Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 25, 1903, Image 7

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    tef ' 4 'ft vw'ct.'a'n pv" c'"LTH'pLT'ricl
I jjJiLLl'w jViLSd
CASOARETS Candy Cathartic are always put up in blue metal box, our trado-markod,
long-tailed O oa the cover - tablet octagonal, stamped OCO. Never Bold In bulk 1 Imitations
and substitutes are sometimes offered by unscrupulous dealers who try to palm off fakes when
CASCAP.2T3 are called for, because the fake pays a little more profit. Get the genuine CAS
OAR.3TS and with it satisfaction or your money refund! under Iron-clad guarantee. 10,000,000
boxes a year, that's the sale of OASOAilETS today, and merit did it. They are a perfect cure
for Constipation, Appendicitis, Eillousness, Sour Btotaach, Bick Headache, Bad Breath, Bad
.a t-!,, tmt w,m on nil Rrt-orol nifipawn. All druBffi-tts. lOc, 25c, 60a Sample and
ciuu J, t tiiipiua, w v "
bookie i f.-co. Address Sterling
I'resuJ.nt KoovveM rrcen'.ly ac
cepted It'iui ;i cU' if-ni'.t ni 'tal work
er in Ne.v V' rk a likeness of the
fdincr In his iouIi - llfrtej costume
beaten i n i In' fi'.e of a kIImt doll ir
She pit ting li a nn'st faithful r p o
(1 xti'iu. and W s i delicately time its
to txdtc itic.a a Itriir il ion for the
wonderful work f thu arlist.
In Germany do rs of rubber are be
ing tried, llrey urc said to be as
dn able a asphalt, and cheaper.
Whether Simple Screfuleus or
Speedily Cured by Cuticura
Treatment, One Dollar.
In tbe treatment of torturing, dis
figuring, Itcljiig. c!y, crusted, pimply,
Llotcbyand scrofulous humours of tha
skin, scalp and blood, with lost of liair,
Cclicura Soap, Ointment and 1'1'ls have
beta wonderfully successful. Even tho
moit obitlnfttn of ccit,
'tonut liu-
r - ;r. mien a- tutl r.io ni, scroiu.a, 1.1-hi-ri'.rd
and corn gmtis hn mourn, with
loss of hnir, g annular ! Most, o'.ter
OU9 p It hra in 1 tie throat, and moulti,
tiore tyes, c')pi-r-coi!i!rfd bintclv-. aa
w.-ll as bolls, cr.rbtiui ics noiirvy, Mies,
ulcers and con a it'.mkjj frmn aa im
pure or hnpoveri'hid condition f tlie
t'.ood, yield to lite t nrirnra Treatment,
when all other remed-cit full.
And pnatT a. ill, If poM-ihln, l tbe
ondi-riul record of curv.s oftoi'tuiiir.',
tl-f"ruritm bunion it among Infants and
children. The stiff-ring wiilcn Miiicum
ltciaedlei have allcvlaied arnonj the
youiic and tbe comfort they hare af
ynlf I worn-out and worried pari-nt,-,
have led to their adoption In counties
liotnc aa irli:cli enrativea for the
iskiu and blood. Infutiiile and blrlh hu
mours, milk crimt, (tcHlb-d head, ectema,
r-hes and every form of ilchlD. aealy,
i Imply dl-lo od acalp buraonr. with
of hair, of Infam-y and rhllrttmod,
aro peedlly, perrnammtly and fcnnnmi
cnlly cured when ail oihi-r rrmedlia
tillable for children, and ten the beat
phyhlclaoit, fall.
t, T, l Tvm UU I XV- m Cmm .t
il lor (M vr
cleansing power of raa
tlna Toilet Antiseptic
we will mail a Urge trial
package with book of In
structions absolutely
free. This U not I tiny
sample, but a large package,
enough to convince anyone
of its value. Women all
over the country are prai.
Ire Paxtme lor what it hi done "
trcat-eat of female llle.curmg all hjtW
J.nnntnA discharge, wonderful as a clean v
S T?lnsl 4oSha, fci sore throat, nasal ca
S?,"al a mSh wfk, Jd tc j-ov. Urtj,
and whliea tbe teeth. ead to-Uy. a postal
Hi trra
ST. rlajll i I Him. ". HIIIW A JfwaW
r nr-4mwiUii.-. m .?rnii ...r
" --
remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
A piece nf carnpnor guru is a very
good Indicator of vlnt tlic weather
is ifotoj to be. If when the camphor
Is cxpi sftl to the air the cum re
nnins cliy, the weather will be fres'i
and dry, hut if the gum absorbs the
inoNturc and scon s damp. St is a sign
of rain.
Only on '-six li cf the surface of
Japyn is arable.
About 100 sea vessels arc lost each
year wliti-iut record.
On Iht lattn
Libby Luncheons
Weu-ll the product la k or"tf '"
Turn like nrt rnu ftd lh mmt tiactlf
asulcltot. V put ihun p m atsy.
Potted Ham. Beef In"
Ox Tonfue (Wlite. Veal Leaf
Drl'r t'.aa. Brtafcat Bref
Stla4 mHt Beer, fte.
AI! natural flurnr fn-paUtibl aad
whole nine. Your grnctr itiaoid ka IM.
1 -th IvmHI. TJ'.m
in Km." hn4 Ic iti fm Ltkkr f At.M
ot m Worli.
Libby, McNeill & Libby
CKIcnfn. Illlnta
n v. nBrani i i.n
anU 'fir rn Rid frr niJhw
ta,iul ebufohM tad pindi4 rfcilwf Ii.ltl.
a, pibtr
iiiul ebufoh
Free Homestead ol 163 Acres, Fret
K irr it 'i A i Jn 'M CI I "i-rw. - - '
t.ip-i. .L.d-nt of '.-omit (-. Co . or
vfiV R.naL. m Nw Tort Lit U Oti"
iib ih Mrifad Cental wp Ma: AS
m...... . iiKnlM wear
ae.l.r..ra,.re. V '-S-TTerli.
'rm.nnllf Our
N.N.U. 777-26. YORK. NEB
r are Imt
tare been enatlni
nf jnm from
. ' a. ia . a si aaa,
i Baie o
If retsll
, ... , ..... B . - -.
r all Mker aM.
l,o Sealera eeerjwaere.
gennlne h name " sriea
X.itmtl on wtu-m Te no
iK ..Liitm. rm,nMr Hi-
aaaag jiiwm
Si Ibr hot mtOm. C'noli the Maad
nd onneba MM tblns.
M Hires )
V Rootbeer j
etrfr!. rrflla mu. I g
IM ( MkSat h
; V AMiMtia. y
nuaai f3
1 ra.Mwnwl WW. T . .. .
10 I3X
Tummy Tomorrow's your birthday
ain't it ma! I wlsh't I had a dollar,
I'd buy you a p-cscnt.
Ma-Toat's thoughtful of you, nr
near. Hut why do you need a d-d'ar?
To in ray 'Cause that's tha price of
it. It's tliD dandiest catcher's mak
you ever saw."-( Philadelphia Tress
Over JO.) 00.1 acs of Nebraska's
soil is planted in alfalfa.
The Nebraska Hlate fair will ba
held at Lincoln Sept mner 4 to 11.
For Hot, Tired, Aching
Swollen Feet.
Allen's Foot 'Ease, a powdtr. H enrea
painftil. smirting, nerveoa feat aa
ingrowing nails, and instantly takas
ih sline out of corns and anntona.
It's the greatest comfort discerary ef '
the age. Makes t i(jht er nw ihees
essv. A certain cure for sweating,
cnllous nnrl hot, tired, aching fett. 50.- ;
(gwi tsthnr.ninls. Trr it to flny. Held
lir nil Jirne-ists and Shoe stores. 25c.
Jion't accept a substitute. Trisl pack-.
nte FRKK. Address AUen S. Ulr
sted, I.e Hot, N. Y.
"Say. nie nootl man, exclaimed the
citv youth, who was undecided
whether to buy slirlrop or minnows.
"what do vou ca'di lisli with around
'Give me a quarter and I 11 tell
you," grunted the r::ralite with the
new cut polo.
"Here It Is. Now, what do you
catch ibern withy"
Jlooks!" (l'l.H idclpbia Record.
Strawberry Cake Make a two-iay-
er sdoik'C cake arid c -vcr each layer
with strawberries arid whipped cream,
P. ace one cake on too of the ottier
and dot with a few handsome berries.
This cake must 1 e served immediate'
ly. as the ciearn moistens the spong
cake If allowed to stand long.
Haw to Feed Nervone Caaea.
Ilraterin nometimes iart ta Insanity
ind ahotild he treated through leeoing
I.e hrain and nerve tin seteatiaeaiiy
r.LtH fond that rextereii the it dell
itte gray inaner. Tronf of the pawer at
the hraiu fond Grapt-NuSs I resaarhsW
"Ahnnt eiaht Tears ago wnsa wwrSlag
very hard ai a eourt stenographer I tal
lpd phynieally and then nereoosly aaa
wns taken to the Mat noapirai rwr mm
tneane at I.inroln. Neb., a raring aaaias.
'They hud to keep me in a straw Jaasst
.a i w kent in tha worM ward rer
three montha. I was nnally dMsatssea
In the folloains May. but did na arsia
werk for years until laet fall when 1 was
persnsded to tsk the teetlwtony hi tws
eieea. One of these was a murder esse
and the atrsin upon my nerretr systeai
wsa so grest that I wotild hsye brakes
down sgain except for tbe atrenftk I ha
hniit P by the ut of Orape Nuts. Wkss
I began to feel the pressure af tha wsrt
en my brain snd nere I simply laersss
rd the amount or firape-Mits sno
ha tniut more restllsrly.
"I now feel like my old self sgsia sad
am healthy and hapny. I am sarc.tbst If
I had known of Orspa-Nnts when 1 had
my trouble eight years sgo I would oerer
rfsye eollapKed and this dark spot in my
life would perer hsro happened. Orape
Nnts' power sa s brain food ta slmgily
wonderful and I do not believe say
stomach is so weak that It rannot digest
this wonderful food. I feel s rlellesry
. t-u J uZL ,n,
i. v.,. ,i.M
by Poatum Co., Battle Crc;-. Mleh.
UDfrrr jwu unn w? n,
There are T!!."-
Zl'rV. ' i,fc fenl
aeh paoksce ef Orape Nots.
I f 00T" EASE Vw
An 1 ncliab Coaaaaaawlar Win Alwsya
Krep Mia Af.lN to Himself.
No man ever kept bis ow cnnri
'.jt'tter than Ixrd Ivitchraicr, when
Dghtinif was afoot. Tin-re was neTer
any leakage of information because
there wan never any Information to
ienk. Ko wriiwt a UiT officer la fell
account of "Canipnilriff with Kitcb
enrT" In Wackwood'n. He KiTeH an
Instance of the great general's careful
ness. Once when the enemy threatened our
ilne of communications 1 eiprd
gome anxiety alxmt our wirea, which
were Uld. for all the world to aee, as
a roundllne along the denert, glia-
tenln In th ann and Jarin a mean
ing even to a dervlah, which la saying
a good deal.
k'Urhenpr told m to rifle (M)WT1 to
the rlrer bank and aay if I felt nap
niar Tin-arn 1 went, and after dili-
Kt-rrt ararcli discovered a a'ona 1
fi-.nninii'Iv lni1 under the bush and
Aa I wb aliout to ride I nek I saw
a steamer pupuniK u"u n""
. i m .....1 ... b ...I ,.,
young tlik'ineer oflicer whnt he was
atimit. It turned out that he hud per
sonal Inmructions from Kitchener to
lay n third wire of t l'j,Triph on tlie
otli T bank of rtie Nile, and no one in
the army but the chief and thia younrj
ofilccr had wind of the ninttt-r.
From an Instinct of atdf-preaervatioii
n.boly vtr tdept with more than tw
eye shut tvhen Kitchcurr wuh with the
army. A Kinind Kb-eper was always in
tinnier of rindliiK himself alone in the
des;-rt, and the army jjmie. This act
tially hniipeiKtl to a worthy officer who
was rather hard of henririK. Some
one whprrf d. 'M icrvlshes!" and the
army marched aoftJy away without
beat of din m in the UMial half hour or
IrttH. Tlv otflcer awnUe, notliliiR llvln;,'
in aifilil excejit two liald-hcnded vul
tures. Kitc'iiiicr's iifflcera tftok their cue
from their chief, and Imitated his meth
mis. Once a general officer was inspect-
!r. .1 post on the line or coiniiiuriica
tbn-t. and duly arrived at the little
hut which represented the headquarters
f,p the riiattv of tlie army in some
wind-swept hole. Knter X., who, look
In? round, spies an office-table and two
trnvs. one-full of papers. The empty
otic was tickt-tPd, Ituainew," the other,
Kxcpllcnt officer!" pun B. "Thor
ughlv understands hia work ann
K-tchoner- mcthofis." Itllt When lie
went further, and proceeded to exam
ine the papers in the "Bosh" tray, be
found that the document consisted ex
clusively of his own voluminous orders
and memoranda.
Tronical Growth ef eetatien When
the Una Climba Nortuwara.
To undertake to give people a correct
conception of Arctic America, or of any
part of it, is difficult. Although they
know that the oountry is rnucn larger
than the United States, they look upon
It as bcine all alike country of long,
dark winters, fields of ice and snow,
and barren waatea. In troth, within
Arctic and sub-Arctic America there Is
much diversity of climate. And in this
b'Hiitlful summer land of Alaska there
are in midsummer etidleas fields of
beautiful plant life. Many times I have
l ft mr camp at the foot of the motin
nins. and, passing through a little
mr-irtrtiv hIiitp n vnrMy cf wllu
t-r-.tsses waved their tops above my
vid, f wtmld commence to climb
ii'Mi the dense. IniiKletl and almost
tr ipical jungle or amers. woci v
p-'V.'to1 varieties of the most beautiful
Uraehinp the upper limits of the lil
its, (L-rent. waving fields of the purple
1 ip ne and dainty rid column lie cover
ed acres and acres of the blsh, rolling
hills. Among them, wild celery and
wild parsnip grew many fe-t high, and
other luxuriant folinge plants gave my
surroundings an almost tropical ap
pearance A Utile farther, many little
ponds grew beautiful, yellow lilies,
with their great leaves reft log on tin1
surface of the water, and the purple
Iris bord red tbe abort.
Still higher came the yellow sun-
(lowers, white and purple noisiest in
endless fields, and, higher yet, violets,
r.lnka t orirM-me-nots. buttercups, and
bluebells, and doxans ami doxeus o
dainty, bloasomm plant hi many col
ors. Purple is the predominating color,
thrti while and yellow ami Mno snd
pink dividing honor. Hnt tr red
fiowera were seen, I rm? traveled
M A. M .
many miles wner avtry iooi m tnj
way was one grand profusion of beau
tiful flowers In many varieties). From
"An F.xplorer-NBturalle in tbe Arctic,"
by Andrew J. Stone In rkTlbnei'i.
Table Hoard.
'I notice an eminent cbeuihrt ys,"
remarked Mrs. Rtr?fro, "that the
time will surely come wlian we may
expert to get palatable load sit of
"That may ba," replied Mr. Hall-
mme, "but we new eipect to gex it
ont f noarrl'-Phltadelphla Pras.
Crops Iasnae4l Irjr Molsvhar.
Farmer claim that the ore amettnra
ef Butte, Mont., throw tat tbe air Ave
(mm of sulphuric acid and half a ton of
arsenic each day, greatly to the damage
of crops.
Tns;heat Kver.
"Those shoe soles," ssid tbe old cobbler,
'Will never wesr out, crack or bresk;
They sri" let me whisper tlie secret
Made from a rrataurant ouckwaeat
-Chicago News.
i Tbe nan who invests bla coin In a
rat-rlch nulck scheme seldom has to
wther about making ins win.
Nothing tires one more than to hear
la lothers boast of thHr honesty,
4Iti Inok for this tratU, mark: "The
Kleaa. Real Kitchen Kini." The atnvea
wit hut MBiake. aaliea or neat. nice
eaairarTaaie rwomnj.
"I near buy prepared tootb powd
r." This is a declaration made by
i woman who mannRes to keep house
in an absurdly small snm ana keep
it well. This probably explains it.
I can make exactly as ii'ioi a powd
er as I can buy. and f"r :il cents I
ran fix up enough to last tbe whole
family a year. I buy prepared chaik
in bulk. You know chalk Is the basis
of all tooth powderc. With it I mix
me ground castile soap. The pro
portions are seven-rights chalk to
ime-righth soap. With this quantity
I fill up all the bottles an 1 jars in
the bouse."
In Kery Walk of Iyif
Fenle in '
every wa X
of life hae
bad backs
kidneys go
wrong and
the back le-
gina to ache.
Cure a i c
kidneys and
b a c k a che
uulckly dis-
Head this IPS' '
timony and
leant-bow it
r.m hp done:
A. A. Hi.yce, a fanner, llvins thre
ond a half miles from l renion, ,.
a- "A severe cold nettled m my uiu
. . . . ..; .1. 1 .. . 1... t 1
nevs and tleveiopetl so tiu.cii.ij in.n .
us oblifvd to lay off work on acc'i.ni.
nf the aclilni,' in my Ikick ami khjc
1'or a time I was una'de to walk at an
and every m.ikesiiit'r I tried and all tlif
medicine I took had not the slightest
efTeot. My back continued to K1'""
weaker until 1 was until for anything
Mrs. I'.oyee noticed I loan a Jvidnej
Pills advertised as a sure cure for jus!
HUCil conditions aiiu one ua,y h. ..
Trenton h1h broiiKlit a box home iron-
('has. A. Foster's drn' store, i ionow
ed the directions caret uly wlien takin;
them and I must say I was more mat
un-nrltiiul n lid llllicll IllOl'e ITl-;! litll'U tf
notice the backache uiAiPiira-ins pi
ually until it finally stoppetl.
A FRF.R TRIAL of this trreat kid
ney medicine which cured Mr. Itoyet
will be mailed on application to anj
part of the 1'nited States. Addresr
Foater-MiHiurn Co., HulTa'.o, N. Y. Foi
sale by nil druggets, price 50 cer.tf
per box.
In Wales there are 500.000 people
lio cmnot speak Enc isD; in Ire
I ind there are .10,f0d wl o speak only
Irish, and in Scotland tnere are 40.
kK) who speak only Gaelic.
We are sever without a bottle of Piso s
'are far Consumption in our house.
virj. K. M. ilwayie, Wakita, Okla., April
17, 1801.
All men that reach matunty draw
prize of soroe'sort. A few are very
uood, more are Indifferent, but the
larger number will be curses. If
brotherly love, self-deolal and thrift
are diligently sought, the crowning
wlft of all Is won and in happiness
ind peace will the days glide swiftly
away. If Idleness and ease Is the aim
of life then want and suffering is the
rtsult. If indulgence, excess and
licentiousness 13 the heart's desire
all the miseries of life will follow
and at the end will come the hor
lible nightmare of remorse Ex.
Mr Window's SOOTHlNd SYKrV lor chil
I pii teeihine. wftrns 'h ,inns redtic s itilla
uti n. aiisn ualn, cures c lie. Price 2";C liott'.e
The Peary Arctic club ln'pes to
dispatch anocliei polar expedition la
tlie spring.
In Munich dogs are now being rcg
u'arly killed for human consumption
by the butchers.
Mo-e poisonous snak s are found in
Arizona than in any other part of
this country.
Scarcely a ln7.cn persons know the
secret of making carb'm vpaper aDd
typewriter ribbon.
9 'Wk
Is now uied throughout the United States in the trelCDt of bog
clioleta awlne plague, ert-ot diseases, corn stalk disease, piuk eye, foot
ana mmrth disease, scurry, mange, Texas itch, acahs and all germ dls-
oaaea nf rfnmesMe animals
.t.pnalt'rt in City N"mnl raa ef Tk, N.b., aaa
4AA ( r Hhetnr, Httm Hank. hlrt.. l.mm.ta be l-ia W
$100.00 ..'i. H. dlnB any of tr.- lotlowla, MeUaw-i. eat
Z j sar. (.iiiin.. 11 ' " " ' " "
Pt. Putt, April a, '03.
Sstlnast Mullrel t.
(leatl-B-eti:- Thlil" torwHfr that I have
neM Muftfl Koal fiwer.nt dmes'a In nsttle
ami eilt-fe Uln tm en re fir I hia rllwsw?
Iran Uipv1miU 1 hire maile, Itttl be
lleve It ongtit to be nnrA when fe animal
Islfattatea with tl.e dlcaw. And tors
lira kClT It can't he heal by anyibius I
knew of. Ymir. respeotfn; ( urrJ K
Sewarrl, Neb.', 13fe' 8. l'W2.
Uenlil Koal, msnutrtttri1 snrl sold by
Kstleasl Medif'al Co., York, Nb , U s ne
penltr te snv farmer! rs in itoek several
lassaneeeef its elrfency have eomo nader
raereaaslaetlte. Jt)H! HAKVF.Y,
Wanaa. Kfh Dre. IS im.
I erniilrier t.iqnld Koal one ' ( the Lent
artlrln lor all around pi'rp0"' n 'he
market. Far nltes end lice In tba ehlrkrn
boo sea aad for lift on eeWea and heraea It It
the beat snd eheapert thlnn I hsve errr
fauna, Unntd Kosl onht to be on evnry
Colertdn. Neb. , Deo. S. 1902.
lean say that your b. K. la the let In
eret deatanyer that I ever naed. It will not
Injare the earn when tiai-don pttln hen.
I Sea It Ihn beat all around a'ork mi'itl Ine
that I ever had on the place. I aitvlao
every farmer to kern a sapjily on han-i.
v. d unni r.
One Onsrt Can SI .OO
Oae tiallon BOO
atee Oaliona, per gallon a.7A
A SSe SS-pse Hook on Oerm Diseases of Aalsaals Real Free oa Applleeue.
National Medical Co. ESST
iiTucrci cut msTsi iitn
114th St., N.Y. Gty, adds her tes
timony to the hundreds of thou
sands on Mrs. PInkhsm's files.
' V,Tien Lydia K. Inkham's Rema
dies were first introduced skeptics
all over the country frowned upon
th3ir curative claims, but as year
after year has rolled by and the
little group of women who had been
cured by the nevr discovery has'
Eince grown into a vast army ol
hundreds of thousands, doubts and ,
skepticisms have bucn swept away.
83 by a mighty flood, until to-day,
tho great good that Lydia K.
rinWlmm's Ve)table Compound
and her other medicuies are doing i
among the wonwn of America, is
attracting the attention of many of
our leading scientists, physicians
and thinking peoe. ,
Merit alone could wui such fame;
wise, therefore, is the woman who
for a cure relies upon Lydia Vj.
The number or opium smokers in
tbe United States is estimated at
Greece will cect a puvillion at the
world's fair, So. Louis, and will also
make exhibits in several of the diff
erent departments. Among the in
teresting things exhibited will be re
productions of old Greek statuary.
A Cure for Dropsy.
Sedjrwiek, Ark.. June Uil. Mr. W. 8.
Taylor of this place says: ,
"My little boy had Dropsy. Two doe-i
tors tlie best in this part of the coun-',
trytolil me he would uever get bet-)
ter, and to nave seen him anyone elaei
would have said they were right. Hia
feet and limbs were swollen so that he
could not waik nor put on his shoes.
"When the doctors told me he would
surely die, I stopped flvlu birn their
medicine and bea 'v1n him Dodd's
Kidney Pills. I ave bias three pills a
day and at tbe end of eibt days tbe
swelling wa all gou, bat as I wanted
to be sore, I kapt on with tbe pills for
sometime, fradoallr reducing tbe
quantity, till Anally I atopped alto
gether. "Dodd's Kidney PUIa cactalaly saved
my child's life. Before uaing them he
was a helpleas invalid In his mother's
arms from naomine; till nbjbt. Now he
is a healthy, happy child, running and
dancing snd slneiag. 1 can never ex,
press our gratitude).
' Dodd's KUney Ptlla entirely cured
our boy after everybody, doctors and
all, had given him up to die."
Tlie Prln-e's Own. Amwlrfcu Patriot Razor, Rhtitl
or KtioTir H.imlle. handiiomely efa-hml. Superior Qual-
Tn an v .(idrMIS 6c.
Lennl. Penn,
Kimherly d'amond mines have pro
duced in the past thirty years $350,
0)0,000 in the rough.
The eldest legislative body intlia
world next to the British Parliament
la the Lwedhh Iligndiig.
The Bank of England note paper is
so Ktrong that a single sheet will lift
a weight of 100 pounds. '
In Australia there is an incubator
in us that has a capacity of 11,440
duck eggs or 14,080 hens' eggs.
The Great.
Germ and
Insect Destroyer
liarttDrtus. rtb , Pee. 18, 190-2.
National Medlral Oo., Terk. Nab
Imar -ir: I an a near f Litld Koal Hnd
am well pleased wlta It. I woaia uut try
to do wlthmtt 11 as I Bns It useful la a sreat
manr wa a. 1 faSTe had bo alak ha alnce I
eummenoed tialn It s year ao In my
opinion It It the beat and etaeapeat hog
cholera preventatives Ibe auaxket tnda. .
Ymi . an use this aa yea wish. Anyone
wlahlng to know laore. about this piease
write me. KNOCIl ELY.
To Whom It Mar Ooaoern:
Thialatoeerttry that 1 have beuehllbs
third lot of Liquid Koal from the Nations
Medical Co., and think It the beetterm de
airoyer, appetiser snd dlslafeelaut that
bare ever uicd, 1 have had oecaalon to na
it on two different horaea this summer fo
very severe woiinda snd found It tbe bra
andchespeat remedy I ever tried; would
not be without It on my piaoe.
Delmont g. P.
I have need your L. K , snd tblnk It U s
rood preventive and dlalnfeetsttt. I nacd
liaasmedlctno for all klnda of atot:k and
chicken. 1 had two oowa that were lek
ami would not rat and I uaed I.. K and It
helped them. I al-o uaed It sa a bo cholera
preventive, and think It Is all right
Tea Oalten per ajallon
tS nations, half bill , per sjal ....
BO Oalloa.. 1 bbl., per aai S.OO