J Harrison Press - Journal. vol. xvi. mvKKisoisr, ubbbaska., thuh;3da.y, September .10 iso3.no. ir LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Will Hoyt was in town yesterday. Dr. T. 11. Spindlo, the Crawford dentin;. S. R. Smith was up from Hewitt this week. Mrs. Clms. Smith in visiting in town thie k. Jo Hoffman was in town on business yesterday. Andrew Christian was down from the Ridge Monday. Dick Hovey was up from Sheep creek km Thursday, Mrs. Sarah Jordan valley Tuesday. returned from the Mr. Uunn and John Ftnley wero town yesterday. John Brown and wife were up from the valley Tuesday. Deuel Bros. shipl a car of cattle to Omaha I a.t Saturday. Nick Schaefer shipped two car loads of caUl to Omaha Monday. Btrt Earnest and wife j down from Wartsm, Wyo. thin week. Y'u waul to take a look- at Gerlachs new udditioo to their store. Several of our itiWiistiteri fw attending C01L1 1 at Douglas Una week. Clnrerce Holhngsworth came down from lioss, Wyo. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Nuito and daughters vistt fd a Crawford Cm firel of the wttik. W. II. Dunn of Denver Colo, tsjcomes a reader of lhe 1'i'EKS Journal tins week. lira. L. W. Horton went to Valentine Frulav evening to vuit relatives during conferi in e JTr Silo, One 8 Inch Hum wagoi for Bale. iim at Ums otbee. ' In- Pxtnmster Priddy and hw youngest anti left for Iowa last Saturday evening, where tlwy will visit for a while. J. C. Parsons sold two car loads of cattle Slonitay, to a Mr, Am-is. They Were ahipped to On. ha ih same diiy. Vtofi't forget tlie w-rvices Sunday nnd Sondty night bv the Sta'e Smslay 6clmoi worker. Let every iusiy come. NoUc. I lmvs put out. p'liin in my pasture: 8o watch your d.ig-i. T. 0. Wiujams. For a bilious attack tk tluimhrrhim's 8tomch and laver Tahlet. sod qun k core ia oerlain. For wle by All Drug- (flltS. Rov. f.orton went to Valentine Monday Ven'ng, to rw irr a UewhiniM at the niturcoofereoce, which is tu session thia wwk. Chas. Hltiheln se-nl last week- at lil old home m Indian creek, n-id his wif at tier bom at MarsluNd. They returcuil honia Tuetdav, Tlie brother ti the liiling lioys, w ho was visiting with them for a week or ten days, departatl for his liuuie in Iowa last Thunelay iioJ. Mr. Morns, prim:lml of the Harr'son achool, arrived here Monday morning with his two daughters. He opened up in In ml In the afternoon. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Irven Zimmer nuin of Bodarc, oq Thurwlay Kept, 8rd. M ten pound bov. All parties concerned are getting along nicely. Ml Mabel Hunter left for Lexington, this stale, Monday evening, where she will iav with her sister, Jirs. Fifzgeiald tola winter and go to school. ' "Hie school l-ll once more is ringing And the boys u-id gills are sin, mg, During V.-ai. n Mcv've played in vain An4 now they're at their b.siks again. Hire. L'Mie I'ollee and cbiMrm l-ft for rhsilroh h nI Ihuisdsy evening, wliere the chililreii vil alleiid school during the 'ller ll.el' h.lVM l"'ll pelding lie so ii hi i.r on tt.tr ram 1 1 mi Uuiiniug ii'er. CRATO CALL. A vr.-nrf Ull 8 p', H'h f ,r, I . .. I, . -p ill I l.td In tKe bull I (l ,u will l.eiTnhl.ts, I hav taken part of them mid . . ci.mi es ii-'i , mm ' j. j I isit I . I- iiKll'all. ITini e ore' . l .l l. 'e.-il til. I'llll. Ht .kndieWS I tax. ' HERE AND THERE Tlie Crawford den1 ist, "BY. 1YH7 Spindlo. Mr. and Mrs. John Bieser anl children returned from Iowa Tuesday, wh-e they have been visiting for the past month. Mrs. Earnest Phinney returned from Ft. Robinson Inst Friday, where she tins been vbiting with herpareotaa few days. The Harrison school honed request all parties that are not residents of the dig toct to pay their tuition in advance. J. H. Rarteix. Moderator. There are a few of our late customers that have not settled their accounts, we would be pleased to have these come in and settle, for we are anxious to close up ail our accounts. Marsteller Bros. Notice To Tax Payeihj. All delinquent personal taxes not paid on or before October 1st will be collected by DislressWarrant. See New Revenue Law JoHS I. Davb; Co. Treaii. II S. Clark, father of banker Clark, arrived hereon the passenger Tuesday morning to visit for a while. He will go from here to Mitchell to visit his son who is at. that place. Mr, Clarke's home is at Luke Citv Minn. Sir. and Mrs W. B. right went to Whitney last Saturday evening to see Mr. Wright's mother, who was ill, Thev returned Tuesday morning. Mr. am. Mrs KU Maine took charge of the hotel denng their absence. A deal was competed this week be tween J, E I'himiey and Dick Richards, manager ol the leading drug store of Crawfurd. in which tlielaltei- hei.nmes the ow ner of the drug store in Harrison He lakes possession Oi;lober 1st. Justin WilheniiMlorfer of Harrison called Sunday on F. J. Houghton and Ins family on hi return from Omaha and a visit to Fairlield, Iowa, where be was raised and was well acquainted in the oklerdays will) Mr. and Mr iIoiij(hton Cl Sid rou Time. DmoeYtto Caucus. There will b a Denionratiu caucus or pnnary at the vol mg place in WnrUmuet prei iiK't on Sejit 2N' IDOJ, nt one o'chs !: P. M. to elect delegates to at Knd the c.mntv couvinliou. Pat LaCV. Precinct ' 'O'liout lee man. M VVst nnd Topper, teachers of the primary and interuiMhate rooms of 'he Harrison m hool nrnved here last Friday morning fn.iu Alliance. Tliey were ready to hgin si-IhviI M unlay mori lng, but as the principal had not. arrived they did not begin in the morning, but ill the afternoon. Mr. Biown of H'issoori Valley, la., nho ha reutel a place on Pleusun.1 R dge. ar'ived here yesterday morning with his family and went out ( the R.d-;e in the evening. Mr Brown's father neenmpan ied him nlso, m d inform us that he will locate tiere too, II the countrv proves j i satisfactory lo him. Wm. Martin brought 1ns son O.uild aged sixteen years, lo loan Inst Wtdi s dav, nnd had him examined by the Isianl of insatuiy. Upon examination Ihey found him lo lie perfectly insane, and de ided that he should Is- taken tn an insane asylum. Sheriff Lowry took him to Lincoln Thursday evening. Call For Bid a. Olen. N-hr. Anir. 10,-1903. The hoard of school district No, 19, Sioux Co, Nebr. will receive bids for a new school bouse until Sept, 19th at 8 o'clock P. M. when bids will be opened, N. B. Board reserve the right to rej"ct, any or nil bids. For peci llcHtion call on or write director. PimtH MoRTtnNOll, iHrector. MANACER. WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentlemnn to minimis hii'iness in this f!oiinty and ad joining territory for well and favorably known Hone of solid financial atandmg, $20.00 airaight cash saUry and expnn-s, paid encU Mrmday by check direct, from beiulr)unrlra. F.Xl-ence money mlvnni ed fiositioii permanent. Address MaNAOF.R, f! io Monox Bt.tsi., Chicaiio, III. 6toma.crt Trouble. 'I hnve Iweti trciilibd wilh my stomach for the ps four vears,"aiya f). L Beach of Clove' Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. A few dnvs aft I was induced to buy a i . , . t . . l'X of tMiamtieriain s niomncn nno miut f . i . a....i in.r " if iinu hv ' - n..v trouble with a ourstomach try a box ..r.t T..1.1.1. V,. nmm c.Mom in h l ' ll"P''ti s- ...... i ideasetl with the result. Price 83 centa. file aJe bt All Drngata. Ctl For Did. Healed Bids a ill he receivid in this office up to 10 o'clock A. M. b piemlter 21, 1903 for tlie construction of a County Bridge acro- White Head C'rcekJ.et wt-en Section 3 ani 4, Twp 34, Hinge 54, Secilicatians on lilt) in t in n!fljj. Tlis Board reserve ttte right to reject any and all btds. Vim. J. A. Riiurn. Clerk. Owes His Life to a Nolg:bor' Kindness. Mr. D. P. Itauglierty, well ku iwn throughout Mercer iioo Sumner counties, W, Va., most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor. I le was hIhhk-1 hoplessly atllicted with diarrhoea; was attended by two physicians who gave turn little, if any, relief, when a neighbor learning of his serious condition, brought him a bottle of Chamberlain a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reu.edv. which cured him in less tlmn twenty four hours. For sale by All Druggists. STOCK REPORT. South Omaha, Neb., Sept. 9, 1903. Cattle receipts last month were 20,000 short of a year ago. Trie sale of feedors was less than 40 percent of sales in Aug. 1002. This indicates a game by both feeders and ranje men. Price for feed ers and grass leef steers have been im proving for t wo weeks. Corn f-d steers sold for 6.00 here Inst week. Market so far this week is brisk nnd steady except on cows, which are 10c lower. We quote clinics coi n fed sters5 SO to 6.00, fair to good 4.75 to 5 40. Choice 4 nnd 5 vear old grass heef !iteers4 40 toj 4.60, choice I! year obts 4 00 to 4 '25. Younger, high grade 3.75 to 4 00, com mon down to 2.25. Cow sluir still low, best 3.00 to 3 25 Stock heifers 2.10 to 3 75. Steer calve 3.Wto 375. Grass hulls 2 00 to 2 75, veal 3 00 to 5 00. The sheep market had held nbout steady except, on feeder lambs hich declined 15 to 25c. D-rnitnd has been farilv good on all kind wi.li nrosricct I more active for Ibis ivw k. We ouote ees, feeder 2 00 to 2.50; killers 2 50 to 1100. weathers, fNeders 3 00 m 3.55; k dlers 3 25 to 3.35 Y-ar-lings, f l.-rs 3 25 to 3 50. kill-rs 3 50 to 3 00. Lambs, feudvr 4.00 to 4.23; killers 4 50 to 4.75 Hog receipts light. Market strong. Rang 5 25 to 5.70 - - Nye & Bran an an. A R.eme.rkble rVecord. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has n re- marknhle rn'ord. It. has iicen in use for over thirty ears, during Inch time many million Imt ! h-s ha ve been sold and used. Tt has long I es the stat'ilaril an ' main reliance in tile t ri-n t mt-n I of croup in IhousTids of home, yet during all tins lime noca s has ever l een reii le(l lo tlie manufacturers in which it failed to flVcl a cure. V.'lien given as soon as the child l-econses hc'iree or even as soon as the croopy cough appears, it, will prevent Ibea'taik. It is p easant, to tck -, ninny children like it. It contains no opium or ulner harmful u 'whiuce and may tie given as confidently to a l ahy as to an adult. For sale by All f-'rug-iists. Hunter Happenings. Harold Hunter was a Casper visitor .Thursday. Mr J 11. Cook was a Harrison visitor Thursday. I)r. K. i). Weir visited at Mrs Bassett's Thupwlay, Mr. Pfo jlor has been helping Mr. J. R Hunter this week. Rev. H. F. Tihhelt of Chadron return ed hone Tburrday. Miss ('lara Christensen cams home from Chadron Friday. Bert Archard and Tom Jones are doii g the learn work on the new ('.tin, Oeorge Baldwin of Harrison xisited frieials and relatives last Sunday. Grandma Baldwin was very auk Sun day and Monday, but is much belter sow, Richard Hunter left Siturd.iy night, for Omaha w here he wi 1 1 nt tend school this winter. Harold left Motidiy night for Omaha. Mim Anna Hanson of Crawford is now i wedding lhe rod for ! list net. No. 30. We hope she will satisfy I hem. She came Saturday. Hick Hovey Is visiting friends anil relatives Ht. Hunler this week, He went over north lo bunt a horse for his mother and came back with two young India in a buggy, he found the horse also. There wnsa (lance in the school house Saturday. There was quite a crowd s we heard, they did not ev n ask lhe direc tor for lhe school house, they were all lo tired lo mi to church, but not loo tired to go and dance all night, live famlies that (hd not go. There were Andrew, presenled quite a citv like , ..i-.arar.c last mghl. lights flashing every way votl look, Hunter was nil lit i was n long row of 1 nit and tlm side traek , bRtiia. there was tour uiuerent, out in : with I heir cars bete, there is a teleohotin . b ing but up from ,'asper to Chadron, j Uuigi'CI. O. W. He,Vr ctme hi from Guernsey, on the Msneiier. l.jt oiejit. Mrs. E F. Pontius h-ft for Defiance, DtUO-jHt!.? n'tfh', whers Jier .sl l ty.tM fs. We certainly wish her a good time, and we kno that bile will ei j iy herself. Jiin Marstelleriuid son Vrn departed for Valentine last night, to attend con ference; And frtini there they will go to Pennsylvania, where they W'lll visit for some time. His Llfs Served by Chn.mberlaln'a Colic. Colore, evnd DlarrUoea R.em3dy- "B. L. Ber, a well known cooper of this town, says he Is-heves Chamberlain's Colic, t Imlera nnd Diarrhoea Reiner saved his life Inst summer. He Irul been 1 '''k ,or a W"M w,l ,t' '"""'.dors call hilimis dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any good unt il he tried this rewiedv. It gave him immediate relief," pays B. T. Little, merchant, Hanoock, Md. For sale by All Druggists. War Bonnet Topics. Mrs Paul Z irhst was on the sick list last week. Miss Lil'ie Harris was visiting at Roht. Keels Inst week. Miss Eina nrown of Five Points is visiting tit Leu Donts this week. Frank Hiiblmrd and Arthur Dunn are going with the threshing machine. Mrs. Frank Hubbard left, lust week for Caspr where she will engage in woiking out. Mrs. NeK Anderson and hsby a,'e stop ping at the S E fur a few days, as N'els is away on bu-iness. 0'iorgp O irretwin is at home again: him and bis father are going to start lit ()ft saw mill future. business Again in the near Mr. Paul Brevvsterand his father in law have Is'on sloppirg nt 'heS- E for the wist, week looking over the ranch hunt ing gii me. Ed Scott took a trip to Wyoming Inst Sat. and returned Monday accompanied by his sister Nellie who has come home tn start to school, ..That will be no preaching next. Sun day a Rv. Hnrton has" gone to confer ence, but 8. 8. will be as usual at 2 P. M. with' Miss Harris as superintendent 'eme one and all. Mr Sim K'lori, M'"" Emma nod fjiis-ie Xnristt ca'li d on Mrs. cot t Sun day, b-it that ladv being nbsent they stctifd to H. tli little R i'stI K"e Jr. and iron uaced him a fine fellow. T was down in B dar on dav last week and called at Mrs. Sella fers and had the honor of mikocrth" acquaint nni'i' of her nephew from N Y. he is a promising young man of 21 and fought in Mani'hi. 0'ir school hei'iin last, Monday Willi Miss Harris wielding the rod nnd 13 schol ars in attendance, hut we failed to get our new- seats as we should, wbi' h is a pres' disappointment. I failed to know the cause. Peioy. $ In Wyoming. Francis I Vuet went to Omaha on last Si'.lut'dav's train. .loltn fietiel nnd () E Jennings made Html proof or, their hniiitstiiuls last S it unlay, Fri d Deuel nnd W, M irphv shipped a car load of cattle toO naha, from Harri s'iii las Sa' urday. Miss Eva E. ('hnrch, Frank Church and Phillip FreeM will make final roof on their homesteads before D. K. Ooddard of Li.sk, lhe 10th. We understand that a Mr. Brown ot Missouri V.ill-v Iowa, has ren'ed the Clmrcli plic and will Im here to take possesion ir. a short time. Miss Amy Christian went to Harrison on last Saturday nnd went. In the vnlbv ! where she will teach the Bodaru school i beginning mi lasl Monday, j Mrs Kva Christian and Mrs W. ; Mmphy rtent to H "dare weik ago S itur day nnd altendid the meeting there on Sanilay, returning home on Monday. A Me. Ames of Tain i Co., town was I bin nig cattle in t his part last, weak, Hh lioiighi n car load of Aidrew Christian, which was delivered on Monday, j J, vV, I'lin-tinn wsiit to Itouglas on ' last 'iied.ty to in tend court Ibis week. , lie is a witness in the case wherein the 'n '" " ,Vni tug is piiiim ill iinu oiuarv Sub's is the defendant, Flor.-iK-n Christian rMurned from M,i.iviII on Tuesday of last week, there ll1,,l K misuniiersvanuin as u wueu iter j i i i e. 1...:.. tiL.- . L...I. ' ahould begin. She went b.ick . u,,lll..i,.e ln lu.o-in. - Threshing begins on tlie Ibdpe this a ' week, and the prospect for a goad' yiold' Is llalicniige ALrPEOPLE Lov to buy good goods at the lowest price possible,, and the place to do this is at GERLACri'S GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods. Bootd and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." Rev. Horton preached his farewell sermon nt th-s hall on last Sunday. A large crowd was out, and a few new meiulsjrs were taken into the church. All were sorry to think that possibly Mr. Horton would not be sent liack to this charge, and all will be glad if he comes back a-ain, for he is well liked by all, tstth as a minister and as a man. Every one has the greatest, respect, for him, and 'lis l tie wish of all, that he will be stnt bad again. On last Sunday night, about 8 o'clock, as we were writing this list (if items, we heard some me ailing. On going to the door we beard a voice out on the prairie which seenied to say, ,-0 Zekiel, when you serin in this weens itemi-, tell em that I can't go, buggy riding with my best girl without Walt Boyles and Roy ZnmBriinuen following me." Thia was followed by thrf soft, merry ha, ha, of "my best girl," which made us feel thai we'd like to le "I" whoever that may be, regard leas of Walt and Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Newlin went to Harrison last Monday to consult Dr. Ames in re gard to their little daughter Nellie, who. lias lieen ailing for some time. There lieing an epidemic of whooping cough in the town 'hey were in a quandary as to where to put up, not, wishing the little one to l exposed to it. Your big heart fd townsman, Mr. McGinley, came to their rescue and invited, them to partake of the hospitality of his home, which they did, nnd they are truly grateful to he and bis sister for hospitalities ahowt . Zekiel. A LETTER FROM MRS. E L. RI. F,.Q Hotcbktss, Colo. Aug. 81 1903. And s'i M. A. t '. has neeu er jo ing an outing in the inoun'airis. How glad we were to r. a I all sb.-u! it; Ai d alo to know that Clio ami lie r tatinly mi-re wed and happy. And lo rend what Timothv had to tell of our friends nnd neighbors. We were even interested in Mr. (b-o. (irim's tooth ache as reported b Zekiel and sorry for him too. We have had tooth aciia wur--elves, so rx-rli.ms our friends will be glad lo learn ihal we are well and hope they are the same, if there isn't much else to tell. A week Hiro Sunday we presented our letters and were received as members of the Methodist church at llotclddss. There is a band of earnest and consecrated workers there and we shall feel at home among them. Two weeks before Mr and Mrs. Fred Beudix were received by the Baptist church and OtTtifi and Edith Ocii.iix were received on profesnioii, Inning been t- j recent ly. Both the M E. and Baptist j ministers preach regularly at, lhe Mesa school bouse, wheru we nil attend S. H. The Baplisl a)oplo Ii.ivb lately had a series of meet ings there and in town, which led to Home conversions and the building up of christians. Apricots and em y peaches have come ! and coe, and it wd'l not be long now I , , . . . I Uliiiltl e Lll .lliiH are ready lo sh'P. , wiiicli niejus busy I:mu;h lor every body ; lor Itii days or ninre. P em lies uie n lug ni-u (Ins inr us frost u.iiii-.d ir.eoi In ! I - - i - many localities; thej are nil right in lhe North Fork valley however. Many are lui-v putting up the second i rop of al falfa. Ihehiis i iop is very heavy thiR ear, and the I mil crop is said lo li good ,1 have not been here long hough j to be hMh lo compare it with other ears I but It certainly seems l.ke uu ubundatil I crop tu inn. 1 have lsen rutin t glad I wns not in Nebraska us I have read of the light tung t and lieii, ll-ioils and cloud hursts. We had u nun lhe otl.irduvja very gentle little drizzle Ir r llitee hours, and that, is about the only tune the (Inst has la en I ild since J ii he, but as long us the ditch runs we ilon't care, The serious trouble eo Ma s w hen the ditch breaks, as our new Fie Ml. Ones occiiswit'iilly, lied the water is shut ell' for a lew dyya, then the grumbling ia loud nnd long, nnd ti e scolding Is ditecl toward the ditch sup; r Ir.teiideut Ibsleiid of the clerk of the wen t her. He must Im a little more snit.ive than the mythical clerk of the weather, for be resigned the other day and left somebody else to take the scold- j,, w are told that lis tho ditch .... . grows older too danger of breaks will; decrease, Ah I do not know bow else (o reach them, I waul to thank the friends who war assembled at lite Sioux Counly GERLACITS STORE- - -- -tu, iTiirr, A. J. AMES, M. I). P!;ysici:iii and Surgeon. All calls given prompt, attention. Office at Commercial Hotel or Drug Store. HAuitlSOS - NEBUASKA J. H. LACY. We have our building completed now and have a new supply of goods, and will, sell them right. DEALER IN Lumber, lath, sash, doors., lime, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm ni;u-hinery. Harness. Saddles, and' Range goods. Flour, Feed, ;md Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I am agent for the Wood manse wind-mill. Have a supply of' pump fittings . on hand. Come in and get my prices whether you buy or not. ONLY R-al!rod between Missouri Rjvor a4 Chicago. Direct I'nn in St. ul Minneapolis. Direct Lins t3 31 ck Kills. Aordy to nearest agent for rates, mnpai e.nd tlm,: cn.rds. TIME West Bound, Morning, No. IS, Due H-M No. S3, hie. frt. 10. TABLE. Eist Bound. Evening. No. 11, Due 8:10 No. 84 toe. frt. 5:2.1 , , , , , convention lor the suhslnntiiil jjift they sent me. The money was a ht In tn me and t he kinilueso that prompted it evvo, more. Emma L. Ric. siiF.it i re"1! "?m.k. Tty virtue of an order of sain iaimiil liv tlie. i clerk of Hie district court of Sioux County, N,rl" "'k:'' """ " deerr. rendore,! In sal. I court, In favor ot (Jranl, (.'n lirla nlalntiff Bi..I ngulnst Joseph W. Ilee.l, Nellie K. Heed, ('ntlirine a. KcUey, and II. M W, V- istaniH "s defend ,mu, I will on tlm llft.li day tt "etohcr, IMS, at one o'clock it tlie aft ruooa. of s.'.lil day, at tlie east fr.ml door of the I ourl House of said county, lit Harrison, Nebraska, sell nt public suolt.m lo tlie highest bidder for c-isli in hand, tha lollow Ing ilescrllavl re 1 esuie situated In siliL comity U-wt,: Tim tioriti west (iiiiirtcr of section Mi trty live (:tfi), Township -thirty iwu. (), Itunge tit ty nix to satisfy said order l sale tn the sum of Twenty six (olliirs -mil ,'!VP,'rV two cents ri'Ul, Interest . Sllll HCI'I'lll'lg Cost i. First pubilcHtion ptcni'HT 3, rfl:i. AI.KX l.tiWKV, Mierltl ot vuld eo int i : ' '.,