Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 09, 1903, Image 1

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Harrison Press - Journal.
-NO. 2
Joho W. Fry
but Tuesday.
wm a Harrison visitor
Joho Blomberg of Oleo waa a Harrison
visitor this week.
Mrs. Geo. Hill went west Ust Monday
as far as Douglas.
J. R Hunter wan up from his ranch at
Andrews Monday.
F, J. Miller from near Ardmore 8. IX
was in town last Tuesday.
Mrs. Lizzie Coffee and son Rex were
Harrison visitors lust Monday.
J. L. Sanford was doing- business at the
county seat Monday and Tuesday .
Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every
body invited. W. H. Davis; Supt.
The Picas Jotbnajl has a circulation
in 22 sUtes outside of Nebraska. What
county paper can beat this.
Mrs. Z. F. Antrim took the west bound
train for Wheatland Monday, She goes
on a visit to relatives and friends.
W. H. Hough and wife, from Pierce,
this state, were visiting relatives and
frieuds in Sioux county, the fourth.
Mrs, F, E. Jandt cam in on the west
bound traiu last Tuesday and weul out
to Ute ranch in the south part of the
43 head of well bred cattle; mostly she
Mock, For particulars see C. A. Larson,
Harrison, Nebr.
For a lazy liver try Chamberlain'
Stomach aod Liver Tablets. They invig
orate the bowels and prevent bilious
attacks. For sale by All Druggists.
Take Laxative Itro o Quinine' tablets.
druggists rat mul tlie mutiny It If tnils lu
cure, f.. w. (j rove a aigimiurt) l on em-It
Iuv c
The Royal Neighbors will (rive an ice
cream Social and Entertainment at the
Woodman Hall, evening of Wednesday,
July 15th. Everybody cordially invited.
Ice Cream 10, cts. Entertainment free.
A pood I y number of Royal Neighbors
went to the home of Neighbor Phillips
ran. oi iowo. ana we van assure you
that u pleasant time was had, for the
Royal Neighbors take nothing but cheery
dispositions and light hearts with them
Cholersv Infantum.
This has long been regarded as one of
the most dangerous and fatal diseases to
which infants are subject. It can be cur
ed, however, when properly treated. All
that is necessary is to give Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy and castor oil, as directed with eat
bottle, and a cure is certain. Foraale by
All Druggists.
Bids fcr Bridge.
Bids will be received for the construct
ion oi a Dncige across school creek on
county road No. 22, Cottonwood pre
cinct of said Sioux county Nebraska,
Plans and specifications are on file at the
county clerk's office. Bids wiil be re
ceived until noon, August 1st, 1903.
Win. J. A. Raum
The Fourth of July ha come and gone
and the little boy with the Are cracker
will remain in the back ground foranotl
er year, fio accident at Harrison we are
glad to say, our citizens scattered in all
directions to spend the fourth and all re
port a good time even to those that staid
at home. Our sporting Editor soent the
natal day at Valentine and he reports a
fine time, but if any want to know the
particulars vou will have to ask him for
ast Wednesday was his21 birthday so he
will answer for himself.
There were IS head of horses struck
and killed by lightning oh Soiuier cwek
.m. wl hwk. M.imy wvrv just -.furvinuieu
from Mr. Cowplon by Nr. Hoilibougu of
Dr. Shannon, of Cleaveland, Ohio will
be iu Harrison at Commercial Hotel ou
Tuesday, July 14, to do ail kinds of dental
worn. zLxauiiuaUooa tree, uuu prices
John Burke left last Monday night for
Aurora this slate. John thought he
would like to see a farming country once
od It wiil surely sen something oi it iu
Uaoiillou county.
We understand that in school District
No. 8tt ttiey filled to adjourn at llteir
annual meeting so tins body will be
ready for busiuess bright, uud early ou
the hut Monday iu June 1804.
There are a few of our late customers
that have not settled their accounts, we
would be pleased to have these come in
ami settle, for we are anxious to close up
all our accounts.
Marsteller Bros.
Nowadays when a young hopeful is
taken by the collar and gently shaken by
school teacher, his fond parents first
have nervous prostration ami rush off and
have the pedagogue arrested. Yet n.eo
who are scarcely middle aged can remem
bur when the boy who came home from
school howling that he had been whipped
was very likely to be to the cellar for a
repetition of the dose on general princi
ples it being argued that if he wns
licked at school he deserved it and dideu't
Kt licked enough. Probablv all of this
was very wrong, but we cannot forget
that there was not one juvenile "tough"
in those days to a score in this ere of
moral suasion. The switch seemed to
have a desirable effect. -Chicago
Howard Wickersham came in on the
train Wednesday; He has Urge lutei-exts
In the H U creek valley, and the people
of that vicinity will he glad when he and
tils family take up their abode with
Ujriii permanently.
We are sorry to learn that Miss Susie
Tupper will not be numbered with our
corps of teachers this winter. We learn
that she goes to Gordon, well wha' is our
loss is Gordon's gain, for Miss Tupper
lands high as a Primary teacher.
Oawford got one of his fingers
mixed up with a rope with a horse on one
od, and the other snubbed to the saddle
horn, so Jens is minus part of a finger
just now as the rope tor a knife and Uie
saddle horn for a block the job was
Ho roan or woman in the state will
beaitato to speak well of Chamberlain's
BtosMsch and Liver Tablets after once
trying them. They always produce a
pleasant movement of the bowels; lin
pros the appetite and strengthen the
digestion. For sale by All Druggist.
Very R.in&rkA.bl Cure of Dlsviyluaaa.
"About six years ago for the first time
in rav life I had a sudden and severe
attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice
Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "1 got tem
porary relief, but it came back again and
again, and for six long years I have suf
fered more misery and iinony than lean
tell. It was worse than death. M
husband spent hundreds of dollars for
physicians' prescriptions and treatment
without anvil. ' Finally we moved to
Bosque county, our present home, and
one day I happened to see an advertise
ment of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea, Remedy with a testimonial of
a man who had been cured by it. The
case was so similar to my own that I
concluded to try the remedy. The result
was wonderful. I could hardly realize
that I was well again, or believe it could
be so after having suffered so long, but
that one bottle of medicine, costing but a
few cents, cured me." For sale by All
ftouoe So land owners-
To all to whom it may concern.
The commissioner appointed to locate
a road, commencing a point where county
road No, K interjects the half section line
running east, west through section 21,
Twp. 32, Range f5, thence east on about
30 rods, thence 142 rods South in a cir
cuitous direction and connecting with
said road No. 4 at apoint on or abo'it one
fourth of a mile frmn the point when it
leaves said above mentioned half section
line, and also to vacate that portion of
county road No. 4 from the point'where
the proposed road connects with road No.
4 to ttie point it intersects said road No. 4
as now established. And all objections
there to or claims for damages, must be
filed on or before noon August the 8th
1903, or said road will be established with
out reference there to and also the said
vacation will be granted.
Wm. J. A. Raum.
Carey Items.
A 8. 8. picnic was held at Carey's
grove on July 4th. There was a fair
sissed crowd and all seemed to enjoy
themselves. Rev." Pest of Lincoln
preached in the afternoon,
Last week Mrs. Esther Amor started
for Payette Idaho where she expects to
reside in the future with her daughter,
Mrs. J. B, Gorton.
A good rain on the 3rd was much ap
preciated by the farmers.
Kev. ro.sf., wno nus neen noining a
series of meetings at Willowdale, will
hold meetings at the Union Star church
each Sunday this week, commencing
The measles are still in the neighbor
hood; Fannie Loyd is the latest sufferer.
A sister of Mrs. Anton Kratz, from
Omaha, is visiting at the home of the
A social dance ami heer drink" was
held at Mr. Kraz's the evening and nieht
of July 4th, A fair sized crowd and a
good time is reported.
All DtiMto Will Bmv h Bsvek.
Ton mumj no risk when you buy
tttamboriam's Colic, CboUra and Dterr
fcowr Bnadny. All Druggists will refund
your money If J on are not satislled nf ler
Using it It is every where admitted to lw
lb want MMJcemfnl remedy In use for
bstwel nMppbtaM and the only one that
Mrtt fall. It M pleasant, safe and
Hunter Happenings.
Nice weather only for the wind.
Joe Vnrky is helping Tom Jones put
up the wind mill.
Mrs. Frank Lewis was taken very sick
the other night. Frank wasatCrawford
and so Robert wuh staying with her.
Mr. Bert A r chard and family and If re.
Ilovav visited with Mrs. Hagerrnan a
few dava last week: Mrs. ifovey will
stay hern for a while.
Mr. Smith and family and Mr. Harris
ami family visited at the Hunter ranch
Some of our folks went to Lusk the
4th, some to (taper and tome stayed at
home, and they all report a good time.
Mrs. Jones, Shepherd, and Proctor are
on the sick list this weak.
Miss Clara ( brisUDsen returned home
Monday evening.
Mrs. Joe Varley and children visited
at the O-- Saturday.
Mrs. Weir went to Harrison to visit
friends Monday.
'War Bonnet Topics.
The fourth is past once more. We all
bad a very enjoyable time at our picnic';
every Uiing went off nicely, not a drop
of rain.
Mrs. Chns. Thomas brought Miss Nellie
Scott down and she visited at home over
the 4 Ui und little Ciscy 'i'liuiiiiis sluveil
with us too, while her mamma and p;ia
went to Lusk. She ulleiided (Air picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Doos were visiting
at Andrew Kuori s the 4lh and came lo
tlie picnic iu Ike afternoon; al.su Mr. and
Mrs. George Weber.
Mr. W. FL-Dunn is here from Denver
isiling with his laimly and relatives.
Haying in earnest at the S E now.
We had quite a storm lust week; hail
fell here as large us hickory nuts. We
gathered up enougli to make ice cream
hen it was over, No damage done.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Newman and fam
ily spent the 4lU Willi Mr. and Mr. Nc-ls
Mrs. John Anderson rode from the 33
to the S E ou horse back one day last
week and returned the sameday, pretty
good ride for a woman.
Ed and Ben Scott spert Sunday
Will and Joe Grimm at the S E.
Miss Maggie Schaefer also gave us a
short cull. She cume with Mrs. Chas,
Thomas. to celebrate in Harrison und
A Grand Barbecue.
A time you read about but seldom
aver see was had in the beautiful cotton
wood grove of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.Sturdi
vant; eating and drinking seemed to be
the order of the day. The half of a
yearling and a whole mutton was roast
ed over a furnace for the occasion. There
was ice cream, leaionodt , peanuts, candy
and oranges in abundance, furnished by
the crowd. A table about 30 feet long
was made, which was quickly spread
with white table linen and then the
ladies brought forth the goodies they
had prepared for the day, Pen could
net begin to give t!;e ladies justice, for
their skill in cooking is beyond comment.
Gathered around their bountiful table
were 32 persons which did the very best
they could, scarcely making a showing;
there was enough for as many mor
The one and only excitement waa a foot
race run by grandpa Grewell ar.d Miss
Bertha Rogers, which was an even race,
but Krandpa said it would not have been
if he had not fell down. After the nice
the crowd dispersed with the thought
that our first celebration in the Sand
Hills had been a success with theexcept
ion of I drawback, the want of capacity.
Those present were: H. A. Keating
and family, J. Sanford and family, Z.
Goodwin and family, L, P. Hmith and
family, J. H. Sturdivant and family, U.
J. Rose and family, Mr, and Mrs. C. H
Grewell, Miss Bertha Rogers. V. Shull
and C. T. Grewell. We shall all look
forward to the next fourth of July.
Written by one of the partakers.
In Wyoming,
We did not get that nice little rain
which we predicted on Monday of last
week, but we got it the night of the 3rd.
J. B. Burke, of the Press-Journal was
a pleasant caller on Wednesday evening
of last week, also took dinner with us on
Thursday. Call again J. B. we are
always glad to meet our nld friends.
We sre glad to note that Mrs Frees
wasable to attend the celebration in Lusk.
Her broken arm is mending nicely, the
cast having been removed on last Friday.
M .The jok,i now on ljarry Deuel. He
was iw somewhat of a hurrv, chssing a
calf, n Tew days airo, when the calf stop
ped and the horse colided with it, but
Harry forgot, to stop when the pony did,
but. kept going and finally landed on the
ground. Luckily he escaped with a few
slight bruises.
J. B. Burke visited Miss Florence
f 'liristinn's school on Wednesday of last
week. He reports it as an un to date
school, in which both, teacher and pupils
are enthusiastic.
The schools in this district will close
next Friday. The teacher in east school
is arranging for a picnic in the canon on
that day. We'll all go.
Bert Hamlin told us not. to mention his
ls)ing in Lusk the 4th, so wo'll not say
any thimr about it.
Two of Pleasant Ridge's sprinters took
part in ttw f.int rare, in Lusk, the 4ih
The i wo extremes were represented
Hint Church won first money with space
to rent, while .Inn Petty fell so far in the
rear that he quit and walked the lost
fifty yards. If Hial could have rented
him what, space he had to spare, Jim no
douht would have taken second money.
.i larnny uy me name or urown, Irom
Mo. Valley, Iowa, is visiting with Mr,
and Mrs. 1 lin I Church.
i ne ceieuration at l.usK was a success
Love to buy goocf goods at the lowest price possible,
and the place to do this is at
In clothing, Gents furnishing,' Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give xia a trial.
"Come and Bee us any way and be social."
Marcus Valdez drove 19 head of steers
of Wickersham's back into the puhture
off of his (dace lint Monday.
Aadrew Garretson is working for Mr.
Johnson at present.
Roy Gairetson is working for Mr. John
George Garretson was at our picnic.
Some attraction in this valley for George
wonder what?
I had been wondering what was the
matter with M. A. C. but now siuce 1
read the little item in the south west
corner of the Press last week I under
stand. I surely envy her a trip like that
but when site get buck I want to hear
all about the Big Horn.
Mr. Jeff Hewitt was looking after a
mower and rake he left on Spring creek.
Ha found the mower but some one had
borrowed the rake and failed to return it.
We learned that John Herman's little
boy waa unfoitunate enough to have his
hand badly burnt with a toy gun on the
9nd. They war going to take him to
Edgmont to bave it dressed. His enjoy
ment waa spoiled the 4th, but hope he is
II right now.
It must be other districts have trouble
on well as ours aa they say that they had
fight at their school meeting at Eckard
that is worse I ban us.
all around, every body seemed to enjov
themselves hugely. The stage coach
i hold up, bucking broncho race, ar.d the
barbacue were features, that towns in the
eastern states are not furniture with, and
were heartily' enjoyed by all. But one
accident occurred to m.ir the pleas
tires and cant a shadow for a tune o ur.
the joys of the day. A little girl, by the
name of Gintlur, was run over, and
badly hurt, by a horse ridden by a young
man named Perry who was beastly drunk
at the time, The mayor had warned him
to stop but he went on riding up the street
as fast as th horse could go. Three little
girls wre attempting lo cross over at
the lime, but two ran back, while this
one was struck on the head by the horses
hoofs. She wss carried to her home
unconscious, the doctor was called who
thought that the wound, though serious'
would not necessarily prove fatal.
Perry did not check his horse but kept
right on out f town. The deputy sheriff
with a posse were soon after 'him, and
caught him several miles out of town,
when they brought him back, critsof
hang him; hang him, greeted his ears.
A worse scared fellow would be hard to
And, An armed crowd aurronded him to
protect hi in and at last hustled him to
the calaboose followed by a large crowd
where he waa locked up. We'll vector
to say that it ia a lesson he will not noon
forget, and that be will not get drunk, far
a while at least, When we left town the
little girl waa resting easy.
Continued from last week.
June 26, 1903.
The following preamble and resolutions
were on motion adopted whereas the as
sessed valuation of Sioux county for the
year 1903 is only $066,250.32 as corrected
by the clerk, so far as clerical errors may
appear, whereas 9 mills levy on said sum
will make $0,096.25 and the board of Co.
commissioners are onlv allowed to issue
warrants for $5,096.81, therefore be it
resolved th'.t the following items includ
ed in the estimate of expenses for the
year 1903, viz: District Court expenses,
saleries, staiorary, printing and publish
ing, incidental expenses, institute and
olficers fees be reduced to come within 9
mills on the dollar of the total assessed
valuation of Sioux county for the year
1903. To procure county revenue for the
year 1903 the board hereby makes the
following levy on a valuation of $666,250
.32 for general fund 9 mills on the dollar
valuation. County road fund 1 mill on
the dollar valuation. On motion the
clerk be and he is hereby ordered to levy
on the valuation of Bowen bond precinct
the number of mills to raise $700.00 for
interest on court house bonds and $500 00
for sinking fund for the court houre
bonds and commission on the same.
On motion board adjourned till June
29, 1903 at 8 o'clock A. M.
Win, J. A, Raum,
Monday, June 29, 1903.
The board met as per adjournment.
Present commissioners Lewis, Bigelow,
Jordati und Conrad Parsons deputy clerk.
The following claims against Sioux Co.
were laken up, examined, allowed, reduc
ed, layed over or rejected. Thomas B. j
Snyder for witness fees in case of Juuies
H. ..'ook vs Charles Biehle county Treas.
claimed $81.60, allowed $69.00, held for
taxes. J. B. Burke services as Co. Supt,
$71 50. R. C. Madsen lor bridge plan!
claimed $10 08, allowed. Grant Guthrie
for illegal taxes claimed $34 59, allowed.
W. H. Phillips, in lieu of road certificate
and cancel said certificate, road district
No. 18 fund, claimed $18 00, allowed.
Henry S. Parks, in lieu of road certificate
and cancel said certificate $29 00, allow
ed. Nels Rosenberg, in lieu of road
certificate and cancel said certificate $27.
00, allowed, road district No. 8 fund.
Auditor of public accounts for support
of the imunc, claimed $20 oi, allowed.
The board proceeded to check up the
books of the county Treasurer.
On motion board adjourned till July 1
1903 at 8 o'clock A. M.
Conrad Parsons,
lJeputy Clerk.
Harrison Sioux Co. Nebr. July 1st. 1903.
The county commissioners met us per
adjournment. Present commissioners
Lewis, Rigeluw, Jordan and Wm. J. A.
Ilaum clerk.
The commissioners after viewing the
location for a bridge petitioned ,for by
Amos Cullers andjothers, on motion the
lerk is instructed to ouverlize lor bids
for the building of said bridge across
School creek on county road So. 22 Sioux
Co. Nebr., according to plans and speci
fications on file in the Clerks olllce.
The claim of Samuel Beekley" for a
refund of taxes was examined and on
motion rejected. Board continued to
check up accounts in the Treasurer's
office. On motion board adjourned till
July 2, 1903 at 8 o'clock A. M.
Win. J, A. Raum J
Harrison, Sioux Co. Nebr, July 2, 1903.
Board met as per adjournment. Pres
ent commissioners Lewis, Bicelow.
Jordan and Wm. J, A. Raum clerk.
Board continued to check up accounts
in the county Treasurer's olllce, The
following claims against Sioux county
Lumber, lath, sash, doors,
lime, cement, and building
, material of all kinds-Hardware
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and
Range goods.
Flour, Feed, and Grain,
Paint, Oils & etc..
R.allroad between Missouri RJvsr and
Chicago. Dlreo line to St. Paul Minneapolis.
Dlr ect Line to Black Hiila.
Apply to nearest &gent for rates, maps
Bind time ccrds.
West Bound, East Bound.
Morning. . Evening.
No. 13, Due 8:20 I No. 14, Due 8:15i
No. 83, loc. frt. 10. No. 84 loc. frt. 8:25-
Special Reduced
Fynnrcinn Ratoe
Will be in effect fr-m all points on tlw
I 'hi -ago & North-Western Railway for"
the occasions named below:
National .Educational' Association.
Boston, July 6th to 10th.
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Burning
Springs, N. Y., July 7th to 10th.
United Christian Endeavor, Denver, July
9lhU. 13lh.
Epworth League, Detroit. Mich., July
18th to Iflth.
B. P. O. E., Baltimore, Md., July 21 23..
G. A. R. meeting, San Francisco, Aug.
17th to 22nd.
For information as to rates, dates of
sii le, etc., of these or other occasions,
call upon the ticket agent of the North
Western Line.
Chlciuro's lirjresl mimic Iioukh, l.yon t,
lleuly, HioKiiinci s a (;iiiriiig Sale ol I'luiiox. .
This la owiiiff to the fact Mint tlielr warn-
rooms urn being entirely remodeled. Sever .
al humlieil splendid ins' ruiiinuts are otTeri'itJ
without reserve ustil all ar sold, in thlc i
stuck are u number or Stelntvny mid KiiuLh -pliuios,
mid new and neeoud-lvuid ilu'io in
Hudinn Instrument of the followlinc well i
known makers: Miller, Mason & Hamlin,..
Hamilton, Mcl'lnul, NterlliiR, HiintliiKtoii,
Vose, Kisrhor. Weber, CIlli-kcrniK, etc., etc
In sqiniru pianos tlnro are tliie-toiied hixtru
uients al '.'5, tiO, fix), and upwards. In fp
l lKht l'lni os. Hunt Instruments nt I(M, !,
I40, lfi0. Klfij, ISKI, :H0 and upumiN. In
llattv lirMuilK soma nice specimens nt, fi",o
and upwards Nearly all those piunoi Were
Intonilud to sell lor imicti more ttuui these
oleurlnR sale prici.s. l.yon A IhMly will
send a :1st and lull particulars upon iippli
cation. Any piano not proving entirely,
satlsfuctory may be returned at tlielr ex
pense.. Address l.yon lleuly, 1 Admits 9t..
ChlcuKo, Distance Is no olistseln lu taking'
nd vmiMico of this remark ubJn ellsncu to
ohtnln a piano, for In proportion to- tlie
MM Vl ,lr tjl lm IttMfln f l, ri.lvltl ......
taken up, examined, audited and allow. ilHK1,iiicHnt. If you He nut alresdv know.
ed. Claimed Allowed l.yon A lleuly by roixitallon sufe bunker
will assure you or their entire responsllilliiy.
sin record of forty years for liusornble
duiiling. Write st your early. eonrenJencri
so as to avoid dls tppohitnieiU.
$00 40
Hammond Printing Co. 900 40
for supplies
C. J. lloldorf, bridge plank 22 40 28 40
Dieckman A Lacy, li vary hire 0 00 9 00
W. E. Lyon 7 95 7 95
repairing out house
H, Bartell, Ex on report 1 40 1 40
O. Guthrie 8 75 3 7.1
rock to lepair out house
Claim or Mrs. F. R. Lei t ho If O. K. by
Justice Weber laid over
L. C, Lewis 70 65 76 65 j
services as Co. Com.
E. A. Bigelow 7,1 36 71 85
services as Cut Com,.
I on Jordan 7075. 707V
services as Co. Com,
On moli in hoard adjourned' to mewtb
August 17, 1908. Adjourned.
Wm, J. A. Raum