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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1903)
fcraer l 1 14 tlae ts tre Csrosk KMrct, lla&lrr. mt llrlasr? irxMcs wtik Don's liaacr Mis; KIDNEY Aching hark are eased. 1 Jlip, buck, mid loin paina overcome Swelling of the limbs and dropey 1n waniti. Tbey correct urine with brick dust sediment, high colored, jiain in passing, dribbling, frequency, bed welting. Poan's KlUney Tills raiiirt calculi mid ffrari:!. liclli-ve heart palpitation, aieeplcfenu'Ni, headache, nervousness, diiiinrass. Moan's nils. a jr rum saj . Ix "ij NAME P. O STATE F-,r friM trtaJ hfx. mall this emipon t Kort.r-JtlillHirncn.. It"f!iu. N Y. Jl ai.ovo Iwt i. InAUtileient, write itUnl oil,-!. nta- !ii. Mrs. Jnmi" fleck nf SI4 Wiit Whiti-slmi'i Street, li.te, N. Y.,Hjtyt "I ifw lr"ittiieii wild Hi ki'lnf- -:r,,i A hospital Id Chelsea. Endland, Irises a bequest of f'i.OOO through an informality, The testator sinned li Is will In his bedr mm, and the wit nesses thoughtlessly cairied it into (another room before signing It, thus Invalidating the whi'le document. TLe largest inscot known is the stick )DSnct of Borneo. When in active it resembles a piece of sticif. iSorne specimens thirteen inches in hength have been captured. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, Notre lamc, lncjiuau. e call Hit attention of our renders to the advertisement of Notre Diiuie Univcrsiiy, one of the great educa tlofial institutions of l he West, which appears In another column of this pu jior. Those of our readers who may have occasion lo look up a college for their sons during the cotniii;.' year would do well to correspond with the 'resident, who wUI win! l ln-iu n cata 'loane free of charge, a well an all par ticulars rcirurdiiig terms, courws of studies, etc. I'mate room are given free to stu dents of the Sophomore. Junior or Se nior yi-ars of any of the Collegiate Courses. There Is a thorough preparatory ,'scliool In connection with the Univer sity, In which mudentN of all grades will have every opportunity of prepar lint; tlieinselvea for hlwlier utmlies. The Cotnuierclal Course Intended for younj? men prepnrltiK for huslnexs. may he flnlsUed In one or two years accordlnij ito the nhllity of the student. St. Ed iward's Hall, for hoys under thirteen. Is io unliUe department of the Institution. 'The Ulfc'heP courses are thorough hi ev ery respect, find students will (hid cv lery opportunity of peifectlnfe theiu Iselves In any line of work they may choose to delect. - Thoroughness In class work, exactness in the care of 'students, and devotion to the best in terests of nil, are the dlxtinruishini; characteristics of tbe University of Notre Dame. Sixty years of active work In the cause of education have made this In stitution famous all over the country. T Sheep draw little express w k . 'Id India and Persia. A ale Vour Denier f ir Atlena Foot Kan, A powder to nhake into your chocs. It teats the feet. Cures Curtis, litiniona, (Sweating feet and Tnnrowlns? Nuila. Alien' Foot-Knae makes new or tiitht hoea easy. Sold by nil driuists sad hoe stores, 25c. Snmple Kit EM. Addreas Allen S. Olinated. Le Roy. N. Y. A tidy tooni p easant and sunny, can be rented at thu liauue, Holland , for sixty-two cents a we k. The University of Notre Dame, NOTRE DaME, INDIANA. FULL COl'RSes IN Cla.Mci, Le'teri, Eco .mtatca and Hletory, JuurnaHim, Art. Science, ;pharmacy, Law, Civil. Mechanical and Lice Irtcal Enftncertnc, ArcMiccture. Thorauth HYeparator and Conwi-rclal ICouraea. HUU rUKKtoallMa-loiit oho ham mmi.lwM ilia ta4ii nKcilrMl lor MdmtMiian into tj Sopho froor. Juulor or lianlor Yr uf maj of lb Ooliuaiat HOOMa TO HP NT. niolmu chargn la Mndeaia ief MTntan prBl'Mirina tnr I JolUif mim OourMw. A IhbIonI nnmtmr of C,nll'liit lot lha !-.oclia-Itlral will tm rmMirftt al .-imI rmra NT. v.l W Itll'a II a I.I. for bora nnrfxr II MI, U '.anjaualn lha oornpl4MaM of ila aqntpmant Tba 0lb Vrar will oim KcaiWaiaar S, 1BUI. Calalaaaea Fr. 44f t. A. MGwKlssri. C. S. C. ernlAtal. Dot ZM. FREE TO WOMEN! I o prove the Dealing ana cleansing power of I'm tin Toilet Antiacptlc we will mail a large tnjl packaee wnh bok of in struction absolutely free. This is Dot a tin) sample, but a large packaee, enough lo convince anyone oil Its value. Women all over the country are prais- hi Painne tor what it has done in ic itreataoVnl of fcinala Ilia, curing all Inflam mation and discharges, wonderful aa a cleans mil nm vamnal douche, lor sore throat, nasal ca tarrh, as a mouth wash, and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth. Send to-day; a postal card will do. aii r 4raasrau ee sent aataM ky aa, rita. lane . awlaftiai law lima u4 f AaTUII CO.. 2 IS Calvrftat Ats , ls(t. Hut. : A Skin of Beauty la oy forever. Dl. T. rri.i tiurRarira MirNTAL CMCAM. eat i.K L UfAHlriKU. Beioi Tun. Ptrnplm.f rarfclea, V:ia I'aU has. Kaall. aiwl hkln jtal f Vjl dia.aaM. aiet avary jlr,toh on r vMira, an' i in 90 hanntiNW mm UiU M lo te ait ff) It U ptna rj marl a. kvf- nn rntrtf)l of Jnllir nmr, Ir, L. A. Urnrra (! U UAf ot tli brii iot jft Mltnt)t,'Aii u L I nromWHnA 'Hour- I iBd'i('rMil 4M U4 I ImM hrmmi of u IK Hfeia ttrvtMrtv i nf Quil Vmtmm UHkmV.n n4 Km N. N. U . 78231 YORK, NEB (1 M M n 1 w COMFORT. much pain tn my hack a tijib went on I could hardly endure it ; 1 could not aland except fur a few momenta at a lime; X grew weak and exhausted ; 1 could not even do it.'ttt housework ; I could not -.toopor bend ; my head ach d severely ; I was in pain fr'iu rgy head down to my y is ; centering In the Ina ne it was a heavy, steady, sickening eu;ue ; I uuuid not re'. nights, and (rot up nr-ndiiKS weak and tired. I thought I a about done tor, when I daw lioau's Kid ney l-illssilvertised. Within a week after commencing their use 1 began to Improve, aisl froui that tune on rapidly treyr better. I used live boxes in all and was curse!." The distinction of a humorist con sists in the fact that bis Jokes are worth a salaiy. You have not fulfilled your des tiny these days unless you have had appendicitis. We read the other day of a monkey in New York who died of a broken heart because lie was close-shaven. Several gentlemen of our acquaint ance wouid do well to follow his ex ample. Frank I'ainc. (It is said that one of the most per p!exin tluties of authorship is naming a work. It certainly is the most profound problem connected" with most uxidcrti novels. A bright future is a nice thing to have, but it is a poor thing to live on. A contributor to a newspaper is a man whose salarj consists of the postage he pais to get bis articles pub isbed. Many girls think that becatisa a young man docs not stop to talk to t Iiein he Is bashful. There is sach a thing as self defense.' The worst Insult that some people have to hear Is the fact that thero are ethers smarter than themselves. Talk to some young men about their prospects and the only thing they can tell you is what tbey are going to do. Frank Power. found a Friend. Valley City, N. D., July 27. Mrs Matilda M. Kouclier of this place tells how she found a friend in the follow' ing words: "For years I suffered with a dlzzi ness i my head wd could get nothing to cure uit! till admit t two years ago when I was advised to take Dodd'J Kidney I'llls. These pills cured mi before I liad used the whole of th first box, and I haven't been troubled since. "In January of this year I had ar, attack of Sciatica that made me almost helpless, and remembering how much Doihl'g Kidney Tills had done for me before, I sent and Kt some and begat) to take them at once. "In three weeks I was well, and not n trace of the Sciatica left, and I hav "Doild'H Kidnev Pills have certainly been of great In neflt to me. I hav found them a f end In time of sick ness. and I wil always recommend, them to every one suffering with tn troubles that bothered me." Persons with blue eyes are rarely affected with color blindness. Aliens who hereafter stray into liiltlsh prisons, as convicts will not be taught trades. Rain bas never been known to fall i i Iqulque. Peru The place con tains 14, tOO inhabitants. In New York City there are twelve hotcU, each of which bas more than ;ioo telephones. It costs very lit tie to supports, fa in Hy in India. Millions of met! in that country live. ti:arry and rear healthy children upon an income, which even when tbe wife work, 1 rarely above sixf cents a week. , Over one-balf tlie trees struck by lightning are populars. From this fact scientists conclude that the pop ular has B'ime value as a cood'icton of lightning. Therefore agricult uralists are advised to plant theso trees in tbe vicinity of the farm buildings. Nothing is spent for fuel by the Maories of ?'ew Zealand. They cook their potatoes and other vegetable In volcanic" beat. There are a few volcmoog in Nc Zealand, aod some of th? Maorles live up In the mount ains neir them. They make tho, volcanoes serve as cooking stoves There is something so disagreeable to mice In the soil of one of the Islands In St. Magus Hay, on tbe west side of Shetland, that the little) pests cannot exist there. To test) the truth of this statement, several mice, at arlovs times, were takeo there, but the soli proved so uncon genial that they soon died. Mow's This I We offer One I Inn I red Hollars Howard for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by' Hall's t'atarrh ( urn. K. J. f'HKMK V & CO., Trops Toledo, 0. We the linderslaned have known K. J. Cheney for the last Ml years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fifwn clall) able lo carry out any onl taxation mad by their firm. Wkht i Till' AX. Wholesale Dniji lsts, Toledo, O. W i.oi Nil. Kinnam a Makvis, Wholesale lirugirlsta, Toledo. U. Hah") Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, aetlnc directly iikhi the blond and mucous surfaces of the tem. Price per bottle, Mold byaU lni((lM. Testimonial free. Mall's Family I'llls art tb beat. D. RIDGEWU HiNDRICKS UvrltSMSt Stcartttea, 40 Wall St. N. y. Makes a speciality of (aamntaed ( per cent sloeka, suitable lor administrators I lacutors andM'rimt Kunds, Writ for par-llrulars. a j. i j. .a . a GOOD Short Qtorie$ At a dinner of Federated Women in St. I'ani, the other day, one of the gentle sex, responding to t lie toast, 'The Ideal Man," said: "Man is the paragon of animals. On his own ground he surpasses the lion In mag jianiniity. the l'ox in acumen, the par rot in repartee, the monkey In versa tility, the ant Jn thrift, the tisb In self control, the spider In all that goes to make up a valued member of society. I dart; say that. If all tin; facts were known, man Is more of an absolute Kticeess thau the mule!" An amusing liiKtiince of a minister stumbling on a text of a humorous personal application Is that related of a widower, who had remarried within a year after his first wife's death. J I Is friends and congregation thought him very exiH-dilious, and on t lie next Sunday, when his text was announced, they could scarcely control themselves, lie rose In his place In his pulpit and Isaid: "My beloved brethren! You will find my text In the sevciitei-tith verse of the fourth chapter of Second Corinthians. 'Our light ttlllictiou, which Is for the moment.' " Wirt Cerrare, In his volume on "Oreater ltussla," says that In the Czar's country one may not call an other a fool there Is a Scriptural in junction against that, and it Is coiish qttontly a legal offense, too. Not long ago, a "vlut" player called ibis partner a fool for needlessly trumping their trick. The offended man brought lib? accuser before the court. The culprit pleaded provocation, and, knowing that the judge would be a passionate follower of the national game, explain ed the matter In detail. The judge be came Interested; got excited us the particulars of the play were given. "I took the trick with my queen, and, In stead of throwing away, my partner played the king!" shouted the abuser. "The fool!" said tbe judge; "ah-hem next case." On the day of ex -President Cleve land's first Inauguration in AViwliing ton, D. C, the late Thomas P. Ochil tree took a cab to go to the Capitol. The driver was drunk, and the horse Van away. "Tom" was thrown out and go severely Injured that he was on crutches for more than a year. He sued the Pennsylvania ltallroad Com pany, which owned tbe cab, for $'J0,(HK) damages. Ills friends Jocularly In sisted that he would cling to those .crutches until the suit was decided. .Meanwhile he went to a Clover Club dinner In Philadelphia, and, being called on to speak, arose to respond, with no crutches in sight As soon as he uttered the words, "Mr. President," Mr. Posiieihviaite. of the Pennsylva nia Hailroad, cue of the brightest fel lows In the club, sang out: "Colonel Ochiltree, where are your crutches." It was enough to floor most men, but "Tom" was equal to the emergency. Quick as a flash came Ibis answer: "Under the table, sir, where yon will he In a few minutes." Mr. I'ostle thwalte Joined as heartily as anybody In the laugh following this knock down blow. THERE'S MILLIONS IN IT. Original Colonel Sellers Llveft nnd Flnurlehed Down In Missouri. One bears, almost annually, of some person "who was Mark Twain's ln frplratlon" for the famous character of Colonel Mullbery Sellers that wonder ful optimist who has delighted two generations, taught tbe lesson of human kindness and loving charity as It was never taught by mortal man, and given mingled happiness and mer riment to untold thousands of our time. Just how many persons have received this enviable distinction we shall not undertake to say. Tbey are innumer able by this time and we shrink from the task of assorting and classifying them with anything like care. Indeed, wo are relieved of that laborious and futile undertaking by tbe sure knowl edge that Mark Twain had originally In mind the late Thouuis A. Harris, of Pt-wt-e Valley, Ky., some fifteen or twenty miles to the north of Louis ville. (Jeiieral Harris was a Mlssourian a man of travel, education, wide experi ence, indomitable courage and engag ing maimers, anil appearance. (lifted far beyond ordinary men In brains, address and noble Instincts, he was believed In private, successful In af fairs, admired, revqioctod and confided 'in by nil who knew hhn. He made millions like a genius and spent them like a prince. He was a soldier, a poet, an orator, a bold and shrewd speculator. No one ever lost a ilolhtr through trusting him. His failures and disappointments touched blmsclf lone. Mark Twain knew him well in tho old days before (he civil war; thrilled responsive to his sublime con ceptions and the alluring eloquence with which he gave them slnqx- aud snhsrarx-e; reeogidzed Ids fine char acter, his noble purpose, his chlvalrlc soul, felt the full charm of his amaz ing personality. And Mark Twain In painting Colonel Mullbery Hellers merely utilized the pathos and Hie humor nnd the splendid and beautiful Ixnievolence of the man's unique and irrlllant nature. i Bewitor Vest remembers dear old Tom Harris. It was he who' In the fall of when Price was besieging Ijcxlngton, Mo and when all efforts failed to, dislodge Mulligan and his Immortal "Chicago Brigade," cnncelv d the expedient of tbe hemp hulas aud 1 put the confederate army behind them, rolling the movable breastworks up the hill and over the union fortifica tions to victory. Put for Harris gen-; ius Lexington would never bave been taken. Thrice the force that Price had at bis command could not have suc cessfully tjtormid that formidable height. A year or so later, Harris was in Richmond sx-eklng a comrinu 1. 1 While there, he fell out of a fourth- story window, ullghling. face down ! ward, on a pile of bricks. Vest said ! of It, afterward: "It would bave killed a snow bird." In Harris' ease, til r r I was only a nose f-plit right down the I middle, and a war which everyb'Ki.v ! thought had bi-en made by a sabT in some desperate haiid-to-band conflict with a lialed foe. Harris wits always the kind and courteous and clear-handed gentleman. He loved his fellow man. He was ready to share his hist dollar with anyone who seemed to be In stress or sorrow. Oreat thought Issued fr m his fruitful mind. Prodlgloi s Rcln-ints and enterprises wire the child. en of his Intellect. Untold millions, In which he had no share, have been the creatures of bis light, suave suggestions. Ho never wroiigid man or woman. He was incapable of deceit or pretense Put when be talked all men listcnic Out of the crumbs of his opulent sug gestion others gathered fame and for tune. And he died p:or! He b:;d mado, many men rich. He had distributed succor, hope, encouragement, as the sower flings his seed. Put he always saw- tbe bread upon the water and lie never lost bis faith in man. Ht was Mark Twain's Kellers. Washing ton Post. EVER DESCRIBE YOUR HUBBY 1 If Not, Try It Kometime on the News Man. The man at the news stands might know. Mrs. a( Million hovered uncer tainly around the pictorial exhibit, try ing to screw up a suddenly waning courage and then found voice to say engagingly: "I am looking for my husband." "What did you say, lady?" The man stopptd in his work of sorting papers. "I'm looking for my husband. He's been waiting for me here for a long time with a party hut he's gone now. I th'iught perhaps he had left some nuage here with you." "What kind of looking man was he?" asked the news clerk. He leaned for ward coin pan iomibly. "He he's tall, and clean shaven, with a light overcoat, and blue eyes nnd " She groped around for som. distinguishing characteristic to elicit a gleam of response "a square chin with a dimple In It." She felt her own fatuousness. ."You you'd know him if you saw him." The clerk turned to a lioy who had appeared behind the counter. "Did you see a man with a light overcoat, and " a spasm passed over his face "and a dimple In his chin? Did he leave any mes-sage here?" Mrs. (ilhbons felt hotly that he was laugh ing at her, although he looked Impas sive, i '"Saw," said the boy, "he didn't leave no message with me," He added on reflect Ion. "I ain't seen no one hang ing 'round but a chunky feller with a black mustache." "lie hasn't seen anyone but a stout man with a black mustache," reported the clerk otllclally, while two pairs of eyes stared at her In a disconcerting manner. McClure's Magazine. Too Strenuous a Life. A wcll-drtssed lad, the son of wealthy parents, recently decided It would be quite manly to earn a few coppers for himself by selling dally papers. He stopped a tattered news boy In the street, and said to him: "Do you think I. should be able to earn money as you do if I bought some papers and came to this corner to sell them?" "Why do you want to soil papera?" "I'm tired of being Idle." "Well," said the philosophic little newwboy, with a serious air, "d'yer think you can hold thirty-six papers in one hand, lick three or four boys big germ) yerwdf with the other hand, while yer keeps two more off with yer feet, and yells 'Evenln' News' all the time?" "Xn-o, I don't," replied the well dressed boy. "Then ye are no good In the news boy biz," replied the tattered philoso pher. "You'd better get yer people to 'prentice yer to sometliln' light!" Hhe Was Helpless Mrs. Smith I hate to mention It, Mr.s. Prown, but I wish you'd keep your Charley ofT my fence. Mrs. Prown I suppose ho does an noy you. Mrs. Smith, but what am I to do? We have no fence at our house, you know. Poston Transcript C'hantjnd His Methods. Wantanno Has Sorehead anything to say about his defeat? Duzno No, Indeed. He never did have anything to say, but since the nomination he has adopted the less noisy way of saying nothing. Balti more American. Just Itefore the Hat tie. "I shall .never speak to you again!" exclaimed the- angry wife. "My dear," calmly queried the other half of the matrimonial combine, "what have I done to merit this unex pected bliss?" A Far Cry. Miss Pnssay When I wns lfi papa gave me tho ctitest little diamond ring you ever saw, nnd Miss Kpeltz -(jraclousl What n mom oaf you have! Philadelphia Press. Heated Glows Tor Moiormcn Klectrlcally heated gloves and shnor arc proposed for tuotoruieu. r?.tf ' $feA 1 0 Miss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit Amateur Art Association, tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. " Beam Jltts. Pinkiiam: T can conscientiously recommend Lydla E. flnkliain's Vegetable Compound to those oi my sinters suffering with fernahi. weakness and the troubles which so often befall -women. I suf fered for months with general weakness, and felt so weary that I had hard work to keep up. I had shooting' pains, and was utterly miserable. In my distress I was advised to use Lydia 11. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it was a red letter day to ine when 1 took the first dose, for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was a changed woman, perfectly well in every resjiect. I felt so elated and happy that I want all women who suffer to get well as I did." Miss Guila Gahnos, 359 Jones St., Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association. It Is clearly shown in this younjr lady's letter that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will certainly cure the suffer infra of women; and when ono considers that Miss Gannon's letter la only one of the countless hundreds which we are continually struation, and was not able to work. Your medicine has cured me of my trouble. I felt relieved after taking one bottle. I know of no med-' icine as good as yours for female troubles." Miss Editii Cboss, 169. Water Street, Haverhill, Mass Remember, Mrs. Pinkham's advice is free, and all sick women are foolish if they do not ask for it. No other person has such vast experience, and has helped so many women. Write to-day. $5000 FORFEIT I' wo cannot forthwith produce the orltfrml letters and signatures ot at0? toaumouials, wliich will pruvt, tle-ll aks.ilute genuineness. Ljiiia li. 1-lukbaui Muuiuiu Co., Ljniw Xaad The tachclor editor of a weekly p;tpnr in Melbourne offers himself a prize .to the woman who writes the best essay on the duties of a wife. The smallest range of 'eniperaiure Is in Surlnun, Dutch Guiana. In summer ttie average is 73 degrees, jand in winter only one-balf of a de gree less. "Anxious Heart'1 writes the globe for rules to be observed vhen one goes visiting. We know but ODe: Don't gu visiting. H4i 10.010 AL Is now used throughout the United States In the treatment of bog cholera, swine plague, crot diseases, corn stalk disease, pink eye, foot and mouth disease, scurvy, mange, Texas itch scabs and all germ dis eases of domestic animals. lepnltel InOliy rfit.mnl flunk nf Vwk, N.b.,ssl (inn (( She. iln Stnte lisnk, MieMmi, I n l , lie p ilil to $ 1 lU.VIU an rone finding- any f Iil, following M-aumouitits not . genuine. n :i li M n i: ! ll St. I'aiil, Neb. April 9, '03. hntloniil MedloslCo. Oenllerei'ti : This is to certify that I have used Liquid Koal Utr ersril dicne In cattle and believe It to De a rare for this dlnrs'e Irom the experiments I have male, bill be lieve ll ouirht to he used when tne animal Is first taken with the disease. And for a lice killer It can't be heat by anything I know of. Yours respectfully. W, I.. I.ITTI.K. Seward, Net)., pro. 6, V.m. Liquid Koal, manufactured and sold bv National Medirai Co., York, Neb , If, a ne cessity to any farmers raising stock Several instances of tlnetSckenry have come under my personal notice. JOHN MAKVKV, Ks-klavor, Heward. Wsnsa. Neb., Pee. 18 l'Mti. I consider Liquid Koal one of the best articles for all around purposes on the market. For mites and lice In the chicken houses and tor lice on calves and horses 1l Is the best and cheapest thing I havo ever found, Liquid Koal nuiiht lo he on eviiry farm. 01 1 AH, BKKOANIIAGER. Coleridge, Neb., Den, H, 11102. lean say that rour I.. K, is tho let In sect destroyer that I ever used. It will not Injure the exits when used on selling hnns. find It the best all around stock medi lue thsl 1 ever hsrl on the place. I advise every farmer to keep a supply on hand. U. H UKOPF. 4 I'KU'Kl One Quart Can'MI One"t,nlinn 8 no tle (inlions, per trillion S.78 A S5o 38 pugo Hook on Germ Diseases M Nll'ACTUIll:l 11 V National Medical publishing in the newspapers of his country, the great virtue of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine must be admitted by all ; and for the absolute cure of all kinds ( f female ills no substitute can possibly t:tke its place. Women should bear this important fact in mind when they go Into a druse store, and be sure, not to accept anything that is claimed to lie " ir.ft as pood as Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, tor no other medicine for female ills has made so many actual cures. How Another Young Sufferer Was Cured. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I must write and tell you what your Vegetabla Compound has done for me. I suffered' terribly even' month at time of men . On the front of a colored church in Plalnrield, K. J. there is a sign1 bearing these gentle reminders:' "Gentlemen will remove their hats on entering." Don't loaf upon the steps." No Christian gentleman will use p ofan 3 ot Indecent language! inside the eniireh. Others must not."! "Do not smoke or bring lighted cigars iut'j tbe chuicb." The highest shot tower In the world is in Vllhicb, Austria. Mullets' from the upper lev 1 fall 24!) feet. The Great. Germ and Insect Destroyer llarllnirton, Neb., Icc. 10, m. National Medical Co., Y-nk, N.-b. Ix-tir -Ir: I am a user of Liquid Koal and am well plenseil with ll. I Mould not try to 'In without it as I lin l It useful lo a great many was. 1 have had no ick li'igs since I commenced utdtig it a yeftr iitfo. In my opinion it Is the bet and cheapest hog cholera preventative on the mirkel toduv. You can use this as you wish. Anyone wishing to know more about this pfeaso writ ma. KNOOU ET.Y, Sewsra Neb., Nov. SS, 11101. To Whom It May Co.ieern: This Is lo certify that I have bought the third lot ot Liquid Koal from the Nation Medical Co , an 1 tbitis It the hestfarm de slroycr, aprctlj"r and dWtnfecismt that have ever used. I have had ccaeion tons it on two dlllerent uorecs this summer fo very severe wounds, ami found ll tne ties and chcanet remedy 1 ever tried; would not be without It on ray piac. W. B. FRANCIS. llelmont. 8. D. T have used vour L. K., and think II Is a food preventive and disinfectant. 1 used I as a nrdlc.lne for all kinds of stock and chickens. I had two cows that war sick ami would iiolcntand 1 used,L. K and It urn p.-,! Minn, i ni o jkhi iveaa ihk nuuiera preventive, and think ll la all r tabt (t. II. PATRICK. Ten Gallon Krr, per gallon a SO AH iiailam., hall liWi , per kI .... S.Sft AO Oallnii., 1 bill., pur gxl . S.OO nf Animals Sent Kree on Application. Co. .Sheldon, Iowa, York, Nab.