Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 30, 1903, Image 8
SlOCt BIOS. I t al Kit) Mli brans). Ilk" Mm-Mwlm, lurKif (aw rear, hack :1 . ml MFuim 7? settle. r.n-rv nwitter r kawi la am wttutatoir Mitti I eytTvrtis UwVr urauda ta Turn Jtc a- BVAL mm ft e'ni.te ait over rh sl. It tlss a .!.-"t Htrtec f fur yro S500 nEcna Pur the iiiiwI awl maneJon of amy party .aar mi tin- stealing-or tfisfhrariiMjasiy bra mi e aturk Ijetmiaisa tear astrrssgweu par Inwb i3 r. K. JIMK, 0. J7, - an left Mf MS on eft hhjof stFU. . sLohi i'uNwtv. Xetwasfca. en left Jaw, hat lttoi Hewitt Cartle bmiW .'Burse twainhtf m left side MI teftshotl Jlder. rni(f" " -"hllT Creek. Any .lock branded its above being estrif etf frewi my m-ige discovered ly imy body dm giiNw ium i.ifuriiHitiun H! be rewarded. Addiess, r't. Itobiuson, Nebraska J It. rAUKKR. '(Morses branded on WjS Ml shoulder and 'Cattle wiiiie on li l t hip. 4kp barmled mi back or 33 on ..art of Sheep, lsal , Kaagean Moldier Ctwk aad White River. Addri-n. M. Koblnson. Nebraska. DEBTt-RKr I.1VK STOCK Co "rnmled an left hip of Cattle I nnil n left cheek of Horses limine on Uop Creek. AddreaM, liwti ( rek Lire stock Co,. J. If. Hai.hert, foreman, Ulen, Nebraska. rUAKI.KS NEWMAN. I The brand represented In this notice mid liraiMjid any where on left side f i-ii t tie. and ovtr lap .. 'lit fro mi the l ight ear. Also the wime brand on left thigh of horse, belongs to the undersigned. Kan He near East Springs, south part fo sWoux county. Chahuch Nkwmax, Harrison. Nebraska. 8AMI E1. KNOKI. Cattle branded any where on left side of the animal. Range on Prai rie Dog .ilxl Mon lift, I (ITU E3 roc Creeks. Address. Harrison, Nebraska REWARD, will -y 5.00 reward for each head ,af Lave Col ville's horses branded ,oo either jaw or thigh turned! .over V ;ohn Bieser on tunning MR .. .ion tinn nn frtmwviMJ I OMvict any person unlawfully handling :fjBT of aaid horses. W. J. A. Racm. stnnded IJej branded on right thigh ami shoulder and on right Jaw Also, I have braudcp on left thigh J&al rottumtm Address. Harrison, Sioux Co, Nebraska J.S. TVCKBR. Branded oil left shoulder ot bones I I and on left side of rattle. I And this w Jr il on right side right side of cattle too. .Range um White River, near Glen. Fuel Office address, .len, Nebraska. P r ex -J cm r n a 1 ThlksdaV. April 30 , C C Burke, Prop. RNTKRKJ IS THB PtWTMFWCK AT HAR Rtx! NfcBli. A-SKCOIII1 t'LAS MATTtK OFFICIAL PAPER OK SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JOHN T. SNOW. Worses iri.ed On left nhoul del or branded os left shoulder and Cattle Fit on left side hoot Office Address, Patrick, I iirsmle Co. Wyo. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow- ist'ljrund oo eith er: Also HG on cat tle and horses- cattle on leftside horses on left shoulder. Kange on Silver Springs and east of state line. PosUiffioe Harrison N'eh. ANDREW CniUSTIAN ISL a drtVTWiirTwnii 1 m Cattle brand ed on luft side saiim as cut and liorses branded on left sboulde same as eul are the property of Andrew Christian am range tributary to Van Taswjl Rpringi. Address, Klrtlev, Wyo. HENUY WARNEKE. Cattle brand ed on left side. Range on Humilng Water Creeek. "P. O. Address Harrison, Nebraska. Cattle branded Cattle branded Cattle branded km m also. oil left side on left side On Left Hip HENRY WE1.SE, Foreman P. O. Address, Glen. Neb OCTAVE IIAH1US, Cattle branded as shown on left aide with ovcr blt on left ear. Range on Run ning Water, P. O. Address, Murslsnd, Nebr. J. R. HUNTER. Q r Cattle branded as shown In cut, . on right side! hip, or shonlder. Also a on left side. Right eat clipped SUM RE W A R.D w 1 1 1 be paid for evidence convicting any one for running on or In any way tampering with stock having any of the above brand or brands. Ranch at Andrews, Nebr, Address, Harrison Nebr. Cattle Branded Range oa .ROBERT r. NEECE. on left aide on left hip Also eattle branded tahO"j Ider or side. .Mange em tanning Water. V. u. Address Agate, Nebraska. BREWSTER Co. OMtle brand- Jmsj M mmm a. that fSS J jXi kU r on taTtfjsaaMer. )' , with any of above brands. Andreas, J, A. Aibbox, llarrlaois, Heltraska. i. t. HKwnr. L on toft aM. , "ebri WK3-J0UJINJL $1.00 J.H. DENSLOW. Catfl-i branded on ,-lgni aide ss.ne tuf cnl. A'.d slso D on light hip. j Horses branded m r,Knt shoulder or Jaw. Rangoon W.ilto River, on the old Dure Colville rr.ncb. William. Huntley J.H. I L H fl f .1 S 0 0 It F E n WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, 4DEALER INtt Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind-Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large Btock of feed, ground, and jinground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. HENRY WARD BEECHER. PEDIGREE. Sired by Rosebery, No. 205. Dam 1st by Duke of Cleve land, No. 97. 2nd by Michael, No. 205. 3rd by Darnaby, No. 18. 4th. by King George, No. 161, by Victory No. 830. Rkxarks; Dam was a Hamaletonian mare of rare merits and a good trotter. Terms $6. 00 to insure colt to stand and suck. ROCK. r I . tK!lw ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION. Terms: $8. 00 to insure" colt to stand and suck. DOCILE. foreman. P. O. Address; Glen, Nebr. J. I.KVkR. Cattle branded UNIJCfT 8UK Po tM'- e AHdress.Chadro Nebraska. I El MA HON. Cattle Branded Range on Ran on left side ning Water Address A gale, Neb. Vlgaroua at Ilghtyvii. Tba Tnrmbl Park Godwin haa c1brtJBi bis clghtr-MVaiiUi birthdajr and b arpeaxa to b la a aflteUntly rlcorotii and baalthr atata of mind and body to anabla blra to njor tba fettlvftlea and to appradata tM confrntnlationa. REMEMBER Marsteller Bros, HANDLE THREE OF AS GOOD BRANDS OK SHOES A3 ARE MADK IW AMERICA. THE sSELZ SCHWAB SHOE CO. CHICAGO Is the largest manufacture of Shoes in the world And the old reliable line of M. D. WELLER of Chicago And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Women', and Childrens' Over Shoes, And we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Duck Coats and Caps, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice line of fancy Candies. Come and get our prices, which are always the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. iThe Commercial Bank. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. IDII&ECTOIRS. C. F. Cokfke, President. j L F. W.Clarke, Cashier Cmas. C. Jameson. H. S. Clarke, A. McGinlet Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely oi us to handle their entire Banking busines. iir . i a i. i. r i. ,i i 1 1 i .. .. H w e are prcpareu iu uikc care oi our uaue at an LimewT THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drutjs, Druggist'ss Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ) tiooks and Stationary. 0) .1 F PHINMFV P,rtr.;, i a- i i iwl IV fcVI KKASK NCTTI. Cuttle brnsdiHl side and same en der f horses. A. U. KKSNKIA . on the left ! left shoitl- Als wiine of the Horses tie sre brundwl on side shonlder some as iesi'i! above baitnd. (vie! and Cut. and the ed lor Hit Address, llarrlsmi, Nebraska. Cattle 'Ilrandvd on Itight Hip Wiuuldr P.O. Address, Crsaford, Nebraska. O'VO0O00OOOKC JOB WORK VES! -The PrkWoursal does Job Work. Neat, First Class and Up-To-Date. Call in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note X Heads, -Letter Heads, En velopes etc. The Press-Journal. PERCIIEON and MORGAN STALLION. Tkrms: 7.00 to injure colt to stand and suck. The above stallions will stand at our barn in Harrison this eeason. Fees will be due and payable at once in cape mares are diuposed of or removed from the county. Call and see bh if you desire t lie service of horse this season. ' DIECKMANN A LACY. We have made arrangements, with the publisher of the Younu' People's. Week I) one of the best periodicals of iln tl.iss. iki thai we can furnish an id per in connect ion with the PresH-Journnl each one year for the small sum of $1.2"i (or both papers or t i those in arrers on subscription w ho will p:iy what they owe and 25 cenu extra we will send the Yui'n Peoble's Weekly one year. Those who have paid in advance for the Press-Journal ami ; want a llrst class pnper for the younfi ! folks can come in on the deal also, by paving 23 cents extra. The Young People's Weekly has reach ed ita marvelous success and attained a circulntion of over 210,000 copies a week because iU contents interest young read era. Ita popularity extends to thought ful parents who recognize in it one of lh best aid in keeping young folks in healthy touch with the active world giving them a taste for clenn, vigorous reading, and presenting- truths lu their moat attractive form. i MKIL JORDAN. ors's and cat tle branded on either sldt, same as on sut. To Goto q Co!d in Geo Bay 1wa ea every And CatUe branded side, sad Morses on let Address, lUslare, Nebraska. IMt URKT A SUNS. A..d,o.low.gn Hp? 171 leftsldeaf eattle. I IT I Lf I Cattle brand id aani as that jn cut on eith er side of animal tad this HjfJ j on left side of she stock. And this I I on left side and hip. Knngnmi llmialiig Water. I'usiufflrs addrsst, Uurrio. Hvbrstkan