'I Mid Journal, HARRISON roc VOL. XV. SjCLISOlSr, 1TEBA.SICA., THTJRSIDA.ir, , HUlA-IT 7. 1903. ISO. JL iL LOCAL NEWS OF TI HE TOWN, lr. W, I. Seymour coming. Chan. Ore well was up from Hewitt Tuesday, Ered and Can Witt made us a pleasant call Tuesday. J. H. Newl'n wail down from Pleasant Ridje Tuesday. Oscar Hanson went to Long Pine last Saturday evening. Mike Carroll wan down from the cross A ranch Lliis week. Francis Duel was in from Pleasant Ridge tlie first of the week. IK'. Seymour will be in Craw ford Neb. May 20th at (late City Hotel. Sunday school at 10 e'clock; every body invited, W. H. Davis; Hupt. Coming. II L lily AINU 1 tlryhrf iAIHaoce will bein Harr'son in the near Too Gtm b. Risk. In almot every neighborhood someone has died , rom an attack of colic or chol era morbus, oileu be "ore medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. A reliable remi.Jy lor these d'Heases should be kept at hand. The risk is too great for anyone to lake, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and f 'iaeYhoea Remedy lias undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and rel'eved more pu n and suffer ing than any other medic'ne in ue. It can always be depended noon. For sale by all Druggists. At a regular meeting of the county commissioners Jan. 13th.. 190ii. Tbt following estimate of expenses for the year 1903 was ordered. District Jourt $0. 000.00 Stationary 800.00 Officers Saleries 1,000.00 Robt. Lewis was up from Crawford thin week visiting friends in this vicinity, Neligh i Pat. flour warranted, none better at f.2.00 per 100 tbs. Cull at Ger- iach's store. Mrs. J. H. Wilbermsdorfer receive! a new piano last week, and Prof. Dunn received one Monday. N. L Tipton and J. Reed moved some cattle to the John Bieser ranch on Runn ing water last Saiurdav. Earnest Lvons is moving back to town again. He is moving iiuo the residence formerly occupied by J. T. Hewitt, Miss flattie 0tnner, who came home sick some time ago, hits recovered and returned to Crawford Monday evening. When you want a plea-nut physic try Otmmbei'ain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take and pleasant io eifect. For s.-le by aii Druggists. Ma.vus Vulde., a successful yoong raiKiicuaii of llaivihoo, s,ieut several days the fore part o" the week w.'tb friends in Crawford. Craw'ord liul'el 'u. Soldiers Relief Fund 800.00 Printing and publishing .600.00 1 vis'to:s last Sunday afternoon. say this ior him that no one will be disappointed that may have the plensu re of heti 'iqg h:m. His thought-' are clear and emphatic, and if he lectures ou the Holy Lund ali Bible students w'll Hud gret ijsp r.'iion I rom Ins words, w have heard M. Akes and koow where of we Sfieak, and we hope that a geod audieuce 8i'ch f" Ha-'ison is able to furo:sh may greet him when he comes. Breezes from Glen. Our school closes Friday May tfie 8th. Clara Monenaon and Elizabeth Ha-r's went to Huiv:on last Friday, and came home on the even'n; passenger just io t'me for the Basket Soc-al at the church. The Hlorm in the ailerooon kept several ii'om ai tending the bocial. But those that we'e there report a good hue. A good 8. S. last Lord's day. Mr. and Mi's. Jim Johnson rece'ved Roads and Bridges 8,000.00 Incidental Expenses .2,."i00.00 Ollicers Fees 700.00 Win. J. A. Raum, Clerk. GREATLY ALARMED. By a Persistent Cough, but Permanent ly Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student at law, !n Greenville, S. C.t had been troubled for four or live years with a continuous cough which he says "areatly alarmed me, causing me to ('ear that I was in the li'st stage of consumption. " Mr. Bur bage, having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try it. Now rend what lie says of it; ! soon felt a remarkable change, and after using two be' ties of the tweuty-llve cent size, was permanently cured.'' Sold by all Druggist". Mrs. Andrew and children, and s ster, from Gillette, Wyo, have Isjen vmr.ing with Rav. Horton and family s:ne lust Saturday. They left yesterday evening. For Sale. 100 acres of land mile from Harrison with good house, well, arid other III) provements. For further information call at this olllc e. The people of Harrison and vicinity ciect to observe declaration day in old fashion style. There s quite a lengthy programme lieing prepared which W'll be announced Inter on; so let all that feel interested io such exercises lie (tresent on tlieiMHh day of May to help the work along. Epwoiih. League. At the M. E. church eveiy Sunday evening at 7 KK) o'clock. JJverybody invited. Subject for May : ' SIGNALS TO GO AHEAD. Subject for May 10. Oliedience to Our King. Jno. xv. 10; I Jno. tii. 22. Frank Lewis; Leader. i The stallion, W181-OM Jr., who is advertised in this aper, is a first class home in every resect, sired by imM)ried Clyde, earn seven eights, weight 1,100 IMiinds. The price is two dollars cheap er this year than last, but the horse is in us good a condition as he was last year, anyone desiring the services of this horse ahuuld give him a trial, fer you will not regret it. A Farmer Straightened Out. "A man living on a farm near here came in a short lime ago completely deuMed up with rheumatism. I handed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm ami tokl him to use it freely ami if not satisfied aiter using it he need not pay a cent for it," sav C. P. Rajde.'. or PiHt ensMjII, N. Y. "A few duys luler he walked iato the store us straight as a atring aad luioded me a dollar s.iy:'ix, "give dm anouW liottle of CkniberiaiQ's Pain BJtn. 1 want it in the house all the Uiae for it cured me " For sale by all Drugget"- Mr. Josph Pomfnville, of 8t;,lwater, Minn., alter having wot over $i,O0O with the best doctors for stonweh trouble, withoet rvlief, was edvlned by Ida drug gist, Mr. Alex. Ridiard, to try a box of I lianiberhiiii't HUiiiihcIi and Liver Tab Ut. tie did so, and fi a well man today. If troubled with indigestion, bed InMe in the nirnith, lui of aptile or const Ipv tiisi, give Ibis Tablet a trial, and you are uertuin to he more than pleased with HmrtsulU For sale at U cuta r Inn lij'all I t ugisu. A Sliiihisb pArtTY. Lit 'it Friday evening a number 6! young folks gathered together and went over to Mr. Mi-Olniey's to su .-prise Miss Anna Walker and Mr. Otto Pape, but when they reached thev thev found that Miss Anna had gone to her home, on Running water, and so the sui prise all le I on Oito, and he seemed to lie greatly si'riri.,ed. 'J'hey all gathered in the sit ing room here Mr. McOinley was a'al tiii-d to get li'intojoin m their games, but he thought he was too old, and so ho moved out, tell'ng them he would leave the room i'l their sj"session, and for them to enjoy tlietnselvs as much ns they cou id. ami ihey played games of variops ki'ids unt:l about 11 o'clock, when lliey were called to the d'fi'ng room, finding there a very delicious su iec, on the ta'uie, p -eparetl by the ;;ood cooks, which they all relished. Arter supper they all went home (eehng thank lul to Mr. McGinley nnl fam'ly to' their sociability, r.nd Otto is no doubt wishing for the time to come when they will come to surprise him again. Carey Items. Frank Carlson was in tlie valley a few days last week, says he is tired of this western country and will return u Minnesota soon to stay. Mm la Sjieasu is home from the Chodron Academy and will not go buck aguin this term. Ed Nineman is here sending a few days visiting friends. Dr. Sex'.oa will hold commun'on ser vices at the church next Hunday(the 10th. Inst.) Word comes from Newcastle Wyo. (hat a sou has been born to Mrs. Samuel Uoi'man. It will lie rememlsjred that Mr. Gor man died last Oct. Next Thursday evening, May 7th the young people will meet at C. U. Groves to organize a C. E. society. Mrs. Conley, who has been living on the John Hixson place, moved her stock lo-dav to Soldier c.eek where she will reside this summer. News comes from North Powder Idaho, that A I. red Ta'lys have h.d a very fwr-nus lime tins wme-. am ot ttie Carl Bhoers was in our vic;nity this week. Mr. Jim end Walter Jolm.on were branding their calves Monday. Mi'. Cubnet lot one of his thorough bred calves by the blacn leg. A member of feline tribe visited the sheep fold and killed one of the lambs. The Bug will now bid you all good-by. She has enjoyed her work in this part of the county very much, and thanks the kind Irieuds who have made her stay so pleasant for her. May we all meet again, is her sincere wish and prayer. Buu. I "In Wyoming. Last week we were treated to a regular blizzard, but it did not last only two or three days. It turned very cold and quite a lot of wmw (ell. There was some loss, of slock reported but mostly of calves. Miss Ida Sutton closed her school in the valley a short t 'me ago and is now at home on the Ridge. Miss Oral White, a former school teach- i er here, closed her school at Inez last week, and will arrive here on next Thuisday to visit a while with friends in this part. Dir. w. Aiurptiy is sutienng (rom a severe attuck of t'cdoulouteux. Charlie (ihrisL'an who went to Lusk two wee!;s ago last Monday, to 1 treat ed by Dr. Brownrigg, returned home on last Sunduy, greatly improved. Mrs E, E. Chr;slian, who has been in Lusk since week ago Thursday, hiking care of Charl e, returned home on lat Saturday. Nellie, who has been keeping the houe during her mother's absence, says it is a lonesome place with Charlie and ma gone all of the lime and pa gone most of the time. We are glad to note thai Charlie feels belter, and sincerely hope that it may t 1 1 continue. Be km To Mr. a-id Mrs. James Petty, on Monday April 17th, a boy. The R'dge seems to be a good place for boys this spring, as this is the third lioy w ho has come to blwis homes in our settlement since March '.'9. The other two came to the homes of J. D. Williams and Harry Deuel, both on the above mentioned dale. Presiding Elder Scaniahorn, assisted by Rev, Horton, held communion servi ces at the hall on last Sunday, A large crowd was in attendance and fourteen i partook of the Lord's supper. The Elder preached a strong sermou from CoUos- lans 3. 18. i George Williams and his bestgirl from Harrison, attended quarterly meeting on the Ridge last Sunday. While on the road to Lusk week ago last Saturday, we saw a man thrown from a horse a mile and a half awav. Well we drove ou and the horse stood where he threw the man. At last we neared the spot and saw a man lying on the ground stretched out on his buck, bareheaded, with Ins hands folded across To say that we were scared Hunte s Happenings. Mr. George Harvey made a business trip to Crawford Friday ret'iruing Saturday. Mr. Wm. Schleyer was in Hunter on business Thursday- Mrs. D. W. Shepherd was a Harrison visitor Friday. M. Geo. Baldwin was a Harrison visit or Thursday. Mrs. Ea sett visited with Mn. Cook and Mi-s. Graha.i one day last week. Mrs. C. Christensen and daughter Mabel went to Crawford Friday evening returning Saicdav. Mabel haj sore throat which d;d not get any better. Mrs. Wm. T, Jones was do.ng bus ness 'n Ha,' ':son Monday. M s. J. D. Proctor and daughter Eva we e visiiiog wuh Mr, Tucker's folks Monday. I'wrl and R,jph Shepherd were visit- at ProciO v ''e Monday. Mr. Wa I. er Smoke came home Thurs duv IVom Wyoming, where he h:i.s lieen wo 'k'nj, on a seci'on. We a -e very glad to see li;s smM og face aguin. He is very welcome and we s'ncerely hope he wi:l get some of he happi.ie.o iuat Hunger offers. Now ir you doii't beiieve it you can come and see for yourself. Master Ruv Hagermuo, of Hunter, was in Proctorvilie Mouday. Wonder what he went for? There was a carload of t'es pot off of 62Sacurday. The t'es are about a mi'e east o' the cty of Hua te'. M. rnd Mrs. D, W. Shepherd pave another dance at their place on Ro. ebud avenue Saturday night. Tiiey bud a ve"y good time and a n'ce supper. We were no., there bet we k-.ow it was nice. Several people from liar. ison and some i rom Vim Tassel. ALL PEOPLE Love to buy good gooda at tht lowest price pobiaible," and the place to do this is at GERLACFTS GENERAL STORE. In clothing, Gents furnishing, Goods, Boots and Shoes. We are ready to compete with the world, and the way to prove it, is to give us a trial. "Come and see us any way and be social." GERLACH'S STORE- The music was fine The supoer was sweet, Arid I he cakes and pies Could not be heal. Mr. J. R. Huoter left for Omaha one day last week. M, Tom Jones and fm:ly were v'sit ing wiLh George Ha 'vey's Svoday. Mrs. Proctor and Evu, were r'ding a--oi'iid the ciiv Sunday. Maybe they think it hui cli-nged because the name is changed. Robert Lewis of Oawford is visiting wiih his brother Frank, near Smoke. Mr. George Baldwin went to Harrison Tuesday. BOUQCET. " l.i. l...ui fiMn'.ltt ivf.ttr.tinT Mi. Tnllttv. bull Itw! ' ' '' II. ...illinu II Inii n,:i.l A ,r I .... i ... . w-arlet fever and the;)) meoths old Uiby died I rom it. There was a very heavy frost or rather ' a lu-rrl freeze last Thursday night and i it is probably that all ol the early fruit nt kilted. Wm. Glaze ha purchased the 8. W. homestead on Hchool creek. About a week ago some person broke into the rofwge y Inking out a win our hat, (for our hair rix ho as to throw it off), we lied the team and went to the supposed corpse. We recognized the man as a Sioux comity man who e name we will not divulge. Of course the llrst thing we did was to feel the pulse, when Io, lite eyes oaeuod and the man was alive. He said that he was not hurt but was resting and sleeping. It seems that he had spent the night In Lusk and hud dow light that had once been broken : looked rpon tho wine when it was red. and was mended with putty, Mrs. Lyons i Had learned to drink Strong wine and at came a few days ago to iu rest i gate and learn 'A hat damage woe done. She fouisJ that the house had been throughly rummaged and evidently some on had slpt mi the htl but could not mies any lluug thai had been taken. TlMOTHr. last hud found that it biteth Jiku 1 serp ent and nlingeth like an adder, We are glad to any that he was not so badly hi.rt aa we were scared, and hope that the like may never occur again, it least to any Sioux ccunty young man. Zkxucl. The Junior Normal at Alliance is rapid ly approaching. It will began June 8th and continues for ten weeks. List winter the legislature appropriated funds to hl'e Instructors for this Normal. Ab le insi meters have been OiTered the teachers of Northwestern Nebraska. The Junior Normal will lie absolutely free to all teachers and prospect i ve teachers of Nebraska. Not even an in stitute fee will be charged. Attendants must lie furteen years of age, of trood niorial character, and of good physical health, who have a fair knowledge of the common school branches such as may Ik? nbtaineil in the e'ght grade. Primary methods will be taught and a model school conducted at each point. The studies pursued at the Junior Normal school will be a part of the regu'arly prescribed course nf the State Normal school, and students in regular attendance and pursuing and completing these studies in a satisfactory manner will he granted a certificate to that effect, signed hy the conductor of the Junior Normal school and countersigned by (he State Superintendent, which certificate will entitle the holder to prop er credit at the state Normal school . Alliance will grant the use of such textbooks us may be on hand free of charge, but those going to attend the Normal are requested to take with tliem such books ns they may have. Aroommndnt ions for those who will attend the Normal at. Allinncensfollows: Suitable rooms fur light, housekeeping to accommodate from two to eight clubbing togethercan lie obtained. Those wishing to help form such clulm should let me know ut once so the rooms may lie reserved. Those willing to pay wt.no per weeV , should write at once also as about thirty can be supplied at that rate for superior hoard. There will ho a dining hall conducted during the Norninl at which board may he had for $3.00 pnr week, well furnished room may be Imd nt from 50 cents to 111 .00 a week for teachers, two or more occupying the roovti together. Each one going to AIILncn to attend the Junior Normal should take a receipt when purchasing railroad tickets in order to he entith d to return at one third fare, Any rut her information desired will be furnished on application, Conrad Parsons. Co. Bupt. War Bonnet Topics. Nice weather after the storm. Remember the preaching next Sunday at 3 P.M. Come all. Mr. aod Mrs. Paul Zerbst visited at Mr. Keels Sunday. Mr. Fank Hubbard went to Harrison Saturday Tom Plunkett, we are sor.-y to say, has lei t lor Belle Fourche 8. D. to be gone a1 1 summer. Mr. and Mrs. Scott visited at the S E Sunda v. Mr. B'l! Rickard was visiting at the S E last week with his sister, Mrs. George Givmm and lainilv. Mrs. W. H. Dcnn and children visited with Mrs. Failey Sunday. Arthur Dunn went over to begin work at Crawford's saw mill Monday. Pete Peterson is either very industrious or in a hurry lor lumber, as he went to towu in that storm last week after a load. I guess he is both. Jim Merriain and family have been staying on tlie divide for the past week. Jim is doing some breaking for his father-in-law. Miss Doruian visited with Mrs. Scott Monday, Jehn Hunter, Fred Clark, ar.d Basil Guthrie were out lor a riae through Monroe Saturday. Lost Between the Biehle place and Harrison, or io Harrison, by Mrs. Scott, a Royal Neighbor Lodge pin. Anyone finding same, please leave at Pess Jour nal ollice, post-office, or hand to her. frank Scott and sons branded their cattle last Friday and drove theiu down to their claim on Spring creek Tuesoay. Nels Anderson rounded up his horses SuLclay. Some more industrious people who work Sunday if no other day. Nels give me a uickle to keep this out but George Grimm give me a dime to write it. Mr. Grimm and Frank Srott went up on the Divide to Myers aud got two loads of potatoes Tuesday, Mrs. Noreisch, we are sorry to say had her tomato pl-xnts set out in the garden and lliey all fruze. Mr. John Anderson und two daughters Mallei und Nellie, Were yisitinir with their Uncle Nels and Aunt Tillie last Wednesday, and at the S K Thurtxlay. Mary Scott visited with her cousins Winnie und Ulady Finlev Tuesday. dust as we began to think Christianity was retfng a hold in this valley, us we were holding two Sunday Schools every Sunday, we were surprised to llud last Sunday thut the devil, or some of nis nips, had been so very close to our place ol Worship Saturday night that things were prelly badly scorched, and we could still smell the brimstone Sunday when we went to hold S. S. Now that is loo bad to thnk we have uny one so low and degraded ns to do the very niuull trick that was done. As ol course it was some body look a cun of kerosene, saturated several articles in the school house in three different places and set fire to tlieni and supposedly left thinking the fire would do the rest, but providence was at work also, ho their scheme failed and the lire burned a while then went out but not until it had done some damage, but not much just euough to show what was intended. The culprits were tracked for about a half a mile from the school house. Now this in a shame and disgrace to th;s community, and 1 think should be followed and the parlies con cerned be pun'shed to the lull er.tent of the law, us so many times such tilings are laid io boys, (or which 1 have a few), when pei Imps the boys never thought of doing such a thing. But fortunately this Onio it was evident the parly or parties came prepared for business, as they brought the o l in a fruit can and forgot to take it back with them. "Mur der will out" "all things hidden shall be revealed" which I think is true. "John and the Bob cat. "(poem.) John Plunkett and Miss Dormnn ' Went out for a stroll last Tuesday morn ing. They were in quest of cottricousites And all kinds or monstrosities. When all of a sudden when inost unexpected, Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. fromp: p.leniion given to uM leg mallei's ;c Justic. County and District Courts, and before the United Suite Land Office. Fire Insurance written io reliable. 3ompanie. ilTLegr! papers carefully drawn. HarbasON. - Nebraska. J. H. LACY, SUCCESSOR tO E. ROHW.KR. -de. turn IV Harness, saddles, range goods, lumber, all kinds of building material. Farm machinery, and hard ware. Flour, grain and feed. When in need of anvthiog m my line give me a call: We will treat you right. The Northwestern ; LINE ONLY P.. ilroad between Miaaouri R I veer end CIilo-'o. Direct line to St. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Ll.ie to Black Hills. Apply to nearest n.gent for raiea, map &.nd time c&rds. New Schedule of Trains. Taking effect Sunday Nov. Ut. West Bound, East Bound, Morning. Evening. No. 59 Frt.4:15p.in. No. 60, Frt. .2:! No. 5, Psgr. 10:55 No. 4, Psgr, arrives 8:5, dejwrtft , :I4 Both t'a;ns carry passengers. By a Bob cat, they were most lhicily attacked. But John is quite brave though ;inle small And to kill that cat he was detei iniin d by all. So he Hew at the cat armed with rocks And settled its hash with a very fur knocks. No one but Miss Dorman witnessed Hm light But from what I have heard it suivly was a sight. I am glad to say he saved the teacher from harm Except a slight shock from the sudden alarm. The cat was skinned by Valdez Mi.rcns And Plunkett John burned the carcass. So here is a sample of Peggys skill In writing poelry-but still. When you know its her llrst in tbut line I know you will think it is quite One. You will laugh in your sleeve of course And say as you laugh 'tis well Its no worse." Pbkjy. We have made urraugemenU with the publishers of the Young People's Weekly one of the best periodicals of lis clasa, sn that we cun furnish said paper in connect ion with the Press-Journal each one year for the small sum of fl.25 tor both paper or to those in arrers on sulwcnpiiou w ho will pay what they owe and 25 ceute extra we will semi tlie Young Peoble's Weekly one year. TlioMe who have umiiI in advance for the Press-Journal mmiI want u llrst class paper (or tlie young folks can come hi on the deal also, by paving 2A nls extra. The Young People's Weekly has reiM-li- ed Its marvelous micoesn uad attained a circulation ol over 210,000 copies a wek because its contents Interest young read ers. Its popularity extends to thought ful parents Who recognise in it oueol tha best aids In keeping young Mks in healthy touch wuh tlie active world giving tliem a tasle for clean, vigoroue reading, and M-es-niiiig truths m ititir tnost attractive lui ua. ..V!