Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 24, 1903, Image 1

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Harrison Press - Journal.
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D. T. H. Spindlo, th Craarford dentist.
rnilip LHidq u a Harrison vimtor
Frank Nutto shipped cattle to Omaha
Inst 8turday.
Jack Ratlin u down from Patrick,
Wyo. thm week.
Mrs. Schaefer and son Joseph were up
from Bodarc Tuesday.
W. II. BobmII, from Lusk. was vinit-
I ng in Iowa this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo bout were Harrison
vifitors last Saturday.
J. A. Anderson made a business trip to
Alliance the Brut of the week.
The county commissioners were in
session Monday sod Tuesday.
Mrs. Eugene Wohtheter and children
are visiting Mrs. Jordan thin week,
Mrs. B. F. Neece and dauKhter, Miss
Nora, drove in from the ranch Monday
George Wickersham, of Bedarc, be
comes a reader of the Pmhb-Jocrjul
with this issue.
Jofcn and Will Bourret returned from
(fcnaa teat Saturday, where they were
marketing cattle.
The school at Bod;irc Wst. No. 6, win
closed last week on account of the
hooping cough.
Far Sale,
(fee inch Bain wagon for sale,
quite at this office.
Mr. Lmdeinan, the father ef Frank
Lindeman, i visiting with L. Oerlact
ard family (his week.
f here AND THEREf
The undersigned will sell the following
described property in Harrison, Nebr. at
the Livery Barn, on Saturday, Sept. 26,
1608. at 1 o'clock P. M.
0 cowr and calves
1 dry cow
2 2 year old heifers
4 yearling heifers
10 yearling steers
6 2 year old steers
2 saddle horses
1 Waff on and harness
2 heating stoves
Household goods and other articles to
numerous to mention. TERMS: Six
months time with bankable note bearing
10 per cent interest.
Jbwb Crawford; Auctioneer.
The Crawford dentist, Dr. T. H. Spindlo.
Mrs. Ella L. Hales. Mrs. Sarah WinHom
Mrs. Mary H. Akers snd MUs Laura
Hales took the teachers' examination at,
the courthouse last Saturday. Snrit.
Parsons w n kept pretty busy hut he
wa equaled to the occasion.
Have you seen the new disc plow at
( harlea Newman. It is a dandy and
everv farmer should have one.
For a bilious attack take Chamberlain
Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quid
cure is certain. For sale by All Drug'
Henry Waroeke, Tom Bell, Oeore
Voorhees, and Georjfe Uruu shipped
entile from Coffees Hiding lu Uniuha
btt Saturday.
Hm. C. F. Coffee canib in on Monday',
train snd his son John met. him ut the
from ami lliey took conveyance to his
ranch at Rmw Hide.
There was a game of ball played rwre
Sunday between tlie Bodurc boys and I lie
Harrison boys, hoi we will not suy any
th-ng about the ecores.
Mr. ami Mrs. Clem Leeling were in
Harrison. Mr. Leeling ordered the
PbeJolhxaL sent to his brother Hugh
Leeling at Bldyville. Iowa.
We recei veil a letter t bis week fron
Mis Florence Christian, wlxi in teaching
scIkmiI ut. Manville, Wyo., and she order
Ihe Prew Jot'hNAL sent to Iter.
Mr. and Mrs. Het.ry Rose stopped over
niKht with the editor and his family lust
Friday mght. and Saturday morning Mr.
Rose proved up on his homestead.
Mrs. G. W. Healer arrived here last
Saturday evening and visited relatives
until Monday morning, when she left for
Lusk to visit her daughter, Mrs W. H.
Post master Priddy and son returned
home Monday morning on the flyer. Mr.
Priddy lias been enjoying himself in Iowa
for the past two weeks visiting relatives
ad friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Waaserburger
and Mias Lets Nut to went to Chadron
Monday evening. Andrew and wife re
turned Tuesday morning, but Mias Lena
remained there.
Parlies knowing themselvea indebted
to the undersigned, please call and settle
on or before October the 1st.
Cuam Newman.
On October 2nd there will he a ball at
Andrews Hall, in Ihe evening. Good
inuaie, as usual, will be furnished, and
good lim is assured. Come one and
II. R. C. Dchm.
Nor; To Tax Path.
All delinquent personal taxes not paid
ON or bslore October 1st will be collected
by Distress Warrant.
See New Revenue Lew
John I. luvm, Co. Trees.
Trustworthy lady or irenileman to
nmnage business in this County and ad
joining territory for well and favorably
kno n House of solid financial standing,
fOO a-rairM iM-ti aaury and expnres,
mid ea M .t.iljy by check direct from
liw danaJlMa, BanMM Mmhm advamed
iHe..ium fS" ., AaVlreaa UlAtm. ' Nebraska for any inforaatkxi you ' ma
H. B. HoMinpaworth of Ross, Wvo
wr in f nn nmn a rawdnv to see
sN-mt wintennir between WK) and 1100
cattle here. He nVnren' with Emwiet
Spencer t.n a proponitjnn to bnv nil his
hsi- and feed on the place. Mitchell
We are sorry to say that baby Newlm
seems to get no better.
Adelia Happenings.
Mrs. E! lie's father, motsier, and sinter
left last Thursday night on the passenger
for their home. Walter Kaya weal back
on a visit.
M'ss Zelta Davis has been visiting with
Maud Kays this week. She returned to
Mansfield Friday. Miss Maud accompan
ied her.
Maud Kays and her aunt vistteifvchool
last Tuesday.
The Misses Virginia and Lucile Wilson
came op from Crawford on thi noou
panwoger lust Friday aud vimled school
Tltey returned back the same evening,
accompanied by Mr. Floyd Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. Swinbank and Muster
Chester, Mr. and Mrs. Rosen burg
and oaughter Hilda, Mrs. Meng and
daughter Mury, and Mrs. Meng's sister
Miss Smith, all visited wiih Mr. and Mrs,
Ruben last Sunday. Miss Meug and Mise
Hinilh hud just returned home th;tt
morning from Sylvan Lake, where they
have been working this summer.
W. R. Wovts. father of Mrs. H. A.
Priddv, arrived he from Keokuk Co.,
Town !nt Thursday. We are triad that,
Mr, Woods arrived ns Sprinr opened
aenin, for hd he struck town a few dnvs
seo he would have thoneht he was gett
ing into the Arctic regions.
All parties eoine throinrh our ranch or
pasture fences are notified herewith that
all fenres nrs on deerlwl or leased land.
and that anyone Inkine down fences or
leaving- eates open will he prosecuted to
thf extent of the
O. W. nnd V. A. HRrntH,
Michael Rufflnif, rnonty suveyor. was
shaking hands with his friends in Harri
son Isst Sntordar. He says the crops
were rood In his neighborhood this year,
and therefore everybody feels good
though cattle are low. Mr. RiiffW has
made a Ifoori county surveyor, ami if the
citizens want a (food man in this office
they nhould not foriret him when they
come to nominate nnd elect.
Stomach Trouble.
'I have been troubled with in v stomach
for the pa four years," s:i vs D. L. Hen
of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Muss
'A few days ro I ws induced to buy a
box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Livwr
Tablets. I have taken part, of them and
feel a (Treat deal better." If von have
any trouble with your stomach try a Inx
of these Tablets. You are certain to be
pleased with the result Price S3 cents,
For sale by All Druggists.
Peter Prterson snd Miss Mary Leeling
were married at Ihe home of the eroom's
sister. Mrs. Aug. Ring, last Wednesday
The irroom is one of Sioux county's
bright young men, and the bride is the
accomplisfied daughter of one of the
county's most res(acldcili;ns.
The Phrw JOURNAL exteuds best wish
es to this happy yountc couple, and may
Ihey live to celebrate msny anniversary's
of this hanpv event when they were
made one.
Owee His Life to a NeUNber'e Klndneee.
Mr. D. P. . Daugherty, well known
throughout Mercer and Sumner counties,
W, Va., most likely owes his life to the
kindness of a neighlstr. He was almost
hoolesslv s (Bided with diarrhoea; was
attended by to physicians who gave
him little, if any, rrlief, when a neighbor
learning of his serious condition, brought
him a bottle of I'hamherlain'a Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which
cured him in leas than twantv-four hours.
For sale by All Druggista.
The Chadren Academy.
Are you going away to school? If so.
remember the Chadron Academy.
We know of no hotter educational
institution in the north-west, and we
now of no ecnonl that has Ihe tendency
to Uplift young men and young women
aa has this institution. The christian in
fluence of this school Is rme.tting the
whole north-west, aod there is no scheol
that takes more pain to see that its
luderds are caret! for than does this
aevdemy. lis teachers are of the best,
and Ihe uhancea for either yonng man or
ynog lady 1st earn their way la good; so
we hope that none will miss this rare
chance, for an education. Writ to the
princiiml, L. M. Oberkotter, Cbadroo,
Hunter Happenings.
Mr. Cook returned home last Friday
nr. and Mrs. Wm. Desoiuber wtnt to
Whitney Saturday night returning Mon
day morning. '
Miss Anna iJaovn went to her home in
Craw ford t riday evening to visit with
friends and relalives over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Varley spent Sunday
at Jonesville, Grandma Baldwin went
home with them.
George Baldwin cam down from
Harrison Saturday nijjht and returned to
Harrison Monday morning.
There were twenty-three cars of cattle
shipped from here Monday. We did not
learn all of the names.
Somebody has put in the other paprr a
long pieoe aliout, the dance. He say we
didn't go tw church and he tells about
the irixxi iwonle working the roads on
Sunday, it wasn't a pubMc road, but a
road that had to lie used a great deal.
There were two of hie dancers that had
their heart in the rirht place . for J'.t ;y
went and helped after dancing. Good
people have work flat just has to beilone
and some people won't do any thinir if
they have to.
Tliere was a surprise party on Mr. and
Mrs. Proctor last Saturday niKht. There
were three teams that went from the
postolflce, Mr. Proctor accompanying us
We were half way there before 5lr.
Proctor happened tu think it was tfointf
to be at his place. There were parties
played, one was putting the mustache
on a num. There was a pa,er pinned on
the curtain and each person had to pin a
mustache on him The other as sher.i-
des this was more important than tiie
other because tliere was so much lunui
ness in it.
The Mail Order System.
Our merchants did a rushing bit nines
last Saturday, not withstanding thai
four men representing a grocery house
u Ooialia have been scouring II if
country and taking orders for groceries.
This is someihuiK we can't understand,
why our own vitixrns will patronize such
itmUliiiivus, thereby ilisiibiiag their own
merchants nd people by sending their
money away to people Ihutcureimi
whether they live or not; All they want
your money. Our merchants have
carried men from one to two years when
ihey had no money, and no doubt some
that are buying from these solicitors to.
day f.re owing bills to our merchants.
There is only one solution to this de
partment system, and thai is for all
merchants to sell for cash and thereby
protect theuirelvea. We wonder if our
people ever slop to think that in all these
orders ihey senu away that they pay for
gjods before they ever see or receive
them; can't you do this with your home
merchant? And we will assure you that
you will gel prices from him that you
will have no need to hend awny for your
goods; But do you always get as good
quality of goods from these order
hours aa you do from from your home
merchant? We have known cases where
the goods were so inferior that they
could uot be used, but they co'ild not
return them as tliey wou d do to their
home merchant. This is nut all, there is
a dodge id all businesses, and P. T. Uni
on! mads no mistake when he said "the
American people liked to be humbuged,"
and when a people swaps off their home
merchant and friend for one that olres
only for your money they are huiubuged.
We might say a great deal on this
question aud relative to your own
products, audi m butter, eggs, potatoes
isd etc. that you luve to dispose of.
Will Uiew men that are taking your
orders lake iheea off of your hands?
"A word lo the wise la sufloieiq"' '
'War Bonnet Topics.
Last week I got frose out, this week I
expect to get roasted through tne paper.
George Grimm and wife visited at
Scot ts Suidey.
Hiss Li I lie Harris and a few of her
friends dined on her homestead a few
Sundays ago.
George Flunbet-t returned heme after
nearly 10 years absence. His parents are
delighted una are in hopes he will stay
for sometime.
MissLillie Harris stayed overnight
Willi Miss Nellie Scott last Tuesday.
Married at high noon on lust Wednes
day at the home of the groom's sister,
Mrs. August Ring. Pete Peterson and
Mary Leeling. A lew relatives and
friends were present to witness the cere
mony uod partake of the delicious dinner
which was served iniriiediatly after. I
extend my congratulations to the happy
pair and wish them a long and happy
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Thayer of Bodarc
were at the nuptials.
Mr. Jell Hewitt was a guest of Mr.
Dunlup last week.
Mr. Robl. Keel and family visited at
Mr. Tiplons on the divide Sunday.
Miss Belle Dunu helped play for the
dance at tiie Hall last Saturday night.
Jack Finley took a load of wheat, (he
raised), lo Crawford and exchanged lor
8our. His sister Mrs. Duuu accoiiipanied
him, aud Arthur had the joy of batching !
of winch he is loud.
Our new school seats came Saturday
and the board anticipated puling then)
up Sunday, but provjdence failed them
in their wicked purpose. When they
opened tile crates the legs were missing
so tht-y could do uo more.
Bill Marking la working at the S E at
George Walker hauled a four horse
loud of wood Iron) the Biehle place last
wet.k lo the 33.
E.sie Hill visited with Nellie Scott
Monday and attended S. H.
Miss Emma No.-eisch visited the school
Mr. Jim Merriam and family visited at
Mr. Uarrelsons on the ui vide Sunday.
Mr. James Mc 'aim was in search of a
boy Sunday to tits cattle, anil gave
us a rail, hut failed to linil a l.y to herd,
Arthur Dunn was visiting with Ed ami j
Ben Scott l.iM week.
Mai ens Valdiz and Henry Moravek
were haying in the valley last week,
Alias Ulliveit wuiiii is staying at the
Commercial hotel id Harrison aud going
to school.
Mr. Fred Zerbst is home with his mot
her HUIIi.
Paul Zurbst has lieen hauling wood for
the school the past week.
Mr. Burke and Mr. lJuvis were pleasant
visitors at S. 8. and :ave Ihe attendance
a real good trtlK, so 1 heard.
S. 8. next Sunday as usual at 2 P. M.
come all.
Love to buy good goods at the lowest price .possible,
and the place to do this is at
In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Come and see us any way and be social."
G. E. Alcott and Ben Swaason.
Charles Wvsserburger, M. D. Jordan,
William Biettv and Peter L. Baben.
CommUtumer't Procctdingt
Harrison Sioux Co. Nebr., Sept. 21-1903.
Tiie board of county commissioners
met us per adjournment. Present com
missioners, L'wis, Bigeluw, Jordan, and
Win. J. A. Itauiii clerk.
The Isiard proceeded to ascertain the
information necessary in order lo select
the names of rsoiis from which to draw
a petit jury to serve at the October, 1903
leroi ol the district court. The names
of all who were drawn us jurors for the
past two years were first obiuined. The
abstract of votes cast at the last general
election was found to be three hundred,
which number divided by sixty, the
number of iersons required by law to be
listed for jury purposes, was found that
one person could be listed fur each five
electors found in each precinct. The
following list of persons eligible for
jurors wus then selected from the several
Ezra Tucker, Waller Pills, Henry Covey,
Christ Jhristeusen and C, J. Holdurf.
S. J. Leeling and August L. Ring.
John A. Anderson, P. B. Bigelow, W, E.
He Idt n, George Welier, Ernest Lyons,
Henry Henry, T. O. Williams, Thomas
Dredge, J. F. Bourret, Geoige Gerlach,
John Dieckii.aiin and Duvid Barllelt.
A. L. Akers, John Brown, George Shaw,
Walter E. Heath and Charles E. Grove.
B Bradley, ItiU-rt Jordan, Stephen
Series, Peter Schaeler, James Wilson, ! " B'Keiow
lleury Zimmerman and Millard Tnayer. I W"n Jordan
Henry Pieckenbrock, Jacob J. Henry,
Jtabn Horkey, Lewis Oaj liart, Flank J.
Miller, August Meier, Claus Christeoteo,
Charles Lewis and John Popp,
Nels Adamsoii, Charles Dippert, Fred
Leithoff, James B. Johnson. FiedPullen,
Richard Dunn, Fred Wilt, L. L. Wilson,
Corwin Lewis, and Dan Slattery.
GeorgD Clapp and J. C, Shipley.
On motion the county Treasurer is in
structed and he is thereby so ordered to
transfer bridge fund of 1903.
On motion board adjourned till Sept.
22, 1903. Wm. J. A. Raum
Harrison Sioux Co. Nebr., Sept. 22-1903.
The board of county commissioners
met as per adjournment, Present com
missioners, Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan and
Wm. J, A. Kaum clerk.
The bond of H. S. Parks and Fred Bee
man was taken up, examined and on
motion approved.
The bond of Martin J. We!er was ex
amined and on motion approved.
The bond of Henry Kreiuan was ex
amined and on motion approved.
The commissiouer appointed to view
the road petitioned lo bu located aud
established, and that portion lo he vacat
ed as called for in bald petition of Jacob
Marking and others report in favor of
establishing that oorlion and vacating
petitioned to be established. Thai port
ion petiooed to be yocated, the same be
ing a consent roud, the prayer of the
petitioner is on motion allowed, and said
road allowed as petitioned for, and tiiat
poi lion to be vacated.
Un motion the county Treasurer is in
structed to refund to T. O, Williams $S
for the year 1893, 3 for the year 1897,
3 for the year 189S and $3 for 1899, po.l
tax illegally collected said years.
The otllcial bond of Adam Baumgard
was examined and on motion approved.
On motion the county Treasurer is
instructed and is hereby so ordered to
proceed to collect by distress warrant all
ieisoniil taxes that are delinquent lor
two years and over.
The petitio . of L. M. Peterson and
others was on motion rejected.
The following claims against Sioux
county were taken up. audited and allow
ed redused or rejected.
$b 90
A. J. AMES, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
All calls given prompt attention
Office at Commercial Holel
or Drug Store.
J. H. LACY. !
We have our building completed noar'
and have a new supply of goods, and wilt.,'
sell them right. -
Lumber, lath, sash, doors, '
lime, cement, and. building
material of all kinds-Hardware
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and!
Range goods.
Flour, Feed, and Grain.
Paint, Oils & etc.
I am agent for the Wood
manse wind-mill. Have &
supply of pump fittings orv
hand. Come in and get mjr
prices whether you buy or
not. . ' '
D .If I L . u. .... . t t
ueiwoer niaeoun luver aiav
Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis.
Direct Lino to Bl ack Hills.
Apply to nearest &gent for rates, mmpm
vnd time civrds
N. J. Schaefer
viewing road
A'LLeithoir 5 30
viewing road
G Guthrie 6 00
service l-oitrd of inhinnty
Ur J E Mimney 8 00
service board of insanity
Wm J A Kaum 6 00
service board of insanity
issuing warrant
wairaut ef admittance
' ' .23
" 8 00
$6 90
5 30 For
6 00 For
8 00 For
6 00 For
.25 For
.25 For
.25 For
8 00 To
Henry J. Rom and Wultei Re4
keeping record
Alex Lowry 6 30 6 30 Fur
slier ills fees
Hammond Printing Co 0 05 6 05
wm J A Raum to compiling lax list
6,494,00 lines at 4 els per line
259 46 $259 46
Express charges on supplies
1 70 1 70
Postage 8rd qr 5 00 5 00
Salary clerk board county comma
100 00 100 00
Conurd Parsons, salary, services county
8upt ' 70 77 70 77
Conard Parsons over draft for institute
fund 2 35 2 85
Dieckmann A Lacy, team and wagon
two daj s for use of county commission
ers 8 00 8 00
16 65 16 65
18 25 18 25
LC Lewis 17 45 17 45
For services aa county commissioners
Ales Lowry, bal due for taking patient
to asylum 9 75 9 75
. On motion board adjourned until Tues
day October 6, 1908.
Wm. J. A. Raum
West Bound.
No. 13, Due 8:30
No, 83, loc. fi t. 10.
East Bound.
No. 14, Due 8:1
No. 84 loc. frt. 5:2
Bodarc Gleanings.
Th rain, snow and Ireeze of last weekv
spoiled ull the gardens in this locality;
this week so far is quite u contrust. clear
bright days almost to warm for comfort;
Ji.st th9 kinl of weather to have ripen, dl
I he corn and vegetables if the cold spell
had not came so early.
Miss Amy Christian the Bodarc teacher
closed the school lust wee!; and returned
lo her home at Pleasant Ridfce Friday;
whooping cough seems to have atl-ujked
a number of pupils, lo bad for the little,
ones to miss these bright sunny duys.
Miss Annie Miller went to Big Horn
last Wednesday where she expects to
remain this winter.
Miss Grace Wickersham who has heeiw
in Harrison the past two weeks under the,
Ur's. care returned home Saturday much,
Arthur Miller took Lester Hurley aodl
his belongings to Hurrison Thursdar
w here he look the east bound train the
same evening for his boiue iuSoulkt
Frank Coffee's little Iudian ponDandVr
was taken to Harrisou Saturday andi
shipped to Omaha; a gentleman In. that,
city having recently purchased billl.
Rev. E. Zimmerman returned to OniaA
ha Monday to again take up his studieei
al ter rMndiug tbe summer uiouMislMre,
supplying several pupil; we wish hi w
success but we shall greatly tuisa him
The storm of last week caught a mini
ber unaaares; liaise wbo bad plenty ut .
wood did not have I heir stones settle
while others who had their alovee Ufc -'
we re entirely out of wood, so thess wajsn
fe, wring lime all around.
MA 14.
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