Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 25, 1903, Image 1
Harrison . Press -Journal. VOL. XV. JE3LERXSON, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUFE 25. 1903. IslO. 52 I. LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Mi Josia Hherrill went Monday. to Douglas George Uri mm was up from the 8 Mondav. Jim and Len Christian were in our berg Honda jr. J. ft. Hunter was up from Hunter last Saturday. 8. J. Looting was up from Squa crek Tuesday. .lb Umphenaur in hauling rail road tyes this week. Millard Thayer and wife were up from Hodarc Monday. Mr. Robert Jordan was a Harrison visitor yesterday. Jake Doos and wife were down from So. Dak. Tuemday. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lyons, last Saturday, a girl bubv. W. R, 8niith returned Ut Thursday evening. from Colorado Commissioners Lewis and Jordan spent Sunday at their respective homes Joe mateney returned to his ranch Monday; he took his family with him Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body mvited. W. H. Davis; Supt, J. H. Wilhermsdorfer and banker Clarke were out fishing Monday and Tun lay. I)r. Schwartz, the noted eye specialist wijl be in Harrison at the Commet-ciu Hot I, June 29. We had a good soaking rain last Satur day and Sunday, which will revive the crop and gram. Miss Lucy Hill and OrAmipi Hollinps worth cama in on the eist bound train Monday evening. Eev. L. W. Horlon and wife left for Lakeside, Nebr. yeslerdavevening, where they will visit for about 10 days. J. R. Burke Irft Monday nitrht Lincoln, where he went to attend tale Sunday School Association. for the eorge O'Coonw left for Crawford Monday evening, where he will work for L. C. Lfewis during the haying season. Irven Zimmerman was up from Bodarc Monday and handed una cart wheel for a ycar'a subscription to t tie Vuiyn Jocrnal. TO tTBK AIX)1.II IMOMK DAY. Tnke I. sntlve I'm - o Oiiltitmi tablets. All UruKKixU rutuiMt the inoiiev U If full to cure. K. W. tirove'i slKnatuiu iHuiieut-li Oux. c t w'cil Johnson, who has been working for J. J. I arsons mnoe school was out, left for his home at Canton, Nebr. last Saturday e veiling. Notice. 1 liave received a supply of the new school laws. Each director wishing u copy will please call at this ofllce. ( ONBAD Paiwonh, Co. 8upt. Tlie people of Bodarc will celebrate the 4th of July by a picnic in Mr. Antrim's grove at the old OK ranch. Everyday areinvited to come and bring their din net. There will be a short program (h (jiven by some of the young people. v AmusemenU adaptable to the day will be had. No dance. Come and be merry. ChMnftarlala'a Colic. Choi arts ' Pianl i KemeeW Is everywhere recognised as the one remedy that can always be depended up on and that is pleasant to take It is especially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children aod is undoubtly Ihemeansof saving the lives of a great many children each year. For sale by all Druggists, GUARD BALL. Th4th or July Ball will be given In the evening July 8rd at the Hall. Good music will be furnished for the occasion. The music will be furnished from the violin, uiano. and cornet and will be imply first data, With good music yeu can dance well and have a good time, so come and enjoy yourselves. R. C. Di m. The Sunday School Convention that was held at Bo dare last week was a graad success, and the program was carried out in every way, and those that were present will long remain I er the many kindnesses shown them by the large hearted people of that community. Rev. K. E. Zimmerman proved himself equal to the occasion, and was not only abU to entertain til the young ladies but waa able and willidg to wath dishes, and act as general utility mail. The singing ' wjs very rood, and if im of our old tinvr could haw only dropped in they would have soon learned that Bodarv was in keeping with the times. We will ttk forward with pleasure for the Mat nnntloii tbAtwUibaheUia Bodaic TTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTttTTTTTT 4 IHERE AND THERE? Virg Hester completed the building of the town hall last week and left for his home at Harrison Saturday. The build log stands as a credit to his ability as a workman, skilled in the art of building. and giving you your money's worth in material as well as workmanship. A solid and substantial building has never been erected in this secton, and much credit is due Mr. Hester and his foreman John C. Schmidt, for the able manner in which it has been handled. Lusk Herald COMING. Wednesday Evening, July 8, Bev. E. C. Horn, Ph. D., to deliver a lecture on his trip around the world. Dr. Horn has been pastor of the M. E. Church at Al iuce lor aimosi o years and last year they gave him an 8 months vacation in which time he circumscribed the globe, During this tour he took views which he will reproduce on large canvass with one of the finest acetylene machines. Come everybody. Admission, Adults 25 cents clnldreo 15. The same lecture will be given at the Woodman hall, Pleasant Ridge, Tliurs day, July 9. Home of our young hoys around town seem to begetting full of something that we would call the' old nic, and we will have to say if home falhersdont look aftei their young Americans some one else wj and then there will le trouble, this thing of throwing stones is a very bud. and vicious habit und should lie discounten a need by all fathers, as well believers in good society, we knnw it is hard for some parents to believe that theirchildren will do anything wrong but we have noticed that the majority of wrong doers are these very children that never do wrong, We noticed several window lights broken out of the s'-hool house ar.d the majority of these look as if they had been broken by a shot from the toy gun and the remainder by stones, and it surely was somebodrs boy that did it, was it yours? ( not and you know it to be ours we want to know it. MARRJED. - Mr. Chns. Smith und Miss Maud Bartell were united in the holy bonds of mat nmonv at the home of the brido, lasi Wednesday, June 24 1903, at high noon Rev. L. W. Horton officiating. A number of frienos and relatives being present. Miss Carrie Sides acted as brutes maid and Mr Will Bartel I as best man. During the ceremony the groom placed a gold wedding ring on the bride's fingrr After the eeremony we were all invited to the dining room where we found the table burdened with victuals, of the (test descriptions only, and we all ate with renewing appetites, and no one left the dining room as they entered it. Mrs. Bartell certainly knows how to prepare wedding feast. The bride-groom had their pictures taken immediately after they were united, so us to have a picture of their selves as early In marriage life as possible. Mr. Smith is a successful ranchman who resides and has n ranch a' Hewitt, Nebr. and is one of Sioux Co. s most respectable voting gentlemen. The bride is the respective daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bartell, and is a lady of high abilitv. This youug couple ha the wishes of a host of fiiends for a long and happy life, in this art of the country. The PmcxH Journal extends best wishes and may this young couple's future life be one cqntinual round of pleasure. Waf Bonnet Topics. Plenty of rain, and more too I thought, Saturday afternoon ns I came from town and got the full benefit of that shower. Mrs. Plunkett and Miss I torman attend ed the S, 8. convention at Hodarc. I naven't seen them, so don't know how it was, but I can say from what I do know Of the people of Bodarc, if they didn t enjoy themselves it was their own fault. Ootlleib and Ham Knori drove their cattle to Harrison Saturday. Frank Hubbard was around hunting up hatching ulensus; lie ana nriuur Minn are going to start a bachelor hall in the near future. On the 4th of July there is to be a pic nic in the grove east of the War Bonnet school house. A lengthy program will e rendered and a basket dinner served. All are invited to come and have a good ime. Miss Ollivetto Dunn has gone to Harri son to visit a weel with Ida Moravek nd n the Warneke ranch with Mrs Kirk Anderson. Haying lime haa come, that la what will bring the rain. Ed and Ben Scott visited with Arthur Dunn Sunday. Howard Burke was there alio. PsVKtT. Hunter Happenings. Eva Proctor of Proctorville visited at East Hunter Monday. George Baldwin left for Harrison Monday. Mrs. J. R. Hunter ard son Harold came to Hunter Monday. Mr. Hunter came Saturday. Miss Sophia Lindeman, of Crawford, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Harvey. Mr. Proctor went to Hat Creek Monday. Eva Proctor and Pearla Jones visited with Mif. Hughes Saturday. Little Muggins Proctor had a narrow escape from being drowned. Miss Eva seeing him in time, caught him by the left ear and pulled him out on the ground. Ed Schwartz put a new coat on his house last week. We hope he won't freeze this hot weather. Mrs, Elmer Hughes visited at Jones ville on Poet hill Thursday. Mrs. Lewis and Miss May visited their friends of this neighborhood last week. Miss Clara Ohristenseu went to Harri son Monday, where she will visit friends for a few days. Pearla Jones stayed over night with Mrs. Hagerman Saturday night. Mrs. Basset went to Chadron Monday night. Next Monday is the day set for school- meeting. A gentleman irom smoKe and one from Hunter went to Crawford Saturday evening, returning Sunday. Mrs. Christensen went to Casper last Thursday. Pearla Jones was on the sick list lust week. Bouquet. Carey Items. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kpease attended commencement exercises at the Chadron Academy. Dry weather was telling on the crops and gruss when fortunately a shower came Saturday and a good rain Sunday forenoon reviving every thing. Mr. Zimmerman failed to meet his apointmeiit at the church Sunday pres umably on account, of the rain. Perry Siwase is home from Donn college. John Meckem has moved the W. D. Arner house from its former site to the can von where his other buildings are and James Walpule is laying a stone founda tion for him. Iva and Clarence Spense are at home from Chadron, Miss lva was a member of the graduating class this year. Amos Jit co by und family of Warren Wyo, are here visiting relatives. Amos expects to move to Alberta Canada some time in the near f-ilure. Mrs. Harrison Beans visited over night with her daughter Mrs. J. E. Arner while enrnuteto the 8. 8. convention. On the return trip she was accompanied by her duughter Miss Phoebe. - Cotton wood was well represented nt Bodurc. Those in attendance were us follows, Mr. and Mrs. AlvaSaxton and daughter Elva. Mrs. A Procuner, J. E. Arner, the Misses, Emma and Fannie Loyd and ye scribe. All report a good time. As heretofore announced the Sioux Co, S, 8. workers met in convention at Bod urc June 17- 1M. It was my good fortune to be able to attend, and must say that the meeting was a very pleasant and profitable one. All in attendance express themselves as being well paid for their efforts expended in making the conven tion a success. Mr. Burke specially, Is to lie com mended for the utile and efficient manner in which he got up, anil conducted the convention. Kev, Zimmerman was an untiring helper. The presence and help of Rv. Currens and Rev. Horton added materially to the interest of the meeting. Those in attendance from Crawford have tho thanks of the Hioux Co people for their presence and aid, and last but not east, the good people of Bodarc hnveour heart fell (stomnch too) thank for their kind and generous hospitality. May we someday have another such 8. 8. con vention at Bodarti. Bro. Rices death c ime as a shock, we understood that he was coming In June o look after his Interests here and hoped that he would be be re at time of the convention Probably no community knew him better than Cottonwood and none can morn his loss more deeply, for 8 years he and sister Hire lived here and laliored among ns. We feel that he was personal friend to all und in behalf of the community extend our sympathies to Mrs. Kice in her bereavement. Last Sunday evening a numlter of the young people met at the church and held a Christian Endeavor meeting. They expect to meet again next Sun day evening at 7 o'clock everybody it invited. Timothy, Minute the S. 8- Convention. The eleventh annual convention of the Stout Co. 8. 8. Association was held at Bodarc June 17. 18-1903. . Meeting opened by devotional services led by Rev. L. W. Horton. Afternoon session open ed by singing, followed by prayer by Rev. Horton, ' Paver: "flow can we get the most from this convention" was rend by Mrs. Minnie Miller followed by discussion. Mrs. C. P. Lyon being absent Rev. J. B. Currens took up the topic of ''The object of toe S. S." followed by discussion. Rev. L. W. Horton presented the subject on "Why a teacher should be a thorough christian." Miss Jennie Ellis read a paper on "How to conduct a young peo ples class." Rev. E. E. Zimmerman lea in the discussion. Closed for supper. The evening meeting was opened by a song service. The address that was to have been given by Rev, O. K. Hobson was commenced by Rev L. W. Horton but being interrupted the meeting was dismissed for the first day. June lath At 9 A. M. devotional services were begun, led by Rev. E. E. Zimmerman.' Rev. Hobson being absent Rev, Zimmerman presented the subject on "How can we reach outsiders" and Mr. A. Saxton led in the discussion after which J. II, Bartell took up the topic on "How to secure the attendance of par ents" followed by a discussion, which brought our. the fact that few men at tend Sabbath school; In consequence all of the men present that attend 8, 8. were asked to rise. A very large major ity stood up. Then cane reports of schools. Bodarc reported 29 Sundays taught. Union Star reported Glen having no represent ative present the report was given by Rev. Zimmerman. Harrison was report ed by Rev. Horton. War Bonnet report ed 8 S. held since February. No 8. S. at Fairfield. A new S. S. was reported at, Adelia, Pleasant Ridge did not re port. Motion That the chair appoint a com raitteeof three on nominations, carried, RV. Horton. Mr. Hall, and Mr. C. Par sons were appointed on said committee. Motion That the chair appoint a com mittee of three on resolutions, carried. Rev, Zimmerman. Rev, Currens und Miss Jennie Ellis were appointed on said com mittee. Adjourned for dinner. Afternoon services opened by singing. John I. Pavis presented the topic on "In dividual responsibility" followed by dis cussion. Mr. W. H. Davis not being able to attend, his paper on ''How to make an interesting Sunday School" was rtud by Mrs. Horton. After the discuss ion came the election of officers and read ing of resolutions. Nominating Com. recommended that the old oflioers be re tained. Their report was accepted and the o dicers for the next year are as follow-. President, J. B. Burke. Vice Pres. F. M. Hall, Secy, and Treas. Huttie R. Grute. The report of committee on resolutions was read. On motion the reHirt was accepted and adopted. Adjourned to meet next time at War Bonnet providing they can entertain us, if not, at Harrison. Miss Jennie Ellis, Secy. Pro Tern. In Wyoming. Miss Ella Kirtley, of Hot Springs, 8. Dak., was visiting friends on the Ridge last week, The Children's Day exercises did not come oir at the hail on lost Sunday as arranged, on account ef the rainy weather. Yes, we are having plenty of moisture now. a good rain (ell on rnday nigtit and again on Saturday afternoon und Sunday. At last accounts Mr. Eldredge was gaining consciousness, and there were great hopes of his ultimate recovery. Mrs Freese is getting along as well as possible, being now ubie to feed herself with the hand that was sprained. She went to Lusk on last Friday to have her broken arm put in a plaster cist. After hearing the chapter of accidents last week, John Davis concluded that they wouldn't huvo any edge over him, so he took a st at on an inverted box in the hack end of a spring wagon, to take a ride to Hurry Isjuel's. On the way the driver of the cart gave the horses quite u start, when o.it went Johnie from the hind end of the cart. He struck the ground with his shoulder which left its imprint on terra flrma. After getting up and rubbing ms shoulder he was heard to remark, "I do hope that fool Zekiel won't hcarof this to put niein the paper." i We are very sorry to hear of friend Knott's sickness and hoM3 that Clio's items this wtek will bring the good news of his entire recovery. John and Laney Sutton did not go to Powder river as we surmised they had; They heard that the it reams warn very unsafe to ford, and that Powder river was very high, so they postponed their trip until later. All PEOPLE Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possible., and the place to do this is at GERLACH'S GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, ' and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- We see great improvements being made in the residence of one of our neighbors, across the line in Nebraska. Tha house is being sided, shingled, and an addition being built. Does it mean an other wedding? Let the good work goon. Yes, it is a fact that Hill Shatto Btole a march on the reporter and went to Harrison week ago Monday and got .spliced. He didn't even give usachai.ee '.o write up his marriage as it appeared in last week's Press Journal. As Quill of the Lusk Herald says, he jined Church but we think that 'he jined Church Mc- Dermott. Any how wo had a smoke on the strength of it. To Mr. and Mrs Shat to we extend congratulations, but will give ilill fair warning that if he ever plays such a trick op the reporter agaii. we'll write him up in good shape. Nate Deuel and John Davis went to the VT lake, on a fishing bout, one day last week. They report catching enougli llsh for supper. When John and Nate go out to angle A hook like this liiey like to dangle. J Their lines are made both good and st rong And they catch a fish about so long, k , When they get home that fish de grow Aud they tell their friends it measured so, But their friends who've a fishing been Know ttiat Hie flsti is stretched like sin, And they sit aud simply smile and grin, OO OO OO J J J He he! Ha ha! Hoho! Znkllil.. LETTER EKOM MRS. HI. E. Uotchkiss, Colo, June 18, 1903. I know we have many friends who read the PRiss-JouitNL, who will wish to ksow something of the last days which Mr. Rice serit on earth, und us I can not write to each one of you personally, I will take this way to tell you. He was taken sick ttie 14th of Mav, but after the Hist day or two, seemed to be slowly gaining and we thought would soon le about again. He did get well enough to walk about and evengooui, doors a little and then seemed to come .o a stand still. A few days only before he died did we know that be was in any im mediate danger, though I think he felt pretty sure of it before I did. Ou Thurs day the doctor conllrmed our fears and Monday morning June 8th he left us. His one thought seemed to be to think of every thing that would make it easier forme, and that God would give him strength to bear while he should stay here, his preparation for the future had been mude long ago and did not cause him an anxious thought. Ho did not sulTer in those last days except from shortness of breath und was perfectly conscious all the time, spoke to us about ao hour before he died, but when he went he passed away io his sleep, with out a struggle. I had been able to take cure of I ii in all the time until the last nighl, when Fred Bendix was with us. Neighbors had been kind to offer help but he wanted me to care for him if I could and 1 am so glad I could. On Sun day as well as for three days before he talked to rue on the coming change und said "It wont be long now." I had felt that we were utmost among strangers but can never feel so again, every one was so kind, neighbors and Christian brothers and sisters from the church and Sunday School came (o me and I had eyery help possible. On Tues day Mr. Rice's sister Mrs. Case and her husband of Omaha came and Wednesday we laid the dear body away to rest until the resurrccten. There was a beautiful service in the Methodist church in Hotel) kiss, and I wns surprised to find how many hod learned to know him here in these few slwrt months. The music especially was very sweet and comfort ing. Two ' musical evangelists were holding services in Uotchkiss and they with others sang of "the better country" and mode us feel that it was indeed very near, the hymn that was sung was one that Mr. Rice had lutely found in owr S. S. books and had been singing in the last few weeks. This is it; t, "I know my heavenly Father knows The storms that would my way oppose But he can drive the clouds away And turn my darkness into day Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legar matters in Justice, Cou'ity and DistricR Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. tSf'Legal papers carefully drawn.. Hauuison, - Nebraska.. J. H. LACY, SUCCESSOR TO K. R0HWER DEALER IN Lumber, lath, . sash, doors lime, cement, and building: material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery. Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour, Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. Special Reduced Fxmirsinn Ratps V. &, N. W. V. Will bo in effect from ail points on the Chicago & North-Western Railway for the occasions named below: National Educational Association. Boston, July 6lh to 10th, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Saratogas Springs, N. Y July 7th to 10th. United Christian Endeavor, Denver, July 9th to 13th. Epworth League, Detroit, Mich,, July 16th to 19th. . B. P. O. E., Baltimore, Md., July 21 G. A. R. meeting, San Francisco, Aug.. 17th to 22nd. For information as to rates, dates of salu, etc., of these or other occasions,, call upon the ticket agent of the North western Line. Chorus. He knows, my Father knows The storms that would my way oppose,. He knows, my Father knows And tempers evsry wind that blows. I know my heavenly Father knows The balm I need to soothe my woes. And with His touch of love divine He heals this wounded soul of nimev I know my heavenly Father know How frail I am to meet my foes. But He my cause will e'er defend Uphold nnd keep me to the end, I know my heavenly Father know The hour my journey here will close, A,na may that hour, O faithful Guide Find me safe sheltered by Thy side." The hour was nearer than any of uev thought, but he was "Safe sheltered." And all was well, other hymns that were sung were "Jesus Savior pilot mu " "Jerusalem the Gulden" and "And. Sweetly Snlem Thought." The minister who hiul b'.-come a personal friend spoke most appreciatively of his life and char acter, we laid him to rest in a beautlfuh spot, where the grand mountains keep, watch over his grave, It was his plan that I should ittuv here in our little home with my brother and Roy and that we are sure is best. Mr, . and Mrs. ('use are still with us and their pre'ence has done much to mtike the Mrs', lonliness bearable. Friends here audi many who have written me have htfers most kind above all. "I know my heavenly Father knows And tempers every wind that blows. My comfort und hoe is in Him, Emma L, Rioi. Proposal to Honor Smlthton. A project Is on foot In Washington to ornct m monument to James Smith' on, founder of the Smithsonian In stitution, la recognition of bla dura tional and philanthropic work. Coa triai will no aakod to nak a auttr able appropriation for Um 4 ? t Ik- it w tl tl- 4 '