Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 08, 1903, Image 3

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    REWARD OF $8,500
loeuer.l Maine i ' Northern 1'aelllo
AdialU Kvl,lni!.e tf 1'lut (lid
Oalllnr H an Ios Not
Know tha Mm.
8t. Paul, Minn. Sept. 29.-General
Manager Tnoraas W. Cooper of the
Northc n Pad ic lailwaj yes', r aye n
ttrmed the repirt of toe dynamite
-outrages against the road In Montana,
"It is true that a demmd fur liftj
thousmd dullar has teen mads upon
the Northern Pad He company by par
J ties In Montana, and that wo hav
j had more or less trouble with them
'for several weeks past. We do nol
(know who the parlhs are, but are us
hag all the efforts possible to discovei
'and arrest them. We have takeq
sufficient precautions to make out
tracks bate.
"The Northern Pacific has posted a
reward uf 12,500 for the arrest and
capture of the dynamiu rs. Toe state
of Montana has posted another re
ward of $",0, and l'o k county, Mon
tana has ollere l another $500, making
a total rewaid now of $s,500."
Mr. Coper, when asked if he be
lieved t'ie guilty parties were pro'es
slonal bandits or amateurs, said:
"T . are dynamiters, and there ar
not m my of them in this country.'
A dispatch to the Dispatch froir
Helena, Mo , sayc;
In addition to the threats which
hav - le-i) ma 10 against the Ni.rthe t
1'ac fic railway by a gang of dynarnf
tern who dim ivl f."),0'0 cas' Chief ol
Po Ic-j Travis has received notilicatlor
from what is b: leved to tin; si 1 1
gain; tint unless Liw two man arrest
ltd in connection with the first dyna
mite outran; at Ldvlugston aw nut
released the city Jail wi.l aiio bo tlowr
Searching parties have bjen sent
out to iry to locate the vang and tin
ton of dyna nits stolen from a ware
house in this city a week ao. Tin
'last ultimatum to the railroad expire)
October 4
Strike of Typs Founders
. Cincinnati, Sept. 29. The men em
'ployed by the Cincinnati brinoh o(
the American Type Founders com panj
struck Monday afternoon. The striken
Inc'udo type-rasters, dressers, mod
.workers machinists, trass-rule-work
era, nicking machine operators and in
spectors. The men say that at none
today an agreement was presented at
the foundries throughout the counirj
and that, a natlona strike wasinaugu
rated because the company refused to
accede. The proposition In the agree,
merit that cans d tl.c strike reads as
"There shall bt-. jo discrimination
against uiik i. men, and any iourney
man, who, during the life cr the
agreement my I given employment
to all any vacancy or to Increase t he
force shall be a mernter of the Inter
'nat'onal iyiograg leal urilop, pro
vided Hi") union is able to furnish such
The company say l.lu ya'fi willing tc
ooncedtiall that is ak d reg tiding
wages and hr.urs but that they wl I
not consent to u-lli quisliing Jurisdlc
tlon of their piauls.
Record Run lor Auto Car
Chicago; Sept. 2!). . rt lloleonib
and It. W. (tannin, in n lAenly-io .r
.horse-power g S 'liue lou'lng car lelt
('lit' ago yesterday f r New Voik,
lutein up n breaking tie recunl fir
long dihUiive luns. ilm trip will be
m;i le In icl.iys. iiiid It Is tnc p an of
the five ii. en p.irtlelp.it li g in the
race Is to make no slops day or night
ithal It Is (,-osslhIe to a old. Jlnlcomb
and ll.iroun wi.l make Hid Hist btago
uf the run to Cleveland, where Laurie
Dufllc will lelieve them, taking the
car to II u if ;i lo At that point two
otlur men will take i In I r pbirei for
the final spuit into the eastern cliy.
The drivers expect to make the L'.'fiO
oilles lii lifiy-foui hours, or better
than twenty-three mlesau hour.
ge Humma Suicide
Grand Is and. Neb jtept. 20 -Mrs.
Louisa Lahann, a very eiderly wnmau,
wbuM husband died about a year ago,
and who has since been making her
bora with .icrson and daiihier-ln-law
la th city, oomiiiliu-d suicide
toy banging. Mm hat been In very
fMbt Oofidilloa Howelim In the
surfulng soe ot In to a abed and
fouud suspended to a scantling,
tor faet im lovaiuf to frvaod.
St Thomas, D. W. I., Sept. 24 -The
Gaiette of the British islaoo
St. Kittssays:
The moment for the helping haid
of the government to be extended
can not be much longer delayed II
the laboring popnljtion of the islands
of St. Kilt and Nevis are to be kept
iron! starvation. An appalling con
dition of poverty exists. The estates
have been compelled to lessen their
expenses owing to the lung diouth,
and able bodied men and women are
hardly earning enough tosupp y their
diily warns."
The Times of the British Island of
Kb. Vincent blames the government
for the misery prevailing since the
volcauio eruption in that Island, ad
ding that starvath n and disease are
killing many persons, and that a
large number arc half oaked and
homeless. Laborers of both sexes
sleep in sheds and tatteied teutJ
treated a year ago, "harbors of dl
lease and immorality aud a disgrace
to the colony."
Take Passage For Boston
LONDON, Sept. 23.-To the strains
if "fne Star Spangled Banner."
''Marching Through Georgia," and
other American aus, some two hun
dred members of the hoi,oiablo artil
lery company left their London ain.
ary today and took a tralo for Liver
pool, to embark on the Dominion
ine steamer Mayflower, hound for
3oston, Mass. A large crowd of
tiicnd of the artillery nien assembled
iarly at the amury to wish the artil
eiy a "successful campaign." Many
ncmbeis of the company who panl
ilpated In the previous visit express
id keen regret at being unable 10 ac
lompauy the depaitlrig detachment,
hilo t hose going ere evidently de
lighted at tiie prospect.
Prior to the departure of the iirtil
crymen, Lieutenant Colonel the Earl
)f Denbigh, cuinm mding, paraded'
I ie company, whise smart uniforms
md good aligument ci-aled an exeel
ent Impression.
A spleudiJ reception was fitended
0 the artillery men on their arrival
it Livei pool. The loid mayor and
)ther city offlciaU met them at the
ailway staiiou, fiom wiiicli the com
pany matched to the necks, where
ihousands gaihe ed and j.a,o them
in cntliii-.i istic send-off.
As the Muifj wer sailed at 8 o'clork
:hU evenir.g. Lieuten.int Colonel the
Eirl ot !Jt'nb:il) received the loliow- i
ng telgram fiom the klinr:
"I rtlshjouand the houoiable artil- j
cry comp.iny a good passage out and j
1 sife r turn home. I feel couvinced
.hat you wiil ail meet wi'h a most
latifying recption in i Do Ui ltcd
'tales. tx.) tUiV.VlU), ll.,
"Captain General and Colonel."
Tries to Commit Sulcic'e,
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 24,-Reed
Ni rtlirup.a wealthy St Louis tjiiincsa
nan, c nnccted with one of the fast
reight refrigerator Hues, atlcmpted
ri commit suicide by 6lio ting. The
lullet, however, merely iullicted a
lupertklal wound in the scalp. N'or
thrup, with his ife, who Is in bad
bealth, and two children, have been
Hopping at the Niagara hotel for
weeks. Worry ovei his wife's health
which prevented li la returning lo c-t.
Lcuis. where he had irnpoitant busi
ness engagements. Is attributed as
:be cause of his attempt to lake his
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. W.-Reed
N'oithrup, hos'j repoi ted attempt to
tonioiit suicide at huffilo was un
merciful, is a brother of San'ord
Sortlirup who killed himself here last
I uue 1 1 a fit of despondency as the
es lit of sickness. I he Northrupj ?re
joiisiiis of the (iotihR
Itc.id Nor'hrop cime to St Lfi.iis
iuveni years ano as the prculileut of
IheAniiriiin lw frig Tutor Transit
joinpany. Ila retiilned I his ps'tion
until lastsptloK, when the eo i puny
ivis iilisiriied iv the .Misioiirl l',.cllic
Atanj Oil Derrlekr. Burned
Ii-aumont Texit-S, Tel., Sept 24.
I'ire that started at ihhiii today in
t lie cast. en. 1 of the Rune Siring Oil
dist rict d '8' royed thirty -Hvp de i icks
causing a total lis estimated at 4125,
(K)i. ihe principal loer was the West
Davis company, other loners Ine ndo
ttie i avy i rocketi, Knuneii Landy
and Jackion Tobln com panics.
Rush Work on Cruiser
Hat) , Me., Sept V4 A race against
time Is goiigon In the Kath iron
works ibis w-ek In order io com-pli-
e Llie crtilS'-r Ccvfiaid for de
livery lo I liu kv rnment t 'eloOer I.
Tile liatll' Hlilp ieorwin, wnleli Is l
lug built herA, Is now t.ikliu hbapn,
the w. rk of itrtliiK up the super
structure having tn-en prfiin
Dcapcral inuimn flan
North Vernon, 1 d , Sept 24
Wil lam Wilkersoii while In'onlcaied
diovehls family from home. Maralml
Sc'iwske waa appealed to, and upon
en1 e ring the boose he waa warned by
u llke'oii to proceed no farther.
The marshal paid n aMen Ion and
aa shot ai d Instantly kl lod by
Wtlki nton. Wl kerson Immertla'ely
tiartfd (or the country and a pmt
waa organised t punuw nm a uii
niie from town WiUrra wis au
roonded, but shot d kUlad biaaatUX
On Train Robber Killed and Anoihrr
Wounded in O tgaa Other) Mad
Their Ex-ape.
New York, Sept. 5 -There was a
dramatic revelation yesterday in con
nection with the mysteiious death
of John David Kilpaniek, the wealthy
young Netraska clu'mian who was
found dead in bis hotel apartments
Munday last. It was learned by a
newspaper reporter that Kilpatrlck
had been Id love with a young woman
and that unfortunate neglect on her
part to answer a niarrl ige proposal
by telephone had so discouraged hlra
that he probably decided to end it
all with self destiucllon. She is
known on the stage as Aline Hed
mond, and when seen yesterday said:
"I have all a'ong refused to see
newspaper people, because I am not
at all anxious fot the notorie ty that
this will bring upon me. Some of
the matter published in the morning
papers did me so much Injustice that
I teel I ought to talk more freclv.
Mr. Kilpatrlck, who was one of na
tures noblemen, aud myself had been
acquainted for eig' teen months. I
met him at the home of a mutual
friend. I Used lilm from the begin
ning, and I think he liked me. We
saw much of each othi r fo- almost a
year, when we had a quarrel. It is
do concern of the public what that
quarrel wns about. He made me re
peated i ffi rs of marriage and wished
me to give up the stag", but 1 dec in
ed. He ask me for a final answer
which I proml. d by telephone, but
tailed to do so until after I heard of
bis death."
flesseng r A (iood Shot
Portland, Ore., Sept., 16 The At
lantic rxpr'ss m the Oregon It iil
road & Navigation line, which left
here at d:15 o'clock Thursday nlht,
was held up by four masked men an
hour later near Coibett slailon,
twenty one miles east of this city.
One of the robbers was shot and kil
led by Kxpress Missenger Knd Kor"
er, and Engineer Oilie Barrett was
seriously wounded by tne same bullet.
After the slii'Otlog the robbers fled
without securing any booty
Two of the highwaymen boarded
the train at Ttoutdale, a station
eighteen miles east of here, and after
the train hud got under way crawled
over the tender, and covering the
engineer and fireman told them to
stop at mile post No 21, which is
near Corbett station. When the
train slowed down, two more men p
peared. Two of the robbers compel
led the frglneer to get out of the cab
and accompany thtm to tins express
car, while the others warched the
fireman. The men carried several
sticks of dynaruiie ana when they
came to the bogg ge ear. thinking It
was the express car, thiew a stick at
the door. Express Messengei Korner
beard the exolo Ion, and Immediately
seemed hisriflij and opened (lie The
bullet pierced the heart of one of the
robbets aw! went Ihiougn his b oy,
entering the left breast of Ki gl
ne r Dnrett who was just h lnnd
Mir liar i ett's weund la just above
the heart and Is not necosuily fatal.
Denounced Mobs
Iiloomlrg'on, III., fcpt. 25. Former
Vice frt siileut A llai K Mevens lo
day deiii-u - ed niolis in an add -es at
the didieatioii of tho new court
house for vicLcan county. Mr, Stev
enson said :
"No occasion could arise more ap
propriate than this In which to utter
Solemn words of warning against an
evil of k rearer meuaoce to puhlic wel
fare than is to lie appieiiciidt d from
foreign toes- mob rule. In many lo
calities the spirit of lawlessness has
a8"rted Itself In most hideous form.
The killing of a human creature Is no
lc8 murder when it Is the act of a
moli than when It is the act of an in
vidual Tin re s no safety to Society,
but in an ftiouned pu lie sentiment
that will luld each participant amena
ble to law lor the ' uences of
crime either peri eirated or abetted.
Steals Feminine Apptrel
New York, Sept. 25. A "gentleman
burglar," wle t aisles tun to ar
tic e4 of feminine wear, has been ar
rest) din this city after a bunt of
m re than two mont h. The prls iner
gave the name of Hugh, and ex
plains hit weakness lor femlnlue
wear by the statement mat he I an
Imperxonaior. VTnen his rcatma were
ararobed the poioe fouiNt hundreds of
key a, a I a rii of lad 'CM lot et articles
and a waoo-iua4 of tabor mada la
aaa ekftMtaV
Washington, 1). C, Sept. ;8 Dyn
amite was ex, li.ded under the buggy
tf CoQiractor Fert uson of the W abasli'
railroad near Middletown yesterday.
Evening. Ferguson was killed and'
his bookkeeper, Mr. Martin, was bad
ly hurt.
Mr. IVrgt.sn had with him tbe
weekly pay for'iii.s men, amouuting to
ibout -.01 0 in a satchel. The saUbel
is missing.
Two men suspected of the outrage
iiave beeu arrested and two other sus
pects are surrounded iu an abandoned
Negro lynched in Tennessee
Lynchburg, Tenn., Sept C6 Slier
iiT Davidson, in attempting to sae
-tie lire of a Legro eariy todaj, tired
into a mob which was storming tbe
jail, woui.ding a man wlse name is
unknown. Tiie sheriff summoied
ins stance, but he and li s aides wi re
ivtrpowered, the jail was entered and
Uie much aanted newro HalUni
mall si ot to death in the corrid' ri
The mob was composed of about
'wenly-tive peisjtis Mierid Davie'
J m was alone at the time. He re
'used to give up the keys and opened
re from tbe wiudow. The slier ft
i lien called for th police. To ollice s
.tnd several citizens ruMied to tie
ia.ll, but despite their presence tl el
rnob battered down the woiden door'
it the toot of tbe stairs leading to toe'
corridor. The sheriff and poe made'
a determined resis1 an e u cr un
ible to prevent the moh liom oreak-:
ing in tbe iron door at the head of the'
stairs and entering the cell occupied
iiv the negro, about whose neck theyj
placed a rope. As soon as the men.
emergid from the cell it bicame
apparent that the negro cou'd not be
taken from the Jail and hanged for
fear of being died on, and be was sho
to death. " The mob then made ui
;tTort to escape, but the sheriff and
ais guard captured three of them
One o' them, it. is said, has made a
soofes.sion imp icating Ihlrtecn ne
Small w.is undui arresi. on 'lie cha:ge
jf assau t ing Mis. Eliza. Kygleson ai.d
it the preliminary bearing tiie war
rant was amended no w to cliargc a
Jim pie case of assault. The negro had
waived examination and was await-
ng the action of the grand jury.
For Stealing Gold Dust
San Francisco, Sept. 20. William
P. Hund ey, assistant weighing c erk
in the UD'ted States mint, lias been
Shirged by be. let servue Agent
Burns with tbe alleged theft of $ CO
in gold dust. The dust was taken to
the mint on Tuesday afternoon by
two miners. They could not have
ihe deposit accept"d at tbe time and
t was carried over untl the next dav.
It Is said that Uund ey took a por
tion of the treasure and secreted It In
t sa oon near the mint, where it was
lound by secret service men. Hund
ey was a confidential man in the
weighing department. He had had
barge ot all deposits and bandied
ihousands of dollars every day. He
las been employed at the mint f r a
lumber of years. His resignation has
ieen accepted and it is said be will
tot be persecuted.
Over-Taxes His Strength.
Deuver, Col., Sept. 20 Attorney
Mien 13. Seaman was found dead in
ned in bis home. No. 81 Sherman ave
Sue, yesterday morLing. Heart di
iease is given rs the cause.
Mr seaman was horn at Shlpman,
Macoupin county, 111., in 18(12. He
iras raduaied at Monmouth colle.-e.
Monmouth, 111., and married M
j Jennie liabcock of that, clu. I'omi g
lo Denver aooui titieen years ago, im
It once entered politics and was
jb'Cted ci y attorney under Mayor
V.in Home, serving two years. He
was chairman of the republican statp?
commit tee for several years. lie was
iMoriiey 'or several corporations and
"lad a 'urge practice.
Mr. Seaman was a very largo man,
ivclhlngov-r 300 pounds, hu-. never
to. Ies was very ac Ive During the
teeen chartercampiign he si renously
tppos-'d the adoption of the proposed
sharer, making speeches every night.
It is be leved that the stra n of ibis
sao'paign, coupled with the excessive
sorptiience, produced the fa'il stroke
if heart disease.
Au Increase all Around
Chicago, Sept. 2(1 An incr'ase In
ag s to S.ttoi) em loyes of the twenty
sar and io' O not ive repair shops of the
Jblciigo and Northwestern railroad
has tieen granted The Increase means
n addl ional expense of 300,000 a
rear to the company.
Strikers Put on Pickets
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 26. One
more (louring mill Is now running,
widen makes four out of tho seven
teen that ate making a Show of opcr
itlng. The pickets have succeeded In
turning new men away. Tbe striken
bae now called out the watchmen
tnd firemen. The ml Is are endeavor
ing o Secure a night shift from
among the University stud nU I
a. or Haynes today roquvsted tka
nlll owner to arbitral I.
Eighteen Pexoni on I ha Train and
AU But Two Killed or Injured
Hornet or Many ac
Charlotte N. C, Sept. 2?. Fast
uail train No. 97 on the Southern
railway jumped tbe track near Dan
rllle, Va., killing nine men and in
luring seven.
The trestle where the accident oc
sured is five hundred feet loDg and Is
located on a sharp curve. Engineer
Brodie was a new roan on that divis
ion of the Southern, and it is said be
came to tbe curve at a very high rate
uf speed.
A great crowd of people were soon
at the scene of the wreck. No one
on any of the cars had made an effort
to jump and the bodies of all those
killed and injuied were found in the
wiecknge of the diileieot cars to
Ivbicb they beli nged.
All unofficial opinions that have
oeen ascertained agree In giving only
one cause for the wreck, the high
ipeed and the train on tbe sharp
Tbe engine bad gone only abnut
fifty feet on the trestle when ltsprang
from the track, cartying with it four
mail cars and an express car. The
trestle, a wotd.m structure, al o gave
way tor a space f fifty feet.
At the foot of the trestle is a shal
low stteam witli a rock bottom.
Striking this the engine and curs
were reducer) to a mass of .twisted
Iron and steel, an dpieces of splint-
eied wood. As the cars went down
ihfty touch d tbe sides of the River
side cotton mil1, which is very ckhe
v.o the trestle.
Civil War Days.
Camp Young, West Point, ,Ky.,
Sept. 28. The lirst excitement In
this part of Hardin county since 1864,
wKen General Huell pl.iced a detach
ment of infantry on Fort Hill, ashort
distance from West Point, was upon
the people yesterday ai they gazed In
astonishment upon the arrival of
tralnload after tralnlosd of enlisted
men and their equipment. Altogeth
er the railroads had eighteen troop
trains on the schedule and many of
them had arrived and the commands
hart been assigned to their headquart
ers before noun
Peter Gabriel Again Landed
Tecumseh. Nebr.. Sept. 28. Petei
Gabriel and Arcade are again In
trouble. Peter has caused the officers
much trouble In the past. While at
work in the Arcade hotel he entered
the room occupii d by the land ord's
familv. and took i'l In money from a
pocbetbook which contained ovei 50
He left for Linco n on the first train.
where he was apprehended. He had
spent the money. He was recently
sentenced to thir.y days In the ooun-
'.v iail for stealing a watch, but a'- the
nd of ten days ihe office! paroled him
pci'dlmr good behavior. He Is now
serving the twenty days on the old
score, after which he will be niven an
hearing in the. recent alleged theft.
Tht. officers took charge of John Co-
hum, a stranger hereabouts, who had
been working on Sam Canon's farm
east of this city. Co'iuni is demented.
He was brout lit to this city and tho
Insanity unm ssion ex. i mined htm
after which sherilf Cninmings took
him o the Line 'In asv'um Tor the in.
Bine, The man Is aged nbout forty
There seems to be no clue as to who
poNmed Sheriff Ciimming's blood
hounds. The gul ty party or parties
had to enter the barn to feed the an
imals the poison and the work was
done some lime tietwcen midnight and
Saturday morning. The officers think
possibly certain parties whom the
dogs has caused some dbcomrkure re
cently might have done the cowardly
work, though this tielief cannot lie
substantiated. The dogs were good
trailers and sheriff Cummlngs feeut
his toss keenly
Found to be Short
Wanblnctou. Sent. 27. Through at.
order dismissing him from the gov
ernment service, it became known to
night, that Jmeg II. Heattv, for fif
teen years assistant to t he dlshurslr g
clerk In the office ol tbe auditor fot
the war department had been found
short IHOO In bis accounts The short
age was made good by re atlv. living
. Illinois, tie In forty-IWe years old
and la laid to have at one time reaided
la Matto- n HI.
Nebraska cHptes
The Norfolk sugar factory Is reads
to begin 1U run October 6.
ft. Banka of Falls City, a civil waa
veteran, is dead at the age of 87.
The twenty-second Infantry band
gave an open-air coucert at Weak,
The Nebraska City police are niaki
ing a Crusade against vagrants and
"dope heuds."
Proprietoi Streeter of the Streetet)
notei, Crete, fell dead ou tbe street
of Joplin Mo. j
. a . j
The Boone co icty fair has opened
at Albion with every prospect of a
successful seas m.
Captain Hanks, and old resident ot
Falls City, died at his home and waa
buried in Steel county.
Doane college opened at Crete.
Miss bertha Wallace of Omaha haa
oeen made phyisical instiuctur.
Geneva reports a building bonm ot
unusual proportions, moat of ti e tew
suuetures being residences.
The remains of Harry Mid;letonof
Nebraska City, shot iu Kausas City,
have been brought home for burial.
William Raumel of Nebraska City,'
democratic county superintendent,
has resigned his position on tho
ticket. ,
nail county is to vote again on the
question of selling the court house
square at Grand Island for no lest
than $10,000,
John H Painter of South Omaha,
and Miss Parsis M. Squires of Neb
raska City were united in marriage
it Nebraska City.
A car loaded with horses Jumped
the track in the Union Pacifllc yards
at Fremont and several of the ani
mals were killed.
The corporate existence of the
Jones' National Bank at Seward has
been extended until the close of busi
ness September 21 1903.
Former county attorney Sloane ot
Geneva was taken, suddenly ill wltb
convulsions at his office. It is
thought he will recover.
Mary Jantzen, tbe wife of a pro-
mioent Munnonite, died at her home
near Beatrice. The funeral was held
from the church near the city.
Brldgett Cunningham, formerly ol
Plattsmouth. has sued Patrick Cun
ningham In Mills county, Iowa, for
$15,000 for alleged breach of promise-
The wedding ot Miss Minnie Walk
er and Charles Durham of North
Bend, took place at the residence of
the bride's sister, Mrs. O. A. Huck.
Frank . Bender, a farmer living
north of Lincoln, has mysteriously'
disappeared from his home. Two
years ago be made a similar disap-
The laboring men of Beatrice held
a huge meeting in that town. Tha
Rev. Cail 1). Thompson of Denver
was present and addressed the gath
ering on "Socialism"
Edward Keech, a veteran of the
civil war and a f"rm'r officer In the
navy, died at his home In Alnsworth.
He was 00 years old and will be
buried by the Grand Army of the
The H ue Hill Creamery compmj
has just filed articles of ineotp'iratlon
with a capital stock of $25 I'O and
with A. Clark, W. H. Fergusod. and
0. it. Tyler as principal stockholders.
Considerable damage was done to
to the corn cmp near Cal way by
the fmsts. It is estlmsted thao 7fJ
per cent was made soft by the frostsj
and tbi hot weather following ia
making tbe corn sour.
St. John's Catholic church at
Cambridge was the scene of a douhle'
wedding. John Hrlnkman of Hol
brnok and Miss Carrie Arthnud uf
Cambridge, and Henry Attbaud and
Miss Mary Hugnon, also bi ih of Cam.
bridge, were the contracting pat tie.
' Burleigh Walker of Cottercll town
ship, D idge county, has withdraws)
bis decimation to tun for count
issoss r on the republican ticket and
will put up a vigorous campaign fot;
tbe office.
Otto Heffleflnser cf Beatrice.
arrested on tbe charge of stealing a
team of horses from bis father, plea
ded guilty to tbe charge. H was
sentenced to os year in tbe pealta