Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 06, 1903, Image 7

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The University of Notre Dame,
FULL OM SKS i.N Ci.i.ici, Letters,- Eco
Mici and Miatory. .kuirnalitin. Art, Science,
Marinacy. Law. Civil. Mechanical and Eleea
trtcal IjilncertnK, Archil (dure.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Ouirsef. '
KOVI f BKf In all Muilmt olio hata eomi.trtad
Sha 'A lia rtwimrb't tor a-iiniMioo into tli S'.fo
aaare. J-juior or bauinr V, ot aur of tLa Ool.aKiala
HOMO TO J1KT, rurvWnta chare to atodcuu
ar Mtgouwi TirenairO'K to, V lq?i, f'ouriw.
A ltoul,'i n,o,u.f of niiuHiniM t tr Ilia ICvclwatiia
tlral U( - : ,j i ,.r.'i e Kia) rata
i. I Urt IKil'A IIAI I. fori,,). unHar 1 raara, is
Blgittri (h ,'tlf,le!ftu fit ttfc Vii: ironut
Th l "! an I; "pan teuulT , 1801,
Caul .in,-, r'm ,Mn ..
fit'.. . MOm-wFV. C. S. C Pred!, 1i 2ot.
IT a man has no reputation to lose
bo caa atf.rJ to ignore public opin
ion. tVitli the exception of love making,
there are nuuy new ways of doing
ohl things
It turns an experienced und' r
tak. r tii lo k solemn am) conceal hb
satlsfm ;h ii at a 'iinera!.
. It s (iim ueer. but nevertheless
it's a f.ict U.at illness is oiteti llic
result of drinking well water:
Wh it wan li ?
IYiar;hit. .Miss., Aiitr. .3. One o)
the strii ;n i-.t i-.ij.im ever repo"tod oe
cum d in i" I'n'iiii !y. Tin' hi. a of Mr
G. I.. Hurler was very III. Tie- dortoi
aid he lial auric ilisiMso of Ihi' sjii'.rii
cord. :Hi 1 treated hi. ii for two mouth
Jmt lie irrew worse ail tin- thin', an. I
filially tie1 iloirinr told Mr. Ilittier Dial
tie did not knmv whnt w.n t!ie tniiihl".
Tiie boy uouiil r,-,i.o n;i In 1ii nii:h
and say lliat lie ivm dyine, lie wonli'
be iiitviiim aid ireinhliiu ami want lo
run our of I'm- hoii-o, sayinir. he sart
tigiy !U:"i' Well friglitewil him.
lli-i f i:!iT w;x very much d i soon rat.'
ed till one day lo- saw a new remedy
culled l'mid's Kidney I " 1 1 1 advert i.siil,
und lie at unci' lii'iijjlit xnine and liecai,
to c!-.v iheni to hoy.
Hi' ned iili'chiT eiht boxen be
fore he was entirely cured, lie hai
not been troubled since. Mr. I.uth.i
-1 fsw! It my duly to tell what
Dodd's Kidney I'ills have done for my
toy. All tliisi remedy neiil la a fail
chance and It will speak for llaelf."
Char icter U the substance: icpu
tation the shadow.
The flower of the family Isn't
always college bred.
His sitanlc majesty must have
a lot of branch oiJlces.
Take a few shimming lessons be
fore burning your bridges behind
That a warm climate favors loritf
life is sbown by a recent list of cen
tenarians. Scotland has 40, England
ijwei:n JO, France 213,and Spain
The gross earulnus of the civilized
woild ate about SiiU.OOO.OOO.OOO per
One day's rest out of seven is said
to lie the secret of beauty and will
help to prolong it into middle aye.
Chicago Lally News.
Finland has 2-S railway tunnels of
a mile or more In length.
Dont' Kt't. wai!. It gives'tlie other
fellow the whole a'lvaoaBe. Phila
delphia i'ss.
; Dissolve one ounceof camphor (?um
In four ounces of warm sweet oil.
HouFehold Ledger.
Many meD loc Justice within
their own doors, while barring thler
I ' '
Quit Coffee anil Got Wait.
A woman' coffee experience 1 Intef
atiiH,'' "For two weeka at a tima I liar
taken no food but ikim milk, for aolld
food would ferment and can audi
preaaure of gaa and aucb distraaa tfcat
I could hardly breathe at timea, alao ai
craeiating poin and heart palpitatioa and
all the tiaiB I ao neroua and raat-
From childhood up I had bean cof
fe and tea drinker and for the paat M
yeara I hare been trying different phya
'tiana, but could t only temporary iw
llef. Then I read an article telling how
aome one bad ben cured by leafing off
coffee and drinking Foatum and It eeem
fd to pleaaant juat to read about goo4
henltb I deckled to try I'oatum In place
f coffee.
I I made the change from coffee to
roetum and aucb a diange there la m mo
that I don't feel like the aame peraon.
We all round 1'oa torn oelicioua ana na
h better than coffee. M be a Kb now kt
wonderfully good.
Ao aoon aa I maae me aniit irom cui-
faa la Pnatnm I mat harttar and OOW til of
my trouble are gooe. I am fleahy, my
food Maimllataa, tno promore in m
cheat and palpitation are oil gone, my
boweii art regtilar, kavo ao wore atotn
actt trouble and ray headache are gooe.
Reroeaiber 1 did sot aoiedlcineo M mU
i at laft a eaffaa and drank I'oottm
tteadlly." Name gtrra by roatiua C.
BatUa vrnn, mmd.
Sesal to the Co, for particular by mall
Of eiteoalon of tlmo on the I7.&00.0G
Trlnee Elsmnn-k's wife wan sote
worthy for her executive Hbility and'
for ber ludeiM-ndi-nep. The Trlueesa
atmched Utile value to article of lux
ury, unk'HH they were connected !n
her memory with gome distinct trait
of human kindness. In writing of her
In "Personal Reminiscences of Prince
Bismarck," Mr. Whitman say that in
her unceasing care for ber family and
her gueata the ""Princess showed to
what extent a wife, a mother, a mis
tress of a household can KucriQce, her
own convenience In identifying herself
with the wants and wishes of others.
No general In command could sur
vey a battlefield more completely tliiin
PrinccKS Itismitrck controlled a dinner
table. She was in supreme command
anil overlooked everything. There
was at times something not far from
heroic in this, seeing thai she was
often hardly able to keep' awake.
There she would sit, not touching a
Vet In spite of her suffering from
asthma, at times scarcely able to draw
a breath, her eye was everywhere,
controlling, ministering, seeing that
everybody was attended In and satis
fied. If the conversation at table turned
on a frch delicacy of the season, or
a new dish, or the predilection ex
pressed liy a guest, the chances were
that one or the other would make its
appearance the next day. While at
table she would whisper ii few words
to one of her servants to give a mes
sage to the cook to add souk; item to
the very dinner in progress.
.Nor wa:; it only from a desire to
humor the taste of her husband that
Princess Hlnmank shewed such vigi
lance in ontrolllng the wheels of the
domestic machinery. All her house
hold, domestic servants included, were
the objects of her constant solicitude.
As the old saying, "Every man to his
ta.te," still holds good, and some fish
ermen w 111 swear by genuine live bait
only, a New England Inventor proposes
to provide It for them as easily as p s
sible; hence, the Ingenious little fish
trap shown in the accompanying pic
ture. Its principle Is similar to that of
tho large tlsb nets us1 on the sea
shore, where (be fish find their way
through openings at the apex of a
Y-shnpcd net Into a large holding net.
In this case the tubular receiving m-t
has glass cones at either end, with
small opening at the apex, through
which the fish find their way into the
interior. It may be wise to place a
small quantity of bait inside the trap,
which the fisli will quickly spy through
the transparent cones, working their
way toward it until they find the open
ings and pass in. It will ie si-en that
one of tho cones is tilted oji Its pivot
pins, this feature affording a handy
means of access to the Interior, or
enabling the cone to be reversed to
drop the contents of the trap Into It
for selection and assorting. If the trap
Is supplied with the necessary bait and
Immcrsid for a short time along the
shore i f a stream r lake. It w.H be
found to contain the live minnows
sought for, according !o the Inventor.
John E. IIII1, of Center Harbor,
N. II., Is the patentee.
Method in Her Marine.
The feminine coterie was holding a
garrulous powwow In the drawing
room, when suddenly a mouse loound
tip amid the scenery. It was all of the
fair oik's in a go-as-you-please race to
the lawn with the exception of one
maid of more or lis uncertain yeans.
"Why didn't you run, too?" asked, the
strong man who rushed, gallantly to
the rescue.
"I I was In h-hoppfi," Hohlwd she
of the unrecorded birthday anniversar
ies, "that I m-mlght be acared out of
oeveral yeara g-growth If I re-remained."
Whereupon the strong man took on a
aympathetlc look and aald Dover a
Famc'e ladder
Rmait Set.
DlaftfnrtHl aad Owt of the If ant
rtanby Hat why bare you thrown
Charlie overboard T
Maude I couldn't marry a man w I !,
i broken noao, you know.
Ilanby Abl I wonder bow he go
hU noae broken, poor fellow?
Maude Ob, I atmck bhn plae,
tettniel Pick Me Up.
Faber: Tbe art of aaylng appio; , .
ate worda In a kindly way Is one tii ,
never gooe out of faablon, and Ii
u toe reach of tit bumbteat.
Why tho Toans Doctor Had lo tV el
bard Hi Own Hon.
They had been marrhd only a short
while. He was a young ami struggling
physlclfi, and she a very sweet, de
voted little wife, but very much afraid
of burglar;, so that when It did hap
pen that tho doctor had a sick call
during tha wee hours, they rtorted
to all means that she might know that
it was be who wished to enter tha
house upon his return and not the
dreaded nJght prowlers.
- The calls were liot many, but some
bow they bad never hit ujajn a success
ful plan until tbe wife exclaimed one
morning at breakfast: "I have it now,
Jack; after this ycu knock five times
and let there be a minute between
each knock; thn I'll be sure to know
it Is yourself." Jack, so the story
goes, was not In favor of having to
wait five minutes to gain entrance to
his own bouse, but ever anxious to
please, ngreid to the arrangement, and
one night hist week had occasion to
tist it. Someone was dying, the mes
senger said, and wanted a doctor lm
lmdintcly; would he come? Where
upon Jack tumbled Into his el thes and
in the confusion didn't hear or, what
was more likely, forgot all about the
five kiKsks that lie was to give the
front d'Mir upon ids return.
During his absence the fearful wlfa
"couid hi ar nothing but knocks," she
afterward said, "and I was just so
nervous alone In a strange bouse and
neighborhood, that 1 thought Jack had
been gone an hour before lie had time
to turn the corner. Finally I heard
the heil ring; then somebody tried the
d.or. I was nearly dead from frigid
and don't know what would have hap
pened had It not bi-cn that any number
of stones begun storming against the
home. I knew this was an unusual
attack for burglars, so with a prayer
on my lips that Jack would return at
least some time during that dreadful
nighr. I ventured to the window and
peeped out. It was Jack, and be Baw
"i'ou've waked up the whole neigh
borhood. W'-iy don't you let me In?"
he fairly shouted.
"Why didn't you knock?" came bacb
.the small voice.
i "Why didn't I knock?" again shriek
ed the Irate husband. "Hldn't yorj
hear the panel fall out of the door?'
"I know," sobbed the timid little
wife; "but you didn't knock the rigid
number; It was Ave, don't you remem
birr' Washington Post.
Postofllces were first established io
The wrist contains eight bones, the
palm Ave and the fingers fourteen.
In the Black forest industrious me
chanics are turning out paper knives,
cigarette cases, etc., labeled ;:Mado oj
wood grown near the Matoppos, when
Cecil Rhodes is burled."
The hydrogen atom has hithert
been considered the smallest pnrtlclt
of matter, but the incandescent parti
cles In the vacuum of a Crooks tub
are but one-thousandth as large.
Fowls are supposed to have beei;
first domesticated in China 1400, B. Q
This Is probably about, the same period
when, according to Lamb, the Chlnesi
discovered the succulency of roast pig
The city of f'hristlania long ag)
went to law on the question of liability
for the support of an aged woman
When the case was settled recently it
was discovered that the old woman
bad been dead for years.
Queen Alexandra's laces, linens und
silks are perfumed by a method wliiclj
almost any woman can copy. The
drawers In which tlmy are kept are
lined wllli white paper, strewn wit!)
rose petals. On this Is placed a layer
of the fabrics to be scented, over that
a layer of rose leaves, and so on'la
alternation until the drawer is filled.
Over all a aheet of tissue Is spread. A
the end of twenty-four hours every
thing In the drawer will have a deli
cate perfunio that will cling to it fot
a long time. Tcrfumeg are lielieved tt
make clothes and linen much mori
wholesome. Flowers and certain pro
pared perfumes have excellent medici
nal qualities.
With our forefathers, dlseaae was ai
evil Influence. We should no longer
look at It In that way; at least, ao w
are a as u red In a recent address by 8I
Frederick Treves, an English physl
clan. To tbe modern expert, be says,
dlseaae la merely the outcome of- net
oral processes whose purpose, at bob
torn, la a kindly or beneficent one. Iti
symptoms are merely "expressions of i
natural effort toward cure;" they arj
"not malign in Intent, but have for
their end the ridding of the body o
,the very troublea which they are sup
posed to represent." After all, bow.
ever, this view la not ao very new
Even In tbe Middle Ages wise mc
talked of tbe "curative force of na,
ture," and In this pbaae Ilea tbe trut
on which Sir Frederick has based hl
lecture. Still, It la frequently forgottei
that nature meana well by us, and It li
a good thing to be once In a whUe re
minded of It.
Mlaa Olden (coyly) Mr. Tlmmld call
ed to see me last night and I bad
proposal "
Mlsa Spelts Tea?
Miss Olden You don't appear to b
at all curtpua to know what he said.
Miss Spelt Ob, I suppose be aaM
I gwm, vt wuiaw. a uimmyui riaq
I Ipavalah proverb: Live with th
woiTatv, and you will Warn to newl
A prominent Southern lady,
Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville,
Tenn., tells how she was cured
of backache, dizziness, painful
and irregular periods by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" Gratitude compels me to acknowl
edge the great merit of your Verrc
table Com;x;.ind. I have buf.'ered fur
four years with irregular liod painful
menstruation, a!.. di;'.:::ncf.s, pains in
the back and lower limbs, and fitful
sleep. I dreaded the time to come
which would only mean suffering to
me. Six hot: lex of Lydia F.
l'inkhiim's Vegetable Compound
brought me licall!) and happinetH iu a
few short luoiithi, and was worth
more than month i under the doctor's
care, which really did not benefit mo
at all. I feel like another person now.
My aches and pains have left me. I
am satisfied there is no medicine so
good for sick woman as your Vege
table Compound, and I advocate it to
my l.vly friends in need of medical
help."--Mns. li. A. lii.AScnAKD,
llroad St., Nashville. Tenn. 6000 for
feit if oriiitmt of about letter proving gcnuinenimt
cannot be produmJ.
When women are troubled with
menstrual irregularities, weakness,
leuoorrhien, displacement or ulceration
of tl womb, that bearing-down foel
inflammation of the ovaries, back
ache, they should remember there is
one tried and true remedy. Lyffia V..
I'lnk ham's Vegetable'Com pound.
Tlio Patisans ate 23000 horses last
The fecundity of the domestic fly
is remarkable. Each female boustlly
lays about one hundred and twenty
egus and each eg is hatched and
produces a perfect fprtile fly in less
than three weeks. If a calculation
from these facts Is made it will bo
found that it is quite pos it le that, a
single female fly may be tho progeni
tor of twenty-five million descend
ants in the course of one summer.
It is better to have a memory for
favors than a memory for faces.
Some men work assiduously, some
When a blooded dog barks all the
curs are sure to join In.
Some men are so sellish that they
kick at their own joys.
It takes a strong man to profit
by the mistakes of an enemy.
Men show a spirit of unreasonable
ness over a kindly word of advice.
Mirth will warm the heart at
Write m, for particulars of a Kaf. Kcctlre Invert
men! i-h' li'K swi per ccnl on amounts of one hun
.1l'd Jolian or more. HA.Mv KKSKKKSl TH.
W. 11. I1UKK, Vqrk, lVnna.
am id mi iteajiii yt i 1 1 taaKaWsiM3.-igaiTO'J
Promptly cures nil
Cy VSV 4 4 VS CAN DY G arwawftr T
(Greaitest on 1fhe
Tfaa tataat wtaodawfltl raxMitt la
OXBOAKMTB kaowa, bv fAa aaatoart adTaartaanaant rer printed oould do no mora than tm
a paraon to try OAMQAXKB onoa. Than ootnaa tha teat, and If OAKOAMTtB did not prora
tlvalr merit tbara would not ba a aala of naarly a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Tbia mooaas
mavda by taa atad
avad maJk aloalT about
FaOtFIOT HOMa usaJiaafu., Taay ara a pat-not oura
rillonawaaa. Boor aHomaoh, Blok Haadaoha, Bad graata, Baa mooa, nmpiea, maa, worma aad
all bowal diaaaaaa. OanolM tablat atampad OOO. MaTVTtR BOLD nf BULK. All elravvlata, 10s,
BaaptoandlMOatlatlTaa. Addraaa gffaruaa: amaay oa,
A Philadelphia millionaire lo bis
will left 50 eacb to bis children.
Last year America imported only
8,000,000 bushels of potatoes.
Ad elephant's Jaw has been un
earted iu Halleck Canyon , Wyo.
Rats ere estimated to destroy food
to the value of 12,0X0,000 year.
Uamrtieai Cannot He Cared
ly IhiiI Bipll(-atlinii. as ttiey rannut ream the
ill-i-Rwsl portion of the ear. There la ociy one
way lo cure Ucttfue--. suil that is hj- constitu
tional remcilloa. r)eftfriis6 is iui'ii liy an In
fain;i roiulltion of tnri mnr-oiis llnirife of the
Kiutai-hlaii Tiilie. Wtmn tliis tutie pi-Is inflamed
je a hitVH a rumbling round or impei-feet hear
ing, and wlum It ia entirely Hoed Jjeafufiss is
Lhu result, ana unleM tlio ajrianuiiMinu can he
taken out Had thU lulie roMnred to it norma!
condition. liearlriK will le donioycd forever;
ninu ra,ea out of tell are c:iim d ly ( alarrh.
l icli t iiolhiiu hut an lnfaincd condition of
tin mucous surface.
We will kJvh Dim Hundred Pollard for any
ca-,e of iM-a'i.ess (caused liy i atsnhi that cannot
lie cured liy Hail'd C'atami Cure. Send for cir
cular, i-ee.
F. ,t. fit KNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold tiy nutt-. T.
Hair Family i'llls are the best
People who turn to look at a prize
fighter merely exhibit the lint,"jring
truce of savagery.
Two bottles of I'iso's Cure lor Con
sumption eiirt- l rue of a terrible contra.
Fred Hermann, 'Ml',) Box avenue, Iiutl'alo,
N. Y., Sept. IU, l'JUl.
Ranchers in Montana aro import
ing cats from Minnesota to kill prairie
dm. So far the experiment has
been successful. On ono ranch two
hundred miles cast of Huttc there
are neatly three hundred cats, and
each rat kills an average of two
piairie do'S every day.
A nero murderer in Mul'.notnab
CO' nt.y, Oregon, believes in unit n
prices for labor, l.'e therefore ob
jects to bein,' bun;; on the gallows
wbii h he has learned was erected by
to 'siabs''.
When women talk of the proposals
of marriage they have had they are
as unreliable as men wh'i talk of
lishlng and bunting.
A lover who has been discarded by
his lady for another sued the faith
less one for the money expended
to hr durlrp the cenrtsnlp, where
u;on she turned and married bim.
A train of thought is apt to jump
the track.
The dude owes his fine feathers to
the tailots' gotsc.
A!t Tonr Pooler for Allen' Foot fCaa
A powder to shake into your ahoes. It
rests tho feet. Cures Conn, B.jilona,
Swollen. ftora. Hot. fatlniia A-hinir
Bweatins: feet and Ingrowing Nails.
Aliens i-oot-t-.nao makes new or tight
hoes easy. Sold by nil drugcinfs and
ulioe stores. 2.V. Snnipl mailed FRKB.
Addrca Allen S. Ohmited. Le Itoj. N. Y.
Fiance Is 'Mass of the bakery" in
the production of large loaves of
bread. Some of the French ioaves
are six feet long.
nc rivers wih rebuffs because of a
failuie bow down to presumption.
F V ?
L-US vthtf.t l.Li i.ki FAILS,
( Um C'-Mik,! 0fUU. 1 fcOt't titAl. DaW
bY ra?'(.tn.
N. M. U.. 783-32 YORK. NEB
aQ hlatory mavlt Biada It AAvuxuaa baa gaarrajd to
wortu or our manaa. mo one wno
tavern OatBOatJUaTS ara aaMleert to
.ll't.lWj'l To prove the nealtaf aadi
falVllal'l cleaaaiag sower of fax-1
tine Totiat Aaitlaaptle
we will avail a large trial'
package with book of in
structions abaolatclr!
free. Tai is not a day ;
sample, but a large package, j
enough to convince anyone
of its value. Women all '
ov".r the country are Drais-
ing i-axtme lor waat a ru.s nona in local
treatmcDt of femat ilia, curing all fnflam.
maiioo and discharges, wonderlul as a clean
iiijr r&ftim douche, for sore throat, nasal ca
tarrh, as a mouth wash, and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth. Send to-oay; a postal
card will do.
0.-1 k, aVacgtata ar aal oatpaM hjr va, SO
R. f AXIUM CO., 21S Cuiarsai At , . Mass.
A Skin of Beauty is a noy Forever;
DB. t. fei.ix varzAiD'n tttFn.iA.i.
TtcMOTpp Tin. Pimp), Freckle1,
lotl raKhoaj, Kau, aim batia
ao wr DimiHj on
ttuif, Bon dcn
flflwitni. It h&w
io4 th tent of Ui
?em. avnd tff bo
fcrjleJi we tute i
to bm ir ii is prop
1J7 mif. Aucep
bo cruiiirfejt of
fimflr.rna.7ir. Dr. U
A. rS4yTO (Mill tO gt
Ikvdr of UtC haut-tori
(a jaiUffnfi: "Ah jou
iA; w ,1 ! u?p 1 hem.
1 rroimci,d 'Gour
aufia Crram' oa tti
laaa, aartnful of ail
tl.a Skin oriara.
tloaa" For walu by
all tnw-wis an)
Taacr-OeodB Tatars In tbt V. a., Caaadaa axid Europa.
nun T HOPKINS, PiopT, 7 Orait JonaaSU. N. 1!
A pin toKiapher in Berlin has won
t he title :f "darling" from the
middle aged lad es of that city.
When takmc pictures of a lady of
advanced age, he places thin sheets
of celluloid between the negative and
the printing paptr, thus pre duclrg
a very softening effect, which hides
the ravages of time.
Mrs. Window's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil
dren teeihihtftsoflenn i lie ume. reduces inrla
matton, allays i-aiu cureb colic. Pi ice 25c bottla
Even when she didn't take him
it always is a great pleasure to a
woman to remember how noble a man
was in his grief after te proposed.
A girl's iriea. cf going swimming
is mat, sne mus-ti oe careiuu to aress
a little, but appropria ely, in case
she might have to go into the water.
New York News.
A law for the extermination of
prairie dogs has been passed by tbe
Texas Legislature.
Stnila, Ind'n, Is built on the side
(if a steep hill and the roof of one
house is often on a level with the
foundation cf one on the next ter
race, r
The rats of S;uthern Itally are
very cunning, and display good taste.
They climb the oiange trees and
suck the blood oranges, neelecting
the others.
Kentucky needs schools, but oot
to teach the young Idea bow to
' J. "a- :. V tv L -U -1 M I. j
Ooo l Things to Eat en the Lawn
Parted Ham. B. and Toatat, 0 Taeta
(bolf i, Veal Lualj DrrlW ttm, Brialat
B id, Silas Smoked Barf.
All Natural Fl.iror Toods. Palatibl and
wholebome. Your grocer should have thm.
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Wo Id. 1 1 mi J -on, a Lo klal " Ho lo Mas Ooud
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tlbby. McNeill &, Llbby. Chicago.
CITC rmiai,ei,llrCurerl. 1.0 ntd or norTonanemattflv
Mid drat aaj-'i. upc of I'r. Kllui-'fl (iraaa Neraa Re
rlnm. Ber lr-r- It EE 'Hal boniaand traatlaa.
lot. It. H. i:i.l'K. 1 I.I. ..II ,-,-- HI.. I'alialrlnhl 1'a.
xnaa vmAUJLRma raiia to aa
bur, to oavrrr, to tavka, torm
ror oonanpation, jl
fxiatlDatton. ADtdlcatla.
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i , air uswrj-m aa.i.i ji