HlARRISON PRESS - J OURN AL. VOL. XV. H-AIRISOIISr, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, CTTJIsrE 4r. 1903. ISl O. 49 T1 LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. For ncreens, fro to J. H. Lacy's. Gerlachs received acar load of machin ery t his week. J. B. Burke left .Tuesday night for Mitchell Nebr. John Rlieripecher was doing business in town Monday. Read the auction wile of John L. in another column. Kay's F. E. Jandt was mixing llarrisonites Tuesday. with the Miss Mabel Hunter visited with friends at Bodarc last Sunday. Albert Hill and family were up from East Hat Creek Monday. The Warlxinnet people turned enormous on decoration day. Hon. P. Toffee and son Frank were Harrison visitors last. Tuesday. Sunday school at body invited. W. II. 10 o'clock: every Davis; Hupt. August L. Ring, wife and children attended the lecture last Monday night Hotit. was up from his ranch on lower Running water the first of the week, Rev. llortnn went, to Lakeside yester day evening. He exjiects to be back Saturday. Mrs. Valdez went up to their ranch in Wyoming this week, to try ranch life for a while. We forgot to mention the arrival nf a 10 pound hoy ut the home of Henry Kre ni'in last week. M J, (lay hart, Henry Wawrhiirgor, nnd 'laus ' 'hristetisen were in from M int. WW Inst Rititrdav. L '. Wright, editor of the Son. -nil Ins w ire left fur a few weeks visit in Iowa and other points last, Friday evening f The Rev. John I!. Sloan, the Presbyter ian Pioneer mintnster, died one awl; ago lust Sunday nt bis home in Alliance. TO (T UK AI'OI.H IN ONK I A Y . T iki- I.hjiI i'.' 'Iro n li'ilnlnn t.itilel. All itrmtdt r f i nl I ie mnni'V It If falls to cure, K. w. 'irinr'rt sluatim. Uoii fetich 1)11 x fie. Kdwin Out brie returned from Kearney Nebr. last Saturday mointng. His many fri"ndsandasoeiatcsare glud to welcome (inn hack Marlin f'arm'l went down to J. H. Cook's ranch on Ronnini water I he week and brought back some horses to break for Mr. C, Harrison is bv a doctor, no if yon don't Want to die don't get sick. Dr. Phinnev and family are living on their ranch in South Uikota. The fifth grade boys were pb-ased to receive a lell'T this week from their late teacher, Miss llellyer, who is now at Wayne going to school. Miss Elsi Hill and Miss Wickershain, and Mr. Wickershain and Mr. Oriinniet were up from the valley und attended the lecture Monday night. Dr. Iteicbard will ho at the Wright Hotel June 1st, If, 15, 10, and 17 prepared to do your dental work at low prices. Extract teeth without pain. Born last Friday night to Mr and Mrs. Martin Carroll a 10 pound lsiy, Martiu steps pretty high, but there is nothing two good for the Irish you know. For Sal. The best Wagon in the country The H butler and Birt Bros., at J. II. Kartell's. Mm, Lizzie Coffee and children came tip from Chad ron Tuesday and w ill s-nd the summer months on the ranch, where the boys run llsh, ride, and yell to their heart content. John Biomberg was up from (lieu, and made the PmRnk JoUKNaI. man feel glad hv leaving htm a silver cart heel. John Is one of those kind that never forgets the poor printer, and success to you J hn. Cuts, Bruises and Plume Quickly Healed. Chamberlain's Paot Halm is an rit,s p-j tic liniment, Hit I when uppliwd to cuts, bruises and burns, cnuws them to heal wi h nit I'istiira'ion und c(.cM.Y than V the usual much more ! rentiiii-nt. V.je iH by all Drugi,':!. ,K-'S,,!"M'4, HERE AND THERE? In a letter from Jess fjrossley this week, of Lena this state he says lliey had the worst bail storm they have bad since 1801. Th hail in places lav 2 feet deep, we have something up this way to be thankful for yet. fleorge Turner returned home from Omaha, where he wer.t to consult a doc tor, hut we are sorry to say that be is not much improved in health, although the doctor thought he could cure him, and we hope he cat.. We see from the Valentine Republican the death of Nora May Ray, wife of Rev. Charles W, liav of that place. Mrs. Ray had a great many friends in both Dawes iiid Sioux county who will read with sorrow this sad news. Sheriff Lowry is making out receipts for county Treasurer Davis, and he goes at the business like an old hand. Mr. Lowry has shown himself a competent officer os sheriff, and why not lie such in the Treasurer'nolfloe.? C'hildrens day should be observed by all sabbath schools, and if there is a sabbath school that has not made ar rangements to have exercises on this day commence now, for there are none that like to be recognized more than the children. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets are jo.f hat you need w hen you have no appetite, feel dull lif ter eating and wake up with a twd taste in your mouth. They will improve your up petite, cleanse and invigorate jour stom ach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by all Druggists D, II. (iriswobl's familiar font; was seen on our streets shaking hands with his many friends, which were trulv glad to see htm, we lire glad to say that Mr. (iriswold has a good business in Gordon but should Ue ever conclude to leave there we want him toktiow Ha.Tisou will always welcome him hack. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera. .rvd Dlarr; io,;. Remedy Is everywhere recognized as the one remedy that can always b- depended up on Hint that Is pleasant to take It is especially vuluaui'i lor summer marrlioea in children and is imdi-ub'.ly t he means of saving the lives of a great many i hililren each year. For sale by all Druggists. Mis fLe.it Hops Roe.llzed. From the Sentinel, (iebo, Mont. In th llrsi o;,einn i of Oklahoma to set- I lers in 1H1U, t li editi r of tins p.iper was tuning the luany seekers after fortune who mad'i the big r ue one One day in April. During his traveling about and afterwads hiscaniping upon Lis claim, he . ii oni.ler, d much bad water, which, to gether with the severe feat, gave 111 ji a Very severe diarrhoea which It seemed almost imp issible to check, and along lit June the case became so bad lie expected to die. One day one of his neiglilsirs fanlight him one small bottle of Cham herlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given bun while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few mimiles the dose was repeated. The g )isl effect of tiie medicine w as soon no ticed and within an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fort night. 1 bat one little bottle worked a complete cure, and he cannot help but feel gralelul. Toe reason for bowel dis- Lorders being at hand suggests th is item. For sale by nil Druggists. Dnvorollon Day t Hrrleon. Prompt I v at 10 o'clock A. M. Saturday morning the rendition of the program ommenced and lasted for aliout two hours, after which the vast uudieiicti formed in line and marched to the ceme tery, where the graves of our soldiers were strewed with flowers, and also the graves of departed friends. There was the largrtst crowd in Harrison that has lten here for some time and the seating . ,,! tv ,f tin M E church was insnffl ' , ., , . . i ,i . Chit-ago & North-Western Railway for dent for the great mass of eo,ilu that J -.. i . .., the occasions named Iwlow; were present. The program rendered by I the children was appreciated by nil, not Presbyterian General Assembly, Los only for the rendalion of their parts, but Angeles, May 21st to June 2nd. the grand and noble efforts set forth by Travelers' Protective Association, Indian their presence, and willingness to do i apolis, lud., June 9lh to. 11th. wuiiething in appreciation and reinenilier-j Modern Woodmen of America, Indian am of the ones hat were willing to lay j apolis, Ind., June 17th to 21th. down their lives for their country. We National Educational Association, I ure sorry to my there were hut few old j soldiers present, and while we will admit' there are not a great many of our veter- j ans left, but there could have been a better representation than was, ro we, hope the ones that were alisciil from these services will (if spared) never be! absent again. Rev. Iloiton give an inter-1 esling nddrefs, und we hope thai the many kind tokens of rememliraiie will nut Is' forgotten by all that, were present and may long live the old soldier, for it 1 m in bun that we can nay we owe our ' gtBAtness, bolb at home and abroad. I "I have limi troubled for sumo time Z , u- i I li nIIrjtn nnil .! r wt cti ' w.iVa Mrs. Surah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mans, "and have been taking ' ha";berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not, If you have any trouble with your atom ach why not take these Tablets and get well? For Rale by all Druggists. At a regular meeting of the county commissioners Jan. l.lth.. 11)03, Tht following estimate of expenses for the year 1D03 was ordered. District ;:ourt I3.000 00 Stationary 300.0(1 Ollicers Salenes 1,000.00 Soldiers Relief Fund 300.00 1'rirUirig ami publishing HOO 00 Roads and Bridges 8,000.00 Incidental Expenses 3,51)0.011 Ollicers Fees 700.00 Wm. J. A. ltaum, Clerk Marsteller Bros, disposed of their general merchandise business this week to John I. Davis and James F. Bourret We have been personally acquainted with Mr. iHivis and Bourret for the past fifteen years, and can say that no more worthy tiitHi than these can lie found in the county and we feel that the great trade that has always been accorded the firm of Mars teller Bros, will be thankfully received by this new firm, and they will alway treat you right. We wish the new firm success. ("apt- W. R. Alters gave his lecture on Jerusalem to a good audience on last Monday night aim from the nttenlion given and ooinpliuieiitory remarks we have heard all was well pleased with the lecture. The Oap'ain is a good and ear nest talker and if any one failed to get ! any gooil from his talk it was no fault, of Mr. Akers. The singing was very good wo are glad to say, and we only wish that, some th.U called our singing bum- my not long ago had been present for I think they would have been shown that Harrison has son, that can sing w hen they aie called upon. PROGRAM. Program of the eleventh annual con vention of the Sioux County Sunday School association to iw held in i church at Bodaru, Nehru-'ka, June 17-18 Wi:dni-siav. Jlsh 17. 10:30 A. M., 1 'c. votiocal S rvice 11.00 A. M., Palter How can we :ct the Most Good t ro i This Convention" Mrs. Minnie Miller UXH) U.NCH 1:30 P M. Paper, Jhu Object of the Sunday School," Mrs. i '. p L.von Mi'". Anna t iohh n 2:30 R. M. Thorough 'Why a Teacher Should lie a i'hi'i-,1 la fi'1 Rev. L. W. Iloiton 2:30 P. M. P,iM-r, "I low to Conduct a Young Peoples ( lass" Miss Jennie F.lhs . Rev. E. E. nitiierniaii 7:0 P 8 00 P. M. Song Service M. Address, Rev, Ilotisoi. IllUKKIMV, Jt;NE IS. 9:00 A. M. Devotional Service 0:30 A. M. "How Can We Item h Out siders" KeV Ilobson 10 30 A. M. "How to Secure the Attend ance of Parents" ...J. If. Kartell M, J. Wehtr, Discussion 11:30 A. M. Reports of .Schools I.fNCH. 1:30 P.M. "Individual Responsibility" , John I. Davis i 2:30 P. M. "How to Make an Interesting Sunday School"'.. W. H. Davis M. Election of Officers J. B. Bl'HKK, President. Mhrt. Hattir E. Ohove, Secy. Special Reduced Fxr.ursinn RatRS C. 4 N. W.UV. I Will be in effect frm all points on the Boston, July (lib to lOlh. Nobles of the Mvstic Shrine, Saratoga Springs, N, Y., July 7th to lOlh. United Christian Endeavor, Denver, July Dili to 13th. Epworth League, Detroit, Mich,, July 16th to lllih. , B. P. 0. E , Baltimore, Ml., July 21 23, O. A. K. meeting, Hun Francisco, Aug. 17th to Sand For Information a to rites. dates of sale, etc., of these 'ir other occasions, call upon the ticket agent of tbn North-; Western Line. ! 3:30 P AUCTION SALE. AT HARRISON, NEBR r JUNK 17, VJO'i- 40 Head llerford cattle " 25 Head good young cows, calves by side IS Yearling heifers 1 3 year old registered bull 1 Yearling registered bull 1 High grade yearling bull The earlirgs and calves are all by register id bulls. iRMS Cash or bankable notes at. 10 er ent interest, 4 months time. JOHN L. KAY. Sale commences at I o'clock P. M Hunter Happenings, ' Mr, Hunter has left us again. Not much sunshine here now. Mr. Shepherds visited at Mr. Jones's Sunday evening. Mr. Jack Cook visited at Harrison and Crawford last week. Mr. D, W. Shepherd and family visited at Proctorville Sunday. Grandma Schwartz is visiting with her daughters near Harrison at this writing, Mr. Tucker's sister, who has been visit ing with him, returned to her home in Wyoming Saturday. Mrs. l.iiidemau, of i'rawford, visited her daughter. Mrs. Harvey, last week. Roy's little brother is staying with him a while, Say Zekiel, don't think for once that we meant you when we said Zelie, we only meant Ezra Tucker, a that is his pet name around here. Bouyt.'KT. I In Wyoming. J.J. Ziiiiibruiiiieii was on the sick list the iast (.1 last week. Mrs. J. D. Williams was (juite sick on last Saturday and Sunday. Rev L. W. Ilortou was the guest, of Mr, and Mrs. John Davis Saturday night. Mrs. Harry Deuel had a tussel with the grip last week; Hope Ui.it sh-j has tlia liesl of it by this tune. - Q iite a numl.r of the W.O. W.'s gather ed at Oeorge -J.ivis' to help him put III his crop on last Saturday. At a meeting of I he school hoard on last Frul.i, Zekiel was appointed census enumerator lor school dis riot Nc. 7. Charlie (iogen, of Oklahoma Territory. arrived here on Tmsdav of last week, for Visit, with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Christian. So "Buds and Blossoms" have been ucked ami made into av 'Bouquet" Well, v.ell, time works great changes loesn't it "Biouxkay." Mr. Lo Wilson and Miss Florence hristian were pleasant callers at our sanctum on last Sunday evening, (.'all mi, the latch string is always on the outside. The Pleasant Ridge Cannon went off soma time ago; so we can not usher in Independence Day wi I h a t launon's roar. It was at the Herring House In Lusk the isl we heard of it. Andrew Christian's gray tea-u ran away w ith his Ited grinder on last Satur day and badly demoralized it. They ran through a w ire tenee I ut tscupid with a lew slight scratches. We learn that Kdla and Jennie Ku tley, former residents of this nart. but uo.v of Hot Spring:!, S. Dak., will graduate from the college at that place shortly. We are glad to Mote their success in school, as they were at one time, the pupils of ye scribe. Rev, li. W. llortnn took a snap shot of ye "Knight ol the Faber,' Ins family, and their home, a short time ago. The picture is all right and the work we can commend, but we did not ksow before that we bore such a resemblance td Yon Yehnsori of Sweden. Seeding is about over in this part, and the clodlelter, no, that s not the word -he lives at Andrews, or Hunter; So many changes perplex us and we are liable to err; Well, the Clisl grass hopper will now have time lo talk with the reporter and give him pointers. Decoration dav was observed by those having friends buried in the Pleasant R. cemetery, y mte a number gathered at the cemetery and strewed Hie graves with dowers; also planted shrubs and flowers over the graves. Mrs. Dryer recently erected a nice tombstone at her hilslKind's grave. J. J. ZiiMibriiiuien lost a horse verv suddenly on last Friday, and it wasn't stolen wither. Il dropped dead of heart failure at sight of your correspondent, so we surmise, for just a few minutes after taking a good look at us it dropped dead The lloyles Isiy pulled their well drill j home last Friday 4 froiM' somewhere in Nebraska. ?1KIKJ ALL Love to buy ooil goods at the lowest pr'mt nwihe and the plai.e to do this is at CJCllLACfl'S GENERALSTORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a triaL "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- A Summer Course in Elementary Agri culture for Teachers. The Neljraska Legislature recently passed a law requiring all applicants for teachers' certificates to pass an exami nation in the principles of elementary agriculture. This law goes into effect July 1, lo:t. Iu view of these requirements, the University of Nebraska oilers in its sum mer school, June li to July 33, a course in agriculture especially arranged lor teachers. This course includes lectures and reci tations upon such subjects as the formation and physical properties of soils the melhodsof tillage to conserve mois ture in soils, and topics dealing with plant growth with special reference lo farm crops. The class work will be illustrated by simple laboratory experi ments which can be performed in any school. Attention will also be given to subjects pertaining to the breeds of live stock, annual nutrition, etc. This course has the endorsement of : he Slate Superintendents interviewed express a willingness to accept University credits in agriculture without requiring an examination in that subject when cerl ideates are applied for. The sin cess of the present movement introducing the elements of agriculture into the common schools will depend upon tho lilness of teachers for carrying on the work. , It is hoped the teachers of Nebraska will avail themselves of the opportunit ies offered by the University at Lincoln this summer. The work will he in charge of Professor II. R. Smith of the School of Agriculture. War Bonnet Topics. Oeorgo Walker is working at the S E at present. Mrs Johnson is very sick yet and no doctor lo be had. Miss I) irnian visited a few days at Mr. S;itn L-cliitgs last week. Mr OiiTetson anil family were visiting at Jim Mernams Sunday. The linest, rain of the season visited this locality last Thursday. Mrs. Jack Fiuley and family, were visiting with Scot ts Sunday. It looks queer to see men planting corn with their overcoat on but that was the case this week, it is so cold. Mrs. Nels Anderson who has been visit ing wiln her parents for the past week returned home Inst Saturday. Sam L"cing is badly crippled up at. present, be hurt himself while scraping or scrapping, 1 don't snow which. Frank Hubbard is home again, has hired to, lack Finley to work in the mill which he is just moving to Little Monroe. Miss Lucy Moravck was visiting with Ollivelle Dunn last week, they were down lo visit with Mary Scott, one day. Rev. HorUin will preach again next Sunday after S. S. as usual at It o'clock P. M. come one and all, every one in viled. F.d Scott had the misfortune of getting kicked by a mule last week, be had a very badly bruised arm, but no bones broken. Arthur Dunn gave us a cull Sunday and Oeorge (larreisons pleasant face was among us, it seems like old tunes to see Oeorge n round, A gentleman was from U-iiver looking for a locat ion, he was in search of arauch mid stopped a few days at W. II. Dunn's, as he was sent by him, and an acquaint ance of his. Two friends of Jim Merri.uns arrived hero last week from the east; they must lie hustlers as they have both secured work already in less than a weeks time, one is working lor Robert Keel and one for Mr, Shepherd, one good thingahout this country a man or I sty can get work if they want it. and good wagesgenerally. In the afternoon Saturday I dropped in Die Lodge rom just long enough to partake of the delicious cake and ice cream, I mention cake first, as they were Isisl. although both were delicious, the repast was given in honor of Mrs, Thoi ton part vice oracle and neighlsir Viildez anil Fitzgerald who will take their departure inthi future, we nre all sorry lo see them go but wishtheni good luck In' their pe.w adventure, , PEOPLE Professional Cards. ORANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lega matters iu Justice, County and District ('oui'ts, and before the United State Land Ollice. Fire Insurance written in reliabtr companies. t'Legal papers carefully drawn. . Hakmson. - Nebraska. The Northwestern LINE ONLY R-allrnad between Missouri RJver and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis- Direct Line to Black Hills. Apply to nearest agent for rates, map &.nd time coords- TIME TABLE. West Bound, East Bound. Morning. Evening. No. 13, Due b:20 No. 14, Due 8:15 No. 83, loo frt. 10. No. 84 loo frt. 5:25 J. H. LACY. SUCCESSOR TO E. R0HWF.R- LEALER in Lumber, lath, sash, dbors lime, cement, and building material of all kinds. Hardware Farm machinery.. Harness, Saddles, and Range goods. Flour, Feed, and Grain. Paint, Oils & etc. I at tended ihe exercises at the church in Harrison Memorial day anil must say 1 was surprised to see such a crowd as llf-ie must have been over a hundred at Ihe church there was hardly standing room, m ni the exercises were hue, tin ie was one girl spoke who I would have known was of Miss Lillie Harrises train ing if 1 hadn't heard her name, she done so splendidly, and Rev, llortous adores was appreciated by all 1 am sure by the order that was kept while lieiue ueliver t;d. There were til wagons anil biiggies drove to the cemelry besides lots mi horse back and foot, the ceuiul ry m decorated and not a grave was , mil. ltd, which showed i lie goodness of the people.; one grave 1 most speak of and thank the. ones mho were so Ihoiighll ul as lo so beautifully di-coratu that grave as I. is mother had ii'-k me when she went away to remember Roy's grave on decoration day aul I went with thu intentions of placing Mowers on his grave hut when 1 got there I Was surprised indeed lo see Ills grave literally covered, covered with wreaths and bouquets, the hoys and girl of Harrison some of them had been thonghtltil enough to go and smooth the rough dirt and cover his grave witU dow ers, those same Isiys and girls may h.ivo some faults but surely good h-ans In hu so thoughtful of poor little Roy Dunn. . 1 wish his parents could have seen it, placed my liooquet iiiiiong llie rest, I hardly found room lot it. , l'WKIV. Claims He Can Burn Wattr. A Washington inventor claims to havo porreoUsl a device by whlcn water can bo burned and made to yield an Intense a heat as Is desired. In stoves and furnaces. Fire-water, so to speak, Gen. Garibaldi PlghUr. Oen. Rirclottl Garibaldi, who Is or ganizing an Independent Italian corps. to help the Macedonians, was but 2 years old when his fantous fathsv 4 (eaded Rome aalnst tb Frtoclk