Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 28, 1903, Image 7

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    A skaenl far Miner
Ibere U hardly a phase of modern
industrial life but which on be learned
at some school specially devoted to I s
teaching to better or to equal aavan
tige than the old-time apprenticing
system. If there was one branch that
bad been overlooked It was that of the
baker and confectioner, but thin in
distry Is no longer o neglected, as
me London Natl a Sen oi of liakery
and Confectloner .lersacourseof the
m t advanced Instruction In this
w rk.
I II Js .l
Summer Luncheons
In hot w3!itfT t'ipf rntiM Miuj U-fc jiit
right. v ;.u n liiMv aii'l tenij'iitj tlian
Litby's Melrose Pate
a fit '..aft-; i cotii iuiiii' ii f.f (j,imt,
.ur, ft t,f i tr-iit ;jt than l.lbhv's CornrtJ Kcef
Ha 5 l.ihby'f hiiflifnwdf f'ork and B-in
air- !, :i (; i,iDhy' NntiiMi f !avor 'o -U
Product, " nsr.( r, a:Jv to t-T-.e. i'ut up in
cour.:i'.w kry tmvx tans,
Tp.i r-(fm took it "li.jw t- Matt ftrv.
Ihifu-i't Kt " Kri'l iVr? 2c .nann for
.,it 'e hi AlUof t!. or 11.
Libby, McNeill & Libby
J o prove me neaung ana
cleansing power of l'ai
tine Toilet Antiseptic
we will mail a large trial
packice wiih book of in
structions nbtolutelj
free. This is not a tiny
sample, liut a larpe packace.
enough to convince anyone
Eli. , I j,, ig? of its value. Women all
iS&3i-mgsm over the country are praiv
ing Paxtine tor what it has done in focal
tre nt merit ol fc mule H la, curing all Inflam
mation and riisrharg-v!, wonderful as a cleans,
inii raemal duitche, 'or sore throat, nasal ca
tarrh, as a moutt) wash, and to remove tarts!
and whiten the teeth, bend to-day; a postal
card w:ll do. ...
o.J b' drtl1M ar tent o.tliald
Mu.lirVgi lulilknlM ril.
A. r'aAloN CO.. i CoiureDus . 3o0.
I fccj-r!gMi T ,iin nntuuxi- '
Tired, Nervous, Aching, Trem
blini. Sleepless, Bloodless.
Pe ru-na Renovates, Refulates,
WW t,.-n
Address Dr. tlartman. President
of The tlartman Sanitarium,
Columbus, O., for tree advice.
A Pretty New Yrk Woman's Recver
Um TatV f Her Numerous rrlenda.
--Mri.-J.-E. Finn, 82 Eaat High street,
Buffalo, N Y., write:
Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Gentlemen : "A few years ago
1 had to give up social life entirely,
as tny health "was completely broken
down. The doctor advised a com
plete rest for a year. As this u-as
out of the question for a time, I be
gan to look for some other means of
restoring my health.
" 1 had cj "ten heard of Pcruna as
an excellent tunic, so I bought a bot
tle io see "what it -would do for vie,
and it certainly took hold of tny
system and rejuvenated vie and in
less than tivo months J was in per
fect health, and vow when 1 feel
worn out or tired a dose or two of
Pcruna is all that I need, " Mrs.
J. Ii. Finn.
Catarrh Cause female Diseases.
America is the bind n nervous women.
The srent majority of nervous woineti
lire so liocause they ai'f siifferins from
Home form of fVtua disease. Ily fir
the jiretilest iitiniln-r of fema'.e trouble
nre (.'.'itisi'd directly by cimitIi. T!i--
women despair of two very. K'Ntiaie
trouble is so common. v '(- v.t ii'.
flint they acccir it n : ! ni', t :tiev:t 'ib
The greatest oUtaele in the way of.re
cuvt'iy in that ilit-y d not utidei'st.iud
tlint it ia catnrib which is th sour'.e
of their tllness.
hi f.i oi.i'.e cotr.plnint, air.ety-nlne cn
out of net J.us.ilri-iJ ar Lo:h:ug ou:
I'erunt cures catarrh wherever located.
A Newcomer Flared a Little Joke
on Them.
In onp of the Important dowiitowt
ciartiiietitn of t lie general government
t Washington the clerka are' stll)
langhlin? over the Ingenious joke play
(1 by one of the pretty sinter employes
TiIr young clerk had not been in the
government service very long, but she
had noticed that at lunch hour, after
the girls had finished their noonday
repasts, they gathered around and
alked to each other and sometimes
bout each other. It waR particularly
noticeable that when a girl chanced
to come to the office adorned In a new
frock or wearing "a new or odd piece
f jewelry the other girls would ply
her with all sorts of questions regard
Ing the garment or trinket.
Now It happenwl the Ingenious young
lady who had only lately come to work
had a birthday not very long ago
Among the presents made to her wat
a beautiful gold locket, dangling at
the end of a fine chain. She Imme
diately thought of what the girls at
the olhVe would say when they Miw
'The very first thing," she thought
to herself, "they will want to kn iw
whose picture In on the Inside. And
'in going to fool tiicui this once, even
if thev all hale me forever afterward.'
Ko she went to work iie.l hioruln,-.
The locket dangled from the chain
around her neck. The girls could set
It from afar imd their curiosity wa.-
great ere twelve o'clock arrive.!. Sun
nough, they wanted to see whose ph'
tnre was within. At first the girl
with the locket protested. Hut He
others Insisted, and linally she said.
'AH right." Thou one of I he curious
coterie undertook the tusk. She was
nervous and excited, says the Wash
ngton Star, and pressed, away vainly
at the springs for a few momen.s
Then it came open, and this is whin
greeted the gaze of all:
"Fie on your curiosity 1"
It was neatly printed on a bit of
paper carefully cut Io lit t lie trinket.
KKK IMIWKK lr mil.
Hon.. Upward, of Hi.w) Amire
LPjAdfflKS duriuii tti u.t 6 jear.. ThT
rV'SalfvS'Tl r oontYm-EL. iUFfV ANl5
I C5?3blJ FHOHFItKOl'B,nd tlwr l room
I smmmm for million. Wonrf.i-ful
tolas of Want and othr riD. lb( hwl Uraslng
land, oo tb UouUnnt. MiiiOcenl cllnnto, l-.at.r
f wtr mnd ftil. Oood ebouia, icl 11)1 eborobv
ad svlaudld rU tadllUM. A.l In Ih
SW kn th follow1n for aa Atl. nd Mhr lltor.
tan Ulllaa of th srMt mourcx of th cnnlr;.u
Mil M fur oartiflratM (lrln TOa radrrd rut, lJ
apnntndiis of I ojmlarnllnn, imn... ina,f'
. ir t m am v: v 11.. HA., rtH.ha. '
, 4gafc Iwr lu vvrwumnl oi vwaae.
A French physician removes most
foti iun bodies from the ear by suck
ln! tbcin In a soft rubber tube.
Always look for this trade mark: "The
Klean. Kool Kitchen Kind." The stoves
without smoke, nshea or' heat. Make
Com fort able cooking.
Daniel Webster said: "All nation
al wealth depends upon an enlighten
ed agriculture."
Carpets can be colored on the flot'T
The man who lets the world, or his
own portion of It, choose his pln
of life for him, has no need of any
other faculty than the apelike one
of imitation. J. S. Mill.
Ely's Cream Balm
Prat, M Cta.
Never ( Amlsa,
A woman never hits what she aims
at unless she throws a kiss. Somer
ville Journal.
He 1'atd For It.
Jim' That Is a beautiful spring
hat ihat Mrs JHmpleton has on.
Jam "Yes; but I'll bet you the hat
is really on her husbard.
If you want to see a funny picture
hunt up a photograph of yourself taken
twenty or thirty years ago.
Vt oat i. .tij Aliur,
The word altar occurred In the
Cf-riiil tiro les-ion. "What is an
altar'" said the teacher. a
place to burn insects," replied an
honest buy.
Like Itnderwear.
"Whete is that big blustery fellow
who was boasting that he was all
weed and a vard wide "
"Oh, the b:iys turned the hose on
him and he shrunk. "Kansas City
lnoirect Answer.
Borem "Do you believe thatsuiclde
Is a sin?
Miss Caustic "Well, in your case, I
think it would be permlssable."
A Umx1 Fire Kt'nf:nl!ier
A very perfect lire extinguishing
compound is made by mixing twenty
pounds of common salt with ten
pounds of sal ammoniac in seven gal
Ions of water.
I.Mand S3.ss Shoes fc.ss
r Von ran Bate from SW.OO to ssft.oo yearl
by wearing W. I.. Ionklwa.aoor .i nnoee.
Ihey are )nt as in every way as in" i
imeiise sale of w . I.. igia suoe proT
tleir superiority or all otbar aik.
Bolil by retail snoe aeaier, r)niniw.
Tbe g.nuiue ha.e nam and prlca
a li V v:
h r ei a
i n P ... V1
(1 .4 af I UNA.. . . . Or t.
f a-aawf a,. . CATALOG f Ktt f4W
ta. n..,iM s"- '
........ Mr. S..IM. ..4 ". .!
IS.. k.r TSS ' "
tSX ...r.. ," "S""f.
IMSS.Ie.: ""' ??.
stamped on the txilloui Take no
substitute full f out r.ynrii .
W. I.. Douglas m Oil I roge
Ine cannot he equal. ea
at any prlcaw
r, I.. m..H anil Mill mm DirS'l
Ooodyr wait ihnrl-ewel proreaa. aboM
than any e bar manufacturw !n tba world,
arir nnn D...rd m mKI"'"'"' '"
S25.0jU ntf!ffl.hn,.J.r-elh...il'n,.nl
jiau'ir !:! ui'iwe-lsrut selencan leaihe'e.
A Senaatlonal Caae.
Alston, Mien., May 25. Houghton
County has never witnessed a more
striking medical case than that or Mr
James Culet of this place.
Mr. Culet had spent a small fortune
with the best physicians In the county
and In addition to this be has tried
every medicine he could hear of.
He had a very bad case of Hheuina
tlsm and Kidney Tronble, from wblch
he had suffered for twenty yenrs. Noth
ing he could get seemed to do him
any good, and he was gradually grow
Ing worse.
He has no Rheumatism now and ex
plains It thus:
"One day I happened to see an ad
vertlsenient of Dodil B Kidney fill
and decided to try them.
"I made up my mind to give hem a
pood, fair trial, ns my ease was a very
bad one and was of over twenty years
eta ndlng.
"I used altogether 42 boxes and
can truthfully say that they have driv
en out every trace of the Itheitmatlsm
"I feel like a new mull, and I can
anil do most heartily recommend
Dodd's Kidney I'llls for Rheumatism
and Kidney Trouble."
(Ri mm mm
A ICLLION OBA1TOJIA8 J1 over America point to OABOAHBTS Candy Oathartlo a. tha
ZZtwtSt flamUymwdlcin. aver dlaoovrwd. Oood. kindly. f nd.r-h6art-d old aoul-grandma
n-ot3b7umnl of tba good thing, .he baa laarnad through experience, and otha
aSTofC LAMAMTB tanaarty A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Tba wladom of yeara of expar
SSttSraalt bar children -, and bar children , childrwn baa
bt grandma that to OASOABBTB Candy Oathartlo baa baen dlaooverad TH1I I OJTLT
JarTOTFAYMEDIOINB for all bowel troublaa, children'. dlaaaaaa,dlaaaawof thartoiwoh
UaEm, blllouaneaa and bad blood. Beat for the Bowela AU dniggiata, lOo,
SI 60o' Ieroldlnbulk. The genuine tablet .tamped O O O. Ouaraatead to cure or your
and booklet frae. Addrwaa BUrUng R-mady Oo, Ohloago or K. w York, m
r.ntn,'' the assistant night captain
at the Colorado reformatory, works
nights and sleeps In the daytime. A
omnion mongrel pup crept inside the
reformatory walls in a penitential
niood one day, and since expiating his
sins, whatever they were, has appoint-
ed himself an ottleer of the outposts
No one can come or go In the reform
atory grounds after nightfall until
"hum" has Inquired of him his busi
ness In tones loud enough to warn the
slctplest lookout in the towers. The
photographer says that "Bum" has
enough bloodhound stock In him to fol
lo.v a trail and bring back a runaway
with the best of them, but with his
ordinary work "Hum" is the busiest
dog in ollicial circles In the State.
Molding Him to It.
Abscnt-Mlnded Young I'rofessor (aft
er discoursing learnedly but vaguely
for fifteen minutes) I beg your par
don. MIbr de Mulr, but I seem to have
wandered from the suhject I had In
mind when I came here, and find my
stdf unable to pick up the thread, as it
were, of my
Blushing Maiden I think, professor,
you were asking me to marry you.
Absent-Minded Young I'rofessor To
be sure.
(Wanders again.)
Trees Without heaves.
There are great forests of leafless
trees in Australia. They are acacias,
or wattles, as some people call them
and their being leafless Is simply p.n
adaptation to the dry climate. They
have leaves while growing, but when
their growth Is complete they shed the
leaves and breathe through the little
stem that remains, because moisture
is too precious to them for the free
evaporation that leaves always cause
"Your son," said the phrenologist to
the anxious parents, "will become a
poet some day."
Here the father Interrupted with an
air of deep concern. "But don't you
Ihlnk we could cure him now If we
could whnck the poetical bump with
a sledge hammer or something like
There Are Other. -
"I wonder why he usee so many big
. "Why, I suppose he'a afraid If he
doesn't we'll think he doesnt know
what they mean." Philadelphia Bui
letln. .
We "Will wager that when tbe baby
cries at your bouse, Its father vol. in
tartly looks up at Its mother to see If
ibe beard It -
Tho real he mines of every day are in cur Homes. Frequently, how.
ever, it is a mistaken awl useless heroism.
Women seem to listen to every call of duly except the supreme
one that tells them to guard their healt h. How much harder the daily
tasks be"ome! when some derailment of the female organs makes
every movement painful and keeps the nervous system unstrung?
Irritability takes the place of happiness and amiability; and weakness
and sulT-riii? takes the place of health and strength. As long as they
can drag themselves around, women continue- to work and perform
their household duties. They have been led to believe that sulermg
is necessary because they are women. YA hat a mistake !
The us- of Lydia E. Pinkliam's Veeretalsle Compound will banish
pain and restore happiness. Don't resort to strong stimulants or nar
cotics when this great strengthening, healing remedy for women is
always within reach.
If there is anything in Your case about which you would Hire
nodal ndvicc, write freely to Sirs, l'inkham. So man will see
....... ie.. t, n .iretv licit) von. for no person in America
has uch a wide, experience in In-ating female ills as she lias had.
She has helped hundreds of thousands ot women back to health.
Her address is Lvnn, Mass., ami her advice is tree. ou are very
foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation.
For proof read the symptoms, suffering and cure
recited in the following letters:
"Drab Mrs. Pivkha-' : I wish to express to you the great benefit I
hare derived from vour advice and the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. My trouble was female weakness in its worst lorrt and
I was in a very bad condition. I could not perform my household duties, my
back ached, I wai extremely nervous, and I could not eat or sleep, and the
bearing-down pains were-terrihle. My husband ppent hvndreds of dollars
to get me well, an 1 all the medicine that tne doctors prescribed failed todo me
any good ; I resorted to an operation which the physician said was necessary
to restore me to health, but I suffered more after it than I did before; I had
hemorrhages of the womb that nothing could seem to step. ;
"I noticed one of vour advertisements and wrote you for advice, I re
ceived your reply and" carefully followed all instructions. I immediately
betran to get stronger, and in two weeks was about the house. I took eight
bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound end continued
following your advice, and to-day I am a well woman. our remedies and
help are a Godsend to suffering women, and I cannot find words to thank
you for what you have done for me." Mrs. Lottie V. hAVLOR, 1328 JM. J.
Ave., N.W., Washiagton, D. C.
"Dfa.r Mas. Pikiiam: I write to tell you what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done for me.
" I was suffering, with fallinf? of the womb and could hardly drag about,
but after taking five bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound I was completely cured. I am now a well woman and able to do all
my work. - ' ,. . ' , .
"I think your medicine one of the best remedies in the world. MBS.
J. M. Lee, 141 Lyndal St., Newcastle, Pa.
" Dear Mrs. Pisa-nAvr : Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has done a great deal for me. I suffered so much from falling of the
womb and all the troubles connected with it. I doctored for years with
doctors'and other remedies but received only temporary relief.
" I began taking your medicine, and had not taken it long before I waa
feeling better. My husband said that I should keep right on taking it as long
as it gave me relief from my suffering, as I could not expect to be cured by
one or two bottles. I did so and am now able to be on my feet and work
hard all day, and go to bed and rest at night. Thanks to your Vegetable Com
pound I am certainly grateful for the relief it gave me. It s the mother a
great friend. I would not be without it in my house, for when I feel tired
or out of sorts I take-a few doses and feel all right. ,
" I would recommend your medicine to all tired mothers, and especially
to those suffering as I waa." Mae. E. F. CnAifBSRS, Bennet, Neb.
4) C nnfl r"ORFEITlf we eannot forthwithnroduee the original letters and slpiaturaiof
nllllll above sestlmoniale, wUh will prova their absolute genuineness.
Vtf UUU x.,ala . Plakhean Medicine Co., Lraa, afaaa, ,
y- aw
A Skin of Beauty I a Jay Forever.
tissaaas wet ma.ilal BKiunfi
R.moT.. Tan. Pimples, Fickle
Moth Palrhea, Ka.h, and Skin
and every Dietnun on
Daamy. ana a-nci
1etf-ti'a. It ha,)
I ntood the test ot 61
' vears. and I. so
harmless we taste It
to be sure It la prop
erly made. Accept
no counterfeit of
slmll.r name. Or. U
4. Sayre anld to a
lady of the haut-ion
(a narlent): "A. you
I m-ommenu oolir
BU'1'Hlr.am' aa the
leaat harmful of all
the Skin prepara
tions." Kor naie o
all riravirlal. and
taaey-Oaed, Daalar, in tbe 0. S., Canada and Europe
fERI). T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, S7 Great Jones
The Bote System.
The Rote system, like ctber sys
tems of its aize, made more of forms
and symbols thai) of the things sym
bolized. To repeat the words correct
ly was everything, to understand the
meaning, nothing; and thus "tlm
spirit was sacrificed to the letter.
Herbert Spencer.
Aak Your Dealer fur Allen's Foot Rnae,
A powder to shake into your shoes It
rests the feet, (hires Corns, Bunions,
Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Achilla,
Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails.
Allen's Foot-Knse makes new or tiitlit
hoes easy. Sold by nil drnggiwtn and
hoe tores. 2re. Smnple mailed FKKK.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y.
The mourning color for unmarried
women in Brazil Is scarlet, and tbe
young ladles look quite gay In It.
Mrs. WInslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for hll
dr 'ii teeth ihk, snflnn the Hi nis, reduce! In 'ta
rnation, allaysiinlD cures cvllc, PilceKiu bottle
nesp-ct fnr Spinsters.
We In En land hive for some tine
p?st recognized the social and, stall I It,
not be said, the economic value of the
spinster. She has long since ccasi d
to be disparaged, and, Indeed, wc see
every year how our girls cling to free
dom and voluntarily constitute them
selves what but a generation ago
would have been described as Hiope
less old maids." Lady's Pictorial.
Many an honest man eats pie with
a knife.
Some things are better forgotten
then rememtered.
Tbe habit of overlooking family
Jars, of failing to s e th2 sour look,
aod not heaiing the harsh word, and
s ttlng aside forever the disagree
ment is a nabit that makes tor
family peace. It is throwirig stonef
io the path out of one's way, ,
Life Is short at best, and we should
make it a rule to grasp only the
pleasant things that count only days
of sunshine. Each one of us has a
pet failure. In wcaiiness and at
times when not on guard, out comes
the impatient reply, or the spkeful
word which a moment after we feel
that we would give anything in our
possession could but we recall It.
Unforeseen and ungarded impulses
may be at the root of your neich
bor's peculiarities. Be patient and
forget Missouri School Journal.
It is a real delight, a restful
pleasure to be In the society of peo
ple who have been disciplined in
the amenities of life of those who
radiate an atmosphere of kindliness,
of good will and of he'pfullnes,
wherever they go. Success.
Potato Shells,
Add to a pint of hot mashed pota
s, half a teaspoon of celery salt,,
one-fourth of a teasjoon of Hungarian
paprika, a tablespoon each of butter .
and cream and the stilly beaten whites
of two rgys; press firmly Into buttered
shell, unmold carefully, brush the
corrugated side with beaten yolk, lay
t n i buttered pan and bake brown,; '
garnish with pars'cy.
Indians are occasionally troubled
with red aunts.
ffTe Parasananttyrnred. siontaornerrmianeaaaties
rllw ATM day's ua of i. Kline's Oraat Narv lla
ai . aadrerl HKK e-HalbMwaad treaties.
Fa. ft. TTfUSK l.ld..SWr,s..l,hliadeliiM Pa.
N.N.U. 773-22. YORK, NEB.
It Is something to have tbe In
fluence on the fortunes of mankind;
it Is greatly more to have Influence
on their Intellects. Such Is tbe ',
difference between men of office and
men of genius, between computed
and uncomputed rank. Landor.
Literature Is the Immortality of '
speech. Schlegel.
A little gill spoils much bone.-
Fortugu ae ptovcrb. , J