OPINIONS OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS Apoplexy and Speechmaking. II K sudden death of a prominent physician from apoplexy while making a speech falls to mind similar case showing the relation of ex tra drain excitation to the stroke. A notable sud startling example' was that of the late Sec retary Windom, who fell during a post pran T dial -pi . , ii and In the midst of an unfinished sentence. Henry Oeorge died also san af"r an tinusnal menial strain iti conducting a political campaign. Several clergy men have been stricken In like maimer while occupying their pulpits. Theo and other instances go to prove that apoplexy 1 common accident with brain workers, and that under cer tain elivimii-t.im-es, and when the mind Is ready for the explosion, the slightest exelting cause often invites Die fatal result. It If then the last straw that determines the unfavorable balance. A plausible ronton for the- conditions is that the brains of such individuals are worked disproportionately and show degenerative changes earlier than the other vital organ. This jiorllon of the anatomy liven faster and grows old more rapidly. The proof of a contrary proposition I that afforded by the ordinary laborer, who, unless a whisky drinker, seldom die of the brain lesion In question. It baa been truly sail that a person is as old as his arteries, and the vessels of an active brain are always the first to fee! the influence of the extra wear and tear. Recoming hardened and brittle, an nndiie blood pressure ruptures them, and the stroke Is more or less complete according to the region of the brain involved. New York Herald. The Partnership of Business. OltK neonle ntnv eonirrntiilHte themselves that JT 11"'' ear break up the business of an employer if w I to wnom """J" Bl'e hostile, but they ought to reHiize inai iney cannoi uo mat wunoui cor respondingly hurting themselves. Ruslness Is a Joint and mutual affair between employers nd employes, and any disaster to the partner who pays the wages, that Is. the employer, must also recoil upon the employes. It is nipoRSiblc to separate the mutual Interests In such a case. A Reason of Industrial depression will bear heavily upon the wage-workers, whose earnings may be cut off. It will take a long time for labor and capital to learn that their Interests are mutual, and only after tre mendous business convulsions, attended by enormous losses to capital and untold suffering to labor, will they learn enough to get together, but they must finally come to this. New Orleans Picayune. Season of Drownings. THK season's drownings have begun. As summer ail varices the lakeside and seaside, resorts doubtless will add their customary scores to the deatli lis! -a ghast ly roster made up year after year by person who. -nine out of ten. lose their lives needlessly. More drownings are to be attributed to vanity than to any other cause. Young men, and some not young, arc eager to display their skill and strength by swimming out long distances, and when fatigue or a cramp comes they are unable to make shore, and parish, ol'or swimmers, male and female, can insure themselves absolutely against danger by putting on a pneumatic collar. It Is not pretty, but no one wearing It can sink. The deadly "boating accident" Is due. The rash fool who does not know how to manage a boat, but goes boating nevertheless, and the humorous fool who plays practical jokes afloat to frighten the girls, are responsible for most of the capsizing. No way to abate them suggests Itself eveept to prosecute and send to Jail an occasional survivor when It can be done. The parent who will allow his daugh ter to go sailing without being sure of the ability of the man In charge to handle a boitf is to be classed among the foids, too a fool whose terrible grief w hen disaster follows is a punishment worse tb.'in death. A little good sense, n little prudence, would save hun dreds of lives yearly, but good sense and prudence hit not LIGHT ON CA8TRO'S METHODS. liow tbc Venezuelan Supreme Court Jit-lac Were Removed, Stephen Konsal contributes an article to the North American Review en tilled 'Castro: A Latln-Amerlcnn Tjpe." The career of the president -of Veiii7.uela, strange as It has been, Is, according to Mr. Konsal, not unu sual, for hardly a year passes but In one or other of the so-called South America:! republics s brigand chief proclaims himself dictator. The ac count which Mr. P.onsal gives of Cas tro's life, the opportunities that came In his way, the shrcwdm- with which He availed himself of them, his rise to power, and his method of government. Is Interesting, but not such as would lead a reader to deslr- earm-stly to reside In I lie republic of which Casfro Is head. If Mr. Konsal lo not mis taken the president of Venezuela fakes a view of the purposes of the Monroe doctrine which would not appeal to many Americans. Of Castro's domination of the law courts Mr. Honsul says: 'Castro's relations wllh (he Judiciary have been equally dictatorial. How likely the justices of the Supreme court ore to restrain his illegal acis may appear from the following Inci dent: In the fall of 10O1 the chief Justice and his associates, In the per formance of their duties as prescribed by law, Hindu their anuual visit fo the Kotunda, or general prison In Caracas. Among the other scandalous conditions which they brought to light were the following: Over 100 prisoners were In Jail, held upon an executive ordiT only aud not by due process of law. Of 1hos who had been properly com inltUd MOO were absent, having bought their way out. The chief Justice, a worthy man who had been appointed by Andrude, proposed to demand an Investigation, although none of bis n mielatea would sustain him. However before he had taken any action a par agraph revealing the condition found appeared In Kl I'rigotiero, a fugitive, truth-Idling paper, long since sup piesd. On the following tnwrnlng the tribunal was Invaded by oldlers and h military commission declared the court dissolved. A few hours later ll th j" rewired curt IXXtre of I heir removal from offlce. Evtn aV m I I dletlc I I grain Is m T would I the will of a Legislature Which the assassins controlled. The very last man in Europe to admit that a regicide, In any circumstances, is no crime, the Czar1 of Russia, was yet the very first to congratulate without reserve Hie man who came through regicide to be monarch of Servla. This was very strange.-New York Times. the bar of Caracas was aroused and It was resolved that no member of the Har Association should accept the posts that had been vacated In this summary manner; however, the neces sary quota of scamps was secured and (he Supreme court resumed business. It 1b to this tribunal, I 'may point out In passing, that the powers declined to submit their claims, greatly amusing the Ire of the American editor thereby, though at the same time they secured Hie approval of rVrfy American resi dent In Venezuela." SMOKERS EASILY FOOLED. V'aat Amount of I'erlqne Tobacco Hold, but Only Utile Kaiacd. "Speaking of tobacco consumption," said a diligent user of the 'weed who knows a few things alut the busi ness, "ir Initiation is the slncerest flat tery In rythlng, then Louisiana perlque t, o occupies a singularly enviable p... , ion in the world of mild narcotic pbusures. The annual pro duction of the famous brand of to bacco Is between 40,000 and fXMXiO pounds, . the total production of tho world famous vacherles of Ht. Jamca parish. Yet It Is of record, accord ng to the statement of a (irummcr who was recently in N'ew Orleans, that his house uses 2i,ooo pounds of pcrique tobacco a j ear as an Ingredient of one of the 'perhiue mixtures' suppllisl to the smoking public of America. Where I he pi Horn- comes from tho drummer d a-k not know, but he knows that his house last year sold perhpie mixture in volume snlHeleut to account for the disposal of four or five times the pro line: Ion of the genuine pcrhlie crop. The tern 'pcrl'iue crop,' however, Is n misnomer, fo- ,eriiiie ml nc o Is not a nntur.it product, bet man fac tuied. A particular tobacco I- n ,wn and then treated especially, wl h ihe ivseli of what Is cominerclu'ly known is p riHe. Hie - ninny lnil:a::ons villi which the public are supplied aie, It Is said by evperia, virtually the xt, in in quality and flavor, though, not the SMlie us pulque III either tho orig inal natural leaf nor In process of ma nipulation Into marketable ways, act-tic acid ln-lng used by seine commercial boust-s, whereas Ihe genuine perhiue Is not snl-Jecied to the Influence of any forelpli inaittr whatever." New Or leans Tlima Peinorrat. plentiful, and the desire for pleasure Is strong In the young. The duty Is Imposed on their elders to be watchful for them. -Chicago American. fine f'o'ir .and . nentUtry. lit' r..Uan ,,,111 I,.,- I,,. I, ,1.1, .,1,1. i;mlnle,.i1 fh mill t,,m iiiiiiiuimuij uiiuiuiouiru iuw value of our bread. The entire wheat of value; the husk (which Is a valuable iniesiiuai stimulant), the brown exterior, ana the white central core. Except ror certain Invalids, while bread is an indefensible absurd ity. Heifer Is brown bread, consisting of all but the husk, and best Is a whole meal bread, assuming such to be ob tainable. The deficiency of salts in white bread Is uuqucs ilonably related to the deterioration -also familiar to our readers In the national teeth. We may Illustrate this by an argument from Sir Thomas I.nuder Ilrutoni. -Why has America the cleverest dentists?" Answer: "I Seen use she has the best flour mill makers." The better the mill is, the finer the Hour, the poorer the bread, the worse the teeth, and the better the dentists. Perfectly simple.-Ixm-don Chronicle. Education and Business. T may as well be admitted that college train ing doesn't teach a man to keep books or to Sell goods. What education aims to do is to educate to develop the man, to awaken him to the problems of the world, to widen his hori zon. There Is no danger that not enough attention shall be given to commercial development. Iiul there Is a possibility that the business man may become narrowed to his task and fail to take an interest iu the world of Ideas about him. Education ought not to prevent a man from acquiring the necessary details of business. And It ought to make him a more valuable citizen. That most successful business men believe tills Is shown by the fact that they are sending their sous to college. Kansas City Star. ' What Schools Cost. IT is probably not generally known that the United States spends annually on elementary education about $227,000,000 the exact figures for J 000-1001 were, accord ing to the report of the United States Oommisisoner of Education, $220,01 :!,2.'!iS. Kurope spent during the same period approximately $240,000,000. The enrollment In the elementary schools of Kurope Is, however, In the neigh borhood of 4.").hxi,oiK), while In the 1'niied States It Is not much more than 10,000,000. although It Is Estimated that there were in litol almost 22,OOO,uO0 children of school going age in this country. Our yearly expenditure pet pupil averages $22. . Some profit may be gained from a comparison of the amount spent yearly by representative American cities for the maintenance and operation of their, public schools. Xew York spent in a single year if !!i.7.':i,i;20; Chicago fol lows with an oni lay of $8,2n,4!: Philadelphia's expendi ture was 19,004; P.aston's, S.'l.dKt.OlO; Baltimore's, $1,. 417,302; Cleveland's $1.2"..'! I.", and Washington's $1,12. !M0. N'ew Orli-.ins is at the end of the list wllh an expense of only $47S,o2.".- Harper's Weekly. Royalties and Regicides. have been a strange thing'. Indeed, If the crowned heads of Kurope had all agreed to congratulate a new accession to their number as having arrived "by the grace of Hod and the will of the people" when lie notoriously did arrive by the grace of a gang of assassins and I'olinll Wed ill n k Costume. There was a wedding In one of the Polish colonies of this city on a re cently rainy Sunday that while not ac cording to the set rules and regula tions for such events, was at least unique In Its style, and might prove a suggestion to the ultra-fashionable set, who are ever In scorch for something new and novel. . According to the Polish custom tho marriage ceremony usually occurs on a Sunday, this being done to permit the men to attend without losing any time from their employment, while the bride Is supposed to maintain Ihe greatest secrecy concerning her wed ding until she Is actually clad In her wedding garments of thin white ami bridal veil. Then she goes from house to house, regardless of the. conditions of the weather, and invites her friends lo her wedding, which, of course, is paying them n very pretty compliment. Again, according to custom, nnd during the course of the reception, a china bowl Is placed In the center of tin table, upon which the feast Is spread, and each man whom the bride honors with a waltz, understands that he Is to throw with all his might nnd main a silver piece Into this bowl, the ldti being to break It; and the man who Is so fortunate as to shatter the vessel. Is entitled to the farewell dance, and a kiss from the bride. While the cus tom Is curious, It Is none the less prac tical, as It Is not an Infrequent thing for the newly-married couple to receive three or more hundred dollars at their wedding f ast. Washington Post. Tall and Htiort .Month.' Averages for the height of women show that those born In summer and a-utunin are talbf than those born In pri'ff or winter. The fullest g'rls an bom In August. As far as boys an concerned, tho-e who first see the llglp during autumn and wilder are not su fall as those born lu spring and sum nier. Those born In November an the shortest; lu July the tallest. Knit huh llensitjr. Teacher Johnny, Wi,nt country ha the densest population? " ' " . " Johnny ICnglaml, unless the Ins ollity of the Kngllslinian to tee' a Juki lias been greatly exaggerated. Utlt' more American. OLD FAVORITES The Akhoond of Swat. What! What! What! What's the news from Swat? Sad news. Bud news, Comes by the cable led Through the Indian ocean's bed. Through the Persian Gulf the Ited Sea, and the Med- Iterraiiean he's dead, The AUhoond is dead! For the Akhoond I mourn; . . Who wouldn't? He strove tu disregard tin message stern. Hut he Akhoodn't. Dead, dead, dead! (Sorrow Swats!) tfwnis, wlia hat- With Akhooinl IiIkI, Swats, whom lit hath often led (award to a gory bed, Or to victory. As Hie cas,. might be, Sorrow. Swats! Tears shed, Shed tears like water; Your great Akhoond is dead That's Swats the matter. .Mourn, City of Swat, Your great Akhoond is not, Mnt In in 'mid worms to rot, His mortal part ulone; .-his soul was ca light . t (P.ecause he was a good Akhoond), C) to the bosom of Mahound. Though earthly walls his frame surround (For ever hallowed be the ground!) And sceptres ruoek the lowly mound, j And xny. "He's now of no Akhoond!" ; His mid is in the skies The azures skies that bend above his loved I Metropolis of Swat. He seen with larger, other eyes Athwart all earihly mysteries He knows what's Swat! I.et Swat bury the great Akhoond With a noise of irsourning and of lamen tation! Let Swat bury the great Akhoond With the noise of the mourning of the Swatlish nation! ('alien is at length lis lower of strength Its sun is dimmed ere it had mooned; Head lies the great Akhoond! The, great Akhoond of Swt Is not'! (Jeorge T. Lanigan. I.eedle Yowcob Strains. I haf von funny leedle poy, Vot gomes schust t.o mine knee; Her queerest schap, dor crvatest rogue As efi-r you dit see; He runs, und scliumps, nnd sehmnshefl dings In all harts off der house But vot off dot? He fas mine son, Mini- leedle Yaw cob Strauss. lie gel der measles und der iniimbs, t'nd eferyding dot's oudt; He shills mine glass off lager bier, Pools sell miff indo mine kraut; He fills mine pipe mit Limbrrg cheese Dot van der roughest chouse; I'd duke dot vrom no oder hoy lint leedle Yawcob Strauss. He dakes der milk ban for H dhrum, I'nil cuts mine cane In dwo, To make der scliticks to Is-at it mit Mine cracions. dot vos dnie! 1 dinks mine head vas schplit iibnrt, Hi; kicks oup sooch a louse Hut nefer mind, der boys vas few Like dot young Yawcob Strauss. He asks me questions sooch as dose: Who haints mine nose so red? Who vas it cuts dot scliuioodlh hlaee oudt Vrom der hair upon mine lied? I'nd vhere de plaze goes vrom der lamp Velie'er de glim I douse How gan. I sll dose dings pggshlnin To dot sclmiall Yawcob Slrauss? f 1 soiinilinies dink I schall go villi Mit snoeh a ffrazy poy, l"nd vish ironce more I gould haf rest t'nd heaceful dimes enshoy; Kut veil lie vas ashleep in sh1. So guiet n- a mouse. I prays der Ixird, "Dake nnydings, Kut leaf dot Yawcob Strauss." Charles Pollen Adatns. MINT CROP OF MICHIGAN. Campania Farm of Congressman Todd the I.argrt Field in the World. ' There is a plot of ground In southern Michigan which probably not many generations ago formed pait of the lake of that name. In course of time It became a fresh-water swamp, ns valueless a piece of property as might be found. To-day It Is a prosperous, fertile farm, upon which one of the most Interesting Industries of the world Is conducted on a large scale. Hitch digging reclaimed this swamp, snys the New York Times, the ditches serving first as drains, later for Irri gating purposes. Cuuipaiilu farm,-as It has been nam ed by Its owner, Congressman Todd, is about two miles wide and Is ns tint as a duck pond. - There are no fences around It, but the ditches ore laid wllh mill lieninl leal precision. At the exact center of the farm are the buildings, from which the whole Is .opera led and 1n which live as many ;eople as are found lu many villages. As the visitor draws near the farm he sees stretching before lilin what appears to be a lake of green, crinkly leaves, which at nightfall Is covered with a thick vnpor. He becomes con clous of a smarting in the eyes nnd t tingling sensation lu tile nose. .Mem ories of the big peppermint drops and tllcks of striped candy of childhood pass through his iiilml. He Is, In fact, entering the largest mint Held In Ihe world, where la raised most of the peppermint that la i;i:ed,lu the iiianufiicture of oil for Havering confections in the . United "Hate. Campun: farm is busy place. The workmen all live ou the grounds. It Is conducted on model plans. A large boarding house accommodates 100 men, and Congressman Todd has a summer house near by. There are Ice houses, farm buildings, warehouses and a library, and a clu broom for the workmen. There is a barn which Is said to be the largest in the world. This barn solved one of the earliest problems, and the most embarrassing which confronted Mr. Todd when he set out to conquer the swamp and re claim It from the wastes and make it useful. This was the question as to what was to be done with the hun dreds and later thousands of tons of ..mint hay ..after the oil-had .-been. -ex.. traded from it. He determined upon an experiment. He purchased acres of farm land In the northern part of Michigan and put out to a pasture a herd of 500 shorthorn cat tle. In the fall the herd was brought south and housed for the winter in the big burn. The experiment proved successful, as the peppermint plants, are excel lent fodder when dried. Resides there was the advantage of giving employ ment to the workmen in the winter months. The barn is built on unique plans. It is In the shape of a star, there be ing half a dozen arms radiating from a six-sided rotunda In the center. Mint grows from roots similar to hops and spreads by runners. The entire ground is soon covered after the roots are planted, and as soil which is suitable for mint Is also good for weeds a large crop of those must be tirelessly extracted. After the sea son, is well advanced and cultivation is no longer practicable the weeding is done by hand and the amount of labor required is very large. At harvest time the mint is combed and carded in one direction- by means of a powerful two-horse rake. It Is full of snags and crinkles, like a head of tousled hair. Mowers are then run in the opposite direction and the plants cut. The best yield, In quality, comes from the first year's crop, as the oil is made from the leaves and the ten der ends of the sterns, but 1 he second aud third year's crops are said to be the most profitable, ns they do not need replanting, nor so much weeding. Each fall the ground Is plowed six inches deep and the crop comes with out resetting. . & STORING STEAMER PANTRY. " Large Quantities of Rnppliea Needed to Meet Demands. Probably not one passenger In a hun dred gives a thought lo the magnitude of the catirlng done by the firms who keep the pantries and storerooms of ocean steamers stocked with l'ood titulls. And yet the question of meals, says tlu New York Times, is always a vital one to travelers, and the quan tity and quality of the food supplied while one Is crossing the Atlantic in terests ascetics as well as gourmets. Recent Inquiries brought to light the fact that tlie largest steamship afloat uses 500 tons of food every month. This enormous quantity is none too much for hungry passengers and for the crew, who alone number over ,500 individuals. The ocean steamships contract with the caterers for a year's supplies, stipulating that the provisions must be of the best quality procurable. One of these caterers is of a statis tical turn of mind, and has figured out that if It were incumbent upon him to fill the storerooms of a modern ocean liner witli foodstuffs sufficient for a whole year's voyage it would require a procession of carts drawn by 1,000 horses to convey them to the ship, and that this procession would be about four miles long. He says that the supfdy of meat for a twelvemonth would comprise ISO tons of beef, l!.4D0 sheep, representing ninety tons of mutton, 120 tons of lamb and IO.ixki pounds each of pork and veal. This would mean an allow ance of nearly twenty tons of meat for eaeli voyage, assuming that the ship crossed the Atlantic twenty times (single voyage) during the year. hi addition to tills, chickens, ducks nnd other poultry aud game to the niimlM-r of Oo.ihio are used, and forty five tons of fish, fresh and dried, in cluding lobsters and sardines, arc need ed to satisfy the appetites of the pas sengers. The morning rasher of bacon or ham condemns CiM Innocent pigs to their last squeal and represents an ad dition of twenty-five tons or over to the ship's refrigerator. Six hundred tons of potatoes are eaten during the year by the ship's patrons. A supply of Hour for this same steamer makes 'JSii tons of bread, and the quantity of butter used to spread on the staff of life should make file av erage traveler ashamed lo look a cow In the face. Kggs to the number of Uoo,(HK), turning the scale at the ap proximate weight of thirteen Ions, are also supplied, mid 10,imm gallons of milk represent a right estimate of Ihe quantities of lacteal fluid consumed. The caterer produced bills and pa llets to prove that he was not exag gerating, and pointed out one docu ment showing that twenty-five tons of coffee, were used (luring lIHrj on one liner, tho dimensions of which are at present the marvel of the shipbuilding world. He explained that tho Items men tioned represent only a few of thn foodstuffs which lie supplies, nnd he figured out on paper Unit the lea con sumed during a year's voyages would lilt it swimming bath six feet deep and llfly feet long. The wise missionary aecureth an ap .lintiiieiit among the vegetarian type f hen I lien, "The Oldest Code of Laws In thl World," imported by the Messrs. Scrit tier, is a translation by C. II. W. Johns of the recently discovered Ham murabi code. P. S. Dollenbaugh, author of "Th Romance of the Colorado River," pub lished by (J. P. Putnam's Song, Is now traveling in Utah and Arizona collect ing material for forthcoming books. Russell Sturgis has Just handed in to Dodd, Mead & Co. the manuscript of his rewritten, paraphrased, aug mented and translated version of Wil helm Lubke's "Outlines of the History of Art." "The Moth Rook." by W. J. Holland, is to be a companion volume to the author's work ou butlerllU-s. It will appeal- in t he fail with the Imprint of liotilded.-iy, .Page Co. Dr. Holland has been at work on the book for sev eral years. : The author of "His Daughter First," Arthur Sherburne Hardy, was United States minister to Servla from ISM to 1001, but those were less exciting times there than the present. lie is now at the bend of the , American em bassy at Madrid. Professor Percival Lowell, head of the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff, Ari has just published a book, of six popular lectures on "T!e Solar Sys tem," In' which he has much to say about Mars, having made a special study of this planet for some years. Jean Webster, a girl whose first book, "When Patty Went to College," ' has been favorably received,' is a grandniece of Mark Twain. Her fa ther, Charles Webster, was one of the partners of the ill-fated publishing Drill of which Mark Twain was a member. Ainsworth's "Old St. Paul's" Is Im ported by the Messrs. Scribuer in the "Caxton" thin paper repriiils of fa mous Knglish novels. We have alsj Kvelyn's "Diary" in similar form. Both volumes have flexible leather covers and are exceedingly attractive in execution. Street & Smith, New York, has is sued in attractive paper cover, "Wee, Macgrogor," the widely read story of , the canny Scotch youngster, who dip lomatically wins over his parents to his way of thinking. Parents will get many a good laugh from this little book, which can be had for 25 cents. I feel like saying to any young girl who inclines to rhyme, "Don't senti mentalize! Write more of what you .see than of what you feel, and let your feelings realize themselves to other in the shape of worthy actions. Then they will be natural, and will furnish you with something worth writing." Lucy Larconi. Charles Uuttell Loomis, in addition to "Cheerful Americans," expects to have a boys' book published in a few weeks through the Lothrop Publish ing Company. It is entitled "A Part nership lu Magic." "You see," he adds in a recent communication to a friend, "it is three years since my last book came out and so I feel justified la coming out double." "The Novels and Poems of Charles Klngsley" arc being reissued in a "li brary edition" by J. F. Taylor & Co. Four volumes are now at hand, two of them being "Hereward the Wake" and the other "Alton Locke." Tho special feature of this edition Is found in the introductions to the several works, prepared by Maurice Klngsley, the eldest son of the author. Here are some of the gifts showered upon Anthony Hope the other day when he wedded his American bride. Miss Elizabeth Sheldon; Edmund (Josse, a liquor set; Mrs. Humphry Ward, a set of Matthew Arnold's po ems; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Karrle, an antique cabinet: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Courtney, a coal box, and the Authors' Society, a silver punch bowl, ,:,. The Power of ("ii(fre-i, During the blizzard which struck Kansas at the end of April the Globe of Atchison published a good Ozark si ory. Down in the Ozark regions of Mis souri by Home i chance a newspaper strayed Into a benighted neighbor hood. The natives got hold of It, and lost no time in finding a man who could read, all being anxious to hear the news. One mini asked the reader: "What are they doing down there In Washington, now?" "They arc doing lots of things," the render replied. "Congress has Just passed a law adding two more months on to the year, and they are both win ter ' months." The questioner jumped from his seat saying, "(iccmluce, whiz! And I am Just out of fodd, r." Des Moines Reg ister. l-inoiigh to KOI llhn. Hobo Charley-Say, loldy, If dat dnwg bites me he dies, see? Lady l' believe you; I don't see how he could recover. Kaltlmore Ameri can. How ll Happened. tlladys So Keatrlce Is finally mar ried? How did she come to take the plunge? Klhel She dldu't She was shoved off by six younger sisters. The young man wlio figures on mar rying an heiress apt to overlook the foct that the heiress may also have some knowledge of mathematics.