51 t 1 P' i I i II STOCK BRANDS. nLfrinAt HiWwH Tin? M-und. like lnm i-Onwiiu, fur :, pr rear. Sj h d 'Kttt l trnux! 75 rent, r.wrr tr-nr.tr or nwdniralit .-. .ui u-lttnim? camh- snoaUt ajwrtlsr tfcir in-m.ls i' riifc.folB ULu St rtriuui?f all v-r trie, rtul. It tiny tf t runxof svii'K iiiiin'T Mir you iJo lrn.M l Th vu . v . Jun.. 4, ln"3. C. ('. liurkr, l'rtip. !-".XTfc:tKI IN THE 1'I lit r l K AT H V It KIWIS SKIlll. A" Krf)N': i'I.A M ATT Kit SSOO REWARD. Ptrrtrrr-t lend wmvirtum f any partv or pnttim teu.rSuir r .lilaiiriii i'-t.y bland O St.' bciwitfiJlS t lri. imdrrsiKlied pur FTj.d -o en, ii7. f . LJANPT. .v on l-f t hip 2 on eft hip I'TiHir. loni I oi:m1v, Nebraska m left JilW, Post office, Ili will -- tiK.OKCK SV ANSON. fettle Worsts ;,rT;pHi , left Sill'' jn left SllOU OKKICIAL l'APEK OK SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Y.ar. JOHN T. NoV. branded on I. It shoulder Hint futile flY mi lilt side I'lml Office Address, Putrid. Lurumti Co. Wyu. JOHN A. HANSON : ) .ns the follow- k 1 ItuMirund nueiltl- Kr tfwr, ranKO on tldicr lTk. Any -iB'k branded ns Iv beinir cstriiy ft from 1115 riivK". discovered ty 's,iy '(" flji KivniK nit- iiiformiitlon " ill tie rewarded. Addles.. Kt. liobinson, NVbruskit I'. iNorwa branded on PAKXElt. It ft shoulder 1111(1 Mp. SUcep barndcd Kjn OH l'a,'k p--- aek of Sim p. -EauKeon Solitinr Crk mI White Uivt-r. Addieis, Kt. Kobinson, Nebraska. Samuel knori. Tattle bniiu'.ed any where on lert siile uf the aitlTfinI. Riinge on Prni- 1 ie l'o(f and Mini rJe Creeks. Adilrerw. llarrihon, NebrUKka Alio H 3 on r:it- tU' ami luirwe .utile on l"r:!.!e tu.r...'s on left shiuihier. W-l ( Itni'. I'ost-tttlicf' Uan ison Ncii. - HKWAUD. will " ty ".K! tvwurd for phcIi head i: either or tbiK' turnw.afe'ji -over o 7iilit' Rieva-r on llnnlrlLfclJJ .watrr. also $100.00 for proof -convict any p-rsoD unlawfully hainiiniK jftnv of siiid liorses. V. J. A. R.UM. J S. TUCKER. Brinti-il on left sho'tliler ot horses lnxJon If ft xf'leof enttle. ASPItKW tflKKHAS ( Uttje bl'HlMl ei 011 Kit i-it' wattle cut itiiM PorHet brMit'1'-il 011 left MlCtll'i Hine rtf eut inv t!ie pr.pcTty ot Anilie-v t lirij-ttati (ok rui'e tributary ta V uti Thm-i .r!uh. Aiblres, Kirtiev, w v. Si ltKKWVEU A Co. CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER IN Lumbt-r, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Biif-'sies, and Machinery of all kiwis. A Iso Wind -Mills, Towers, Piping, rumps, and everything iif that line. I alto carry a large ftock of feed, ground and ungrouud. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Marsteller Bros HENRY WARD BEEOHER. '. ,. .r r- V. J. i'lr-. i "; ' N"e! , i-v '-i i i-- w, IV '..i v. -J V. mi .Miiir- uk thai -u rsssn EaEa on rlulit hile right side of cattle loo. ,KajiuroH Whlt Kiver, nenr 'ilen. Pout (Jltlce ad'lress, (ilen, Nebraska. KonKKT F. S KECK. :K!ue hn hi -tit. either I LH if ett hip or on J left huu liter. ..r-,..f-.-J , (Ft!i ! fl bla P m m llorw biSH'teU with Kiiy ! tVv braiKis. Arli1rm, J. Afkitsov, Harrison, Nebrtt-kii. J. K. liLSTKU. Cuttle )iraide"l..V",". PEDIGREE. Sin-d by Roseberyl Xo. 255. Dam 1st by Duke of Cleve land, No. 2nd by Michael, Xo. 205. 3rd by Darnaby, Xo. is. 4th. by King George, No. 161, by Victory Xo. m. K km arks; Dam was a Hamalctonian mare of rare merits and a good troUvr. ..TKRMrf-G.U0 to insure colt to stand and suck. ROCK Cattle Branded Range oa on left side on left lilp Also rattle brnmled siio-Jlder or aide. K.mK'" on Kuimlng Water. V. o. Address Afmte, Keltraska. ns shown cut, on ritf side, hip. or I i'l'.'tvii'V On left siile. ltitlht eill flip, ed shoulder. Also II 5100 REWAK.D will tx- p.ild forevldenee eonvietiiiff Kiiy" one fur rill, iiintf off or in any way t:mis rli.(f with stis U liavinif any of the afstve brand or brands. Uaneh at Andiews, Nebr A'tdrt ss, Harrison Sebr. J.H. UEXSLOW. J. l.EVKR. .Cattle brandei! N I.KKTSiliK ,Po .t I' e A Mrrxt. chadron Nebraska. I1KNRY W AliNKUK. f'attle brand ml on lull. aule. jtangeon ;KunlTR Water Jfi J'. U. Address UurrlRon, I'ebra-k t. v- i J 1 ("attl-f branded on .'iir:it side s in as cut. A'.'! also ft on Mk'ht hip. Horses bran led i-" . on r'.ffht slioir.der or Jaw. Kanif" on w .titn lllver, oa tlm old D.ive Colville rf iieli. W llllmn. llnntley loreinnn. P. Addrew; Oirn, Nebr. KOUHKKT SDNS. XT IS A BINDING TIE. ,Wlreltt Telegraphy Has Taken Away the Mystery of the Sea. The equipping of ocean greyhounds ,wlth the Marconi system has taknn way part of the dread and mystery of the sea. Steamships can now communicale with one another or with the shore at a distance of hun dreds of miles, the case of the Ameri can liner Philadelphia, which talked with Polubu from mid-ocean, 1,551 miles, on Feb. 22, 1902, coming to mind. Recently the Philadelphia .and the Lucania p!ayed a chess game en route, and a plan of supplying liner with dally news from shore at 5 a day is now being contemplat ed. In April, 1899, the Goodwin Isands lightship o.T the English coast, was struck. In a collision, and with jher Marconi apparatus was able to aend for assistance across twelre pile of ocean. Life-saving stations along the const of England have fre quently received warning, by the wireless system attached to outlylDg lighthouses, that vessels were drift ing aanor tnrougn me tog. , wnen the iBveotkm la perfected so that the weather bureau can flash warnings from short stations to the coasting fleet plying the coastwise lanes a creatf ste will have beea taken; but at Bruasat Um tests of thin nature, , owiac to Um v ailow atasospherVc dl inilWMKos, kave'not sMt wtta eoav Cattln brand, ed u-- tnu as that on cut on eith T atdn of nnl- nal And following on eft kidu of rattle That is where I do my trading. You had better do your's there! why? BECAUSE They handle the largest line of Goods in town. Their Dry Goods are, always the best. They carry the largest line of Hoots and Shoes. They handle the celebrated J. R STBTSttN Hat ALSO A full and complete line of Groceries, Candies, Boots, Shoes, Flour and Feed. And their prices are always the best. YES! Oome and we will prove this. MARSTELLER BROS. J. H. WiLHEUORFEI., WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. Tkkvs ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION. 1 to insure colt to stand and suck. s 1 The Commercial Bank. HARRISON. NE3RASKA. DOCILE. &'iiktl PERCH EON and MORGAN STALLION. Terms: -7.00 to insure colt to stand and Rick. The above stallion will stand at our barn in Harrison this season. Fees will lie due and payable at once - in case mares are dispo-d of or removed from the county. Call and see us if you desire the servii;e of horse this season. DIECKMANN A: LACY. C. V DIRECTORS. CWkk, President. F. W.Ci.arkk, Cashi On as. C. Jameson. H. S. Ci.auke, A. McGlNLKtf Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely ob us to handle their entire Hanking busines. KlAVe are prepared to take cart; of our trade at all tiint-Hil- THE PIONEER PHARMACY. fa ZLZM. 7rT A Tiff III IV I 111 1.1 Drills, Druist's Sundries, $ Paints. Oils. Y:.irnishes. HOOlcS .'liui STATIONARY. j J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. oj niANK m no. A. It. KKNXMiY. nd this mtffil on left sido of she utock. And this on left sldti and hip. Kanfreon Unnnlne Water. l ott. Offlee Address, Harrison, Nebraska. SMKR.FF'S SALE lV vlr'ne of nn ord' r of sale Issued by thnelerk of the district court of sionx Co., Nebraska, op iii a deere render"! In all court, In f;i vor of John Wels-r plaintiff and nitninst Is dor Hlehstein di'tewJBiit, I will on fhfnd day ot Juno, A I), lww, at on o'clrx k in the f ternooii of ld day, at the east front door of tlie Court House of "aid county, at Harrison, Nebraska, sell lit public suction to III) hlKbest bidder for cash In h nd, thi followl.iK deserllMd real estate situated in ld eou ty fx. wit. Th .'onth West (jiiMrter of the ith t quar ter of soetlon thT (), Hmtli East qii irlr of tt Hunth-Kitat quarter of fwetlttn four (4) and the West half ol tho orth Wet n.iiur' Uirol Section ten (10) In Township Ihlrty two (tjR.wa'i' flfty-lx () wt of tt sixth principal wir rtlun, to satisfy said order of sle in the sum ot three hnudred and artv Hven dollars nd fifty tw cei.u (JH57 K) Interest eontsnd srernlnM cost. Flr.t publlCAtlot. May Hi-Ps"i3 At.KXI.OWRT. SlwrlCof sjKl wiinly. Jr. STALLION rut tip bi-AiKlt'ti hU- aii-l tati! mi ier f Unreu. 1.1. Alwt 'niH' of thf I!(irw wit's f;t t nr hrntu': on ! UvMH mifl tie mt tht h-f t left niton! A'Ulrt n, Iltirrittfiii, XrOriukn. ( ttt lie l'.rnl 1 on KiKht Hln eiioulder P. II. Address, ( mwford, Nebraska. PUP Will make the season at my place! on Monroe Creek, 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE. Wisdom Jr., Sired by imported Clyde, Dam seyeii-eights Siiike, weight 1,-000 prniifls. Prick: ?0. 00, to insure living colt. The money for ser vice of Stallion will be d'ua and payable ;it once in case mares are sold or removad from the county. ROBERT KEEL. NMi- J'lltliAN. ' Ilfirsrs and cat tle branded on either ld, snme as on out. (M.MAVK IIAIlKIH. (nttln brmijeij as how n on left side with over bit nn ltd I ar. HsnKe on Knn nln Water, . v"s,f,.. B V'f- And Cattle branded side, and Horses on leti pSSl on left , Address, llodarc, N. bra-lm. IiKKP MKKK l.l K "T'li K Co Branded an IW l l.lp i,f utile and on left elneV ol llorsiwi KiiiiKe on m ei ( ri in. AOdless, DeepClei-li l.lve M((ek (',. J. H. IUi.iii.kt, 1 oremar., l.li-ii, h. i.raskk. To Cure a Cold in One Day 0 f tf A kCSan BsTsee soM h tost 12 SBoatta. Tth fimitCTB. VI' SjCfr Cares Grip cs every ' 1. ). Addres, Maraland, Nebr. : mmK I i v Hi I -f -,1.....'