AUTHOR OF "LITTLE DROPS OF WATER,' C Elk BRAT ES EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY 1 I I I Jw ,is fp - 3 f k Little drops of water. Little graina of sanfl, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land. So the little momenta. Humble though they be. Make the mighty age Of eternity. Mrs. Julia A. Fletcher Carney, author of tne famous poem, "Little Things," recently celebrated her eightieth birthday at her home In Galesburg. 111. She wrote Die poem In IMS, when she wag a school teacher In Boston, and her object In writing; It was to help her pupila understand the value of little things. A few years later the poem had been translated Into many languages, and generations have recited and sung It In all the civilized countries of the world. Mrs. Carney's husband, who was a Universalis! minister, died at Galesburg In 1871. POORHOU8E TO PARLIAMENT. Labor Candidate Who Wan Notable Victory In Loadeau Political preferment awaits the man of ability In England as well as In this country. This Is shown by the recent election In the Woolwich dlvl- BlOD K liUUUUU, Jf where Wllllaru R Crooks, labor can didate for Parlia ment, defeated his opponent, Geoffrey Drage. Unionist, by a majority of over 3.000 although the constituency has for many years Ix-on regarded wife WILLIAM CROOKS. ly Unionist by a majority of nearly 3.000. The election of Mr. Crooks Is a victory for the labor vote, which has caused the London Times to say: "The election means that the siecter that has hypnotized tlx continental governments has shown Itself at last among ourselves." Crooks was born In 18T.2 and spent a portion of the early years of bis life in the poorhouse at Poplar. After leaving this Institution b worked at odd Jobs until he was 14, when he was apprenticed to ft cooper. As late as JS7S he tramped from London to Llvei-p""! 1,1 earch of work. He was then In the greatest poverty, but be fore that had he engaged sctlvely In trade agitations. He worked hard for the dockers In the groat London dock strike and became chairman of the Poplar Board of Oardlans and other local bodies. Subsequently be was elected mayor of Poplar-the first labor mayor ever elected In England. He then became a member of the London County Council and ha since been supported by his fellow workmen. ' Mr. Crooks Is a man of the John Burns type. He Is a ready speaker, a ttk!lled politician and a well-posted social economist. He neither drinks nor smokes, but devotes all bis time to his duties and' to self Improvement. His selection has greatly strengthened the labor party In England. Impress lug npon It the value and necessity of solidarity. During the South Afri can war Mr. Crooks was an advocate of the Boer side and strongly denounc ed the action of the British govern ment BANK OF THE WHITE HOU8E. la Point of Architecture It Is in a Cinoe by Itself. One moonlight night In June, 1902, while strolling through the grounds with Chart F. MeKIm, one of the member of. the Park Commission, we aeatedoamivesion one of those mounds which tradition ascribes to John Qulu ey Adams's taste In landscape architec ture. That afternoon crowds of peopl" arrayed In Joyous costumes befitting the seml-troplcs had come from the hot city to rest uoder the trees and listen to the Saturday concert of the Marin Hand. The musicians, clad In white duck, were located In little depression, so that the sound of the music rolled up fhe slope to the attentive audience. ' . A year before w had observed the same effect at Versailles; and both the alrollarltlea and the difference of the two picture wen being discussed as w sat In the quiet night, behind tn Vm0 So our little erron Lend the aoul away From the path of virtue. Far la ain to stay. Little deeds of kindne, Little worda of love, Help to make earth bappy Like the heaven above. locked gates, where not a sound from the city streets broke the grateful noise, of water splashing In the fountains. On the high portico the President sat amid a group of dinner guests, and the lights of their cigars were "echoed' by the drowsy fireflies flitting about th grounds, only the brilliantly lighted windows of the secretary's office even suggesting the workaday world. The moonlight, shining full on the White House, revealed the harmonious lines of Its graceful abape. "Tell roe." I asked the architect, "among the great houses that have been built during recent years In the general style of the White Hons many of them larger and much more costly Is there any that. In point ol architecture, surpasses It?" "No; there Is not one In the same class with It," he replied deliberately a Judgment confirmed later under the noonday sun. Century. Zentful Frankness. Unexpected frankness now and theo gives a special zest to the humor of a situation In Congress. When "Gabe1 Bouck was the representative from the Oshkosh district of Wisconsin, a pen sion bill came before the House, tc his great vexation of spirit; for, while his personal convictions were directly Opposed to it, his political Interesli were strong enough to whip hitn Intc line. Ou the day the bill came up foi final disposal a fellow-member met lioui'k In the space behind the lam row of seats, walking buck and fortt and gesticulating excitedly, bringing his clenched right first down Into tlx hollow of his left hand, to the accom panlment of expletives which would hardly look well In print "What's the trouble, Gabe?" Inquire; bis friend. "Why all this excitement? "Trouble?" snorted the Irate law maker. "Trouble enough! That pen slou bill Is up, and all the cowardlj ulucouiKops In the House are goltij to vote for It It's sure to pass sun to pass." "But why don't you get the floor and speak against It try to stop It" sng gested the other. "Try to stop It?" echoed Bouck. "Trj to stop It? Why, I'm one of tin cowardly nincompoops myself!" Cen tury. Hon a Hnske Moves. Now any one who has looked at th skeleton of a snake and It Is reallj a very beautiful object will have beer struck by the great number of ribs which may be as many as ten hundred and fifty palm. In these lies the secret of the ability of the serpent to do somt of these wonderful things. The lowei end of each rib Is connected with on of the broad scales that run aloni the under side of a snake, and whet a rib is twisted slowly backward, II pushes on the scale, the edge of the scnie catches on the ground or what ever object his snukeshlp may lie rest Ing on, and the body of the snake li pushed Just a little bit forward. Ol course, each rib moves the body bul a mete trifle; but where the ribs are so many, and they are moved one aftei another, the result Is that the snskt moves slowly but steadily ahead. St Nicholas. It la difficult to And a man wU( reaches bl grave without becoming i Danger sign to those around him. A MAGNIFICENT MEMORIAL. htladelpbiiis Tribute to McKlnley Will He Unlcjee. Of the numerous monuments which ire to be erected to the memory of 'resident Mcuinley. few. If any, will e more worthy of admiration than he ojie which is to Rtaud In beautiful Tairmount Park, In Philadelphia. )thers will be more ornate, more cost y, but none, perhaps, will be grander n Its simplicity, or inspire in the be lolder deeper feelings of patriotism ind civic virtue, or more genuine everence for the man , whose deeds t commemorates. The monument lioae w!U cost f -.!,M)r-!h&-lH'auUi'y-ng work on the grounds will bring lie cost much higher. Mr. Lopez's model represents a gran te obelUk OS feet In height, staud ng upon a pedestal of like material, with granite or marble steps on either tide, the site being gently sloplug round In front of the Memorial bulki ng In Falrmount Park. The monu ment, as planned, will be erected on THE M KIOT.KY MOlfCMENT. the terrace, about 200 feet from the front entrance to the Memorial build ing. Beautiful shade trees surround the plaza there, and there are a num ber of statues and groups of statuary at various points. The locality Is ad mirably adapted to the proper display of such a monument as Mr. Lopez has designed. A colossal and life-like representa tion of Mr. McKlnley, In bronze, will be the great feature of the monument. The late President is portrayed at full length. He has apparently Just arisen from his chair, aud holds In one hand a manuscript from which he is about to read. The statue will be more than eight feet tall. Behind the statue, on the front or the base of the shaft, will 1st figures In bronze, symbolical of grief and Im mortality, and above the figures tiie name "McKlnley." I'pou either side of the base will be simple wreaths, one of laurel, hung beneath an Inscription showing the year of Mr. MeKlnley's birth, the other of immortelles, beneath the chiselled figures giving the year of his death, (tn the rear of the base will be a quotation from the address delivered ut Canton by President Roosevelt, on the occasion or the lute President's funeral. THIS CAT IS A HUNTER. Feline in I'eaeurl vanle "Points" and Metrlvea Like IoK. A cat that dellghtH In the chuse, a cat that "points" and retrieves, Is the latest curlowlty to cross the-path of the won dering KixjrtjiUicn of Chester, Pn. Michael Kenney, a gardener, on the old Den la nutate near Clntrter, is the owner of Tom, und he It was who dis covered ami developed pussy's tulelit for the chase. Tom since his kitten days has been the companion of his master, following him in his rumbles over the countryside when permitted to do so. Kenney Is an enthusiastic hunts man,, and It happened that Tom, the cat, was allowed to follow the man behind the gun on a hunting expedition early In rlie present wvsun. Kenney had not been out long until ho became aware that Tom whs mani festing a keen Interest In the proceed ings. Finally when Keiiuey brought down a pheasant the big spotted cat leaped from cover and seizing the bird neully by the neck brought him to his muster and laid lilni down. No trained dog ever performed a neuter bit of re trieving. Kenney proceeded then to develop Tom's talent, until to-duy, the cat I an adept In all the arts of the chase lie point superbly and In followlna a scent he displays an Instinct equaled by few dogs. Kenney rwntly shot a bird that fell Into a pond. Knowing the natural aver sion of cats to water, he expected nothing of Tom on that occasion. But Tom seems to have abandoned much of feline sophistry. Into the water he leaHil and In a trice the bird was at the feet of the gunner, while a very wet cat was Industriously engaged la making his toilet on n sunny log. Philadelphia huntsmen who have gone out to see this wonderful cat, says a Chester correspondent of the New York World, agree that his scr vices equal those of any dog. Kenney has ben offered fancy prices for th cat, but he declares that the kind of money that will part him from Tom lias not yet been coined. Never get between a dog and hi hone or between a man and bl hobby. OPINIONS OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS Sound Minds in Sound Bodies. GOMMKNTING upon and commending the Intention of the new Teachers' College to educate its matriculant- -In -the--rules of -health bo that they may im part the knowledge to their pupils, the editor of American Medicine says: "It Is not merely the rules of hygiene that are needed, nor the ordinary course In school physiology. Personal hygiene Is a plied physiology, but a proper understanding of certain elemental truths of human physiology must be acquired before they can be applied. Knowledge of the normal functions of the body and the simple methods of keeping them In healthy action is the one thing that no educated person should be excused from possessing; yet most of our children reach maturity without parental or scholastic Instruction in the most elemental matters of health." It does seem strange with all our educational progress that we are over the threshold of the twentieth century before this addition to our school curriculum Is made. Her bert Spencer in bis "Essay ou Education" put the query, "What knowledge is of the most worth?" forty years ago, and his answer shi uld be written in letters of gold on the walls of every schoolhouae In the laud: "As rigorous health and accompanying high spirits are larger elements of hap piness tliun any other things whatsoever, the teaching how to maintain them Is a teaching that should yield in moment to no other whatever." These words are as true to day as when they were ut tered by the author of "Principles of Psychology." It was one of the many lllustratious of his wonderful perspicuity, and deserves the earnest consideration of every educator. New York Press. Decay of Military Prestige. IN HIS chapter on "Militarism and Its Nemesis," the late M. Bloch contends with eminent truth that the con ditions of war are such In modern times that "military life Is much less attractive than it was of old, and In the course of a few years will be even less attractive." The military profession does not enjoy the privileges It once did; It Is losing both Its prestige and Its power in most civilized lands. The complex requirements of modern life and the higher arale of living enjoined by modern society, the larger emphasis placed upon the humanities tn our day, upon Intellectual attainments and rewards of Industrial and commercial enterprise ull these things are turning the thoughts and ambitions of men away from militarism and Its uncertain and Inadequate compensa tions. Improvements In war, enginery, the use of smoke less powder, dynamite guns and other death-dealing agen cies have Immensely Increased the risks and dangers of war without any compensating advantages In the shape of added pay or glory. War has taken upon Itself a char acter more mechanical than knightly. Battles fought where mou never come within miles of each other, where there Is no smoke and no sound of bugles nor roll of drums, are far less likely to give occasion for those feats of arms and the valorous deeds of Individual men that Oil so large a part of the story of war In put age. And stripped of such accessories and seen In Its true aspect, in all Its hid eous reality, war must soon lose all the charm with which legend and romance have invested it. Appearing In proper aspect as "hell" on earth, and nothing less, it will be shunned as It ought to he by all civilized and enlightened men, and only remain at the last as a frightful dream, a horrid memory in the minds of the race. Leslie's Weekly. Life in a Rut ONE of the serious features of life In a rut Is the fact that Judgment Is Impaired. Allowing the mind al ways to dwell upon one subject and keeping the at tention always fixed In one direction destroys the power to draw correct conclusions and leads to the adoption of distorted and peculiar Ideas. The sense of pro portion Is lost "They who always labor can have no true Judgment," says Burke. Those who get deeply fixed In a rut almost always become more or less "queer" as they grow older. This Impairment of the Judgment and one HE PREPARED FOR BURGLARS. He Had en Insrenioue I'heuogreph Ar rangement to Vcare Them Avaj. "1 had been keeping bachelor's hall while my wife was away," sadly re marked the man whose wife had been In the country. "Of course, It was generally late when I turned In at nlgbt, and, as we had been a good deal worried by sneak thieves In my part of the city, I was afraid tlicy might make a raid during my absence. So I set my wits to work. First I rented a phonograph with a megaphone at tachment. Then I got a husky-voiced friend to talk Into the machine. His talk, which was delivered at the top of his voice, was mostly about calling the police, having the drop on some one, firing a revolver, and other con versation calculated to make a burglar think he had gone against the real game. "After I had the phonograph nicely loaded I made a test of It. I'm free to confess that burglar who heard It would bn worse frightened than If he stumbled on to a reserve squad of piilccmen. "I put the loaded phonograph up In our Hat, and connected It with strings and wires so that If any one who didn't know Just how to work the combina tion tried to force any "of the doors he would start the machine on Its line of strong-arm conversation. I figured thnt no burglar would wait to see what the man with the husky voice would actunlly do. No, that burglar would have Immediate busi ness In the street. Our apartments were safe, and I felt mighty proud of my nent little contrivance. "Maybe one or more burglars went against my phonograph protection gum'; If they did they fled without leaving any traces. But alwut a week my wife decided to return, and Inci dentally to bring her mother with her. She didn't Intend to reach the city until late In the evening, so sent me ii telegram addressed to our apart neiils Instead of at my office. Of iMise, fate willed It -that I should line it n restaurant and go direct 'mm there to the theater, not reaching i line unfit late, "In the meantime my wife arrived at the station. There was no one to meet her, but as she had her key and thought tne telogram had missed me, that didn't worry her mnch. Accom panied by her mother she went home In a cab, took out her key, and start ed to enter our apartments. Right at this point the trouble In large quan tities broke out "The key didn't work very well, and ahe must have given the door a little stiake. Thnt started the loaded burglar-protection phonograph. In an in stant there was a roar: " 'Police! Police! (Jet out of here or I'll shoot. Thieves! Murder!" "It was enough to give any woman the fright of her life. My wife bad good pluck, tliough, and didn't faint, all hough I'm certain she would If she had not hnd her mother with her. whom she felt she must protect. Some how they managed to get down the stairs and arouse the Janitor. And all the time the roaring phonograph was letting out a series of threats calculat ed to curdle the blood of the bravest burglar, let alone two frightened women. "The Janitor, accompanied by a policeman with a drawn revolver, made an Investigation and solved the mystery," continued the narrator, ac cording to the New York Times. "They thought It was a big Joke. In fact. It was their Jovial attitude that gave my wife and mother-in-law their suspicions. When I finally reached home that night I found them In a half hysterical state, And an Iceberg would have been warm compared with the greeting I received. "There Is still somewhat of a chilly atmosphere In the household." PAYING THE DOCTOR. Superstition Differently Affected Two Patient. "Nothing Is more curious than the dif ferent Ideas people have about owing the doctor," remnrked a good-looking, middle-aged physician, according to the Detroit Free Prwa. "Only to-day I encounttred two singular manifesta tions of what might be called 'supersti tions' concerning sickness. At one house the Indy who was l-i bed murmured to her husband: sided way of looking at things leads to the adoptlen ot hobbies and weird and extreme doctrines. This la an of the reasons for the prevalence of isms and queer theories. Many of those who adopt them, even though successful in business or professional life, have lived so long in limit ed or restricted channels that their Judgment In matter outside becomes impaired. Their views are narrow and restricted and their lives run along a single channel. If by chance they make an excursion outside of it, their knowledge of the country is so limited that they are apt to get lost, and either become mired in some bog of super stition or are taken in by some community of fanatics. World's Work. Noises in the City and Country. CONSIDERING the commercial value of comfort ana the tendency to do away with friction Wherever pos sible, it is a matter of surprise that communities especially big cities do not endeavor to suppress un necessary noise. It Is true that a step forward has been made In the way of asphalted pavements and rubber tires, but this is only a step. We mill have the unspeakable screech of the trol ley, the slipping or Iron-shod horses upon rails and smooth worn stones, the clanging of futile gongs, the inevitable barrel-ojgan grinding out piano passages In fortissimo at wrong tempo and one-eighth off the key. We still have the church bell so perversely discordant that even the orthodox bogln to doubt the sanctity of wild alarms as a prelude to the service of the Lord. All these we have, and more. The country Is no more sacred than the town. The scream of the factory whistle finds an echo In the scream of the locomotive. The wounded air is rent momently, and the nervous man stops his ears and gives up a fraction of vitality, and works on undr the unnecessary handicap; and the nervous woman, In her patient way, tries not to hear and aiso works on. The well people try to get used to It, and the sick give an extra moan and turn on their hot pillows. And on go the noises! Philadelphia Public Ledger. The Saving Workman a Capitalist. THE workingman who is a savings bank depositot Is in a very real sense a proprietor. His money ia used to build and extend railroads and factory planta precisely as It would be If he were a shareholder. Usually, he could not very well become a share holder, for while bis savings bank will accept deposits from $1 up, he would have to put by $100 before he could buy even a single share of stock exposed all the time to the) temptation to spend the money. If it be objected that he receives but three and one-half per cent, interest from hi savings bank, while choice Industrial preferred stock would yield him twice that amount, the answer is that on the average and aa a class savings bank depositors get as high an Interest return as Investors in corporate shares. It is the theory of savings bank laws that the wage earner must be absolutely sure of his principal. For that reason the range of savings banks Investments Is strictly limited. He could have no such security in any capital stock In vestments, Involving a lose which he could ill afford to bear. New York Times. The Passing of Steam. INCH by Inch the field is contested, and slowly, sullenly, the locomotive Is giving way before the Insistent trolley. A ooaen years ago it was only the car horse and cable in the towns that were threatened by electric traction. Then the trolley poked an Inquiring tentacle over the city limits Into the suburbs. The results were satisfactory, and swiftly the electric lines flung their spider filaments from town to town, until now great sections of the country are cobwebbed with them. The trolley map of eastern Massa chusetts looks as complete as the steam railroad map. If you have a little time to spare you can go on an electric car to almost any part of southern New England that yon could reach by a locomotive, and to a good many parts that you could not McClure's Magazine. " 'John, pay the doctor before he goes; you know how I feel about that. I am always sick longer If we let a doctor's bill run on.' "Although I ridiculed the Idea, the sick woman persisted, and the little debt was discharged on the spV In the evening a highly nervous lady cVjheer f ul spirits a business woman came bustling Into my office and ejaculated: " 'Oh, doctor, give me something for fits quick. I'm dreadfully run down. I hear door-bells ring when fhey don't ring and I see black cats out of the cor ner of my eye when there are no cats of any kind In the house.' "I made out some sedative powders, and when I handed them to the excit able patient she said: " 'I'm not going to pay for this medi cine, doctor. I've always noticed that when I don't owe you anything I'm sure to get sick. While I have a little debt hanging over me I feel that I can't af ford to collapse until It Is paid. Yon needn't laugh, doctor; It Is so. I'm go ing to make a little bill now, and see if I can't get rid of doorbells In my head and black cats In my optic nerre.' "These are only specimen instances," concluded the doctor. "The world Is full of people who have queer supersti tions about taking medicine and paying; doctors', bills." Gounod the Man. Gounod was one of the moat fasci nating men I have ever mat Ills manner had a charm that was Irresist ible, and his kindly eye, aa toft and melting as a woman's, would light np with a smile now tender, now hnmnr. ous, that fixed Itself Ineffaeeably npon tne memory, lie conid apeak EaajUah fairly well, but preferred hi own language. In which he waa a brilliant conversationalist; and he could use to advantage a fund of keen, ready wIL He was at this time Influenced b m recrudescence ci that religions mysti cism which had strongly characterised his career; bnt bla tone, though earn-st and thoughtful when he was dwelling upon bis art, could brighten up with the lightness and gaiety of a true Parisian. Oaotnry. Stiffness and lonesomanaa are, after, all, th two great grlaC of aid -