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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1903)
Ttt Harmon Pre-Jjurnai C. O. BOB KB, FKOPR1BTOB AM.ISOH, NEBRASKA Thirteen new men sit in the United States Senate. Is the hoodoo upon tiie Senate or upon the country? Dr. Parkhurst bad better take a tight grip on what religion be bas if be la going to run a newspaper. Probably some men are unable to ftaod upon their dignity because their feet are larger than their dignity. Some men are so suspicious that tbey always feel for their pocket book when ever their wires are kind to them. President Francis must have bad an unusually fine line of stories to keep the kaiser listening for fifty minutes Mr. Marconi is beginning to insti tute suits for infringements on his patents. There ought to be something In that It Is a mortification after being away from home for a considerable time to be compelled to introduce the subject "t latlmaXe friends. An authority on words says that "mamywhere" Is correct. Just drop It in nywhere to show that your conver sation is up to date. ' From the investigations of the New York department of taxes and assess ments it appears that Gotham is not t city of millionaires. Since Grover Cleveland has praised him, Henry Ward Beecber must occu py a pretty low place In the estimation of Colonels Bryan and Wattetson. France has freak legislators, too. One of them has just evolved a bill to tax torn cats because they wantonly destroy the song birds In the parks. , , The Duluth man who goes up and flown pulling people's teeth against their will should not be too harshly condemned. That Is not so bad as pulling people's legs. Dr. George Sauerwein, a German philologist, writes peotry In thirty tgbt different languages. Dr. Sauer wein may as well be given, up. Ills is evidently an incurable case. Since a great many society ladies find that they cannot belong to the order af Daughters of the Revolution, let them get up a new organization of "Mothers of the Next War." A Texas man would place a tax en the Impecunious nobles who come to this country looking for wives. But Inst what punishment would that be to the nobles? The unfortunate girls would have to pay the tax. The Austrian archduke who gave up his title and hereditary claims a few weeks ago in order to elope with a music hall singer has been deserted by the latter. Without his title and for tune he probably seemed like a differ ent mari to her. f ' Is there to be no disconnection from tare on land or water? Ships go down to the sea only to be called up inces santly with telegrams. Now tbe rail road flyer Is to be fitted with a wire less apparatus and even flight is not to be unbroken rest i Instead of oats, they are feeding hay sweetened with molasses to work horses In New Tork, because the bones, when standing In harness at boob, do Hot chew their oats prop erly. A Tetertnary surgeon says there la more nutriment In molasses than in oats, and that It la a better food for horecs. It la only in recent years that the food Taint of engmr has been un tei stood. An BnfMtnmaa fives his impres sions of Boston la the New York Inde pendent uo toarests that Bos tenia ns need nerer hesitate to display Rero fwtkmarv relics to their English friends from any tsar lest those reminders of national defeats may awaken pain ful feelings. He says his countrymen are hardened to that sort of thing, for they cannot even cross tbe Eng lish Channel without remembering that Calais was a British possession for cen turies. 1 Qulntin Bogs, the founder of one f the largest trade-schools for young bmd aad women la the world, who Atad recently, said la discussing college . BtBlrt wheat ob a visit to Chiago la 1901. Tito op at ay left hand all tbt brokea BsQar bones, fractured Sasbfl and saralaed wrists that have retorted freta football scrimmages. and at say rlafct lot me put all the today wtbobb and physical degener Mat that evra thtlr wtahntes to notb bbc aln flat tack of proper exercise, ad ro taB tva that year pile of foot- bararlet wO Mok like a atolo- aad ay grata; at waakllage will tfca BMOjaiBta." Be knew that the rha hava aoao tht work of the warti hava. wKfe faw axeapttoaa. bad BtraBC vUui'tta Malta, bmmo bo or iesobyoBarcawaftkorlghtklnd. tttfoa m ttf Ca XZM, "Mhsn art tan ta CT At a Mat raeapdoa - M C Cft Mttr Kvv Tee to C Cssf itswy Ea Er. Ey. at- rr tv sc r.f-wm to Oft v , 3 CzEry ff act torfcj U-;;i lirn there. "When It comes tn pull and prestige." he is a man without a Sute. In bis own words: "I was lrn ia Indiana, I grew up In Illinois, I was educated In Rhode Island. 1 learned my law In Springfield, my pol- j i'ics in Washington, my diplomacy in i Europe. Asia and Africa. I have a farm in New ' Hampshire, and desk- room in the District of Columbia. Tbe first ancestors of whom I ever heard were a Scotchman who was half-Eng- hish and a German woman who was half-French. My mother was from New England, and my father from the South. In this bewilderment of origin and experience, I can only put on an aspect of humility In any gath ering of favorite sons, and confess I am nothing but an American!" It will be a dull world If the tlm ever corus when women sre too busy to b? pleasant. "Is your wife enter taining this winter?" said one man to another. "Not veryl" replied his witty) if disconsolate friend. Under the bril liant repartee lice a melancholy confes sion. ' Unh:ippy the busy man whosq wife is not -entrtaining" this winter and all the winters! The empty-head cd woman Is certainly a trial Sua frrnw leea C,'!!in!yll pvf ry ycar I$nt her place Is too often taken by the win man with head and heart filled to oveH Awing whh the problems of m deiri life, and she may not be much mom skillful th:in her sJly in dealing with the every -day needs of husban 1 and children. A tired docior, crniing home from fourteen hours of tussli wlih a typhoid-fever epidemic, cann ot be refreshed by conversation on civil reform or on the enrichment of thi high-school course, or even on the laN et German theory of the Homeric nuJ th rship. If he is not heartened wisely for bis next day's work bn Is too likely to become himself a victim of the di . ease, and he may well have as his ep taph at the hands of his inconsiderate, wife, "At rest till we meet again!' Intellectual grasp and moral enthusi asm are glori v.s possessions for any woman. But there are others not to b despised by her, and one of the chief of them Is the power of being amut ing. The case of the man Knapp, recently arrested for murder. Is one for tbi study of criminologists as we'l as o! psychologists. He has confessed to having murdered five women and glr'.s. each crime having been accompanied by shocking cruelty, and he may N guilty of others not confessed. Of course the man is a monster, a degen erate of tbe worst type, but the quv tlon Is, what made bim so? Was It heredity or environment? Was he born with an Irresistible tendency to crlnn or was it first implanted and then nur. tured In him by environments? Is b himself wholly responsible for . bis shocking degeneracy or are bis ances tors and society responsible for it In any dree? Could he have become a decent man under any clrcumstanc. I or was he predestined to a life of horri ble crimps? No amount of speculation can solve the mystery. We know herrdity and environment are the mas ter Influences of the organic and art mal world. They have made all of in what we are and are still ceaselessly playing upon all our lives, but wbicli cne exerts the dominating InfluPiies none can tell. Tbe criminologist wllj not lind anything in this rase to n-is port the theory that punishment pre vents crime or reforms crimina's. Knapp had served time tn four peni tentiaries, terms of considerable length, and yet In each Instance he returned to crime as soon as he wag released No doubt some criminals are improved by punishment and a few are reformed, but the germ of reformation was la them at the beginn ng. Mrst confirm ed criminals are beyond the power l reformation. This man never shoull hare been Ilbersted after bis first crime Releasing him from prison was simp'y turning loose upon society a monstn to commit the mofft horrible crimes. II society could have known the true sit nation It would have been justified lo imprisoning him for life. His punish ment In erery instance was a rarce, He was tried, convicted and sentenced ith all tbe solemn dignity of tbe law. but it was time aDd money thrown away except that during the period his Imprisonment he could not pre upm society. The whole scheme t punishment In this mans rase was dismal failure, and tbe question recuri mar It not be so in many cases? So ciety does not seem to have got at thi root of the matter. A l.m er ttac as at. Be Tm amid once yoa loved m tbaa anything etee ia tka world, Caa-Bot that, my dear, waa baforl I fotzad tndtv araw fraai V t9 n ten t PHr3,tn It tT3 ITS "Ma. JUDICIAL DECISIONS Substantial damages are held. In Western 1'. Teleg. Co. vs. Church (Ntb.i. L. It. A. IK."), to be recover able for a breach of contract to trans mit promptly a telegram which tbe company knew to be addressed to a physician, directing bim to come to the sender's house at once. A contract with a foreign insurance company made In another State, In which It is valid, but in .direct viola tion of the laws of the State in which the property i situated and lbe In sured resides, is held. In Swing vs. Muss'.-s !l":'..!, ."S L. K. A. 223, not to be enforceable in the latter S;ate. j A ihiim'nrlsing out of an illegal transaction 1 held. In Singleton vs.; Benton iGa.i, ,'.H I,. H. A. 1M, not 10 be a legitimate subject-matter for sub mission to arbitrators, and nn award founded i hereon is held to be a meie nullity. With this case Is a note as to effect of ward upon claim arising out jof illegal transaction. ' Ad clectri'' light company Is held, in Snell vs. (iin.on Electric I.l-ht. II. & P. jCoiupany (111., .",S I,. It. A. 24, to hnvt no right to make payment for a trans- ornior a condition of furnishing elec tricity to one whose building is win d by a third person, where it furnisln s transformers free of charge for build ings wired by Itself. A statute giving the right to an ex ecution for the unpaid balance of a judgment against a non-resident us to whom jurisdiction Is obtained only by attachment and publication, after ex- tiausllng the property attached, Is held, In Kemper-Thomas Paper Company vs. Shyer (Tenn.), .',8 h. 11. A. 173, to be void as In violation of the due procesi clause of the federal constitution. In Reindl vs. Heath, 01 N. W. 734, It appeared that the defendants contract ed to deliver a certain numlK-r of log! ,to be sawed by the plaintiffs, and the plaintiffs agreed to saw for no otbei parties during the season. Tbe Su preme Court of Wisconsin holds that the fact that the plaintiffs sawed fot other parties during the season, sncb sawing not Interfering, however, wltb their work for the defendants, did net Justify the defendants in refusing fur- tber delivery of logs, it being merely the breach of an Independent stipula tion. Compare Proprietors vs. Hovey, 21, Tick. 437, and Tipton vs. Feitner, 20 N. Y. 425. An lmlorscnjent.'.m a bill of lading of the linnl destination of freight ten dered for transportation, which is be yond tbe termination of the carrier'i liine, unci a supination mat. u snail gc on fastest passenger truln service," b held, in Taffe vs. Oregon Railway A Navigation Company (Ore.), 08 L. R A. 387, not to render the carrier liable for carriage to destination, but oniy to deliver tbe freight to the connect ing carrier, where the bill of lading ex pressly states that the carrier will not be liable for losses beyond its own lint and tbe blank for destination in tbi body of the contract is left unfilled, la accordance with an express dlrectios that it shall not be filled by a point "not on tbe lines of this system." Knew tbe Ileal Thin. 'I was in Iondon a few years ag with a northern Michigan resident, raid a Detrolter the other day, "and we had many a laugh over the Englisi fop as he minced his way up and dowi Piccadilly of an evening. At lengtk my friend, whose years had not gives bim any sedateness, rigged blmsell out as a parader. He had tbe clothes, the bat, the cane, the eyeglass and tht Jiangaroo gait and off be went I could see nothing lacking In 'Coolly,' but here must haf been somethlni .wrong, as be bad not gone far whs a policeman stopped him and said; j " 'Come, now, but you must let up o this.' "'S 0,' drawled my friend as b looked Bobby up and down. " 'Yes, you'd better get off.' " 'But wby shouHl I, ye knaw? " 'Because you are making yourself 1 bobject of ridicule and ridicule is neil to misdemeanor.' " 'If I am a bobject of ridicule tbea what do you say of that thing? asked my friend as ie pointed to a dudi ahead of bim. "That? Wby, he's no bobject ol ridicule.' " 'What Is be a bobject of r ' 'He's a bobject of tbe son of a lord and worth 20.000 a rear, aad if rot don't get boff the street la five minutes my bobject will be to take you In.' " Aims t Amea! "The day laa't far distant when tht Id the flying machine will look down upon tbe aotomoblllst," said tbt DiVDbetle aooL "And tot ns hope, too," replied tM rear nadeatrlaa, "that bell fall dowi en blm."-PbUadJpbla Preas. 1 How may Don's apeak. Oe Tea, Obarlle aakaa me kts rsJesrUaa. to tM OMta-ladaaal Why. I tbougbl -estaler had warn oat of Pafladelphlo BaBttta. - M to oaator to talk Vat a fool thaa It hi aot to ha oaa. BACKACHE. Backache is a forerunner and one of the most common symp toms of kidney trouble and womb displacement. HEAD ' 3 BDLLMA'i'S EXPERIENCE. Sj-.i .'.me ago 1 was in a very weak cuuililion, my work made me nervous a;;d my hrck ached frightfully all the time, and I had terrible hefcd-aclici- My u-.'.-.ber pot a 1hu! of I.ydi.i K. r''H VKtaWe lum- IHMIild. for me, and it seemed to sirengthcn my hnr-U and help me at onc, and I uid Liot get so tired an be? ire. I continued to tnke it, anu it brought health and strength to me, and 1 want to t'.iank you for tiio (rood it has done we." Ml! K.ATK IOii.I.vax, 142nd f;t. A. Wales Ave., New York Cit; -f',Y0f.,rfelHf(!rlqinalrf BiWK IttlV prwii'il cannot fcf p04ttrf. Lydia I. I'mUlium's Vegetable Compound cures' because it in the greatest known remedy for kidney and womb troubles. Every woman who is puzzled about her condition should write to Mrs. IMnkham at Lynn, Mass, and tell her all. PUTS AM FADELESS DYES vM but 10 cents per pact? age. Auk Your Kealer fnr Allen'n Font Eir, A powder to shake into your hoe. It rehts Hit! feet. Cures 'onm, Huuions, Swollen. Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, SwuiititiL- feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Knot Knse makes new or tight shoes asy. Sold by all drucist nl !' stored. 2Tx Sample mailed KHEK. Addre Alien S. Olmsted. I At Iloj. . 1. When you see aDy one get mad. doesn't it lead you to vow you will never lose your teoipei? Very soon after a boy bas finished cutting bis teeth, he uel&s to us: tbe rlub ever bis mother that If she doesl't yield to his wishes, he win leitc home, and instead or ttiiinir blm to leave, she weakly submits 10 bis tyHncy. Ad Atchison biy. tie neighbors say, bas everything his . . . 11 j . 11 11 V . .. own way. "if you oun 1 uo 11. ire will say. "I will leave home." If he left, he would sooo b2 back, and be more appreciative of bis pucnts, bat his mollier is tini:ilD4 to face the oidcal of a separation. Tbe boy who threatens to leave home is a cteatT .rant than the sixteeo year-old princess, but mothers do not com plain of ns and no one ever finds it out. Feels Younger and Stronger. , Festus, Mo., May 4, Mr. January Lilly, a highly respected old gen tleman, aged 70, and whose home is in Festus, says: ( "For many years I was falling in health. My kidneys were weak and gave me no end of trouble. I bad pains in my back and hips so bad that I could not sit up straight without bracing my back, and could not sit only a few minutes in any one position. 'I bad to get up during every nlsht very freruetitty to relieve myself. "Our doctor said I bad Kidney and Bladder Inflammation. I have suffered for over five years Ib this way, always worse at night 'I could get no relief and was get ting worse till I used Dodd's Kidney Pills. "After 1 bad used a few boxes of this remedy I felt stronger and better thsn I have for years and yesrs. My pains all left me and I can rest and sleep. Erery oM man or woman woe reeis as I felt raeuld use Doaa s Kidney Pills snfl I am sure they will not be disappointed. They brought me out wonderfully. if Thara I rvo aatlaf action koanor than baro dry and comfortatla whan eat bt tho hardatt atorm. . yODASESClt Or 7135 ' , tOwDbe 101 WATEPPBOOP ILtD CLOTH HAST m WH tww AfXU IY OVK aUAJLAJ i a bin at a Mut la a Jav ftvr sesaif. aaa mJisis urn Jit raws, saa a se skaauaaasrns srty aa ZSSItZ X 0 issiswesi FROM A "PROBLEM" NOVEL. teen la the Conervatorjr-Torn lie- twist Love and 1iiIt. A step was beard up n the onyx floor f the palace. Su-b! me boosban' res cimeeng!" whispered lovely Lady Sorreutin a de Lake View, struggling wiakly In lb"! Cei y anus of L rd Clairinount de Mon teiville. I lure you! I love you'." bnrningly hissed Clairmount, the heir to Oakd-tle tiilli ms, according to the Flttsburg Uis a:ch. His curly hair waved about his fair bead like a shimmering halo wrought of silken siarbeanis. The woman stood, trembling, be auti fully, like a frightened doe at the edge tf the forest. "Ting-tank, ting tank, ting tank!" re cioi sit ssly purled the little clock In the cot servat ry the timepiece of the B iwerets. "Ah, (icermint, Cleernilnt!" came the rich Trench whisper, "you know not what you do. I In dnngire am! ' She thought of her drunken husband, who at this moment might be Icnv 114 the ballroom if, Indeed, he were not da: cli:g a minuet with that wars,' K11 rlNh girl, whom she billed. Kvery del lea. e fiber In ihe womnu's body revolt ed nt the thought of her husband pay ing attentions to that violet-eyed m nv, while she would she fltc with th 8 b aut if ill b y to bis llh overiookLr,' Adriatic? A thousand t; niiilntions thousnn I wrongs, the endless and un- appy v.stas or tier jast sno; inning 1 r mind in the twinkling of a start. bad T! served her beauty through all. What a nnservfition! Kir iiiaiiKod triumphed. Helease me, my fren'," she sad. wit It eftlm grandeur, rising to a full height. vlll vour lwtel seesder be forever!" A step was heard upon the oynx floef the palace. it ees me hossban , the woman nr inured, frigid with teiTor. I-ord Clairmount released her hastily is face, which the woman saw, wnl s white as tnooi.btrs are. "I fear no mortal luan!" be hissed, usklly, remembi ring his military' irain- g even In that dire extremity. The s'cp wes heard once more. Ah, be vlll lash me, vlt hees glove!' the woman exclaimed In a paroxysm ol error. Lord Clairmount reached the window safelr. "Mind you," be exclaimed, feei ng in his pocket for a sword. "I flee from no man, but absent myself thus coolly lest the 'magazines of cl-ver. ness' should hear of this!" With these tremendous wonls bt sprung through the window, taking th casemfTit wltb him. The woman stot d alone. A step was hmrd upon the onyx fi x 1 tf the palace. e-t44--4--M et4" THE INITIO SIATES "IS." The United States Is," or "the Uni ted States are." For years the contest has waged ai i whether the third person sliigulni resent Indicative of the verb to ic tl,, ,nl,l tn, ii Hi-fi In connection with thl noun "United States," or whether tbt nrotHT form is not that of tbe pre nl Indicative plural of the same verb. The battle of the grammarians hai not been without interest to the genera, public; but now they may lay asidi their arms and enjoy a truce, for th Committee on lie vision of Laws bas. Is reviewing tbe Federal statutes, decided that "the United States Is." 1 be slngu r oreaeait of the verb "to be" will therefore, be used In the forthcomlni edition of the revised statutes, ani from the legal viewpoint "the Unite States are" will cease to exist. This change will, we take it, meel with the approval of the people al large. There Is something sublimely ex prewdve in tbe phrase "the bnlte States Ik," that cannot fall to be pleas lng to a proud and patriotic people ;-Tbe United States is," no matter uo or under what circumstances Un phrase may be used. Is suggestive, DromDtlng the query, "The Unites States is what?" To SBdeavor to answer this query li too much for any single Individual The United States Is" so much ol everything that Is good to the eye, tbi mind, tbe purse, and the physical well being and mental equilibrium of clvlll nation that to give details would he at andUess task. Hence the value of thi expressive and dignified singular pre enf. It tells in two letters all that thi people of the republic care to know and many things that other people nev er dreamed of. "Tbe United States Is V Well, "the United States Is" jus whatever you please or whatever tin1 cltlBen please to make It, or whatever other nations think It I not when the are considering making open or scrrw war against us, This bns been demon strated so many times and oft In bnsi nesa, flnsnee, industry, and at tht bayonet'! point or man-of-war's proa that we of tbe United States csn tali tht slivfulsr prent Indicative, an' with serene confidence say, whemerfj controversy Involves us: "Tbe United States Is It." And wltb tbat the story Is told la I kuifiiagfr all the people of tbe eart) tan anderatand. Baltimore American ngarettia Uw Valid. Tbt Supreme Court of Iowa hss ds Idad that tbe law levying tai o 00 a rear on cigarette dealers t etmatltntlonsl and valid. The court de dares virtually that the subterfuge the "original package" rale It ta at leapt at fraad, tad tht cigarette boa) taaaot he thoe protected. Da raa like "peealUr" aaaf The old. ii!Trtab! vlrto el 2 I St. Jacobs Oil trail!! It the kini cure for Sprains and Bruises Price, 25c. and SOc WESTERN Canada l AttrantlDB mrtr attenfton thmt ufij otijer Jmrict lo 1 woild. "TIIK .UMHV OF THE WOULD." tiik la sit or srNsiiixr." Tk NAT! RALH-IUINO UtOl NBS for STOCK Arm r,J -r Crap tn t i-I.9T.8 lim. Vlld I. 1 U03-1 1 T.DKH.rul Hkl. M.,., V ..I IM.ntllnl HiMn RntM. tn uwuii:i1'u'ur'(iiirriH Hj.?mi I . tiin lmUof ) He Avrf Frr. 0 oti.f rbrp tMin ll rnrr. f'lf-H to Cbutrbm. KcUool, elc.l Hftilifk.vUp ftll m tlfl rlll rif-U. K.ti'i tor AO r;d otlir lltmtar tv Hutir!n tnlftnt f lu.Tixthin. Oil,., or to W. V. H.nnMt. "1 Nw Y"'k J.lte ltd . Oinho, -.I. th ft. h'triw-l n.l..n itnirHtftMTI Agnt. Tiurt "ill tupplf ftu rttp urUUf jevlrif w:u' I i IN ITS AUVANCKI) and ehronle form a cold ia the head ie known as Nal Catarrh and ii the recognized ourcf Ot Otller diseases. uhtiii huxmj the test of continued successful use. Kir's Cream Italm ie reeogniml a a ijiecilic for niembrnnal diseases in the liunal passages. It is not drying, does not produce eiicening. Trice fiO cents nt druggist or by mail. Kly Brothr, IA Warren street. .New 1 ork. (rive up prejudice nnd try It Messrs. KLY BKOS.: I hsve been iffiicted with catarrh for twenty years. It made rae so weak I thought I hsd con sumption. I tox one oome 01 r.iy s v,n?ein Holin and in three dHjs the disrnsrge topped. It is tbe best medians I hsr used for catarrh. Fit A N K E. KIAULbsniil. Proherta, CaU AKYONK cn eurt pleerit tonnpss si borr.eyleMliiKl2S,l7; nocsplul rrquireai nn csn'vsjwjng or copying lrtter; write toi rr tlculsrs, incloae sttai p. Aes.ieA8trrLTCo, Geneve, w. I. (,.. KTMITHINIi S Y H U r I t eoi-o- ren tee'hliiK, toltein ttie (turns, rwlarres lmfls- mlou !)) . psm cnre colic, rnce zjd win Notice Is served on men that clever women everywhere are raising great sums cf money for churches, libraries, tiub rooms, etc . by start- out on their own hook to earn the tui.n'.y. There b mo nusnanu: Why not organize un organization to help husbands? If the women cannot invent schemes for earning money, or Lstving more, every man winconsmer himself a snecial committee to give hints and suggestions. Speaklug of evolution: there is the princess who was at one time a Lara fuoted Rlrl. who carried her father's dinner to him Id a pail. Every bride gets pieces of china imucg ner weuuirig guis umb iuo ?rofjra couldD't tell the use of tosav bis ueck. When a woman has poor luck with her rake, the family aie allowed to have all they want. Answer to man conespondent: A widow wears as deep mourning for a had bustand as for good one. Then ,uay be more stars In a man's crown if he was good but there will not ba more em jn hs wile's mourning vail. It la the complaint of every mfithei t hoys that ihecao't keep anything god enougn ror company mine IN CONVENTION. Teachers Iern hornet hlng Not la th Class, Hooks, A number of joiing wsitnen .Itendlnc l Uichers' convention at Okbboios Aty some time ago learned a valcable lestpn in hygiene through a sister tesrter sn says: "AIout a year sgo I ttad my flrst Hack of poor health, and it seemed s terrible thing to me. for 1 had shsays been so well and strong. My stitmaek distresu-d me terribly; it snemed nks it was raw, especially sfter breakfast. snrl It world tmrn anil hurt Die ao 1 eosfM Bot r(1,t wn .ood oanrioced tka it was caused by eedne driakiug aad at ths rejiiest of a frkead 1 gav op coff and begin to ose I'ostam Ooflee. "The change la say saditla mas onethmg msrvelaa. I had trtasvty given o teaeba fcssan pasia jpy nnsbls ts bh atj sssissfc tialK Vkt I tmr9 j .it ,aM sb4 bjs4 p, I troubles bav sHaawssawd sac I tone lo teaeabsg "gome tiase aae 1 flea M Oktaaeeaa Oty tad i have Peetaas at aiy where there were eight fit tther Vsseh-a. I (seal eetee ftji dM sake fce fear of them eesMrfca aeas. My taadiady dM aot aMhe e PostM right, bat I shewed her hew tad we all fonad H dehdeea. We esT 4$mk h the rest of the that we wees titers aad tbe yeaag Isdlet la fasottsa Ml arafa oUbsittr tad aecla-ad that were saaeh clearer far stair sad teaetal health aiaah hays t id. 1 have tf rea tan far thsrf." hf reetaei t, SetW sttakasa a eaavse-