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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1903)
- j fc. " ". - .. I. .. I Harrison Press -Journal. VOL, XV. IIJLIRISOIS, THURSDAY, JTJXj'Sr 2. 1903. NO.C3 m. v$ 1 . t X. IK " I Kmc f M - LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. F, tL Jaodt m in tow a Tuesday. Avfwst Ring h fa town Tuesday. Omr Story was up from Story Tue i Mrs. 8am Seaman waa in town Moo- Robert Nmm was up from bii ranch on imlossa Monday. Clara Chris teas so ia working at tba Harrison House. J. H. Lacy is having nil harness shop rated this wk. Boy Lsmmoos waa down from Laoce reek, Wyo. Tuesday. Chas. Smith and wifa left for tbair bom at Hewitt Monday. ; Sunday school ut 10 o'clock; every body iavited. W. H. Datis; Supt. J Mr. Vaidez and fumily caiuedowo from Wyo. last Saturday to atav until aftsr ' ' Mrs. Qeorgs Gerlach returned from Jtaover, Cola, where ata has been visl kag bar folks. V i J. B. Burke left for Mitchell Wednesday . morning where lie wiil be goue for an SSaeUoite tioM. W. R Smith and wife left for Bellvue Col, Tuesday, whore Uiey will make ' future hues. tyNri Tss sar load of hone were shipped through town Monday, which were from alia Patndge raach in Wyo, ( Jeff flswttt and son Lewis were in 9NS tlisir raach on the Cottonwood near f "jf Hint 8. U. last Tuesday. ' Mm Burks, who has been working for Jlgfe Jordan, went ; up to work for Mr. ttsgstJ, on Indian creek, Monday. t TDMosrs take notice that the supper a at th ;oruniercil Hotel, the SSftMMj; of Uia dunce, July the 8rd. FOR 8ALE. of well bred cattle; mostly she sr particular see C. A. Larson, JjWrtssa, Msfcr. L jssact) lsy Itvar try Chamberlains sad Liver Tablets. They Invig- , tt toerals and prevent bilious JMtasfes. For sals by All Itruggists. ' 'if- ;1 TO HI Bit ACUI4 IS OSK DAY. t ska Uintlve Hro oQaliiliio tutiiwin. All 4CtaU refand the uiony ll li rutin to awa, K. W. (iiwve'e eleruature Uon ituh v. ate. - j." '" B. If. A. Ira, Phillip will sstartnin the mem I ssfMlrar Laf cms 1381, at her (H in, nly 8. Let all oonta wlio can. ?T. J. E. PlMoney's familiar form was ssB OS our straaU Monday and T-iesday . faaasse U lik ranch life, and Sol rafS las a left their mark upon hih frkfittlar face. pM Royal NalKhbors will Rive an ice riejssa Social and EnUrtsinment at the Wiississ hmi. evenior oi weaneKosy, ISth. Everybody oprdialiy invited JassiH 14 eta. EolatViament free. son tickets will be sold at al Mists MthaC. AN. W. R. it within tC) BSUssS one and one-third fare for , k racsf tfs on Julr 8rd and 4th, ifood re- hsjly 6lh. E. F. Postius; Agt. f HERE AND THERE CSLAND flte 4th ol July Ball will be given in the evening July 3rd at the Hall. Good music will be furnixhed for the occasion, The muttic will be furnished from the violin, piano, and cornet and will be simply first clufs. With good music yau can dance well and have a good time, so come and enjoy yourselves. R. C. Duns, Diagnosis of Kentucky Kentucky's hills are full of rills And all the rills are lined with stills, And all the stills are full of gills, And all the gilla are full of thrills, And ull the thrills are full of kills. You see the feudists dot the hills, And-camp along the little rills, Convenient to the busy stills And thirsting for the brimming gills, And when the juice his svstem fills Each feudist whoops around and kills. Now, if they'd only stop the stills They'd cure Kentucy's many ills Hen would be spired to climb the hills And operate the busy stills. However, this would mean more gills And that, of course, would mean more thrills, Resulting in the same old kills. So alt the hills and rills and stills And all the gills and thrills and kills Are siwnded for tlie coffin nulls And made more nndri takerV bills. W. D. Neurit, In Chicago Tribune. Very R-sina.rke.bIo Cure of Dlavrrhoea "About six years ago for the first time in mv me i imu a sudden and severe attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got tem porary relief, but it came back again and again, and for six long years I have suf fared more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prercriptions and treatment without anvil, finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I liuppaned to -e an advertise ment of Cliurotwrlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial of mm who had been cured by it Tfi case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was wonderful. I could hardly realize that I was well Aguin, or lielieve it could be mo after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cured nie." For sale by All Druggists. CsflBM or woman in the state will haAsastv apeak well of Chamberlain's fplftsftf pat Liver Tablets after once bryJ Mbisi Tly always produce a plajSjrt ssovsmsnt of the bowels; im- iSMMtita and strsflfthen the ; For sals by All Druggists. ;i CrusSUrta Will Bw H BMik V Bsatjma no risk when j os buy ObtiMs't Colic, Cholf ssdQiarr hsjif. AH DrogglsU will rsfena T 'jsif K you are not satislws fr usk CM svary wlMre admitted to be tkl t. mnifsf i' remedy in lis fr m It nleasaot, sare Esniag, Julv S, Rv. E. 0. IX. to deliver a lecture on his ) the world. lr, Uorn hs T M. E. Church at Al liiost A y-rs and kist year ' SI an S luim'.hs varatinn In jS iircuniscnlivd thv alolsi Nir he fiok views w jBfcn Urge cimiviiss w ettylune nifichines. lasion, Adults 2-i i. ) 3iin will hs given at h Pktsswsi Rtdaje, Thsrs- KCSOLVTtOMS ADOPTED BY Sloua Co. S S. Convantien. (Misplaced lust week.) Bolarc, Nebr. June 18-1803 We have heard w ith deepest regret tin reont death of our dear Bro. Outs. E. Rice at lhitchkiss, Col. In th death of Bro. Rice this association mows the loss of one of its oldest and best friends, For the paht twenty years Mr. Rice has given the S. 8. work his heart and his life; f.nd the churches andchrislian work ers in this region owe much to his wisdom and untiring efforts. The Sioux county S. 8. workers in convention wish in this most expressive manner to testify to their very high appreciation of him as a man, a friend, a christian, a faithful minister of the gospel and aS. 8. worker. We extend to Mrs. Rice, our friend and Iim niot faithful and efficient heler, our deepest sorrow and sympathy at her loss. Wo mourn not as those who Have no hope, but even in our borrow we rejoice with him who hits gone to his great re ward, and will now labjr more faithfully for his example in the cause ne loved so well, ami will look forward with increas ing hoiie of meeting him in tlte betUr land. He it further resolyed that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the record of this association, ana that a copy be given to the Co. apers for publication and the Hecy. lie requested to send a copy to Mrs. Rica. Very Respect. Comm. Rkv. J. B. C'l'KWCN. Emkiiy Zimmerman. MihrJknnik Ellih. J. H. LACY. SUCCKSSOR TO E. R0HWER- -DEALER 1N- Lumber, lath, Baali, doom, lime, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery. H i-'ipfH. Saddles, and gooda. Flour, Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. CKalarav Infantum. This has long been regarded as one of the most oangeroua and fatal diaaasaa to which infanta are subject. Ic can be cur- ad, however, when properly treated. All that is fieocessary is to give ;nttnner- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. Forale by All Druggists. A PIANO AT A NOMINAL PRICE. Chicago's lsrirest music housn, I. yon Uealy, sunouHces a Clearing Sultt of l'ianos This Is owing to the fact that llieir ware rooms are being entirely remodeled.. Sever at bundred splundid inHlrummt are olferud wltliouL reserve uutll all srs sold. In th! stock are a number of 8teliiWHy snd Knabe pluuos, and now and second baud planus in eluillnn Instraineiits of the followliiff well known makers; Miller, Mason A Hamlin iluxclton, Mcl'hiiil, HtorllnK, Huntington Vosn, Fischer. Webnr, ('nickering, etc., etc In wiuurs pianos thtre am ltn Uincd Instru incuts at 12! (40, S0, snd upwardi. lit Up right Pianos, usut InstmniHuts st $100, 140, 1150, IIM, I90, rjOO and upwards. 1 lluhv (.runds some nice specimens at (i0 and upwards Nearly all these pianos wei. intended to sell lor much more than th clearing sale prices. I. yon A llualy will send a list and full particulars upon appli coition. Any piano not proving entirely satifnctory may be returned at their ex pense. Addrns l.yon ft Boaly, 1 Adams St Chlcngu, liistanco is no obstacle in taking advantage of this remarkable chance to obtain a piano, for in proportion to tb savi.ig u 11 uiKilu the freight charges ar InHlgnincant. If you de not already know l.yon ft Healy by reputation any banker s ill assure yon of their entire renpoiiHlbil!ly and record of forty years for honorable dealing. Write at your early eonveiilence so as to avoid disappointment. Agate Phrases- The country looks its very best now the abundant rains have caused a luxur ant growth of grass, while the brigh colors of numerous flowers relieve the monotony of the green. Nature putting oi her holiday dress for the coming Fourth, and everybody isgetting readv to celebrate. The small boy delves in his little savingbank and brings fort! his accumulated pennies aisl nickels, to buy combustibles where with to give vent to his feelings as a patriotic and s'renous young American. Well, weal have been youiur once, though uuite a while ago. and so let the youngsters havi their way nod their day. Mr. Frank Red firs been on the sick list for a few days, buying injured his hack while loading rock salt for Mr Neace at Andrews. Mrs. Lewis has been on a visit to Mrs. Neece. A petitioc has been circulated and numerously signed to change the mail route from M.irsland to Agate so ss to have it ead at Mr. Ashbrook's rarch on Weasel Creek, instead of at Agate. new P. O. is to be established there. The change will be very convenient to number of settlers south of Running Water Quite a crowd collected at Mr. Octave Harris' place last Sunday. There were 26 people at dinner, among them l. kids. They mde Rome howl, you bet. If the rains keep coming as they did on Saturday and Sunday, the stockmen will have but little use for tlvir irrigati on ditches this Venr, an the rainfall bo ample for a good hay crop. An Agent went through here, taking orders lor enlarging pictures. What we need more than anv tiling else, in that line is as enlargement of the pocket book including its coutentH. Scriiia. In Wyoming, S Last Sunday was a record breaker, HHo n the shade at one o'clock. The latest revorts from Mr. Eldredge is that the doctor had relieved the pressure on the brain by raising the Injured part of the skull, and he regained conscious ness and is on the road to recovery, Mrs. Freas Is getting along nicely. taving had the plaster cast removed the first of this week. Her mother, Mrs. Philips, arrived from Iowa one day last week. Little Nellie Newlin has been quite poorly for the tost two weeks, but at this writ lag she ia getting better. Almost every oneoo the Ridge is making great calculation on going to Lusklbe4th. Some are going down the day before so as to take in the dance and not miss anything the nekt day. Rov Christian killed a large badger while on hia way from school last week. As he is a small lad and a reauer of ''In Wyoming" we make a note of it. Lo H'dson was vaccinating cattle with black legoid, or the government vaccine, for John Iteuel, the first of the week. Ye serins and Lo Wilson were tearing up the earth last week, but by Saturday night it wns s "lee tie" dry to break, so we postponed it for a few dus. While James W. Christian was over to Coffee's aiding one day last week he en through to Chadrao, snd is the hanl was a horse which lie longed to Fraocis Deuel who is still in the hospital in Omaha. Jim knew the horse as it wss raised here and bore Franvis' brand, so he threw his twine over its neck sod led it home. Tlie horse, a valuable saddle horse, got away from Francis while he waa at Casper more than a year .,tj, aod he had no hopes of ever seeing 't again.. The man in charge of the herd gave his name as Pitts, by thft way. wonder if it was not our own If alter Pitts who used to range White river twelve years ago, Said that the horse was caught at Oris and had been used as a saddle horse since. Anyhow 'twas a lucky throw for Francis when Jm threw his rope that day, us he could not well all'ord to lose so good a saddle pony. We were needing rain at the time these items were sent away on Monday morning but a heavy black cloud was in the west and no doubt we'll get it before night. Childrens day was observed at the hall on last Sunday, A large crowd was in attendance and all enjoyed the day well. Tl'.e hall was decorated with flowers aod evergreens. A large arch composed of cedar buiighs, and interwoven with flowers, formed the open doorway to the speakers stand; stretched across the ball. just above the arch was's beautiful streamer with the word (kelcome" in rainbow colors. Upon th table were beautiful potted plants in full bloom intermingled with evergreens and wild flowers, while rosea in all colors both wild and tame were in abundance. The programme began with an opening song, in which all joined. The children then went through the exercises which con sisted of songs, declamations, etc, etc. Much credit is due the teacher. Miss Florence Christian lor the trouble and liains she has taken to prepare for this dav. She was greatly disappointed in the west school not helping out, and some of he." own pupils, who were in the dialogues, being conspicuous by their bsence. Mrs. J. W. iMvis presided at the organ during the singing. Takiag all in all we think the time and trouble well spent as the children ull did themselves proud bo in in speaking and singing. At the close their teacher gave thetu a short talk w.hJcli was very inter esting nnd instructive to the older ones us well aa to the children. ALL PEOPLE Love to buy good goods at the lowest price pombl. and the place to do this is at GERLACtTS GENERAL STORE! In clothing, Gents furnishing, Gooda, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- Hunter Happenings. Ueo. Baldwin came down from Harri- ion Saturday and visited his mother aod other friends over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hughes enjoyed a fine ride behind their young team last Sunday. Ed Sclrwarts and Tpm Jones were Harrison visitors last Saturday. Perla Jones visited Mrs. E. Hughes over night Tuesday. Riclwrd Hunter arrived at Hunter from Omaha last Saturday. J. R. Hunter went down to Crawford Tuesday night. Mrs, Basset returned home Saturday, Mrs. Jennie weir, Dr. weir's mother re lumed wild tier for u few days visit. Bot'UKT. COMIWSHIONEIW PK0CKKWNO8. Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr. June lft-1908 Board met as per adjournment. Pres ent commissioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jor dan uod Win. J, A, Raum clerk. Board continued to ascertain the total value of proMirty assessed and the rela tive value thereof. On motion board adjourned till 8 o'clock A. M. June 17th lo;i. Wiu. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr. June 17-1908. 8 o'clock A. M. board met lis per ad ournment Tresent commissioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan and Wm, J. A, Raum clerk, Board continued to ascer tain the total value of property assessed and the relative value thereof. On motion hoard adjourned till 8 A. M June 18, 1003. Win. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison, Sious On., Nebr. June 18.1003 8 o'clock A. M. board met as per ad journment. Present commissioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan and Wm. . J. A Raum clerk. Board continued to ascer tain the total value of property assessed and the relative value thereof. On motion board adjourned till 8 o'clock A. M. June 19, 1909. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr. June 19-1908. 8 o'clock A. M. board met as per ad journment. Present commissioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan and Wm. J. A. Raum cleric. Board continued to ssaertain the total valus of property assessed snd the rela tive value thereof. On motion board ad journed till 8 o'clock A. M. June 20, 1908. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison, Sious Co, Nebr., June 20-1903. 8 o'clock A. M. Board met a per ad- Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan and Wm. J. A. Raum clerk. Board continued to ascer tain the relative value thereof. On motion board adjourned till 8 o'clock A. M. June 23, 1903. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr. June 23-1903. .8 o'clock A. M. board met us per ad journment, Present commissioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan and Wm. J. A. U-ium clerk. Board continued to ascer tain the total value of property assessed and the relative value thereof. On mot ion hoard adjourned till June 21, 1903 at 8 o'clock A. M. Wm. J. A. Kaum, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr. June 14-1603 8 o'clock A. M. board met as per ad journment. Present commissioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan ane Wm. J. A. Rium clerk. Board continued to ascer tain the total value of property assessed aod the ralative value thereof. On motion adjourned till June 25, 1903 at 8 o'clock A. M. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr. June 25-1903. 8 o'clock A. M. board met as per ad journment. Present commissioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jordao and Win. J. A. Raum clerk. Board continued to ascer tain the total value of property assessed and the relative value thereof. On motion board ttdjournedtill June 26", 1VH)3 at 8 o'clock A. M. W. J A. Raum, Clerg. Harrison, 8ioux Co., Nebr. June26-lU'3. The board met tut per adjournment. Present ooaimisHioners Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan and Wm. J. A. Raum. clerk. Board continued to ascertain the total value of properly assessed and the relat ive value thereof. On motion board ad journed to meet June 27 at 8 o'clock A.. M. us a be&rd of county commissioners. Win. J, A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux Co.. Nebr. June 27-1903. The county commissioners met as per adjournment. Prerent commissioners Lewis, Digelow Jordan and Wm. J. A. Raum clerk. It was found to equalise the assess ment on cattle in the county, the follow ing changes in the various precincts were necessary and so ordered. Antelope raised 4 per cent, Andrews 00, Bowen raised 4 p c, Cottonwood lowered S p c, Hut creek lowered 5 p c, Montrose raised 17 p c, Sugar Loaf 00, Snake creek 00, Sheep ereek lowered 10$ p c, Running water raised 20 p c, White river lowered 8 p c, Whistle creek lowered 8 p c, War Bonnet lowered 5 p c, V. Harrison 00. The board of equalization found the assessment on 1st and 2nd class lauds in the various prec incts to be as follows: Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Statoi Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabls companies. CSSTLpgal papers carefully drawn, Harrison. - Nebraska transfer the surplus bond funds in his possession, after paving olf the bonds of school district No. 16, to the credit of . said district by order of the Co. board.. Wm, J. A. Raum Clerk.. The following claims against Sioux 7o were tuken up, examined, audited and allowed, reduced, layed over or rejected. Claimed Allowed Antelope per acre Andrews Bowen Cottonwood Hat creek Montrose Sugar Loaf Snake creek Sheep creek Running water White river War Bonnet Whistle creek County average f2.00 1 81 1 17 2 20 1 65 1 05 1 74 204 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 06 2 00 1 87 FO BFosket, assessing $57 00 H A Keating FC Lewis R S Story P L Raben J J Eberspeuher Pat Lacy John V Cook A C Cullers John Bloinberg U W Huiuaker C Christian Oscar Ward 33 00 35 00 25 00 44 00 48 40 53 60 23 80 49 00 4960 43 00 48 20 S2 20 157 00 88 00 85 00 25 W 44 00 48 4f S8 0(r 38 80 49 00 40 80 48 00 49 20 Wm J A Raum to certifying to time and mileage of jurors To compiling assessors books " road overseers books Freight, express, drayage as per vouchers attached Postage 1st and 2ud quarters Win J A Raum salery 1st qr , board county commissioners Claimed Hammond Pri nting Co, lor supplies $5 00 Oieckiiiaun & Lacy, coal 8 50 Omaliu printing company for supplies Ueo. Adams for pauper supplies W B Wright juror J L Anderson " Sum Thomas ' John Henry " W R Harris Jacob Foster " M J Boiler " John Eberspecher ' Leonard Uuut " Anion Mei rem " Charles Uiupheuour N L l ipuiii " W H Phillip A J Bogarl John Herman " John H Howard " Jens C Aleiig " Louis UeBuck " W L Hoyt . -J B Burke ' ASaiii lluuiugurd " Clem Leeling " Peter llausou " C C Bui ke 940 10 00 2 10 3 50 4 00 4 Oi.) 800 0 50 500 UM 800 5 00 400 i tin 3 20 2 2U 5 00 5 HO 5 00 3 20 90 2 10 4 50 360 5 00 8e 81 1 50 40 00 4 0' 11 5ft 100 OOfi Allowedi 5 09,' 8M 2 44fc 10 00' 10 8 6v 4 W 4 00 8 OU 5 id 6 U 8 2U 8 IM U OU 4 uo 2M) 820- 2 tO 5 Uw 5 00, 5 Ml' 3 2U 2901 W . 4 oOJ 3 60 5 OU' 60 01 The average in the county was found to 13 $1 97. It was found to equalize the assessment on lands in the county. The following changes in the various precincts were necessary and so ordered. Anlelo lowered 6J per cent, Andrews raised 8 p c, Bowen nisud 60 pc, Cotton wood lowered 15 p c. Hat creek raised 13 I p c, Montrose raised 13 p c, Sugar Loaf raised 7 p c, Snake creek lowered 8$ p c, Sheep creek lowered 61 p c, Running water lowered 6J p C, White river lower ed 6$ p c, Whistle creek lowered flj p c, Wur Bonnet. lowered 9 p c. Third class lands all being assessed at 50 cts per acre it was not necessary to make any changes. The board found the total valuation of assessable proiierty in lira different precincts to be as follows: Antelope $15048 Andrews 137962 Bowen lint creek Sugar Loaf Sheep creek White river 48058 C0899 28855 43988 28241 Whist lecreek 46758 Cotton wood 26163 Montrose 84497 Snake creek 48899 Running, water 54850 War Bonnet 29449 V. of Harrison 19887 s4WUrsd a trail bora of ftorsss going joitraaisat Present On motion Ohs county treasurer is in structed and lis is hereby so ordered to For printing and supplies ljuvid Anderson, pauper supplies 10 mow . SSUOw Conrad Parson, services as Co 8upl 81 lift llumoud Bros, supplies 8 8ft John E Marsteller, supplies 9 10 Alex Luwry, sheriffs lees 88 Oft The valuation ol railroad telegraph prosji ty for the county us follows: Pullman Pall Car Co tl a H 11 Ra57 9ft Western Union TeUgnaph Co 1.115 9t F E 4 M V R H IWMM Nebr, W yo A. Western R R 175 UlsWCKR toaio Total valuation of all property for the a ty tOeOUM) 82 On motion board sdjouroed WU 29, 1903 st 9 oVtack A . M. Wm. 4. A, Rauan, Clerk. Mrs, Minnie Miller, IsvisHlsg with tier daughter Mrs. Evelyn Rose who lives at Big Horn Wyo. Mr. Miller says sin ss enjoying her visit very much sad tas she is enjoying a vscalMMi that stsa bs long i i fj;; V- i' ST- r ' -V v'if ... .