Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 23, 1903, Image 1

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Harrison Press -Journal.
3 O. 4
local news of
Dsn Slattery is harvesting for J. W.
Take notice to Lr.
Ame's card in this
Mrs. Foot was down from the Ktfge
yesterday. '
Notice (he addition to the J. H.
a this week. ,
Dr. Amos made several professional
calls last
Jake Mitla wae 4owa from Hat Oreek
Wyo. yesterday. :
Mr. and lira. Sam Porter were visiting
in lown Sunday.
T. 0. Williams and w Jean spent
Sunday at lioite.
Ja. McOaon and wife were up from
Gilchrist Tuesday.
Mrs. Lrxzie Coffee was up from Runn
ing water Tuesday,
M. A. Baoma and wife was in from
HigWand yesterday.
J, K . Harris and wife were up frotu
Marsbnid yesterday.
Marvin Carroll caught a young coyote
t Bodsrc U.tft Wunday.
Elery Shenll wer.t jowato John Poppas
Tuesday to work for him.
R. C. Dunn becomes a reaiier of
JonofAL with thU is-me.
Jim Nolan was up from Torrington,
Wyo. the Urrt of the week.
Mr. Peter Peterson ami Mists Mary
Lecling were in to wo Monday.
Vern Hanson, tbei(rggi spent San
dav at his home i Crawford.
Gkeorge Wickersham and Win, Miiler
were up froan liodarc Monday.
Mr. Ohms. Hilrfwln's mother and sister
aad Mrs. Moravek -spent Sunday
Avith their-daughter Mrs. Anderson.
Andrew Christian and Leslie Crane
wereiown fxm Pleasant Ridu Tuesday.
M.JI. .Jay!tart was sbakingfcunds with
Jus HKHiy friends in Harrison yesterday.
J. A. Deuel was dewn from Pleasant
.Ridge yestefday and nade a pleasant
IVrt F.nrnest and wife, and Otto Wills
were dowo from Warren, Wvo. this
week. '
J. K. Arnerfrom Buw loaf pieoinct
vas doing buswiess w iDh the Co. i'lean.
Mannas Valdey. returned l-o his ranch in
Wyo. Oils week. He has i&s hay ail (i
iu tlie valley.
Miss Lizzie Parsons has been on thesiok
lisl for a few dtwrs, but we are glad to
iy sp is on tlie irwul,
1) (TUK IS O.VF.HAy.
Tiikn Jjixatlve l!io Oolnlnn tnlileti. Ml
lrl refund tlie liimiey It If lull to
rum. K. W. Iew' n,'unturi.' 1 mi ewh
Ooi. Vk.
Mrs. Delia DeisWr has tieen ijnite sick
for the past week and we have U-en un
mUeto learn wlmtlmr she is improving or
County Clerk liaum is spending this
week at htrwe. J. R. 8 irko is assisting
with the work at Ike olliot luriii his
4B head of well bred cattle; mostly she
"Mock. For particulars see C. A. Larson,
Harrison, Sobr.
For a lazy liver try Chamlierlain's
KluraMh and Liver fablels. They invig-
iV.ite l!i
Ctl Licks.
l!ie bowels and prevent bilious
For kale y All Druigists,
(ieorge UmpheBour and Aschie Da-vis
returned iroiu the Turner ranch kisl
. Friday, where they have lieif haying.
dJeorge Is now haying Tor N. L. Tip ton
mid Archie for J. E. MnrsUtller.
Cholersi Infant jm.
This bus long lieen regard 1 as one of
the most oaiiifer'MiK and fatal disounes to
which infiime nrenul'ct. Itcnti liecur
d, 'id'wevr, when "property treated. All
n hut Is n"-nesry is (o give Oinmltw
I on's ' Vilic, I :hl-ra and Marrhneii lUni
! ,nid i n "-tor oil, ns directed with each
'ile, iml i'wm Hioirtiii. FurwJe by
Mis Elsie Mill has hern quite sick for
the past week, and Ur. Ames was called
to prescribe for her last Saturday.
D. Mv Sutton and George O'Conner
returned from F. E. Jandt's Sunday
evening, where the)' Were buiiJiiig auiue
Make a note of this: Tuesday tht 29th
of July it the last day the Fort Robinson
photographer will be here to take your
Mrs. . F. Antrim returned home from
Wheatland last Monday evening wliere
she has W visiting relatives for the
pat two weeks.
The improvement that Mr. J. H. Lacy
has matte on Ms business property is a
credit to tiie town, . and is worthy of
pattern by others.
James Nelson from Adelia was doing
business at the county seat last Tuesday.
Ho informs us thai he will move to
Remington in the near future
Misses Am v and Nellie, and Mr. Jim
Christian came down from Pleasant
Ride Sunday and Anient the day at Mr.
Parsons, returning tiome iu the evening
after :hunuh.
Have you read Mr. Brown's ad on the
opposite page of this puer? He is the
photographer of Ft. ltobiusoo and comes
here with the best of recommendations
and you will he pleased to make his
There are a few of our late customers
that hav not settled tlw:ir accounts, we
would be pleased to have these come in
and settle, for we are .uixious to close up
all our accounts.
Marsteller Bros.
Thre will lie it grand ball at the hall
Friday August 14. All are invited to
attend ami have a good time. Good
music will toe furuished for tlie occassion.
E. C. Dunn.
An -English sailor was watching a
Uhirumian who wan placing axlisti of rtce
by a grave. "Wiien do you xpect your
friend to come ut and eat that?" tlie
sailor uiked. "Same time as your fi'ien'
ooute out to MiMdh-e flowers you fellow
t," retorlod Li. Rushville iUuuiur
The dttvetors of tlie Lucky Hunter
Mriing Co. recently dexiiled U)Tliis the
pine of their slmrts from 40 to -M) cnls
and set ihe oatu lor July 20t.h It has
recently "developed, t!atiuilea number
of people jxKi tetl to invest, Hut are cot
ipiita ready, and to accommodate them
it hat, lieen decided to extend tte time to
August 10th. This will lw the fcxtreine
limit at the present jrrice.
E. V. IoNTIt s, fiecy.
Notion to land owners.
To all to whom it umy concern.
The commissioner appointed to 4oi-Hte
;v roari, commeiiciiig a point where county
road So. 4 interscts the half section line
running east, west through section 21,
Twp. !!2, Range .'5, thence eust on alsiut
30 riKls, thence 112 sls Stm'.h in a cir
cuitous direction and connecting witb
said road No. 4 at apoiot on orjiboit one
fourth of a mile fruHi the pnirrt, when it
leaves said above nieotoned luUf section
line, and also to vacate that portion of
county rorul No. 4 from the point where
the proposed road connects with road No.
I to the point it intersctssaid road No. 4
as now established. And all objections
there to or claims for -damage must be
filed on or before noon August the flth
19(1!!, or said road wille established with
out reference therj to and also tlie said
vacation will be granted.
Win. J. A. Ratim.
Very RnrnRrVrible Cur of Btavrrhoea.
"About six years ago for the first time
In mv life 4nal midden and severe
attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice
Miller, of Morgan, Texas. 'l got tem
porary relief, but it -came hack again and
again, and for six long years I have suf
fered more misery and agony than I can
tell. It was worse than death. My
hiinUnd spent hundreds ofjllara for
physicians' prescriptions and treatment
without anvil, Finally we moved to
Bosque county, our preseiil home, and
oipi day I happened to je an advertise
ment of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial of
i . .i t i i... it ft...
a man wno nan iwfii en n. u
ease was so similar 10 my own maw
concluded to try tke remedy. Tho result
was ' wonderful. I ould hardly real lie
that 1 was well again, or believe Ittonld
be so after having suffered so long, bnt
that otie bot tle of medicine, costing hut a
few cents, cured e." For sale by AH
i kuygisU,
We understand that the noted cartoon
ist of tlie Little Cottonwood has got into
trouble, and will spend a time at Lincoln
where he can have the pleasure of study
ing the physiognomy of the warden of
the state penitentiary and the man that
handles the gun on the tower. To bad
to lose such ability when our county
election is so near, but such is life.
All Drufllsts Will Buy It Be-ck-
You assume no risk when you buy
Chamberlain's Colic, Cliolera and Diarr-
hoer Remdey. All Druggists will refund
your money if you are not satisfied after
using it. It is everywhere admitted to he
the most successful remedy in use for
bowel complaints and the onty one that
never fails. It is pleasant, safe and
Bids fcr Bridge.
Bids will be received for the construct
ion of a bridge across School creek oo
county road No. 22, Cottonwood pre
cinct of said Sioux county Nebraska.
Pin os and specifications are on file at tlie
county clerk's office. Rids will be re
ceived until noon, August 1st, 1403.
Win. J. A. Raura
On last Thursday evening Prof. W. C.
Phipiw was drowned in a cioud burst at
Mansfield near Ardruore, S. D. Mr.
Phipps w well known in educational
circles, and his many friends will be
sorry to hear of his sudden death. He
was a man of no small ability, and was
an independent thinker and very liberal
in his views. He was at one time princi
pal of the High School at Children and
also taught in the Academy, where he
made many friends that will mourn hiH
deatu, but such is ihe uncertainty of life
that we dare not say that one hour of the
future is ours. Mr. Phipps was one of
the owners of the Phuss-Jourkal at one
tune, and we therefore extend our heart
felt smpiUhies to the bereaved relatives
and friends; though he is not as one gone
without a hope for we found him un
ardent christiau man.
South Omaha, Nub., July 22, 1903.
Two days this week brought moderate
cattle receipts here and a slow but nearly
steady market. Chicago had liberul
receipts and a strong market. There
does not seem to be any snap to the mar
ket and buyers are very kxhilerent.
Prospects seefii to lie for a firm and
about steady market the balance rf the
week. '
We ipiole chok-e beef steers 4 HOtoH.Oa;
good 4 'id to 4 7S, warmed-up 3.75 to 4.85,
oinners and cutters 2 00 to S. 00. choice
xjrn fed cows aod .heifers 3 75 to 4.40.
Choice light stockers and feeders are
selling at 4 00 to 4.20, fair 3.7.") to 3.90,
got kI block heifers 2.50 to si.00. Pulls
150 to 4.O0. veal 3.00 to 5.50. Hog
.receipts heavy. Market strong. Range
4.10 to 5,30. Sheep market lower.
War Bonnet Topics.
The finest rain for many months visit
ed liiis locality. It just simply poured
down until we had u regular ttaoi. Old
War Bonnet was sure on the war pat h.
No damage donexcept 1 bridge washed
out at the S E.
Hilly Marking is working at the S E.
Mrs. Nels Anderson was visiting with
John Anderson and family a few days
last week.
Mr. Jobssnn had tlie iiWsfortune to
have his team run ir with a load of
hay. He was on the load anid ns they
ran along a wire fence the load tiped
over and threw him in the fence, thence
to the ground. The doctor was called
and it was 'mind he had a nib broke and
lis shoulder dislocated. He ih getting
along nice at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow called to see Mr.
Johnson Sunday, a-nd their little son and
daughter attended our S. S.
Arthur Dunn returned home after a
short trio to Chadron and around. He
didn't like canvassing,
Mrs. Dunn had the misfortune to cut
one of her fingers on a tin can, and it has
proved to be very painful. Such things
sometimes, if neglected, result in the
loss of a finger or hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt and Mr. Hoyt's
father of Chicago, stayed all nigtit at tlie
8 E last Thursday night.
I attended the ice 'cream social and
entertainment at Harrison and must say
it was fine. All seemed to enjoy thetn-
ves. The Royal Neighbors never do
things by halves, as you nil know.
Mr. Robt. Keel lost a cow last week;
he thmks perhaps shn was struck by
ghtning In the recent storm.
Mrs. Scott visited with M,-s. Keel one
day lust week.
Mr. Paul Ztrlsit was out turning his
rye shocks hist Sunday forenoon, Now
this don't count for Mr. Zerlmt. because
you kaowif anything Is going to destruc
tion it is right to save it.
H. S. next Sunday as usual at 2 P. M.
("uuie one and all,
W. L. lloyt's lather left for his home
at Elburo, 111. Tuesday evening.
Charlie Thomas and family are down
from Old Woman creek this week.
Miss Ida Moravek, who had her collar
bone broken some time ago, had it hurt
over again this week, and it will probab
ly cause her some pain for a while.
no man or woman in the state will
hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets after once
trying them. They always produce a
pleasant movement of the bowers; im
prove the appetite and strengthen the
digestion. For sale by All Druggists.
Death of J.W. Hunter-
A message was received Tuesday from
tlie chief of police at Syracuse, N. Y.,
stateing that J. W. Hunter was killed at
that place, but we have not been able to
learn how his death came about. Mr.
Hunter left Harrit-on last Thursday night
for a visit to relatives in the east, and
intended to extend his visit to his old
home at Nova Scotia, but sad to sav he
never reached his destination.
Will g'ive particulars of his death next
The Rev. Robert E- Lee Craig, Epis
copal minister of Omalia, while out in
central Nebraska holding past Lenten
services and baptizing some huhies, was
arrested for shooting 21 meadow larks.
Ue was fined $ 110. 00.
He stole a summer song, dear.
This godly man or mark,
He made tlie springday silent,
He killed a meadow lark.
The plowman in the morn, dear,
WjH ruitK the dawn-tipped wings,
That soaring upward taught him
To tlii ok of nobler things.
And the children off to school, dear,
Acrotw tlie frtsh-turoed sod,
Will seek in vain the songster
That kept them close to God.
And all Ihe summer lorg, dear.
Each day wben it is done,
We'll woniier who to-morrow
Will welcome up the win.
For iie is dead and cold, dear,
Our little meadow lark,
A d lie sa ng a song of lore to
That godjy uiao of mark. Don Adamf
Crawford Huiietid.
Hunter Happenings.
Lots of sunsluoe iu Hunter now,
Mrs. Frank Lewis is getting able ta be
around again.
Mr. George Harvey is now working on
the section lor Mr. ) 'eSoniber.
Mr. arid Mrs. W. T. Jones were Harri
son visitors Saturday.
Mrs. iJieser and Miss Maiiei Wameke
visited in Hunter Sunday.
Mr. Oscar Ward and son were in Hunt
er Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis visited East
Hunter Sunday.
George Harvey spent Sunday at Oraw
Jord. He returned Monday.
.Mrs, C. Chnsteusen was a Harrison
visitor Monday.
Clara Christensen came home Friday
evening. She lias been visiting her sjnt,
Mrs O. Ward.
Mr. Bert Archard and family are stav
ing with Hagermans' until they gut a
tetit, and they expect to stay here. That
shows that they hi e Hunter belter than
v Bouquet.
In Wyoming. ?
Mr. and Mrs. Quill and lannJy, of the
Lusk Herald, were pleasant callers on
last Sunday.
Jaok Krisler, of Springfield, was look
ing after his horses in this part laat week.
O. U. Jennings sold his rye crop in the
field far six dollars an acre.
Quite a uumber of the neighbors had
their cattle dipped in Andrew Christian's
vat on last Monday, He is now using
the lime and sulphur lip, recommended
by the government, and prepared accord
ing to Instructions. :
Little Mela Christiau is visiting At the
home of Rev, and Airs. Hortoii in Harri
son Ibm week.
Miss Bertha Thorn son was the fewest
of Misses Amy and Florence Christian on
last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Muriihy were sight
j seeing ifi Harrison last Saturday..
I Mrs. Hial Church was taken quite sick
on last Saturday night and Dr, Ames f
Harrison was called, who flroaounned it
neuralgia of the elomach.
While James Christian was on his wy
to Lusk one Jay laat wenk, wiMi .a our
W. 11. 1 Ha vis is moving into town
Lore to buy good goods at the lowest pricp ponsjbla
and the place to do this i at
In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Come and fee us any way and be social."
horse load of grain, he met with a mis
hap that came nearly costing him a leg.
While going down a hill the sack of
grain on which be was sitting rolled off
in front of the wagon taking Jim along
with it. Both wheels on that side passed
over his leg and the sack. No doubt
that if the sack had not protected his leg
it would have been badly crushed. As
it was he was lame for a few days.
J. J. ZuaiBrunneii lias lieen suffering
with granulated sore eyes for a week or
James Deuel was quit sick Hie first of
lat week, but was able to be out on
Say Mister, did you know tliAt we had
a regular old Kaw Valley rain on hist
Thursday afternoon? Well we did. It
wajtn't a gentle sizzle soz.le, but
regular iiarum sKarum rain, sued as we
reaJ of in Noah's time. In five minutes
time tlie ground was covered an inch or
more, even the hill sides were covered
with a sheet of running water. At (ires
ent every blowout, buffalo wallow and
depression, is a small lake of totwls and
frogs pouring out their discordant notes
on the night air.
After the rains had ceased and the
waters had receded, the grass hopper.-,
and potato bugs were as numerous, as
We captured a kissing bug or some
other kind t a humbug, a few evenings
ago, and not beisg able to read its brand
sent it to Ine state entomohigist, to have
it named and the brand recorded.
The W.O. W's will give an k:e cream
r.ocial at their hal! on Thursday night
July 30. A programme is being prepar
ed and a general good time is assured
Every body is invited, so come one, come
all, both great and small, and help the
Woodmen paint their hall.
Lo Wilson was digging post boles on I
last Saturday and reported the ground as
being wet to tliedeptu of 18 to 20 incites.
Adelia Happenings.
Hello! here lcome again, as it is so
long since I seen any Adelia New s.
will send a few items to show the Adelia
folks are still alive.
Quite a cyclone "passed through this
vioiiit3'. It tore down .mine telegraph
poies east of Adelia, so they could not
seed messages to Crawford. A. P.
Rosenborg had hauled in a large stack of
rye and it tore it down, and tore down
the corral fence, and he came npar being
killed by a flying board, and the news
came from Main-field that there wasijuite
a flood, it washed out about one
mile of track un three bridges. One
man was d'ownded itcauie so sudden.
The High Society people of Adelia had
a "dance at M. D. Jordan's flora Friday
night July 17th, I do not know if they
enjoyed themselves as I did not attend,
bnt heard there was a small attendance.
Reward ($500.), five hundred dollars
rewafd is offered to the partv or parties
who can catch and convict the party or
parties injuring or killing iy stock or
property. A. 1'. Kosenburg,
There was preaching July 12th, after
S. S. was over, by Mr, Zimmerman.
The preaching was good and we would
like to huvebini comeoftener if possible.
S. S, is progressing nicely. Let the good
work go on.
ioe Handsoiegcl of Crawford is here at j
present w ith la's grading out ill. They
are going to make a longer side I rack.
There were some Gering rancluna
passed through here last woek, plowing
tire guards for the B. &. M. tt. R.
A. P. Rosen burg has lost several .baud
of cattle lately, but have -not lieen able
to find out the -cause of tneir death, but
P. P. Rosenburg found one of his dead,
last Saturday. Its death was caused by
a bullet. If the party who done thodirty
trick is caught he will be punished to the
full extent of the law.
"The Thoun."
On last Saturday a deal was ('(insinuat
ed, whereby Peter Allison tiecomi'S the
owner of the Ben Moore ranch and stock 1
. i ....
consideration was thirty thousand
4e liars.
J. A. AMES, M. 1).
Pl ysiciaii suid Snrwon.
All calls given prompt attention.
Office at ' Vmiircrcial Hotel
or Drug Si ore.
!IA1:ttlSO" - NKliKASKA
We have our building completed nov
and have a new supply of goods, and wi(i
sell tliem right.
Lumber, lath, sash, doors,
lime, cement, .and building
material of all kinds.
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and
Range good hi.
Flour, Feed, and Grain.
Paint, Oils & etc.
I am agent fr the Wood
manse wind-mill. Have a
supply of pump fittings on
hand. Come in and get my
price whether you buy or
,7 "-s -
Railroad between Missouri ILivcr and
Dlrect Itneto St. Paul Minneapolis.
Diroci Line to Black Hills.
Apply ta nearest etgent for rates, mar
and tim cards.
West Bound.
No. 13, Due (-.:;
No. H3, loc. frt. 10.
Eist Hound.
No. 1-1. i hie S:l
No. u4 loc. frt. ::;
mjW8& waste
Carlyle and Sir Henry Parkts.
Forty years ago Sir Henry Parucs.
the Australian statesman, went to
England to lecture through the oun
try In support of emigration. Purac
bent Hn lnti-odiicilon from Gavnu I.'ii!'
fy to Thomas Carlyle mid was priiii.pt
ly Invited to Chelsea "to a f'cil."
Parkfs put on his bust clothes fur
the oiraslun, went to Clvynewalk ar.d
was treated to some strong lea and
coarso (in'cnko. T'ncn Carlylu kicked
off his hoofs, squatted on tho floor
with his Mck against the wall, lit
a rough blnck plpn and begnn to a:ik
tho I rock-coated and nerveimiy priu'
rolonlKt how he liked tin Mugii lift
In Australia and whoCicr the siaU '
were as bad as I'Tpy tnsde out. IVvl.t
' "afl n,Rnl (,r l,,u De ' '
revenge the next, day by sending i.e.
lyle a copy of his book, 'Murtiiuri ('.f
tho Stream" which tbo wu Bcv-ackuowleiUed.
x y
"V '1
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