Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 28, 1903, Image 1

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    Harrison Press-
ZMiA.1T 23. 1903.
1 i
Capt. W. R. Aken coming.
For ecrevos, fo to J. U. Lacy's.
Peter Psteraoa w
Mrs. V. A. Hester
up from 8tory
weot to Lusk last
Chris Buffing mads us a pi'
nt call
thi week.
Integrant ars traveling east and west
oow days.
Mrs. Hagerman was up from Andrews
" yrstcrday.
A. R. Kennedy was up from Crawford
last Friday,
Doo t forget to come to the lecture
next Monday.
C. B. E. Etler was down from Lusk a
couple of days.
Oorwio Lewis was doing business in
town Satarday.
E. F. Pontius returned from Hill City,
S. Dak. yesterday.
Cecil Johnson is
Parsons and hook.
working for J. C.
J. 11. Bartell received a car load of
Machinery this week.
U. E. Miller and (.'art
Heuraeier were
Up from Crawford
The front of the 1 1 very barn has
treated to a new coat of paint.
Capt. W. R. Akers will be here June
Um Lit to deliver his famous lecture.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every
body invited, W. U. Davis; Supt.
Mrs. H. Zimmerman and daughter in
law were np from Bodarc last Friday,
Dell O'Conner and Bill Rickard left for
Sheridan, Wyo. last Monday evening.
J. H, Wilhermndorfer went to Craw
ford last Saturday, returning Sunday.
Tim V a Untiue papers report h very
evere wind slurm Ware but Thursday.
Frank Nutto spent last Sunday in
Word, returning Monday on the flyer.
i n.iffing and wife, from near Five
Points, were doiug business in town this
O. H. Turner went to Chiidron Inst
Thursday evening to received medical
Mrs. Matt Hall and children went to
Clisdron last Thursday eveniug, return
ing Saturday.
Will Bartell, who has been down to
Ctias. Smith's ranch at Hewitt, returned
borne yesterday.
Wisdom Jr. is a Clyde horse, and tuere
is no better one around in this country.
The terms are reniionable. Bob Keki.
TO 1,'l'KK AUOI.lt IN ONK lAY.
Take Laxative Rro o Quinine. tiitl-tn. All
. drugKUta refund the money It If full to
S aura. K. W. Grove's nlHUHture In on each
ox. V.
U If you want to hear a good lecture on
Jerusalem and the Holy Land" come
and bear Capt. W. R. Akers next Mon
Albert Erdnian and family, from Indi
. an creek, were visiting with J. T. Fill
gerald and family for a few days last
. week.
For Sat.
The best Wagons in the country.
Bchu tier and Birt Bros., at
J. II. BARTia.L b.
We not that Sioux county gets A93.
AO as her share of the State money for
this opportionaient, nearly doubles the
amount that was received the last time.
The grand Jury of Brown county so
3 ,, I K AtmtM Tmii rn.l hal hrnnrht. in All
1 irvlictment agaia
Hilling of D.O,
iTwil 1901.
NW nadir p
fSnduatlntr exei
Indictment against Fred M. Hans, for the
Luee on the 9th day of
rtmduatlnir exercises at Crawford last
i t,. v"r,0y night, and was pleased to see
V JVV of Sioux couotvx fair daughters, Miss
, Vv Weber, numbered as one of the
41 ' Vduales. The oral inns were vary good
J well as the whole program.
Monday, June 1st to deliver his famous
"St u re on Jerusalem and tha Holy Land,
V W. R. Akers or Alliance. Land
Ve fame, This will be the chance of
f time to Imp rone of tha greatest
W ever deliver-d in th north-west.
sp Un cf in Ingheat possible praise
mm ho have heard it. Do not miss
pfNY'uaiH . ''lit conie everyone,
Win:- AduJts l.' Vf . ( hiklieti 10,
We wish to express our sincere appre
ciation and gratitude to the many friends
and neighbors for their sympathy and
kindness shown during our sad bereave
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christian
and Family.
At a regular meeting of the county
commissioners Jan. 13th.. 1903, Tin
following estimate of expeoses for the
year 1003 was ordered.
District Jourt $3.000. 00
Stationary 300 00
Officers Salenes 1,000.00
Soldiers Relief Fund . 300.00
Printing and publishing 600.00
Roads and Bridges 8,000.00
Incidental Expenses ..2.500.00
Officers Fees 700.00
Wm. J. A. Raum,
A Farmer Straightened Out.
"A man living on a farm near here
came in a short time ago completely
deubled up with rheumatism. I handed
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and told him to use it freely and if not
satisfied after using it he need not pay a
cent for it," says C. P. Rayder. of Patt
ens Mill, N. Y. "A few days later he
walked into the store as straight as a
string and handed me a dollar saving.
"give me another bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. I want it in the house all
the time for it cured me " For sale by
ail Druggists.
Mrs D. H. Grixwold had a narrow
escape rrom what might have been a
serious accident last Sunday night. She
was going up stairs with a lighted
lamp, and when near the top. Ml to the
bottom. The oil in the lamp spilled on
her hands and caught on fire, and she
was quite severely burned. Luckily, her
husband heard the commotion and came
to the rescue in time to hurl the blazing
lamp into the yard. An inventory .of
tier injuries showed a badly bruised
shoulder and hands severely burned. 8I-
coiiiineu o me noiise a lew aayr.
Had the lamp broken and her clothing
oecome haturuleil with kerosene, it is
probable fhe would have been seriously
burned. Gordon Journal.
Special Reduced
Pynnrsinn RatPQ
('. A N. W. UV. -
Will be in effect frm all points on the
Chicago A North-Western Railway for
the occusioris named iieiow;
Prenbytenan Oeneral Assembly, Los
Angeles. May 21st to June 2nd,
Travelers' Protective Association, Indian-
apolls, Ind., June 9th to 14th.
Modern Woodmen of America, Indian
apolis, Ind., June 17tb to 2Uh.
National Educational Association,
Boston, July 6th to 10th,
Nobles of the Mystic 8hrine, Snralogn
8prings, N. Y July 7th to 10th.
United Christian Endeavor, Itenver, July
9th to 13th.
Epwnrth League, Detroit. Mich,, July
. 16th to 19th.
B. P. O. E , Baltimore, Md., July 2123.
O. A, R. meeting, San Francisco, Aug.
17th lo 22nd.
For Information as to rates, dates of
sale, etc., ot uiese or other occasions,
call upon the ticket agent of the North
western Line.
Supreme Cort decision In the oe.se ef
late of Nebtk.sk vs.
James Force.
State v. Force. Error. Dawes. Ex
ceptions sustained. Kirkpalrick. C.
Department No. 1. I
1, In a criminal court prosecution
only such confessions of the defendant
as are shown to have been made volun
tarily without fear of punishment or
hope of reward, are admissible in evi-
desce. .
2. The father of the accused, shortly
after the commission of the aliened
crime, pointed a shotgun at his head
and said: "James, you are my prisoner:
I have a right to arrest you: vou shall
go to Harrison ana tell the slieritT,
county attorney and corner's jury all
about the killing of II, R , and you will
get clear; but if you don't you will gt
convicted." Accused consented to the
demand of hi father, and mails a confes
sion to the officers named. Held, that
evidence of such oeofessiun was Inadmis
8. Futlier confessions by the accused,
subsequent to audi extored confession,
will be equally inadmissible, if so related '
in point nf surrounding circumstances
and proximity of lima a to raise a
presumption that the influencer result
Ing la the first confession have not ceased
to operate upon his mind.
4. Evidence exclaimed, and held, that
certain subsequent confessions war sur
rounded by such circumstance and
removed from lite influences leading to
tlte first contention by , sunn a lapse of
time, as to raise presumption that tltey
war voluntary, and therefore admissible
agaioet accused.-Bute Journal,
We received a letter from Tom PIuo
kett last week. He is at Sandstone,
Montana, and orders the PRKWi-JockNAL
sent to him that he may keep posted on
what is going on in Sioux Co.
Some editors (?) have a habit of con
taminating their sheets with sqibs of a
defamatory character, reflecting upon
the character of some other newspaper
man. These only tend to detract from
standing of the party doing the slander
act and will, if persisted, in, read the
publisher out of job. The act is coward
ly and unmanly. If the editor has any
personal grievance., he should not bur
den the public with them. The readers
of the newspapers have troubles of thei
own, and not wish to be troubled with
something entirely irrelevant and un
calleu for to say to say the least. The
proper course for these assumptuous
disciples of Ben Franklin is to see the
party with whom they have a grievance
personally and have it rectified or go to
the courts for redress as other business
men do. These "smart aletks" may be
able to say something that will cause
the vulvar to smile, but the reat mass
of thinking citizens, either one of whom
are superior intellectually to this clans
of writers will look upon it with pity as
a jealous effort to belittle the effort ol
their supriors. Newport Republican.
Program of the eleventh annual con
vention of the Sioux County Sunday
School association lo be held in the
church at Bodarc, Nebraska, June 17-18
Wkdnkrday, Jt'N 17.
10:30 A. M., Devotional Service
11:00 A.M., Paier,"How can weffettlie
Mosl Good Fror.i This Convention"
Mrs. Minnie Miller, Discussion
12:00 LUNCH.
1:30 P M. Paper, "The Object of the
Sund,iy School."
Mrs. ( '. P. Lyon
Mrs. Anna (iolilun
2:30 P. M. "Why a Teacher Should be a
Thorough Christian"
Row L. W. Hurlon
2:30 P. M. Paper, ''How to Conduct a
Young Peoples Class"-.
.......... ... Miss Jennie Ellis
............ Rev. E. E. Z'tumerman
7:1)0 P. M. hong Service
8.00 P. M. Address Rev. Hobsoii
Tnuksday, Ji:ne 18.
9:00 A. M. Devotional Service
9:30 A. M. "How Can We Reach Out
siders" ....
KV. llolwon
10:30 A. M. -How to Secure th& Attend
ance of Parents"
J. H. Bartell
.......... .M . J. Welsr, Discussion
11:30 A. M. Reports of Schools
1:30 P.M. "Individual Responsibility"
John I. Davis
2:30 P. M. "How to Mnke an Interesting
Sunday School"
W. H. Davis
3:80 P. M. Election of Officers
J B BcitKK, President.
MR8. Hattie E. Gkovk, Secy.
Carey Items.
Frost was noticiible on boards tying on
the ground last Friday morning.
Joe Booth has been having the measles
but is on the mend at this writing.
A 10 lh. Imby hoy was born to Mr.
ind Mrs, C. E. Saxton last Friday. All
concerned doing well.
Mr. Booth met with an accident while
coming home with the mail liut Tuesday,
a broken cart was alxiut all the damage.
Frankline Jacobv is home on a furlough
from the soldiers hoTie at Grand Island.
He is making his head quarters at Alva
Mrs. E. A, Arner expects lo start soon
for Payette Idaho where she will make
her home for a while with her daughter
Mrs. J. B. Gorton.
Mrs. Archie Akers has moved down to
her mothers place to stay during the ab
sence of her husisind who is working on
the range in Wyoming.
Mrs. Kratr. was quite seriously ill last
week. Dr. Hartwell was called out to
ee her twice. We nre ulad to note that
she is convalescence this week.
Word comes from Monida Montana of
the death by drownding. on May 2nd of
Mrs, Leona Duff, eldest daughter nf Mr,
and Mrs. S.W.Carey. Mrs. Duff had
gone from her home to Lake view their
Post office, and was obliged to croiis a
small lake or swamp in a boat.. She had
completed her errands and was returning
i home when the accident occurred. It is
supposed that she fainted and fell out. of
ithe boat, as the water was very shallow
worn she was found.
The shock is doubly severe on the
iarents and sisters since it is but a few
short months since Mrs. Duff's onlv son,
Samuel Gorman was hurried at Union
Star cemetry. They have the sympathy
of the entire community in their bereave
ment. TlHOTKI.
6 In Wyoming,
Ttie windmill on the Laney Sutton
homestead was blown to pieces one day
last weak, ,
Leslie Oane was the first to finish his
seeding in this part. He finished week
ago Saturday.
George Davis is farming and finds it
hard work for one not accustomed to
following a plow.
Last Friday and Saturday were potato
days on the Ridge, surprising the amount
of tubers planted then.
Mrs. Card, of Manville, sent a large
floral wreath which was placed on the
casket during the funeral services of C.
A, Christian.
Miss Amy Christian, who is teaching
at Manville, came home to attend the
funeral of her cousin Charles, which took
place the 18th.
Rev. Horton was constantly by the
bedside of Charles Christian and cheered
him during the last wtek of his sickness,
and comforted the family at his death,
which was greatly appreciated by them
D. E. Goddard, J. Wolfe, Frank Deuel,
and Henry Giuther. delegates of the Cus
ter Lodge No. 21, I. O. O. F., of Lusk,
attended the funeral of C. A. Christian,
whose fathbr is a worthv member of
that order.
The funeral procession was the largest
ever seen in this part. There were about
thirty (ivii vehicles and all were well
loaded, besides several were on horseback
and the" procession was more than
quarter of a mile long.
jst Friday, the 22ud, was birthday
day out here. No less than three becom
ing old on that day. We were reuieni
bored by a fine cake which we relished
greatly, and our belter half didn't bake
it either. Thanks to the donor.
Charles A. Christian, oldest son ol
AnJrew and Catherine A. Christian, was
horn in Madisoi: county, Iowa, February
9 18til, died at his home neur Kiriley,
Wyoming May 161903: aged 22 yrs.
3 mus. and. days.
Deoeased came to this Converse county
with his parents fourteen years Oo, and
lias grown from youth to manhood here,
where lie was well known and respected
by a.11. Everyone knew him as a hrihL
nd promising young man with a bright
future before him. In the fall of 1898
he went to University Place where he
attended the Nebraska W'esleyan Uni ver
sitv for two and one half years. He then
came home and taught u short term of
sctiool in his home district. His health
failing he spent the winter of 1901-2 in
New Mexico and came home the next
spring grenlly. benefited. Last Decem
ber he felt so well and strong that he ac
cepted the prinoipalship of the Miinville
schools, where be gnvs entire satisfact-
ou and won the esteem of all, which
position he held until April 1, when his
health again failing, he gave up his
Ksitinn nnd came home, where all that
loving hands and medical skill could do
was done to relieve his pain, but it was
Hod's will that he should be called away
snd just us the sun went down on Satur
day, Mav 16, his spirit look it's flight
and the tired body went to il's long rest.
Ttie news of his decenpe, therefore,
while not entirely unexected by the
community nevertheless brought grief
to many hearts, nnd Ih afflicted family
have the sympathy of all in their sad
The funeral services were held in the
Woouiiians hall on Monday afternoon at
8 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W, L. llor
ton, the text being Gen. 82; 17. -'Whither
goest Thou." The house was filled
with sympathizing friends, and the
casket was covered with the most Is auti
ful flowers, tributes of friends here and
After tho services the funeral train
wended it's way to the Pleasant Ridge
cemeterv where the hof'y wna laid to
rel by the sides of the mother and two
sisters who had gone before. Besides
the father nnd mother, two brothers,
Leonard and James, and one sister, Nellie
are left to mourn his loss,
Custer Lodge No. 21. I. O. O. F. of
L usk, sent a delegation of four, consist
ing of D. E Goddard, J. Wolfe, Henry
Gin! her, and Frank Deuel to extend
sympathy; The father being a worthy
mem 1st of that order.
Brother thou hast gone and left us,
And thy loss we greatly feel
But 'tis God that has bereft us, '
He can all our sorrows heal.
Y et ngnin we hope to meet thee
Whn ihediiy of life is fled,
When In heaven with joy lo greet thee
Where no fnrewell tear is shed.
The frends nnd neighbors were all
very kind and willing to help all they
could during hi sickness, for which the
(annlv ar vary graMo.
Baa K ti V M ft
Love - to
buy good goods
and the place to do this is at
In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,.
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give, us a trial.
"Come and see us any way and be social."
Miss Francis Pettis, of New York, hvd
a rainer slow sort ot a lover and was
aide to keep tab on him. After a court
ship of eight or ten years the lady heard
that the lover was paying attentions to
another and she sued him for breach of
promise. She brought her note book in
to court and from it proved that the
sw.iin had kissed her 1,236 times, an
average of a little more than two a week.
The jory brought in a verdict ef 3,000
damages. There is a great deal of con
fusion in the minds of the young people
of ttie country since this veidict was
brought in. At first blush they are in
clined to believe that the jury charged
the man If 2 .43 a kiss. This is thought to
be wrong. It is alleged by most young!
people that if the girl is what she ought
to be and professes to be, a kiss, in a
courtship is a stand-olf as one party gels
as much good out of it as ttie other.
However, on maturer reflection the pub
lic is settling down to the belief that the
damages were awaided by the jury l-e-cause
the man didn't improve his time
better and kiss her oftener. No fellow
worth his salt having gained access bv
precedent, to a lady's lips, would let her
go off with .less than twelve hundred
kisses per week omitting Sundays if
there was any conscientious scruples in
the pair against Sunday work. That
would lie only two hundred a working
day. Because, if the jury was trying
to estimate the market value of kisses it
was a good deal off. At wholesale rates
$2.43 is commonly regarded excessive
State Journal.
Hunters Happenings.
Robert Lewis visited at East Hunter
Mrs. C. Christensen was in Harrison
Sal urday.
Miss Clara Christensen went to Uarri-
son Tuesday.
Mr. J. R. Hunter returned from Omah;
l ist Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. L. Baldwin has been
lame the lust few days.
Mrs. J. C. Varlev was at East Hunter
Monday, Pearla and Tommy Jones re
turned home with her.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Langworthy went to
Crawford to meet their son Kennetli who
has been going to school this last winter.
Mr. Wm, T.Jones went down below
Whitney Friday after .some cows which
belong to Mrs. Basset. He returned
Some Sntdiers from Fort Robinson
ere hunting u milch cow which had
strayed away. We do not know whether
they found her or not, but we hope they
Ezra Tucker went -down below Craw
ford Saturday, and was seen two days
later wandering around the roads about
five miles north east of Crawford.
What is the matter Zske?
War Bonnet Topics.
Mrs, Johnson is quite sick at this writ
Robt, Keel commenced corn planting
Tuesday. ,
Our Sunday school as usual next Sun
day at 2:00 P. M. come one and all.
Farming is the order of the day, al
though the weather continues quite cool.
John Anderson removed all his cattle
from the ranch here in the valley lo the
vide last week.
Mrs. Ou stave Noreit-ch and daughters,
Tillie and Martha, were visiting with
Mrs. Jack Finley and family Tuesday,
Arthur Dunn came home Saturday to
view that colt; he returned Sunday to
resume It is work as cook at the mill.
Miss Madsen of Hat creek is staying
with Mrs. Frank Hubbard, for company.
frank is working at the Crawford and
Madsen saw mill row.
Miss Nellie Scott left last week for
Wyoming to stay with Mrs. Pete Soni-
mere who has been an Invelid for years
nnd is very sick at present.
Rev, Horton failed us Sunday, and we
had a large crowd gathered to hear him,
who looked verv disapxmited at his not
coming, but considering tha weathar and
the rounds he took last week, we were
not much surprised; but when will lie
cpme again?
01 M
"it? 9 - - - --
at tJio lowest ivu-a poFhible,
Professional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all Lega,
matters in Justice, Cou'ity and District
Courts, and before the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
CSLegal papers carefully drawn,
Hakwson. - Nebraska.
. "The
Railroad between Missouri River and
Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis.
Direct Line to Black Hills.
Apply to nearest e.gent for rates, map
b.nd time cards-
West Bound.
No. 13, Due 8:20
No. 83, loc. frt. 10.
East Boundv.
No. 14, Due 8:15
No. 84 loc. frt, 5:2&
Lumber, lath, easb,, doors,
lime, cement, and building;
material of all kinds,
Farm machinery..
Harness, Saddles, and
Range goods.
Flour, P'eed, and Grain,,
Paint, Oils & etc.
Miss Mary Leeling nnd Pete Peterson
were at our 8. S. again, I think thev
have attended long enough now to be
considered fcholars and not visitors.
Ye scribe met Henry Moravek and his
sisters Saturday wending their way home
from Wyoming where they have been
sleeping on their claims, I suppose.
Robt. Jordan give us a short call last
Sunday. He whs in search of a cow of
Neil's he said, His brother Barney d;ii
103 post holes in a day, Who can beat
that; man or boy?
They made a misprint last week In at:
item in regards to Tom Plunkett, it was
14 days instead of 4, as it read, when you
consider the distance. He wept to kill
ings Montana, you would know that was
a he of course we all know it takes a liar
to mnke a good correspondent, yotthat
was to big a one,
akttltvtea far Co
The French government U so rouoh
Interested In tbe briquette of petro
leuic used ai n eubeUtute for coal
that It haa ordered that nil the potto
leutn uied (or thla purpore for thr
present fee ftdjnlfted free duty.