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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1903)
lb fianisci Prc&Joirul d wrmu, rioruaros EASMUOH, XMRASKA Hampshire refuses to be ruled Wf th women. It is the unexpected that happens when you're most anxious to have it. We now know why it rains so often on March 17. St Patrick was a Bap tist What the boys seem to need most is to Join a union that prohibits members from sleeping overtime. There Is no advantage In being so all-tremendous rich that you have to hire a man to eat for you. One of the bitterest evils of the re cent coal famine has been the flood of newspaper jokes on tbe subject An eccentric man Is one who praises his neighbors but he is never consid ered so by the aforesaid neighbors. A man can be happy with a tooth brush and a pipe; his unhapplness be gins when he adds a valet and an auto mobile. A Berlin court has ruled against Emperor William. Wait till some sol dier gets a chance to press that Judge Into a duel. No more ocean giant will be built, It Is said, until there are larger ports to accommodate them. By and by the ocean will need enlarging. Helen Gould receives 1,300 letters every day. When a girl gets them that way she probably doesn't spend much time sitting at the window watchiu tor the postman. A Chicago professor says that peo ple who work at a business that shakes them up a good deal live longer than those who occupy smoother places. Now will you beat the car pets? ' Anent Dr. Alfred Russell Wallace's theory that the earth is the center of the universe, it may be conceded that it Is so far as we are concerned, anyway. What the people ' of other planets think about it is for them to decide. ' Hetty .Green is at least honest in her tax-dodging. SHe frankly admits' that be is without a home or a residence simply to avoid paying persona taxes. And yet what a row she would make If the laws of the land failed to pro tect her and her property. An ex-tramp has become a member of parliament, and the fact has been cabled to this country regardless of expense as something extraordinary. But when an ex-member of parliament becomes a tramp notuing is said about It The occurrence probably lacks the element of novelty. Abram S. Hewitt a poor man's son, was brought up, as he himself ex pressed it "to reverence God and to give an equivalent," and, thanks to these old-fashioned virtues, he made a good beginning and ended well. Men who try to achieve prosperity by get ting the better of other people gen erally become the victims of them selves in the long" "runt No freight except live stock and per ishable goods is to be moved on Sun day, according to the new rule of the Chicago dc Northwestern Railroad, and thousands of railroad men will have their Sundays at home for the first time since they entered the service. It Is worth noting that the management of the road expresses the belief that the rest will enable the men to move aa much freight in six days as they bav been moving in seven. "If you cannot come to the mission ary meeting," suggested a city minis ter, "suppose yon drop into your mite box the amount you would probably spend if you came your car fare, the cost of your lunch and your contribu tion to the collection and so make rare of not missing all the good of the dayr The suggestion only Implied a great truth, but Gen. Booth of the Salvation army affirms it when be says, "The contribution box, too, Is a means of grktf." A genlns baa been figuring out now many ancestors a man has. First he takes your father and mother that ma ass two human balnea. Bach of them most also havs a father and mother that ' makes four hutaan be ings. Each of these must bare had father and mother and that makes eight human beings. Bo he goes on hack fifty -six generations, which bring him to the time of J eons Christ The calculation thus resulting shows that 180.2aB17.48BM.976 births muat have taken place In order to bring jva Into thia world you who read these Una. Quite a largo and respect able family we belong to, la It not) To be cheerful whan the world to snaj wen wtCh yen to no grunt virtue. The thwtf M h ne asssrrui If 11 in to rw if rrf ir t Cm to & tzlxX ft TtrtM e one has ever to deny self of every little longed-for luxury, and tbe pus sie of bow to make one dollar do the work for two has to be solved, then the man who can still be cheerful is a hero. He is a greater hero than the soldier who faces tbe cannon's mouth. Such cheerfulness is the kind that we need to cultivate. Tbe autocrats of fashion, who are also the architects of the female form divine, should not be allowed to banish the "shirt wuist girl" without some1 popular protest In all the wide range of feminine fancy and caprice in the way of apparel nothing 'bus found such secure and lasting lodgment in the masculine heart as the shirt waist, lu its capacious and fluffy mystery it not only provides ample room for the imagination .but it presents an agreeable and oftlmes fascinating con cession to the masculine Ideas of sim plicity and utility. Hut the National 1 tretismakers' Association has decreed that the shirt waist must go. If sub a simple and utilitarian garment is allowed to get a firmer grip on the feminine mind it means "death to the business of dressmaking." says one of the managers of tbe dressmakers' con vention. Just as the architects of the feminine figure were reaping large profits from the trailing skirts that swept the microbes from sidewalk along came the bicycle craze which ushered in an era of sanity on tbe skirt question. The rainy day skirt becatiiq an every day skirt The dressmakers indeed have never recovered from this blow. The common-sense skirt is here to stay. But can the dressmakers dis lodge tbe shirt waist ? It is true that not every shirt waist is a "poem" or a "dream." After all, the girl iu the shirt waist is the thing. Isn't it posi sible for the dressmakers to recouii their losses in some other way ami spare to us the delightful reumant of feminine individuality and imlepeui dence known as the shirt waist girl? Pity a poor old lady with miliiout of dollars in real estate, railway and bank stocks, who has not where to lay her head who Is merely a rotator on tbe face of the earth. This is the sad fute of Mrs. Hetty Green, said to be "the riches! woman in the United Spates." . Since her husband died Mrs. Green avers thatjihe has had no home of her oirit It Ta true that Mr. Green lived with the neighbors and that thctj was some trouble over" the furniture, which it is claimed bad been loaned to him by a friend before his death. Bu this does not alter the fact that si long as he lived Mrs. Green felt thud she had a home. Mrs. Green's home less plight was revealed to a New Yor'J reporter who was imprudently Ir.vad Ing the sanctity of her sorrow by trj ing to coax her to explain why n)ni paid no personal taxes in that cityi After showing that the death of hetf husband left her homeless Mrs. Greet! declared that she was proved a non resjdent of New York several years ago, and said: "I am simply rotating between here and Chicago." Being a, rotator not an oscillator or vibrator Mrs. Green does not stay in one rpoi long enough to be counted by the nx gatherer. She simply rotates; she re-i volves on her own axis, and hence is n high roller. The suggestion that 1; Pierpont Morgan, another high roller, was also homeless, but that Jip mad' a handsome contribution to the trea ory of New York, had no effect upo: Mrs. Green. Having no home, she dh not propose to pay taxes on one. Thero is only one course left for the assess ors if they still hope to assess this homeless woman. They must find out where her laundry work is done. If. it also rotates between New York ami Chicago we see no chance for making the richest woman in America pay personal taxes. There is something suggestive ot, green clothes, and soft hats with roll ing brims and feathers, and hunting horns and romance in the title of a modest pamphlet lately sent forth from the government printing office. "Report of the Forester for 1902" is the title of It and it summarizes the great variety of work which has been carried on by what was formerly the Division and is now the Bureau of Forestry. Much of the work is the most useful sort of specialization. The inspection of private forest lands and tbe devising of plans for utilizing them most effectively Is, of course, a part of what one would expect of a Bureau of Forestry, Just as one expects It to conserve the national parks and other government timber lands. Yet tbe work does not by any means end here. It Includes the chemical investigation of tanning extracts from native woods and barks; tbe production of turpen tine by ''orcharding," a system which Mr. Plnchot the forester, believes "wW radically affect the whole in Industry"; the testing and classifica tion of timber in regard to strength and durability; tbe best way to stop drifting sand by tree-planting. These and many other special Investigations snow tbe broad Interpretation which the bead of tbe bureau puts upon bis duty. No part of tbe report la more encouraging than that which records briefly tbe changing attitude of pri vate owners of large forest reserves. More and more they are coming to th bureau for advice as to the manage, sent of their property. Tbla tbe gor eminent furnishes free, on condition thai the owner pay the bare expenses of the expedition. Every owner who to thus put en the right track be estnee a guide and incentive to others; Car msBorn forestry la the manage ant of 'woodlands for gala, adjarga are aiwars pirsasstv preaeb- Cat Battle hhran EMPLOYES AND TELEPHONE. Detroit Maaafactariaaj firm Forbid That to I'm It. One of the large local manufacturJni bouses, says the Detroit Free Press, rectntly Issued an order forbidding the use of the telephone by employes; and the edict, which may seem rather severe to those unfamiliar with the workings of such a concern, is thus commented on by a member of a well known firm, which has been harrassid greatly by the telephone tete-a-tete cai ried on during business hours and dur ing the hours of luncheon. "It's tiie biggest nuisance with whK-b a busiiu s establishment was ever af rJictid," said he. "The little telephoii flirtatious and heart-to-heart tulks th are sometimes conducted within ear siwjt of a man burdened with (he can I of business are truly exasix'nttlng, though they might be often amusing under different circumstances and eiV vifoiimeut. Here is a sample: "Young lady enters the ottice betweei the hours of twelve and one. I " '(."an I use the telephone?' she sa; swiftly. "Yes? Oh, tbui'k you.' .Shi takes d iwu the receiver. " Il'm, she says, clearing her throat for a protracted siege with the clcctrio messenger of girlish confidences. " 'Give me K'lm main,' Khe says. "N'i, not 1-!MM). Yes, that's It. He! loa; that you, Harry? No gone tc dinner? No, than! you.' "She hangs up site receiver, but iin mediately takes it down again'. " 'Heilo! '.'sao m.ii.i. Yes, that-! right. (Oh, dear, they're so long answer ing this is the worst serv M h, Is thid you, Nell? ay. row do you fe,l? 1'ic awful tired; but what a jolly goo time! Yes. Harry was them Are yot going Wednesday? Tickets $1.50. 'jus' called up Harry, but he was out U lunch. Well, gotd-by.' "She hangs tip the receiver, takes i down strain and proceeds: '(Jive an 4-3-2 main. That you, Maude?' Yes' Say, you are all right just had mj lunch, see you to-ulght Good-by.' "Shi! hangs up the receiver, jurt il time for another young lady who wauti to call up some one on important.busl ncss. while the boss at the other mi of the wire is told they tine busy. Now do you wonder at the order?" At St. Augustine, Fla., is the oulj mill In the world that gets its power dl rect from an artesian well. The oldest statue in the world ii that of the sheik of Kgypf, which date) back more than six thousand years. ; The number of leaves on a largt sixty-foot high oak tree has beet counted and found to exceed six mill Ion. Fifty tons is the weight and elevei miles the effective range of a cannoj which has just been mounted a L'Orient. It is stated to be the Inrg est on the French coast. . ' With the modern steel framing, l building can with safety be carried t( seven and a half, times the diametu of Its base. Thus an ordinary businen building could lie erected to a beighl of fifteen hundred feet. it W. H. McGowan of t'rbana. Ohio has one of the most unique collection of autographs Iu the country. It con tains the names of over twelve thou sand actors and actresses, besides 1.7'H pictures, and over oO.OijO programs posters and the like. ;The antiquity of the fan in the East particularly In Asia, extends far bacj beyond the possibility of asrtaiuln; its date. In China and India the(or!g iual model of the fan was the wing o a bird, and at one time was part if the emblems of imperial authority. I The American peanut Crop a vera get about five million bushels a year, an( twenty-two pounds of the nuts make i bushel. Alwjut $10,000,0(10 worth ot peanuts yearly are consumed, either It their natural form or in candy. Tin shucks furnish good food for pigs, nn( the peanut vine forms a first-class fod der for mules. Vast quantities of pea nuts are shipped each year to Great Britain and the Continent from boll Africa and Asia, where they are cou verted Into "pure Lucca olive olj." J bushel of peonut shells will a (Ton about a gallon of oil, and the meal ii used for., feeding horses, and is ftlst baked Into a variety of bread whlcl has a large sale In Germany au( France. , Paul. Some say that Patti cannot sing, Pity PsttL They claim her voice be taken wing. Pity Pstti. How very ssd to think that she ' Should come so fsr across tbe sea To show ber Isck of bsrtnonee, Pity Patti. , . v ' Bat don't you be too sure of that; Witty Patti Is quite too sharp to prove so flat, Witty Patti. She'll coax the dollars Sa of yore, She'll add s fortune to her store, And like ss aot she'll come eocoe more Oritty Patti. Cleveland Plain Desler. Her Paec Too Ixnie Walton Why did Jones break o his engagement with Miss Oldaeraa? Jackson On account" of her past "What wae the matter with ttr "Nothing, only he thought H was to Iwxae CeiUe. It to aaid that Texas alone auvkrt fSO.tXXMMO worth of eattto ummSf. A akan! nantatooay are aiwty ettha too abort or tee iecx but ta ato ease at ef tam a wvcMafa Oct karci im DOCTOR ENSOR Endorses the Catarrhal. Tonic Pe-ru-na A Congressman's Letter. , Dr. J. F. Ensor, ToMmaster of Colum i'ia, S. C late SuperintuHitmt and Phy sician in charire ef State Insane Asylum at Columbia, S. C, writes: , ' "Alter utlng your Peruna myself tor m Bbort period, and my tmmlly hav ing utad mod are now using tbe same with good results, and upon tbe In htrmation of others woo hrrz been benefited by It as a cure Kr catarrh and an Invigorating tonic, '. 'an cheer fully recommend It to at persons re- 3ulrlogso effective a remedy." Dr. . F. Eosor. ' Hod. C. W. P.ntts. evMember of Con jrresi from North Ikikota, in a letter from Washington. I, C, says: "That Peruna is not only a T'errous, aa well as an effective tonic, hut a so a cure of catarrh is beyond controversy. It ia already mtnblitdird by its nae by the thousands who have been benefited by it. I cannot too hiirhly express my re rui ii uu ui ii t'ALCiieuue. -V., . Butts. 1 Ir. R. Robbiqa, lluskogee, I. T., .writes: i "1'eruna la the best medieine I know 'of for coughs and to strengthen a wenk tomacii and to give Setite. Beside 'prescribing it for catarrh, I have ordered it for weak and debilitated people, and liare sot had a patient but said it helped .him. It i an excellent medicine and it fits so many case. ) "I hate a larite practice, and hare a chance to presi-ril your Peruna. I hope yon may liTe long to do jjood to the ick andtaufferinit." I Only the weak need a tonic. People are never weak except from ome good cause. One of the obaciir- cause of iweakneaa and tbe oue ofteneat over 'looked ia catarrh. " i Catarrh inflames the mucous mem brane and causes the blood plasma to escape throujrli the mticmis membrane In the form of uiucua. This discharge of mnoua in the name aa tbe loss of blood. It produces weakness. W. rbery Hiiro Tk. Dcwilaii Trl wm I lr I W Koa kUi MM Tr, wktrfe prM u. rwrMf. Two hundred thousand dollars Las been appropriated by tbe Louisiana Purchase Exposition to cover the expenses of tbe International - Con gresses that will assetubls. In St. Louis, September 19-25, 1!)4. The Congress of Arts and Sciences will have one definite task: Td demon strate tbe unity of knowledge, and thus bring harmony and Inter-relar tlon into the scattered scientific work of the present day. Lending g-holars from all over the world will deliver lectures before the Congress WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MIULIONSI I (7pr4f of WJSS latirliaai hmn wtua U WaMara Canaaa daitna u rasr. iww MUiiiIM, npr u Proaj! a,a4 iterate mom Uil for mlJhvaa Waaoorfal rtol4 off Wkaat M oUiorirauw. Ma Oreaina Im4 oa tko OsatlBoot. Maoineoat I Fni Rexitteid il 160 Acrts, Fm Baa oalr akarra bl iKi tut ntrr. BaU th Eitooiaa (or an atlaan4 otkar llioratora.a U as aVaolUteaio.aliu inn radooaa railoai raiaa. otoj iairUuo4aot ot IainicaUaa. Ottaaw. taa.. ar kr iT. Boaaau, SSI Ma fort Ilk Bl. Oaaafca, . Ua ikilaoi flaaailoa 0 hi ill lM TUEKE IS KO SLICKED LIM!' rorVynrA fo and bfUr rvyyttis or um enjuw casum ceax, lower a OlUdCauU were IhUodJced in the Wcat and wtrt caHed Orders lr the pferartra and c"y. Thb yaphic natnc ha com r& such gnml um thnt il it ftanKrty theu4 wroMfuty aapard to aurv snUutcs. YeuiKthcjensr Losfc far the jn cf the PuKand tkr lamTwRr n the kutUm pMaxa(Siswaasi I A Shin ef nuty la a 4f Watwr. a, us ' IS am ii p7 a mi- r a i f fl r a .:va. h arav. r X,. m. "m'J Wna are here l I Kootbccr I t1 grwitfit Sr!n(t tonic. i I 1 ApackacnuUeadvecal- 1$ ) lona. n,,M evrryprtri-. J ' or '"' a rnU' Mi t ! ' iiiiiKi. himo. Ifl si mil rs& SUPT. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE INSTITUTION. Perune stops the catarrh and prevents the discharge of tnncun; Thin j why I'eruaa is called n tonic. Peruna doea not give nrenKth by stimulating tbe nervous system a little. It jtivea strength by preserving miicoua membraneiuapalnut leakage. the It given fetreoglh by converting the blood fluids and preventing their drain ing away in mucotn discharges. Constant spitting, and blowing the nose will finally produce extreme weak ness from the loss of mucus. If yoo do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of l'eruna,, write at once to Dr. Iiartman. giving a full statement of your case, and- he will be pleased to give you bis valuable ad rice gratis. Address He. Hartman. President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 6. L. DOUGLAS S3.antl S3.S Shoes &: f f" You hi Irmn M.Ut lo "KMMi early tf wearing JL. If out: La t3.&J or &3 Mxm. arts jtwt a (fi! hi evfry may . tlms that oMii eoMtuii j-i,u lroiu m taw. mm uiinine ot . j jHMigm ftiM prove tlifir huittriorUr over ail oilier tunkr. im gfTtiiiRA frfO? !mii nn! Jnc6 ilainrwl mi th rvtH'W 'Jake no I.. 94 (.lit Kriice Line cannot be equalled Ht Htiy price W. Ij. DotiirU mkft and Mils mrff rnn a thf,n any o hr manuta' tnrr 'n the wr,r('0 $25,000 R8wrd."'i'a'JwA'hi"m!, StatV 'tixmt tu nr'e'M4 tiwip lail'fa, 2 The grand stand erected for those who viewed the display of flrewotks! at tbe dedication Ceremonies or the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St.! Louis; is tbe largest, with one cx-'. eeption ever built. The exception is; the grand stand built in London forj the coronation ceremonies of Eng land's ruler, Edward Vlll. The St. j Louis stand has a seating capacity of( 31,000, It is KM feet loug and 185 feet broad. Tbe lun ber in the struc ture alone cost, 20,C(K , The achievements, history and possibilities in the science and Indus tries of agriculture are to receive ex tensive treatment and display at the Universal Exposition at St. Louis In l'.H)4. The Exposition authorities have given tbe various materials, In-, tlustries and pursuits which are to' be Included, or irnp'ied, under the heading Agriculture, such as theory of Agriculture, appliances and meth ods used in agricultural ndustrles; agricultural Implements and farm machinery; farm equipments; meth ods uf Improving lands; agricultural' proc'uets, vegetables cereals', etc., a leading place in the ciusslricatloo. Tbe space devoted to agriculture covers 65 acres on a comtni.ndIng site. A quarter of a million dollars has been set aside by (lie Louisiana Pur chase Exposition for the use of tbe Live Stock Department. Chief F.D. Coburn and bis assistants have ac complished much, and are already assured tbat the live stock display at St. Louis will exceed that made at any previous exposition. Thirty seven acres of beautifully wooded land is devo'ed to tbe live stock ex exhibit, and fine pavillion, stables, etc., are being erected. A UA8T RESORT. Pare Food Bhonld Km th Flrat. When the human machine foes wrong It'a ten to one that the trouble begao with the stomach and can therefore b removed by the uae of proper food. A lady well known in Hriatol, Out aria County, N, Y., tella of the experience lbs had curing; her only child by the ne ol wientinc food: "My little daughter. Mm only child and for that reaaon doubly dear, Inherited nerroua dyapepaia. W tried all kinda of remediea and soft foods At laat, when patience waa stout kauited and the child's condition bad frown ao bad Die whole family was srouaed, we tried Grape-Nuts. "A friend recommended tbe food st one whieb ber "own delicate children bad grown strong upon, so I pnrcbssed I bos ss a laat rerort. In a very short time a marked change Ift both bealtl and disposition was seen. v Wbst msdf onr ess ay was tbst she liked it al one snd Its crisp, nutty flavor bas raadi It aa tmaiediau favorite with tb moat fastidious la our family. "It us seems to bo thoroughly tstab Hiked la wasttra Nw York, wber maaj frkMas use It rsfulsrly. 1 bar not lee Ms one snoots up) taa Istelloets as wtl as tko bod is ti tko who mi il - Wt ws It mack." Naasa girsa by Psotasj C 8atO Oroak. Mkj, aooo wives ARE IN ACTIVE DEM AND. 4AAAAA - A cry comeo from the bachelors of Western Oklahoma for wives. It comes through a letter of E. V. Jones, An pora. Day County, to the Guthrie Daily vai'iitii, u ,1,1 iviitin, ; "iM-iir Sir: In the laat lesueg of your paper have npiienred two items of news (hat have particularly Interested me. The brut one Rave an account of a man in South Imkota who wrote tb Imliima about the bachelors there who) WHtitcil to get married and were un able to, and the result of that letter. Secondly, the desire of a member of the Kansas Legislature to tax bacb clorH ?."o a year. "Let ua look at the condition of JhiiiKa In Western Oklahoma, where I am now living. We have here a great many bachelors who are continually bcitiK Joked for remaining o. Soma ot tlicKc are men who are ImluKtrlou iijid well itble to support a wife and would make her mppy. You talk with then? iiu u, and very few, if any,, the life they are living. Then why do they not marry? Because they are nnabie to help themselves in thia county. They want women of mar riageable age, women of good common sense, women who will make them suitable companions and thus enable them the better to overcome the diffi culties and dlsapHilntments that beset them In the great struggle for exist ence. 1 "The girls out here of marriageable age that are of any account are very few Indeed. It Is almost easier to find a pin In a haystack than to find one. What Is to become of the bachelors it Western Oklahoma? Must lhey fell out or continue to live the miserable life they are at present living?" A member of the Kansas Legislature would say tax thorn $."( a year? Would, you tax a man for what be cannot help? Give Hum a chance to marry the right kind of. women and see if they will not readily respond to It. Then the abodes that have Jiet-u for merly shunned will be shunned no more. Then the houses where pcoido In the past have always refused to partake of hospitality will be refused no more. Then the society of a com-, mtmity will be Infused with such new! life, new joy, that even tbe very hills around us will break forth In anthems of praise as they see men ami women living the life that Ood Intended they should live when lie said: "It Is not! good for man to be alone." HOODOOED EAR. t- , I'oaaeaaed by 'I Ilia Man I Always Gcttlnu Him I nto Trouble. "Dou you know I believe cne of my ears Is hoodooed," ald the pale-fa ce man n ue sviueu uown tutu u out arm chair, "and I know a good many tbi which tend to strengthen this fori .impossible, eh? Well, you are fool ish. j "One of my old schoolmates had a ii)oucn' toe. x'.very rime anytnnig happened to him It happened to that toe. Now he would 'slump' the nail otr; agalu lie would pick up a thornj or a splinter; or be would get a toa mashed ull these things always hap pened to tbe same toe. He grew up. .What happened? Corn worst com 1 ever saw on the same unlucky toe. 1 knew u not her fellow. Fate seemed to have a pick at his nose. Every time anythlui; hnppi ned his nose was tbi thing it bappt titd to. One day a man tried to cut him with a razor. He Just clipped the end of bls nose off, a gra cious bit of economy, as you shall see. During an election row several years later he got Into a shooting scrape. A man shot bim with a ritie and clipped off anoint r bit of his, nose. Home time 'after' this 'my friend got Into another row, and his adversary threw bim Jdown, and in the skirmish that fol lowed, cht wed another little piece of ids nose off. A pollcetimn struck bim across tbe nose with a club st a still later timc--broke the bridge. Mams way with my right car. It's hoodooed. When a more boy I was thrown from a horse. Itrulsed the lobe of my right ear. Ont hit In n ball game one day. Itight ear again. Once nfter I grew. up I got Into a fight, and the man lilt tne three times, and every time his big fist landed squarely on the right ear. Take the other day. as soother example. I was sitting In a dicing car going out of New Orleans, when the train suddenly swung arourld a sharp curve. With (table, chair, linen, dlsbes and all I niMiaii tiuieuuy ugninm (ne OIDer side of tbe car. Sea, tbat ear same obi ear same old result. Don't you tell me It's hoodoes, that's all.. Bat I arq certain of one thing I'll never get l( in the neck, not as loag. as I hare tbat ear." New Orleans Times-Democrat. ' No Argument. A clergyman passing through a rlr lage street saw a number of boys sur rounding a dog, says tbe Ituffalu Courier. Thinking tbat some cruel deed was In progress, tbe clergyman bsstencd toward the boy and asked) what they were doln. On r h fads replied tbat tbey were telling Ilea, ano tne Doy wno told the biggest lb would get tbe dog. The clergyman was shocked at snch deprsvlty and b gan to lecture them on the sin of lying; and concluded his remarks by saylng4 "Why, when I waa a little bey 1 never UM Ilea." Tb boys were silent for a when on of tbem said sadly, "hsbo mm tbe do." i Tbe mora nparlenees wa hare with beakb foods tha mora aympaUir we fea for onr aid gnas-aattng triaaq i ..." ..... '. ,1 f