Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 14, 1903, Image 1

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Iarrison Press - J ournal.
f '!
MAY 14. 1903.
IS O. -3,6
1 t
'THE TOWN'.. .
1. W.I. Seymour coming.
f IE .
For scrssns, fro to J. H. Lacy's .
We had Mother good ruin this week.
Pel Peterson wan in from Story Tues
day. Bill Rickard was up from Hewitt this
Jem Hill spent a few davs in town Hiis
Ed Marshall came up from Andrews
George Walker was a Harrison visitor
V. Wolilheter was U f.om Montrose
Mr. Corder was up from Glen the first
of the week.
V. A. Hester returned to Lusk Tues
day morning.
Mr. John Brown of five points was in
town Tuesday.
.Henry Bonsack was down from theVT
ranch Tuesday.
Mont Burke started to work for Will
Hoyt this week.
Matt Hall and family were up from
Bodarc Tuesday.
,Jess Cra w ford brought a luad of wood
to town Tuesday.
. Sum Leeling wa up frooStuaw creek
the first of the week.
fjiiiu', Rain, Rain, who says it never
rains io Sioux county.
Mr. Zimmerman and Emery were'
from Bodarc this week. ;
Hr. Seymour will be in Crawford Neb.
May 20th at Gate City Hotel.
Ira Thomas and wife were in
Warren, Wyo. last Saturday,
Oscar Ward, the assessor, Ims been
Uisy assessing for tlw past few ilnys.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every
body invited. W. H. Davik; Supl.
Miss Hattie O'Connor returned liome
from Crawford iasl Saturday, to stay.
School close this week and tneschul
ar will enjoy t three months vacation.
Nebgh Pat. flour warranted, none
better ut f2 00 per 100 II. Call at Qer
lach's store.
Ttwre will be services at the llsbirc
church on Sunday, May 24th. at 11 o
'clock A M
John Burke, who is working at tlw
Coffee ranch on Running water, spent
Sunday at home.
Chas. Smith returned from Arizona
last Friday. He reports Ins mother as
being some better.
Mr. and 'Mrs. llortou went to Pleasant
Ridge Tuesday to see how Clmrlie Chris
tian is getting along.
J. E. Phlnney and sons moved their
cat tie to South Dakota this week. Geo.
O'Conner assisted them'.
J. W, Hunter and John Mack made a
trip to Alliance last week. They went
overland with it team, starting Monday
sod returning Saturday.
Mr. Emery Zimmerman came in on the
west hound train last Friday, and will
look after the Bodarc, Union Star, Ard
more, and Olea churches during the
Jim Thornton, who has Iteen working
for John Hanson for tlie past year, re
signed his position and is getting ready
to go to North Del ot. lie will go over
laud with teams.
For Hale No. 1 cook stove, small
heater, sewing machine and other articles
from data until last of May..
t J. T. FlTOKAH.
Harrison' Nubr.
Betray Nolle.
Five or ix yearlings and two yr. nil's
alrnyedfrom my ranch at War bonnet
lust week. Branded UN on left side.
Anyone seeing same, please let me ks iw.
Gl'MTAVB NuMMM I, Harrison, Nebr.
Moeday, Jum tsttodehver his famous
lecture on Jerusalem and the Holy Land,
Hon. W. K A ker of Allium. Ivrnd-
am MMsw Tins ill l.e lltw 'i;;re .,r ,
life tine In hear one of v.j treitn
lectures ever dhvi"i irt'tke north - est.
It is apoken of in In iit p.ms.ble praise
k),v Ohm who lt.iv heard it, lft nut miss j
Wiis oppo.timltv, Mil corns everyone.
44fiiisaiiNi; Adult l ols , Cu.lJvea 1, '
here and there
On last Monday we had our first real
passenger train, and it does lgin to look
as if we were going to have a service
that we have needed for a number of
years. The time of this train is 8:20 A.
M. going west and 8:13 P. M. going east.
Thomas Dunn died of Bright Kidney
disease last Monday night ut his home in
this county. The body was enbalmed
and shipped to Boulder, , Colorado. Joe
Dunn, a brother of the deceased, accom
panied the remains. The Press Journal
extends sympathies to the father, wife
and family of the deceased.
Epworth League.
At the M. E. church very Sunday
evening at 7:00 o'clock.
Everybody invited. Subject for May :
Subject for May 17.. E. L. Anniver
sary Day. Rom. viil. 31.
OsaM. IlRl.LTEB; Leader.
Too Crest n. Risk.
In almost every neighborhood someone
has died from an attack of colic or chol
era morbus, often before medicine could
be procured or a physician summoned.
A reliable remedy for these diseases
should be kept at hafil. The risk is too
great for anyone to t:ike. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and r iarrhoea Remedy has
undoubtedly saved the lives of more
jieople and relieved more pain and sillier
ing than any other medicine in use. It
can always l depended upon. For sale
by all Druggists.
At a regular meeting of the coimty
commissioners Jan. 13ih.. 1903.' Tlit
following estimate of expenses for the
year 100.1 ns ordered.
District Jourt 3.000 00
Stationary....... 300 00
Oflleers Saleries 1.000 00
Soldiers Relief Fund ... 1)00 00
Printing and publishing 000 00
Roads and Bridges... 3.4)00.00
Incidental Expenses .....2,500 00
Olllcers Fees .'. 700.00
Wm. J. A. Riiuiii,
The singing class on last Tues.1 ty eve
ning decided to discontinue their practice
until next September, as so many" of -the
class will go away for l lie summer.
Tliis cl-js has been one of tlie bext things
that Harrison ha ever hud, and tlmsr
that attended with the desire of learning
are rewaitled for their' time and monev.
Too much praise can't be given Mrs.
Wilhermsdorfer, as a teacher anil lender
of this class, and of her untiring elforlx
in trying to make it a success, and we
feci sure the member of tlie class " ill
gladly look forward to the time of tak
ing up the work again.
A Farmer Straightened Out.
",V rnsn Ii ving on a farm near here
came in a short time go completely
doubled up with rheumatism. I handed
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and told him to use it freely and if not
satisfied after using it he need not pav a
cent for it " suvs C. P. Rayder. of Patt
ens Mill, N. Y. "A few (lavs biter he
walked into the store us straight as a
siring and handed roe a dollar saying,
'give me another hot tie of Chamberlain's
Pain B-ilm. I want it in the house all
the time for it cured me " For sale by
all Druggists.
By a Persistent Cough, but Permanent
ly Cured by Chamtsirlaiii's
Cough Remedy .
Mr. H. P. Biirbaue.i student at law.
in (ireenv.lle. S. C, had bee., troubled
for four or life years with a continuous
cough which he says "cretlv alarmed
me, causing me to fear that I was in the
Hut stage of consumption." Mr. Bur
bage, having seen Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy advertised, concluded to try it.
Now rend what he suys of it: soon
felt a remarkable change, and after using
twj hot ties of the tweutv-flve cent size
was permanently cured." Sold by all
I have received a list of accommodat
ions otTered thus whu will attend the
Alliai.ce Junior Normal. Those who
wish io club together and Isiard Jliem
wlveecaii secure room lurnibed or part
ly furnished nisi gel through for 2 00 to ,
$2. M per week The committee thai is
toproodea dining hall in connection
with the Normal has deckled since last
week's announcement to give table Isiard
fi r2 75iter week. 1 have ft list of
names where those who attend can work '
for their board. 11m entire exnse oi
boarl and lodging need not exceed W
pi-r .v.-k. Those willing to pay a little
highe cuii s en re lir.t cb" s nccowimo
datlons for VI n-r week. l'leai w rile
ma yntir plans at oner, and for further
information concerning the school.
Con had Pakmmm,
(Jo. Sup
The Crawford Tribune is getting out a
Mamoth Edition of that paper which will
appear June 1st. It will be illustrated
with Historical facts. Mr. A. B. Evans
was in our little burg gathering facts
and for this edition, a few days this
Last Monday evening there was a
party given at Mr. Parsons, in honor of
the schiol teachers, who are to leave
next Friday evening, school being out
on that day, and a large number of
young people was present, (mostly those
who belonged to the reading circle.) We
understood they were to gather for the
purpose of bidding the teachers good-bye,
but as we like to put it- off as long as
possible we lid not bid them good-by.
Every body seemed to enjoy themselves
under the hospitality of Mr. Parson's
folks, and all relished the ice cream and
cake. As school will be out Friday we
expect this party will be the last one for
this seaann, and especially where the
teachers and some of the scholars can be
together. No doubt they all wish to be
together again at anothest party, but as
life is so uncertain we can't tell whether
we ever shall again, or not, but some of
us of course will be,
Carey Items. '
Mr.' and Mrs. Albert Cullers are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a baby girl, now
itoifte two weeks old.
Rer, Emery Zimmerman will preach
at the Union Star church next Sunday
morning uud at Gleu la tlie evening.
John Dickey has purchased the R. C.
Talley homestead. Consideration 1400
We expect to ha ab!e to report another
Hem concerning John in the course of a
week or so; look out. ,
The cool wet weather still continues.
The ground is thoroughly soaked and the
prospects for a crop were never better at
this season of the year.
On Monday of last week Mr. G-orge
Davis, li vingat Adelia, while going from
the section-tiouse to bis home, was killed
by lightning. He was within fourty feet
of the house when he was struck, nnd
his little boy looking out at the window
saw him fall, lie never moved a muscle
after he fell. The remains were interred
in I h Union Star cemetery on Thursday
and Rev. Hobson of Crawford conducted
thefiiMerul services. A brother' from
Omaha arrived in time to uttend the
fiineml, George was an honest hard
worKing man and will tie sadly missed,
not only by his family, but by the entire
I' In Wyoming
We did not think that our items were
appreciated by any outside of our neigh
Imrhood therefore we wish to thank
Timothy for regrets at our quitting, still
Timothy, Mis a long road lhat has no end
and it seems that it is time for a change.
To Peggy we extend the right hand of
fellowship and hoe that we may have
the pleasure of an acoiamtance although
It may not be in town. We are sorry
to leave the country for city life as we
have trird it in an eastern state ad liiul
it not to our liking, hut sometimes one
must do things not to their liking in
order to be able to live. No Peggv, our
so called poetery would be called mere
dougeral among true poets, we are no
laureate or we would write for a living.
To M. A. C. we extend a vote of thanks
for the poem dedicated to us, hut please
don't censure us too harshly. We have
counted the cost and know by experience
'rex,nence too.
Yes, we have good and kind neighbors
With whom we hate to part,
Bui, their im igcs are written
Up ni E, Zekiels heart.
When we move into the city
Tnose of our neighbors dear,
Can vb.it us in the city
And eak a word of cheer.
While out here in the country
We riiay live from ear to year.
And only meet each other
When threshing time draws near.
Unless, as it sometimes happens
We fieet upon 'the street, w
In the town of Lusk or Harrison '
And l here each other greet. . .
Now, M. A. 0. tell us truly
Were we-missed from old Sioux?
When we left the tstnks of Hat creek
Hav were we missed by jon?
Yes friend M. A. C. "ties blow almost
killed father" wlv we mail the regrets
of our brother and sister of the pencil.
,, a may l the ,Bans f Veering us in
ih co'unlrv awhile longer.
' Zkxiil.
John Long stinted west, on Monday of
last we k, to (hid work.
Francis Heuel went to Omaha week ngo
Tuesday and will ba home In a short
Charles Christian is not feeling so well
this week. The damp weather is strong
ly against him.
Rev. Horton came out to Andrew
Christians on last Monday, and will yisit
awhile in the neighborhood.
At the school election held on the
Ridge the 5th., Hill Shatto was elected
director in place of Elias Foote, whose
term expired on that day.
Chris Christian took his cattle to his
south range the middle of last week, and
Andrew Christian took his to his outside
range the first of this week.
Mrs Philip's, mother of Mrs. Freese
started for Iowa on Thursdav of last
week, with the intention of going to
Germany in the near future.
Ye scribe tias given up the idea of mov
ing to town at present hut may move in
next fall. At present we are breaking
prairie and will put in a crop of potatoes.
i Wesley Cannon is working for Philip
Freese; so we haven Cannon on the
Ridge, and are already prepared for a
celebration on the glorious Fourth when
the Cannon will roar and the eagle will
Miss Oral White was the guest of Miss
Florence Christian from Thursday of last
week until Tuesday of this week. She
left on Tuesday's hack for Mandall, Alb
any county, where she has a long term
of school beginning os next Monday.
We wish to thank the brother and
sister correspondents of the Press Journal
for the words of praise, and the regrets
at our going away, with which we greet
ed a few weeks ago through the colums
of the Press. Thanks M. A. 0. for the
poem dedicated to ns, nnd it may have
hat) some thing to do with our staying
on tbe farm.
One dav last week as John Duel was
pulling posts, his team became frighten
ed tir'd ran awa" with the wagon with a
chain and post attached to it. He man
aged to keep out of the way of the post
until tlie team ipfan running in a circle
when he got into the circle and finally
siictveded in catching one horse by the
bridle nnd stopped them. Luckily no
Hnnired was done, not even tlie spring
scat buing thrown out.
Hunters Happenings.
More rain less news.
Will Smoke was nt Harrison Mnndav,
Mr. H. T. Zerbe was in our burg Fri
Mrs. ITarvev was on the sick list last
Ed Schwartz was a Harrison visitor
(ori:e Baldwin wasaHnrrison visitor
Mr. Walter Smoke Went to Alliance
one (lav las', week.
Mrs. Elmer Hughes visited at Mrs.
Lantrwnrthv's Fririav.
No"", Peggy what pood dees it. do for
von to say you can t make poetry. You
dH very well.
Mr. Oeorg Tlarvev sprained his ankle
Saturday evening, he jumped the river
and lit on a round "stick.
Mrs. Pildwin. Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Hatrer-
mun went, to ttarrisnrs iimnnav, going
nnri returning on the freight.
Mr. Lew Brundice who was working
for Mr, Conk went to 'hndron to see the
doctor. He'returoed Mondav.
If anyone sees a mountan rat with one
or two mniiM traps attached please
return to Tom Jones, and receive i suit
able reward.
Mrs, Frank Lewis and Robert. Iwis
went to Crawford Thursday. She heard
of little Harold's beinsr sick, we hope he
will soon be well again.
Mr. Hagermnn has a very easy time
just now, the passenger train does not
take coal, it just stops long enough to
change mail sacks. ,
The Taffy Pulling at Mr. Jones Friday
was very enjoyable. There was music,
and singing then there was a nice supper,
after supper morn music and singing of
hymns; they were entertained until about
I o'clock when they departed for their
homes thanking the host and hostess for
their kindness.
War Bonnet Topics.
I trlving cattle or stock is the order of
tlie day.
Mr. Jim Merriam and family are at
home again. .
Nels Anderson drove his cattle to Wyo.
last Wednesday.
Ed and Ben Scott spent Sunday with
Will and Joe Orimin.
Mrs. Scott ca ledonMrs. Dunlapand
Mr. (lunkettwas there also.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hi'rhhard stayed
over night at Spoils Saturday night
Roht. Dunn has been yisitlng for tlie
past week at his aunt's, Mrs. J, Fin ley
Love to buy good goods at the lowest price possible,
and the place to do this is at
In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods,
Boots and Shoes.
We are ready to compete with the world,
and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial.
"Come and see us any way and be social."
George Garret son was in this valley
Sunday, he attended our 8.3. and preach
ing. Marcus Valdez and Henry Moravek re
moved their stock from this locality to
It was John Plunkett Jr. that killed
the Bob cat, and he wishes me to say
the dog helped some.
Ed Leelmg who has been working in
Bislarc for his brother in law Milard
Thayer was homy over Sunday.
Mr. Pete Peterson and Miss Mary Leel
ing were visit ing at Robert Keels Sunday
and attended 8. S. and preaching,
Mr. Plunkett killed an ermina last
week he said it had been stealing eggs
for u long time, and at lost he found
John Anderson and Marking came over
from Running water last week and drove
a bunch of a few huudred cattle uuon
the divide.
Mr. Dunlnp is setting out strawberries
on Bill Harvey's place, we hope he will
have buccess with theiu as fruit of that
kind is scarce in this country.
I guess the lute freeze was worse at
Andrews than here, as it froze 'Buds and
Blossoms', also the town now is Hunt-er
Bouquet, and it is doubtfull if you will
find one either. ,
Although it looked quite rair.y Rev.
Horton arrived at our school house just
asS. S. was finished. He was accom
panied by Mr. John Davis, Mr. Burtell
Misses Ona and Eihel Sageser and Edith
Burke and Mr. Howard Burke. ' There
was a good crowd in attendance and
from the interest manifested during the
sermon 1 know they all enjoyed it as 1
mvself did. Rev. Horton is a very plain
talker and don't hesitate to picture us Us
we look to others, he spoke of the main
fault of the )eople of this Northwestern
Nebraska which one little word explains
and that is grasping, and reaching out
for more wealth regardless of the com
fort of others or of other families and
forgetting thereby the golden rule. "Do
unto others as you wish them to do unto
you." This is the way it reads out west
here. "Dn unto others as they do unto
yon" which you all know isn't right, but
snmnc.n easier to live up to it seems
like. There were quite a few in this
locality that wasn't there that should
have been. Nw don't all say "Peggy
means me" for I mean no one in partic
ular but. many. Rut I hoe ail that did
hear the sermon will prollt by it and not
ive entirely for self and self comfort,
forgetting even their creator or his holy
day the Sabbath. W;e will have S. S.
every Sunday at 2 o'clock P. M. and
preaching again in two weeks on May 24
after S. S. at 3 o'clock, don't fail to
come nnd hear for your selves and prollt
there by.
May 4th. 1003.
It has been sdme time since we have
penned items, but we continue to read
the Press with increasing interest; As
Harrison is such a busy place, we won
der each week what will l the next. It
did not rain lie re Easter Sunday, but we
had miis up at that time, and they were
four inches high. When the recent
storm and freeze struck us on the 37th.
peach, plum, and cherry trees were in
bloom und apple trees were pink just
ready to open, The wind blew very hard
all dav Monday and towards evening it
calmed down a little; Tuesday morning
it Iwgan misting a little and got down to
business before the next inornipg when
everything was a glare of ice; Every
tree, bush, and weed was encased in ice
and the trees were breaking with their
extnw weight. Ice formed in the ponds
ovtran inch thick; Maby it didn't make
us feel sick at the stomach to see all our
fruit prospects blighted. Our straw
berries have not bloomed yet, so we dare
hope a little. Wheat is all right so far;
top leaves of alfalfa look as if they had
been through a fire; Leaves on the trees
are black and fulling, time enough for
mora to grow. We pitied the Sioux Co.
people during the storm, for we thought
it would be worse there, but are glad to
learn it was not as bad there as here.
Well M. A. C, we took a poetical streak
the other dav and "writ" some versesfor
Zukiel, but 3 oil did so much better we
consigned ours to the waste basket and
so cheated the Ed. of an opportunity to
do so, , Yea we shall miss the Dawsj 'Ia
Professional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all legar
matters in Justice, County, and District
Courts, and before the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
t3g"Legal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
Railroad between Missouri RJver arid
Direct line to St. Paul Mlnneanolla.
Direct Line to Black Hills.
Apply to nearest a.gent for rates, mpn
a.nd time c&rds.
New Schedule of Trains.
Taking effect Sunday Nov. 23.
West Bound. East Bound.
Morning. Evening.
No, 59 Frt.4:15p.in. No. 60, Frt. .2:3E
No. 5, Psgr. l':55 No. 4, Psgr. arrives
" 6:85, departs 7 :0(i
Both trains carry passengers.
Lumber, lath, sash, doors',
lime, cement, and building,
material of all kinds.
Farm machinery.
Harness, Saddles, and
Range goods.
Flour, Feed, and Grain.
When in need of anything in my line,
give me a call: We will treat you right.
Wyoming" very much, but Zekiel can
become a city correspondent, city poet.
cify dude, or something citified and con
tinue his items for the PheS. Zekiel
you must reniemtar that the city has
many tempting allurements for the
young, and for a boy who was country
born and country reard, such pomp and
show may easily lead est.ray. Have you
not always heard that city life is dangur-
ous for a country boy? We wish you
success Zekiel. And this will be moving
time for some of the winter sojourners
of Harri-on too, hack tu the ranch they
go, and the hoys und girls will be glad to
lay aside their books for a 'while, Wa-
are much interested in Mrs. Rice's letters.
and wish thev would come oltener, even.
if she isn't a poet. Zekiel and M. A. C
can occupy the xel s climr quite
redilably and it would become tame if
we were all (sjets. Thirty of the college
students went to Grand Island last wtk
to attend the "Teeiperuiice Silver Medal
tSontest." Their contestant did not wirk
the prize, but the Quartette did. Several
of them remained to see thrt President,,
but the Governor seemed to be as muclt
of an attraction as the President. The
Quartette sang in three different church-,
es and the Gov, asked them to sing for
him. The Ihij s were royally entertained.
The next state contest will be held at
C. C. Some of our fair schoolmarms
thought they would like to go . west to
teach school and secure claims, but our
Co. Hupt. informs them there will not be
enongh teachers in the county to supply
the demand this year, so they will not
go West at present, though some talk
Weston the sly. Fanners will hegu;
corn planting this week, and it is possib
le my third plantuiK of pens will. m h
early as my first. The second hsd jiit.
peeped through the gicui.d whoii il
freeze came.
- 1
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