Exchange A. HHATB everything in the world," asserted the girl sweepiugly and defiantly, 'everything and every body except, of course, you, Aunt I!e!cf." . - . "Kitty, dear, don't talk so wickedly," replied a voice so feeble and tired, though Mffft, that there was no need to be told Aunt Hester was ill. "in quite rrue," repeated Kitty; "I do hate everything. I hate never hav ing any money and living iu these two pony little room, and not lining able to take you abroad, which the doctor a.iys would very likely make you well again, and having to slave day after day teaching thise horrid children who never min to learu an, thing. I loaiha it all! I cant help not being patient like you, Auntie, and if it is wicked to hate things, why then I must be wicked!" The girl stopped, completely out of breath, and the elder woman sighed but said nothing. She knew how hard the poverty of their lives was to the pretty girl of eighteen, who had youth's natural desire for pl asure and pretty things. She understood how Irk some It was to Kitty to teach three dull children for five hours daily for tha mnrilfii'UTi' wiiin nf fl-l a veiir. which money, with the addition of a very small annuity of hers, was all they had to live on. She knew, too, better than her niece, better even than the doctor, that so far as she was con cerned, it would soon be over; that not even the visit to Switzerland, so easily advised, bo Impossible to ob tain, would make very much differ ence or very materially lengthen the days before Kitty would be left to tight the battle of life alone. "Only 50," she went on bitterly. "I have worked It all out. For 50 we could both go to Lausanne for ten weeks. You know that pension where Liable stayed; they would take the two of us for 3 a week; ;hat would leave plenty for the journey. Fifty pounds! less than heaps of women spend on one divas' I call It hateful horrible unfair. Why should we have nothing and others o much?" She made for the park, aud as she was walking along one of its most de serted paths her foot knocked against a Stone, which she kicked impatiently way. ' The softness of the stone truck her, and she looked down to find she was kicking a purse. She picked it up and examined it carefully. It was nearly new, of green leather, curiously worked with black, and the monogram, "A. IC" stamped in gold In one corner. v "It is so light there can be nothing In it," she said to herself, and opened It. A shilling and four pennies fell Into her hand, and then some pieces of folded paper, five Bank of England fcotes for 10 each. There was no one Bear. Kitty's head swam, her eyes grew misty, she felt sick and faint as tie temptation unfolded itself to her. Here was the exact sum net-did to re store Aunt Hester to health: there was ho name In the purse, no clew to the owner; surely, since It had come to her at that moment when she so much Seeded 50, It must have been sent by Providence. Surely It Would be out right for her to keep It Thus she rea soned, knowing the weakness of her arguments, realizing, but refusing to consider, that she contemplated com mitting a theft And after the theft. Ilea would be necessary, for if Aunt Hester had the. faintest Idea of how the money was obtained, she would "certainly refuse to even touch it, ai:d would insist on making every effort to ud its owner. If Miss Ormoud had not been the most simple-minded and unsuspecting of women she would never have be ttered that Mr. Harper, the by no means rich mo her of her niece's pu pils, would give her a present of ., for this was the very feeble lie by which Kitty accounted for her posses VD of tbe money. Miss Osmond was anxious to write and thank the lady, but Kitty averred that Mrs. Harper bad made a condition she should re ceive no thanks for her gift, and Miss Ormoud, into whose guileless mind no aba do w of suspicion entered, obeyed, though a little unwillingly. '-Such a magnificent, such a princely gift." he kept on murmuring gently, "It earns rude and ungrateful for me not to thank her, but of course we must do aa she wishes. I hope, Kitty, you Mid bow deeply grateful we both are." A week later and the dingy lodgings Were left and aunt and niece started for Switzerland. Aunt Heater bore the Journey very well, and tbey were soon bastnlled in a comfortable pension verl oklng the azure waters of Lake Lemau. on the other side of which In aaow-clud majealy the peaked Alps keep guard. Then suddenly one day when tbey been In Lausanne for six 'ks, Kitty congratulated nersefrlhat tvae auut was so much better the bad n amiivu in v a i M, mi? run i. i t muu : Caatar returned from a walk, felt Oct aa4 went to He down. In two Lxvt tbe mm re little Swiss doctor trto rasarlag the aim at frantic Kitty -m 1. 1 ..t.l ....... 11 1 mm fWMWMtd ' .t t!I fmm lmt IoihMb doctoaa U lduiowsSa, tbay l'"tl 4n nothing. Har ftaart i&itif. I rmiMtkiat m ii't":i frrtba taacijr gjrl 'A-u. ' ' ' , ' . An M that she always asked her to join any little entertainment that took place. Kitty never accepted these kindly meant Invitations. She was so un happy that she tad no heart for any thing of the kind. One evening, how ever, she relented. A small musical party was to be given and one of the pupils, a girl uf whom Kitty had be come very fond, begged her to accept Mrs. Allen's invitation to join It. ".My brother, who Is staying at Lau sanne now, is coming," the said proud ly. "He sings splendidly, and you play accompaniments so well that 1 w :m you to play hi-. I told Mr. Allen I would implore you to come. Do, there's a darling. You needn't stay down stairs all the evening if you are tired, only I do want you to hear Arthur sing and see him, too; be is just per fect!" For .Janie thought there was no one in the world tit to compare with In r eldest brother. Kitty acceded to the earnest request, though when she found herself iu the drawing-room that evening she was almost sorry she had given iu. There was no help for it then, however, and she bowed gracefully to the tall, dark young man who was immediately in troduced to her by hU enthusiastic sister. "Miss Ormond Is going to play your accompaniments, Arthur." she said Im petuously. "She plays beautifully, and 1 have told her all about your wonder ful singing." The man smiled. 'l am afraid my little sister talks too much," he said. "She is so proud of my singing that she expects every one to be equally enthusiastic!" During the evening he asked his sis ter why Miss Ormond looked so un happy, aud she told him that Miss Or mond had brought her aunt out to Lausanne hoping thereby to restore her health, and how she had died sud denly. "The poor Ihii.g is quite "iiioiic iu the world, and very poor," Janie continued, "so Mrs. Allen asked her to live with her. She must have loved that aunt awfully, because it I more than two years since she died, and Mis. Ormond always has that sad ex pression." The young man found thai Janie had by no means exaggerated Miss Oiniiind's playing p weis, and al though not at all Impressionable, lie could not help feeling interested in th-. beautiful, sad. and apparently frhud lefts girl. He stayed Iu Lausanne for some time, and very often saw bis sif ter, ami always managed to see Miss Ormond at the same time. "Kitty, dear," he said tenderly, ''why are you so much astonished? You must have known I loved you. My poor little girl, all alone In the world. Janie has told me all alKiut your trou bles, and now I am going to make you happy again. You are too young and pretty to have that sad face always." Hut the girl shrank from lilm. "I can't." she murmur'-d brokenly. "I love you. ol). yes, I love you. but I can never marry you nor any other man!" The anguish in her voice and face was so intense that the man looked at her in astonishment. "What Is it, my darling? Why do you talk so strangely? Why. if you love me, can't you marry me? You speak as if you had committed a crime!" "So 1 have," she answered, and it ivas his turn to start back and ex claim. "Kitty, what do you mean?" "Listen," (.he said miserably, and then she tells her story. )fr v-t were oii iu? ground. aid she did not see the curious light In his. 'It is odd there was exactly the 50 you wanted, no more, no lexs," he ob served quietly, to her astonishment. "There was something else," she an swered, "a " Hut he Interrupted her: "A shilling and four pennies were ill it as well; the purse was green Worked with black, and A. K. was stamped in gold in one corner." "A. K.!" she cried. "Arthur King! It was your purse. Oh, let me go. Iet me go. Jet me never see you again!" He held her firmly. "My darling, the money is nothing to me In comparison with what you have suffered. I am glad you had the mon ey, glad that through me you were able to give your aunt a little happi ness at the end. Aud for yourself. Kitty, you must be happy again now. After all, you used my money, and It Is only fair you should give me some thing In exchange." "I have nothing to give, at least hardly anything. I have only been able to save 10. Oh, Arthur, how you must hate me!" "I don't want money, Kitty. You can give me the only thing In the world that I want, and that Is " She looked at h i in In wonderment. "Your self," he finished, and she said no more. New York News. American Cigarette In India. It is now, said that the cigarette trade of India an enormous and grow ing one, for every native smokes baa bewa captured by America, it la the M atory over again surplus atock aoM at ruinous prices. Ten Amerlaan etgjreuaa. dona ap la a box,- eta ba boagbt to-day la aay India a baaaar for halt a peany. Kataral beadacbea ana art la It with tba acqalratf klai. NURSES OF THE ARMY. Wonii Art Regularly Kmployrd, Usu ally with Marked Butcea-i. A brief account by Dr. McOee of the nurse corps of the army as it exists now has recently Uh-u published in the Journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. A pre vious article described the conditions attending the appointment of trained women nurses for army duty, which began iu May, lS'JS. and culminated lu September, when about 1,200 were employed. Between then and the pres ent time they have served in the Unit ed States, Culm, Porto Kico, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, aud even in the Chinese campaign, according to Amer ican Medicine. The number is now fixed at loo on active duty, with a small body of "reserves" who have seen active Kervice ami are ready to answer future calls. Trained nurses are permanently sta tioned at the army hospital at San Francisco, at the one for tuberculosis at Fort Bayard. N. M.. and at the larg est lio.-tilals in the Philippines, The;. are temporarily sent to any post where they may be needed. They nerve un der a section of the army reorganiza tion law framed in 1!. which pro vided that the medical department should consist of i-pii-itied medical of ficers, of the enlisted m."n of t lie hos pital corps, and of the nurse corps (fe male). A superintendent Is stationed in the Surgeon General's odice and a chief nurse is at each of the hospitals whew nurses are serving. Recent regulations provide for an examination iu nurs ing, cooking and allied subjects before promotion from the grade of nurse to that of chief nurse. Women are em ployed with marked success ns teach ers of nursing and cooking in the two schools maintained to give brief pre liminary instruction to the hospital corps recruits. Dr. McGee urges that In the future the nurse corps be more largely utilized in giving systematic ward training to fit the hospital corps men for their duties in the smaller hos pitals whifre they have uo trained su pervision. She also recommends the gradual formation of a larire corps of reserves who have received some pot graduate military training. TWAIN'S ROAST CHICKENS. Cooked in a Peculiar War that Mads 1 he iw !elicioutt. Recently Major John ft. Downing, of Middieport, Ohio, was discussing army chicken stealing and the various ways tlie boys had of preparing them to be served. The Major was a Mississippi river pilot In his young days, and stood at the w heel as a cub under the watch ful eye of "Sam" Clemens, the Mark Twain of the present day. "Speaking of chicken stealing." said the Major, who Is now j,ray and rem iniscent, "we had great times on the Mississippi when Mark Twain. Jake Estep and myself were together. Jake would have made a t.vpii-al soldier. He could locate a fat pullet la a whole coop of half-breeds. "Iu those days we carried a great deal of freight from points along the Mississippi river to New Orleans, par ticularly during the holiday season. At many places the coops were four and five deep on the levee when we landed. Estep always had an eye out for a particularly promising coop, and usually kept In mind the place where It had Im-cu stored away. "Shortly before midnight he would go on deck aud extract several plump fowls from the coops he had 'pre empted.' The chickens were dis patched without a protesting squawk, the entrails removed, but the feathers left intact. Seasonings were then In serted, and the fowls Inclosed in a heavy casing of soft chy to the thick ness of two inches. They were then cast among the hot embers In the ash pan arid permitted to roast to the queen's taste.' When thoroughly cooked, they were removed, and the clay -2K!i:g Lreken frats s'.saut them. The feathers came away with the clay, leaving clean, smoking hot fowls ready for the dish of hot butter awaiting them upstairs. Kstep with a fork stripped the flesh from the bones Into the melted butter, while the rest of us stood alMjut and smacked our lips in anticipation. Dear, dear, but they were good; Iu cooking them In that way all the rich flavors were retained I can almost taste them now, and I wish I could as a matter of fact." According to His Folly. A young Japanese compositor em ployed on a Japanese journal hardly a stone's throw from the Mall and Ex press building was riding downtown In a City Mali train the other morning. He was engrossed In his morning pa per and paid little attention to the other passeugers. But a fresh-looking young man who sat next to him, and who hud been eyeing him all along, suddenly said: "What sort of a 'nese' are ,you, any way? A Chinese or a Japanese?" The little Jap was not caught nap ping. Quick as a wink he replied: "What sort of a 'key' are you, any way; a monkey, a donkey or a Yan kee V The fresh young man had uo more to say, and left the train quickly when City Hall station was reached. New York Mail and Express. Mho Caa't l It. Mamma Johnny, I shall have to tell your father what a naughty boy you have been. Johnny I guesa dad's right when lie saya a woman can't keep a thing to herself. Hoaton Maatiac Caltftiraia Oraagoa. commercial agent of tbe Japan govern aaeat la in California to make aa ttparUaeat of snipping California toJapaa. Science .cnvention A unique institution Is the Patholog ical Museum at Berlin. This was es tablished by Professor Yin-how, and eouiaius a.Otsj preparations of a path ological kind, with elaborate arrange ments for preserving, mountiug and MuilyiLg the specimens. 'Electrical reactions have been found by Dr. A. D. Waller, of the University of London, to serve as a test of life in both animal and vege table tisMiev In this way lie lias Just shown that bits of human skin for 1l-iJ l"l i 1 . ,F lirMlTVU til.' 1 1- vitality at le;,st two day, often ten days, and ; probably (sometime much longer. As ; eeniiriiiing this conclusion, it is men- i lioiied that carefully preserved skin j has bioti iiM-1 after six mouths, six teen :nn. -ovulations out of twenty iw o proving Me. cei-ful. Some bacteria, huge fungi and rot ten wood are known to glow In the ilark, but shrubs n'ld (lowering plants are not usually credited with the property of phosphorescence. Dr. II. P.eckurtz, however, bus lately discov ered an old rec rd of phosphorescence, lu an Indian grass known to the lirah mins as -ijiotislitnuti." The account Is of umMi interest to botanists, but, while the plant has not been identified with certainty, it is concluded that the observer was led Into error by phos phorescent bacteria on the grass. If a flower pot is laid on Sis, side the stalk of the plant growiug In It grad ually curves upward until it resumes the vertical position. This Is called geotropie curvature, and the question Is by what means the plant Is stimu lated to change its direction of growth. One theory avers that movable starch grains iu the plant cells fall to the lower side as the position Is changed, and by their pressure Influence the mechanism of growth. Recently Fran cis Darwin, in England, has succeeded in accelerating the tendency of a plant to curve upward when placed horizontally by subjecting It to the vi brations of a tuning fork. He thinks the shock of the vibrations affect the movements of the starch grains. When Mr. Marconi started bis great power-Matlou at Pohlhu, lu England, for the puriKsc of transmitting wire less messages across the Atlantic, many feared that the electric waves from this station would interfere with those of shorter range, used in com municating between ships am! be tween shore and (iliip. Recently Pro fessor Fleming has experimented with the Poldhu apparatus, and reports that his experiments appear to him to afford "a complete demonstration of the truth of Mr. Marconi's statement that the waves sent out from his ow-er-statlons do not and will not Inter fere with the reception of messages from his apparatus as placed on board fhlp." The railway across the Andes, be tween Chile aud the Argentine Repub lic, which was projected twenty years ago. Is at last to be completed, the Chlleun congress having recently pass ed a bill for the purpose. The loftiest part of the pass, which lies not far south of the great Andean giant, Acon cagua, and which has an elevation of 13,000 feet. Is to be penetrated by a tunnel, which will serve both to avoid snowdrifts and to decrease the maxi mum elevation of the road. The ter minals of the railway on each side of the pass are now within one day's travel by mule caravan from one an other. This will lie t lie first rail line to cross the South American conti nent. THIS NEWSY A HJRO Only a Child, Yet Cared for a !- aerted ISabjr Klve Uaya. Few stories of the streets of Greater New York are more pathetic than that of a little shaver of a newsboy who "toiued in" a 4-months-old'baby girl at a Brooklyn police station the other day. The newsboy had been lugging the deserted infant about and caring for it for five days before he felt im pelled to pass up the burden that had been thrust upou his little shoulders. On a raw aud rainy afternoon the boy was selling his papers at his ac customed corner of Atlantic avenue, In Brooklyn, when a young man and woman, the latter carrying an lufnut, approached him. "Hold this baby for a few minutes, son," said the man, taking the baby from the arms of the woman, who was weeping, "and I'll give you a quarter." "Sure t'lng," said the newsboy, who really wasn't much more than a baby himself, although, as he afterwards put It, bo'd been "husllln' fiu me grub" for several years. The man deposited the Infant lu the newsboy's arms, aud then the couple hurried around the corner, the woman weeping. They didn't come back. The newsboy, holding the baby on one arm and his papers on the other, wait ed for them for hours. Then, as he subsequently explnlued, "I got wise dat dey had done me, but I wasn't goln t" shake de kid." He got rid of all of his pficr be fore tbe young one liegan to bawl. The bawling alarmed him a good deal, but ba concluded that It was due to hunger. Bo be went Into a bake shop and bought tbe baby a conple of sweet bona. He was a good deal putaled when be found that the 4 months old baby wouldn't eat such delicacies as sugared bona, and he scratched bis lit tle shock bead a good deal over that situation. Then he suddenly remem bered tbat worm milk waa the tblng for lnfscU cf the size of the one hi was packing around Out of hi earn Jug be bought a baby's milk bottb aud ailed ;t with warm milk that hi got at a little restaurant. The bottli and the milk maiie a hit with the babj girl, and she quieted down. The newsboy was in the habit o: sleeping In hallways, car sheds au unused cars, power houws, and oC place that afforded warmth aud con cealineut, but he felt that, with lib new re.-spoiiiibillty, "campiu' out," ai he evpress'tj it, was out of the que Uou. "A feller couldn't carry de baunei wit' such a Hole kid as dat," hi added. So he chartered a bunk for hlmsell and the baby In au eight cent Brook lyu lodging house. He tucked thi young one under the quilts, warmer up more milk for it oa the followlui morning and caned for it generally and then set out to sell papers, wlti the baby on one arm and his pa pen ou the other. Thus he nurtured the waif for flvi days. Then he "went broke." Ills lltth reserve fund of pennies hsd all beet spent In "blowiu' de little geezer" bu own words again. He didn't mind tin constant gjvi.ig of bis newsboy com paulons, but he found that the cariin for the baby seriously interfered will his paper-selling business. So he re luctantly carried the baby to a polio station. "S.iy, sarge," be said to t!'e desk set gennt on duty, "take dis hard luck ta off me han's, will youse? I'm all In an' dey alu't nottln' doiu' wit' me hIiici I got de kid. It yells so much dat I can't sell me pnpes. But, say, sarge youse won't give de kid none de wois of it, will youse, bey?" he added, will great solicitude, aud then he told hli story of bow he had come into jws session of the mite of a girl. The baby Is now In a foundling asy lum, and the stout-souled and tender hearted newsboy Is back on his Allan tic avenue corner selling his "papes. He Is selling more of thetn, fourfold than be ever sold before, and hundredi of persons who know the story of bow he took care of the deserted baby foi five days are telling bim to "keep tn change" these days. NO WHET TO THE APPETITE. Cuatnms at West Virginia Hotel No CunduciTe to Gormandizing. There are districts In the West Vlr glula mountains where tbe pe iple livi iu very primitive fashion. They l! as did their fathers and do as Ihej pleas;, and, says one who has vl.-dii-f them, "don't .-ire a darn, and when they curry guns ue tin in with simplt dirciues." The chief of the .-auii'r( clan has been down lu that loealltj and tells of some iutere-tlng espe rien es: 'T steppid into a lunch rooit at one of the mountain stations to gel a cup of coffee. "By the way, I believe that they'vi revived the war custom of making eof fee out of sweet potatoes and burn' rye. You know the n-bs used to di when they couldn't get the rcni thing. Anyway the lunch counter cof fee had a yam flavor. To the right o) me was an empty suit. The man wh( nut there Just before had trlid pie am. did very well. At least there re maliH'd only crumbs and n knife cov eied wlili clnrry juiec. Tin- man t the left of me was, tackling a liair sandwich and he called for a knife b spread on some mustard. The walti-l was a raw-boned mountaineer. Ill slouched forward and picked up the cherry-stained knire. First I thought lie was going to swallow It, but h was nfllly only licking off the stalus after whkh he wiped the knife on hli apron- and di livered It to the hair sandwich chap. The latter looked al me aud dropped the mustard Idea. "A stranger came In at this momen! and culled for a dozen oysters on tin shell. A moment biter I heard tin long geared mountaineer yell to simiii boy in a far corner: "Whari thet air set o' shells? 'What set 0 shells:' grumbled tho boy. 'Then air shells thet I use for elsters.' ' hove 'em at a purp daown the bill thli ma wiling,' sniffed the boy. The moun taineer vaulted over the counter, but the boy escaped. The former ex plained: 'I hain't a got none o' their air sdiell to put the pIbIpits on. Con saru thet kid:'" Pittsburg Dispatch The ouniled lluellaL. At the recent congress of physlclam lu New Orhiins a story about Dr Ixiretiz went the rounds. Dr. Irenz, some years ago, wai summoned suddenly to ihe bedhlde ol a Frenchman who had been wounded In a duel. "Come Immediately and bring I plenty of surgical appliances," said the summon) r. "for you will find youj patient In a serious situation." Accordingly the physician and hli assistant loaded Into their carriage i great quantity of bandage, and iodo form gauze and absorbent cotton, to gethcr with probes of every size nut shape, fin ii stliHIcs and splint. Tbej were equipped to dreW the wounds ol n mn!l army, nnd great, therefore was their disgust, upon reaching tin French ms.n's hue. to find that nolh lug ailed Mm bin a mere sworf sciatch In Die forearm. Dr. Lorenz. wliti a smile, sent lib assistant for some warm water, and waited for Its arrival to dress the tinj wound, Tb Fr hchuian, groinlnj fearfully, said to him: "is my arm hurt serious, sir?" "Very serious, Indeed," replied tbi physician. "I'm sfrald, If my assist ant doiau't hurry It will heal of Itsei; before he gets bsck." Never laugh at a girl with a pu nose; you can't tU what au ton up. A BIT OF HISTORY. law the La Mala Province War Loat to Kaglaad Korayer. Buenos Aires, meaning "jjood airs' it "healthful winds," was mined by au Id Spanish explorer ana freebooter. Vdro de Mrndoxa, who founded th ity In thtf year l.V'5. The wind blow ng In from the pampas was certainly nod, but not so tbe flat, swampy pieco if ground that be selected for a town. 1'et the little settlement grew, despite ts surroundings, despite the lack of a larbor, despite a century of Indian vars and over two and a half centu les of Spanish misrule. It grew and irospered until, lu 1770an eay duto 0 remember It became the capital of be great Spanlbb viceroyalty of I-a ;'lata, which comprised what is now Vrgentlna, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uru uay. Jusi 100 ycais ago P.Uejios Aires herniation had reached f0.0iHi, which eems quite remarkable w hen one coll iders the vexatious taxes and restric jous imposed on her colonics. In ISiwj occurred the British Invasion tinier .Major-Wen. (afterward Viscount) Villiain Carr Bcresfon', an event that icarly changed the destiny of half a oiitinent. For "the Purple Land that jiginnd lost," as a writer styles the .a Plata countries, would probably nive been British to-day. like Cape lony, or, at least English speaking, .ad Beresford held the city lie so easily rapt ured. England and Spnln were at war at his time, Spain Iteing tbe ally of Na loleon. Beresford, who bad been sta loued at Cape of Wood Hots", thought le would Bid his country by seizing a ipaulsh colony, and Impulsively set tall for the l!!o de la Plata with about XX) men. Arrived off I'Menos Aires, be ook the city quite urprise, and aptured it easily.- 1 pimple were lot Inclined to suluuii m a mere haud 'ul of Ingleses (Englishmen), and after 1 few weeks' preparation they ad- .'anced upon the invaders and soon iverwheltned them. Tim fighting oc :urred In the Pln7-a Mayor, the princi pal square of the city, where Beres 'ord was Intrenched, and this square uis ever since been known as the Plasia t'ictorla, while adjacent streets, such is Defeusa (Defense), Iteeonqulsta (Be ronqncHt), and a few others, were re lamed In honor of the victory. ( But Great Britain, unwilling to lose inch a prize, sent a much larger force, mder Wcneral Whilelm ke. to recap, ure the city. This expedition, how ver, ended much more disastrously. iVhltetoi-kc. through his Incompetency, ot hair bis men a:;d bad to withdraw o bis ships; and, to i-ompii-fe his dis grace, he surrendered Montevideo, tbo ity across the river now tbe capital r l.'rngu.iy which hail been gallantly iptnn-d by a separate force. Thus he I.a Plata provinces were lost to Ciigiand forever. St. Nicholas. AN AUTHORITY ON ASIA. fohn Karrrtt, the New Minl.lcr to Ihe Art-eniiae Kepuhlic. The new minister to Argentina. John Jurrett of Oregon, who succwds V. l Ixird. was formerly minister to Slam and is nn au thority on matter pertaining to tho far east. Slueo early lu P.srj Mr. Barrett has been commissioner gen eral for Ihe St. Louis exposition to Asia and Australia and ha but re cently returned to this country. While minister to JOHN BARRETT. 81am (181H !S) Mr. Barrett settled tbo famous claim of Dr. M. A. Cheek, ob taining an award of $i"iiUM). When the Spanish war broke out be resigned his diplomatic iost and went to the Philippines as a wsr corresiiondi nt. In l'JOl he was a delegate to the In ternational conference of American s;ates held In Me ho. I.a-t Diccmbr he was apiiolutcd minister to Japan, but declined In onb-r to complete his vork for (he St. Louis exposition. Why Angela .Needed a I. udder. H. H. Vreeland. the pri sklent of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company of New York, Is the son of a clergy man Itev. A. If. Vreeland and some times he tells the following story of hi father, says the Detroit 'News-Tribune: "One afternoon my father mnile au address before a Sunday school. Ja- cobs ladder was the subject that be chose to tulk on, and after be had told that beautiful biblical story he said to the listening children: j " 'Is there any one here Who has sny questions to ak shout Jacob?' "There was u silence. Again my father uskisl: "'Is there no one here who wishes lo ask some questions alKiut Jacob, and the ladder, and the angels ascend ing nn I descending?' "This time a little girl said timidly: "'Why was It, sir. since the angels had wings, that they needed a ladder to ascend und desei rid on? "Be fore a ijiiiKii'w so Intelligent and Ingenious my father naturallv win at a loss. He could think of nothing to reply, so to Kin nine tie said: "'Tho question I )mve ,. Is a good one. Can anybody answer It? Come, now surely some llitb; boy or girl can answer this quifdlrm. Why did the angels have a ladder whin they were tndowed with wlngtr "A little boy in the back of the room pip d out: " 'Maybe they were molting, sir.' Horn Women Among Thra. Mra. Bnappe-OUI all men art foola Mr. Hnsppe Yes? L'nfortaDatsiy vr yon, near, tna rule doaasi't betb waya. Philadelphia Pnaa.