Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 27, 1903, Image 1

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Harrison Press - J ourn al.
1903. isio.e
E. F. Pontius returned from the Black
Hills Saturday.
Francis Deuel is visiting friends in
town thin week.
Mrs. Zerbe and daughter Mabel were
up from Bodare Monday,
Mrs, Chas. Hanson and cliildren return'
d from Whitney Monday.
J. F. Bnurret went to Spokane. Wash,
on business last 8aturd.iv.
Chas. Thomas anil S. K, Eldnge shipped
cattle to Omaha this week.
Vm Hanson, the druggist, Krtit Sun
dmv at his home in Crawford,
Mrs. Webster, of Crawford is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Maine this week.
Quite a numlier of people attended
mass in Harrison last Saturday,
We received a lion of nice choke cher
ries from Mrs. Jas. Johnson Monday.
Mrs, Erdman went to Crawford last
Stfnrikiy evening, returning Monday,
Mrs, Biegon! and daughter were down
from Indian creek Tuesd-iy, visiting; Mrs,
rattw Mi Snrn:;! v:is shaking hands
with his ninny friends tn Harrison last.
Miss Minii"
Friday and will
Witt Hnived her last
i it her relatives here
for a w -iii i j.
Mrs. Tot, Jvert.-d-holt,
I., last
visit for a wl,ib.
i, i ft for her hmie in
t-.iUirJay evening, to
A. It. Kenndv of rawford came in on
the train Wednesday morning and drove
out to (lis ranch.
Tor Sale,
One?, inch Haiti w agon for sale
quite at this nfllee.
Wins Mabel W.irn.-k I -nv-s tod.iv for
Ft. Collins, Colorado, wtiere she will at
tend school (his winter.
M'ss Mshel Hiin'e', who is stayim:
rtih ber i1er. Mrs Bob Jordan. ua
v Wiling in tow n Sunday.
M J ()'' Vtmll went, as a d-lera'e to
the Republican judicial convention which
wet at Valentine Toe-day,
Archie Davis, who has lieon "laid up"
for a white with a mire band, is again
riding the mowimr midline.
Ornnl fJ'ithrie and Frank Nut to, nftcr
a month's visit in California, returned
home last Haturdav everittg.
Arthur Cline, who lv boon working
for II, 11. Dickinson for the past six
wM-ks, is now slaying at borne.
Andrew Clirislian was in yesterday
after hi wwter Florence, who returned
from Hot Springs in the morning.
Mrs Sarah Jordan wioved ber house
dd gotsls inlo ber house in town lat
eek, wlteresie will stay this wintsr.
George Ibwkmarui enme in on the
tram last nieht from H iuck, Wvo, He
lias been working up there alt Hummer,
Florence Christian came down from
Pleiimtnt Kulge last Sat unlay , and w ent
from her to Hot Springs, 8. Ituk. in tlte
VHien yon want a physio that is mild
ml gen lie, eosy to take and certain to
act. alwaws use Chamlterlaiii's Ktomai h
ml Liver TaWeU. For side by All Urug
giata. Mr. Brown, the Fort Kolsnson photo.
Itrapher, will l in H.irrison KepiemUr
4lh to 7th. Make a i.ole. llo -y, that
Cloudy day i DO ohrUcle to get u good
Relatives o Mr. Si haefer came in t.n
: V.h pKengr Balurd.ty inornitig. ffin
Wllllllilelptiia Til. pud went "b.e. n tithe
''ranch in tti valtoy wbero they wi( visit
for lute
Mr. and Mr. ". H. Hollingswovth re
turiMsl to tHr laKiie in Hurnst Monday
evening on tint rant hound train. Tli-y
have ba irfmn the iniuiiiei 041 thetr
nmik mmr Hose, Wyoming.
There will be preaching service at tl
Bisl.irc 1'luwi-h Itoth 111 rn;ii4 n.i.i n'ler
(Ham, Ag. Mh. Iveiylssly are touted
t.i (.suite Itrn) r-l.iV lill (lav. I Hllille S Will
l-rtlw lunrlrfts 11 'it' t hi in al the elm 11 Ii.
Jim tile last reolat MjOHiOtl nielli fur ibe
An experienced stockman and wife to
take charge of ranch. Inquire at this
Dr. SliwarU the well known eye spec
ialist of lJenver will be in Harrison 8pl.
fl, 19M. If you are nervous and have
headaches, '-ave vour eyes examined free
by Dr.-Schwartz. Come early and get
the lietiefit of it.
N. R. Smith, who has been working up
in Montana, came in on the passenger
Monday uiorning. He is a brotiter of
Chas. South jf Hewitt, and he went out
to Charley's ranch the same day. He
will slay with Clias. this fall.
There are a few of our late customers
that have not settled their accounts, we
would be pleased to have these come in
and settle, for we are anxious to close up
all our accounts.
Marsteller Bros.
Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock
there mis ,i cloudburst nt the head of
White nvr, and up to the lime, we goto
press we have been unable to find out
Hie exlent of d.ioiage done. The east
bound freight and passenger are still al
Win, Martin was kicked by a horse
last Tuesday, and was unconscious for
some time. 'It. Ames was called to see
nun aim cum I inai one nl lus ears was
almost lorn loose from his head. Doe
returned Wednesday and reports him out
of danger.
Charles firewell iv;ts up from his ranch
last Saturday. Charlie just recently
made a fhipinent of cuttle to ( himtm, hu
lik. !!, rt-t nl me nuys lie aid not re
reive a ii v fancy price for hisbovines, but
n.irlie is eood natnrtsl and does not
crank or feel blue as some do.
Mr. Guthrie informs lis that Chas,
Biehlf and Chas. S (nit are doing well
financially in California, and that they
and their lamiUc are well sallslieo. We
ire glad In know Hot as well as loaiiv of
I heir friends Is; for the Charlies left many
friends in tills pari of the couutry.
Turmigh Mr. (iiilbrie ,ve k'arn that
our old friend J. (J. Morris lives at Din
iba, l ahforcia, and is now in I tin hotel
bosiness, Mr, Morns was at unu time
one of our representative citizens, and
ins many Iriends will lw gbtd to know
that be is well. We hope he iiiuy come
to !H US at rwdte full; re time.
A grend ball ill lie held in the hall
H-pt. U'li l'Jt. (iood music will be
furnished lor llie o'casion n ustial, and
a j'diy KIK,d time isasuritl, t'oue one
and all. mid attend the Ball, at Audrews
ball. Hpet. tutors, 2cts.
u. c;. ixss.
Yesterday evening during the storm,
T. U. Williams bad a ma mid colt
struck by ligtilning. about twelve roils
from tlte house. The mare wan killed
but the colt will prop.iiily live. It heemti
that the colt was sucking at the tune the
mother was struck, as one of the loats
was split as was the colts mouth.
A telegram was receivtd bv Henry
Wills the llrsl of last week that tiis brot
her Hon.is, at Belle Fourche S. 1). was
seriously ill. His btolber-io-luw V, A.
Hester left fur Belle Fourche the same
evening of the day the telegram wus re
ceived, to gt t him, and returned Satur
day morning with him. lie looks very
J. B. Burke received an invitation
from thecitizns of Alliance to be their
guest on August the 2iLh. and to lie
present nt the un-el ing of the Stale Hoard
til Education, w lii' li meets ou that date.
Alliance is making a strong pull for the
stale Normal, and we know of 110 town in
the iiorthwt si lliiil has the advanlages
as has Alliance.
' C(JI Far Uld.
Healed Bids lll be received in tlih;
offlce on tn 10 o clock A. W. ht j.ieiiiiH-r
21, VMl for ttie const riicln.ti of a County
Bridge acrirts W lute II. nd Creek between
.Sect.ii Hand i. lp M, "iiige
H,enllraiions on III- in tun ulU e. The
Board reserve Uie right to reject any and
ail bids.
Win. J. A. Uiiim.
Call Far Bid.
Glen, Nvbr. Aug. 10, lUfW.
The Isiard of school district No. 19,
Sioux Co , Nm. will receive bids for a
new school house until Sept, 19th at 0
oVIim k V. M. wlien bids will be opened.
N, H. lioiird reserve the rifc'bt to reject
any or all bids. For cilcHtioli call 00
01 will diredor.
I'KMH MiUUTJUUiON, I i rector.
Trustworthy lady or gentleman to
manage business in this County and ad
joining territory for well and favorably
known House of solid financial standing,
20.00 straight cash salary and expenoee,
paid each Monday by check direct from
headquarters. Expence money advanced
position permanent. Address ManaoEH,
610 Monon Bum , Chicaoo, Iix.
Shut your eyes and see bow you would
like to go through this world with a
black veil before you. That is what will
happen if your eves need attention and
you oeglect them. If you need glasses
have your eyes examined bv Dr. Hhwartz
the graduate refract ioni.st and eye epec
ialist of Denver, who will be in Harrison
Sept. 6, llMtt at the Commercial Hotel.
Come early and have your hi Id rens' eyes
examined before sending them to school.
Not Over. Wise.
There is, in old allegorical picture of a
girl scared at, a grasshopper but in the act
of heedlessly treading onasnake. This
is paralleled by the man who spends a
large sum of money building a cyclone
cellar, but neglects to provide his family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a
safeguard against bowel complaints,
whose victims outnumber those of the
cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy
is everywhere recognized as the most
prompt and reliable medicine in us for
these disease, pur ule by All Drug
gists. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Burke returned
from Kcottsblulf lust Tuesdnv. Tliev
were in attendance al the dedication of
the first Presbyterian church of that
place ami listened to tho eloquence of
it'.-v. Dr. Boht. E. Wheeler of South
Omaha. At the conclusion of the ser
mon 1 1 ley raised $51 -1.00 in about thirty
minutes, and said amount clears the
church of all indebtedness. The total
cost, of building was -TiOO.IKI and is one
of the finest church edifices 111 the north
west. Dyntry Cured Without the Aid of tv.
'I am just up from a hard spelt of the
flux"" (tl sentry) says Mr. T. A, I'mner,
a well known merchant of IMimmond,
lenn. ! used one small bottle of
Cbainlierlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea It-mndy and was cured without
having a doctor. I consider it the Iwst
holera medicine in the world." There
is no oeed of employing a doctor hen
this remedy is used, for no doctor can
presenile a heller medicine for bowel
complaint in any form either for children
or adult. It never tails and is wo plea
sant to take. ' For sale bv All Drutrtrists.
Wo have been risked if we ever saw a
baUlh'Mdi'd woman. No we. never dsd;
nor did we ever see a woman wallzin"
round town in her shirtsleeves with a
cigar in her teeth, and running in every
saloon she saw. We have never seen a
woman go fishing with a bottle in her
siclet. sit on the damp ground all day
ml come Home drunk at night. Nor
have we ever seen a woman yank off her
coat and say she could lick any man in
town. Jod bless ber. she's not built
that way. Niobrara Pioneer,
Boy Cured of Collo Aftor Physlc&n'a
Treatment H&d Filled.
My boy w hen four years old was taken
with colic and cramps in his stomach. I
sent for the doctor and he injected mor
phine, but the child kept getting worse.
then gave him a teaspoonlul of Cbatii-
berlHin's Colic, Cholera-find Diarrhoea
Remedy, and in half nn hour he was
leeping and soon recovered. F. L,
Wilrwh. Rbell Ijike. Wis. Mr. Wilkinsis
book-keeper for the Shell Luke Lumber
Co. For sale bv All Druggists,
Sad Accident.
On last Saturday as Sant Crawford
ivns coming to town with a load of linn
tier, one of bis horses got his w hiffle tree
caught on the wagon hammer, and in
some wny backed over into the csnvon
of west Hat creek, nnd the wagon turn
ed over with the lumber, nnd Kant on it,
and it seems that bn got crushed or dis
tillled so that he could not get out of the
way of the hoofs of one of the horses,'
which in it struggles in t'ying to get!
loose kicked him on the head, and when j
he was found by Mr. John Brown and son !
be was in a dvimc condition and request-1 !" '"istress at Kirlley 1'. O. Her re
ed them to take him to his brother Jess ' ""Kn.ition to take effect Oct. 1. It be
ns he wanted to see him before he died. I booves onr cinr.ens to get a bust le on and
He lived about an hour afler he was 1 ,"lva P- "I'PoinleA-vton. So far we
found, and from all appeamnre be t ; baveu't hea.d of a candidate,
lain there about an hour before any one j The social on last Friday night was a
came to his rescue, grand success, both as to the turi.oiit
Mr. Crawford has been a resident of and financially. Everybody, except your
Sioux county for several years and bad correspondent, was out. Sum Porter
as few enemies a any wan n the county, j vns the auctioneer and created lots of
Hunt, a he was usually called, will be fun, as well as made good sales. After
missed by many, for he was a I way in a l'o goods were disposed of icecream was
jollv mood and was ready with his wit j wrvwi and all hud a good lime. More
and humor at all times. than was raised for the beitedt of the
His liodv wan taken down nenrCbadron j
on iJend Horse creek and placed by the
litis of hrs wife, who died some years ago
The PitBm-JotmNM.exteiidsavmnalhiu '
- - -
to hir4itt Ives and frwuU. i
Tlte show given at the hall last Thurs
day and Friday night by Edwards Trio,
was very good, and especially laughable.
The specialties in Irish, Dutch, Farmer
and ect, were very comical and witty.
The scIksjI girl cliaracter, acted bv:
Lena Edwards, was a good supplement
Of a silly school girl as could lie repres
ented. tThe one man band, composed of
eight different instruments, and played
by Geo. Edwards, was very line, and
made very good music. They left here
Saturday morning for the west where
tltey will show in the different towns
and they intend to go to Calfornia.
Carey Items.
Stacking grain and making hay is the
order of the day.
Mrs, Harrison Beans iR staying with
her daughter Mrs. J. E. Arner.
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Arrver are the par-
entof a baby girl born Aug, 2Iird. All
concerned doing- well.
S. W. fttrsy has been quite sick with
an attact of cholera morbus the last
week. At this writing he is better.
Kev. Emery Zimmerman filled his
appointment at the church last Suiidav
He will remaio in the valley a part of
this week.
Last week Dr. Richards was called to
see John Meckemn oldest child; the little
fellow is a patient sulTerer from a bruise
on the hip sustained a few years agi
while at play'.
Tlit'se pitrts were visited bv a rain and
hail storm last Monday. Not much
damage was done by the bail but the
flood caused by the ruin washed out
most of the bridges 11 ml damaged the
gardens on the creek Itottimi.
A few weeks age one of Alva Sax tons
t in boys was so unfortunate as to strike
his eye with a jack-knife, winch Isiin
very dull did not penetate the eye but,
semped some of the outside skin f.-..ni
the eye ball. Acting on Dr. Meredith's
advice last week the child was taken to
Omaha, by his grand-ma Procunier, to
consult Dr. Gilford the eve specialist.
It is quite probable that, he will louse
the sight from the injured eye.
I In Wyoming.
Charles Ooeyn, of the 7 box L, visited
atC, L. Christian's weel- ago ttundar
A. It. Lewis, a nephew of Cor win
Lewis, is working for Andrew Christian.
We hud quite a refreshing shower on
last Sunday afternoon and again on Holi
day night.
Oeorire Davis went to town in a hurry
on last Friday evening to have an aching
molar extracted.
Dan and Put Siattery are harvesting
their grain across the line this week.
They have a bonanza crop.
Miss Florence M. Christian went to
Hot; Springs, fco. Dak. on lust Saturday,
to vintt friends al that place for a few
Mii-s Florence Christian goes to Man
ville next Saturday, She begins an eight
months school at that place on next
Misses Nellie M Christian and Nellie
ZiiiiiBrunnen went to Harrison on last
Sunday afternoon, returning home the
next day.
Miss Amy Christian attended Normal
at Alliance. She arrived hon e the first
of last, week. We understand that, she
expects to teach a term in Sioux coiintv
this Fall.
Harvest is on in earnest, and its up to
the granger to net twine enough to tie
op his enormous crop of grain. Taking
the Bulge as a whole it is the biggest
crop ever raised here.
A month ago w predicted a frost on
or about the 27th, and tonight, the 2'!rd.
it maker 11s feel that the prediction will
be verified before that time, as the wind
sounds like Fall weather.
We met our old friend, .Iimmy Wilson,
in town on last Saturday; we 11 nd bun
the Kime Jimmy as of yore, hut a little
care-worn, Dou'i get discouraged James,
for we expect to be a resident of your
country in a few weeks.
MissP.va. K. Church has resigned as
A younic man, who Is working for I,o
Wilson, had a sparring houl-A la Corls'tt
JITerirs, with one I I .'s I oimh. The
iiors 1mx1 up 011 it hwd hmt niWjwiwed
Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possible,
and ike place to do this is at
Tn clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Come and see us any way and be social."
the air in regular John L. style. After a
few rounds the horse succeeded in getting
in a knock-out blow which sent the Y. M.
to grass. The next morning the horse
was ready for another bout and succeed
ed in knocking the young man out, again
and this time tie was not able to get up
when time was called, and the belt, or
U-lts went to the horse when refleree Lo
gol after him. Lo has changed its name
to Jcir.
Hunter Happenings.
Plenty of rain, and plenty of sunshine.
Mr. Corder shipped five cars ol hot ses
Mrs. S. E. Jor.es was a Harrison visitor
Mr. Richard Hunter was a Harrison
visitor Friday.
Mr. Proctor was a Craw ford visitor one
day last week.
Mr. J. R. Hunter returned to his ranch
on White River Friday.
Mr. Bert Archard found his horses that
have been gone for some time, ho is shy
1 horse vet.
Mrs. Basset t went toChadron Wednes
day and visited with llrs. Weir wiit.il
Munoay morning.
Mrs. Wattles, daughter Mary, and son
Warren left for their home after a few
weeks visit with Mrs. Cook and f.- niily.
tierorge nam win spent Sunday l
Hunter. Monday he visited at Agate
and Tuesday Ed Schwartz took him back
to Harrison,
We wish to compliment Peggy for
getting Miss Lillio Hams lo teach the
VVai Bonnet school. We would like to
have ber but one member of the school
beard cannot do very much alone.
Mr. Joues and tbu three children went
over to west Hat Creek Saturday; going
down a big hill they saw an overturned
wagon with luuilier under 11 lying on the
side of the hill; a liltie farther on they
met Frank Zerbe. They asked if be
knew whose l,,aJ u was, and be said he
didn't know, but be had heard Mr. Sant
awfoitl was hurt. They went on down
to the sawmill and slaved there for din
ner. 1 hey did not find any cherried and
so went over loeasl Hat creek and found
a few. Tliay stated over uitht, at Airs.
Werdermans, Miss Hclileyer was also
there. They returned home Sundav
mug aboul dark.
War Bonnet Topics.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson were over
to the S- E Saturday.
Frank Scot t was home on u visit Salur
ty an.1 Sunday.
Next Sunday is our day for preaching
al !i P. M. Come one and all.
Mrs. Maggie Carroll and family
visiting ai Mrs. J.uk Fin ley 'a
Miss iJollie nisi Edtiard l'riddy were
out in these parts Sunday and called on
Mis. p'miey,
Fred Witt and George Welter are ii.
Ibe valley this week with their tlireshuu.
machine, making the straw lly.
Mrs, (ieorge Weber and her sistei
Minnie, who is visiting her, from Iowa,
were Kiiesls of Mrs. Frauk Hubbard las,
Mr. and Mrs. Tipton and family visile
at Kobt, Keels Sunday.
Bud Johnson and wil'u have been at hi
father s the past week making Isiy.
Mrs. Johnson and her daughter-iu la.
Louise were visiting at Jim Merrium
and also at Itobt. Keels Thursday,
Ueorge (Jrimm was about laid up with
nervous toothache, last week, but is
butter at present.
t should think Fine Nook could afford
a little oewa again.
bam Lee ling is helping Nels Anderson
put up his day.
Robl Keel has been making hay on the
divide, Miss Laura runs the mower; How
is that for a nine year old girl?
Arthur Dunn was in this locality last
Thursday looking for his horse liinl bud
strayed away, but was unable to II nd
Mr, Let ling and wife, from lown, a
brother to Clem, Sam, and Charlie, L"t l- j
iiu;. lire here veiling Willi the. 11.
A. J. AMES, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
All calls given prompt attentions
Office at Commercial Hotel
or Drug Store.
We have our building completed uwer
and have a new supply of goods, and witti
sell them right.
Lumber, lath, sash, door.-c.
lime, cement, and buildi im
material of all kind3.
Farm machinery.
Hai Jiess, Saddles, and
Range goods.
Flour, Feed, and Grain.
Paint, Oils & etc.
I am agent for the Wood
manse wind-mill. Have a
supply of pump fittings on
hand. Come in and tret, mv
' ' "'J
prices whether you buy or
R-nHroad between Missouri RJver and
Direct line to St. ul Minneapolis.
Direct Lina to Bi ck Hills.
Apply to nearest agent for rates, map
txnd time cards.
West Bound. East Bound.
Morning. Evening.
No. 13, Due H::i0 I No. 14, Due 8:1V-
No. ?8, loc. frt. 10.
No. 84 loc. frt. o:'.r
Tnke l.ntiitlvc hro nynlnlnc tiihh'ts. All,
lrut;.;isi.s rettiiKt tlte nurii'v it if fails trv.
cure. K. W. tirove's signature la on eitcli.'
hot. 2.1c.
Our S. S. was almost a lailure Sund iv..
No one w;ts present but, Mrs. Plunketl-.
nl family and Mrs. Scott and fatnilv..
! suppose whooping cough was thecause.
I was delighted to hear of tho preach ,
mg and basket dinner, to be at Boduro
tlse o'lih. tis 11 has been nlmost a yesr
since I attended one, and I uni getUng
pretty hungry. I think I shall ventur.
Phi jy.
South Omaha Nub. Aug. 2o. 11)0.1,
Low prices checked receipts and this
veek so far the run has been moderate.
I u kel, is 10 to loc higher than a week
uo. The freder demand is increasing.
Buyers are running prices upon ti.
iiother and making a Isisk market,,
t'rosp.-cts of a good corn crop improva
will) each nice day,
We.ijiiol.'jls'st.corn sters 4. HO to S.iW.
Western htyfeds 4.00 to 4.2". Best
feeders it. (if) to 4.00, fair 3.50. Cow,
iind.lieifers 2. .10 to S.2', canners l.M U
j.oo! Bulls 2 00 to 3.00 c il ves 8,00 to,
Ovir sheep market has been trendy o.
killei-tt and strong on feeders no far thla
Ewes are selling at 2.5ft to 3.00 Feed
er wethers 8 20 lo 8 23 veurliiiKs8.80 8.4
fat heep and yrarhniis K 50 lo SJWj
feeder lambs 4 (Ml to 4 50, hit lamb 4.4ft
to 4.75. Hog receipt, light , Ha
5 40 to 5.75.
r.- v.
.-4 v .
' fa
r i "i
t'? ;
1 ii"
1 . S i