Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 20, 1903, Image 1
tS V v- 1 ) Harrison Q Q . - J OURN AL. 1 VOL. XVI. IKJYIRIRISOIsr, NEBRASKA, THURSDAT, AUGUST 20. 1903. isio.a P ,' fl . it. V J LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Jnim (S-istAn was in towa vesterdav. The cftmnmoimieni ve re at on this The t?w odrtern was cleaned out Monday. Jeos C. Mens wt up frefu Montrose Taeaday. Cle Parsoaai visited at fcouie $lunday. last - U'm. HiriM and W(Klay. wife wore. -in town Mm. Biearrand children went east Jar.t HuUtrday wghl. Joe KlaUaey laofod his family trick to tOWH last k. PeUw Petereou shipped a car Iflad of ttorvet, -east las week. Sept. Parsons, and Mim Amy Christian returned frotu Alliance Monday. They had quite hail and rain storui dear flee lawt Taewiay evening. Mr, Hanson imd clulUrea loft for Whitney last night for a eeti I'isit. John HeriHitit ad daughter wre in frotu Kckard, S. tins lirstcf the week. Mismsh Ester al Katie I'arsons were visiting wtUi Miss Maeel Bige.low last Sunday. Tom Barman came down from Douglas last Friday It sijend a tew days visiting at houiu. Wra. J. A. Hiimti and Alex Lowrv at tended the judicial couveiiUou ml Valen itioe Umk week. MiwsfJartrwde Ounveree,cau from Allimc lit SturdKV. whtre le Iiuh Itrn. EJ Mufid, who has Iwcii olnyiiii; atiiuU. Knf.it, Sue tiio ..iht l u wi-tflis, teluravM iaiu !t Sxtup'ay. Mike Jncilan wan in tw h Jat. of taut vfnk, llu i uoim: .Urt for N. iMkatM with u IkjucU of hor; xoii. Um BelHfch Murtin, li lia ln vwittnf at hr hfnw; ( nr"j , r-turu-d to the T(u H U nan U J:t t MoikUv. ftur Hint arc wtiu.inntr raU4e (oOttiiiha these days t ame hack nut .v joiceuig Wt ewearing m a great u-iany .'aNe. Mimi KaWel TtiK-dow. who attended '.he Junior NtHMual at Alliance iiorii Ihe in; i i'l rt tn w-k.udfMi .'"I i; i-ij j !j. twtivptlay. We learn that Mr. and Mrsi, Peter Mor ite'nnn vpe tHtociied by liehteninic some time aeo unid the shoes were torw fr.au IHra Mortoarawiii tt. Thwre m'M fee tnass Mi llarrison in fWtuixlay, Aujrtifit 2'!nd at 3J o'chs k a.m. Father McTCiPiiara of ' badroti will Ik-in llarnvm o t.at date. Mn. Vlde ami cbildrwi came ilown from Wyoming Monflay, T.ey Imve wm Nend;nK the mst tnontti i tint ranch fxtOUl Wian oreek. Wlmn yotl wnt a physic tfcit is fiiiid nd pent le, easy to take and certain to ct, alwaws use Cham ls-rl;i ill's Stomach and Livor Ta-blet. For tuile lj' All Ih-uk- Mr. Brrrwn, Hw Fort Robmon plnito- jrrapber, will lie in Harrison Kepiemler -4th to Tilt. Make a note: He says, tlmt ; a cloudy-day le-no-elerjioie to ccta coud ihoto. Will Bannan Teturned from la-leware ilart Friday, rla utiipfied soiimi horses 1 here aonie tiui ao and nay lin cot a igood price fur them and will ship more there UiM falL Anions those who went to Oiimha with catUe Inut SatuMay ore: J. W, Keetl.John eieser, Joiin Henry, Irvrn Xiinmerman, (4. ,'iaiiiaa.i'U John Eberper, Frtik I)tetr, John Krowo, F. R.Jandt, Owwr 'Sniry, ami Corwwi Lewia. Thera will tw preachmr wrvic s tit the Hodarc chiirrh Ivoth tn'Frnmi: and af'er nonn, Aua'. .10th. Evwylxx'y ' i'ed 1o come and rtay all day. l amili' s vrl irlr,( rtiiHdwn mid rt rheni tit tlie cImiii I.. t is the lat regnliw Hpohiiiutit for ih u in mer. 3. I!, WiMai-rtiisil'.rfer inlled lothn lntUaie ,f ins moi her ho " ' t her ti nie -it Ane lowat, Hra, Wilhernm ,i.,rler recive a letter Irviu Mr. w" Ibal IlIERE AND TIIERE Joe AsUtoo wast doing business in town Monday. ( 'Jan Cltristense-a watt up from Kri more UWf week. Frank Irtr was lowa frmm lodiQ iTtek ytiday'. Ilwurv Moravek wan dawn from Old VVoiuau crek Ujm week. Ed O'Connor is moving into the build ing ju.-O. kouth oJ Ui Uru sUu-ti. Minis MahnJ Wuruuke returucd to her Jioiiib on IuiU4UU u.lr last .Saturday. (o. IJ.ildwiB weut dyw to work lor Crawford J Iron, ut the saw mill tlux wttek. lfev. jforkiu i looking alr the hur neH ulioi during Mr. Vjlberiu.sdorfr' atisxiuce. C V, (.'oll'ee and son John bliiiipwJ a tram Joad of catlJu froui CoilW bidiiu; last Saturday. r Eil (Juthnu returued froiu AUiauce lait Friday, und la uuw working at the Cook ranch iu tliu tiay litdds. l'bdijj CJavton, itoJiciior for the Wood uieu Atxiduut AtiHoi'.ialKin-, wu -duii Ijuhuik, iu our Luwu la.l week. VVu learn tbal liiraiu Uu.bardhou died at Cautoi H. iJ. riiMDHy. Mr. Xtiubaralkuti a oiiue a residt ut d Lias ujuuLry. lilativen or Jneiidn of Mr. Bannau'a tiniiw in on tliB pusiicuyer from the eant MoiuJay uoruiii;. VV did uut !naru tlmir uatiivo (ir wlmri they were froui, but Uit-v r a coujde of ladies. There iM'e-a ltw J uuriate cunUiuixrn that have not net tlfd thi-.ir a;(ounl s, e would he )lean;d to have thene come ui and 'Ule, for we are anxious to j: lute tip all our UJji:om:t. MariiUiller liroii. Mi n. W. ii. VVetttov&r M.DU J. J. llariuiyloii weie unaiiuiiou-Jy uomimit wd by ucoliiiiHt iMiu fur j luigKe f lie iotli j'ldi. , by the jiidx ial lujnveu- tiunwltuh uat ln-J.I at ValuiiUue Aut;ut lH!h. It wit haid to be the inohl li.ii moiiioU'; i iMifi-nllou ever held it) Valelil lllf, Hltd there ilt HO .ijlledlioll but " hat tlx-j' will ttOl'a 'He "elertt-d iu Nt'etiil'r. C.U For Bld. ;.n. Nel-. AilfT. M.- lWi. The Ix.aHi i -ffi diMti'K't No. IS), ! SttHIK (a . N-br. will receive bids for new school boost? tint ii Sept, liil h at C o'clock I'. M. when bids w ill tie opened. N. fl. fioiird rewrve Us1 rihtto reit aoy or all bids, f or sa:llicationcall on to' w nle dt rector, I't'lCH MolrTESSDN, 1 'Miv.tor. J cuiipiM ill tun i.ui,riin ...ni"T together fast Saturday iid ouairelud for a w bile and th -li Is-eau to fXKind each ' other with Ihur lists, niel if they hartu't have been parted it j hard tti tell what would have hapienL liw mu yf llwin had the other do wh and was (lowndm his liu-e all mil of shape. Until of Ihem wre well narkel, hut tlei the r tff them seenied to have enough. Sonifl ay it was Ihe wtuskey tliat wiK f irri 1 ititf , bat the itieu's faces receivetl the bunelit of it. Cov Cured of Colic After Phyicji' Treatment Iltxd rlled. My boy when four tears old was taken with colic and 'Tamp in bin stomach. I sent for the doctor and he injected mor phine, but the child kept elline; worse. I then Kavehim a teasp.oonf u I f Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Hianboea Remedy, und in half nn hour ho n s.'e-'pirie; mid s.n recovered, F. X. Wa.KrNS. Shell Ijtke. Wis. Mr. Wilkin ia hisik In i per for the Shell ttke Lumber Co. For sale by Ail Dru'isln. Hunter Happenings. Mrs. (ieorxe Harvey and baby tittue up front (Crawford Momlay morning: and will stay al Mrs. lie.Homber's a wlole. Mr. and Mrs. L C. Lewis. Katie and llanrld were visiting frii nds Hint last , , a. , Kitiirdiiy. Thev went noma Monflay evening, We were efiui lo see them but sorrv Mrs. lewis's health wo poor. Mr. and Mr, fall and MisaMaatla Hank Mrs. KalU eister, were visitHi,' friends in Hunter, Andre itnrt Froctorville the last of the week. Tb.y k" to HutTalo O.ip wtiere Mr. Fall will run a gasoline engine for Ihe tt. R. Co. Joe Varley and family were dow n to East Andrew visiting 8 inday. They biongbl graiidma lUldwin home. 5lrt. J'roctof and F.vil risited Mr. 1 oi le last Friday and cititie iMime by wav of llarrtton. frank and Ruth Zorbe and a little frieial wera in our burjf laiit 8altirduy. Mrs. Tom Jonea wan a Uarnaon iiUr U'ulitaadoj'. Not Over-Wise. j Thera is an old allegorical in:Hire of a . girl scared at a (ri-aihoifer but u tlie act of beet! Ie,ly treading on a twinke. Ttila ; H pHralleled by the n who sji-nds a larre sum of nioney Iruildititra . ydM i cellar, I ut aelet-tK to provide his famil with a bottleof banilrlaia'g Colifi. Cholera, and liiarrbota Remedy as a i safetutn) against Ixjwel fiotojiiaintH, who-sf victims outnumber thosetit the j cy'lone a hundred to one. This reuieiTYj is every bete recognized as the miwt j rrouit and reliable medicine Hi 4ie for 1 t bene diseases, gists. for sale by All Druf- Sodarc Gleanings. Tlie ast week lias been iretty 1ot some showers have p;tHsol alon thtj bills but a KeiifraJ good rain is niuch ueeded iu the valley. Frank Coll'ee. lifter ()edinf a few weeks on the ranch with his Is-otherl John, returned to his borne in Chadran Fmlay. Mr. and Mrs. Thayer, who went to Hot 8rtn's. S. li. last April, returned home last T'jesday. Mr. John lirown, John Kberspecher, and Irven Zimmerman went to Omaha with a biomentof cattle last Kat orda v . Mr. FWs.feoher intends wakinjc an i tended trip to Missouri to visit Jus relatives before returning ibowie. Mr. Eli Ziniioermiw) of Story and hi brother Cnrenoe from Olii WoiMarMWHk '-pent Jiwt Kuodajr at Uteir btwie 4U -tbe valley. The Misses Edna Brown nod Lemt Kerres went lo Harrison Tuesday to visit with friends for a lew davs. J. L. AniliTson has ywnu to work on If T . it I . II : . -wi s. .Liif.zie i -ouee s rancu at. iiiiunin water. (irandiua Antiiui is H'avinsr with his wile during his absence. Mis. 7-. V. Antrim is enjoying a visit from her niolher, Mrs. Clarke of Missouri who arrived here two weeks iu;o. (Seon; WirkershaiM has been busy the past tw-o weeks put I ni.; up hay on tlie shares for Jowpli Monljjomety. The ytniPK people of Bodaw: have ornaiiiz-sl a pmxinjr club. They will iiieel'every Wednesday evening to firac- j lice church music. Their next uieetiosr wi-ll be Ann. IS at Mr. John liro'vn's . ! resilience, wnere ineir meiooios voices t will out to llit'ht anv strar coyote that i may be lurking around Mrs. I'.rown's chicken t oop. Tlwsre w ill be tervices both n -ornintr and aftorrioon ut, the Hcdarc ch iirch Autr Mill. All are invited to brine; thir din tier and come, us this will be the lutt Sunday K.-v. Z.mmi-ruiau will be with us lor some time. We trust, everyone interested will avail themselves of tins onport itiiity. W. A, C. War Bonnet Topics Mr. and Mrs. John Jiickinau Were after a load of sand from here last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. El Lyons and lia'-e-s visited at Hold. K-i-lt. a while Sunday. George (iarre'sou was iu our valley riding a buckuikf broncho .'Sunday for his liro'h'-r Roy who bad pun li.in-d the pony from Mr. l'luiikell. tieoiye stauid -nuht nut." i understand we are to have Miss Jjihie i Harris to teach our school, the coiiiiuk' term. I know ll will lc pleased to hearl this, as Miss Harris has taught here lie-1 fore and gave entire salisfact ion, she was ! liked bv ulllloVed by some.'i I ttlll ven-i ture to say for my part we have as well quiahlled a teacher, in her, as there is in Ihu state, in everv resoect. she wil I also take t h,. re ol our S. K. which will be a ; c real help. ! Our meet Hit; Ktintlnv wasn't very lare as Ihe whooping iuiii is raying hi Ibis j locality and some are afraid to tome for j fear ol exposing olliers. Mr. ant) Mrs. I'at Itcy visited al Mr. Johiisoim Sunday. I Mrs. Mct'iitmwas yisilinjr with Mis. l'.tul Zerhsl one day last Week. Jlamey Jordin is-,'ed u collide of da s w lib us and helped the buys make hay. j Mrs. Norish who hud the misfortune to t.tp a pitish fork throutr'i l'r '""'I " I u,'oi celling alutiK moely ltliout;li not entirely well. j Frank Hubbard ut w-iriintr at. well ' 1 -declare, 1 forget, him ami Arthur l-tinii are lo nni' tl like lb- "irii.lliuen t Ilea" tor me to keep track of Itiem. I was plenseil to hear from M. A. C audi realize just bo sb fell when climbing tlei Mis. as I have been there niself, I love them, fcha faibnl tos-iV' li iw slia liks.l Die country, nothing like, did Sioux IO. for her, I have an idea, j DarneV Jordan In working" for Nels Auibii'son ut piescul. j (Jeorge Burke w out gathering choke cherrie last waek one day Remember H. S, next H. at 3 P, M. a uituaJ, ( iuuie one and all. Ob-nn Z-rbe, one of Sioux toutitv s ioy, has been riitm with Wm )areiU at their old home at Bodarc for the pusl two weeks. Oieim lelt Sioux county eome yenrn a'o, hut. did not do as a pi eat jjiany bovt do, make a lool of himself, but has put in his time it) rhooi ;:iid tewhiiiK, a-nd he tells us that he will graduate Irom tie Iowa State Normal iijkt, year. This i one more tnan that neds to be comuieiided lor his n?dile ttfcits ( I character, and we only utiAt Wimore of our yuni; irien would 4a1.lei u after ttint instead of Smiuliu 1 1 ' j r t imu HiuokliC cigarettes atxk t rv ivg U le IoukIi. We feel sure that bin parents feel proud of him, und well thev tuijiiit be for there is .nothinjr that makes a father and niolher feel more nud than to have a son or dai'j.;biUjr that will maintain aril tiring honor lo the name that they have (iiveii hi m or -her. Suc ces to ou Glenu and may joa ever stand at the head of the tducaLioi.al limn our 0i,lj,m R.esoluUoiis adopted by tne ntudenta &t lheAlb&.nce Junior xoriaI School. Whereas, we the teachers of Jjawes, lor. ;UuHe, (raut, Sheridan, Hioiix, 1Ul!nHr Uo''l,'r Scolls Jilull, Kimball j V;H.Vb,""i ' U.ivm- derived i Krt'il : lneh t from the A 1 hance Junior do ade.pt the foUo.in rewjlu lions; We .desire to express our ajirec.ia.tioa a.nd gratitude First To the tat.ele,pairtiuie.rit for the s.upporlof the Alliance Juuior Normal ! MMi V lU Jettur" t;,,urse' ,i Seconds To VV. 11. Jiartx uj w.liose "lau.-ment and busiiin lUjility we ;uimuui mucu ol ll.e success ol the j jno inlii and to mu ucUirs, Miss Xeihe I Schiee, 1'. E. Mc' e, C. W. t'mljiet I, tuid .S. id. ilartln 'whose z al in their work anu exaiHiile nave Ijeeu lo us a treat I iHsjn ration. Tlind To County Superintendents Bitutiiardner, Fisher, J'arsous, Kent, JWIinger, Mrs. W. E Heard and Misses Arties Lackey and Alice Wilkliiaou. i'ourili To the citizens ol Alliane for t''e kindness exU'iidwii iih secial'y, the luiuisli'is lor I heir interest in us, iuiU Ihe I'uilnatilK lor the rat us granted. Filth Whereas, -:ue Itel tliat the ) wealth ol jSoi tliwetern 'eliraska Is j yre.aU-r auciu dm; to t'ie jio):ulaiioii thau liiH vl Kasleru Nebraska anu Llie te.ai hers part of Ui slaLe te-ed oormit j tral'iin, Ihertlo.e vtdi-ire a puruiancut j noi'mal in Not lilesUru Neinaka. j Sixth iicsolvid that a copy of these ti Vol ui ions lie given each nnpeiMlieniient lor pulihcaUou counties. their re.Jiecli Vc HM-EZEX VUOM VEST I! AT, Cf'lY. S i we have not I nott.-n Hn.ux 'onnty w it h its Ilea 1 1 !i : vin;; clitna ! e atnl li,-nu-tlflll sceln r. , but. we have been so busy between show ers trying to lvwiil such all awful catastroplie as bi-itie burra-d aiive iiy the last crowing weeds thai, we hate not taken tune lo write. We have been forcibly remind, d in th .expected heal lis -so recently reporuit hi Hie lii ss 1 hat "y e know not t lie day nor t he hour " J.dtle do we know how near the imp 1 of ileiithis to i-iirli n us. (,'lad M. A.C. has 'aken a trip and reveled in tlet lean ties of nature and returre-d invigorate,! and si reiict henctl loeoon her way rejoic- int.' in In r uood works. Tlie on eso. ue !eiils seem to be new sy ai.d fai! hi nl in t heir items whit h is such a help 1.) the eililur us well is to I he readers. C. C, sei ms to have eiiouuh liappeiiitms lo Keep it livelv . Atfiresenia Brooklt n I nvitie is o, copy uir (he l'resby lenau pulpit dur-1 inc; the pastors aba-nee on bis summer v;), at ion. A very inlerc'.lin an uood talker. Tlie noled singer Miss Lou Ormsby is visit bit: her parents ".mi her old iicquaiiitnnces alter a stay of several years in Paris and tit her eastern citief, wbdner she went to perfect her musical e. I'.ii ut iounl. She sim:s in lour diueivnt laiicuiij;es anil will soon leave to tour England. Wales and Scotlnnd, We have lieeti so proud of I be chit s of pastors in i tills city, but one of tin-in is now behind Mli i bins awaiting his trial for ,ten lieu a pp j,,, , ,1( v, j,,., ,( ,,,(,, wnh her W(iwa , c.lmntfed bis name, He came over inlo Hakolit to lu'lp in a camp meet intr w-he,e he was arrested by onr Hlit-riff and now tins n chance tn meditntH on the j eirnr of Ins ways. ' He bad not, le-en pati tor of the Free MetLilists here lot:g. He sent his wife and live lilt lo boys to visit In r psteiits Indole he skipped out. We are glad he is an exception and not (be rule bv any me ins and hope be will have toii!!i'r the lull penalty ot Out "law for bis deeds Similar i aes are far to com mon in this our day. Tho roads have h.H-n nicely graded for live miles wi st of tow n so We never ueed fear being (1 Hided ngiiiu I think, and it is an ldea-1 place .for wheeling or tinting. So much ram has been Very damageing on the gram and UirenhniK can scarcely et lie commenced and hit la stacking done. Hotne iii'rs have repotted that a taw j hits been passed proln1 it ing any person j uuiir iehtiui yutwinJ ajt fxoiu usiin; ! Ml Lne ij mj good good at lbe Icnverd tirifp im&vh'te. umi the place to do Ibis im at EiiLACfrS GEXKRALSTORFl In flolljiiiK, Gent;! fumis-liing, Goo(3v I'ootr. and SLoes;. We are niadj- to comix'te with tlte worM, and the way to prove it, is lo give us a irial. "Come and nee us any way and he mcinV tobacco. Here is the law as it is. Department of Arti- Narcotics. STATE LAW. Section 1. That Sections m'jq and 24r of Chapter 23 of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, for 11101 , be juneuded to read as fol low s Seclion iMoij. That hereafter no person, firm, association. tr corporation in this; state, shall sell, . ive or furm!. in any j way, any tobucco in any forun v.hatso- ever, or any ci'aret ts or ciyarelte paper to any unnor undnr eightoe-u yeaisj of Hifti. SeclHn. S't-'ir. Thai utiy ipersinn, firm, association, or oonporat ion vio-lati.ng the provisions of this Act, shall, 'iipon c(mv.k; t ion thereof, for each and every ofl'eix-e lie lined in a sum of Dot less than Twenty dollars, and not more than Fifty dollars, and costs of suit, or ha imprisoi.cd foroot less then ten, or more than thirty days, in discretion ol the court. Issued by Nebraska Woniens Christian Temperance Union. M. H. KuliKKTs, Superintendent. Dysintry Cured Without the Aid of a. Doctor. " am jus!, up from a hard spell of tlie flux" Id sentry) says Mr. T. A. Finner, a well known merchant, of Druiiimoiiil, Teun. 'l Used -one small liott.le of 'tiaiiiberlain" C()ic, Cholera and iJtarr boea 1 inedy and w ns cured walaml ', bavins; a doctor. I consider it (he best ciioleva ine.lieiiie in the worlo. J here is no need of einphnme; a doctor when this remedy is used, for no doctor can prescribe a better mcdieiue for bowel ,t I complaint in any lorin either forchildrtn oriiiicilu. H neer lail.iaod is so plea sant, to lake. For sale by All lrujjifts. Cltl)aiU.tKiliHi:l 'n Pfi(V UilKJS. linr-i'i-on Sioux t'o..Nebr., A n.iT . 17-1D03 The boifd of county coii.uu-.sioiiers met as per adjoin iiiiient. l'resent com tnisMoncrs, Lewis, I'.it'elow, Jordan and W in. J. A. U.uitu clerk. The road petition of J . li. Erp and ollu is beii-.n a, consent iii tition, said pi-uiiou was on minion allow ed. '1 he bid to build count;, bridge across School creek on road No. 2'J A Parks and tieemnn for 'J.L's-l was on motion accepied and l he del k is instruct! d to notify said i parties 'o lii. lush a bond b,r twice the liniolllll of said bid. The petition of Hoitnan i'tinrath and otliers lor a brnlci; a r i-s White Head cieek was in: u.olion allov.ed. The commissioneis aojouiiii-d int.il August IS, llin;;. Win. J. A. K.iuoi li rk. Harrison, Nebra-ka u;:iist lS-ltthJ. Tin' couimissioiiiM s Mitas per ;e .jourti tiii id. I'ti'-i'nt L vv is, Hit i-low Joriia:i I and I lonrad l'ai'soi.s deputy clerk. The follow mj; clalins were takt and on mot loll eMimined, allowed, laid over or ri j t ied. j .facuo Marking for bridge piaiilt, claim i 'd H (10, allowed, elms. Newman for bridye plank, claimed oh i ts. allowed, t;. C. Hurke, or printing, clainnil Hi oil. allowed. Nebr. N'ev, spapt-i ' Union, for suppl les, claimed Ho tls, a I low od. I lam -niond Flros. for supphis 1 '0.1, allowed. L. C, Wright, for priiiiinir, claimed Hi (JO allowed. Ibinimocd Fruiting Co for suhplies, t btimwl 1 (Mi, allowed. Ham iiionii llios lor siijiplii'S, c.laiiiiid 4'i i'ts, allowed, 1 l.t'iiinond Hros for supplies ol.c'iictl 4 OS, allowed. A. li. Kennedy sujipiies lor Mary Bell, claimed 8 j U, .illowed. Mrs F. It, LeillioJT fur ivursint; Mrs. Hell, claimed JOOH, allowed. Jens C. Men; for viewing hndge site, claimed' 2 HO, allowed. Petition of John Mosley t t al to repair road tioiumcncin", at Sec SO Twp Uo li u4 und rt.uning southeast towaids county line in Tw p 15:1 S;!. I k wise the road to the approach of the bndge on Sec SO Tw p H.l Range 5)!. Said pet It ion on moi loll W as rejected. E. A. Ihgeluw, n.-rvice us commissioner ( laiuied 0 111, allowed. ).in Jordar. for service a commissioner, claimed J 7.1, allowed, L. I. Lewiseervice ascomims Bioner, claimed J 'Ofi, nllowed. The Press-Journal is hereby de.giiated liv the county coiiiniissioners n the paper in which o publish the dtdimpient taxes for liie year 11103, On million the honrd of cotintv coni- niissiotiels ndji uintd tinlll Srlleniber 21 1H0J. Conriul Parsons, Jlonuly Clerk. PEOPLE GERLACH'S STORE- A. J. AME.S, M. IX Pliynioiati .and No i--fsim. AM calls gk-eu protopt ttnt-4. Oflice t ;omrr.ercial H;sl -or Jjrue; Kiore. HAlirjM-iS NtiillASRjl J, H, LAOY. We have our bu.i.dmg oompleted wr' and have a new supply )!'gou(is,at4i v LiKAEiR m Lumber, 3atk, sasli, dwr. lime, .cement, and building, materia -of ail kinds. Hardware Fa nil machinery. IIar:iess, Saddles, and Range -good a. Flour, FtxxL, and Gi-aim. Paint, Oabs & tel e. I am agent for the Wo-.-i manse Avind-milL Ma c a supply of puxnp fitting harif'i Oome in fiini -i- i-, prices whether yc im; not. Railroad between .Miesxairl TlTer ra Cblcsgo. Direct linn to St. aul Minncatxtlta Direct Lino tn Bl ck Hills. Acrlv to nearest e.2ont far rates. ufj rvnd time ctvrda. TIME TABLE. Wf-l Honed. Eisi rtoi-md. M oriiirm'. KS. Dm. h;:;i srt, loc. frt. Id. Eveuintr. No. 14. Hue '.:, No. Hi loc. ifrt f.:M 'rii n in; Acdi.ti in (inf; u i t. Tnke I .i ;ii VII 111 f ii-i'I Une o ynlniive t- Met. iMe mo u-r it -if '-'i! n't . il'ilo;lts r I i hoy. :ie. t: s siitiHLHire. hroe -e-et. 1 ECAL NOTlt E. IN IMSTIIICI' ( 'rii - KT riKsliifX IIIM'V NKf.lt tSIiA. In the M-.tte- n'r i ic- j l.t'.ite ic soiou'l i;n!l;,itt in i ollee lleci-een. -orio h yon iin'Tirw. tin reiitunr llie rctltloM t Ctuirle '.. I'otlee, letintiilslrnlor of tile estille rt y 4t ile, eased, (iriiyiiiM for'Heeiise 1o sell tdsT estile ileser licit in llie H-titiou, lor I lilirpo.i ol jiiiyhii tile delits iif s-ild tleee , ed, i-uil the expenses of thit1nlst,riiit iiioa to, mill ( state, hiiiI It iii.i'.ii'1iiir tliererrna that t.hele im not, n'ltllcienl personal eMt;iti. of so ul ilect'itucit hi tin- tiiiadH tifsidd -no-in I ti let rHlar lo pay ttie rii'hte now oulsl nn lug figitiniH sain ileceaeefl Htet the expeiife ot H(l)iilllseTlltl on 111 eMH.I, HI t'lH'fe fore, now, here ordered by the iiWve 'Roe ttlhlriet JiMiW that mild peWlKin ie henrii fi eliiiMiliers hi llie IIIiikh uf KnwbvUte, m, Klii'ilrbin ion n ly, NuWr tsUa, uu UioZIR fl i of si pt ember, . D., IWin ut nine trclotti iti tlie forenoon imfl Mist tit I ptiison liitcremn In :md e-itale Mien unit tltere iif.ii wxfriow fmise why n lieeiine slioutrt not tin lioi1i lo anl ii'liiiliiMtrnl.or U soil a fau-tloii tlie re d fstiiW -tt said tteceiieetl, dewrita-O ii m I.iIIomk: Hoi unitU went quarter 4 hi Tilmi tidi ly tim e (a:i), In twiibt iMrlv tliree .'IB) noi tli, of tana Illty ttaar ( V.I went, mid the noitli west tjli inter ol nnllos three (.1) Iu to iialilji thirty mie :it) ttorll-, tn rmie III ly six (.Ki i west, til mUl Moux eomily, Notiniskit, mid Hint re.py S t'.'.t oidei hi) pt.li'lslit fuifoor mien-SKive wi kd IniniiiiHiUely irtor to s ild tl.iy In llie H vH' i tsis I'Hrca Jot a Al , ) V in win' pUlillelied and gem inllv elrcUlut lit( In ,c4 comity of Mull. Ihitcl Huslivllle, N. lininka, Attg. ittb, Hi A. W. ( Hi ns, W. II. Wa Tot re, Altornryfor Judaa ( tliu l i liti iiiiir. i est 1 ... ',. U I QNZ.Y -s rs n s rs y-- ' t fs,-. ti I J I - '. - -.1