Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 03, 1903, Image 1

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    . , -s , .
-' '-I .
n r
D-. T. H. Sptndlo, the Crawford ilentist.
Tuiti and John Hints Harrison
Visitor last Siilimi.iV.
J. E. Artier in at Xe lstl, Wyi.
this week altecHitnK court.
Pat Klattery was Irtinsaeliti"; business
with our men hants Tuesday.
Mr. Andrew Christian of kirtley Wyo,
wat Harrison visitor Tn sday.
C'mrwin Lewm teturned fmni Omaha.
The Crawford dentist., I jr. T, H.Spifidln.
Iuli Ihinn and wife were at lite county
seat Tuesday.
Mrs. Sarah Jordan is visiting in the
valley this Week.
tirm , 'tiriMetisen and Mrs. J. It.
Hunter were u Irimi Andrews Tuesday.
J. H. Wi Ihermsdorfer tettiriied to
Harrison Monday mormnit on the west
hound tram. lie has lieen at, the. liedside
of III mother, fin h is been ijuite sirl(
hut ii now some better, Mr. VV. says
I tilcv have li-ul intu ,.r , I.... .. ...
Monday, where he lias lieett tnitrkt iif j , . . . . .
l " much tint (he insurance compan-
Ca iesavtley can't pty without yoltiy
iifoke. Wonder what lien. '(it, they
are to ties ..inner other than to take has
yood money..
Mom Bulk", who work for John
Bicyaal on Indian cre-k, t spent Monday
niylit at home.
(Jeortre, Turner r.inw up t town Tues
day tit ft had Iir. Amu ex'rai-t an Jichinp
inn ur for dim.
For Sa,1.
One t inch H: in aapw for n-.il.
qui le Ml this, cilice.
Boru- To Mv. ami Mis. J. A. Vhipn.
ot the l Vilfen rurvi'Vi on Riuimiiy water.
August iifllli. a twin.
Mrs. A , wife of IV. A.J. Antes.
au in on the p'jssenyer muuday morn
iiK from Siryeant, Nebr.
Augaist Meier nod t? iitt fjejsee were
in town yestenlnt ami remembered us
willi a year's suited ipl ion.
For a hdioos attack take ( 'hrml"rlHin-s
Stomach iiud Liver T.U'f" and :i j!in k
cur 18 certain. Fur itle ly AH l)riir-KtiW.
An e!l"iein'eil slo kumn mnft wife to
1aki Hiari;e of rata-t. Imjuire at liiif
Joltn f. KtvrK--firr reiorrid frti Ins
visit to Missouri lust Kalnulav, Jolm
s lie tiad it dms.itit, ajid wi.jnj alde
vinit- whiUs t!wre.
RettwriitifT we to ,i P.-fstrtii TtoIrS'lnV
tliorniou. "vy ciitoini; in later liian
Vednelay raMiri will Iw to late for
nilnatf ion lli.it WM-b,
Mr sod Mi. '. I;. Drake of Minn,, n
lirotlier of .Mrs. Sarah K. iJavits of llarri
soli mine in on tin- t-:it Ixniiid train lust
Thursday nitit., ami are enjoj iiij the
tteoi e iephvrs of Siihix county as well
an the hofiitahtv of.Hieir .sinter and
illa-r relatives They at tended Ihewd
diefs i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in Califoniia ik1 miihsl to
their pleasures i he vimt 10 this little
tjtwn. mil w are Mire their vital wh
i etijoi eel by nil intiiihers of the family.
' ttlq I 'I. Cat U..J U.. -I 1
... . - . . Mjy vnaitiumtin I
Colic, Colnra. wnd Diu:rroi-i
"H. L I'm r, a II known v)nf ier of
this town. sa n tie llicvt-sl liaoiU'riainV
I'olic, ( holei;i ,-iikI Diaridofit U"ii.fh
savtil hi?, hV last hiiinioi-r. H1 had leen
si. k lor a n toil h unit what, tim docloi -f
i-all hilmiis di eiilt ry. : 1 1 I could yi-t
o: lnii to do I ii ot an v ismni mil il he. tried
this iw,i-dv. It lmw him iiinidiate
rehef," ..lis 1!. T. Little, men haul.
li.nioiii k. Mil for wile iiy All lJrti'Hu.1-..
Trust worthy lady or cent lemao
manage Ian-mess m this County and nil
j-Misiiu; temtur lor well afil fitvotahh
known IIoiish of solid (inaocial si.inihn .
t'ZtUV) s laiuht ia-h sal. rv and ex pence-,
pan! em I-; M'tl liny I.V I (ai t (Inert tltilii
leatltp.arUo s. Exice inoiiev atlvani ft!
ptislltoll pe! m.oieo:. Aitttress M A!,liil-:t.
(110 UiM N lil lHl , l lticyii ), iu
Kotlco. ; Rev. V. E. Sala, district riupt. of the
Hiave put out, poi.sou in my astur; . "Cliililrtsns Hom Society" .f Onmlm,
So hjU'Ii your doH. j wastn llarris(,n over Sunday anil tall:. si
T. O. Williams. to the people hoth moiuinK ami evniiiir.
" I Thin Hoot y Is dtiiojj: great (iood t hritif.'.h-
l)r. Rhwartz the well knnwn ey pe!. j out.t he state. ,,
ialist of Ilenver will In in Harrison Sept..
0, WW. Ifymmr nervous and ha ve , 0w His Llfo a Nnlghbor's Kindness,
headaches, ' ave votir eyes examined free. Air. I), i. lUnyhiiny, well kn nvn
hy lr. ScliwartK. Come early ami j throiic1i.iit Mercer aim Snnin.-r count ics,
, V .1 , most. Iik' iy ortfN his life tn ilit.
kindjc-ss if a neig-liltor. lit? was aliuoxt
h'tplt-ssly jflictcd with diarrhoea; was
Mtu-nli'il lrv,.tvo ph sit-iai's whoyave
him little. J an , relief, whtii ;t iieihhor
learning o; his serums condition, hrouht
him. a holtl.1 of ( 'Ii noli n l.toi's Odi..
the henefit of iU
N'oTK K To Tax Payeks
All deliiHjuont ja-ntonal taxes not. paid
on or Itelore (Jclohur 1st. w ill he collected
hy l)mlr.ss Warrant.
Sec Nfiv Ituvt-ntui Lawl
JH I. Davis; C. Trent. I :l,"lril IiFH.i-a I:..ine.U, whiHi
j cured him in less than t wnt v lourhours.
Shut your yt and see how you would ' F"r Uv Aj "IW
like to )io through this wurid with al
hlaik veil he fort you. That i.s what will i
hapMti if your eves need attmitiou hikI j
Love to J)ii5- .troo.l pood at the lowest price possible,
and the place to do this is at
In clot 1j in: s, Gents furnishing, Goods,
Boots and Slices.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Come and see us any way and be social."
you neglect, them. If you int-tl laat s
have your fveN exaiima d hy Dr. Hiiwart.
the graduate relYactioni-t and eve i-p.'C
ial'Kt. ttf I'enver, who will he in Harrison
S.-pt. 0. 1II03 at th't Commercial Hotel.
Coioe early and have your 'hildrens' ei es
examined U-forc wilding them to school.
St.Me Workers Coming.
Professor H. M. Sleollev thu sta'e field
Sei n.dary ainl Mis Mamie Harnett Supl.
of lh stale primary work, having ivc
me lh ir services fur a lew davs, I h.-tve
set the following dates lor u hold In.li
tides on Humlav tSchoid work in thu
various places.
A lllnlice, evenuic, ot Sept. Sth. Craw
ford, iifieruoon and t Vt-iuii .Sept. Uih,
Union Stat, 11 a. in. Sept. l(ih, I Imtlroit,
altei noon ami veiling, S.-pt, 1 1 1 Ii. H.idtt.'c
t-v.-iiiiij.', S-pt. 1-ith aial at Harris,, n
ni.ji nin, aliei noon nnil evening Sept, 1U
1 lloie ln-se da tes w l II meet t . It It the
..pproval of the Christum and Siimiav
-i imol ivt'a-l.eis of iii-j ihll .-i-i-iil, phict-s
and I am sure none will he His ippointet)
thai iiiav come to hear those worker of
tin- Saiudax School worn ol thu sla-e
"peak. Let nil lake an interest, in tin-,
fjreal w, ik ,,r we don't often o,el ;,s
proii-.uwnt woi kei t, us ti-s ujl III this
noi'ili west.
J. H. i'-CHKK,
S. S Iis.sionarv.
Ad(;lia Hrtpna
It MKenm that school teachers are
cau-nitf school hoartls iiol.tt.U troiihle
j thj-te i'h.Vs, t hicito inakus her laiiv
j tvaclinrs enter in!t a contract, that, il
1 1 if y tet muirietl diiriiij- tiie school vear
I Uiy furfeit if ."ll lor such a rash act, hut.
iv wonder what the hcIi-ioI hnnls ar
I fjois-y: to do where the tnit:hec ivithi'raws
! Iier or his application i.-. lore school
i In-yiiis. Such hns h-.u the case in
several i f our towns in the past few
months, lielow is a sample we clipped
from the Gordon .lourual tiud Itiisliville
was Irealetl to a like ilos".
At last, at. last! 'rof. C. W. Vest is
the last, .me to yu-'innZ' the school hoard
i.-l (iordoM. Al ter a ai I t o his hc.li t's
! content, w-ith thu call of it street: fakir.
kosll v semis I In- school hoard a letter
Hit! he will not e. wiiu ns. His iovh
epistle arrived on Wetlnestlav ol tins
i week, and weiloi.k sou- m-miiers ol the
oouitl wild llleir Irellliys uisl leveled Ii)
! the. news, s-otl some tilings thai are not
I Cent-rally recorded m print. Tics kind
j of occurrence, hay hoen vcrv neneral
i throiij. hon t I It-- st a i e t ois t ar and m.titi
I ol the prel-ssors ha ce s-'eiu nii;y hat! no
I !eard w Ir, lever for their (ii-oiuiscs or
cont rat. ts. many ol I In m d-unc, the.-clioto
hoallls the - tval in j list ice ol nv.ti l mtr so
late lh.it H is a. in. . si i.i i j,..s,i id-' In i-l.
competent persons io take their places,
Listuet-I we sa',.1 e h.el fin,!,. ',-
and tail i Inkisllli, I'a i.l s to u-ake a I u i
suit, hoi wejude the tjnaliiy of the
Vest 1I I e 1,,-ioW I'l-'lllH-.l.f, MHl Wollld
tot do to put, in a uood siiit ma now.
At the R' puhhcaii jmlicial conventioi
at V tlt utiiit! Tmd iv the happy winne;-
Wetel't.ttt A I 1l.ii ii 1,",.,,. , l' T
tl f 111 t . I . . I .1 . . I . . . . t 1 ' 1
mnt, tt., tv , rt-re,, ;ifiu ,1 itinter unev j
reluriam iioiiiM la-t S'urdiif. V are j
ui Mr. K w isiiiitd to nee them, for!
bad hiny was no ttouliL i Uiiik idd w ith
Mr. Rrown. the fort R ohinson i!mvi
jrrapher, vill he ill Hwrrison S-(lie i.U-r j
llli tu till. Make a note: rle s.t s, th;t '
a cloiitlv fcy is no olftaclts touta good
ph. :- .
cret t
I 'tm .-"AiJi.
Ofii htirulii d head of sheep, all i
t mailt lot.; ais-i i t,t mi,, ti, o.Ies ol
U a re 4 if ailulfa ftid. One sheep
'ills, t wim not known that tins,
enllem.-U Wef." C Ol.llll ttes, how eV. I
h Ircaleilil.o-V is eulhusi tslr-tllv receiv
ed and their race Will naW- a won. I -ill,!
Kootl sho ,v lot 1 fori- the rn, d this lad
Newport K-putuiraa.
Ial .tn vi. Hr.. Wiltsi! must b,
from Missoiu i.
,'lsoll slotted ( vv O (
ii Ailelia to Ouo ha
r load ol
ast Mon- i
s tin
e, at A I'. U...
I. it tt-r p ii I. ol
Stima.c" Trsubla.
T tin v. h -t o tri'iiiilt d ih mv stmimi h
fnc the i four vcar-t," s i vs 1 1. L Hi-nc
j ol t over N- iik F.irm. tireenlli M, Ma,.,
.A few thus ntro I was induced to tin v a
iiox of I 'ha mhei lam's 8iotoai h and L.nti
l'ihl.,1- I I...... t .l,.. ..I'll.
Hlieiitiid t cliitlK, i last "lone hi iise ami I .
I e-I II Creai lledl Oeller. , toll tlilV-
nnv tmuhlc W illi our stiMiiat:h trv n lm.
Itnru, ahoui live miles af fence mound
i.ic. For lurther iiiloriiiatioii call on or
JJev Ji as iitivirstT, ,M,.raii N'ehr.
Flwin iitliri w ill w leld (lot mil in
nchonl ihslnvt N.t 31; We are Klntl to
mnj that hdntn ptss.:d a Very satistac
ory rX tui mil1 Ion at Alliance, anil we
predict Kreat 'uuiys for hiiu d In) stays
in the m JjooI work.
Ttirr itre n few ol our late customers
that Imve tiul. settleil t heir account, we
nvould he pleased (o havit tiiesn COn-e ill
and Nettle, lor wv me .inxnuin to lose i.p
all wur at nun's. '
Marstidker Hioti.
A (era nil hall w ill I held in the hall
Sepl. 11th VMM. Hood music will le
furnisiied lor the im cash in ns usual, nnif j
It jolly Jiood lime in iicsiired. tVni'e otle j
Itnd nil, iind attend the IIhII, at Andrews
hull. Hi-Ctto4-s25c!s.
R. C. U NV.
of these T !ets. You li re eel I a lit lo Is
IiIimmsI wjiii hit result Price 2.1 ci tits.
For sale by AM l)run'xtsts.
Call For Bid.
Olen, NW. Aujr 10.-1W1
The holinl of school district No. 1,
Hum Cm , Nedr. will receive bids for n
flw scIks.I iMiee ('' il Sept. IHUi at 6
o'cluck P. M. when bids will he ina-ned.
N. U. Utetnl re-ti r I lie ri(:hi to reject
ny or nil buN. For . incident ion call on
or write director.
1'KTF.It M IHTE.VHI N, liris-lor.
A Remxvrltihla R.ecord,
Chaiiils-i f.iin's i uuyh Remedv has a re
mark. ihle rtcoid. It has lieell in use for
over lliiit l yt.us, thu ii uliah tune
mat y tnillioii bottles have been sold and
used. It has oir I ecu the siaud.nd and
main rt Ii us e in the treatment of croup
in 1 1 inns tin Is i -I hoce, t d urine; all this
I one no c.is-t h.i- ever l-eii reptH letl lw
the iniinufact un rs in w hich it failed to
ell,c! ,i l ine. WIkmi K'eii um soon ns
ttie chi'd hr'ouii's la-aise or even as soon
ns the croupy counh ntienrs, it wi
pieVt-iil tlien'ltii k It Is pleasant to lakt
in anv ciilitii i o i it: e u, it, couiiiitis no
opiiiin or otiier haritiful siihslitnco and
niay lie ;tv -n its confl li nt ly to it baby as
Jo an adult. For al by All I rugisls.
rail le fit
,'ames J-'oret-ait's
a lew tia
-Vet ,
As it is two weeks since I wrote any
tellis, I Will see if 1 chi.'i li :M I Soluu lie w s.
- it Is hellur late thai; ue.i r.
Ij e K'li an'i ins -ic-ler L.ina vistttvi al
A . P. Ii ischial i ;i'h a h w days Hi the lit
im' pari ol Hie week and went lo ('raw-h-nl
Willi Mr. ano Mis. Ro-teiih.n',,' ,u
returned to their home on Auleiopci let It
no, day.
Ith'-emsas if tbt pn pie Were hat ii.;j
' ad link w il h horst a ht -I -iH as Kilna
Melts Was Luki-ll t wi. e. Mis. J. C J',
r-n ahd Ild-'a Ih.si td-iirc w i-ti- I, i. t..-d
Mtiiitlai, iu,t also kohl, Moody v.as
Sit ketl l.tt.1. Wet k.
I am
IS ..Ollle o (l
name, and it, seems as if m-is; of it,,
(ii-opln wi-t; nitii't; inoresteil m I he h.h
faille, lint tutpe, there will lie vim
S. next Suuiiiiy,
T lElH
Uo'.. rt I...is
M's,, ?e sit.- ( 1 a
I ics i.l V.
ut houi
wiis in i
i Mitiirikiy.
or I. u tv on
ill Lew I-
came up f r- ml (. 'ra w ford
I tie Oa 1 .
(ft Monday niht fur his
soiry to note I ha t S S sii,
inir as It. w is in mv la-t item-
hot 4 have slarieil t- I
ill S
Bodaro Gludninqs,
Lesiyr l orle'v w eii t lit WiiikforJ .hu
ollee hist Moirtliiy.
j WillaH M
j liomi! in Lincoln,
j Mr. Moli-rd went to Hot Sprmys ami
; then he v, ill ret Hi u hoioe.
j Miss ( 'hini t 'In isteiiscu Is visitllie; al
' i 'ha. if. n; this w... k.
j 1'he Misses K ih'-vi rs were, visitu k
Il leltl" Olid It lit! I V es.
I liini'e and IV ;ii I.i -I ..lies tjsiiid Aniii
j f-snl.,.- t r M iiiilaV.
j Mis. .!, li llonlt-r was a. Ilariisoti
; vi-i 1- ,r i in mI.I v .
: Mr. V; ni , S. hlc --r was a 1 1 ni.ler visit
or Thur-d..v.
i' ii'i i Mrs. (l--tr.; 11 t.-yy sje'ii:
; Sijieliiy a! :;taw ior l.
We -aw mil ni l frn-ti I I, 111-" Hants t;i
j by on i he lr a in I i -t Sid in. lav.
I V.'-. II ag-lies t.r I Inches, Mrs 1 '.cdol
i atl d.iuuhitr l:i i. ol IV.e-turv.lle visited
( ill l',.ist Hunter hill -.lay.
I lie'.'. II F. Tib' c'ts of ( I'ii.l-ou cailit
I up In. --.'at Itn will preach Tuesday,
I W, -tint -d.it and I'mir-duy I'M mi ys.
j bail Hit- w',,r-e -torm of lb.- season
Mast. nhn-s l.iy. ' took I r d.'es wash-
John Fber-'pis her teturn.d Imui- i int. nn. lnii,., Ihm s in.d everj thine; it
Saturday evcniiiK from his trip eas'. j ,..,,( K,-t hoi t dr. I' Imkul about. Ih-.e
We nrv soiry lo hear that who. .piny , f'-ct oi Peine, to I i top ol the yrvde, and
yiu teaebme; without lirst havitio- had at
h.-ast e'yht, eeks of normal training.
That in districts where the taxes are
not siillicient to pay s ilariescommetisnr
ate with t he ijuitlilicitticiis required, ur
where a lively interest cannot be main
tained on account of the small number of
pupils, we recijtiimeiid that those districts
take atlvainaoe ot cmisol idation or
contract law when the locution of the
dintriitU hi. ike it, practicable. WV furl her
reromuieud Ihiit. when neither of these
laws is pract i4:alil(! that the same )ua llli
i il teacher he euyacetl t(, teach short
Wins of school in alj tliif districts may
at lend a yood school It.r as lony n term
as possible.
That as the law does no! recoifiize a
IW'kALT. every jiersoii should hold a
cei litlcite in li.-rc-t before contrai'lin: for
or heyinnmy; a school.
That requests for PERMITS or more
than two Third (Jnu'e. cerlilb-utes WiLf-
NOT LK f;NSlid'.REo.
Tnai school hoaiiis isl in -i Id consider
pr.ifi-ssiooal Sjiint, thoroughness of 'pre
paration, aiiil s'rony s. lio!ar.-bii m the
teacher and pty tl,try in accu'ilaiice
tin -re with.
'I'hat these res-duinits be f.rinfeil ttnd a
copy he sent to each teacher anil scbrol
"III -t r in I be i ouiit ies nboyFi mentioneil
iind I ha t I hey he published in the local
f.I W. l!CMUA!;t.NKK
II L f'l-HF.tt.
W. i Kkst
Superintetnlcnt-. ; II, . 1 1 Ll.INliB i.
t '. P. 1 It .M Hi. US.
Ah-vn Lackcy
I. VV. K. Heak.
War Bonnet Topics.
Frank Scoit is hack to I he S - K atr-iin.
Mr, and Mrstieii" I?ic. ow and family
were present at preilt'hill,
Kii Scott, Iris been woi kiuc for !,in
S!:it1erv for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. f, o. Crim visited at
R.-ht. K".-b;. a while Smidav.
Ll.lle Myrtle Hunter -as vtsi.i,, withjchlclX! M'SUri ni
Miss Marv Scott a few days last, week, j Diro 'lin, t, St, Mlnne4I)olls.
Auoiher bir run, no bail, but two j Direct Llns to 31 ck Kills.
-! a,t Irosts itlr-euly. X.. mischief done, j A-wly to narist absent for ratos. mtpv
Miss Lilhe Harris arrived here last j tj!?-
Sitnr.lav and look ciinrce of the S S
whii h is a yreal relief to the comunitv. I
I am troin- to leave to unirr-iw
WvoitiiV'. h
Icivei.'t um,
A. J. AMES, M. I).
P. ysiriiiti ami Suri'fon.
All talis Klven proiiijd, attentKtn.
Oflice at Cmiit:erjial Motet
or Drue; Store.
llAltlllHON -. N KB It ASK A
We hiive our building completed nowr
and have a m-w supply of floods, and wit!.,
sell then) riyht.
Lumber, lath, sash, door3.
lime, cement, and building-,
material of all kinds.
F;irm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and
Range goods.
Flour, Feed, and Grain.
Paint, Oils & etc.
1 inn agent for the Wood--
manse wind-mill. Have a
supply of pump fittings on.
hand. Gome in and get my
prices whether you buy cruet.
r-y n t. pi- ,--rs i-rr
vi- it my dautihier so I
time to write, so cund
West Bound. E,si Rmvnd.
No. U, Due H:10,
M irniny,
13, .'me H:M
S..ulh Dim Im, Neb. Kept 1, Jfl03.
The Ihst I wo dm s llnti week opi-n.d up
with a fa-r run of cattle. Market is 10
lol-V hiyher than a week )'. The
f. id -r demand is incri nsirc;. Buyers are
nil n ntc pncttMip on me another add
innkiiic a briidi lenrkel.
We pilule best steers fl (i) to fl i-V
Weslerii hill feds J (10 I o 4 40 I'a-st
feeder !J f'fl lo 4 M, "jt i r H.I5 to i (JO;
I 'of um nil I i(I Id sin If down to 2 &0. f 'own
ceiiyh has coin to the Valley ami that I x,rs,
1ml- Pearl 11.11 has taken it. j Ml'
Miss Annie Miller went to Runnine
w. Her on t'annitay ot i,(si w.eK lovisii lor:
a few days with Mis, L'r.Zie Cidl'ee. j
Mrs, Andrew I hrisli .n of Pleiisanl j
Ri.lye, and Mr. and Mis. iturke of II uti- I
sot) came to the Valley SumI.iv lo attend
Hat service al the church and lo pass a j
pleasant, day with ohl uti'yhlxirs mid
M.i-s, tii's lion ... was s'irroii ud-'d by
I' N-'.l.i.'. ali ol tin' b net s ;,re I roke
Hut ot rr.
To Thu Toachnr n-ntl School Oificr.ro
cf VVoi.loni !CeI:raflla.
Ii"solui lout a-lopted by the snp'Tlnleii
dents of Hit! finl't-, I'.iiiint-r, llawes,
Cheyenne, Klliilll'l, Ml-lidtUI, .Scotts
Hlull. Si nix; Or ml anil I looker coil nl ics
in sii-sum at t he Junior Normal Institute
a. miamiMiice. ( m ,v lliancn, Nehr., Auyiisl 10, lUIU.as
A slorm passed around tie- Valley last! IoIIhwh:
Wednesday alternoon ilrip,,inK , jt j (ir,,.r ,,,-tintuin a ht;h standard of
went. At live Points the l,Miltone ualillciitmn and iirulessional ability
that fell were of an unusual sir. mid am.wur mr ler.cheiit we. the sii'ruileii
liaitered the unnh us uisl crops In thai d.-nt s ol the above nicntmtiod counties,
viciniiy pr--tty bud. ' resolve :
SiiiwUx Hi honl. iind pt-eaclnnit services That in compliance with th recniii'
and heifers 1 SO to 8 2a. iiiuiei s 1 .50 to J re held nl llcdarc .Si.oday ii.oriiiii at melnlai imi ol State Superinleiiileut l-'o .v-
'i.dO. Hulls iLOtlto S 00 Calvws8(K) to 1 ''il hours nfier w hit h nil repnris! h-r, we will uiaintHiii a reasonable, stand
CU For Bldi. I
IVnfed Hds will Is. receivrd in tin". ; Ti 00
I lllce nti to 10 ti'clin l A. M. fwp'enils-r; Our slu rp market has l-een steady on
i luiw fr iiteeonslroctioiMifa ( Vaint v ! kiibtr.and nlrutiK in rcislers thm week.
HrhlK-acrtwsWh.t-H.HdCreelil.lweeo'E'iesare se at 2.50 .o 8.U0. Feeder li -m, returning lo the church for the
wetheiH II 10 In iv yenrlliie; il.;iu to " f"1""1 ri.incniiiiiniiiii)
fU-tbifts ;tHnd 4. l eii III, rtmije 51.
Hie-Hltr:. im.s 'il t m t lit nine. The 4. hit sheep and yem I'nx-s H 50 lo H 110;
ll-w.r.l r-set ve tt-tr ritlil In ri j t any aial
ym, A. A Ramn
I -tiler In in I is 4 00 to 4 f.O. flit hiiiilm 4t")0
to 4 75. II. U receipt Unlit, Malket
nt.atly. Rnnpe 5.20 ti 5,75.
Nyg& BtniNA! i
to tin slnnle trees by the creek where lird ol ijuuhllc.ition and leluso lo issue
si'tilnl on lie- epourKl all did ample ju-t. i en -licit c to tho-i- wholall Isdow su h
Ice lo '.ho suhstmitnil lunch s( read hefnle slil'itlai it mi l ey to siipply (hit demiind
f. r lent le is.
Thai lliiie will be no liarisfi-r of ifrtiilcs
lelow ill) percent, y.-p for I hos4i who
lime done atistu'tory work for at least.
tfood and which we hope1 .vill not soon
bi forgotten, w Iwltevn who were pres
ent sjaTit n very pltasiiiit and prolllahle eiht weeks In im mvieihted ininnal
f M
II flirt I he leal.
TJjuI we lieheve IIj.i w im" ''liiiii 'ie
' n.-iv.-een M irr. son anil t;iei1ietile
a raz. - ir ;i diiri; ireeu c:itet ;iiwo J
t.ollllil of cltcwi'ie; lohiit-co, Hnllcr please
leave s o,,,, at Ptiicw ,lur. XAt. olli'-e, and
ol. bee F. S. Set. 1 1.
A !ai v, crowd was in atf enriiinoe at
clniri l, Sund.tv. a U"nt lemaii was present
who was a, winker in the Nebraska
childi'"iis hone- soo'etv, he yave them
tp.it" a tad:, so I understand and secured
some aid.
You can iniayine my horr ir last week
on r.-t it en in limuu fr mi town, to helm Id
a Lyon withnppe in its nioulli lookinj;
out (In-door mi l on iuvesl iya lion I founil
tlU'Vhil tiU-n ii iss ision of I Ii ; house,
there weiellof tberu 2 litre ones, our
sinall one. alsol 'ee On vim nnd .fessie ( ler
hcli, they w era out after sand and wen
ov. rl 'ki'ii by the storm ami went in "r
to Iind shelter, which wnsa very wis'
idea as J surely thought before I Ionic
shelter. I
P Kill IV
From Over Yondtt".
Mi's. Schaeler has the thrashers there
this week.
Miss Mare Mitdson is stay in with Mrs.
Ebi-rspecbt r
Frank Wayner had to j;o home from
the saw mill to cut corn.
Mrs, proctor cf Andrews was visillny
Mis. Tom I in le the cither dav.
Mrs. Hchiieli r cut her fool Very bad the
ot her d;tv and sent for Dr. Anus,
Crops of all kind are plentiful, Mr.
Vill I o I" has a lay hrashin lodo,
Miss I'einla -b.i.es and lather and hi He
brother Weni Visitint; ill I he saw mill la-l
Miss Annii Schlyer visited Mr. Werder
lldiii, her l.'rattdliiol her, last .Hail''dii
anil ttundaar.
No. fS. Inc. frt. 10.
No. 84 loc. frt.
Ti-ttr Laxative Hn
ll'lK.dsts r.'tn nl
cure. K. W. (irov
Iiox. 'i.ic.
o quinine tiiniets. All
Hut im nty It. If fui Is in,
siKu.it ur isttii ei-J
Mis. MaiitiiiK is very busy Hiese days
wilh In r yarded. She does some shippin-j-w
est evt ry Toe-da v,
Mr. ami Mrs. Had .f.ininon h ive return-.
si from Hud's Fat bet's (dace where. Milf
has been puniny up hay. They still Jiv.
wnl M s. Wetdei mail,
Mrs. Wer.lerinan wen! to Harrison last
Monday and w hen she jjot nearly honia
her horse ln'cauiu uuiiianayeable and lan,
away throwin(r Mrs. Werderman out aiioV
: he seal, w it h her and broke the biigr
ill to pieces. Did not hurt. Mrs. Weruieri.
can anv.
Mr. Varlcy, Mr. Jots'saud Misw renr'n
re :il Mrs Weiib'rinaiis iit'kiny :herrk
s the t tbi r day t harries are Very
c iree as well as plums nisi other wil$
ml. 1 he. fruit t lees both cherry unit
him were lull of blossoms J tst Hpritltf.
le- last, held li'ci za hliyiitod all of Hit
nut. -
Ity virtue ol an order of sain Isui-iHv tU.
i'lerk of tlm district court ol' Sioux Con lit v
Vehiiislf.i, ii,oti a ilecri u rendered In said
I'.iurt, In lavoi ot (irimi, l.iitlirlo plidntlf
anil aK'ilnst Joseph W. Heed, Nellie K. Ueelv
t iit.lirlne A. Kelsey, and II. M. V. Kiistiiutu
in. dt'leiiiliiiils, I will on tlm link day of
- ictotier, I'.!!,!, at olio o'clock 1 1 the atterniMiii,
ol s aid day, at the east froiil door ol the
i iniri Moils.- of sidd rouiity, at llarriHon
Nehf nskii, salt ut pulilio auction to the,
lilyliest ludiler lor rush in IihiiiI, the lollow
hi4 'lest-rhied ru il estate Mttuiiet In' n:tt4
isniiity to wit : Tin- iiiii'tti tti'st, ipiHt ter of
mi t-tni Uni ty th e ( l.'i, low nsliip thirty Ih
lit.' j, Ihinye III ty six (ml), to sill 1-1 said wnler .
of s ile In t.ie stun ot I wenty six ihdlnr iiii
sc. i nly Inn ci'iit- i,i".T'Ji, luterest w
Jl.l'l nei'l'lliiiir I'u-t .
l-'irst iiiililleiitlon '-iepteuilHtr I), I MM.
ai.i; i.owur4
hlu-rlU ol tnjii uuii4t,
S (S
8Sf -
$ '
A. '
1 v ITT '.