i THE FRASER I. ! BMPUDENCE, I call it." Raid the I fair young widow Marston, "when you know I start for London to morrow. Marry you, Sim Parker! You! Why, I may be a 'ladyship' be fore I come back with all that money. "You niay. Seme folks 'lows as you mayn't," Bald Mr. Sim Parker, totally unmoved by Celinda's scorn. "You've sold up everything?" "Everything," said Cellnda, decided ly. "Everything, even the cow and the j the pig. Chub cried for the pig; but the cow and the pig were sold In one j lot because they're such friends." "But s'posin'," delicately hinted Sim, "when you gets to London there ain't nothin' In this yer yarn about them millions ?" "I can't suppose anything of the sort. No one but a a groundhog like you, Sim, would think of such a thing." "I may be a groundhog groundhogs Is very good eatin' when you can't git nothin' else but you're spendin' all the money you've gut, after you've paid off the late lamented's mortgage, Jess to fetch tbeseyer millions. Huw do you know they're yours?" "How do I know? Sim Parker, you make me tired. I I feel it, I tell me. Wasn't my maternal great-grandfather a Fraser; and haven't I all the papers proving my descent from the Erasers of Ochiltree? There's a matter of four millions waiaing for me. Pounds, mind you, not paltry dollars. All I have to do is to go over to London, walk into the Bank of England, sav. 'I've come for the money,' and they'll give It to me straight off, or I'll know 'the reason why. I reckon to stay Just two days in London, and then home again. I want to buy the Judge's place when I come back." ! "You're goin' to take the baby with your "Chub? Of course I take the darling with me. You don't suppose I'd go without him?" "And you won't take me?" "To London, or marry you?" "Both." - "Neither, thank you. I don't think you could live up to the Fraser mil lions." "You've sorter set folks' backs up," delicately hinted Sam, "with theseyer high-falutin' notions of yours. They're 'glad you're goin'." The youthful widow turned upon him with a glorious light In her beau tiful black eyes. "And you, Sim? You're you're not glad?" "See that tree?" asked Sim, pointing to an ancient rock elm which leaned crookedly against the side of Cellnda's pretty little house the bouse she had Just sold. "Of course I do! What has that got to do with Itr "You'll find me leanin' agin it when you come back; that's all." The young fellow's blue eyes impressed her with a sense of power. Her own fell be neath his masterful' gaze. "Croak away," she said, scornfully. "If I've need of you when 1 come back. I'll ask for your forgiveness." "That'll do me," said tbe imperturb able Sim. "That'll do me, your your ladyship." "Her ladyship" made him a pretty courtesy, and held the Infant Chub, aged two and a half, more closely to her. 'You'll be a lord when we get the money." she said, eeatsHcsU to that sleeping cherub; "and I'll dress you up with a gold crown." "Take my advice, sonny," said Sim to the Interesting Infant, "and don't have nothin' to do with It. You'll have a heap more fun with the pig. I washed him a-purpose yesterday." He laboriously produced a document from his pocket "I've brought you a let ter." "What for?" "It's for a big Canadian lawyer set tled la London Hiram Gould. I've sent him fifty dollars and told him to give you a show for the money." 'Yon dared to do that'" "Of course. I reckoned you wouldn't take me along. Somebody's got to take you round and give you a good time." Cellnda was touched. "You mean well, bat you're so ignorant, Sim." "I'm not too ignorant to know you're the prettiest girl In the Ottawa val ley." "You mustn't I'm not a girl, Sim. I'm a widow." "If wish In' could have made you a . widow, you wouldn't have waited all this time. He was a bad lot" "Hs was," calmly acquiesced Celin da. "Most men are. That Is why I want the money to be Independent of tnaaa. I wonder who boogkt my boose. "If roe re very good, when I corns baak I'll get yon to psnsgs things r nsa." T rathsr manage iva." Mid the bar. m tasty." ,; fbwMiiai, h, I CSat to g m sat sf ' japr a mtx MILLIONS i There was a 'big but unsympathetic procession to see Cellnda start from the wharf next day. Four Coruerites vaguely resented Celinda's airs and graces, and did not believe that she would get the money. But she looked so radiant and confident that even the case-hardened editor of tba Four Cor ners Gazette offered to adopt Chub un til she came back. Celinda. haughtily conscious of the hostility of her for mer friends, was coldly distant, and rather resented Sim's accompanying her to Montreal. But when the bout was slowly "tugged" out from the wharf, and she saw Sim's handsome face receding In tbe distance. Celinda, conscious of certain misgivings, took the radiant Chub down to her cabin and cried over him a little. Tbe story of her being the heiress to the Fraser mil lions was noised about all over the ship. For tbe last two years Celinda industriously studied up the family pedigree, and there was no flaw In the evidence. As far back as 1750 Fraser of Ochiltree's eldest sou had emi grated to Canada. When Fraser of Ochiltree died his son had never claimed bis money, which presumably continued to accumulate. One of the Montreal papers said that It amounted to four millions. All Cellnda had to do was to prove her Identity and bring back the money. She wanted to settle down In the Judge's house and show people what Rhe thought of them. But when the vessel got outside Quebec, Cellnda would have given all the Fra ser millions to be back at Four Cor ners. But in time she recovered. Chub (he declined to be seaslcki made vio lent love to the captain, whom he per sisted In looking upon as a parent, greatly to that worthy's embarrass ment He was a married man, and told Chub so; but Chub only laughed and gurgled, and wanted him to "tiss mummy" a proposal which sent a blush to the youug widow's pretty checks. When Cellnda reached Liverpool the captain obtained permission from his owners to take her up to town, and leave his first officer in charge, Ce llnda bad refused to marry the first officer four times, the second officer twice, the third officer thrice, but they none of them bore malice, except to pity the captain for being a married man. "You see," said the first officer to his companions in misfortune, "we can afford to look down on him, bo cause he's out of It married. Now, If the widow comes back with us for the return trip, we can go on proposing until she gets tired and takes one of us. It looked at first as if the old man had the bulge on us, but you Just wait until he goes home and tells his wife all about It" II. Sim Parker went Into what had once been Celinda's pretty house and gazed at It with an atr of satisfaction. Ev erything was Just as It had been be fore Celinda went away to fetch tbe hypothetical four millions. Chub's cradle, already aired, stood In one cor ner. Sim gave It a thoughtful push with bis foot and set It rocking. Soine Interesting works of art on tbe wall shone iu fresh frames. The rooms had been repapered and the kitchen celling whitewashed. At the sale Sim had been the only bidder for five photo graphs of the late unlamented Dick Marston. With a certain delicacy he took them into the kitchen and put them in the stove, as If be thought they would thus rejoin the person whom they portrayed. The "hired girl" wore a new frock, presented to ber by Sim. Celinda's little pig, no longer an outcast In spite of bis pit eous entreaties, had been scrubbed by Sim Into a state of pinky perfection, in case Chub wanted to "love him." The black and white cow looked out from her stall and lowed to a pretty little black and white calf which had mys teriously appeared upon the scene. The calf wore a collar with tbe word "Chub" In brass letters. "So far that's all right" said Sim, as be went round the veranaa and noticed a belated humming bird bov erlng over a big fuschla In Its green tub. "New, if parson and bis wife will only come in time' Celinda '11 git bere Just after dark, and nobody be any the wiser." He looked at a telegram from bis agent in Montreal, and smiled. Then be frowned. "I dunno," he mused. "I dunno as It's fair to Cellnda to force her Into It Reckon she'll be feelln' pretty bad." Be beard tbe whistle of tbe night boat as she fussed up to the long wharf. I'd like to wring the neck of that whip-poor-will," mused 81m, tak ing his position sgalnst the tree be had mentioned to Cellnda. "Makes me feel that lonesome. It gives me the chills." The Inhabitants of Four Corners were all Indoors enjoying their even tag mosl sad tbe stage, after ram ly waiting at the wharf to bring an paiSNigsn, crawled ssaptlly into roar Centra. "Jnaa so," aaid Mm. piaddty eon Un ite to masts, "Joss as. Kb ain't jasa' to sasaa ay fa the stafs. and fcavs mtU tte fsMn mmW awt to toar at vMl 'B'sMmma lifts fllnf 'avwlwsi tf ami taiga. Osttada's asatt "Are yon there, 81m T asked a plcao ant voice, as the parson wire ap proached a tree. j "You bet I'm here, Mrs. Clarke," said Sim, with a smile; "but It's sort of lonesome." "You'll lie very gentle with her," hesitated tbe minister's pretty wife. "You'll be very gentle with her, Sim. True love Is never harsh or unkind." Sim nodded cheerfully. "You bet I'll be gentle. Minister in there?" He pointed to the little parlor, in which the lamp shone brightly. "My husband? Yes; he's very hun gry, Sim. Don't be longer than you can help." "I've got a deputation of our 'lead ing citizens' hiding behind the barn," grinned Sim. "Had to pay old Parker ten dollars afore he'd come, and Chris Johnson five dollars; but they've learned their speech." "You're a good man, Sim," said the little lady, and tripped away to Join her husband. Presently, as Sim stood leaning against a tree, a slight figure stole timidly through the dusk. In Its arms It carried a bundle. A sob rose to its lips as it looked at the cozy little house. Then It turned sadly away. Chub, who was weary, began to cry. "I wouldn't go If 1 were you. Celln da," said Sim, softly. Celinda gave a little sob also, then choked It back. "I I wanted just to have one look at it again. I might have known you'd be here, Sim." "Of course," said Sim, quietly. Didn't I say so?" "They laughed at me," faltered Ce llnda. "I went to the Bank of Eng land with Mr. Gould, and they were quite satisfied with my proofs. The only difficulty was that there wasn't any money. It had never been lodged at the book at all, and no one knew what had become of It" She turned away bitterly. "Where are you going to put up, Ce llnda?" 'Anywhere anywhere. I'm going into the bush," she said, fiercely. "I haven't a friend left here. It serves me right. I I'm only grieving for Chub's sake." 'I wouldn't do that if I was you. Celinda. Here's your own house wait ing for you, all fixed up cumferable." "My own house?" "Of course." Sim took Chub from her tired arms. "Your own house, Ce linda. Shall I carry the little feller Id for you?", "But I sold It." "Well, I bought it back for you You've no call to thnnk me," said Sim. "You You'" She knelt at his feet Sim held Chub with one band and raised her with the other. "I'll go away If you don't want me," he whis pered, brokenly. 'Only, there's a dep utation walttn' to welcome you back, and parson's In tbe parlor. Brace up. Celinda. Brace up." "Sim, dear, will you forgive me?" she whispered, and kissed him with a heart and a half. "I've been wicked, so unkind, so brutal to you." "You've kissed me," said Sim. 'Kissed ffid That answers every thing." i He led her proudly to the house as she wiped away her tears. Once in side, Celinda "braced up" and received the greetings of the parson and his wife with shy cordiality. "Would you please marry us, and then we'll have supper?" she said, with characteristic decision; and the parson understood. The deputation" staggered In as the brief ceremony finished. "You kin glt out again," wild Sim. "You've been asleep behind the barn." Ain' slep' a wink. Wansh earn ten dollars," hiccoughed old Parker. "We, the undershlned " He looked help lessly round. Cltl citizens." hiccoughed Jimmer- son. We. the undershlned" Well, you kla juss go and shine soinewbcres else," said Sim. "I'm a married man. I am, and I can't have two cranks like you foolln' round." After making three unsuccessful at tempts to find the door the deputation withdrew. We'll take tbem home," said the parson, making a sign to his wife. And they followed tbe devious footsteps of the deputation. Outside, the river murmured at Its own sweet will. All the happy souls who bad ever loved shone down upon them with radiant starlit eyes as Sim placed sleepy Chub within tbe empty cradle. Slowly, slowly Cellnda turned 8nd bid ber face upon his breast Black and White. Cause nod KflVct. "I bg your pardon," said the young doctor, who bad recently settled In the nalg'bborhosd; "did I understand you to say yesterday that you never had any sickness at your bouse and, therefore never engaged a family phy sician r "No," replied Krotchett "I said I engaged a family physician and there fore never bad any sickness at our house." Philadelphia Ledger. A New-Fans; led Alans Clock. A Philadelphia bas devised a novel arrangement of alarm clock and phoo( ogrspb combined, which not only wtkes him in the morning, bat tells biro why he should arise. The spring which starts the alarm starts a mo ment later a phonographic attachment, which says: "Get op, you lasy loafer' It's 7 0'elock!" A man who la nearly 80 years old, U tick, and aays be can't Imagine what Is tba troabU. W can toll dub: b waa bora to tong age. After alt eea fan Has fas g$cieiice v xfajfventionll The late surveys of the English coast show a loss of land of forty thousand j acres since l'i7, although In some j places, as at New Komuey, the solid ground has been pushed out two units or more In the sea. The city of Toronto couuts on get ting 12.-,o horse power from Niagara Fulls, although' Its distance from the great cataract is ninety miles. Tbe electric current Is to b carried the en tire distance from the generating plant, which will be constructed on the Canadian side, by cables supported on a double-pole line. Evidences of the favorable action of X-rays uiM)ii lupus and cancer contin ues to increase. The action Is not yet understood, one theory Iwlg that It kills the bacteria, while a more prob able suggestion Is that the Inflamma tion sec up brings an accumulation of phagocytes and leucocytes, and these "scavenger" cells attack and destroy the morbid tissues. Excessive muscular development Is pronounced by an experienced physi cian to be not only unnecessary, but positively dangerous. On ceasing ath letic training, which every person must do sooner or later, the system adapts Itself very slowly to new con ditions, and digestive and liver trou bles are very liable to follow. The great lungs, not needed In sedentary work, degenerate, often leading to con sumption. The bacteria mining lamp of Prof. Hans Mollscb, of Prague, consists of a glass Jar lined with a compound of saltpetre and gelatine, previously Inoc ulated with luminous bacteria. In this culture the bacteria showed enormous Increase. In two days a bluish green light filled the Jar, sufficiently brilliant to show faces two yards away, and to enable a person to read large type, and this light remained for several days, gradually fading away In about a fortnight. The light Is cold and quite safe In mines filled with the most dangerous gases. All readers of Scott's novels must vividly remember the Peak of Derby shire. This elevated region Is to be made a source of water supply fur four cities Sheffield, Derby, Notting ham and Leicester. The gathering ground of the water lies from S00 to 2.070 feet nbove sea level, and covers fifty square miles. Virtually, the en tire sources of tbe river Derwent will be collected, but one-third of the water must be restored to the river to pro tect vested Interests along Its course. The cost is estimated ar $50,000,000. A temporary town, with houses of gal vanized iron lined with match-board, and with a school, a church, a hospital and a concert hall, has been construct ed for the army of laborers, who will be employed for a dozen years. There are to be Dve reervoirs with an aggre gate capacity of 10,508,000,000 gallons. The project of climbing the loftiest mountain on the earth. Mount Ever est, In the Himalayas, whose tremen dous head rises, according to trigo nometrical measurements. 2A.0O2 feet above sea level, has now reached a stage Immediately antecedent to the actual attempt A party, led by Mr. Eckeustein, an experienced climber, has set out for the foot of tbe great peak. Several celebrated mountain climbers have expressed the opinion that the feat is feasible, but only by the method of gradual ascent, whereby the adventurers may become Inured to the effects of a rare atmosphere. Months and even years may be spent in ascending to higher and higher lev els, a long pause being made after ev ery considerable advance. The highest ascent now on record Is that of Acon cagua, In the Andes, the elevation of which Is 23,080 feet, 5,092 feet, or more than a mile, less than the height of Everest NO STYLE ABOUT JACKSON. B la Cook Was Called Interpreter to the 1-rencb Diplomatlat, "Although 'Old Hickory' was a bluut man In all matters of business and reached hi purposes by tbe straight est road," said au old newspaper man, "still he was courteous lu au eminent degree and had a high respect for the forms of social Intercourse. While president of the United States bis re ception of foreign ministers and emi nent citizens was distinguished by courtly etiquette and noble bearing. It la related that on one occasion a for eign minister Just arrived bad a day and an hour appointed by Mr. McLaue, then Secretary of State, to be present ed to tbe President, and, misunder standing tbe premier's French and perfectly at fault by the apparent sim plicity of republican manners, tbe min ister st tbe appointed time proceeded to the Vh!te House slone snd rang tbe bell. "Je sals venu voir Monsieur le President," said tbe plenipotentiary to the Irish servant. "An' what the dlvll does that meant' muttered Pat, and conttaaed. "lie says President though, an' I s'pose ha wishes to see tbe general." "Oat. sal," said tbe minister, bow-tag- : Wlthoot farther ceremony tbe gen tlsman waa nahecad Into the green rooat, whera tna General sat compla cently aansrlag kla corn-cob pips, and a tna lasts at k aaasmancad a asra Mataaa mtmmg la Vtsacn, of which rOM EkfcffT did aat anderstaad ana itte want. Patrick r moaallag at what ha wii "It's French that he's spskln In, an" with your lave I'll sind for the cook to find out what tbe glntleman wants." In due time the presiding officer of the kitchen arrived; tbe mystery was explained, and to the astonishment of the cook, tbe servant aod the old Gen eral an accredited minister from a foreign government was developed. Fortunately at the Instant the Secre tary came In, a ceremonious Introduc tion took place and all parties were soon at ease. Washington Star. SAVE THE LAMP CHIMNEYS. Care Will Prevent Much Ilreakage and Conaequent Kxpenaa. We are assured by a contemporary that the breaking of lamp chimneys Is mainly due to unequal expansion and that this can be remedied by mak ing perpendicular cuts all around tbi "bulging purt" of the chimney with a diamond ring. Well, really! Why did no one think of this simple remedy until now, when lumps burn blue, and. Indeed are In lunger of going out forever before the radiance of the garish electric light? The beauty of the suggestion lies in Its extreme practicability and its ready utiizatlon of the means at hand. It is so simple, so convenient Ev erybody owns diamonds and every Ixxly wants to save dimes. Koine peo ple will urge that they have to work so hard directing trust companies and checking off the social calendar that they do not have time to sit down once a week or so and scratch lamp chimneys. Their course, however, is perfectly clear. They must provide the butler with a set of diamonds and let him attend to this economy. What a burden Is removed from tbe shoulders of the ordinary housekeeper. No more worry over breaking lamp chimneys. A few flourishes with her diamond and she has Insured herself against every chance except the light headedness of the hired girl There are people, of course, who will carry this thing to excess. They will not be satisfied with perpendicular cuts. Oh, no! They will begin to Itch for triangles and asterisks and chrys anthemum patterns. The daughter of the house will quit pyrography to ex pend her artistic yearnings on the dec oration of the lamp chimneys, and as, of course, fancy cuts cannot be achiev ed with any old kind of a diamond it will be necessary to have certain styles for certain cuts, so that a reg ular outfit for a lamp chimney dec orator will probably cost several thou sand dollars. .Shades will go out of fashion In order to show off ornate lamp chimneys. Fierce rivalry will develop In the fashionable set and common people will go mad on the sub ject and the manufacturers will take the matter up and the first tiling we know we shall see cut glass chimneys on the, market. The question then will be, considering the extreme fragility of cut glass. Is not the last state of the housekeeper worse than the first? But It Is folly to look far ahead. Save your dimes now and you may be able to afford cut glass chimneys when they come In fashion. Philadelphia Ledger. FEARS CONDUCTOR'S PUNCH Meaecnger Box Who "Fit pa' Street Cara la Getting Wary. The street-car conductor's punch Is becoming the nemesis of the messen ger boys who "flip" the cars. The conductor snatches a cap from a mes sage carrier's head, puncnes a hole In the visor, and the work is done, That little hole In tbe bill of the cap Is a tell-tale mark, and when the em ployers see It they know tbe boy bas been hitching on to the street cars. The use of the punch for tagging the "flippers" has made the young stcrs dead!? enemies of the street- railway men, and has Incidentally en rlched the curbstone vernacular by two picturesque names. One fs "nickel snatcher," a name given to the con ductor, and the other la "wire biter, as the messengers have dubbed the grlpiuan. The other night three "flippers' were "hitching on" to a North Clark street cable car. While one of the boys was watching the conductor the grlpman reached out bis long arm and lifted tbe boy's cap from his head He banded the cap to. the conductor, saying: "Put your mark on It." "Naw, gimme It," yelled tbe boy. "Doncher punch It. You want to get me fired? I ain't done nuthln'." The conductor set the jaws of tbe punch over the visor, and the mes senger set up a wall. He knuckled his eyes and cried like a baby. The conductor placed the boy's cap back on bis head, took blm by the coat collar, and set him down In the street When he was safely out of the, clutches of the "nickel snstcher," as he called tbe conductor, be lifted his cap off bis bead snd carefully exam lug It to see If tbe punch bad taken out s bite. When he saw It was all right be clapped It back on bis bend and "bitched on" to tbe rear end of tbe last car, yelling "wire biter" and "nickel snatcher" at tbe grlpman sod conductor. Chicago Inter Ocean. Oowt Wars Than Woods La cm. 'There's a poor man at tbe doer, air, 'as two wooden legs, sir, and 'a says, sir, would ysu be good enough, sir, to "YoQ go back and tell the poor man with the two wooden legs that ha't blamed lucky. Tall him I'rs got th gout In both feet" Boston Olobe. Alnasta Alnmlnam la aapartor to any atoas tor sharpening i't task fa flu Us pralan jm fat, Us CI h EFFECT OF ANESTHETICS, i'atiaate in Deatlet'a Chair Often Aat Qneerljr Under It. "As I entered the dentist's oHlce," laid a woman the other day. ' I saw a man sitting In a chair rocking vio lently and with a wild look of misery written on every feature. Next him sat a demure looking trained nurse. After a few minutes, during which wi ull throe sat and pitied each other, the dentist entered, dressed for out doors, and he beckoned the man. The unfortunate wretch responded and then we knew. The doctor never draws teeth himself, but takes such patients as have need of that gentle art to a brother dentist, who in his turn makes a specialty of drawing, always administering gas for it 'The nurse turned to me with a smile. "I wonder what he will d when he comes out of It?" she said, meaning the anaesthetic. " 'Why. what do you mean?' I asked. "Don't vou know?' she answered. My patients always say or do some thing silly either when they take It or when they come out of It' "I was Interested at once and begged her to tell me some Instances. "Whv. let me see,' said she. 'To begin with, women always yield to the influence of au anaesthetic mors easily than men do, possibly becau they ate not so strong-willed. Any way, women mnke better patients. They are less trouble and so afraid of pain or even of death. 'In almost every case 1 nave una the woinen'nithcr welcome chloroform, although almost ull of them light etner, nnd 1 don't blame them. After Ui first whiff a woman will almost luvorl- nblv make love to the doctor, calling him all the sweet tilings she ever knew and demanding his affection in re turn. Then she (inlets down and tlm operation begins. When coming out oi it If she Is a particularly sweet and re-nrn-d woman she will use the most villainous language and carry on gen erally in a manner calculated to shoes a new nurse almost out of her senses, "'Now, on the other hand.' she con. tinned, 'the, woman who ordinarllj Hises Billingsgate (and there are quit h few) will bubble of childhood s days, hngels' faces and peaceful green neiu. ii'i.i ..,.,a mi-oni-e I it it Is never- tbeless trup. Of course, we seldom tell them what they have been saying or doing. It wouldn t do sin broke off. 'Ah. here comes the dentist, hud bis patient. See bow wild be looks. You Just ask the doctor what ne um. See if It wasn't funny.' "The doctor came In, ushered nu patient Into the operating room, spok a few words to the nurse and followed his patient " '1 came for something to rellev my patient," she said to me In explana tion. 'She had a violent toothache. "The doctor returned with a smal' package, which he handed to tbe nursa He then spoke to me, saying that h would be ready In a few minutes, When I turned 1 found the nurse had gone. "Usually I am cot !n a hurry to ge Into a dentist's flbalr. but, being woman nnd a curious one at that,' wai anxious to bear what that man had i-aid or done when under the lnfluetict of the anaesthetic. " 'Did you notice that man?" aske the dentist as he carefully filled, mj mouth with cotton. I tried to look ui Intelligent as my gaping mouth wouM let me. 'He has lust taken gas to havi a nerve killed and taken out," continues the doctor. 'When he was returning t consciousness be pulled a great roll ot bills out of his pocket and Insisted upon throwing them all over the pluee, giving them to everylody he met In th halls and acting generally as a mil llonaire philanthropist gone mad. Aftd he had quieted down a little he told me confidentially that he experienced the finest Jag he had ever had In hli life. And the funny part of that re mark Is that neither I nor anybodj else that knows the man has eve known or heard of tils taking a drot of liquor. In fact, he has always as serted that ft was strictly against hll principles to touch liquor In any form This Is surely a funuy business.' "And shaking his bead mournfully, continued the woman, oecordlng to thi New York Times, "the doctor proceeds d to make things lively for me." M launder tood. McQueery "You're not so attentlvi to Miss Hoi ley as I thought you would be." Hunter "N'o. You see er she told me she dldu't go In for social pleas ures since ber father bad failed." McQueery "Poor old man! He k falling dreadfully. Quite a physical wreck." Hunter "Gee whiz! I that what he nuantr Philadelphia Ledger. Cannot Escape. "Do you think the person who com milted the crime will be punished?" "Empathlcally, yes,'' said the polio sfflclal. "But you haven't discovered birr Ft" "No. But we'll keep saying we sns ect somebody snd thereby keep bin lufferlng tbe terrors of a guilty cos clence." Washington 8tar. Appropriately Named. , Kilmer "Gee whit! What sort of I ngar Is this 7" Glvver "Oh! I bought It for a nick 11. I don't Just recall the brand, bof I think It waa named after soma boa .ctor." Pumer "Ah I No wonder It wosl Iraw." Philadelphia Press. Why lnqlolre of a Mat hlaa, "How are How ars yawr Ha vjajsl Nil fan. If thara la anything A fnatl assay af Ota asaa klra. to m art shwpty to tna wax