Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, June 18, 1903, Image 1

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Harrison Press -Journal.
Qo, Uavis wudowo
idge Holiday.
from Pleasant
The annual school
Monday J una 88.
meeting wilt be
Carl Eetler caina down from Luik last
Saturday evening.
Jama Nolan and family were in
Bckard, 8. D. yesterday.
Sunday echool at 10 o'clock; every
body invited. W. H. UatM; Supt.
Frank O'Connor, who is working for
Win. J. A. Raum, spent Sunday at
Ab Umpbenour. who ha been working
for Chae. 8niitb, at Hewitt, returned
boms Friday.
Mrs. Annie Thornton and sons. James
and Robert, started oo their journey to
N. Dakota, Monday.
Oeo. Wickeraham was up from Bodarc
Sunday and attended the League and
a btuvh services in the evening.
The cattle belonging to John L. Kay
which were sold at public auction last
Wednesday, sold for a very good price.
Take Laxative tiro :o (jtilnlne tsblnt. All
ilruftKlHla refund tli money ll If fatls to
cure. K. W. oruvu'i signature b uu cm li
box. tic.
Miss Lizzie E. Parsons returned home
last Friday from Lincoln where she has
been attending school at the Wesleyn
Thomas Mines was in from his ranch
last Saturday, and diden't forget to stop
in and say howdy to the Editor, and in
his generous spirit left with us some of
the shining metal which means 18 to 1,
and said send your great moral Educator
to my friend Beruont Gunn of Highland
J. H. Denelow and family from Hoopei
Bvbr. arrived at Glen on the east hound
train last Saturday, and .Ussy willtaake
Mux Co. their home in the future. Tl
VKma-Jot'HNAL welcomes Mr. I'enslow
aad his family and hope they will tike
Sioux County for a permunent home ait
well as we do.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Maine, accompanied
by Master Earl Wright, came in on the
west bound train Tuesday morning. Mr.
and Mrs. Maine were welcomed hy their
many frieLds, and will make their visit
indefinite. Little Earl was a welcome
visitor back to the home of Mr. and Mrs
W. B. Wnght
Chamberlain's Cello, Cholera awnd
Diarrhoea. Remedy
Is everywhere recognized as the one
remedy that can always be depended up
on and that is pleasant to take it is
specially valuable for summer diarrhoea
ui children and is undoubtly themeansuf
saving the lives of a great many children
each year. For sale by all Druggists.
JL7 mAl fiMi Anna nmi Wtpa Nawu
? last Saturday returning home from Chiul-
ron where they have been attending lite
Academy sine last Sept. and they feel
well pleased with their work as well as
to speak a aroud word for the teachers
and Uia Academy in general. The Chad
ron Academy is a irood school, and we
Wish more of bur young people could
attend it.
The 4th of July Ball will be given in
the evening July 8rd at the liall. Good
music will be furnished for the occasion.
The music will ba furnished from the
violin, piano, and comet and will be
imply flrot class. With good music yeu
can dance well and have a good tune, so
ooma and enjoy yourselves.
R. C, Duhn.
Oa aMt Tuesday Hill Shatto and Mrs.
"Adda Mrtttraott were married at the
Cowiaaarntal hotel. Rev. L W. ilortun
oAciafing. Mr. Shatto and bride reside
MM aVlrtley, and I hey have many friends
who wish them a long and happy life.
The. PaW Jol'KKAl. extends best wishes,
hoping their married life may be one
continual round of pleasure.
We were pleased to matte the acquaint
ance of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Alcolt, in the
tiuth part of this county, during our
isil in that part of tlie county last
week. We war also at J. L. Hanford'a
ranch, and are pleased to know that each
of tlieee gentlemen have Una ranges for
-i--jieir si
1 twill,,
-fceir slock, and they escn ereni nappy
i on enu-d. Mr Stanford ts putting
llnet rMienr In Mitchell Md
vr the benefit of the
i bool of i
ace from this time on.
Lenis Larson was up
the first of the week.
from Whitney
Mrs. Clark and Helen went east
visit, Tuesday evening.
on a
Joe StaUney is down from his ranch
at Hampshire, Wyo. this week.
On our recent visit to the Junior Nor
mal at Alliance we failed to see any
teachers from Sioux county while there
was a fairly good Dumber from the
counties; shame on the teachers of this
county and we hope the school boards
will lemember the ones ttlat do attend
later on and will show their appreciation
by an advance in their wages. We con
sider this Mm greatest opportunity that
has ever been offered our teachers in this
north-west, and if a school teacher ex
pects to get any thing with out making
some sacrifice they must be of the lucky
number. We are pleased to know that
Sioux Co. has one prospective teacher
Miss Mabel Bigelow who is not letting
this opportunity go by and we know she
will be tlie gainer in time to come.
In the death of Rev. Charles E. Rice of
HotchkissCol. as chronicled in last weeks
issue the world has lost one of the roost
ardent Christian men that it has ever
been our pleasure to meet, while Mi-
Rice was weak physically his bearing ax
aChrintian man was worthy of example
by all. We on I v wish the world had
uiuny such menus he was not physically
hut spiritually for he will ever he as a
living monument, to those that he came
in contact with as to what it takes to
make a Christian,
Mr, Rice has many friends in all Sec
tions of this part of the country, who
will be pained to learn cf hisdeath, know
ing that his life, was pattern of the one
wlimn it was his pleasure to serve.
The Prewv Journal ex tends sympathies
to the bereaved wife, and relatives.
Hunter Happenings.
Fine weather for Grass hopier or Clod
George Baldwin ws a Harrison visitor
Saturday-. - - -
Miss May Lewis of Crawford is now
visiting with her brother, Frank and wile.
May was a former teacher of Andrews
and she was a good teacher. We are
glad to see her liuck again and would like
to have her stay.
Mr. DeUock and son were visiting
with Mrs. Bassett Sunday.
Tom Jones and son Tommy went up to
Joe Var ley's Sunday, returning Monday
Mrs. " Otn Jones visited with Mrs.
Harvrj Saturday,
Mr. 1 wis. who has been up to the
commi sioo 's meeting took the flyer for
Harris.' , M "lay morning.
Miss i ..1.11a Christenssn was a Harrisou
visitor Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Pontius and son Will
visited with Mr. Chnstensen's folks one
day last week.
George Baldwin sawed wood for Mr,
Shepherd one day last week.
Released from pain and suffering here.
Hone to their rest, have two ol our
friends since we last sent items. One so
young and ambitious to have to give up
life so early, makes it seem so sad, and
the other so full of good works all his
life. Wa almost question, why must it
be so when so many less valuable lives
are spared? It makes heayen seem not
very faraway. This old earth ship is
continually leaving loved ones on the
evergreen shores, never to return to us,
but when tlie Master calls shall we be
ready to go over also? What is life,
when death is but the beginning of life
eternal? Rev. Rice and wife were wel.
come guests at so many of our home
for many years, and his cheerful, happy
disposition won his way to every heart.
How sadly will ha tie missed, but he has
gone from works to rewards.
Picked our first mess of strawberries
yesterday. A good deal of corn will
have to ba replanted, but Um ground is
to wet to work now.
Commencement week is over and the
students have returned to their homes
after a hard years work, Ooly two to
graduate this year and they are from the
College. The Academic course has added
one more yer, so there were no grad
uates from that department this year.
At this writing F. W. is sick in bad
and haa betn for several day a, but under
the skillful hands of Dr. Brown he haa
been brought through a very critical
period and is getting along aa wall as
sny one could. He will ba abl to ait up
in a few daya if ha continues to improve.
Bo much wet weuther the l)ra, are
fearful of good deal of stomach and
bowel trouble-
Agate Phraser
Af yea seem to have no correspondent
in Agate, I will try to send you a few
items that I have gathered "at an
immenoe sacrifice of time and labor."
The patriotic people in ttiese parts in
tend to celebrate the glorious 'Fourth' by
a picnic in Mr. Harris' grove and a dance
in bis capacious building on Runniug
Water. A good time is expected.
Grandma Miller aud Mrs. Myers arrived
from Cherry County to visit Mrs. John
Kay, daughter and sister, respectively, of
the above ladies.
Misses Anna and Nora Neece are back
home from IheChadron Academy, where
they spent tho last nine months.
We have had plenty of rain during the
past weeks aud the old saying that a wet
Easter makes 10 wet Sundays proved
true this yetr. Tlie country looks One
in its fresh green dress; the cattle are
picking up and doing nicely.
Messrs. Harris and Metlon intend to
build a school house and to employ a
teacher. Mr. R. T. Neece is employing an
instructor now. It seems but fair that
men paying their children's tiution out
of their own pockets ought to have their
pro rata of the State money provided
they employ a competent teacher. As it
s now, the country furnishes no educa
tional facilities to many children, but
gets a sliare of the State money by rights
belonging to them. An effort will un-
deubtly ba made to remedy this condi
X In Wyoming.
A few have been loosing cattle by the
blackleg route lately.
With sorrow we read of the death of
Rev. C. E. Ricu, at Hotchkiss, Col. We
have known Mr. Rice for several years
having gotten acquainted with him
while we lived near Bodarc. To Mix.
Rice and family we extend our sineerest
sympathy; and can say that the readers
of tlie Puiwb-Jol'KRaL in this community
nil sympathize deeply with her, as they
know her through the correspondence
from Hotchkiss.. -
Mrs. Frees met with quite a seriou
accident week ago last Monday night
which came very near casting her life,
Hhe had been y mi ting Mrs. Sides and l;rt
there lor home about 8 o'clock. Th.
lorse i nai sue was riding lelt quite guy
and when about half a mile from ho.ie
"lie rare u,, and prance up, and kick uj
his heels, throwing Mim, Frees over hi
had to the ground, where she was found
by her husband sometime later greatly
cniuea ana in a uazed state. Hhe was
taken home and the doctor sent for, win
arrived at 5 o'clock the next morning.
un examination It was lound tlial one
fore arm, just above the wrist, sustained
a compound fracture, while the other
had one, if not both tones, broken just
above the wrist. The fractures were re
duced as best they could be ou accoun
oi me swollen condition ol the arms.
On last Friday, as she was suffering i
great (leal, she was taken to Lunk, bu
we hear that the doctor could not do
much to relieve the pnln. At present
she is resting easier and doing as well as
could he expected. The neighbors are
all very kind and doing all that they can
te make her comfortable,
Mrs, Church, Sr., is and has been, con
stantly by her bedside, doing the house
work and ministering to Iter wants. We
all sincerelv hope that she will soon be
able to get out again.
Next Sunday being Children' bay
their teacher. Miss Florence Christian,
has prepared it good programme and is
practicing the children in the various
parts, so that wa can expect a good and
profitable service at the hall Sunday
Miss Amy Christian closed hi r shhool
in Manville last week and arrived home
on last Saturday. Miss Florence Christ
ian has been engaged to teach the prim
arv department there the next term.
Nate Deuel arrived on the Ridge laat
Saturday night and was sltaking hands
with friends here on Sunday.
Mrs. Hortor accompanied her husband
out to his charge here ou last Sunday.
They were the guests of Mr. aud Mrs.
HolterfJeld over night Saturday ,
Quite a shower visited the Ridge on
last Sunday afternoon. It was quite re
freshing and no doubt did a deal of good.
Z. G. Deuel and son James went to
Cottonwood creek on last Sunday to see
Mr. S. Eldredge, who was so seriously
hurt by a horse running over him, one
day last week.
John and Laney Sutton expect to make
an overland trip to visit their brother
Albert, at Kay See, in the near, future,
Mies Bertha Thompson, who U suffer
ing will) inflamatory rheumatism, is a
littlei batUr at last reports.
Oeorga Davis lias been having trouble
with hia pump, and at times la short nn
Mrs. J, U. Williams is still quite poor
ly, but we hope to hear of tier recovery
soon. -
We hope that Bouquet does not think
for a minute that we have a spite against
White River. Far from it, some of our
happiest days in the wast were spent a
long the banks of that beautiful stream.
We, may he mistaken,, but wa always
thought that Glen was on White River.
As we write these items, the day be
fore Monday, hail is falling as large as
anfpes' eggs.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Christian went to Lusk
on last Friday, returning on Saturday.
J, A. Rice and family' passed through
here, with a prairie schooner, enroute to
Agate ranch on Galloping water.
Yes Peggy, we are glad to know that
our neighlxtr, Mr. Wilson, is taking such
an interest in Sunday Schools and meet
ings, He Is a regular attendant at our
meetings here.
Wa bear that Mr. SUve Eldridge, who
lives in the valley near Mr, Deuel's, was
ran down and seriously hurt at his ranch
on Cottonwood a few days ago. We
sincerely nope mat it may not tie as
serious as roported.
An ac I ipse of the 8un (Harrison) occurr
ed on laat Friday, and ft wasn't billed in
the almanac either. When it came to
our table and was opened, lo, it would
"frox your whiskers" to see the page of
local news. The correspondents too
must have gone oq a visit. Well, Sun,
we'll excuse you this time, but don't
keep it up all summer.
What's the matter with Clio and M. A.
C? Wake up and say something.
Those fellows in Drouthy Kansas, who
live along the Smokey Hill and Caw
rivers from Raima down, had better
come to western Nebr. or eastern Wyo.,
where we just have enough rain and no
Laney Sutton came out to the Ridge
on last Sunday. We surmise that he
ami John started on their trip to Kav
see on Monday.
Wa hear that Cora Davis was thrown
from her pony and dragged a short dis
tance,, one day last week. She escaped
with a few slight bruises.
J. H, 5wwlm and family and Mrs. E va
E. Christian and daughter Nellie were
sight seeing in your city on last Monday
To the Teachers of Sioux County,
The railroads will grant a rate of a fare
and one-third on tlie certificate plan f.
Monday and Tiienlay, June 22 and 23.
These are the only Alliance dates on
which reduced sales w ill be made to
except August 9 aud 10 which is named
a the bulletin I have mailed to each
teacher in Sioux? County.
I wish to impress upon every teacher
and prospective teacher in the county
the good which can be derived from the
Normal at Alliance, I am sure if v.,u
clearly realized what you are letting pass
by within the reach of every one of you
that you would make an effort and a
HHirrilloe to attend ail of the term you
possibly can. The following is what
Supt. fowler has to say in regard to the
si.hool. ''I trust every Superintendent
addressed in this letter will use all rev
sonable means to secure a large attend
ance from the teachers of his county at
the Alliance Junior Normal, Tin
appropriation is only lor the ensuing
biennium, and unless your counties show
by a liberal patronage that vou appreciate
and that you will profit by such p-iv
ileges the legislature two years hence
will in all prolsibility refuse vo ma!;e
another uppropriatian. It therefore rests
with the County Superintendents whether
or not this school shall be mantained
your territory.
If we expect success I believe it is
absolutely necessary for you to do away
with your county Institute and give the
Junior .Normal a fair trial and a clear
way. The laat week of the Junior
Normal school will be Institute week ;
but remember tiiat wa must work for a
good attendance from every county (or
the full term. I believe wben the matter
is properly presented to your teachers
they will ba ready to make some sac-
nhVe and some effort to profit by the
advantages offered them at Alliance,
every teacher who attends Una echool
for the entire term will be worth at least
$0 a month mora lo her school. I urge
upon the school officers of your county,
therefore the plea of simple justice when
I say that they should pay higher salaries
to teacliera who thus prepare for their
work than for indifferent teacher who do
not attend. On this plan and in this
pint, I ask the hearty co-operation of
every teacher in your county, every
school ottlcer as well as your own best
efforts for lietter teachers and better
schools "
1 trust each teacher will give Um school
a trial and thus prepare for advancement
of our educational interest of tlirs coun
ter. C cm BAD PaMK!.
Co. Hurt.
Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possible,.
and the place to do this is at
In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Coine and see us any way and be social."
Commissioners Pruckkwnos.
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr., June 9-1908.
The, county commissioners convened
as a board of equalization. Present
commissioners. Lewis, Bigelow. and
Wm. J, A. Raum clerk.
Board Proceeded to ascertain the totul
valuation of property assessed and the
relative value thereof. On motion board
adjourned till 8 o'clock A. M. June 10th.
1903. Wm. J. A. Raum,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr., June 10-1903,
Board of equalization met pursuant to
adjournment. Present commissioners
Lewis, Bigelow. Jordan, and Win. J. A
Raum clerk.
Board continued to ascertain the total
valuation of property assessed and the
relative value thereof. Ou motion board
adjourned till June 11 at 8 o'clock A. M.
1903. Wm. J. A. Raum,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr., June 11-1903
At 8 o'clock A. M. board of equalizat
ion met pursuant to adjournment. Pre
sent commissioners, Lewis, Bigelow.
Jordau aud Wm. J. A. Raum clerk.
Board continued to ascertain the total
valuation of property assessed and the
relative value thereof. On motion board
adjourned till June 12,t1908at 8 o'clock
A.M. Wm. J. A. Raum,
Harrison, Sioux Co., .Nebr. June 12-1903
At 8 o'clock A. M. board of equalizat
ion met as per adjournment. Present
uommissionera, Lewie, Bigelow, Jordan,
and Wot. J. A. Kaum clerk. Board con
tinued to ascertain the total valuation
of property assessed and the relative
value thereof, On motion board adjourn
ed till June 13, 1903 at 8 o'clock A, M.
Wm. J. A. Raum,
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr., June 13-1903
At 8 o'clock A. M, board met as per
adjournment. Present commissioners,
Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan aud Wm. J A.
Raum clerk.
Board continued to ascertain the total
valuation of proerty assessed and the
relative value thereof. On motiuu board
adjourned till Monday the 15th 1908 at 8
o'clock A. M. Wm. J. A. Raum,
- Clerk.
Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebr. June 15-1903
The Board met as per abjoornineiit.
Present commissioners,. Lewis, Bigelow,
Jordan and. Wm. J. A. Raum clerk.
Ou motion Board adjourned to convene
as a board, of county commissioners,
Board met as per adjournment. Present
commissioners, Lewis, Bigelow, Jordan,
and Wm. J. A. Raum clerk.
liie ouu iai isina oi i.onraa t'arsons as
deputy county Clerk and deputy Clerk of
Uist. Court was examined and on motion
approved. On motion the county Ixiard
adj. timed to convene us a Isoard of
equalization. Adjourned.
Wm. J. A. Raum,
Harrison, Sioux ().. Nebr., June 15-1903
The board met as per adjournment.
Present commissioners. Lewis, Bigelow,
Jordan and Wm.J. A. Raum clerk.
Hrmrd continued to ascertain the total
valuation of proerty assessed and the
relative value thereof. On motion tlie
board adjourned till June Id, 1903,
Wm. J, A. Raum ,
War Bonnet Topics.
Frost again last week, ruined lots of
fruit and garden.
I see the school meeting notices are
stuck up already for June-29, every one
should remember ar.d be present as im
portant business is to be transacted.
Mr. and Mrs. Burke was out to 8. 8.
lliev also drove to Uie S E and niada a
visit with Mrs. Grimm.
Mr. and Mrs, Billy Shepherd and sons,
visited at Robt. Keels Sunday and attend
ed S. 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family, Mrs.
Jack Finley and family, Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Dick man and Arthur and Olhvette
Dunu visited at Oustave Norishes Sun
day and were present at their S. S, It
was vary nice, hut would he so much
nicer for us all to take part in one 8. 8.
and have this fend put lo an end. Life
is to snort to be marred by such silly jars
and jangles, It 1 1 ways takes two to
make quarrel a al also two to make up
Professional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all lega
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
Legal papers carefully drawn..
Uaiuuson, - Nebkabka..
Lumber, lath, sash, doors,
lime, cement, and building:,
material of all kinds.
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and
Range goods.
Flour, Feed, and Grain.
Paint, Oils & etc.
g Special Reduced
Fir.ursinn Ratps
C. & N. W. UV. .w. .
Will be in effect from all points on thei
Chicago & North-Western Railway for :
the occasions named IkIow:
Modern Woodmen of America, Indian
apolis, Ind., June 17th to 24th.
National Educational Association,.
Boston, July Clh to 10th.
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Saratoga..
Springs,. N. Y July 7th to 10th.
United Christian Endeavor, llenver, July
9th to 13th.
Epworth League, Detroit, Mich,, ),y.'
16th to 19l h.
B. P. O. E , Baltimore, Md., July 21 28;,
G. A. R. meeting, San Francisco, Auk
17th to 22nd.
For information as to rates, dates of
sale, etc., of these or otlier occasion,,
call iion the ticket agent of tlie North
western Line.
so now let each attempt and do their
part toward a reconciliation.
I accidently heard the other day thab
Sunt Crawford, of the famous Crawford
Bros, saw mill, will he married ere lung,
but failed to hear who the fair damsel is,,
but I am sure all the rest of the girls
will envy lier.
Ge. Ga r'etson was in this neighor
hood last Monday; He cam eon horsebacks
but went away a foot. His horse went?
on ahead.
Mr. and Mrs. Irven Zimmerman s',opv -ed
overnight with Len Douts last Friday
they were on their way bacl' from Wo
where thev had been living a short time
on their claim. Little Irva accompanied
them nn down to Bislarc to stay a while
With Grandpa and Grandma Zimmerman..
Remember 8. 8. next Sunday at 2 P.M..
Preaching immediately after at 3 P. M
(Someone and all.
, - i in
J ' ...