J x r 'Bcund to Gat There 'Don't you think," said the gen erous minded man, "that you would feel more kindly toward your political rival it you could imagine yourself la bis place? My dear sir, answered tbe ener getic gentleman, "mere Imagination won't do. I'm goinjr. to put myself in bis place if it can be managed, lie has one of tbe best places in tbe government service." Give Warning of Approach of Hore Serious Trouble. Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness, alternating nth rt tenw irritability, bordering upon hysteria? Are your spirits easily alTe:U-d so that one minute you laugh, and the next fall into con vulsive weeping? Do you fuelsoniething like a ball rising in your throat and threaten Ing to clio.ee you; all the nouses perverted, morbidly sensitive to light and mn-l; pain in the ovaries, and especially between the shoulders; Koinetim.rs loss of voice; nervous dyspepsia, and almost continually cross and snappy, with a tendency to cry at th least provocation ? It so your nerves arc in a shattered condition, and you are threat ened with nervous prostration. Undoubtedly you do not know it, but in nine rases out of ten this is caused by some uterine disorder, and the nerves centering in and about the organs which mak- you a woman influence your entire nervous system, bomethiiig must lie done at once to restore their natural conditioner you will be prostrated for weeks and months perhaps, and suffer untold misery. I 'roof is monumental that nothing in the world is better for this purpose than L.vdin K. IMnkliaiii's Vegetable Compound; thou anus and thousands of women have written us bo. How firs. Holland, of Philadelphia, suffered amon?; the finest physicians in the country, none of whom could help her finally cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. u Dkab Mrs. I'inkham : For over two years I was a ronstant suf ferer from extreme nervousness, indigestion.and dizziness. Menstruation was irregular, had backache and a feeling of great lassitude and weak ness. I was so bad that I was not able to do my own work or go far in the street I could not sleep nights. "I tried several splendid doctors, but they gave me no relief. After taking Lydia K. IMrikliuiu's Vegetable Compound I 800n began to feel better, and was able to go out and not feel as if I would fall at' every step. I continued to take the medicine until cured. "Icaimnt say enough in In-half of Lydia E. I'inkliam's medicine, and heartily recommend all suffering women to trv it and find the relief I did." Mrs. Florence Holland, 022 S. Clifton tit- Iliila delphia, Pa. (Jan. 0, VM2.) s Another case of severe female trouble cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, aftr the doctors had failed. "Dear Mas. Pinkham: I was in ior health for several years. I h.vl female trouble and was not able to do housework alone. I felt tired, very nervous, and could not sleep. 1 doctored with several doctors. They doctored me for my Moinach, but did not relieve me. I read in your book about your medicine, and thought I would try it. I did so, and am now eurea and able to do my work alone, and feel food. I was always very poor, but now weigh one hundred and fifty pounds. " I thank you for the relief I have obtained, and I hope that every woman troubled with female weakness will give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. I have recommended it to many of my friends." Mrs. Maria Bowers, Millersville, Ohio. (Aug. 16, 1801.) Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by I.ydU K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ronriace all of the virtue of this medicine? How shall the faet that It will help them be made plain ? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick. and diseonr ffftd, exhausted with each day's work. You have some deransr went of the feminine organism, and Lydia E. Pinkham's VefetaMa Compound will help you just as sorely as It has ethers. DO YOU WANT YOUR MONEY TO EARN. 7 PER CENT INTEREST PER ANNUM Write me for parMculert of e safe. Hmrfl Invent Vint paying seven per cent nn amount of one hundred alien or mere. BMi SKCBHENCKM. w. M. HOKE. York, Penne. For Aged People. Bellflower, Mo., July 6. Mr. G. V. Bohrer of this place has written an open letter to the old men and women of tbe country, arivltrlng them to use Iodd'g Kidney Pills as a remedy for those forms of Kidney Trouble so com mon among the aged. Mr. Bohrer says: "I suffered myself for years with my Kidneys and urirmry orgnns. I was tiliHged to get. up as nmny as seven or eight times during thp night. "I tried many things with no suc cess, till I saw one of Dodd's Almanacs and read of what Dodd's Kidney Tills were doing for old people.' "I bought two boxes from onr drug gist and begun to use them st once. In a very short time I was well. This Is over a year ago, and my trouble has not returned, so that 1 know my cure was a good, genuine, permanent one. 1 beltere Dodd's Kidney Pills are a splendid medicine for old people or anyone suffering with Kidney and urinary troublea, for although I am 81 years of age, they have made me well." I A Yale Test An exchange tells this st"ry cf a Yale senior, who had Just jrroposed ! to a young lady. "Yes. 1 will be yours on one con dition'. "That's all right,' he, unabashed, responded, "I entered Yale with six." I find Piso'a Cure for Consumption the best medicine ffir rronpy children. M rs. F. Callahan, 114 Hall street, Parkers burg, W. Vs., April IS, 1901. The new Spanish king may as well make up Lis mind to .spend the next fifty years watching for anarchists. If Cub.i find that it cannot get along without A guardian. Mr. l'alma knitv this ostlon's telephone num ber. The extravagance which buys what It docs not need soon comes to be 'the poverty which needs what It can not buy. laid Hlt All till l'ti. LJ eat Coue-b B;rup. mm ir.l. Lee rj tN.N.U. 779-28. YORK, NEB. A Brooklyn roan objects to a roe mnrlal park Id Plymouth square io honor cf Henry Waid Heeofier for tbe miS'in that he was net a man of na tional reputation. A lot of o!d sub scribers would like to know who It was that made Brooklyn famous. Some pecple get rw.st excited when talking about nothing. A wise man is slow about giving advice. So is a fool about taking it. A gi.od many people of kindly dis position have grown very weary of Carrie Nation. Too much must not be expected of Cuba for a season. Give the little renuilc a chance. Schemes which looked like less work and mors money have spoiled The Part He rook .College President: "So you confess that the unfurtunate yoiiDg man was carried to the pump and there drenched with water. Now Mr. Sop., what Dait did you take In this dis graceful affair';".' Undergraduate meekly: "The left leg sir." Ask Yonr Denier for Alien' Foot Ka, A powder to shake into your ahoe. It rests the feet. Core Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Calloua, Aching,' Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nail. Alltn'a Koot-Eaae makes new er tight ahoea eaay. Sold by all druggiete and hoe atorei. 25c. .Sample mail FREE. aaaraaa Alien . Uimated. La Rear. N. J. Well, cook, and what did you tbink of it?" "Why, mum. she sang beautiful just as if she was a-gargHng." 100 Itewerd, Bine. The readers of thla paper will he pleaaod la learn thai then la at lead oae treaded disease that KlMM-e ka keeo able le enre hi a'l Ik states, aad UuU ta Catarrh. Hall'i tauarrb tsir la ui aely mHn rare know le tae BMeUral fraternity. Catarrh Ml a ceestltnrlaaal nhv ease. reottlre a reaatltutlenal tree tan eat. Han" Catarrh Cure la taken lateraally, eeMag dtreetly on tli Meed aad Buoaua surteeea f the eyetera. thereby dentrwylag the feaaeanaa ef She dh eaae, aavd (tnac Ike aeOeat atreagUi ky keriHlat up la roniOtuBea im eealatliic Benr la ieeag la warli. Tim eroprletefi bat ea atoca falta hi It curtUr nwra lk4 Uiey ef w One laaalree Dollar far any Diet It fall le euro. Bead for lltt ef leeflmonlait. AMrrmn. T. J. CHENEY fe 00, Taterta, o CRAZE FOR NOVEL READINQ. aabllehor Thlake "Literary" Coareeo Drive Many o It. "It is a bad day for tbe publisher when the book buyer begins to read," Is the epigram of a New York publish er. The author of the epigram dis cussed In the Times the Increase cf novel reading nud its effect upon the demand for books other than fiction. Only within the last ten years, he said, had the Kroit demand for Action been the most striking fact of the pulillsh- Ing and h xik-w Ming btislmwa Ing hi fore t!if t'rne ..net Ion had. .beeonie the most Important item in the United States, but never before bad so many successful novels been published. He set down tbe Increased circula tion of novels to tbe growth In popula tion, wealth and education, and was hardly Inclined to allow a suggestion that on the average the quality of tic: tion had greatly Improved within twenty or twenty-five years. Never before was the financial success of novelists so much talked about and written about, and the efT-ct was to stimulate novel writing. Not only are there more novels than ever before published, but there are vasMy more than ever before rejected by the pub lishers. It was doubtful, the pub!ihT thought, whether the increase in the reading of fiction had leswened the read ing In other departments of literature. Many of the new readers of fiction are persons who would read nothing else, and lovers of poetry, criticism, hlntorj; and biography have not been drawn away from their favorite subjects by the fact that unknown young men and women write novels that sell by th.i hnudreds of thousands. A large par! of the morTt Intelligent and cultivated readers gives very little time to new fiction. The fact that the colleges and universities are giving more attention; to the study of fiction as a Hturary manifestation has given fiction an lm ports nee that It did not once have. Another thing that the colleges ari dolnff, the ptibllNher thought, had less, encd the rending of books proper to literature that is, the requirement that students preparing for collegii shall rend and study by way of tank masterpieces of literature which mof such young persons In the natural course of their development would no! reach fur years after they had finished their preparatory course. The effect was t1) drive many such students away from literature, and make It hateful In them because they associated It with a distasteful tank. Dottlitlesw many such young lien and women fieri joyfully from the cIskhIcs of the language ti the lightest and mot ephemeral of modern novels. Beyond Him "Captain," exclaimed tbe rich philanthropist, io a burst of gen erosity "I want to do something to assist you in your noble work. What shall It be?'" "Well", said tbe captain of the Salvation Anny company, his honest face flushing with pleasure "any little gift of money would be accept able, of rotse but what we most need is a comet player that can reach F with ut making a squawk of it.'', RELIC OF SHAKESPEARE IS SOLD EOR A HIGH PRICE Sola by Druattt. rte. Hall Falnlij nil. are the bet Mri. Wlnalow'a SOOTHING SIRUP for ehll dr.ii teething, infiene the cuma, reduer fHa nalloo, lllajipeln eure colic. Pi Ice 25e bottle the lives of a multitude. Some people glee the Impression that they are wound op and can't stop til! they run down. Your breakfast will prove more sat isfying if you put In an hour of the curly morning killing weeds, S'irne peoole still write it "preven tative." There is no men word in the language of our common country. From the wsr Jolntlstsdreearrvlou on In Topeka it looks as though Car rie Nation would have it all to do over again. An Interesting Shakspearean relic recently sold In Ixindon was the arm chair made from the wood of the mul berry tree planted by Shakspeare In New Palace garden, Stratfbrd-on-Avon Tho pedigree of the chair Is unquee tionnbly authentic, since Its history can be traced right from the time of A SIIAKF.SPKARKAN HF.LIC, ii i A rjf rir&f) X Mab v&swwin QfrssP mm ANNUAL SAD. IE (0) MO (0)0(0) ZS i BOXES Greatest inmzVfaTM . im, avmbiOAN BBAUTTES kaerp their blood pom, their oomptaslfM ttolt and (dear, tiwt d th.U whole bodlo. Mtive d bemltby with OtSOatRSTO Oandy ryIyTir ewractei of OAflOABHrrS ae oloanen. ud blood portflm; their """"T0, . 27 Bi boila. blotches, Urer-epoU, blawkbed and la aTWfestenl&ff m 2S2!lt? iSrJbetaown throiurh tbe kind word, of ladle, who htvre tried thesn. S!wAmJLUOV BOIB8 A MONTH The qulckefrt. froreart, wajr to beeuty ?ZllZJ tr Bood Deep. Tho f -t rule for purliytnc the blood Utokeeyp ! e.?Ta M-kDodtiTery. OASOARrri Candy Oathartlo are tho only mtUm nT" ?TJZ 1 Qrl aoToOa Never eold in bu k. Tbsfronalne tablet Btampeyd OOa " ' m . riinirHmdvCu-Ci:iettzo oriffmTork. BB i m& booklet Bee. - the famous tree being cut down to the present day. It formerly occupied an honored place In the "Stratford Arms," Stratford. When tbe proprietor died, In 1S45, It passed Into the possession of his daughter, then to that daiigh ter's niece, by whom It was for some time exhibited in Sheffield public mil senm, Weston Pnrk. At tie sals this relic was sold for J7."0. A School hoy's Mialake. In a public school In the northwest section of Philadelphia It Is the cus tom for the supervising principal to receive "Cood morning" and "Good afternoon" from the pupils on enter ing and leaving the school. It was ratter repulsive for one boy, who evaded the custom. as often as possl ble. One Friday afternoon he saluted the principal with this startling fare well, "Go to the devil," professor," and ran out of the school. The professor became very angry over the affair and thought over several plans of punish ment to mete out on the following Monday morning. Monday morning came, and with It the boy, who sat on bench outside the classroom. When the professor appeared he began ta cry, end loudly exclaimed: "Ob, pro fessor, don't eipel me; we were going to more away from here on Friday, end now we ain't" It Is needless t say be was net expelled, Eaelly Kiplalaeal, Stubb Why Is M more women can not discover tbe "secret of success r Petm Oh, because when It reacbet them It la no secret Ma0anee What la yomr . eccrjpa tlont Wltnasa I'm a lawyer, yonr honor. Magistrate-Well, try to forget U wklle giving yonr testimony. How to beach a Boy's Heart. - .Study his parentage and borne in fluence. Observe cl'.sely his likes and dis likes, ap itudes, temper, companions, reading. C nveisc often with him in a iricnrlly way. Ask as tu his purposes and am b tloas. Lend him bonks. Interest yourself in his sports. Speak to I iui of the lessons in the lives of good men. Tell him of tour 'own struggles in h yhooo or girlbo d with adverse cir cumstances Iu brief, be his friend; when he leases school and neighborhood keep Infoimed as to bis whereabouts by correspondence Western School Journal. Luncheon Foods Meet erarr requlaite of the imnroaaatu or bat weathar meal. PeMai rlaaj. Barf aai Teaiat, Oi Teeiae I Waeail. vael Leal, Orrtl, Baa. Srtjkri Beat, tHwa aaiekee Sad. tk. All natural flavor foods palatable aod whole- Home, i our grocer ahoal'J bare them. Fe Tae booklet "How to Make Oood Thfaae o the World. ,-.m- Ufcey, McWelU sV Llbhy, Chteele. ML All tbe troubles of this world are bjrn with wings. j wrm Hats trehere fJ' drink a Mires A Til Kootbeer Knew the daughter "Well have you found a stage career all that, you hoped? Has Dame Fortune smiled on you? "I haven't met the old lady yet. Hut I know her daughter; we bare travelled together for several years." "Her daughter?" ' Yes Miss Fortune. "-Kansas City Journal. IW ESTERN CANADA. ELY'S CREAM BALM Cures CATARRH. It la placed into the nnatrlla, apreada orer the membrane asd la abcorlied. Relief ta Im mediate. Itia not drying, doe sot prodoce aneziii;. Dnwrlata, SO Ma. or by malL txr BROaLM Wama6t,H.r. stl AfHtyajtieirttl Cm try r ftttraetiatf morm tttKtioa tk u; otktH district ta Us world. "THE fen AN A BY OF THE WOBU." 44 TIH LAND F EtCNIIIlirB. Tk ATUKAL FCC DI.NtS for STOCK Al-eta nmd-r Crop tm 1 !-1,t97,SSO AertM. llelcla ltO!117.,74BMkflsfc Ahnnriano of Wf,tr; r'aeil. Plentiful. OhMpBuil4 .ur MateriJ; (Jood iiru f or pMturM aod Hy,fwtl (toil, a Bufflciant rainfi.ll, ) ta cliisMa airing sn Mtiunid and degaattei Mtsoa of arrow tk. HoaMtvl Lrintlnof lflO A o rata ' r. cio to OhonhM, 8cbols. etc.; Kail wy tap )1 Bii)ed diatricta. Hnnd for Alia and othor iiUr-tar to Bffrl. teadenl of ImrHl.rkitUBi, UUtwi, or lo W. V. BsnnMt, 801 Kw York Lifa Bide.. Omnha., NbM Agent for tbe GoTemmtnt of OftOsuf, Who will supply you with certiticML gifiiig you rduced rail war raLM, etc. Let this Coupon be your Messenger of Deliver ance from Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Troubles. It's thei people who dntiht and hitrome cured wliiln they (tnulit who lirHWe JOoan's Pills t.he highent. Aching back ar6 eased. Iflp, bak, and tnln naina overcome. Bweltitifc oi thft liioba and drop By aigna vaniah. They correct urine wlUi brick a uaC aedlment. high colored, pain In. paaalnf dribbling, frequeecy, bed wattlni-. Dcaa'a Kidney Pill renter ceieull aad era Tel. Rafleaa neart parpfiaOon, alaaplaaa, beeeach, Tiruaarnua, Mn. "I tried TrytaaBB for e weak bank aad cot bo relief until 1 ud Dee? PUIa." J. H. I.rfia WW IWA-aJJ I NAME P. O STATE Voan's fills, nc. to nni. a rajec eea. For free trial box. mall tale eoapon 1 Mm ro.. euflaje. I. T . ir paee la lMaftlolent, write addreel oa eMeaip. The reaaon you can get thla trial free ia because they care Kidney III aad will prove It to you. West Branch, Mica. Dean's Kidney Fills hit the case, which u aa uaueoah desire to urinate had to get up fl re or all time of a nlitrt. ' I think diabetes was well un der war, the feet aad ankle welled. There waa an ta teaee pain la the back, the heat of which would feel Uko puttine one'a hand up to a laaap chimney. I bar uead Ut free trial aad two fall bejm at IXjaa'a IWa with th satisfaction of feellar that I am cared. They are the reea edy par acallac." b. r. Bii.si, Tu DOUGLAS ,53.iiiil S3.S! Shoes WJS I - Too can ear frea aS.se ta SI M yearly by wearing w. 1- aMmgiae - ar aa aaaee. They ar tut a mc4 ia every way aa taeae aaas sr men ooauaf yea irnea nt.ae ie a., n L. Deaglaa eaees preves immanse sal of w Id by retail akoe B few II a i m w v. 1 1 i am a aVA -"'MTIU VW JiV V- CTl OG'fR fJa.i a iu ni .i i re an j3aG' their superierilT erer all ether ajakea. eealert TrywDre. Tbe (amine ka?e a area aad prlee the tteef 'at rrl ereMe r eele th.thotle aelea r4ee. atre Silbte a4 leae.r werlec Uettar thee eer ether leeeae- T .. w e Wei la ea aeter'. lilre. ii. e.rterHj. lwnJr.: a,a4. :kaanat' f-..caa.ae.Hr i tamped on tae bottaai Take ae latitat. fattCoiorMfMtud. Donelae fM Ut atdare Line cannot be eejoalleel at aay prion. W. U Douarlas makea and aalla BMre n a Oondyear wait i hand eewed nreaaaa) ahoee thin say ehar menulacturar !n the warld. $25,000 RiwjrdA:,'1r.,r.';.:.': , M.a 1? ar h ktei utiKrrl nna Anncu tekfAeleMk Cluio 7 The Great. Germ and Insect Destroyer T tiArn unnrl t Vi eniurhi n t tUn TTnlforl Kt-nt-pa In thA t rpnfcmnnf" nf hnrr IS UUVf U9VU 111 I Vlli ll'U t, tnu Wiiiiwu v t v - . J in W ' va.uwu'uw vra a" 'ft, cholera, swine pliiRUC, ergot discHses. com stalk disease, pink eye, foot and mouth disease, scurvy, manure, Texas itch, scabs and all germ dis eases of domestic tminials Irpoalted mniy 'ntinnnl Hnnk of York, Neb., anil IAA f( She don MlHte llHlik, Sheldon, InwH., to lie pild to $ lUVr .U U nnyotte (lrdin(r any of I he folio wing tentlnioniMis not k 1 -" ajrnuine. n :: i: :i is is i: u St. Paul, Neb. Aprils, '03. Smlonal Medical Co. (lontlemeii: Thin l to rerllfy that I have lined Liquid Koal lur eraot (Iixm In raule and bt-lleve Itlo be a rtire for tnln dltua e trom tbe exiierlmenU 1 hiive made, bill ba llere H ousht to be uvl when the animal ta flml taken wl'h lle dim-aw. And for a lice killer It cnu't be beat by anythlnx I know of. Youra rcapei tfii.ly. W. T I.ITTLK. Jdward, Neb., Dee. 6, V.K.U. Liquid Koal, iAnufarlnrt'rl and sold by National Medical Co., York, Neb, It, a ne reaiity to any laimrra ra aing atock beyeral lliataiieea of lt efficiency have come under my personal uothe. JOHN HAKVK.Y, Kx-klayor, Heward. Wauaa, Neb., Dec. IN 1(102. J eonalder Liquid Koal one i f the best articles for all around purpose on the market, for mlt and lire In the chicken houses aad for lice on oalre and horses ft Is the beat and cheapest thins; 1 have ever found. Llqntd Koal nntht lo he on every tana. OH AH. BKKUANHADKR. Coleridge, Neb., Deo. . 1902. lean aay that your L. K. la the heat In aaei deeirrryar that I ever need, 1 1 will not injure the egg when uaed on antilne hash. I Bad it the kest all around atock medl Ine that I ever had on the plane. advise on hsn.i. . B OROFK. every larnier lo keep a supply on hum. u. i llartlnitton. Neb., Doc. 10,1902. National Medical Co., York. Mh. l'ear -lr: I am a nanr of Liquid Koal and am well pleaded with It. 1 would not try lo do without It an 1 tln.l it utclul in a great many wa a. I have had no sick hngaaince I Voinmenc'eil using it a year ano. In my ntitnlon It It the bent and cheapest hog cholera preventative on the market todav. You ean use this as you wish. Anyone wishing to know more about thla piaaae write me. KNOCK ELY, Reword, Neb., Nov. 2S, 1SH. , To Vhom It Msy Con.-ern: This is to certify that 1 have bonght the third lot of Liquid Koal from the Nnllon Medical Co. , and think tl the best erm de stroycr, appetizer and disinfectant that have ever used. 1 have bad ocean ion to in it on two different horses this summer fo very severe wounds, and found It the he and cheapest remedy 1 ever tried ; would not be without It on my place, W. B. FRANCIS. Dcliaint. B. D. . 1 have used yonr L. K , ami think It Ii a ' food preventive, and disinfectant, (.used t as a n idb lne lor all ifiiids of atookVud. chickens. I had two cows that were alok ami would not cat and I naed L. K and It helped them. I al n nard It a a hog cholera preventive, and think It Is all right t. II. rA THICK. PRICBl OaoOaar Caa at on It Tea al wa Kg, r gaiinu tin Oaa Aallaa S HO H SS flsilone, h. I nhi , per gal .... a aa give Oalleae, per fallna .7ft So Oall .n-, 1 bt.i.. pc ,i ,, ... a.BO A SB SS-pag Boob on Oerm !) .,.. nf Aalaaaia Bent rr. n on ApplinetUia. MANUKAVTtJHBD Hf National Medical Co. 5hrldm, Iowa. Voik. Nat). . L