Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 25, 1903, Image 6

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iSmmmy Baa far)
CHAPTEB X.vCoiitioued.)
For an instnt 1 felt thrill of pride,
to know that there wu jet ught in me
which could intereet him, but 'twas only
lot a momeat, and then there earn tp
before me thoughts of the stranger, and
owing to some unknown influence, which
I shall not attempt to explain, the doc
tor's power OTer me waa from that mo
ment &t an end; and though I still liked
him, it was as I would like any friend
who evinced a regard for me.
Of the stranger I often thought, won
dering who he was and whence he came;
but no one knew, and all that 1 could
learn wan that Herbert saw him the next
nioruing standing on the steps of a hotel,
and chancing the same afternoon to be at
the Worcester depot, he saw him enter
the cars bound for Albany, and heard
from one of the by-standers that he waa
a Georgian, and had probably come to
Boston after "a runaway slave!" Being
a true-born daughter of freedom-loving
Massachusetts, this intelligence of Course
had the effect of cooling my ardor some
what, and wishing in my heart that ev
ury one of his negreea would run away,
I banished him for a time from my mind.
After many Inquiries, and much con
sultation with her particular friend Mra.
Ashley, my aunt at last decided to send
me to a private school; while Anna, af
ter a two weeks' siege with dressmak
ers, was introduced into society, where,
if she was not a reigning belle, she was
at least a favorite; and more than once 1
heard the most flattering compliments
bestowed upon her, while it was thought
o be "a pity that her sister was so rlain
ud unpretending In her appearance.'
Aunt Charlotte, Anna nd myself were
sitting in the parlor one morning, about
four weeks after our arrival in Boston,
when the door bell rang, and the servant
ushered in a young lady, who I readily
guesaed was Ada Montrose, for there was
about her an air of languor, aa if she hud
Jost arisen from a sick bed. All doust
cm this point waa soon settled by my
aunt's exclaiming, a she battened to
greet her, "Why, Ada, my ebitd, this is
t surprise. How do yon 4o?"
The voice which answered was, I
4 ought, the sweetest sad o.ot aits lea!
I had ever heard, aad yet there was in
it something which s4 me iovolj
taiily shudder. I io not kao that I
believe in preosartlsusm. hat sure I am
that the aesjMBt I heard the tone of
4a hi on trass's voice, and leaks! apes
bar face, I aipatiaaaad seat dlaagree
ahk sensation, as If, m soms way er oth
!, ah wonkJ one day croaa my path. She
Waa beantifnl. yet do what I would, 1
conld not rM myself of the idea that
ah was my evil genius, though how in
any way she, a proud Southern belle,
could ever affect me, a plain school girl
at fourteen, waa dfaUrok to tell. She was,
aa I afterward learned, twenty-two years
of age, but being rather diminutive in
sis, and affecting a great deal of child
ish simplicity, she psssed for four or fire
years younger, anil, inaeoa, sue aerseu
gave her age as eighteen.
Divesting herself of her warm wrap
pings, which she left a poo the floor, and
shaking out her long curia, she Informed
my aunt that she had eotne to spend the
day, saying, hy wsy of apologiauig for
net having sent her word, that "she had
vectored to com without an invitation,
she felt herself so perfectly at home."
Several time I fancied ah seemed to
be listening for something, and when at
las 1 heard Herbert's voloe in the hall
aad saw the deepening flush on her cheek.
1 was sure that the felt more than a com
mon interest ia him. In his usual good
natured, off-hand way he entered the
raoni, tossing into my lap a letter from
tuf brother Charlie, snd tailing Anna that
lier besti hadn't yet written; then, aa his
eye fell upon Ada, he started back in
evident surprise. Boon recovering him
self, however, he said, as he took the lit
tle suowfiake of a hand, which she of
fend him: '
"Why, Ada. who knew you were
"Not you, or you would have come
sooner. I reckon," taid ahe, looking up
in his face in a confiding kind of way,
which brought a frown to Anna's brow.
"Maybe I shouldn't have come so
to:t," he replied, laughingly, at the
sine time stealing a sidelong glance at
"Here, sit right down by me," said
Mu-ti Montro?, as she saw him looking,
for a sent. "I wsnt to scold you for not
railing on me oftener when I was sick.
Yoti don't know how neglected I lelt.
Why didn't you route, hey?"
And she playfully pulled his hair, al
lowing her hand to remain some time
anion;; l is wavy locks. Thia waa a kind
of ci.qmtry entirely new to me, and. I
looked on in amasement, while Anna,
more disturbed than she was willing to
acknowledge, left the room. " When she
was gone, Ada aaid, letting bar h.ad fall
from Herbert's head to his arm, "Tell
uU. is fh.it the Lae girl who attracted so
much attention at Mra. Gore's party?"
' There waa a look of gratified pride on
Herbert's face aa ha answered, "Yea
the sum don't yon think bar pretty?"
. They had probably forgotten my pres
ence Ada moat certainly bad, or elae
abe did not care; for aba replied, "Pretty
enough for some tastes, I suppose, bat
lb lacks polish and refinement. Is she
at H related to you?"
"My step-father's niece, that's all," re
plied Herbert, while Ada quickly rej lin
ed bi a low tone, "Then, of coarse, I
han't have to eouein bar."
"f'rcbablr not," waa Herbert's an-
ar, wMih I Interpreted on way and
At another.
iier next remark waa a proposal thai
Herbert honld that afteraaaa take ber
i" rule: but to thia ha made aome
!) ; where ii noa sh proteased to be
'V aary. h anlng bMk en tke eafa aad mut-
tfiMb (!M "he didn't honor ha eared a
I V for Iter. ad be slgtrt aa wan coafese
jfat eV - "''
, Ifrrr ina tiwr hail rang, aad aatariog
am K fa fUlfahj Mf , Herbert
i-hff ti VjHk wmm, whan aha
''-., r I ( f-l fcr-r If av
I different cupe of black tea, which had
wuw oruereu expressly xur urr, auu w
which she objected as being too hot, or
too cold too weak or too strong. It
took but a short tin&e to show that fhe
was a spoiled baby, good natured only
when all the attention was lavished iipu
her, and when her wishes were para
mount to all others.
Dinner being over, Herbert, taking his
hat, went out 'into the Btreet, in spite
of his mother's whipered effort to keep
him at home. This, of course, vexod the
little lady, and after thrumming a few
notes upon the piano, she announced her
intention of returning home, saying that
"she wished she had not come." At thia
moment the door U-ll rang, and some
young ladies cauie in to call upun Anna.
They seemed surprised at finding Ada
there, nd after inquiring for her health,
one of them said, "Do tell us, Ada, who
that gentleman was that came aud went
so slyly, without our ever seeing him?
Mrs. Ounierou says he was from Georgia,
and that is all we know about him. Who
was he?"
Ada started, and turning slightly pale,
replied. "What do yoa mean? I've seen
no gentleman from Georgia. Wfawe waa
he? and when was he here?"
"Ag much as three weeks or more
ago," returned Miss llarvin. "MrK.
Cameron got somewhat acquainted with
him." , ,
"Mrs. Cameron!" repeated Ada, turn
ing alternately red "and white. "Aud,
pray, what did she say?"
1 fancied there was a spice of malice
in Miss Marvin's nature; at least, she
evidently wished to annoy Ada, for she
replied, "She said he was ugly looking,
though quite distingue; that he came in
the afternoon, while she was in the pub
lic parlor talking with a lady about you
and your engagement with Mr. Langley."
"The hateful old thing." muttered
Ada, while Anna turned white as mar
ble, and Miss Marvin continued, "Wbon
Uie lady had gone he begged pardon for
the liberty, but asked her if she knew
yoq. Of course, she told him ahe did.
and gave him any further information
which she thought would plana him."
"Of course she did the nieddUug
widow!" again interrupted Ada; after
which Miss Marvin proceeded ''Mas.
Cameron didn't mean to do anylhiag
wrong, for how eould sh gitcae that
'twould affect him in any way to know
yoa were engaged V
"And she told aim I waa sugad: It
ian't so. I ain't!" etaUlmed Ada, while
the angry tears Oreppod from bar gilv
tariaf eyes
"What does that mean than?" aahod
Mis Marvin, laughingly, poiottng at tho
ring en Ada a finger.
Her first impulse was to wronoh it
from her hand and eaat it from bar, but
she remembered herself in time, and
growing quite calm, as if to attribute her
recent agitation to a different cause, she
said: "1 wish people would attend to
their own affairs, and let mine ikirw.
Suppose I am engsged is that a retn
why Mra. Cameron eheuld diwues the
matter with stranger ? But what else
did she say? And where is the gentle
man n5w?"
"Gone home." answered Misa Marvin,
glancing mischievously at her compan
ious. "He went the next morning, and
she said he looked very much disturbed.
either at your Illness or your engagement
the former probably and that ia why
1 think it strange that be didn't stop to
see you; though maybe he did."
"No, he didn't," chimed in Mis Mar
viu's sister, "for don't yon kuow she
said he went to the theater?"
All this time my intereet in the un
.uuv& Georgian had btcss increasing, and
at this last remark I forgot myself a
tlrely, and started forward, vxclaioilug,
"Yea, he was there; I saw him and sp'ike
with him. too."
t ...
The next moment 1 sunk I) sex upon
the ottoman, abashed and mortified, while
Ada gave me a withering gianee, and
said, scornfully, "You. spoke to Mm!
And, pray, what did you say?"
An explanation of what I said would,
1 knew, oblige me to confess the fainting
fit, of which I waa somewhat ashamed
and so I made no reply; nor was any
expected, I think, for without waiting
for my answer, Ada aaid to Miss Marvin
"Mrs. Cameron, of course, learned his
name, even If she had to ask It out
"Yen, she made inquiries of the clerk
at the hotel, who wouldn't take the 'rou
hie of looking on the book, lint said he
believed it was Field, or something like
that." returned Miss Marvin.
As if uncertainty were now made Hire,
Ada turned so white that in some alarm
her young friends asked what they should
do for her; bat sne rerusea tneir orrers ot
aid saving it was only tne neat of the
room, and she should soon feel better:
"And is It the heat of the room which
affects rou. Miss Ie?" aaked one of the
girls, observing for the first time the ex
trenie pallor or Anna a tare.
"Only a headache," was her answer,
as she pressed ber band upon her fore
She was fearfully pale, and I knew it
was no common thing which had thus
moved her, and when not long afterward
tbe yonng ladies left us. I was glad, for
I felt that both ahe and Ada needed to
be lion. The moment they were gone
Anna left tbe parlor, while I, frightened
by the agonized expression of her fac!,
soon followed her; but the door of our
room was locked, and it was In vain I
caHed on her to admit me, for she only
answered in a voice choked with tears,
"(Jo awy, Roaa; I would rather be
So 1 left her and returned to tbe par
lor, where I found Ada weeping passion
ately, while my aunt, wbo had not been
present during tb conversation which
had io affected bar, wu trying in vain to
Warn the cans of her grief.
"Nothing mtwrh," waa all Ada would
ar, Mei ptlag that "she winted to
la tb aridat at aw dtaat Uar
H ha4 rvpswtad f Ma a
la Has with Aiu, aad
aai k ; bet
- r
couldn't rid whoa she wanted to, H. '
wuuUa't rid at alL" '
"Where's Anna? She'll go, I know,"
aaid Herbert, glancing round the nxiu,
and adding in a low tone, which reached
my ear oaly, "and I'd far rather she
Whan I explained to bim that shu had
a headache, and did not wish to be dis
turb!, he exclaimed, "What ails all the
girl to-day? Anything the mailer with
you. Rosa? If there isn't, put on your
bonnet and I'll show you the city, for I
am resolved upon riding with somebody."
As my sunt made no objection, I was
iioon ready and seated by the side of
Herbert hi the light vehicle, which be
drove himself. I think he exerted him
self to be agreeable, for 1 never saw
him appear so well before, and in my
heart I did not blame my poor sister fur
liking him, aa I was sore she did, while
t the tame time I wondered bow ne
could feney Ada Montrose. Aa if d'.via-
ing my thougbta, he turned suddenly to
ward me and said: "Hoss. bow do you
like Ada?"
Without stopping to reflect, I replied
promptly, "Sot at all."
"Frankly spoken," ssid he: and then
for several minutes he wss silent, while 1
was trying to decide in my own mind
whether or not he was offended, and 1
was about to tk him when he turuod to
me aa'ain, ssyiog: "We are engajed
did you know it?"
I replied thst I bad inferred as much
from the conversation which 1 had bearJ
between her snd Mux Marvin, aaying
further, for his msnuer emboldened me,
that "I was surprised, for I did not think
her such a one as he would fancy. I
Neither is she," said be, again relapi- I
log into silence. At Isst, rousing up. tie ;
continued, "I must tslk to somebody, aud :
as you seem to be a sensible girl, I urny
as well mske a clean breist, and tell you
II about it. Ada came up here from
Georgia last spring, and the niomunt
mother saw her she picked her out for
her future daughter-in-law. I don't
know why it ia, but mother has wanted
me to get married ever since I begun to
ahave. I believe she thinks it will mats
me steady; but I am steady enough now,
for I haven't drunk a drop in almost a
year. I should, though, if Ads Montrose
was my wife. But thst's nothing to tha
point. Mother saw and liked her. I aw
her, aud liked her wall enough at first,
for ahe ia beautiful, you kuow, and every
man U mora or lee attracted by that.
They say, too, that she is wealthy, and
though I would as soon marry a poor gin
aa a rich one, provided I liked her, I
shall not deny but her money had it in
fluence with me to a-certain extent. And
tbea, too, it was fun to get her away
ftom the other young men who flacked
arouad her. like be rounod a honey jar.
But, to mak a long atory short, w got
engaged heaven only kuow bow; but
oagigod w wer, ind then " Hi
b paused, aa kf neariug a painful sub
il, bat oa resuming the thraad of hi
lory, he eeatiaasd : "Aad thou I supped
writing t Aaaa, far 1 would not a Js-
morabh). Do yeu taiak so rJt it :
Tb asstiosi waa so unexpected, that
waa thrown quit osT my guard, and
ropHod: "Of onm ab did; who wouldn t
fl mortified te have tear letters asi
aaawsrodf Twa wrong, I know," said he. "I
ought to have been miu enough to tell
bar bow it was. and I did begin more
than a doasn letters, but never tiuished
them. Do jju think Anns use m now,
or eould like me. if I ws not engsged,
and she knew I'd never get drunk
Gould be have seen tier wnen nrsi sne
learned that his affelione were given
to another be would hsve been sufficient
ly answered; but he did not, and it was
not for ins, I thought, to enlighten him;
so I replied evssirely, after which be
continued: "As soon as I wss ungaji'd
to Ads. she began to exact so much at
tentkm from me. acting so silly, and ap
pearing so ridiculous tnst I got sick of it,
aud now tny daily study is bow to rid
myself of ber; but I beiiovs I've com
menced right. Can I mak a confidant
of you, and feJ ur you'll not bot-ay
me to any on a, unlea it ia to Anna?"
I hardly knew now to answer, lor if
it was snyuuug wrong wuicu uc meui-
rgtsd I Old "4 erieil to be la tw fivtrcet.
and so I told him; but it mad no differ
ence, for h proceeded to say: '1 sliall
nvr marry Ada Montroe, never; uekh-
er would it break her heart If I shouldn't,
for she's more than half tired of uie
I thought of the dark stranger, aud felt
that he was right, but I said nothing,
and he went on: "Honietimea 1 thought
I'd go UP to Sunny Bank, tell Anna ull
about it, aak her to marry we, and so
settle the natter at once; but then I did
not know but she might have grown tp
raw, awkward, and disagreeable, so I
devid a plan by which I could find out.
Mother would barn her right hand off, I
believe, to save me from a drunkard's
grave, and when 1 wish to win her con
sent to auy particular thing, all 1 have to
do is to threaten her with the wine cup."
"Oh, Herbert! how can you?" I ex
claimed, for I was inexpressibly shock
ed. "It's a wsy I've got into," said he,
laughing at tny rueful face. "And when
I suggested that Anna should spend tbe
winter hers, I hinted to tins old lady that
if she didn't comvut, I'd go off with a j
party of young men on a bunting excur
sion. Of course she yielded at once, fur
she well kuew that if I joined my former
boon companion I should fall."
"And so we are Indebted to you for
our winter in lioston," said I, beginning
to see thing in a new light.
"Why, no, not wholly," be answensd;
"mother consented much easier thau 1
supposed ahe would. The fact Is. .he's
changed some since she wis at Sunny
Dank. Bhe'i joined the church, and
though thit in my' estimation don't
amount to much, of course, she has to do
better, for It wouldn't amwer for pro
fessor to put on io many lira."
It wss nearly dark when we reached
home, and is the limps were not yet
lighted In the parlor, I went iinmedtatnly
to my room, where 1 found Anna lying
npon a aofa, with ber face buried In the
cushion. I knew she wis not asleop,
thoagh the wonld not answer me until
I had thrice repeated her name. Then
lifting op ber head, she turned toward
m a face white ashes, while the
aid, mothsolng to a little stool near her,
"Sit down by me, Koaa; I muat talk to
km aa. or my heart will break."
Taktag tb aeat, I llataaad whil ab
told as haw acM-fa aha bad loved Herbert
bow aha had atruggMd t over-
aba tbaaght ha had
4ay hi
aha aaa- aba
H had otaraad
fcar a4 fajaaar aVMJtfc,
uewi that be waa engaged
l cssavt star bore," said he,
going bouie. I have written to niotk
see, ind she pointed to a letter wnica
Isy upon the table, and which she bid
me read. It was a strange, rambling
thing, saying that "she hould die if she
stayod longer in Boston, aud that she was
coming back to Sunny Dank."
Thero was the sound of footsteps in
the hall, and Herbert's voice was heard
at the door, asking for admittance. He
had often visited us in our room, pud
now, without consulting Anna's wishes,
I bid him eaiter. going out myself mid
leaving them alone. What passed be
tween theni I never knew, but tin: sup
per table waited long for Herbert, rnd
was finally removed, my aunt thinking
lie had gone out, "to see Ada, perhaps."
she said, and then she asked me how I
liked her, telling me she was to be Her
bert's wife, and that she hoped they
would ba married early in the spria.
1 mode her no direct reply, for 1 felt
I waa acting a double,' nay, a treble p..rt
in being thus confided in by thr-.-e; but I
could not we'll help it, and 1 hoped, by
betraying' neither party, to alone in a
measure for auy deceit I might U: prac
ticing. After . that nis;ht there w:i a
great change in Anna, who became no
lively and cheerful that nearly all ob
served It, while Herbert's altentioim to
her. both at home and abroad, were to
marked as to arouse tbe Jealousy of Vd;t,
who, while ahe affected to scorn !! idea
of being supplanted by "that awkward
Lee girl," a she called her, could not
wholly conceal her anxiety lest "the Lee
girl" should, after all, win from her her
betrothed husband.
(To be continued.)
Pot Yourself tit the Other One's Place
snd Anewer.
The great task of sound ethics 1 to
tltuulate the social imaginations. We
must be continually prodding our aeiwe
of loclal consequence to keep It niibi
awake, nays a writer In tbe Atlantic
Magazine. We must be asking our
selves at each point of contact with
the Uvea of others such pointed tiucs
Uuns ii these:
How would you like to be the tailor
or washerwoman wuose urn yuu uuvc
neglected to pay?
How would you like to be tbe cus
tomer to whom you are selling theae
adulterated or inferior goods?
How would you like to be the inves
tor In thia itock company which you
are promoting with water?
How would you like to be the employ-
whoa time and toola and ma
terial you ar wilting it every chance
you get to loaf and shirk aud neglect
tha dutloa you ar paid to perform?
How would you Uk to be the clerk
or aalaa woman to tb store where you
ar reaping aatra dividends by 1 in pos
ing bardor condition than tbe lute or
trad and tb market compel you to
How would you Hk to be the stoker
or wearer or mechanic on tbe wage
you lmpoa?
How would you like to be the bus-linen
rlvi whom you deprive of bis
little ill by using your greater wenHh
iu temporary cut-tbroat competition?
Conscientious Official,
"There Is nothing like the authority
of even the leaser officials on the con
tinent," laid a tourist wbo had just re
turned from Europe. "In Germany tbe
leaat clerkling In tbe employ of the
government assumes the right to inter
fere with your imalleat private affairs.
"When 1 wai in Paris," he lays,- "1
had a little Joke with a friend of uiliie
about an old felt ha! I wore on our
walking our. A month or so after,
when I wii In a little town In Ger
many, It happened that my part of the
Joke wai to lend tbe bat to bim. So 1
tied It up and took it to tbe postofflce, a
sin II box of a place with one old Ger
man In ittendance. He asked me what
wai In the package.
" 'Merchandla,' I "Id.
" 'What kind of merchandise? he
asked, ind then put more ind more
questions, until I told him It was an
old felt bat.
'"How much 1 It worth?"
"I thought tbi whs part of the reg
ulation, ao I told bim It was not worth
" 'And you are going to end it by
" 'Ye.
"'When It has no value?"
-' 'Tea. But it has a certnin kind of
" 'How much?"
"'Nothing thnt I can emimate.'
"'Then It Is not worth the postage,
and you had bettw not send it.'
' 'But I waut to send It.'
"Tt Is folly, meln berr, and I cannot
allow It."
So I bad to go to an exprec office
and send It tbat way. Now that la
paternal government for you."
Grumpp Ia there meb a thing as a
"pianist' union?"
Itegliter I never beard of " one
Why? -
Orumpp I thought If there was one
I'd like to rail It to the attention of the
young womnn next door and get her io
loin. She work at ber piano more
than eight bouri a day. Philadelphia
Hnaflr t'lng I Increasing.
Tli inuff users of -the United States
bave Increased In number about 0 per
cent a year for veral year, taking
the Annual consumption of muff a tbe
basis of calculation. The aggregate
weight of pinrhea of muff taken last
year waa IS.000,000 pound.
Ther Are Exception.
"It Ii aaid that all parsons' son turn
out to ba worthless. Do too ball It?'
"Oh, daar, not torn parson bar no
ana. ran kTwir.''- London King.
AuteoMbllaa o4 lynching
travel at a brak-Bck aaaa.
parti a
tt rka k7 rati aa Ot Mr
Oat 1m WdXZj,
The Perfect Woman.
?b shall be
i is a flower, so born in purity,
nd in ber virtues boundless as tbe air;
uirt up wttti fear, rencea rouna whu
ounded in wisdom perfect aa a star.
Ueverence shall wait upon ber steps, and
iball clothe her like a garment; on her
Truth sit smiling like the watch
ful atar
hangs upon the forehead of the
V great simplicity Until mark ber ways
Vnd hind the linked action of her time;
rears (shall lie near the surface of her
InGnite pity, like a livint; spring,
Khali bubble in the silence of her heart;
Her soul shall hunger with nu awful
And all the pulses of her bi-ini yo.irn
To mitigate the sorrow of her kind.
Calm eved and patient, never speaking
And slow to ipeak wherein she cannot
Faith, never dim, hal! guide her feet;
and Hope
Shall brood upon her beitis Uk? a dove;
And over all like Benediction' calm,
Shall all ber paths be lit by Charity;
Faith. Hone ami Charity, these three
yet o
As Charity U grenttut, shall she
Be known by Charity.
The Well-Bred Girl.
Gond breeding, to he sure, depends
much on home and mother. H Is mud
one's ancestor!! have a liuirer in It
But the drl who h.'wn t ancestors
needn't deRpalr.
Nor need she whose family are not
everything that ia to be desired.
It Is nice, of course, to be born well
bred. But one enn achieve It
Here are -some of the ways it can
be done:
The well-bred girl never funse.
She takes her gowns, ber hats, hpr
success quite as a matter of course.
be U quite unconscious of her veil
or her poiupeulour. ber jewels, or ber
new shoe.
A pretty girl who is always admir
ingly spoken of as being "so well
bred" waa complimented on the pretty
eown she wss wearing. She wai so
entirely uncousclous of It that she ac
tually bad to look down and se which
ne she had on.
The well- bred girl never airs fam
ily difference nor domestic upheaval.
She never ask personal questions.
If some sudden reversal of fortune
comes she isu't always talking of her
former circumstances.
Neither does she apologize for work
ing for lii-r living.
Her repose is uot the quietness of
weiikiH'Si. but the raiiuucs of
strengib. She is sure of herself, her
family, ber pusitiou; If she have not
these, then of her own worthiness.
The well-bred tflrl is a rent, a de
light. We know she will never betray
confidence, pry into personal af
fairs, nor put us to a disadvantage
before other. -Philadelphia Evening
Ceres far 110,501 Children.
Mi'i. 5C. C Pit-kert of St !xul has
had charge, during fiftucu years, of
110.501 children. With thl record, she
retire from the
position of ma
tron of the South
Side Day Nursery
in St. Louis. An
Interesting fact Is
that she disap
proves of whip
ping. When It Is con
sidered that none
of the children in
k. c. ricKKur. u r e 8 r e h. n d
passed the age of 0 years, anil that the
majority ranged In nge from 3 weeks
to 4 years, the prodigious task that
Mrs. Plckert accomplished can be read
ily appreciated.
All of the thousands of children that
Mrs. Picket cared for as only a woman
and a mother can, were housed from
time to time in the building at JU21
South Temple street, the com mod Ious
borne of tbe South Side Hoy Nursery.
The object of tho nursery was and Is
to care for the small children of moth
ers who are forced to earn a livelihood
for themselves and children, and also
for tbe children of widowers.
Woman with Humor.
If you consider the list of your
friend, It will not takp you long to
discover tbat tbe woman you like best
I the woman wltto a sense of humor.
She 1 the one you think of flrt if you
are getting up a picnic or a card party.
You do not, perhaps, formulate It even
to yourself, but In your mind she
stands for the ntiuost good humor. If
It rains, or It shines. If nnylKHly else
Is cross and grumpy, the woman with
a sens of humor can extract fun out
of the drarlet proposition, and tb
first thing yoa know hj baa sot every
body to laughing at ber droll sayings,
and turned defeat Into a triumph, for
wbo care whether your original plan
was carried out or not, Jut so every
body baa a good time?
A aaoac of bumor la aaid to ba lack
ing la meat woman. Abu! I hart
found tfeia aaly tea true, but I bare no
Man tnat wfca a woman & bar li
Ite M m tb M h J If Mt,
1 1
and ail she has to do to acquire a bnr
band is to pick and choose. The day
of the girl with the doll face is going
out and the day of the girl with a sen
of humor 1 coining Im-Harpcr
Bass a Cst Form.
There 1 a woman on the coast of
Main who has made a very consid
erable Income conducting a cat farm.
In her locality Is a beautiful species
of cat called by some of tbe natives
'coon cat" and by oilier "hng cat"
These cats Iu many cases attain to a
considerable size, eighteen and twenty
pounds being not at nil uncommon.
They vary In color, hare large heads,
and many of them pronounced mutton
chop wbiekers I if addition to their
"smcllon.." the fur on their chest
grows very long, and some among lh
ttiicxt of the breed have a MiiaU fur
tassel (crowing from the very center
of the chest.
In frequent instances these cats ma
ture with blue eyes, an 1 It Is not un
common to eee a full -crown cat of
this breed with one blue eye and on
green eye.
Years ago many of (he Maine fiea
captains brought home from their
trips to Eastern ports specimens of
the beautiful cats of the Orient
which In after years developed Into
the present coon cat.
The price ranges from $5 upward,
size, color, etc., determining the cost
The proprietor of this cat farm says
that cats are ensltr to raise and com
mand readier sales than dogs.
Gives Up the I'ulplt to Marrr
Itev. Mario II. Jetiney, a "Unitarian
minister in Ics Moines, Iowa, and tb
daughter of the late Ol. E. S. Jenney
of Syracuse, N.
V., will leave tba
pulpit to marry
E r e d erick 0.
Howe, a lawyer
of Cleveland. Miss
Jenney has been a
pastor for fl va
year. She was
graduated from
t h e Meadvtlla
Theological semi
nary in 18? and
afterward was as-
msrib h. ji-xskt. sistnnt pastor of
the Unitarian Church at Sioux Falls.
Three year ago he accepted a call
from the De Mulno church and ha
been preaching there since.
Miss Jenney I a handsome young
woman and was leader In society na
ture she entered the ministry. Mr.
Howe Is a member of the law firm of
GarUeld, Garfield & Howe, in Cleve
land, and Is in politics with Tow L.
Johnson, Mayor of that city.
Hentth not llcantr Hint.
Don't bend the knees In walking. No
one wants to appear "weak kneed." If
you do you cannot be a poem when
you walk.
Don't walk too far it first w hen tak
ing up outdoor exer'ie for the sake
of your completion. Stop just short of
being tired.
Lime In the eye should be washed
out QUkidy with vinegar and water,
squeezing some dro)i ou the eyebalL
Theu place a soft pad soaked In vino
gar over the closed eye mid secure it
to the bead by. s bsndage.
A sjieck of dust In the eye can le re
moved by a pointed piece of paper or
a camel's-halr brush. Afterward close
the eyes and bind a soft pud over the
lids and allow It to remain until all
feeling i;f pnln Is gone.
A sty, which Is a blemish on beau
ty's face, hi bewt t rented with un tippll
cation of hot cloths. Wring them out
of water as hit as can ! borne. Also
IjHthe the eyes frequently with warm
water containing spirits rf cniuphor,
tlie proportion being live drojw to half
a cup of water.
A simple preventive of seasickness Ls
said to be a teaspo4iful of bicarbonate
of soda In a half pint of water. Drink
Immediately on leaving shote. .Some
lit'ic lime prevloudy take on aperi
ent. By maintaining a horizontal posi
tion the tendency- to seasickness may
be counteracted
Monotony Is the foe to oppotKe and
digestion and also to good living. And
there bt no earthly excuse for It. We
limy lx restricted to a few articles of
food by reason of distance from mar
ket, but that Is no reason why puintocs
should be always "boiled In water" or
eggs perpetually frhsl. Esprchtlly In
spring Is a change relished.
To remove yellow slain fnn the
face take An ounce of dried rose leave,
add half a pint of white wine vinegar
and let it stand for ten biy; then
draw o,T the vinegar snd add to It half
a fdnt of rose witter. Kee till liquid
bottled and when using pour a table
spoonful or so on a bit of cloth and
sponge the face. Lot It dry on th
skin. i
Black bead are a mass of congested
matter and dust; obviously their cura
Is In cleanliness and restored circuit.
Hon of the blood vessel of tba face
nothing but friction and rlaanllneaa
will prevent their return. Often they
era the reault of a disordered atomach,
Indigestion and const! pa tioa, and atrtct
attention should ba ft van to tbe laws
of aygMoa. Daily batta an
tzil Caw ggct to 1? Cm muGg
. . ;. "