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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1903)
i ' 1 V1 30URRET& DAVIS. General Merchants, (Sncces)nvt(i MAliSTKLLER BROS.) Mo Invite your inspection of our Goods for quality and Price fur. fairness?. Onr stock is as-complete as any and we e.?ct ta keep it ho. Here in the line of DRY GOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, BOOTS SHOES, etc.T you will find everything in the latest up-to-date styles and patterns. GROCERIES, fresh and of the bent quality. FLOUR, GRAIN, CURED MEATS. HARDWARE, TIN W A RE. Give us a trial. We will try to treat you right at all times. BOURRET & DAVIS. GUULB H. EMM, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER IN -Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, : Buggies, and Machinery of all kind-!. Also. Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground and un ground. 71 make a specialty of repairing Wind mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. J. H. WILHER mum WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drus, Druggist's Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. The Commercial Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. (C. F. Coffee, Preeident. F. W. Clarke, Cashier .Chas. C. Jamesox. H. S. Clarke, A. McGinlky iStockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely ol U8 to handle their entire Banking buainea. We are prepared to take care of our trade at all timefi- AVDRRW ertKISTlAS Cattle hrarnl M on lft side nine an rnt Mid horsea branded on left should mm u col 10 Mm ffptrtj at asalrew Christum mm MMNMry to TM Tmm tprlap. iMfM, 3 J. R. IIINTEK. Cattle brawled as ahown rut, on rljfht shoulder. , n left side. HiKiit rm clipped SKW REWARD will be paid for evidence convicting any one for riimilnir c,IT or In ny wjr Umprrli.ft with took bavins any of th above brand or brands. Ranch at Andrews, Hrhr, Address, Harrison Webr, STOCK BRANDS. The Jot 8sil will oiblWh j-or.rlTand.lilie tJ;c .C.icri, fT C -CO, V - -i i - r"-" 1; aitn ::al tjrnnd 7S cents. Kverv farmer or ranchmen In Sioux tucl adjoining counties Mould ilfprll. thir brumtii in TimJoia NL x it eirvubttoo (11 over tbe nUK-. II ,ny be U; utituuii of wiving money fur you $500 REWARD. tor Hi srrest h'h! conv;et:on ol any psrty r ptti !( sti-allng or dtf iynring tiny brninlj n tK'k bt;iu:iing U) the iinderHitfiifi pur Press-Journal TiiCIrsuAY. July 30 , 19U3. . V. Burke, Prop. KSTKKtn IS THE PlsT itt FICE AT HAK RiMJN SKUIS. A!K('O.V! i'LASS MATTKK K. E, J ASDT, Brund 60, III - 152 on Ii'ft hip eft hip of OUtle. I'ot tltfic?, Hewitt, ;toux tXiiinty, Neliralta. Cattle branded lore branded (iK(M!GE SWANS IS. S5 m ifU hide on Ut (hu OFFICIAL PAPER OK SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JullS T. KSUVV. ilorw lr;.4ed or on left ihoill I del f?Vl fcrniidert on left shoulder fe' m.rf Cattle pjj on li ft lde Poht Office AddreoH, Patrick, I nramla Co. Wyo. der, rue on Swldier t reek. Any -.lock brundl m ulwie belni; einiy d from my i:i-iet dNcove'-fd liy uny Ixly on giving me itilorini'.t.'nii ill l) rev.aiHed. Addr,.KH, r't. Hotiinon, Nebrawkit MtANK SI TTO. Cattle brande.1 Hide Hiwi Hrno on der f hore4. DKEPC KKhK UVKSTOCK Co rtianded an lef t hip of Cuttle vtayi tioMe, liaiiKeo!! tJeep OrMR. Acdrrss, Deep Teek Live Stx k Co.. J. II. Halbekt, yoreiimt,, (.len, NebraHKk. rriavaU JOB WORK VES! The Pkkss-Joukxal does Job Work. First Class and Up-To-Date. Neat, Call in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Knvelopes etc. The Press-Journal. ANo Home of the Hor tie are branded in Hide (-tinnbb'r Mome ha ileerlb HKve baand. Addrews, Harrlfttjii, etiraka. SAMUKL UNUKI. Ir.ttle branded nny where on "y- ' f Vj I' lt Hide of the AddrenK, Harrison, Nebrnt-ka 11KWAHI). will -yy $..fXl reward for e h hend of Lave ' Vilville'Ktiorsev hramled Itfty? on either jaw or Ihiyh turmi'.vifOj over'o "ohn Riewr on U'liinii.K ..1 w-Aler, also 1 100.00 for pr(Kf to J convict nny peixm unlawfully liamihng any of said horses. W. J. A. R u m. KOUKKT K. NfcKCK. Caitle, Rranded kt rjVJM lellskln ItanRe oh j - WJ J Al cuttle branded I Eit-l on left bin iio;Hder or wide. hj U Uaiie on r ' isimninf; ' alert '. o. AiIdreH"! Agate, e!Tloi. Cattle branded J. i.KVEli. )S I.KKT MJK I'o-t't- e A 1drrs. Clmdroa N brtiskn. mmtm I 1IKSKY WAKSEKE. Cat tin I ran I ed on left side. linn ii; on It'innln Water freer k. y','"'i fa tj" I. ). AdUreni HiiiTiHoii, Nebraska. J. If. 1ENSLOW. Cuttlj branded on rlgni Hide HH-ne u4 cnt. Am! alo Jj oa lKht hip. Horw branded rC'. Jn "n right aliomder or Jaw. I'.auKe on w .iltn Kiver, on thu old 1. O. Addri.; tjlen, Nebr. on the left ! t leftshonl- I QJ J . and rat. WJU hT J'.KEWSTKK 4 Co. Cattle brand ed shiiip ai that on cut, either .eft hip or on left shoulder. A Nobis Deavth. "You are dying said the doctor to (lie country editor an he lay on his death bed after Ions; weary years of toil. "And do you think Iftnioing?" said the editor. "Yes I am sure," Said the doctor. The dying editor turned his head and looking at hi in who had write to make out his hist xv 1 1 1 said; "And you think I am dying?' ''Yes I know it,'' said the law yer. The dying editor l hen said U the doctor. "How much do I owe your" "About f 1,000." said the doctor. The editor then turned to the lawyer. i'How much do I owe your' "About $1,000." said the lawyer, who had spent alniut three hours making the editor's will. "Well," said th editor "Won't you please kneel on each ide of iiie while 1 breathe my hud?" "Why do you make such a request? the lawyer and do lor asked simultaneously. "Well," said the editor, "it will I a great satisfaction to die as my Savior did Utweeu 2 thieves.'' The doctor nd lawyer fainUd aud the editor got well. Exchange. Ch)ler& Infantum. This has long been regarded anon of the most dangeroiiK and fatal diseases to which infants are nubjert. It can be cur ed, however, when properly treated. All that is neccessary is to give Cham her Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain, Forale hy All Druggists. WIDOWS ENTRY WONT HOLD LAND- mmmmm Horsi-M branded with any nf above bramln. Address, J. A. Amikksos, Harrison, Nebranka. ItOriJKET A SON. Cattle brand ed fi'inc Hi that on ent on eith er Hide of animal. 54 err S; "Hi 4 Interior Department Puts Damper on Plan of Cattle men to Secure Home stead Rights of Soldiers' Widows. Commissioner Fimplf, Says Entry Must iaj llailo in (ixal FuiUl and Aetual K-s.d-'iice Bb Ma in Li lied. And tollowiiiKon f'r:A fr-. i eftsfelaof Cattlf. f$'' j aiiJJ I ' 'vi "" :'t "' "f ock ud this And thin j-J&f' on l'dt side and hip. Range on Uunniaif VTnter. Pot Office Address, Harrison, Nebraska Special to the Tmv. OMAHA, Nl,., July PI. -In response . ..n ....,..... f- , .1 HI. .,1 , iw t(, iiiijui, , i ,, t . .'Ill, II i,iuij n hi , jlomey. A. J. F'i"ip!e, assistant co.uir.iss (, .oner oi the get.erul land tin e, lias written a letter dei hiring tlmt- 'he inter ior department w ill not countenance the acquisition or land by the uat 1 h'men until r homestead entries by soldiers' i lows, (.'cmiuiisslouer t implc'it litti r f.dlo "I niii in receipt, of your letter stating l hat (larlies are soliciting aoiiheis" wid os to locate I steads, offering fiay- meijt of all e enses and r-( resenlinir that 'he land las li.tve been aiuendtd Notice to land owners. To all to whom it may concern. The commissioner appointed to local a road, commencing a point where county road No. 4 intersects the half section line running east, west through section 21, Twp. 32, liange M, thence east on about HO rods, thence 142 rods" South in a cir cuitous direction and connecting with said road No. 4 at apoint on or abo'it one fourth of a mile frm the point when it leaves said nlsiva mentioned half section line, and also to vac. te that portion of county roail No. 4 from the point, where, the proposed road connects with road No. 4 to the point it intersects said road No. 4 as now establi-hed. And all objections there to or claims for damages must I llledonor before noon August the 8th 1!K)!1. or said road will lie established with out reference ther-j to and also the said vacation will hegninted. Win. J. A. Raum. Clerk. The Death of Pops Lao X!II- n Hie death ol Pope Leo XIII not only the Catholic church loses cue of its great men, hut the whole world. His execut ive ability wns demonstrated in Jiiany instances, and under his leadership the Catholic church has made great strides in the past century, and not only the Catholic church hut all Protestant churches will reverence his name for ages to come. ' Bids f.-r Bridge. P ds will I received llr the cons' ruct ion of a bridge ncroxn School creek i n county road ;'. 22, CottonwoMi pre cinct of sTid Sioux county Nebrask.i. I'lait and s,e ideations rre on at I It county clerk' i. !!! . !$,!., w.ii he re ceived until noon, August 1 ;t, 11)03. Wm. J. A. Raum . Clerk. HE GAVE THE PARTICULARS. How North Tokota Man Sascribad i a Piece of Land. Iu g a deal last year," saI4 i?p.riil(itor. "f cfiino Mo . a Detroit dm 'im ruru. K. V lK,Jl. Hk. k. K. KKNNKDV: Cattle Itrnnded J on Itltrhl Mill .Shoulder P.O. Addresi, Crawford, Net,rna." TO CUKK AIXII.I 1 ONE DAY. W.. I r, I ....... 1,.,. . ..... fund the inoiM-y it if uiis ui 'MUthonzii li iilus to locate without l'.i"ii "1 ha; ceei to a Certain t.rove's .iKiiature la oa earl, j entry , ,. ,,, 1hij aj ou ; piore of lar.d In North Dakota. Th I'.he.revid.ct puipoMi.s.o secure le,ses',"' " u:'al put at BIGGER MEN AT WASHINGTON from toe widows under the impression ' and In'r'! rnarw'Vvr0? ' "J 11,1 1,-1 r"' ,i., ,i.v .i.,.!... ,.u ' .... Iand.,n I ljruary I wrote to the port- r r, a -ru i. ,u, ! '" "--' - ' 1 i master cr t .e nt-areat town to send u rOUM Then, Much Abler i You further stale that In Mi.Uiwa l..r ' -,rti,i . .. l'"";u.i -i-;:i . ri.ics iny HOI I- hem you have oetuiiied pensions ! Iris. I sci:t hlra J2 for his trouble " consulted you nlwiut their ri).. ' to laciie aid tho speculator, atcordinjf to the uinlur these coiiuiiiona aud you uk to be ueirou J'reo 1 rcr, and ho tamed advised in the premises. "In reply, yen nr advised thnt Ihisrf fice holds that tile widow f ti deceased soldier, sailor or marine liliny for a thf Congreisir.aa readily homestead under section SCOT, Ur.ited btatts icvised statutes, must, iu (ood New M Than Thote at H 0.719. The jrieniber of a stale legislature had been Introduced to a member of Congress at me cajdlal. "I sup.Mise '.he life In T.'ashlngton U much mere iiterostins tan that of our pate capitals," he ventured for a starter. "Oh, yec, admitted. OCfAVK IIAKKIS, tattle branded as abown on Ii'ft is I tli over bit on left ear. ItaiiKe on Itun lilnff Water, P. O. ldres, Jlarsland, Nidir. PUP And f ultle brande Hide, sad llor'es on NKII. JtiRDAN. Horn's ami eat tl bra!id'l 011 eltlier ldi, aiune as on cut. Address, Balarc, Kebrtska. JOHN A, HANS'JN j I. ulli, establish and maintain actual resi dence upon her claim for such period ol j time as coupled ith her deceased bus I lianj's service in the nrmy or navy, will iike a full period of flveyeurs, and that under the statute she cannot perfect toe entry if it is made directly or indirectly "Eut it cists a ood deal raoreT" "nunc- moie, yet." "The salary is mu..h larger, thouuli?" Oh. yes, ccns.blcrahiy." "Vou me.'t very diheretit pyople, too." "Decidedly. " "Men of national reputation are numerous?" "Everyv. here about the place." "Much bigger men than we haye rltb us?" "Oh, yes, or they wouldn't get here." "Men of wider scope on all ques tions?" "Yea, they have to bfi." Tha a'ate w;!on waa nllont for a moment. "After all," he raid. !th some show of nrlrirv "iln vnn fbi-it- ihnv w,.i. abler men than thor -.vho hav mit I uleoi ettne. awl it wi. U:o rr.or.ey. Ko wrote back: "Wert over to, see your lacd. "CtTsse'I poor road all the way. Cuad poor rood back main. "fiiOst cf your lind la under water. . "'Vhat ain't under water is afflicted 1 with dioiiht. 'You've cither got to wet It all up or ciry it all out. "Can't burn up or run away. "Keep your taxes up aud pray to the Ixrd. i "Clad you feint me 2 instead ot the deed. If you want any further partlcu- ior u.e wneiu 01 anoineraBU -.oiexclii Jara I'll ship you a barrel of water." iveiy with a view to Beciimi(,' a home for herself. (Suited) Very IUispcctfully, J. 11. FIMM.E "Acting Commissioner" It is well known that thousands of soldiers' widows have made homestead entries in Nebraska unci other states in the interest of the cattlemen. The fed , enil nind jury, sittinir in Omaha Inst winter, looked into tl.s ulleed fraud- expected t'al et reached beyond the limit of their f ,nany ""-"1n"' "'"' '-e returned. state?" I but the jury adjourned wilhil bringing Tho wasn't silent a in a sii'le indudme'it. It hnsbrep known second. tiere for some time, however, that the "Well, I should av they were." ho mierior dea.rtment hnd the matter under eald emphnth ally, acicrd'.rK to 'he consideration and it is recanted n b able now will cancel all the wid owV entries which were mmle in the in tertst of the cattlenien. It is fstimnttd If 'T'.'v.O' , v., vi t , Kr' r-'- y''- 'le f . . lit ')mn the folln. iKliriind oueltll Also HQ oft rat Mi, and borsi's--' rattle on leftslilo hores on loft slioulder. New ork Tlmen. "By .love, I was a member of my state lerB.latitre for 1 five terms and thero wasn't a man there I couldn't beat at poker. Ifiit here well. I've got to Kon(j my a;,ary I home to my wife, ot I O'uldn't keep a blamed rf nt of It." in that Vlllll.l eevernn r t of the cattlenien. It is stiini.ttd f, " '.,?'!! M'J. ' - , f 1 nt event, that millions of acres of vH'' ' v)' ible grn.,i,K laids will ,vert tolhe j," ' 4 'f P"'' " i' ''" ;V', ' rnn.en.-.)enveA'. ' .-..... 'n. f,.".V.'jlf Ksnire on Silver fprlnits and et of slate line. Postiifltce-Harrlion Jiob, To Curo a Cold in Ono Day Sevan VSkm tovea 10M la pa )3 Msln. Tt lirSitGT?!. SfjCpr Cunt Orife i" Two Days, ca every i f 1 J Vv-' .. !' . . . -