1" - ov;n hkeirg. 1 am ;ih MviKMte of putlViiixui.i home inud.s tri 'J j M'i-s Opivete Punii "-as cimiing home i with iliss Noil.a Soot, 'i herfc were three I ruling close together when one horse j lin ked at 4 he other and struck Olh.elte j on the ankle and almost broke it. t is quite badly bruised, hut. no hones broken. She Mayed 'overnight with us then re. turned home to sp.-nd the eight. I a-fore Coicg back to tow n to sciiool. M". ami Mrs N. wiin hav mv decpesi svmpaloy in their sad bet eavnient.. I kuo-v hoe to s Mipatiis.e but jini al'Viiys uo:;!ile '.o eprs.sit. I never h id tlie i xperienro of oiis-,ur any of 11. v little eiies, hut I am the ii ot 1 1" r of s children ai.ii I know we h;ivi rifire to spare, and It seems hke we would llil.'i the Ir.lby ioo-i, Hot I think fod lakes our dear one-, ti an Oslo make us strive the j h ari'er f.'f bt-aveii that, we iiiai' meet ! Ih "in iie.iin, fee we kn ow the title out s are surely ill Hen veil at ret., (hid i: I yvnr tuily real coicfo't :ilt!iouoi your ! friends ti'v i in ril to coiisi.'Iii ion 11) your Fwhsv. Tie-re l as Iteeli : great deal said 11 bout. I emocr.'.t io cMiihdate v 1 Ilia 111 ( ia i hai t , I .tor oiuiiti i Jerk, not tarriing his own ' (.r-t'iuct, hn it '':ii' liii invest ig i t ion o j to s u p ,rt. we will s-iv. if Mi-, tiny lint't , efs as nianv votes it; all t he pi ctiicts ,ts , lie dots in hrs own h-, will he f bs't.vl h I the l.irge-.t uiiij o'i'v of any man 1 hi. 1 has ever bi-eu M caudidide for this office. I 'A'Iki every I 'emocra' and Populist want I to do is to s tand hy t heir 1 ickci , nolw 11 h I shind'ng I he Ic-nii Id ieat.s have been til mg plums to i.ps ibat would :iceet them. Our principles are the same to ' il'yasthey were years ago, and if they v ere ritlit tli'-n tletv are right now. What we want is men tliat liave stood ' the drouths mid fouxht the battles jn the iieat ol the day that our county might. st .did as she is lo ll 1 J , I he haulier fount J' of 'he state financiai'y, and this has only b.-eii brought abcut h tint lalsirs and the iiiiin . s:,i rdii es loiule by the small ri.iK Ik r w ho lii's stood nt his pot so manfully. We don't did that tlie voters will lors.ike tint men that have labored thus, and especially desert the initti that is a candid. itn for t he le st pay ing otlice , ,, county ,,r n ,n;l!, that, can t, hardl y ,.. )rw n tax i,ier, and has been j the representative of it rail road corpor- at ion nil tin turn In ii as linen a resident . ,., . ,,,,(' 01 1111; oiiinn . oe iMiiiiiL ni.iii iu . Pontius, the It, publican candidate lor -I. . , ,.,l m I ...-.. , 1, I ' K ' I""" i"" .i.ieou ,s , ..r busts of others throughout tno cnuntry a ...-, .ur I" So voter nt 11 ml by your mart ft"' clerk as . well as thu j'ksI. id the jt kJ. , i Love to buy good goods at the lovest pricp vc- .b! and the place to do this is at' G KL AC U H GENKR AL STO HE. In clothitiy. Gouts furnishing, Goods. Boots und Shoes. - - We ;tre rw.'iy to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, is to give, us a trial.. Come a nd Are Tho M'in. The .ludical caiupaiau in this (hs'rict i isofiooie than passing importance to; stockmen, and they are showing their j interest by taking a more active part iu I the campaign tln.n is usually theca.se) with them. It is safe to say that four-! j rjfti,s 0f ,,a cattlemen of lbs disirict are j supporting the fusion nominees. j A incniinent st knian. a niemlKT of; one of the largest, cattle companies in north west Nebraska, ill speaking of the judicial sit nation expiessed hims 11110.11:1! liedly as beinn iu lavor of fudges Wistov-. r and Harrn.gtou. He said, "t!:is is an install,:.' in which Mark Man ila's advice, 'let. rtell enough alone' coincides wild the views of tho cattle men. We are (or the reelection ol Wi st over and Harrington. And why shouldn't we he' Prior to the election of Jinige Weslover our employees spent a, lai'u portion ofth.ii' 1111111 in chasing down cattle rnslh r and endeavoring to recover stolen ealth-, and our cianpany expand ,-d thousands of dollars in seek. mo to get cu'i v e t loii ol lln.se a! iesU;u; but uiic.ci' the lax system of eifoi ring the l.i'.v titic Uiue and money was large 1 ., tnrown away. Aflcr VV.'stover was eiei led ;,oi.'ie was a uecided cti.uige for the belter, fi pfisonally know) that during the (irat year b.i '..iiitm tlie bench hesjiit twenty three cattle the t i-s to the leui 1 el 1 i i- ry 011 big tii:i.i sent (.nei-s. Ti tit I prae! icaily put a slop lo cii 1 1 1 stealing in ibis district Since that time iiehnvii't txpend'jd a dollar in running doAii cattle thieves. Tlie ti.lt ie me:, haven't forgotten what they owe to Judge Vi'estover. and they arc now in a position where they can p;,rl!y repay him. Every 111,111 who has a herd of cattle can wall; iilford 10'pat 11 lew days work among Ins neighbors In lini his reelection. u n-garil to Judge Harrington, while the cattle rust hug was almost i ul ii ely des Iroyed I fore he was elected to the bench, yet 01 the cases tii d before him be Ims billowed closely iu the foot, steps c f J il'.ie e V.'isJovee. It is safe to say that every cat tie tlnel thai has been in his court uot I all thill was coming to him." ! Theie can be no question but the state.- j uieni. above quoted voices the Rentiiiicu' j of c. title men generail i" in the dis1 net. I 1, icy 1I0 not. care to exchange men who I have hern 1 rtetl and not found wauling: I for men they know nothing ,1 bout. j Part isa n-hip cuts but itttie figure in jjiniiciiil elections with the stockmen. j 1 1 ii-s wan; mi n on tin: lunch oliun they j i Know ;uai f;;n trust. Men vl,o will see) that I let laws are eiifo, c.l wilhoui fr-.ir 1 or favor, "n our jiresent j nliies lii" lile bavo the 1 it in. 1st (audi leteje. 1 heir records on the bench ur- cnt'i'ely satis'in lory lo the poopi- c ipe distrb.t. and w cel.!;. ei,i I y pi'edici their l e dec' ion by 1 large iiti.jrir.ty Valentin" Is'iimcrat. A!iMiV;sTi;.. TOR'S SALR. ''nl ice ii- ivri liv 1'ivi'll, ttlill I. ( bl'l s K. iCoi'o'e, Ailniilil"11.a1oi oi Hie 1 ' ale o'' -..lllllel bittlitieloti ' oll'ee, 'ieceaseil, taO- ol ! Molix cotltit.v, Nebl a-ka, tlafa-r ti!: ! 'j.v -. ;r".l .' I of a lleeiei !o me tr. i.ti i' I'V tli ill-trift i eotn t ol s:,l ! eouiitv, to sell 1 iie ieai ei,l.ile i ol said deceased, wi.l, en tlie "111. dlty of' .'-iivriiilie: , A. Il, I'.ii ti, ut. one o'eto.-l; in tlie J afternoon o! ' hd .i:.y, ai llnoo .l I ront rjoor ' ill the coin t hole 01 the villaf" of HillTNoil i In said eoicity. oiler for s.oe ut jm ihe vendue, to the liljrliest hi Ider for : -ti, or jito t eash 10. d pari credii on the iistial term.. 1 ' t lie lolhcvhllj declined pteoiis's unit lH.ll ' ('"late hi t no t ii in said f'otoi ly.ii n 1 h 'leag'itj: to tin' c-tilo ot Maul dfreu-i'il, tnrvil: 'tie !-ntlUlu-cl (plt't ter of eectioii t hil I v thic; , (:;tl ill tioviislo) thil'.y tlllee (na tiortil ot , rttittv' t'tfiy four i 'l1. ne.,i ia s.ttd 1 niv, i Also 1 1 e lolai'.l ItlK (Tilled lea I Is',; wit: The noithwcMt (jtin'ter ol seet-o-i three (;;) in towiilii)i tidi ly one ;;M t.or'li of riiiiire lllly six (.'1'.; west In stiid coHtiti, for tlie jiiii'j.osi; ol piiy lr..- Hie valid "lioais mid ch.ir. m Hgalust. tlie estat ol hi id det'ea-l'd. Hilled at Harrison, Vein-., Or. loher tst, l"tt:;. A. W. cm r.. I 'll HCI.KS . ( oFc r..'.. AlUnney for Adiiiinl'.t.r..Uir Adinhdslr: 41 13 18 tor. us idois-nild. , Fresk TurVcy. One nf the ftiidrrd freak of ttat'tro Hint Mlftrotirl ever prnduend v;;ft u ln io J'1' :"- i"w ua.vt! ni.t, ny r.t'ra amic i.ro nays, jt ra.. ft young titr!-p- Inv'ns (wo Lf a.!3. H rri I lllP, FiX l'-gs, id.; wliifTft VV.'l fctti' fl"i'. An It dfr'i t-orn afftr hcltii; htitr V, ;vl , It. was plscrrt Ir, clfol.nl. fi nt) la in. Dn.e'.Jilblllnn fn tho window ct a r.ru;; : MOT lA ITc'-jaUJi Hiii. .'e us any way and be social. " GERLACH'S STORE- i A. J. AMES, M. I). i I'i.ysiciaa u 1 KnTgroit. All culls given prompt altentinn. O'ik-e at I Viuiir.ercial Holl or Jjriig Store. HARRISON - .HKlltA.K A J. H. LACY. We have our building completed nW' and ha a new supply of goods, and wiH sell llieiii right . LEALF.U IN Lumber, lath, sash, doors, . lime, cement, and building, material of ai i kiniid. Hardware .Farm machinery. Harness. Saddles, and Range oods. Flour. Feed, and Grain. l'i:nt. Oils & etc. I ;im irent for the Wood manse wind-mill. Hav-,-? a. supply of pump fittings on h.vnd.- Come in and get my j prices whether you buy or.: not. ! c Direct lira to St. Piul Mlnepolla. j Direct Una to Black Hill. 1 AprW to nearer.! fxfiem for rites, mr.pt t v.nd time :k?t:. T.'.MK TAUI.L. West Hound, Mornou. No. I'd, One S;:;ft K ".'. Bc.'in.s. Evening-. O. 4, I hie S;'. - Inc. let. Id 'A 111. WWIUaVVJUmai. i j. E. PHIS KEY, Physician Surgeon;.. OFF!' Ft ANJUU:ws ih'.iiCK .. Arrasricin Cocc;.i Fine! s0f; Accor iit t; to a C ?.?: an cor i,en,-).-.r-arr. A i n r i : t -tv. ' r in v.-- t-t'.tdfi end r rh 'r.ol Kboos hate r.is.-lr- tUiir ap-lie,-..' r.i r ( o" Ct- G-.c't-ior. r..ar!'c. atiJ-' their in:prrh, It, ir, f.axi, are Kt-?.';(iJ lucrcitit.g. Great Ccifc . Dr'n' Tl-o rr 1 .i'.i; ' :': k Cortitons dti i! ! '. ; cup; fire driitii. each da; ,ir !lii- i:ian 0' aver- apo r.ian and '-. -i.'.ii:. Tha coCoe J made very rtronr; JiJid very awoct. Mot a P.-33!t Vow. The r,o-d":. kt-bol vofrt-nieols mow nt.r.f. is r.-ptdly !.-rjc:ulir o-( - Crc:t. Ilfl.alf. Pov.-f vcr, it c,a""int. ho callo l a p nty ..ran re wave, Iri'.-mv.r'h att a, fir. nor of t:to plotls til.:'. ply pr irtlpct ri to dri'ik H'-nor of on? klSd "0.: ccjit. at my iniihnv and cvoiilog , me-Is." It i- n't a very ra.'.i vow ftr 3. itiodoi'iil" rrifk.rr to iral.n. To Pelieve London rilurrs. AprcptiR nf t';o cfforl.t of thr Iipdoni cmirty council to tirevort furl iter con- (.s(,'on n hp V.'hlticliapol district and io word out i.hc pop'ilaclt.r there- at It Is it prtwnt, lt Is htatn'1 by the- Jrtwteh Ch'Ttilelrt tlmt Sir Kmuol' ?u0ta';t bti" 'ilrerd at. th? (11s.vi1 nl' the etmncll J'f.f t.'h for flip provli-lan of v.otkh t-tep'u rotate!! nt rd-nonton... prcfer T.rp 'o he ilvpn to tbese fe. ant.s vo (r.f" fn" trore thn thre yprtrn frml h' TVidlhnpc!. Tat-v rofie'l t' t o'cp Ijitild fn-osi tt 5' a 'e fa 3 g ONLY w . L s.v" -'"l " ..sSP