TOPICS OF THE TIMES. ; '?mZru.lTv 'blch cused tb! w prevented murdering A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS. CaaaaaaaW mmd GHMalaaM Uaa the iiiMlm W the Pay-aafrt-Ml ul Hew Itetaa. Fin fesUara do not make One blrda. They Mil fine hate. A wlak la aa go4 aa a wlreiaaa mes sage to a eoaa clerk la a 4ry town. PallUaa aukaa streage bedeilewe wak's aav-eenta for osaavdsrabie petttl eal In mala. The ataa wba peddles bU ewa canoe bow nads that be loses stroke every time aa alactrtc laanch paaaaa hiss. At noit, Ui best of friends mar travel the aaiue pathway but a brief time; ao, then, let ua laugh aad lore while we may. About tbe time a man decides that be is a child of destiny, destiny con cludes that she will only be a step mother to him. Can It be possible that tbe day la coming when men who bold public offices will have to earn their salaries Just like other people? Ai Heed Smoot has but one wife, his enemies might switch around and charge him with aiding and abetting the crime of race suicide. John IX Rockefeller has visited the Grand Cauyou of the Colorado, and lliere In a strum? suspicion that he Intends to buy it and fence it In. A magazine writer proves by photo graphs luat the woman of fifty Is now as young-looking as the young woman of thirty. Hut are there any women of lther age? Farming' Is a better business than It used tit be. Not that It was not al ways ao occupation of which to be proud. Tbe trouble vu we were not worthy of tbe vocation wherewith wa were called. Tbe point I wish to con vey la tbat we bave now couie to see bat It means to be food farmers. Thar will alwaya be mea wbo are above (er perhaps I ought to say be low) their bualneea; bat tbe man wbo la farming because be foals that be loves the work, and muct do It or die. la to-day tbe man tbe world looks up to aad ear lea. Tou caa now scarcely Bad a man In any Una of bualneaa wbo doea not dream of the time wben he can own a little In tbe coun try. There be fanclea be can live with ale ear cloae to tbe heart of nature, reat at night, make a little money, and bring- bis children up In the way tbey ougbt to go. To-day tbe farmer Is the king of tbe world. Without him men In the cities would go about hun gry, cold and In rags. And tbey know It, too. They no longer talk abour farmers as "hayseeds;" they take off their hats to him when they meet him on the street; they like to stop and talk with him. for they know he is sound on most topics uppermost at the present time. The farmer Is making some money, too. lie Is probably not making It as fast as some others do, but there are ten men now with a little nest-egg laid up In the bank where there was one a short time ago. That makes him more contented and happy. Any man is more so with a dollar in his pocket. So farming is taking lis place with the best callings of the world. MANY DIE IN WIND Ilev. Dr. Condit said in a lecture the other night that King Edward is a direct descendant of Abraham. A nice way to slander poor Abraham, who can't talk back. The theory has been advanced that women are more weather wise than men. Certainly they are constantly ob serving atmospheric conditions In order to determine whether their hair will tay In curl. Schwab has sworn that be Uvea lu remisylvaula, thus escaping the pay ment of personal taxes in New York, lie continues, however, to draw bis sal ary and take most of bis meals lu the Jatter place. Chicago women threaten to establish a newspaper and "print anything and everything exactly as It is." The violence and bloodshed growing out of a paper conducted on those lines would throw Into the shade a Boxer upris ing. And some prom. cits, would be among tire lynchers, too. A contemporary makes a strong de fense of father because he "buys chick ens for the Sunday dinner, carves them himself and draws the neck from the ruins ufer every one else Is served." tTbls may sometimes happen, but It Is tjotlced that pa usually has a nice little 41(1 bit which he has been casually con cealing on one side of the platter. There are Anril fools and other Iciuds. It was of the other kinds that Pudd'nuefid Wilson wrote In his diary uu July 4th: "Statistics show that we loe more fools on this day than on till the other days of tbe y-ar put to gether. This proves, by the number left In stock, that one Fourth of July Is Inadequate, the country has grown ao." Any one who is incredulous as to the practicability of irrigation on a large scale or as to its value ought to see what has been accomplished by means of It In Suit Lake City and other places where it has been applied. He would then wonder and regret why CoJigreas should bave been ao slow to act. With in a few years the habitable territory of tbe United State will have been en Jarged by millions of acres. William It. Day, of Ohio, became a member of the Supreme Court of tbe United States on the first Monday In March. Mr. Justice Holmes, who took bis seat In December, thus bad a re knarkably abort period of service- as the neweat member. More thaa two freer elapsed between the appoint taenia ef Juatlcea Feck ham aad Mc- Seaae, aad still longer periods are Aa the Supreme Court la now eeawUtated, two ef Its member ara aaswlatod by President Kooee- T)t. eaa by MaKIalay, three by Cleve laad. twe by Harrison and oae by Bay. Tbe President who desires - these whom be appoints to reuialu long oo tbe Supreme Bench will select men la tbe prime or lire. The scientist usually lives in a little world of his own. Ills walls of books or shelves or bottles separate hi in from the noisy, selfish, scheming life about him. Ills mind Is concentrated upon a printed page, or the mystic contents of crucible or a distant star. His heart is as pure as his life Is simple. He knows nothing of greed and lust aud malice and envy. They are not In his world. And It is a good thing for the world at large that it is so. The scien tist, who looks so innocently at us rTlt of his mild eyes, could play hob with the rest of us if he wnnted to. Take, for Instance, Professor Dewar, the dis coverer of liquid air. Had he desired, be could have enslaved his generation. He had a terrific force at hand, which no other man could not comprehend. He could have made bombs to kill kings and shatter whole cities, without fuse or even a detonation. He bud si poison more deadly than prusslc acid, destroying tissue, muscle and Ioiie, aud yet leaving not the slightest trace of itself, and this he could have used with impunity. He could have mysti fied and terrorized the world and brought It quivering to its ' knees be fore It knew not what nor whom Mareonl, bad he kept the secret of hi wireless telegraphy to himself, to fur tber dishonorable ends of his own might have mnde millions on the stock exchanges and bourses of America and Europe by the secret transmission of nformatlou. His discovery, kept se cret and combined with a selfish, scheming disposition, would have been of Infinitely more value to him than It Is since given to the world. Suppose Professor Roentgen, the discoverer of the X-rays, had chosen to become a professional thief. His secret would have been to him a sixth spusc, pos sessed by no other man In the uni verse. The man who found out how to spilt Bank of England notes into two sheets, and immediately gave the) Information to the directors of thej bank, and the man who discovered how to Imitate exactly tbe water mark ing on letters of credit and similar documents, and at once warned the bankers' association here might hav been a precious pair of comiterfeltei and forger who could have fixed thell aim upon any amount of money and got it. Most truly typical of all is th case of Fremy and Verneull, who dl covered bow to produce valuable rublei artificially. To these two savants Uu discovery represented merely a sclen title fact The possibilities of private enrichment were not to the point. I' is, Indeed, well for the world thai scientists are absorbed In their pur suits. If they turned from their book aud crucibles to look out of their win dows upon the world wltb covetous eyes, tbey would need only to extend tbelr bauds to snatch from us all out proud pomp and display. And It Is well for tbe world In another way tbat scientists are not worldly. It Is only by tbelr close concentration upon tbelr single purpoaea tbat tbelr mastery of nature's most elusive secret Is attain d. To Uiem tbe one object U every thing, as wltb tbe busy bee tbe wboU world la honey and flowers. Oria4 Uiud Maa Dtaarata aa4 Crlmt Aart4. Grand' Island. Neb.. May 20 J. P Arp was upon murder bent last even log. but fortunately was disarmed bsfof o any damage was done. Ari has beea employed at tbe Union Pacific abops. Among several otben be was discharged yesterdsy for be ing drunk. Tbe discharge angered bin and be went io bis boae lo ao ugly mood. On tbe way borne It it presumed be draok some more and was under tbe loflueoce of whisky wbeo be arrived. He complained about tbe discbarge aod took dowo a Winchester, 32 calibre, aod began to make threats. His lfe pleaded wltb him but could oof. Induce hei bus band to desist. Tbe foreman, tem porarily, who bad dismtised tbe man, lives not far away. Ills name is Mr. Love. Mr. Love aod family resides in the residence of W. F. McLaugb lio, a councilman and formerly em ployed as a blacksmith wltb tbe Unioo Pacific. McLaughlin boarded with the Leve family, Id his own home, and suddenly was called by a vigorous kuock to the door. He heawl cinslderable commotion. Arp stood outside, bis wife clinging to him at one arm and bis child at the other. Wbeo McLaughlin opened the door he at once saw that some thing was up and quickly disarmed the belligerent and called the police authorities, who promptly arrested Arp, keeping him in jail over the rjltht In order to allow him to cool off. lie Is still under arrest and it has not as yet been definitely decided what complaint will be entered against him. CBMTBAX, 4BBBASKA HABDBWT m at as. BUTosr. IT TEARS ft WIDE PATH COC TIB rirrcBN visivaa DEAD. IMS TWEfiTY INJURED INDIAN COURT OF JUSTICE rULL ULOOD8 WBJOSB UKC1SIONM ABB SELDOM QUESTIONED. OCSEa TOBM TO rIKCBS AMD Q9CW f ANTft MVNQLBD. Ttu Siiir y Sfuii, aa rM tu Stain apaat la rmmf 141a trtta fruparljr Danaf ' ' Larga. One Against Fifty Jlatilla, May 20 Lieutenant Walket of the constabulary, who yesterday was reported missing after the recent fighting in the Island of Cebu was, It became known today, killed by a superior band of fanatics which sur rounded Lieutenant Walker's party Two of the constabulary were also killed and three captured, Two of these prisoners were murdered. One of them escaped. William Ballon, formerly a private in the Fifteenth cavalry, Is the name of the cavalryman who, alone, checked the second rush of the insurgents at Suclatan, island of Mindanao May, 15 and defended the American dead and wounded until relieved. It was at .Suclatan tbat Capt. dough Overton and Private JIajry Noye were killed and Private Harlow was wounded by fifty insurgent prisoners whom I they were guarding. The fourth member of the party was Will Ballon, wbo was not wounded. Tbe situation in some of the dis tricts of Cebu is regarded as serious. It is reported that tbe total of the bands of insurgents in the field ex ceeds 1,600. Colonel Taylor of the coastabu'ary reports that the enemy's forces arc dispersing. He says the constabulary Is capable of suppres sing the disorders and predicts an im provement In the situation. It is be lieved here that the adoption of en ergetic measures will be necessary to m press the disturbance It makes oo difference what proof lo tbe contrary Is offered, the Amerl ,. iMxinl will always believe and . maintain tbat Raleigh once lived li Virginia, that Putnam crawled jhito a .den of wild wolves, that Paul Hevere aved bis country by s ride, and that Barbara Freltcble dared tbe rebels just aa poets have written; tbat Kunston did actually swim tbe Bag-Usg, and tbat ttoosevelt charged up tbe hill lu the battle at San Juao lo the very way that Vereatchagln pubs It These things can no looger be considered aa natters la dispute or points of con troversy la our history. The belief In them Is as deeply Imbedded la the hearts of all Americans as Is tbe be .Jlef that Washington never lied or wort aad that Mrs. O'Leary's cow kick- Tbe West a OoadlUoa. Tbe West, somehow, bss come to tx a condition rather than a place. Afte days hi a luxurious train, the casual trsveler finds himself In tbe cities ot tbe Pacific wltb tho feeling that ber are not the differences, the strung' ness, the Westerniiess that he bad ex pected. Tbe real West which he has pictured so fondly, tbe free, the hearty, he fascinating, seems lu somo degree to have escaped lilts. And presently lie discovers that the condition which we call Western Is singularly mis placed In tbe West; tbat the most Western of American cities Is not Portland or Heat tie, but Uutte City, alx hundred miles to tbe east of tbe coast. Century. We hsve always bad ao idea that tbe birth of twlna la ss big a surprise as any oue ever knew anything shout The average woman can spot ao old- style dreaa by the shspe and slse of tbe sleeves. Telephone Girls Oo Out. ' Tecumseh, Neb , May 20. Tht four central girls in the employ of the Nebraska Telephone company at this point are striking. Tbey want more pay or less hours, Tbe girls say tbey have been working Dine hours per day each for sixteen dollars per month. They demand of thecom pany tbat the hours either be cut down to seven, or tbat they be In creased to twenty dollars per month. Tbey claim tbey gate the company notice of tbelr demands some to days ago. and tbieatened to quit last Friday night, Tne local manager prevailed upon tbein to remain at work, which tbey did until 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At that time those at tbe switchboard left the room aod tbe others refused to go to work. Manager L. A. Doooy of the laoal station says there bss beeo a misunderstanding between the girls and tbe company. He seems to think tbe gifts do oot Intend to work lo say event. Auditor Musalemao came down from Lincoln yesterday and Intended to settle the matter, but without succest. Tbe company says it will fill the places made vacant by tbe striking girls at ooce, In fact two operators from out of town arrived this afternoon aod It Is said tbey are now at work. Hastings, Neb , A series of heavy storms, two of which developed Into tbe worst tornadoes that have visit souflhero Nebraska for years, passed over portions of Clay, Franklin and Kearney counties Monday. Fifteen persons are known to bave lost tbelr lives, twenty odd wete more or less seriou&ly iojuied and a number of others received minor injuries. Every dwelling and outbuilding in tbe path of tbe tornado was blown to pieces and the financial loss thus far ac counted will reach about $00,000. A '1st of the causualties is as follows: Near Norman, Dead. DANIEL U'CUKDY. ROBERT M'CUHDY. MRS. JOHN WELLEVER. MRS. EAKL UACON. C. W. TIPPLE. Injured: Mrs, G;orge Jmeer, badly hurt. George Jmeer, arm bruken. Icey McCurdy, kg broken. Robert Chambers, badly hurt. R. It. liacon, John WE ELVER, Mr. aod Mrs. Kinear, not serious. Near Upland. Dead. LUTHERAN MINISTER. MRS. JOHN PETERS, farmer's wife. MRS. CHRIS LAMERS, her moth er. The Injured: ChrlsLahmers aod two children. William and Mlnuie Schultz. Fred Poh aud mother, Mrs. Isaac Casper. (Near I'auine Dead. JAMES MUM AW. MRS. JAMES MUM AW. THEIR CHILD. FRANK QU1GG. FLORA PALMER. JOHN PALMER. At Fairflald Iojorcd. Mrs. W. A. Broderick and SClii us. John McReynolds, Internally jured, Mrs. Nobe Liodsey. Charles Taylor, caught by falling chimneys, serious. Near Norman, at the home of Dan iel McCurdy, a number of relatives and friends were spending the day and not an inmate escaped death or serious Injury. Two miles east of Upland German Lutheran services were being held in a school house when the storm struck and demolished it, killing four of the occupanis, Inc udlng the minis ter, and Injuring a number of others. The storm was equally destructive it Fairfield, but the people were warned of its coming anil sought cel lers for safety Six dwellingswere blown to pieces at that place, but their oc cupants escaped injury with a few ex-;eptlons. child, in- Deadwood, S. D., May S3. Jndgt John H. Burns, who recently visited Piae Ridge Indian ageocy, says Ma jor Jobo R. Breooan, the agent, bss orgsnlsed a court among tbe Indians whose practice is decldely unique. Tbe court Is composed of foor full blood I Dylans, oooa of wbosn can peak tbe English language, bot tbey deport themselves with exceeding dlgolty. Tbey all wear black brosd elotb and clerical Prince Albert coats oo all occasions. Tbelr author ity seems almost unlimited, and in the distribution of tbe property of a deceodeot tbey act without regard for tbe white man's right of dissent, depending altogether oo tbelr na tive sense of right and justice wblcb is rarely bmugbt Into Question. Tbe chief justice is Tbuoder Bear, and tbe associate justices are Fast Horse, Standing Bear and Iron Ciow. While Judge Burns was at the agency be attended a sitting of the court oo a very important case, aod he says tbe judges seejied greatly impressed with tbe solemnity of their duties. Tb3 case was aeainst Sam Black Wolf, seventy-three years old, charged with tbe desecration of the grave of Louisa Pretty Cloud a young woman for whose hand be bad for msrely striven. The young woman bad refused to marry tbe old man and shortly afterwards had married another man. Her death occurred little while after her marriage, and she was buried, according to Indian custom, io a solitary grave, on a hill top. A few days after her burial it was found that tbe body had been exhumed and stripped of all its cloth log. Part of bcr burial robe bad been a cape decorated with elks teeth worth several hundred dollars. This, while somewhat damaged had not been taken away from the grave, so it was concluded that rebbery hacl not been the motive. Black Wolf bad been seen at a cabin near tbe grave about the time tbe body was taken up, and bad borrowed an axe, without a helve, putting in tbe nandle nimself. This was found at the grave, and these with other cir cumstances indicated tbat be was the culprit. After bearing all the evidence the judges sentenced the old man to six months in the guard bouse at tbe agency, a severe enough penalty under tbe circumstances, owing to tbe condition of tbe guard bouse. Judge Burns says wben tbe justices of tbe court become bothered over a law question tbey refer it to tbe "Little Father," meaning tbe agent. cNpbraska. Notes Frank Farmer aod G. W. Irelani rat and second tenor of the Wea- leyan quartet are at home till June 1 a-ben tbey start on a summer to If Chautauqua. A few days sgo while Ike Beaaitat Falls City was descending a Mia He stepped on a rusty nail, which eot tbiougb tbe sole of bit saw ind into tbe bottom of bis foot. Ha is laid up aod In a very bad eoBtHttaak Struck By a Wild Engine. Wellington, Kas., May 20. North bound Bock Island pisicnger tralo No. 30, due In Caldwell at noon, wai struck by an engine from the.Cald- well yards a mile south of tbat sta tion today. Wllber Burkett, of Cald well wss killed snd several others were badly Injured, amoog them Postal Clerk Myers. Tbe engineer aod fireman escaped serious injury by jumping. None of tbe coaches left tbe trace. Tornado Strlk Iowa Ton. Dfi Moines, May 20. One life lost, i child perhaps fatally injured and property damaged to the value of sev eral thousand dollars aie the results jf the worst storm that has ever vis I ted this locality. Tbe fatality is reported from Rolfe, seventy miles northwest of here. Fong Foo, a Chinese laundryman being killed at his place of business on Main street. The nsrne of the little child was not learned Wires are down so tbat it is impossible to get full partic ulars from the storm-stricken town. according lo an eye witness of tbe destruction tbe tornado struck tbe town at tbe Rock Island depot about 5:15 yesterday afternoon The build ing was completely turned around aod blown through a machinery bouse In to a livery barn. Tbe Utter was wrecked. Tbe f mowing losses are reported: State bank. Garloch A McOune, badly demolished; general store, Mike uray on, almost ruined; Jones' livery, heavy loss; Hotel de Main, com pletely mined, Rock Island depot, blown rrom roun- datlon. . . These are general items or Damage. Dwelling houses In every part of the city were Injured, as were also nearly all the business blocks. Fong Foo was struck on the bead wun iimoer near bis shop and Instantly killed. Drowned at Sterling. QSterilng, Neb ,May 23. A futile at; tempt to cross the Nemaha river on a weakened bridge In the edge of town resulted yesterday morning in tbe death of three persons by drown ing. The victims were Mrs. Ed. Puhlke, her six-year-old son and the woman's brother, Frank Hams, who lives on tbe Puhlke farm a few miles south of t wn. The three left home early in the morning to drive to town. They found the approaches to the bridge sub merged by a flood resulting from a heavy rain storm last night. The first approach was crossed in safety but tbe earth bad been washed away on tbe other side and Harns drove unsuspect lngly Into a deep hole, the horses plunging In over their heads and drag ging tbe wagon and its luckless pas sengers after them. Their plight was witnessed by several persons, but they were too far distant to render assist ance. Harns is reported to have made a valiant effort to save bis compan ions, but without avail, the trio final ly going down to death. t-earcning parties two nours larer recovered the bodies about two hun- feet below tbe bridue, using books to drag tbe bottom. These caught up the clothes of the victims ann brought their bodies to tbe surface. The bodies are now resting in an undertaking es tablishment In town, awaiting the abatement of the fl od so tbat the be reaved 'amlly can get across to claim their dead. The rainstorm which was responsible for tbe flood was unusually severe for many miles up and down tbe Nemaha bottoms, and all low lands adjacent to the river were under several feet of water today. T. A. Batcher, who his served principal of tbe Ashland pialM Mbeels for tbe past year, baa aea ippolnted Instructor lo the jQatea ara-osal school at North Platte tkia rammer. Mr. Butcher is a gradOat )f WeeeJyan In tbe class of 1900. Miss Anna Day, a young lady tu the Beatrice public schools, la uadldate for tbe oomimatlon of ftunty superintendent of sobool al th 3 hands of tbe republican party. She Is at presant principal of ttaw East school. Tbe Exeter State bank Is a new concern which will start business ai Exeter, Neb., within tbe near future The bank has bled articles wltb tba jeeretary of the state banking boards rhe incorporates are n. C. EckeryV W. W. Taylor and J. N. Cox. The marriage of Miss Etta Foota, lormerly tf Lincoln, and Mr. Harra Sevier, of Bristol, Tenn., occurred al Sreenville, Texas, last week. Mian Fuote was formerly engaged as bookj keeper at tbe Lincoln hotel and Mr.l Sevier Is a prominent young business nan of tbe Lone Star state. Ertle Murdock, only daughter oA Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Murdock of Wji mere, was drowned this afternoon laj Fink's lake, wheie tbe nintb grade) Df the high school was enjoying aa Dutlng. The body was recoveredj Maude Burrigbt, another member of tne class narrowly escaped drowning The Rev, Edwin H. Jenks preaehe tbe baccalaureate sermon in tbe nori mal chapel at Peru, His subject a World Winners," and be presentee) it in an able manner. Many of tba) members of the alumni are coming) in for commencement. Dr. Clark at-t tended a meetinu of normal scbaal -principals held in DeKaJb, 111. Governor Mickey went to Osceola Tuesday evening on private business! and returned to Lincoln Wednesday morning. Wednesday evening be dan II vered his lec t u i e "Cb ristian 01 tlsea-j ihip," at tbe college settlement laj Lincoln. Thursday be departed foaj Peru. FATAL FIGHT OF ITALIAN8. Freedom, IV, May 20.-lna shoot ing affray on tbe street last evening tbree men were shvt, one fauuy Tbey were Leo Orenzo, shot above tbe heart, through the right shoulder and left arm, cannot recover; Tony Orenzo, sbot la tbe right shoulder, Angelo Tureinzo, shot la the back. Tbe men were all Italians and were Intoxicated and quarreled over some trivial matter. There were many narrow escapes for pedestrian. Thieving Tramp Arrested. Loac Pine, Neb.. Mar 23.. Yes terday morning while Aotoo Snemn, a tailor, was out of his shop for a moment, a tramp with a longing for cleaner clothing entered his es tablishment and stole three pairs of hose from tbe show window, The loss was soon discovered and tbe marshal located the man in tbe rail road yards. After a short confine ment la tbe village jail he was turned loose snd hurried out of town. SBnt JllmMir. Ulysses, Neb., May S3. Jesse Moore of tbls place shot and killed hlmnelf Friday afternoon at the home of Larry Ramsey, about five miles southwest of of here, where he was employed as a firm band. He was found sitting In chair in bis room with a rifle between his knees and part of his bead shot away. At present it Is Impossible to to tell whether the shooting wss ac cidental or a suicide, Moore wai about twenty one years old aod single. Tbe Rev. Duke Slavens, formes pastor at Falls City but now paster at; Adams, Neb., delivered a lecture it interest of the Ep worth League Moal day evening, it being tbe annivetM lary ot tbe ( rganizatloa. After tb lecture a reception was tendered Bev. Slavens. Postmaster Hyers, of Havelock, decorated bis office for the visit ot Congressman Burkett. In a large, frame profusely decorated wltb tb national colors are tbe pictures of President Roosevelt, D. B. Thomp son, mioister to Brazil, and Con gressman Burkett. Tbe decoratioay hangs above tbe mailing table la tba postofllce bjilding. T. E. Stewart, of Sutton, and Mlaa Emma L. Antbes, of Clay Center, were married yesterday at 11 a. av at tbe parsonage of Trinity M. M, church, Lincoln, tbe pastor, Dr. A. Martin, officiating. Mr. Stewart is a well known school teacher sf Clay county. Tbe Omaba Association ef Oosf le gations! Church met la FresMat tat thirty-first annual coarentloa. At tbe first bussnese sessioa Irs aV Williams Is Wlsner was elected aaoeV erator ana the Rev. A. W. Aym sf Beemer, scribe. Dess Id ward L Bostwlckof Oberlla morning devotional exerts 1 1 vered a lecture In Us sftsrsB la tbe evening Principal Watarlkesse sf tbe Omaba High school delivered aa address on tbe aubjeet, "The Casfsh and tbe Publie Sosasls." Pasecs were read aod discussed daring tss day. Tbls morning reports are se Ing heard from the different eaarebsf of tbe district. About sixty dsss gates are lo attendance. Tbe Blue Valley association of tks Ooogregatlonal churches held a tares days' session in Kxeter. Tbe pro gram for tbe association Is tales Msg and comprises s sueabsr of ex cellent papers and addresses. Taa rim li d is reoreseatsd br dalstatss from this district, which eoatstlses the territory between Otsts aai tluatlnaa aod fsrk sad the line ef Nebraska on tbe soath. Dosne college gles oiat will night. Hie) turn