VI r i '"Tnr- fry rtmfiwff r " '"Hi Harrison Press -Journal VOL. XVI. BCLXISOIsr, NEBRASKA., THITR3DAY, SEPTEMBER ,17 19Q3, l LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Dr. T. II. Spindlo, the Crawford dentist. Remember, tomorrow night, J. Frank Poucha. Jack Mettlen and wife were in from their ranch on Runningwater yestei-day Ed O'Conner has moved his barber hop into a room in the Oerlacirbuilding. Hupt. Parsons astride of hist cayuse went eastward this morning; so school maroiK look oul. For Sale. One 3 inch Bain wagon for sale. In quire at thil office. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christian were down from the Ridge Sunday and attend ed the evening services. ( hat Uniti in from his ranch Tuesday. Chat always has a joke whether It snows or not. Baby Newlin, we are sarry to say in quit sick, and the conditions are unchan ged na to the ast few days. Oene W.dheler's familiar form was seen on our streets last Tuesday. Gene, is liting on Ins ranch iu the Hat ..'reek valley. HERE AND THEREf PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell the following descrilied property in Harrison, Nebr. at the Livery Barn, on Saturday, 8ept. 26, 1003. at 1 o'clock P M. 6 cows and calves 1 dry cow 2 2 year old heifers 4 yearling heifers 10 yearling steers C 2 year old steers 2 saddle horses 1 Wagon and harness 2 heating stoves Household goods and other articles to numerous to mention. TERMS: Six months time with bankable note bearing 10 er cent interest. GEORGE HILL. Jessb f IhawtouI); Auctioneer. J. Frank Fouche, come. The Crawford dentist , Dr. T. II. Spindlo. Notice. All parties knowing themselves indebt ed to rue for twine and Deerin;: machin ery w ill please call and pay for same by October 1st as I must pay for them on that date. Lewis GERI.Acn. StomatcH Trouble. ( Norden . . To be supplied '"I hare been troubled with my xtnmtich 1 Sprirgview, supplied by W. Graham for the pas' four years," says 1). L Heat h ' 8 uirt L. W. Hortou of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. Sunny-side E. M. Keller "A few days ago I was induced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal better." If you have any trouliU with ytir stomach try a box of theee Tablets. You are certain to be pleased with the result. Price 35 cents. For sale by All Druggist. MANAGER. WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this County and ad joining territory for well and favorably known House of solid financial standing, 20. 00 straight cash salary and expenees, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ext-ence money ad vanted position permanent. Address Manaokb, 010 Mokox Bi.ixj,, Chicago, 111. Valentine A. T. Carenter 8. A. Bec, .... ....Missionary in Korea M. C. Rolierts, Missionary in the Black Hills Mission, Wilbur W. Qcttys, left without appoint ment to attend some one of our schools, member of Long Pine quarterly conference. For a bilious attack take Chamberlain's Slomseh and Iaver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by All Druggists. Mr. J, H. Newlin and family can now be conni'lered residents of Hamsun, as the family will not return lo Wyoming again lo live. Notice. - 1 have put out poison in my pasture; So watch your dogs. T. O. WILLIAMS- AlVWK'lft"e wiirt shipped .-alt le from here to Omaha Saturday are! J. C. Parsons. J, A. Ande.-son, Nets Anderson, Bnumstand sons, August Ring ami J. T. Andrew Wsnsenburer was in town Ttiesttar, and he says the weather we tmva had in the last few day rrakes a ten think of going to California or some other place where il is warmer. Our sporting Editor was studying thy mysteries of Woodcraft last Saturday night, und the iriKiiibers of Soo Camp M. W. .4. taken pprcial j 'ikins that lie see all that there was to see anil we guens he saw I. fur when we question huu Hliout his ability lo ndw the goat he smiles, so we take It for granted that he rode dim. Recital. By J. Frank l-ouclie. I'raniatic Inter preter and Humorist, Friday evening, Sept. 18, at the M. E. church, under auspice of Epworth lerfgue. I'his is a line treat, us Mr. Fouche is one of the best artists thai ever isitd thu west, so come everybody, and bring vour friends. Admission, adults 3.V, children 25. The Hsrrisnn Wfhool board request all parlies tluit are not residents il Hie lis tnct to pay tlteir tuition in advare-e, J. II. Bartkll, Moderator. There are a few of our late customers that have not nettled their accounts, we would lie pleased to huve thee come in am) settle, for we are .uixious lo close up all our accounts. MarstelUir Bri. Call for Bide. Glen, Nebr. Aug. 10,-1903. Tim htitt'tl of w hool district No. 19, Sionx t., Nebr. will recvive iids for a new whool house until Sepi , 19th at 0 o'clock I'. M. wlien bids will he opened. N. B. Hoard reserve t lie right to reject any or all bids. For pecilicatioii call on or write dirvior. I'KTKH Mi;TE.WN, liirector. Remember t ho cnnv-ntion call in an other ctilumn, mid let evervouo attend liie primaries and - tliat proier rtele gutes nre sent, to represent you. We want the liest men put Torlli that we lave rl unless J on as a citizen see to it that the right tiir-n are sehcied to represent vou ia tin county convention Ju are likely to have men nominated that you doo't want or can't hiipport. KfNDAY SCH(X)L 1NSTITUTIC HELD AT HARHISO.V. The Institute held last Sundav by Prof- H. M. Steidley, Held secretary and Miss Mamie Haines, Supt. of the primary work, was the best thing in the way of Sunday Scheol that Harrison has ever had. The sesfions in the morning, after noon, and evening were well attended, and a more appreciative auJiem.-e could not be asked, tha only losers were the ones that did not attend. Prof. Steidley is an able and logical sis-tiWer, and hie subjects were well chosen, and if any one present did not understand or receive a benefit from hij talks it was no fault of his. Miss Haines in her char and earnest manner, briefly analv zed many tlting l hat. are worrying not only the church hut parents as well. These workers will le with L'H again when we hold our, comity convention next vear and we know they will look forward with pleas ure of coming to Harrison again; f.r tliey said I hey have been Hi no place that they received a more iippreciuti v people than at Harrison, Their compliments paid to the ones that sang, and taken such an interest to make it pleasant, for them while here was great and well nifty Harrison feel proud that her people Imve done her credit, for Blessed is he that, coriielh in the name of the Lord. A- NcClnley k.rd V- A. Hester came out victors. There has been a great deal of guessing and a great deal of worrrv of the above gentlemen's friendsas to the results of this case but we are gUd to sav that right, has righted itself once again . vvyommr as well as all other states make some very foolish laws, and this one was not only foolish but defirnena to tlM states own interest. The law way such that every hoof of stock had to I inspected before it could cross the line in to Wyo and parties living across the line could nH keep their stock from coming into Nebratka, and as twelve citizens of the state of Wyoming have s.tid; that Mr. McGiniey and Mr. Hester were not guilty of any violation of the law, has only substantiated what we said when they were lirst detained, and bound over on the charge of violating the law it was this; that neither of these gentltmen would purposely break or violate the law ot any stat, A great many of the sinuller stockmen feel elated over this dicision for a victory for I lie state meant auiiihiHUori to them. No doubt the expenees has been great to these men in having to defend Wieir rights, and prove that they weiW'lt law breakers; but the man thats irifc right can alwavs do this. We haveJFIiown these im n for a nn rrtlier of years and while they may have their laults they stand among our best people for the right and a more generous btarted man than Mr, McOmlev Sioux county husen't wilhi-i her borders, and we rejoice with t.het.e men in their victory ; that th-y dare stand for their ritrhts tho it be the great stale of Wyo. that was fighting them. ALL PEOPLE GHAND DALL- On October 2nd there will lie a ball at Andrews Hall in the evening. Good music, as usual, will be furnished, and a good time is assured, a!!. The worst snow storm that Sioux Co. has ever had at this time of the vear, commenced last Sunday night, ami lasted until Mot day night. It snowed on Fri day night, but Saturday and Sunday Come one and (,llrinK the day it did not snow bill felt R Civsz. NVmcK To Tax Payems. All delinquent personal taxes ant paid on or before October 1st will be collected by Dial rs, Warrant. Hee New Revenue Law John I. Uavw; Co. Treas. A can from Nawcastls, Wyo., receiv d TusmIav, announces the dismissal of the tstsa of tit State of Wyoming vs. John . Arnsr. Nobody appeared to testify against him. The matter has cost Mr. Arner considerable time and 'money. Craford Bulletin. Demoorallo Caucus. Thar will be a Democratic caucus or prieiary at the voting place in Warbunoet precinct on Sept. 2lsl 1103, nt one o'clock P. M. to elect delegates to atUnd the couritv convention. Pat Lacy, precinct Committee man. Tha Harnann school promises to sur pass nv work done in the past, and as iMte over our corps of teacher wa rl thai such will Ira lb case, hut what lliey waul la -nnpmli-n of the ps'.rons and lit sshool hoard to see that they have lha proper apparatus lo work with. Own Ml Ufa a Neighbor s Kindness. Mr. U P, ItaMgheriy, writ knon throughput Marcer an J Humiier counties, W. W, innsl likal)' owes his life to the kh dm-sa of a neighbor. He was almost lmplely afllicftd with' diarrhoea; was attended ; hv two physicians who gave him hulk, if any, o-lwf, wlun a neighbor of biermiM i-'ealition, brought h a hrHI nt t'huntherlain'a Colli,, i.'.w rbnt' and WsrrtKiea ReiHerly, which r'ireil hlni In less ttwatr four hours. very much Use winter weather, nut Tuesday morning old sols rays soon made the liesutiful snowllakes dissappear und we hiqie they won't come oul of season soon again. A ILemsvrksble R.sord, Chamberlain's Cough Rented v has a re markable record. It has been in use for over thirty years, during which time ins,ny million bottles have been sold and used. It has long Is-ea the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of home, yet during all this time no case has ever lieen reported to the manufacturers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given an soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon ns the croupy cough nps ars, it will prevent thea'tin k. It is pleasant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or otiier harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Fur sale by All Druggists, Adfclia Happenings, As we are writing these items it is snowing outside. Mrs. Ellis's hither, mother and sister from Lilchlield, are vikiuo Iheui this Week. Mrs. C. E. Wilson, from Crawford, came i.p Sunday to see tier son Floyd, wiio is teaching tins sciiooi. Mr. Ellis, his faiherinl.iw and also his sistei inlaw went up to Hoi Springs Sun day , but did not enjoy themselves very much, as lliey had lo wait a couple of hours in Edmout for thu train, and so had only forty minutes left lo see the Springs in. Thev returned uu the uiht passenger Sunday night. This city was quite a business place place last Monday. There was twelve car loads of cattle shippid from here to Omaha. Messers. Uoht. Harrison, John Serres, Samuel tSw inbank, Peler K.ibeu, Frank Miller, and A. P. Uosenburg went ii. riiiuitiM Willi iilM fuirie. MMotru. I n,,iilicr ,tiiii7. Samuel Swiiibank and Peter R.iU-n Me. Cook shipped two cars of cattle slopped off u day at Lincoln to see rlie last Sat urday. Mrs. Cook and Harold slate fuir. The orjiers returned home on j visiled with Mrs. B.issel over niyht. Friday, except Mr. Miller, who went on Mr, Ashbrook shipped fifteen cars of They all relumed nU lU) frm, iut..- Sundav. Mrs. Whiton of Sheep creek eania over to visit at Hunter Saturday evening, re It was snowing Sunday so there turning Tuesday moruing. Hunter Happenings, Mrs. Biyset and Ida Pusvor came home Friday. Mrs. S. E. Jones visited with friends at Harrison Sal uril.iv. Olailvs Art-hard and Pearla Jones were on the sick list last week. lr. Ames and wife came to see Gladys Arch.ird Sunday, Mrs. J. D. Proctor was a Harrison visitor one day Inst week. Mrs. Elmer Hughes and Mrs. Proctor of Proctomlle were seen riding through Est Hunter one day last week. Mr. II. T.'Zerbe was visiting at Hunter Saturday. Frank Lewis and Ed Schwartz were working Hie roads last Saturday. Mr. Pi'oclor is helping Mr. Hunter now. Grandma Baldw in of Jonesville visited at Hunter hub day hist week. We thought Buds and Blossoms were gone for sine, furr-uiiday morning when we awoke we ton ml the ground covered with snow. How's that? Snow in the Love to buy good gooda at the lowest price possible and the place to do this ia at GERLACfl 8 GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,.. Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world,, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- train. We found the Clarks ieople very hospitable and a good turn out both evenings. We are verv glad to hear from Mrs. Rice again and hope that climate may "just suit" in every way. We wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs Irvin Zimmerman on the of that young cow-boy and may he be an honor to the profession. The boys that went to Alaska in the spring are returning, bringing not "hags full of gold" hut exerience with Lhem M. A. C. are vou loo busy fighting mosquitoes to write every week? I never saw them so thick lief ore, only in northern Iowa last year. Fishing has lieeo very good all season, and fruit scarce. Sand burs are not as palatable as cactus bwrries or we could use them for desert. We expect to hear good reports from Bodaris school this season as they have secured a aood teacher. Caves are still wet and not nun h prospect of going dry very soon If Sioux county Could have such asepply of water as this county has, it would be the banner county ol the stale. Clio. A. J. AMES, M..D. Pi'jsiciua ninl Surg-eoa. All calls given prompt attention-.-. Office at Commercial Hotel or Drug Stors. HAKKIHOX - HEBRASKA a visit back east. They all relurned happy and feeling good, and did nut Deed j a doctor when thev caiae back Rev, L. W. Horton returned on Mon day's train from Valentine where he has been attending conference, and he brought us the sad news that he was go ing to leave us and that for a time R-v, fVamnhorn will supply this place only, and that means that Pleasant Ridge will not be supplied from this point for a time at least. The Presiding Elder O. ,1. Clark will (ret a man for this field as soon s Ira can. W as well as many others regret to see Bro. Horton leave us for ha has done a good work, and lha cliances for great work was nneniog up before him which ha in hia whole sou led way was always willing lo da. He goes tn Stuart, where I lie people can rest assured that they liava a worker In whom they need not he ashamed, and one that will always ba found labotuitf, for tba maata. no one catue to S. S. except the siiieri!i- temlent, Mr. Clint Melts. The Tuoiin. APPOINTMENTS. CHADIION DISTHICT. P. E D. J. Clark, Poslofllee, Chadion. Alliance C. VV, Ray Chudroo . . A. E. UuMois' Cody Supplied by B. Hunt; Crawford .... O. K. HobsorC Gordon To bp supplied Harrison.... .To beaupphadi Hay Springs.... .......A. C, Barton ' Hemlngford.... O. 11. Burleigh j LukesnUi O. L. Ramsey Merrimiin,.... supplied by A. S. Jenkins I Rushville.... R, II. Gammon! Whiluey T. W. Taylor I LONU P1NB IrtSTKlCT. P. E A. R, Julian Postolllce, Long I'mej there are Aineworth U. K. Coaneli i Institute was the best this summer that Atkinson J. W. Deweese ! tl, country has had in many years. Russet 0, O, Lue Prof. Fordyce, lienn of College of Mineral Brownlee, supplied by N. L. R Lyons' Arts, Wesleyan University was one of BofQUET. BREEZES FROM CESTRAL CITY. It was reported here Sunday that snow has lalleu at Chadron and farther West and wo are willing to believe it for it turned cold here Saturday, and Sunday we kept a lire lor comfort. Cloudy cold and heavy rain. It lias rained so much it has beer, hard to "make hay when the sun shines' or Ihrash eilher. Farmers are anxious to gel wheat sown, and just as anxio-is for the frost to hold off a couple of weeks yet. Kearney seemed lo be the only city that was not disappointed in the location of the new Normal and lime may make Millie changes yet. It does not npiear to have lieen all straight goods. Wo seem to need a new primary building just now, iihiix than we do a Normal lis one of the city liools has 43 new primary pupils, have not heard how many hegiuneo in the other building. The Carey Items. It has been raining and snowing for two days and we are afraid the "spell of weather will end up with a freeze. Threshing has commenced in the lower part of the valley, threshers are t: w al Mr. I'ercv'y wailing for spring to come so that they can finish the job. Anton Meckern met with a painful accident last week, a load of hay lipped over with him, and he fell on the rack in such a way as to fracture a couple of ribs Or. Richards was called to make him ciimfortuble and he is getting along nicely. Or. Richards was in attendance upon little Willie Meckern again last week. The little lellow has been suffering for over two years with something; in the nature of nu a In ess on Ins hip. We un- '.erslatid that the doctor performed an 0jer,iliou the last tune he was out, and that Hie Utile sulferer is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Gran of Toledo Iowa, parents of Mrs. Alva Saxton, are visiting with the family of the latter. Fred Beaman has compluted the county cringe across the Cottonwood at Mr. Carey's and it is said to be a "dandy. Alexander Johnson was in this neigh borhood last week selling washing machines. We have not learned what success he met wu h. School commenced Monday Sept- 71 h in Hist. V. 4 ivilhlva Speaae tu teacher. Chas. W. Tidd of Eck.u-J S. I), was in Hie valley last week. He is selling the Bliss Native Herbs und other medicines. Tut, old geulleman is looking hale and huarly. Timothy. J. H. LACY. We have our building completed n w: and have a new supply of goods, and ol sell lhem right. DEALER IN Lumber, lath, tsash, doorv lime, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery, ; Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour, Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I am agent for the Wood manse wind-mill. Have- a, supply of pump fittings ov. hand. Come in and cret m v prices whether you buy or not. ONLY jf '. lJ7 1 I I I I Railroad between Missouri River and. Chicago. . Direct line to St. ul Minneapolis. Direct Line to Bl ck Hills. A.ply to nearest a.f ent for rates, hiiim; ekrtd time ccrds. TIME TABLE. Butte ....U. F. Meade Crookslon.... J. U. Hardesty Fountain Valley, supplied by A. M. Washburn, ..poatoltk-e, Newport, Nebr, Johnston A. F. Long Pins.... W. T. Cummins Napier & Brocksburg to lw supplied Newport, .supplied by X A. Johnson 1 tie leading lights and able instructor. Oillege begins next Tuesday with a brighter prospect thnn last year. About t-n of us ladies planned to driva to eiirks the 26th of last month to attend tlte W. O. T. U. county convetion, but it rained and rained so much, we had to give it up and only Uv weul on lha West Bound, Morning. No. 13, Due 8:H0 No. ,S3, loc. f t-t.. 10. Eaut. 3"-u:ri. Eveniujf. No. 14, Due.f?.lf No. 84 loc. i'rt. ,V,..-. TO CURE IS ONK DAY. Take I-nintive Hvo o Quinine tablets. Ail druggists ref und tlie money It If i.m. cure. K. V. tirove's signature Isoiienvfeb box. I'm. "LET WELL EN OUCH ALONE " The re-ieiiniualioii of Hon. W. H. Weslover, and Hon. J. J, Harrington lor judges ol Hie Lislricl court of the Kith Judicial District is a merited recognition of desen iug men. Bolu of these judges are faithful, able and impartial interpre ters of the law. Their policy on the bench has been to dispose of business iu such a way that litigants have thuir cases tried without unnecessary delay. It has been their constant aim to deal fairly Iretween all persons. The rights of the humblest citizen have been care fully guarded. No favors have been shown to any powerful interest. Neith er of these men are controlled by any corporate interest. There is no question about their integrity. There is no liti gant or attorney in the Fifteenth Judic ial District, can truthfully say aught , against the conduct of these men. They I have been all that just judges should be. All litigants have had an opportunity to be fully anil fai'ly heard. All cases nave received careiui auu conscientious attention. Their decisions have been based ifti honest conviction. No nerson acquainted with the workings of our court believes otherwise. Tney have n it held eases under advisement for long periods f lime; They have not listened to H-rpular clamor, they have always wanli-d lo do the right thing rather than the Kipular, or politic thing, In past days, lawlessness reigned supervaj in this district. The law rivate vengence was restored to nun v limes each ear. Vigilence commit'e s were numerous; lyncliings the iisii I thing; bunds of cattle thieves were n work. Right here in Holt County, Inn -drt-ds of cattle were stolen every year Since these judges have lieen on tl -bench the laws of the state have lieen t n forced. As a result the mau with lh rope; the man with the branding iron;, the mini wjtti the mask have disappear ed. We hear no more of lynching-, call I rustlers Slid "Gulch boys. The reaoidr of these men will stand the hito light, of careful scrutiny. They are men of fairness, integrity and ability. We know what they have done. Why niakn a ' change? Whv not "let well enouglu I alone?" Eienin-.' Advocate. Hill 1 w j4t if Lm s t i I I r , si-- - . ' '.,v-- ' "t f -Hi, i . r?-H .. H.'