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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1903)
(1 ""t r: I -T.. L will nnbllsei yar brand, Hke -, f ' -M, pur Tumr. Ewcti 1 it n rent fewer rirmrf ur Hmhit ad wIMnlntt emmtfcw i tnljtm atf arr tlte state. It .e-.msof amMiiff money tor yon 4 ' set next (ooTlntKm of any party . -i, ..Hug ur disfiguring any brands - .. ughij U the undersigned pnr 80,117, r. K.JAJWT. IT or llm left nir n hrft Jaw on . I in; , ( itth). Post OtHcc, Hewitt, i . ( : . i, NenrtwkH. GKOiftiK SWAVKOS. n left side on left shou 1 . r use mi !-lill r ( 'reek. .U.;, branded its above being estray- , !u;r' ra'ige, discovered by ay body ;i " i lue hfform:ititii will be rewarded. Address;, Kl. Koblnson, Nebraska J. ft. I-AUKKK. i - ij?:.nde,1 On Milt sun. eon b'l t left shoulder and hip. .'-n I.i.u uded (" I tick or PT on ,eep. bhim . .....,,! ,n iolillert:reek and White River. Addn-ws. It. Hoblitaou, Sebraska. !K1.P:KK I.IVK STOCK Co g.S'le?"?!1 Kramled. left hip of Cuttle '.j uinl on left rhwt oi ilorsea 4$a Range on Deep Creek, ti (tict. tut-p Creek Live stock (.',. J. II. 1UI.BKRT, Kolfllliil,, ln, NVbraNka. CH.K1,KS KKWMAS. Tile Ijiuti'l rcprnntt In till noticfl V il mill bnncM niiy wli.-r' on Ifft ni 1 i'Uie, ami uvur lap .-ut fiom the Ainu tue hhiiii; briind on left thifrh ol fjog nor, hnUmn to the uiulvrHintl. r: in:,! immT Kiwt priiiKH, MMttli part to i 'j-v.s. iMinnty. Chaklks NBWMmi, llarrlwju, NvbraKka. Press?- Joui nn 1 Thtimuat. Way 14 , C. C. Burke, Prop. . KNTKRKI) 1M THIS l'()"T Ot'Kll'K AT llU (HrtH SKIIH. AK('tM' CLASS MATT OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JOHN T. SNOW. Ilomm bn.edl on ltft Hkoul dm branded oh left shoulder ainl Catlle FIY on leftnld Post Office Address, Patrick, l aramle'Co. Wyo. JOHN A. HANSON Own the follow, iiiirbrnitd un eith er: Also HG on rat tle and horse cattle on leftside hnrwn on left smoulder. Uti)te on Sliver Springs and eat o'tstaU? line. PodUifflcP-Harrlsofi Neb. J. H. WiLHESiSOORFER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kindu of GoM and Silver work done. Kings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harney made to order. Saddles re-covered. ANDKfcW ( MUISTIAS Cattle brand ei on lufti'ie same cut and horse? branded on t left Blum I de Haute, as cot nro the. pr.perty of Andrew Christian am range tributary to Van Tawel Springs. AddreMH, Kirtlev, Wyo. JlKSItY WAIi.StKE. SAMCEL KNUItl. Cattle branded any where on left aide of the animal. Range on Prai rie Doe and Mon 3 roe Creeks. Addret, Harrison. Nebraska HEWAIUI. will lay $5.00 reward for ech head i;f tave t'ol vi lie's horses branded? un either jaw or thigh turned -ver o ,ohn Biesor on Rmiciin vater, also f 100.00 for priKjf lo Cattle brand ed on left side. Kane on Kiiiiiii-i Water Creeek. P. O. Address Harrinon, Nebraska. Cattle branded Cnttle. branded Cattle bra.ided a!o. on ift Hide on k'ft side On lft Hip HKSUV WKIsK. Koretnan P.O. AddrefK, Glen, Neb J. R. lit STICK. 'onvict anj person unlawfully handling nv of said horseii. W. J. A. Halm. rlonn! branded on Tight thigh I and nlHmider and randed IJCl on rlKht Jaw Also, I have ilerxe. branded oh left thl(fh Post Offteo Addrean, Harrison, fionx Co, Nebraski m J. TICKER. P.rnnded on left ibO'iider ol homea md on left o' eittle. i bh shown in rl i t fT3T Z'7"it cut, on right i j - n . - - Hide, hip. or k , )-"'? . 4 ahonlder. r it f Also -a- on leftside. RlKht eai clipried $100 REWARD 111 be paid forevid-nce convli-liMi; any one for running off or in any way tampering with stock lii.vinK any of tlie alxive brand or brands. Ilaiic-k at Andrews, Kebr, Artdriss, llarriwjii Nebr. CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER IN Lumber, I)oorH, Sasli, Lime, Coal, Wagons, BuggifH, and Machinery of all kinds. Al.o Wind -Mil!?, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry, a large ptock of feed, ground-; and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mil Is. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. REiVIEMBER Marsteller Bros ! Handle tjikkk ok as oon) kranim ov SHOKS as are made nt A MK RICA. Till SELZ SCI WAR SHOE CO. CUKIVGO Is tie largest manufacture of Shoes in the world And the old reliable line of M. I). WELLER of Chicago And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe, of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Womens', and Childrens' Over Shoes, And we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Duck Coats and Caps, Groceries., Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice line of fancy Candies. Come and get our prices, which are always the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. The Commercial Bank.- ' HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTOBS. C. F. Cofkek, President. F. W.Ci.arke, Cashier Chas. C. Jameson. II. S. Clarke, A. McGinlky' Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely ot us to handle their entire Banking buBines, We are prepared to take care of our trade at all times HENRY WARD BEECHER. iii i mJrm i i 'm A1JU till- i llfN Oil on r.Klvt side right side of cattle too. KtiieeoH White River, near ft lew. Post Oftlce address, tilen, N.-briiska. ROItKBT T. NRKCK. I ttls) Branded fl rf I . J on left ld i ii i li m Kauge oa Also cattle: branded on left hip iujjliler or side). rlJ 'ii'ige on .62lLJ Kunniiitf Water. P.m. Address Agate, sebraska. HKB W9TKK Co. attle brnnd " .gine as that n ffnt, either . -t hip or on t shoulder. 1lrsi bra: ded with any of bore' brands. Address, J. . AxiiR.ifoK , Harrison, KrbrasKa. j. t. Mrwrrr. . tttoBnHided on left ski. iWOdMi AMiMs, Karrteen, trak. ) ' rt P2ESS-J0UIKAL $1.00 J.K. DENSLOW. Caltlj branded on .-Ignt aide sane as cut. Ai.d also LI o 'Ight hip. Horses b ran ted mM on right slionider or Jaw. Range on W.iitu Uiver, on the old Dave Colviile rr.neh. William. Huntley foremnu. P.O. Add rem; Ulen, Nobr. J. I.KVBH. ' PEDIGREE. Sired by Rosebery, Xo. 205. Dam 1st by Duke of Cleve land, No. 97. '2nd by Michael, Xo. 205. 3rd by Damaby, No. 18. 4th. by King George, Xo. lol, by Victory Xo. b3t'5. Remarks; Dam was a Hamaletonian mare of rare merits and a good trotter. Terms 5.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. .Z) - . ROCK. i TUT? DTAMrPD DTI A DAUnV Druy;s, DruggivSt's Sundrtes, Hfiints. Oils, Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. i on the left left shoul- I . "!1 ' C ln'1 'K'- and Hie I ixl lor tliu I ' K HANK M TTO. tiittti liiHH'tcd iflr. ntul MHl cut AUn Clinic ol tin 1lcr Kixjvr; hitiiinl , Ail'IrPkN, Hrri-tn, Ni-bmaka A. K. KKNNKIV. ( nttln llramli-d I on Right HID Mioulder V- P. O. Addresjs, Crawford, Nebraska. WISDOM Jr. STALLION ' ? EXGLIK JI SHIR STA LLIOX. Terms: to insure colt to stand and suck. DOCILE. Cattle branded N f-.KPT SIDK I I Pot"i'- e A Idress. Chadroa Nebraska. TOCCHK A COI.U IX OKK UAY. Take Laxative Kro o Qnlnlne Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to ' cure. K. W. Grove's ilgiiature ia on eaen box. 'ifc. or Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creek, 7 miles north-west of Harrison. PEDIGREE Wisdom Jr., Sired by imported Clvdk, Dam ncyen-e iglit Shirk, weight l.MMj ixmuds. Pi:ick:-5.00, to insure living colt. The money for ser-. vice of Stallion will be diif. and payable at once in case mares are sold or removed from the county. ROBERT KEEL. NKI I. Jo It I IAN PERCIIEON and MORGAN STA LLTOX. Terms: $7.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. The above stallions will stand at our barn in Harrison this season. Fees will be due and payable at once in case mares are disposed of or removed from the countv. Call and see as if you desire the T service of horse this season. IHECKMANNtfc LACY. PUP And Cuttle branded side, ad Horses on b ill Horses and 'cat tle branded on either idd, same as on cut. on left Jaw. Address, llodarc, Mebranka. Kit MAtoy. Cuttle lliaudcd Range on linn on left aide nn.g Water Addles Agate, Neb. To Cnro a Cold in Ono Day m-AV- 1 v.Ala m Ts af CvwCr I Two Dya. ca flvcrv Srtnr hot. 256. UC'TAVK II A 11 It H. Cattle Imutded as shown on left aide with over bit nil luft ear. Ranged on Mtln nlng WaU-r, P. O. Addrtsm, Marslaud, Nebr. HOC K MKT A HUM. Cattle brand, il a. me as that oil cut on eith er side of animal sin And this " !' " "toek. Andthlsl Ion left sI(IihV hip. Range on Kunalug tfaur. f 1 v (3 I ,4 , -.1 ; 'I I'o-tOaV mU te f hrrlaua). elra . s ' , j ' Ji-": 5 V r I 3 i.r' 1 l flu i