Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 08, 1903, Image 1

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    Harrison Press - J ournal.
OCTOBER .8 1903. IS) O. 15
1. "Al. Spindlo, the Cra w f ord deotist.
Mr. Converse moved into town this
week. - , ,,,
Several shipped cattle from here last
Mrs. Perwelia Martin was in town
E. A. Bigelow moved hi family into
town Monday.
Christ Wasserburger was up from
Montrose to ditv.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. John Eberspe
clier Oct. 4 a boy.
Mr. and Mr. Chus. Smith are vthitioK
in town this week.
Will Birtell went cant with a car of
boraea TuJay evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Urewell were doing
business in to wn Mouday.
Mrs. M. ('. Dxsn is visiting with Mrs. C.
B Hollingsworth tins week.
Linley Priddy went to Clmdron this
week to take a flremae's examination.
For Sale.
One 8 inch Bam waon for sjle. In
qune st this oflice.
Htirry Daugherty shipped n car of
horses east last Saturday, (ieorga Tur
ner shipped a car also.
If Vnu want ii shine ro to J. II. Wil
herniNlorler's and net a bottle ul his
shoe polish. You will be pleased.
Mm, Sarah Jordan and son Barney
departed for llenver, Colorado to-day.
They were uccom pained by Mrs. IJau
For a pleasant physic take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Kay
to Take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by
All Druggist. -
f)n last Friday mcJit some one ent ered
the .tore-ot L (Jeclach & Sun. mid took
wmt 'money tliere m the drawer,
winch amounted to 11 or 20 dolla-s.
There was nothing else missed so fur, us
wad now.
J E Martellr and son Vern ret iirned
home la, trm-k from a visit to Mr.
Ma'olellei'n old home in Pennsylvana.
John a Will r(u!s hi regard I'1 'he
boys, nnil to tell them that he is wearing
out his old cloth-.
There vtll I a dance at the hall in
Harrison, Oct. 23 The same music III
be furnished as has len heretofore, also
conn, mod all oris, come all, mid enjoy
yourselves. K. I.'. I twit.
Af'er Ortolr 1st. I will not credit
longer than AO days, without, an approv
ed note drawing 10 per rent interest, and
will allow a 5 per cent discount on all
cash purchases. ChaS. NkwmaX.
Clerk of the district court, Win. J. A.
Rkuui has been notified that the rejf.
ulsr Oct. term of said court, bus leen
adjourned until Oclolier 26th 1903, uud
thai said jurors will appear ut the court
house on said dale at 9 o'clock A.M.
unless otherwise notified.
Mrs. Joseph atanney's mind has been
ame what unbalanced since last Friday,
and she requires constant attentioa to
prevent tier from doing herself bodily
harm, Mr. Slatsney is away from his
ranch, on the round up, and it seems
that he can't tie located. The ladies of
Harrison are caring for in a heroic man
ner with the hope that she may soon be
herself once again.
Gained Fertv Pauudaln Thirty Days-
For several months our younger Icclli
r had been troubled with indigestion,
be tried several remedies but gut no I zo
ne lit from them. We purchased some of
Chamber Uiu's Hlomach am! Liver Tab
lets and It commenced U.kmg them.
Intide of thirty ilajs lie had pained forty
pool) in flash. He is now fullf recover
d. We have a good trails on the Tablet.
Hou.IT Bnne , Mri.huit, Long
Branca, Mo. For sale by Ail Druggist.
We anderaUnd the Republicans have
onuualed A. L. Leithoir for commiss
ioner lor irte !M dislruil. Mr. L-oilioff
has been poing as a Populist for several
years, and such a anode II change i,( Iront
with a nomination on the other us I don't
Uto Very well for either Mr. Leithotf or
the HVp ililio-.il party, hut mm the voter
ill sit dwn hard enough on him tu
,Mvr') u mf, we will refrain fro.it uo.u-
The Crawford dentist, Dr.T. H.Spindlo.
The new firm of Richards and Jones has
taken possession of the Pioneer Pharmacy
which they purched from J. E. Ptiinney
some time ago, and we Uke pleasure in
introducing them to the public, and trust
that they may prove themselves worthy
of the high recommendations that they
bring with them. The name Pioneer
Pharmacy, will not be changed. Read
their ad in another column.
R.an av Ten Penny Nail Through Hla
While opening a liox, J. C'. Mount, of
Three Mile Bay, N. Y., ran a ten penny
nail through the fleshy part of bis hand.
"I thought at once of all the pain and
sorene-s this would cause me," he says,
"and imiuedia'ely applied Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards.
To my surprise it removed all pain and
soren-ss -and the injuried parts were
soou healed." Foraale by All Druggists.
Joseph Chuskey died at his home near
Glen, Momiuy evening. Sept. 28, 1U03,
about 5 o'clock. Mr. Chuskey was a
nali ve of Poland, Russia, and came to
this country fifteen years aro. He ser
ved in the Russian army for thirty years,
and during the last ten years he served
as captain. At his death he wan 83 years
and 4 months old. He was buried on his
own place in a spot pu ked by himself six
years ago, among the pine trei
Strayed one whilo pony mare branded
4-k on le.lt hip, sorrel colt white strip in
hue by side, also one brown pony mare
Oranded X or cross on "right shoulder
with wire cut across breast with roan
colt by side; two dollars reward per heat!
will ba given Cor information leading to
their rciuvtry.
C. J. and Edwin Kai.m.
I law lord Nebr.
He Letvrned a. Great Truth,
It is said ol John Wesley that he once
said to Mini less VVesley : "Why do. you
lei! that child the saiuu tin ng over uud
over ugaiul'" "Johu Wesley, becuusm
once is not euiiiiL'li " It is for this sum
rra;.m tiul you are told iigiun th.tt
ChaiiilierlainV i ourfii Honied cures coitls
uud grip; IhAt it counteracts any ten
dency ol these to result in pneumonia,
and Ihnt It is .pleasant and sale to take,
r'or sale by All iruggists.
Of ioux wuuiuy.
The follo.vii.g is I he Democratic
v oiinty Central 'omiuit lee of the alsive
uameil counlv, selected for theyear 1 90 J.
Chairman, J. li.' Marsleiler.
1", O. Ai'.dress, ..Ikrrin.
Seiielitiy,.... J. II. Licy,
P. O. Address,. Harrison.
Precinct, Andrews, name J T. Mason,
address Ft. Kobiuson, vocation laborir.
Hat Creels, H. T. Zerbe, Harrison, ranch
man. War Houuel, Pal Lacy, Harrisoo.
rarnur. While Kiver, Joliu Fry, Ft.
Robinson, rancher, Montrose, M. J,
G.iyliait, Montrose, runcber. Cotton
wood, Carl Lux, Carey, farmer. Shrep
('reek, J. H. (Irewell, Hewitt, ranchman.
Running-water, Win. Bonrret, Karri -on,
rancher. Whistle Crerk, W. L. Ash
brook, Agate, rancher. Story, Sam
Heeling, Harrison, rancher. Sugar Loaf,
Robt. Harrison, Adelia, rancher. Bowen,
J. U, Burke.
Carey Items.
Mrs. C. P. Lyou is spending this week
in Crawford.
AlvafSaxton marketed two beef cow
at Crawford to da v (Monday.)
Perry Spease left last week to take
charge of Ins school Hear Chudron.
Mrs. Jane (Jriiren is assisting Mrs.
Perry Moody with tier work for al.w
f rank Sides and wife of Lone Tree
visited on (!oUonwood last Saturday uud
School owns in Hist. No. 4 to day
(Oct. 6tli.) with Miss Bessie Poniroy at
lbs helm.
Omul Benson and family nephew of
Andrew Procumer are visiting at the
home of the latter, Mr. Benson expects
to locale here.
J. E. Arner is home again alter a
months absence in Wyoming where hi
has been attending court and looking
alter hia stork.
Ulace and Cullers are in the valley
with their new threshing machine and
its busy hum la heard every day the
weather permits, those that have thresh
ed are Messrs. Lul, Fellers and John
Meckem. The machines is now ul Anton
Mei ktms. The grain yield so lar I good,
will report mors UeUuite letter on,
V TlXulBTV. .
I The Phess-JoUhNHL man had the pleas-j
! ure of once agam picking up apples from
: a tree. This feat was performed in Rod- i
ert Harrisons orchard in Sjugar Uwl this week.
precinct last Tuesday. I' bus been 13 , We learn that J-ss Oriiutiet; who has
years since 1 last had this pleasure and it; 0m)k wi, ,,,,,, and relatives
surely remii.Ued-me- of Ua Wd ,'ays -4o;ln ; X5jhSluF; ,,le fw nl0,rt,s; rutun.
see the big red apples lying under the , , , . , ,
trees and with a cider' press st-indir.g
ready to press the juice from the rosy
apples. Mr. Harrison has demonstrated
that fruit can lie raised in Sioux county
if it is properly cored for.
Adelia Happenings '
Several of the young folks attended
the dance at Mansfield Saturday night.
Mrs. M ithney came up from Crawford
Saturday with her house hold goods and
will make her home in Adelia this winter.
There was a pretty good attendance nt
S. 8. Everybody trj and come next
Sund.iy as there will be S. S. as usual at
the school In n so at 8 o'clock.
Mr. J. B. Burke came down and visited
S. 8. last Sunday. He gave a little
sjieech which was nppreaciated by all.
Come again Mr. Burke as we are
alwnys pleased to see you; he also visited
at A. P. Rosenborgs while down.
Mr.' A. P. Rosenborg and daughter
Hilda went to Harrison Friday and re
turned home Sunday. Mr. Risenhurg
attended the convention and Hilda visited
will) friends and also attended the dance
at Harrison. She reports having a very
nice time ns the Harrison people are so
kind and willing to show a person a good
l iioe.
The Thorn.
ijj In Wyoming.
To the readers of the PltKHS Jot'KNAI.,
who have so patient ly borne with my
Hems, (rom this locality, for the pusi
live years, I will have to bid adieu.
To inv brother and sister correspond
eni, Timothy; Peggy; M. A. ('; ..lio;
llnils and Blossoms; Bouquet; nnil Mrs.
Rico, I h.ive the fcieale-t respect, n nil
wish you all Hie greatest of happiness,
fcoisl hetllli. and may you continue
to tinghur.n t tie columns of t!:e 1'UESS
with jour witty savings uud newsy
Hem. Sickness and death have enurw'
our home and carried away our darling
iahy, Nellie Bee, the pri.'.e of the bouse
hold. H.-r moihr and I ar sadly gr.ev
ed, a dark shadow has been thrown
across our path, which not even time
can entirely erase.
To my friends and neighbors here,
who have furnished material for in
items, and who have anxiously scanned
the p iper for Zkiel's writings' and have
read them with iuteret, commenting
I hereon, praising snd criticising, as thti
occasion demanded, i have nothing hoi
he greatest of neighborly love and 'us
vith rrgrels that I feel that we must
ave your neighborhood t.i heron ir
i 1 1. ns of unnt her great stale, Nebraskn,
and mingle with, and he one ol the
Mople of Harrison, Still we feel that
we are not going among strangers, a
the past few weeks have shown tint. we.
as a family, have s'a.inch friends th-re.
We expect to move our household goo.ls
there this ek; therefore with sorrow 1
bid you all goodhve.
Jell H. Xewi.in.
Hanter Happenings.
: Tom JonuH was a Harrison visitor last
Bridie Jores was on the sick list one
day lust we'. k.
Mr J. U. Proctor was a Harrison visit
or i.ne day last week.
' Miss Ann;i Hanson visited over night
with Eva Proctor Monday.
Lots of squally weRlber now a days
we will have snow before long.
Mr. Neecn, Mr. I style, Mr. Zerbe, Mr.
Proclor mid Mr. Smoke slupeil a tram
load of cattle one day last week.
We u re very sorry to bear of little.
Baby Newlin's death, but we trust that
she is now dwelling huppi'ly with the
Mr, Rice moved his family to Shepherd's
Rest or. Rosbud avenue The two child
ren l eilarl and Velina will attend school
this winter. We welcome them as we
are very glad to have more scholars at
school. . We now have eleven scholars.
Bodarc Gleanings.
John ColTee, who went lo Chicago last
week, returned to the valley Monday
F. M. Hull lii moved his family into
the Bunge lioue, so his children may I
! attend school this winter.
J, B. Burke passed through Bodarc
Sunday on his way lo Adelia, to attend
Sunday School at that place.
Fay Antrim, who ba been on the sick
list for the pl few weeks. Is some better
and aide to he about, but improve slew.
The hum of the threshing machine,
run by Schnefer Bros., is heard around
gram yurds in this part of the valley
John Serres and Wm. Miller were buy
Monday putting in window lights, and
otherwise preparing the school house in
district No. 9 for occupation next Mon
day. Mrs. Leonard Dout and her children
have been visiting at the home of h-r
parents during the past week. She
returned to her home at War Bonnet
The Bodarc school opened again Mon
day. We did not learn the numb-r en
rolled, but presume it will tie small for a
while, as some are still having a tussel
with the whooping cough.
The many flocks of w i Id ducks going
south just now indicate cold storms at
the north, and we are more than likely
to feel tliem here soon. Some have
taken warning and are getting up their
winter supply of wood lively.
October entered in a very angry mood,
in this locality at least. We seldom
have such thunder and vivid lightning so
Into in the season as we experienced the
II. t night of the month, but this is such
an odd ymr any way, one need not, feel
surprised at uuy bleak of the weather.
Zckiel has moved to town and his pets
luve strayed uwny. Ar:hur Miller
Occident I y shot live of them last week;
the llrst S-'andhlll crimes we ever seen.
It will be impossible lor Keliit-1 to prove
his claim to them now, but we would
advise him to keep a close watch on the
rest of his flock.
M. A. C.
Several of the neighbors wentover mt
Nebr. to help Mr. Anson thresh on Mini
day. So far Fred Deuel had tile best yield of
oats on the Ridge this year, a little belter
than 30 Hit. per acre.
George Stiatto is threshing in Mr.
Weber's stead while the latter is attend
log district court in Harrison.
Mr. Hollerlield and hiroily. John Lo bl
and family, am1 J. J Zuu: Hi'miiieu an.i
f.iniily calied on C, L. Christians people
Weber and Witt finished threshing on
the Ridge ut John Su ton's place and pull
ed over the line into Nebr. to thresh for
Lo Wilson.
The Lvon Bros, came up to the Ridge
tn start Christ i.tu Bros, new threshing
machine on Monday at C L. Christian's
place, they have a line looking niachinr
am( it ought to do gcod work.
Oie Thompson was "a'.en lo Harrison
Monday by his rthr w mHw M W.
When they came home Miss Berth i ac
conipanieii ihi-m Oles broken limb is
doing- well and fterlha is improving.
Dume Rumor has it that, Wnlt Boy leg
is to be married at Casper this wc-ek. He
went to Casper on a special Sunday,
w Inch seerns to confirm the rumor.
Here are otircomplimenlH to Sir. and
.VLs. B.iyles.
War Bonnet Topics.
We had quite a flue rain last week but
wasn't much needed.
Mr. and Mrs. Uustave Norisoli visited
a' Clem Ljelmgs Sunday.
Misses Gladys and Winnie Finley were
visiting with Lillie and Martha Noreisch
Will Grimm went down with Johnnie
Anderson to stay and go to school at the
83 this winter.
Mrs. Bell Dunn and family, and Jack
Finley were at our 'miiish Sunday to help
renovate and dsdicale the organ.
We haven't all of the school seats yet
and one month of school gone, to bad
when wu bad all summer to have got
George Garretson was down from Old
Woman creek Sunday. 1 guess he must
have some young woman attraction in
Tliura was a surorise oartv nt Saal
K)or SllturuaV niltt it being Mrs Knoris
2Ulb birthday they all enjoyed a delicious
supper and had a line tune thai they
will long remember.
Miss Nellie Scott find her brother Ed
took in the Harrison dance and report a
K,M)(i crowd, although the night was
rainy, George Plunkett . was also there
from tins valley.
We have a new organ nt our house
now, we have 2 violins, 1 buss, 1 mando
lin anil the organ, and I guarantee we
can muke as much noise as any family In
the country. If you dou't, believe it
come umU sua.'
Love to buy good goods at the loweBt price possible,
and the place to do this is at
In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,'
and the way to prove it, is to give ua a trial.
"Come and see us any way and be social." ,
Remember S. S. as usual Sunday at 2
P. M.
Mrs. Jack Finley visited at Scotts one
day last week.
Mrs, Jeff Hewitt was visiting at Mr.
Dunlaps last week.
Dick Garretson is staying with Charley
Thomas going to school.
Paul Zerbst is busy this week bothering
men aud overseeing roods.
Misses Emma and Gusste Norisch visit
ed with Nellie Scott Sunday.
Miss Alice Slatlerv went to town Mon
day to prove up on her claim.
JiSs Crawford ur.d our neighbor Bit'
Harvey from West Hat creek gave us a
social visit Sunday.
Robt. Keel is busy fixing fence, but is
unable to keep his gates shut, as some
ore torgets to shut them.
Robert Dunn who has been staying
with his aunt, Mrs Jack Finley, going to
school wen to his home Sunday owing
lo whooping cough, which all have got.
Young man, did you ever put your
arms around your dear old mo her who
has loved and cared for you and tell her
that, you love her and are grateful -for
the lears she has shed mid the prayers
she bus (-(Tried for you? She may think
that vou love hr without you assuring
her that vou do, but it costs you but
little eirort to tell her and your words
may bring more joy and sunshine to her
heart than you ever dreamed of." Some
young men will pay two dollars for a
livery rig to ride thi'je hours with a
seventy live cent girl an I tell her all the
nice things thev can think of that are
Hue. and more that, are not true, and
don't spend five cents or five minu'es in
a year to show ihir old mother that
they care anything ror her. x.
Notice ia hereliv given, that I. ('buries F.
Cott'ee. Administrator of the estate of
s.ivimiel liuflington t offee,, ilecease'1, Ute of
fioux county, Nebraska, under and by virtue
of n I Ariiwe to me gri.ntetl by the district
com t of said eountv, to sell the leal estate
oi sulil dec used, will, on the Sud. day of
November, A. I). J!'( 8, ut one o'clock in the.
afternoon of said day. fit the east frontdoor
ot tin- court hoiiae m Hie village of Harrison
in said count". oftr fur sale at public
vendue, lo the highest bidder for rash, or
part cusll . lid p.irt credit on tho usual terms
the following described premise and real
estate situated in said eouaty, aml'bclonKlnif
to the estate of said deceased, towtt: The
southwest rpi irtcr of section thirty three
(f3) in township Uilr'y three (3.1) north of
rang. ? fitly four (fa) west in said county.
Also the following described -eiU estate to
wit: lb" northwest quart r of section
three (:)) m township thirty on 131) north
of range fifty six (S8) west In sulci county,
for the purpose ol piiytnir the valid chums
unci charges against 1he estiite of auld
Dated ut llarrlsou, Nebr., October 1st, IMS.
A. W.Cki es, Charles F. C iprEK,
Attorney for Administrator,
Administrator. as aforesaid.
4t la IS
Thk Couvkntions.
The Democratic and Populist convent
ions met last Saturday, and owing to a
tie vote in the Democratic convention
they would not concede the nfllcu ol
countv clerk to the Populist, hence they
put up a full ticket. The Populist ad
journed without putting a ticket in the
Held or endorsing the one put up by the
Democrat. While the Populists did
not get what they wanted they will
Mi port the ticket pNt up by the Demo
crats. The ticket i ominated is William
Gayliart, Co. Olerk, Montrose precinct,
Carl Lux " Treas., t'ollonwood "
Alex Lowry, Sheriff, Bowen "
John 11. Lncy, Judge "
J. D. Burke, Co. Si.pt . "
Put Lacy, (Coroner, Warbonnet "
Michael Rollln-,', Surveyor, Ilatcreek '
Uhius I'hristtnsen, Assessor, Montrose
precinct. A motion was curried lo
give the county central committee
power to All any and all vacancies
that may occur on the ticket helweeti
now und election.
The ticket, is made up of good men,
and should receive the support of the
bin ire Fusion forces, for there is not a
man on the lii ket bet. what is fully
can uetent to Oil the olllce ninuinated
A. J. AMES, M. D.
Physician and Sorgeoa.
All calls given prompt attentioa.
Office at Commercial Hotel,
or Drug Store.
We have our building completed, now
and have a new supply of goods, and will i
sell them right.
Lumber, lath, sash, doors,
lime, cement, and building
material of all kinds. ,
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and
Range goods.
Flour. Feed, and Grain..
Tamt, Oils & etc.
I am agent for the Wood
manse wind-mill. Have a
supply of pump fittings on
hand! Come in and get my
prices whether you buy or
Hallroad between Missouri RJver anV
Direct line to St. Paul Mirn jk1I
Direct Line to Black Hills.
Apply to nearest tvftent for ratoa, maps i
&nd time cerds -
West, Bound, Eist Bmnnd.
Morning. Evening:
No. 13, Due 8:30 No. 14, Dur8:10
No. 83, loc. frt. 10 No. 84 loc fi t. 5:8
Robert Madson lost one of bis cow
taking her from Mrs. Werdermans pla'-e
to his place at Slahtnwn. She fell o sv
sharp stii k, thus hurting her inwaidly.
Mrs. nnd Mrs James Johnson were,
visiting upon Highland.
Mr. and Mrs. Tschabold took (linn
with Mr. and Mrs. Case up on Highland,,.
October 6th.
Old Jack Frost did not, do much harm j
Pine Nook, the tomato vines nregreen,.
yel and hanging full cf on e ivd tomal ee-.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn cere mi si
of Mr. and Mrs. Frcu TsciinlMlii lul' a i--'ays
last week.
Insect Fertilisers.
Nitrogen-breathing bacteria are now
bred In the govprnmont laboratories
for use In enriching depleted soil by
depositing In It a part of the 58,000
tons of nitrogen in the atmosphere
above each acre. A paclrage of these -microbes
an Inch and a half vquarftr
wlll fertilize an acre.
Winnipeg In Third Degree.,
Winnipeg Is now the third importing
center In Canada, ranking ahead of
Halifax and after Montreal and Toroa.
to. That more announcement apeak,
volumes for the growth of tn Can,
dlun woat and the Importance ( la
Women at Rural Carrier.
A statement. Just Issued bf (tk,
United States potttofflce apita. v
r.howii that fifty -aovtrt women ar B ,t
I ployed an roKulf"1 rarrler In tb
free dpHvcry service, and nlM
I dred are on th aubatituu UtL,
iw M'.-v-cC-).r' 'f ;-Ya -vVreVlirn ..r.c '0--: