Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 17, 1903, Image 2

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    Its Hirmea Piess-Jjurn.1
a ncaaa, raorsnrroa
uneni, ... VKBSASKA
jr ew Hieu uu we,,'., t . ....j look
ing upin the bright side of life.
Oive every person two chances. A
lad wife often makes a good widow.
Sooner or later opportunity will come
to those who hustle while they wait.
Pome one has said that talk Is cheap,
yet we hear a good many extravagant
The owl's reputation for wisdom may
be due to the fact that he says one
thing and sticks to it.
A New York clubwoman recently re
ferred to women "the silent sex."
Excuse us a moment while we drop
A man bag been put In jail for strik
ing his mother-in-law. No mobs of
Infuriated citizens have as yet, how
ever, threatened to lynch him.
"If the price of potatoes goes too
high," says the Boston Globe, "eat
rice." Was there ever a more painful
example of disloyalty to the home food
taple ?
King Edward says he wants the
bonds between this country and En
gland strengthened. Has Ed his eye
on something he thinks we don't want
him to take?
An expert has discovered that the
extraction of teeth causes, blindness.
The experience of humanity has seem
ed to be the other way, if seeing stars
counts for anything.
How can you tell when a multi
millionaire has gained the whole world
and lost his own appreciation of
things? When he doesn't get any fun
out of going In swimming.
' The author of "Curfew Shall Not
Ring To-night" says the poem was
written in a room overlooking a ceme
tery. This probably explains why
everybody wants to kill the amateur
elocutionist who recites it.
The official head of the tobacco trust,
whose salary is $100,000 a year, says,
"I am paid for the mistakes I do not
make." The ability to avoid mistakes
is sometimes more valuable than the
ability to do things. Both combined
make the really great men in high io
itious. Electricity is rapidly coining to con
trol the country and a decided de
crease is shown in the number of
companies and trackage of other
kinds of power. Of the total single
track mileage, 21,914 miles, or 97 per
rent, are operated by electric power
and 416 miles, or 1.9 per cent, by oth
er mechanical traction, while only
250 miles, or 1.1 per cent, are operated
by animal power, as compared with
68.7 per cent in 18!K).
One of the precious few gifts whose
Rivers will forever remain unknown is
the $250,000 which a gentleman hand
ed to the late Mr. Hewitt one day,
telling him to give it to the Cooper
Union and never reveal the name of
the giver. Mr. Hewitt accepted the
lift with the conditions attached, and
lied without revealing the secret. At
the annual meeting of the union the
ther day It came out that none of the
present trustees knows or suspects the
name of the donor. And they will not
try to find out.
We may adopt as an approximate
Ignre for the age of man a period of
150,000 years, which is believed to
bare fair claims to provisional accept
ance. Furthermore, calculations based
n the rate of solar shrinkage and
npon other data seem to suggest a
period of about 3,000,000 years during
which animal life will continue to be
possible on the earth. Assuming these
two figures fairly to indicate the facts
w mar take it that fie human race
has only completed one-thirteenth part
f Its history. In this sense, therefore,
the world is young.
Who Is going to decide when scien
tists' disagree? Here we find one
(roup of investigators, movedby re
tent discoveries, such as the remark
able properties of the substanceknown
as radium, figuring out that the earth
tad all that is In It must resolve
themselves into their original cle
ssCflts or confusion of elements, and
that wc shall have chaos come again.
Another group of scientists declares
Cat this Is titter nonsense and those
entertain such theories are dream
Mi. So it goes. Every discovery Is
Oat by scientific doubt as well as scl
fr2c belief and the unlearned is to
t a forgtven for not knowing where be
) "at" Bat be can probably rest his
Jk ta the calm confidence that the
"1 World will go on for some time to
: at toast aracb as If there were
r 'tJoti aad do new and startling
" :rry ia Boston la doing a big
"j rrts abandoned fans.
f-J Ct sOSoa of the New En-
! Hum that a eea-
' if-itzf faatalaod their
'jCa ecaaaf '.to
'.'- I ti CifD tXtm
rC3 wSA tsat
v" rrrJ CT
supply, which he promises to work oil
on the rich urban population of the
I north and down east as sites for coun
' try homes. In time these deserted
' farms will belong to the millionaires.
who will convert their barren fields
. into game preserves and fish ponds. It
A stated that in Maine alone over 3.
000 such farms are for sale.
Wait moment, young man. Yoi.
say you haven't been given a fair
chance in life to make something of
yourself? Ixwk at William E. Corey,
who has just Iteon elected President
of the United States Steel corporation
at a galary that would make a man
rich In a year. I so you think he ha!
"a pull?" He did. Fifteen years ago
Coiej was pushing a wheel barrow in
the yards of one of Carnegie's mills in
Braddock. And Ibis was his "pu:!."
"He wheeled so much more iron in a
day than the men at his elbow that be
was soon made foreman over them."
In other words Corey wasn't afraid to
"do $2 worth of work for a dollar."
feu.' that besets many young men to
dr.j. When Corey became foreman it
wns noticed that lie got twice as much
work out of his men as the other fore
men. He didn't swear at his men.
Tlicy never grumbled at their loss.
They respected him. Carnegie lcp:'
promoting Corey. And Corey worked
hard. He had only a fair common
school education. He studied at night.
He took up a course in a corrosiMind
emv school. In time he lieeanie an ex
pert chemist. I'.y and by he was an
authority on armour plate. He knt-v
more atiout armour plate than anyon-'
in the mills. There was only one thin,'
for Carnegie to do. He made Cony
superintendent of that department.
Corey increased 'the output. That's all.
Only remember this: "He wheeled so
much more iron than the men at his
Kon't be in a hurry. Modern h.-'stf
is often waste. Many ills, economic,
moral, individual, come of it. Life
may be too strenuous for good results.
The spirit of hurry good in its place
causes friction, clashing, losses.
Iton't be in a hurry. Many are in
haste to get rich. They patronize get
rich quick schemes. They speculate.
Where one wins, a thousand, ten thou
sand, lope. There is only one safe
way to make money the old-fashioned'
way of honesty, industry, economy.
That way is slow, but it is reasonably
sure. Don't be In a hurry. Young
persons get in a haste to be educated.
Education is a growth. Knowledge,
exjterlenees, must not only be digested
but assimilated. That requires time.
It does not delay the loy or girl to
stop between terms to teach school.
Opportunity is given to put into prac
tice some of the things learned in col
lege. Don't be in a burry. Some are
In haste to make a reputation. Hut
reputation without character behind it
is worthless. And character Is a
growth. Mushroom characters will
make mushroom reputations. You
will be taken for what you are. The
world will size you up. Build solidly.
Iton't lie In a hurry. You cannot ex
pect to get rich quick, educate your
self in a day, or build a reputation on
a flimsy foundation. Don't be In a
hurry. Mind ami body can only be
strengthened by development. That
takes time. Science has given it out
that relaxation is the secret of men
tal and physical life. Nervous and
muscular contraction is wearing the
hurried man to a frazzle. Therefore
men (and wonieni are excitable, fric
tlonal, erratic. Therefore the break
downs, the asylums. It Is the con
stant tension of nerve and muscles.
Relax frequently. You will succeed
better. You will live longer. Don't
be in a burry. Suppose you get
wealth. How will you enjoy It or
use it to the advantage of the world
if you are worn out, enervated, wreck- I
ed? Suppose you get an education and
like Thomas Cnrrnn, aged 'if), of the
senior class of Yale, '03, you receive
your diploma on your death bed, hav
ing killed yourself for a piece of sheep
skin? Suppose yon gain a reputation
for brilliancy and give in exchange a
well-balanced, amiable mind or a
sound physique? Don't be in a hurry.
Work steadily, sanely, surely. Hold
the even tenor of your way. Don't le
in a hurry.
What Constitutes a Family?
The question as to what const It uten
a "family" Is often up before the rail
road officials. Some railroads are quite
liberal in their definitions. The Penn
sylvania Itailrond Company's definition
in regard to a pass bearing a man's
name and family Is that It Is only
good for himself and mcinlcrs of bis
family who rely upon him for sup
Some of the European roads arc
more liberal. J. B. Hutchinson, of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, who
has just returned from a trip abroad,
said: "I was struck with the liberal
definition of what a pass bearing one'i
name and family Is good for on the
Paris, Lyons & Mediterranean Kail
road." He had copied the Instruction
bearing on this subject. They wer
as follows: "A pass for one and fam
ily is jrood for father, mother, children,
grandfather, grandmother, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, brother, sister,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle,
aunt, nephew, niece, and servants at
tached to the faml!y."-Pbllade!pbla
Kaabryo Masqat toe.
Certain species of mosquitoes hlber
aote la the adult state, others to the
tame state aai aoae la the eg.
Lama He tSrah winter la solid
A tartar loat aaeseeartSy a oaeb be
b m a I '
Model Poultry Coop.
It always pays to make coops sub
stantia! and keeping the comfort of
:hc inoths-r hea in view. . T do this
:he coop should lie of fairly goisl size,
o that the old hen will have a chance
:o move about. The illustration shows
t large coop built especially for a hen
lurkey and her brood, but quite suited
o oher kinds of poultry. The founda
tion of this coop was a dry goods box,
he room was cut so that it slanted a
little and was then covered with tar
.taper to shed the rain. A tight board
loor should be made In the coop, and
t should be slightly elevated, which
will prevent dampness, always fatal
o young turks and chicks. Yentila
.ion is provided by a hole cut in the
op front of the coop; this hole Is cov
ered, when desired, by a piece of board
ieid in place by a screw. A novel fea-
lure of the coop consists of three re
movable doors, which are hinged to the
?oop as occasion requires, using the
ort of hinges on which blinds are
hung, so that one door may be taken
(T and another put on in a minute.
For wet wem-her the glass door, made
like a cellar window, is put in place
see cut I and keeps the brood varm
Hid dry. l-'or clear, cold days. i,ut dry,
;he turks are kept in the coop by the
wire door. At night all Is made secure
ly the solid board door. When this
loor and the one of glass is used, the
ventilator must be left wide open. Such
i coop costs but little and is entirely
tisfactory. St. Paul Dispatch.
Loading Mock Made tin - .v.
Without railroads provide su', ible In
?losure and Incline for lKni;;ig ani
mals, tiie stockman must citui r pro
vide some arrangement for getting the
mlmal alsmrd the car. or siifier great
convenience. A substanil.il conirlv
tnce for loading animals is shown and
lescribed below. Two posts. KiK'ij
Yet. a a. two posts. 2x1x4 feet, b b,
i ml two 2x1 floor stringers, the iw-ch-
ary floor boards, four side boards, o o.
ind two braces, d d, are used.
The length of the chute depends
lornewhat on material at hand bu; 10
'eet is a good length. Width of chute
should be the same as wagon box.
flolts should be used at c c c. on both
ides, as nails are almost certain to
rork loose, or tear the fleh of sui
nals. Double cross pieces should he
jsed under the floor at both ends, and
aear the center. Two men can curry
inch a chute and place It in a g.ite or
loorway easily. E. Doli-nbi-ck in
Tarm and Home.
V.amj I- hornin -,
Dehorning calves is dec. Hied as
tuch a simple operation I y Oh- agri
ultuml department bullei:n on tics
subject that U I dffieuit to cxp.a n
nhy It Is ever postponed un:!! Hi
lorn are fully gr .u n ai l v.- -dty
arises, if honilog cat:';- an- w tr
Hi. for sawing them off. To deho.n
ecure a pencil of cai'siic p t.t!i n: a
irug store. When ll.i cai . three to
'our days old, thr.iw it to the ground,
ocflte the little kn t which Indicates
.he young bom. wet It well, nnd rub
;t with the pencil, held In a gloved
band. This Is ail there is to the opeta
;ion. It constitutes but a few inln
jtes' work and lansis no pain to the
inlmnl. If after couple of weeks
my signs of growth K-ar. n second
ippllcatlon will ioi.i;i',( ;e the Job.
Fattenlnx ft-c f .c Mnrket.
Tho main obj-et of the farmer is
lattenlug stock for i;it;;tc:, jinil .hls
Jvelght is easiest (i i;ilr.e. by feeding
lorn In order to prod,i e f if. Farmers
lave long leen t.iu'i; by experliiice
:hat fat ia a desirable qu.i'lty and ilia!
(t adds to the attract! of a car
ait on the stall. It his been demon
It rated t the exp riment stations,
lower er, that th wcigli! p-o;ortlon of
can Interspersed with the fat. by feed
ag a nitrogenous ration, which mins
1iat In addition to a liberal supply of
sorn, an animal shonld receive n va
lety of food that Is not an rich In oil.
tarefc and ragar as corn. This fact Is
rortay of eonslderatlon.
Wmmi mnt Mootb IIomm.
Ia neeat trestment of foot aai
oath disease In francs aom good ro
atfa were had with oaUlde aat of
iMM ! W vim
sulphate of Iron. It wn found tha
the spread of the disease could bt
more (ffectlvcly checked by this tr, at
ment than by any other method. Th
affected animals were sprayed with i
20 per cent solution of sulphate oi
Iron. The mouth was washed with
10 per cent solution of the same diem-t-ial.
and In acute cases a " per cent
solution was a lm'uistr-rrd It.teroally.
to the amount of 1'-. pints per day foi
adult anliiMls and half that quantltj
of a 2 per cent gulution for calves
Complete recovery was brought about
and the disease was prevented from
spreading. American Cnl.h ator.
Effect ct Cutting CloTer.
It is foiled tint red clover produce,
more af'.ermath if the first crop bai
not bien cut to i cloe. and especially
so, if cry sunny wiather occurs whet'
the crown of the root has recentlj
been exposed. It is contended that red
clover Is inoRt permanent, and the af
termath Is better when the crop is cut
by the scythe than where the mowing
machine Is employed. This result ha
lieen ascribed to the cut surface mid
by ths scythe being s imewhat olill ju
and so running off the rain, whereas
the cut of the machine Is perfectly
horizontal, allowing the rain to entet
and to rot the root, but It is probable
tbnt the greater length of the stubblf
generally left by the scythe Is the true
cause. Massachusetts Ploughman.
Farm Notes.
If weeds do not gain the attentlot
of the active farmer bugs will.
Not one potato grower In ten fully
understands the possibilities of thit
plrttt. To see how little one can do and
bow much he can get for It Is not re
ducing the cost of production.
A nice bulletin board may be put on
the snme post above the rural mail
box, The name of the farm can be at
the top and one-half of the board giv
en "for sale and the other foi
The census reports show a great lose
to the live stock Industry of the coun
try. On the range the loss is largely
attributed to exposure and disease. On
the farms the loss Is trifling. Th
greatest loss Is among flocks of isheep.
next Is that of hogs, nnd then cat
There is one thing that prevents the
fanner from adopting regular hour
for beginning and ending his day'i
work. He lias no roof over his fiehb
and frequently rains interfere with the
progress of his work. Since he cannot
make It rain nights and Sundays- h
has to have more or less irregulai
Every grower of small grain haf
been subjected to all the vexation
that go with threshing. He will stack
or thresh from the shock as his ex
peneiice teaches him. It very ofter
occurs that a man will wish that bt
had dime the opposite to what be hat
done. There is always a feeling that
he might have done better.
There are many chances to ruin th
corn crop ere corn husking time. Im
proer cultivation, adverse weathei
ami a number of things will have theii
Influences on the yield even after t
emu! stand has been obtained. One o
the greatest dangers comes from ruii
by tl.e speculator. These men oftel
ruin ti cri p at will, but for some rea
son cot known to them they do no:
always stay ruined.
Fanners would have been much bet
ler oft' if such a thing as a sweat pac
had in ver been invented. There Is 4
tendency to depend o much on thf
pad and not enough on fitting the col
lar to the shoulders of the horse, Manj
old pads should lie burned. They ar
hard, filled with gum and dirt and
occupy a space on the collar that It
only cumbersome. Better have a can
vas collar that will fit a partlculat
horse than all the sweat pads thai
could lie offered.
iiow many "Indian gifts" are ther
on your place? A little Ixiy asked lilt
father what an "Injun gift" was. UU
father told him It was "something thai
was given away and taken bad
ag.n;i." Johnny then said: "Oh. likt
the runty calves you give me if I 'I
feed 'em and then you sell 'em whet
they fret big and pocket the money.'
It is .tommy's calf ami papa's steer
Treating a son lu this manner wll'
make him tired of farm life anil h
will leave the farm quick, and ht
ought to.
! I!.iv stacks should never be used I.
the hay can be put under shelter. Ha;
sheds, which are simply roofs on poles
cost but little, and will save nitiel
valuable food In a year, (.'lover bai
ibies not retain Its quality when close
ly packed, being liable to heat, wh. t
Is also an objection to baling It. Tin
best prices for hay are obtained only
when the hay Is bright and clean, ant
when exposed to the weather It b
liable to Injury unless stacks are m:id
by experts. The best hay Is that whicli
has received careful attention In botl
curing and storing.
Tarring Is still a favorite means oi
protecting seed corn from crows. Soul
seed In warm water 3d hours, roll ir
coal tar or tree Ink and then In lam'
plaster. Crows and blackbirds will lei
It alone, and the plan I easier and bet
ter than line or scarecrows. Hweet
corn is perhaps the most popular ol
garden vegetable and shonld tie en
joyed as long a possible. By protect
Ing the first plantings with straw ani
cutting the lale crop and storing befon
frost, green corn may be bad from thf
middle of July until a fortnight aftei
the first killing frost. Crosby and
Crergreen are two standard early and
late kinds. Eiceteiar ia one of ths
wseteet. All. three are good genera!
Bora! Fport With tha KnglUh Arm)
Hunting- ia India.
Mrs. Dounett, the young Anicrl.-ar
wife of an Enirli-h army officer of
service in India, had a thrilling ad
venture while hunting big game witt
bur husband in the Clnubi Jungle
The story lure quoted is taken froit
one of her letters to a friend In thii
country, who j.ac it t the Chicago
Iiecord Ii.rit: 1.
Word was brought to camp, the huh
writes, tbnt a t-gr ss had killed a cow
Hid made an attempt on a man's life
We went to the scene .it one and tisit
ii!i our tihicis. Kiid l',:e i.oiit had Jvisi
begun when 1 heard roar after ruar
1 thought the tignss was going t
T.n. uiiiis (Mrs. Dennett's husband
and was rclo ciu.'. for the p ior old b y
has had no luck, while mine has beei
the lucky gun of the camp.
Sudd -nly, with no warning, tint sh(
jumpid about ten janis from me, anc
i-he did look a picture of fury as shi
stood lashing her tail and snarling
It was too easy a shot to lie really
easy; also, b.ivhig a huge creature fll
but breathing In mv face seemed t
mesmerize me. In a way, and I fel
myself trembling all over and unabl
to move my eyes from her hard green
ones. But 1 tired; nnd she made a
g.ai il spring into a clump of hamhooi
and was lost to sight. Nhe never nt
ti red a s mud.
Wh. n the const seemed clear I blew
my whistle; the others came up and
we found fresh drops of blood. The
grasses ami bamboos were smeared
with blood uboiit a foot from tin
ground, which sliowel 1 had hit hei
low in the stomach.
Well, we formed a line and, inch by
Inch, advanced into the jungle, witt
a man always ahead.
We were just thinking she must l.(
dead we had gone about one hundred
and fifty yards when a Hum in a
tree yelled out, "Zlra glssy'.-' whicl;
nuaiis, "She is charging."
In an in-taut every one was trying
to save himself. It look' d like a s!il;i
wreck with d 'spernte pe .pie cllniii"
to braii -hcs. I ciinibcd a sunrl bam
boo which played sec saw with me be
tween earth and sky. Tinmiins con'il
nut gain a climbahle tree, so be gul
hi hind one arid was ready to slio it foi
his life.
The tltris ftave a mar and ehaigi!
past and out by our right think, nt.c
did not hurt any one. When nil was
quiet again we criwl d out. but as il
was (bul; we made for camp and left
her In the jungle. The next day n
search-party went out and found hei
dead about three hi! :dr d yards i ff
I had wounded Ii:t mortally with my
firsl shot.
Alfred Austin, whose blank verse
tragedy "Flodden Field" fell rather flat
when it w as produced In Londo l not
long ago. has been poet laureate sine
1MH5, when he was appointed by Queer
Victoria to succeed Iird Tcnnyso i I
While bis pis'try has been subjected u
some very hostile criticism, it is no'
generally known Hint Mr. Austin h.n
written much more prose than imetry
and prose of n very high order. IF it
also an orator of i:o mean rcput.iiloti
Mr. Austin's best known poem ft
"Jameson's Itlde."
Mai O'llcli's Mother.
The late M.ix O'Ucll was exceeding
ly popular as a Iclurer. nnd the way
In which i.i tiher (who died sonn
years ag-o view.tl tli,' suggestion tha
her son should t.il-e to the platform
says the Westminster Oazeite, ) woril
repetition. She wrote to him from tlx
native village, which she had nevei
left for more than a day. to say tha'
she did not think appearing hcfori
audiences to l- n reputable business
and when he replied that he had (li
dded to do It. imiiI had signed a con
tract to that effect, the dear old lady
wrote back that she was "still" hit
loving mother ami that she would tel
no one In the village 41 bout It.
Ill Title to t ame.
"What have yon ever done to de
serve the -confidence of your fellov
citizens'" askid the man of seven
"Not much, I'm afraid." said Sena
tor Sorghum, remorsefully.
"Artn't you afraid of being ill
"No. They sent a man to this posl
tlon same tlmp ago who falhd to glvi
satisfaction. Then they sent anothe
who was worse. Then they sent me
1 . 1 ...... 1 -.. . ..in ..... . 1
aim lurj sn y I in null ivornc, uui llieij
are afraid In tnke snr more dm ore' ?
Washington War.
Norwegian Kinleration.
Oa account of so many of the bet
class of workmen leaving for tl
United States, the Norwegian govern
sent Intends to take steps to cbeel
Al.t al t) Ai ST1X.
The Sultan of Turkey requires tha
all state documents and papers Intend
cd for his ' perusal shall first past
through a careful process of disinfei
A curious sight In the streets of To
kio Is to see an old man seated on a
smooth piece of ground having town?
him little piles of sand of different col
ors, red. blue, yellow, black, etc. Plac
ing a pinch from each pile In his rigln
band.' lie will draw -on the smisnt
ground the figure of u mini or woman
the dress all projierly colored by tin
sand trickling through his fingers. I
U done with grc.it rapidity and sfc'?wt
remarkable dexterity.
An Indication of a new tendency Ir.
scientific stt'dy is furnished by thf
plan of the OeogrnphlcHl Society ot
Baltimore to send to the Bahama Isl
nnds a ship currying a stafT of fifty
persons, who- will study the geology
geography, botany, zoology, climatol
ogy, physics and medical ni.d hygienic
conditions of those Islands. The ship
specially chartered for the purpose
will lie fitted and equipped us the homf
and laboratory of the party during the
ntire trip.
Accounts of early writers show thai
squirrels must formerly have tieon
amazingly numerous. 'Jolunui say
that the gray coat was a feiirfn
scourge to the Colonial farmer and
that Pennsylvania paid in boun
ties for their scalps In lTtit alone. Thli
meant the destruction of lUo.um with
In a comparatively small district. Ir
the early days of Western settlement
regular hunt were organized by thf
inhabitants, who would range th
woods in two companies from mornin(
till night, vying us to which banii
should bring home the greatest num
ber of trophies. The quantities thu
killed ate almost incredible now.
All African chief's uiuli'elLi Is of
greater importance titan many peopir
imagine, uplift from its enormous size.
Its loss In battle more than equals thf
loss of a standard of a Frropean coin
mander. Some of the umbrellas are of
prodigious dimensions, being no lesi
tlian --"i feet In diameter, with rilil
12 feet i; inches long., They are mad
of binccwood, llllll tile covering is OI
gorgeously colored chintz, in viiriet
sections of crimson, yellow and blue
The opening l performed by means ol
pulley s and ropes attached 1" the "run
ner," this operation requlr'ng the f.erv
lees of three or four men. The pole,
or handle. Is of birch, and is about II
or 15 feet bigh.
A new luetic d of discovering bed ol
ore hidden underground, in which eiec.
trlcity serves for a delective, is said
to have iliei With Willi- Slicl en In
Wales and in oi iiwuil. A current of
high potential ttn.OH) or more voits
Is led to tv.'O metal nil c! in llif
ground. Fl'"!'l lhe-ie. lilies of fore
spread in all direction, and can l de
tei-ted by means of n telephonic receiv
er connected with another pair ol
metal rods, which may be placed Its
any desired position. When no sounds
or only very fa'ut ones, are heard, that
fact tndicati :' n deflection of the linef
of force, and by shifting the place id
the rods the location of the metallic;
masses which produce the ih-i'l-'i-tioB
can be determined.
vur: sings his sosgs.
A feature of the Iticluird Straus or
chesiral concerts In New York Is thf
singing of his songs by his wife, a re
markably pretty and talented woman.
Few musical compositions have evet
excited the discussions which have
MaS 11 ( II M.Mi,,
been engendered by the tone poems ot
Itiehard Strauss, n,. ,a sought tt
make music express abstract thoughti
and emotions, to reproduce reallstli
facts, to be philosophical, scnmial, hit
morons, as demanded by the subject
matter. In doing so be has employe
not so much melody 11s Imnnonic de
vice and instrumental combination
Kipling Cornered.
.Mr. Budyard Kipling' fondness tr
asking question bu led him occasion
ally Into tight place. e once trolle
Into a Itookseller' shop and conitnene
cd to tirti over some volumes, eon
versing ns he did so.
"Is this good?" be asked, taking u)
George Moore' "CollbiiteH."
"I don't know; I Imve not rend It,'
replied the shopkeeper.
Kipling frowned.
"A Itookseller," be said, "and yot
don't read your own Itooks?"
To which the other answere! tnrtly
"If I were a druggist, would you es
pert me to take my own drug?"
I The ceatlnede dwm't
thlag Ilka having one foot la tt