STOCK C350S. MJKrHH WH1 (MtlMMl ywarbcswMlse ' Hf Ml wlW. tor W T TT. EaehiM U SS if7, eaaf. every rarnier or iMMHM M wnt ad ,iyh,ir,R- counts 'M a-tvwrt ise faerr brand in TmcJoon (Mu ft !r-ultetr l e?er tlW ruew. I wry he the a;ttiti vf nwn newer for you SSGO REWARD. Ear Bir arm and etrevtt o a? party Mpniitrm steaKnif or disf'sr iirttii; ) bra .id trligtnt'Be midrriwvwl ! If. K. J.vSrKT. 60.117. oir leff htr eft!Hp of Cattle. Cow n-ty,Seb'riuki, wn left Jaw Post) (KBce. Iftwiti, WKOHGE SWAS-TN. tftle branfled r ifwre branded ion left side on left shou' ranre on Svl'llcr Creek-. Ay -.toe branded As above being estray- "ffroin nj raise, friaeoveYed by any body PV4Mivm)l me fnforwratiwit win be rewarded. Addles, Tt. KoblnHOHScnraSKa NUTTO. ,ftth -brim (led ,. saje and same on , f boraes. tfeo-soine oT thw Hor-sea branded sMe 1Bler Mnne as tfeecTlfK DHUIItl, m cm the left left shxwl- I5ress-Journal rni-RA , Ju I v 23 , 111. C. C. Btirfce, P.rrr KNTKKKD IN THE rT f'V'Klf'14 At II AK 1r0!iKK. .-fKf-fSl CLASS W.V1TKR OFFICIAL PAPER OI" SIOUX COUNTY. Gkxeral Merchants. On Dollar Per Year, lorses Brt.-iaid JOHN T. rSOW. fed on left snoul dev branded on left shoulder r-lu and Cuttle h i on lef t lde Pout fMfiee Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. J OHM A. HAN SOX ' V " i i ( thr follow- ltiKSrsiKf un eiih' er: At I so HG on caf tl and horn"- rattle on leftside nurses on I'tfS shoulder. I'.HDffe on Silver SrA-lnfm a'nd east restate line. 1'ostofflee llaTrlsmi Seti and Cat. met the' ed for the Atftfrewf, Hffrrlsen, NetrTaska. 2 SAlrftJEbKNOKl. Cattle bfndel any Where on left side of re anlrrral Range ffn Prai rie Vtig and Mon mbmJ roe (reeks. -dre.' llarfissou, Nebraka REWAKL. wlH W 00 reward for each heHct bave ' 'rl vi He's horses branded; 4JDRBW CtlKrSTlAS Catfle hTnd ed on lf side aarnff a cat and bornes branded em left slHjolrte Kame a tul ara the prpery tf Andrew ( Bri-tiat am range triUntary to Varj Tae ?jiflnSB. Addref, Kirtiev, Wyo. KHKW-ifEU Co. . .:l.... 2...,. n Ihitfh tniri04ll jrtvjr'o Toftri tiieser on EilnniriKlV , 4onviot any persoo uoluwfnHy handhrift nv of ttuid hors. W. J. A. Racm. I I J.8. TUCKER. Branded on left shonlfler o hors- nd on left ide of enttle And tnw I mi r;a;lit ide , flrra on rlgh side of cattle loo. ..Ran (re on White llrer( near Olen. Pout OIUCS adreftw, 0!n, 5etn-8Hk. HUISKKT F. NKF.CE. CailW Branded HVr-f I , J cm left Hide Knnfie o on left hip Aim rattle lira rUel ftioulder or aide. llanfre on KunnliiK Water. I, o. Address A Kate, Mebraeka. J. l.EVER. f'af tie brand ed s.aine a that oft rot, either .eft hip or on (eft Hhoaldrr. Ilorwn briiMdM! with any uf above bramln. AddreR, J. f. AsDrnKW, llarrlaon, Nebrantta. J. R. HfSTEK. Cattle brand.vlr-T-.'TCfg-.- ent, dlde, hip shonlder. .Mho a on lef t side. Right eai c!Irre! SlOO REWARD will te paid forevidenee eonviclfng aiit ooe for runninif off or in any way tampering with utock baVlnR any of tile al)Te brand or ln-and. Haneli at Andrew. Selir, A'.ldriM, Harrison Sebr. ttle bran I'twtoi-- drem. CHndroH Nebraska. 1IESRY WAKNKkP.. v i III Cattle brand ed OB left aide, banire on itnpnld Water Wl'.tli Add res llalrison, 2lebraka. A, B. KfcXSKUT. O A M. DENSLUW, Calfls branded on -iK.H wide sii.tte a eat, A-.d also I) mi 'lKla It p. KiirwM bran (e(lJH."" Thi 'oiiider of Jaw. Kantfe on W .tito River, ml the old I - lte Colrilln rrjich. V . (). Addreaa; Olen, Kcbr. BOt KliET S5. e-altk BrtMtrted K5i " K,,,llt " 11,51 1" I sjwuider P. 0. AddreM, Crawford, Nebraska. f V f t 1 .1' OCfATE HARRIS, Cattle branded M hown on left aide with over Wt an lef t ear. Range On Ran nln Water, r. 0. Addeea. Maraland. Bw. E1LJDAJI. Hflai and caA- tl branded on itber Mc, name im t. " ' iimmrn talc Cattle brand U HAtiitt as that on eot on itle er aide of animal. And tollnwlliiron leftsldo of cattle. Aad this And thin on !f t side of alia stock. on left side and hip. Hangnon Unnning Water. POst Oftlee Address, llarrlaon, KeMaslia. -CO- Im-Ifp j-onr inKcton- f wr Gonrfa few quality AtwT Prices for fairuow. Our stock af complete as anj' and we etpc ct to keep it bo. Hem fn they lfrr of PHY GOODS, SHIRTS, HATS, BOOTS SHOES,- etc., yon will fintf eterythmg in Hie latest up-to-date ptylos and pattern. GROCERIKS, frwh and of the best Cfitality, FLOUR,- GRAIN, CIJREI ilBATS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, Give us a trwiL We will try to treat yoit rJglit at all timeg. BOURRET & DAVIS CHARLESH.WEl7f.WtJ, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER IN(v Ltrmber, Uoor?, Sa?h, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kiwl AUo Wind -Mills, Tower?, Piping, PnmpH, and everything in that line. I also earry a large tock of feed, ground and unground. I make a ppfdalty of repairing Wind-mill?, Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. What About Photo's? If you appreciate good work in this line come and see some sample work oi C. B. BROWN. THE PIWTOGRAl'HEK FROM FT. ROBINSON He vill be in Harriot from July '20 to 2 ready to plear YOU- The Commercial Bank. HARRISON, NEBRASKA, DIRBCTOBS. C, F. Cotet Preeidetit. F. W.0i.abkb, Cawhier A. McGijjlet Stockmen haring for a took at thi nnt may rely o ii to lucndle their entire Hanking buincn. -We? are prepared to take tare of our trade, at all tirnestt J. H. WILHEBDORFEil, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER 411 kinds of Gold and Silver work done, liinga made to order. All 'work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. 1 JOB m a i it Bin f jj VES! Thk Press-Journal doe5 Jb Work. Urst Glass and Up-To-Date. Neat, Call in and get our prices' on Cnrd', Note lleael, Letter Heads, Envelops, etc. The Press-Journal. WISDOM Jr. A PIANO AT A NOMINA. PRICE. I ateaito-a Wtnje,t inU-1 houe, l.yon A flealy, aaaoanf-n a ( 'JeaniiK Sale ot I'ianna. TW howlif to tlie f;ut tlwtr ware focans are belnr? entirely remodeled, al hnndre.J eilcndld instruments aw offered wlttKSH reserve uutll alf an- siTi. In this stork area number at Meinway n. Knalw pianos, and new and secrmd-lMii'I pt"1"" cliallim listrmeiiif the MKiwinK well known inakin; Miller. Mason llninlbi. HaselVm, Mi riiuil, tertln, llnntlnifton, lor, KiselfT. ets r, I tih kerliiir, ete., ete. In wiur pianos thT' ar. rf 11 Itmnl l.i-trn-mnilsat, t, f. d upwards. In l'p rllit f'lai s. tiri't liii-triiim ntsiit fV, It'. tt4v.fl.', tl'-. l'.r "' fpwaMs. In llabv 4rwls some nice ns-fmen at fi'si and ointurils Nrarly all tiles- P nnos were liitended to sell tor iiiurti nxn-e than these eirinc sale. rlrf s. I .yon lUmly will s.-nd a and loll partleiilani u on iill:i cation. Any jilano not jiimlnK entirely sati-factot y may be returnee" at their ex pense. Address .yon A llealy. ' Adams M., ChleiiRo, IMslsniw Is no obstacle In laklnnc advaittiiKe of this reninrkable ehaiiee to obtain a piano, for In proportion to the aaTl.iK to ! made the freight ehartfi'S aro lnlf!ilt1ei.nt. f yt d not already know J.yon A flealy by reputation any banker will assure yon ol tbeir entire reamsiblllty and record of forty years f jr honorable deKllnx. WrlU)ht yoar early ooiivenleiwe a to avoid dls ipjtolntnient. 9 HKKI'CliKK" LIVE STOCK Co Itrnnded an left hip of Ce.ttlw on left rla-elr ot ilorsea HaliRe on Peep CreeK. ACdre, l)-ep ( 1 e k l.lve stis k l'o. J. II. Hi.hj.rt, iroremai.. ti'en, N'ebrajfkt - . 1 1 i i I. An Aathority. PetCT McArihur as onro (alhlng with a friend, wtirn ln qnoie1 an ot!ii;r man a nrniciai authority. His friend disputotl tl.o rljtlit of the per-1 Bin quoted U be connliler'M an ex pert. Mr. McArihur Insisted that tb man bad a right to speak like an oracle. "What Is yo'ir defliilHoo of an au thority?" asked htf friund. "My Idea of an authority," retort ed Mr. McArthtir, "! a person who blutla b4;youd my lirniu" New Yor Times. STALLION Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creek, 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE Wisdom Jr., Sired by im ported Clyde, Dam Reyen-eights Shirk, weight 1,500 poundp. Pbice:-5.00, to insure living colt. The money for ser vice of Stallion will be due and payable at once In caj mares are old or removed from the county. ROBERT KEEL. Jaw. RHERIFTS SALE. I y virtue of an order of sale issned by the dark ol the district court of slon t Co., Ncbraaka. a poo decree rendered In aald coort. In tavor of John WeSer plaintiff and against laidor Hlellsteln defendant, I will on the 17th dar ot Jnly, A. . IMS, at one O'clock rn the afternoon of said day, at the aat front door of tb Cwurt House of said ounty, at Harrison, Nebraska, sell at poblle auction to the hilfbest bidder for Cash in hand, the following deserllied real estate situated in said eon, ity to wit: The South-west quarter ol the Houth-West qnsr ter of Section three (J), Hooth East quarter of the Month East quarter of Section for.r ( Ij and the !ortt) half of the North West 'jnsr tcr of Metton'ken (1) In Tcra twhlp tlilrlv two ( M) Kaaire artyssia ( ) west of the -litn prlwdpai nierMnn, tosattafy said order of aale In the mm of three hundred snd nfty even dollars and tfty two cents tmiMt telar I eoel aa4 aorralntf cost. Jane ir.lh, IM. Af.fX 1lWBY, Vtarl nf Dale eonntt- THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Druija, Druggist's Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, BOORS and STATIONARY. I P. PHINNEY. Pronrietor. r Key to the Situation, Miss Flypp fat th.? rorcert) Yon ought to nee mo maulpirtaio the kcya, Mr. Tools. Mr. Touts I'laro or typwrltorT SERPENT IM CHARLES' DEN. He Was About to Propose. But a Snake Appeared on the Scene. "Leva is a KUane thing,' com mented Charles. "I'erRons ay that it endure 'till the etam grow old but I know better. There are clrcum Htar.cei which I will guarantee u erure the most anl't aflwtlon that evtr burned In a man'a heart I loved Jtoae and sh knevr It. One lovely June day we act out awheel for the woods, whlrh I thoueht would rail tipiin the ticket agent of the Norlh Western Line. I Cnoninl DoHiiodH: Excursion Rates C. A . W. HV. Epworth Ijague, Lletroit. Mich., Juljr 16th to lOlh. B. P. O. E , Biiltimore, Md., July 51 23. O. A. R. meeting", San Francisco, Autf. 17 th to 22nd. For information as to rate, dates of sale, etc., of these or other occasions,! make a fitting scene for the declara tion I was to make and her sweet consent to be mine. "Let us walk a llttlo." I BUKget;d when we reached the woodland path, padded soft with green mobs and set about with ferns and purplo violets. I took her hand. "IUiaa dear," I began. "Oh!? she shrieked, "the snake!" "Don't be frightened. 1 will kill it," I cried reassuringly. She ran to one side of the road, uttering llttlo screams, while I snatched a stick and struck at the snake. It darted up my trousers and wrlKjjled around my leg. Horribly frightened lost the ven omous reptile ahould bite me, I grabbed my trousers first In one place snd then In another, daneir.K frantically tip and down to rid my self of that awful, squirming crea ture around my Ips;. 1'resently the snake dropped its hold and slid to the ((round. With tcrrlblo energy I struck It with my slick, trembling Croksr Has Fine Racing Stable. Speaking of the racing stable of a distinguished Amerlean the London World says: "Mr. Croker bas got together a very useful stud, and It will be surprising If his colors Yale blue jacket and cap with gold tassel are not frequently seen to the front daring the next two or three years." now Will Stop Hlfta Bui 1st. A Martini rifle bullet fired ; at a distance of fifty yards will not pass through a wall of snow (our feet thick. Poisonous Atmosphere. ' One cannot survive In an atmos phere containing more than one part of carbonic acid gaa to 223 of air. iMpawSMt swa frass tialr. i.i.nrf .if ltalv at the are Knncessi ivi . , . ,. of 7 months U banning to talk. Hhe or"u scement. says ' papa" and "mamma" and her I turned to Rse. Kbe was sitting Knaiiah and Italian nurses are quar-1 on the ground, doubled up with hclp- rellng as to whether she Is speaking , laughter, Italian of English. Corel Or hi TtrvDaya. To Cnro q Cc!'J in Ono Hay Oh," she cried, tears of mirth roll- lr.g down ber cheeks, "If you bad only seen how funny you looked, dancing around, grabbing for (bat little green snake! I didn't mean to laui(h"bnt he! he! he!"sbe wiped ber eyes. I helped her on her wheel. The rest nf our ride lacked enthusiasm, and I have sever oeen to see Ituse lac. J a. i e-'i i . A, S " if -"fV Huff iv 4- i.'j "