Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 30, 1903, Image 7

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h 8
sfkt5 Dr.
1 P. ' - vAA tf 1
:; feffiLgw
M. C. Gee, of San Francisco, Says,
"Peruna is of Especial Bene
fit to Women."
Koiicrt. !. Hoberts, M. D., Waih-
ington, I). C, writes: '
"Through my own experience
as well as that of many of my
friends and acquaintances who
', have been cured or relieved of ca
tarrh by the me of nartman s
lir,.nm I rjtn mnflitrntlv re-c-
', ommend It to those suffering from
. . t i i i - K ... J
SUCH QlSOmcrh, aiiu ware iiu utw-
tatlon In prescribing It to my pa
tients. "--Robert k. Roberts.
AUI.NSIA.Ml.l jticrcaxniK num
ber of yhjsitimiH prescribe re
runs in their regular prm-tiee. It
fcaH proven its tru-riu so tboniij;h ly that
ven tin? doctor have overcome their
prejtuiic fljiaiimt o-ralk'd patent medi-ciin-a
and rwimmieud it to their atient.
i Vernon occupies a uniqim poKitiou in
irKNliral science. It is the only internal
iyti'tni! catarrh remedy known to the
medical profession to-dnf. Catarrh, a
tvery one will admit, is the caunc of one
half the diwaaca which afflict mankind,
('atarrh and catnrrlial dipa- alilict
Wie-hnlf of the people of United States.
F. II. Brand, M. I)., of Moketia, 1)1..
usea I'ernna in his practice. The follow
ing caite in an exansi'le of thfl snrvrss he
ha through the use o IVruna for ca
tarrh. . Dr. Brand taja: "Mm. '(".,' age 28,
had been a atifferer fnun catarrh for the
t.iiht aeveit years; could not near pjnin j
and had watery eyes. She came to nie I
alinoft ii physical wreck. She h:id tried
tiie Copeland cures :hm vario;t other
i-cnlled apeeinHnta. and had derivi d no
benefit Irani them. She told me he (lid
t not want to ppend any more money on
I medicines unlesa I could assure her
"I put her on Pe
rona and told her
to come back in
two weeks. The
effects were won
derful. The cast
down look she had
when 1 tirnt saw
her had left her
and a smile adorn
ed her face. She
told me bbe felt a
different woman,
her bearing was
improved and her
eye? did not trou
ble her any more.
i ins in viiij v v" -
have treated with your valuable med
icine. " K. II. Brand, M. I).
Catarrh may invade any orenn of the
i.. i... .., ,f..tr..t.- ,mv function of the
DUO. , llinj uvnmv "J , .
bodv. It most commonly attacks the
head, now and throat, but thousands
upon thousand of eases of catarrh of
V. II. lirsnd, M. U.
the lunprs, Ktomnch, kidneys, bladdet
and other pelvic organs have been cured
by Penma.
Feruna is able to cure catarrh wher
ever it may be located by its direct
action upon the mucous membranes.
Catarrh means inflamed mucous mem
branes. Pertma acts at once to cleanse
of the mucous membrane no mutter
where it may occur in tne uouy. u
41. a earn nn tta miieflUH 1 i II 1 1 1 If
of the nose as on the mucous lining of
t lie bowels. II cures uiv i-muiium
ilammation wherever it may occur.
Dr. K. Hobtilns, MUSKogce, i. x.,
"r : lftcf medi'ine T know
of for cough and to strengthen a weak
stomacli anil to Rive oppe.iie. iur
preieribing it for catarrh, 1 have ordered
it for weak and debilitated people, and
have not had a patient imi num u
him. It is an excellent medicine and
it tits so many cases.
"1 have a lart'e practice, and nave a
.t,r,,. in ni-iwrihw vinir IVruna. I
hope you may live lmix to do good to
Hie sick ami suiiermi;. 1
We say I'ernna cures cntnrrh. Toe
peoi!e say I'ernna cures (.'atnrrh. J'roml-
nent men and women an over me
Cnitid States from .Maine to t.nnionna
do not heiitnte to come out in public
print to say that Peruua is what it is
recommended to be. an internal, sys
temic cntnrrh remedy that cures catarrh
wherever it may be located.
Dr. M. C. Gee's Experience.
Dr. M. ('. dee i one of the physicians
who endorse l'eruna. In a letter written
from r, 13 Jones street, San Francisco,
Cal.. be ays:
"There Is a general objection on the
part of the practicing physician to ad
vocate patent medicines, but when
any one medicine cures hundreds ol
people, it demonstrates Its own value
and does not need tne enaorsenivm ui
the profession.
"Peruna has performed so many
wonderful cures in San Frandsco that
I am convinced that It Is a valuable
remedy. I have frequently advised Its
use for women, as I find It insures
regular and painless menstruation,
cures leucorrhoea and ovarian troubles,
and builds up the entire system. I also
it t hf, HnpKt CHtarrh
LU'JU L I ii uhv vi ' ' --
remedies I know of. I heartily endorse
- f. . u r
your medicine, in. i. uce. . v
- , ocrwtallv lbible to nelvie
t IMlll VB,V,. . .
catarrh, lemale weaitness a n. i
nll,.,l Wneeinllv in the brut
few weeks o warm weather do the tl.s-
BKreeablc symptoms ot lemaie weusnehu
"i.. u.1toI annnrent. In crisp.
cold weather chronic sufferers with pelv-ic
catarrh do not teei so iieisnu'iiu; v..
CcorsetionUl'B Ability Shown id Man-
fiit nra of the late .f;iy (Joulil'g four
(ions were in loioincss when be (li'-il
In 1S!)2. Thoy were ill" two elder K'ns,
CeoVKf J. si i . ! Kdvviti. wtys the Kaunas
City Journal.
George (iotiitl tool; to "'?
De)iie bis fulliefs u:reiities. be
would not Hike it college -nurse, pre
ferring to go into n n illiee. II is
ther, therefore, secured for liim
tiuiior iiuitn. iTlrH In '.It" l:okenig';
firm of Connor .V. Co.. at the lead of
which was Jay Gould's old broker mid
Intimate friend, AVasli.ngtoii Conn-iv.
lit-otetitt- tstreiiie !'ciiti'.!mies. U
rbIiC led to (llsnirreeliielltK. .'Hill I he
partnership was dissolved. The young
man had been iipr ni '
however, and ho IiIh fullier took h'.m
luto his own office mid gave him tin
opportunity U become familUir will)
the details of tin- great business.
George was a Kindlons young m;m
and duck closely to Ims'.m ss. He Visp
ldly innstered the d: tails of d . part
tiients, a nil soon was taking inspi eiin'i
work and other r.-siernsilile iltit.es i.if
bin father's shoulders.
At. the time of his faHier's dm li
George Could was li s hief advlst; f
and was praetlcnlly at the be ad of the
rajlroad end of 1 he liuslm ss. tor which
he lias always shown a preiei. in c
He was able to take full (barge oi
the business In JSirj, and I he various
enterprises have prospered i,.nin !i-eiy
uiuier his inanageineiit. The Missouri
Poeilic and kindred interests have
been bis csneciul care, and until He
recent transfer of Manhattan IMcvated
Interests to August Belmont he was
president of that company.
George Gould Is estimated M oi
worth about $:),0WH0.
All four of the Gould boys are mem
bers of the Stock Kxcbange, (.corgi
linvto" entered it in IS'.Ml. He Is, now
ever, rarely, if ever, seen on the Hour.
fc- I I I -I N
. , . ,.(T,.,.. nf trio (h-fim 1UJ(lIil
apimiiaiiuK cut-tio f
tne By mem, uui -
Hummer witn n v,,VJ r
feelings, the auflerer wan peivjc caiarru
IVruna i nut only Uie bent pnnK
tonic for such carH, but if P';fsUtod in
mi -er, nimnloro onrr Writ for H
copy of "Health and Beauty,' written
especially tor women oy ui.
If von want to read of some cures also,
n,v nf "Fuels nnd Faces."
wruo iui - - - -
That will surely convince you that our
i , An r.n dopivp nromrit and sntis-
factory results from the me of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. lfnrtiiian. giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman. President of
t"i. Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Hard to Hear,
When the hack
aches snJ pairiR so
badly, can't work,
can't rest, can't
sleep, en n't. eat, it's
bard to bear. Thousands oi acinus
backs have been relieved and cured.
ii,.i ,. li.tirniii'' that backache
pains come from disordered kidneys,
lhat Doan's Kidney Pills cure every
i.i. w. nim. ltliiibler Troubles, uri-
",u" " ,. l.i..l.leB I
Harv derangements. uniiij,
Brlghts. disease.- Bead this testimony .
Id the merit of the greatest oi ivo....,,
J. YV. Walls. MiperiineiHn-iii !
Streets of Lebanon, Kentucky, nm
on Kast Main street in that city, says:
With niv nightly rest nrouen. owiup
to irrcL'tilarities of the kidneys, suffer
ing intensely from severe pains in the
Mnall of my lini'R ami inrougn no-
ueys, and annoyed by paainn iass.ie
(;f abnormal sei-ret mns. Hie was any
thing but pleasant for me. .No amount
of (loctoriig red e veil tins condition,
tind for the reason that nothing seem
ed to give tne oven temporary rei,ei,
I became about discouraged. One day
noticed in tie' newspapers llie case
of a man who v.as afi:;c:e.i as l was,
and was cured by the oi iau
Kidney Pilis. His wares ol praise
for this remedy were sn sincere that on
the strength of bis statement 1 went
to the Hugh Murrey Drug Co. s store
and got a box. I found that the medt
iine was exactly as pw( i t'ul a kidney
remedy as ropri s-onied. I experienced
tpiiek and las! dig rciioi. no;m s jhj-
ney Pilis wbl prove a blessing to an
sufferers from kidney disorders who
will give them a fair trial."
A FRKK TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Walls will
be mailed to any part ol tlie pniteu
States on application. Address Fuster
Millmni Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sala
by all druggists. Price oO cents per
On the Lcttvn.
Libby Luncheons
.WMwU the product in key-opcnlng cans. ..
Turnakey and you find themeat eictty
aaitlelt us. Weputtliem uv in this way:
Potted Ham, Beef and Toniue
Ox Tonfue (Whole), Veal Loaf
Deviled Ham, Bri&ket Beef
Sliced Srnoked Beef, Ctc.
All natural flavor foods palatable and
wholesonie. Yourg-roccrbbuuM havetbem
"Eo to M alie CwA Thint'S to Eat" will
be sent Iree to any address for the asking
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Chicago, Illinois
A woman may publicly declare tbat
stie has the best husband in the vvjrld,
but privately she thinks lie wight ba
a trifle better.
Get up and swinsr the glittering
boo an hour before breakfast, and you
will have an appetite like an alliga
tor. No, dear friend; when a dentist ad
vertises "teeth, extracted without
pain. he. doesn't mean you at all. Ha
is thinking of himself,.
VEIIY LIKELV-Wife.looking up
from paper, What .was Ilobson's
choice", anjwayf Jiusutnu, mia.
Ilobson., I suppose.
"The Klean, Kool, Kitchen Kind" is
the trade mark on stoves which enable
you to cook in comfort in a cool kitchen.
Jpjw easy it is to forgive an enemy
etfer lie is dead.
It U placed Into the nomri'n,
prouii orer Uio membrane
ud U borlid. Belkf Ii tin
nKxllat. ItUnotdryUig.doet
sot produce Hireling.
Drugs''! 60 cu- or b
ELT BROS.,64 Warren St., N.T.
I ure to Make $20 Par ween
eason Now at It BEST
l end for Termft.
N.N.U. 769-18. YORK, NEB.
Eovers. like armies, get along well
enough till the engagement begins.
Do Your Feet Aclie and Hum?
Ut.1m inln Tfinr l.tioivfl Allen's Kflot-
fnp tho feet. It noikes
tl't' or New Shoes feel Easy. Cure
Cornn, minions, nwooen, inn mm
lt. ......;.. I.-. ... A. nil llrnet-'mtit nrul
Hhoe Storea, 25c. Sample sent h KhK
Aildrcaa Alien o. umimeu, ia'iw), .i. x.
The huninn'R nrocrress is painfully
interesting to the pilgiitn.
You ran do your dycintr in half an
hour with 1'utnam Fadeless Dyes.
Mr. wnilow'HOOTmSHYRDPf T chi'd
ren teeitituK, o(ti, tlie wnnip, reriueea iintla
rnatlon allayn ptn cur colic. Price i'o bottle
When anvthlns in this world is as
bum as gooseberry pie, it ought to
bo abolished.
An agnostic is a man who believes
in nothing and isn't quite sure of
Ear nle'ntv of asparagus; it cleanses
the blood better than strong medi
Xolhine seems more edifying to
some people than to see bow-legged
man chasing his hat in a windstorm.
Cupid probably confines Tils opera
tions to thft parlor in winter owing
to bis scanty wardrobe. Ex.
A lot. of trouble is stirred up by
people who insist on saying tilings
when they have nothing to s,ay.
Chicago News.
Next to knowing when to grasp an
opportunity the most imporant tnlrg
is to know when to let go of it Chi
cago News.
A New York woman is suing her
husband for divorce on the ground
that he is a fool. He says the mere
fact that he married her prevents
bira from setting up any defense.
gg ran
"X. II
St5-UryW"Sod.rl- 1000.000
The stick insect of liorneo is the
largest insect known. pecimeiiB, xnir-
teen inches in length, have been cap
. a tv, wii,.if iiiMeet exactly re-
tui i;u. -
Bombles a piece of rough stick.
No comet is likely to injure
earth even if It does strike it, for i
fessor Kabenet has lately ealcnhi
that the substance of which c;
are made Is several million times
cv than air.
A complete circle with a rarii:--
five hundred miles can be drawn .: .i
St. Louis as a center; it. will contain
about thirty-five million inhabitants;
the semicircle that can be drawn
around New York with llie same ra-tlius-H
is a little more than a semi
circle really contains about thirty
three million persons.
Jiy a law recently enacted in khs
siu, any university or high-fcliool stu
dent, who create or caused dinu'.ler
shall lie lira fled into Die army for a
period of from one to three years.
This is to curb 1lie rashness and fond
ness for mischief of college students,
who imagine they have the privilege
to annoy all creation.
r.iulielors are heavily taxed in one
of the lit'ovinecs of the Arjtetiti"- !'.
nulilie I'.elweeu the ii'es of 10 aiel
130 he must pay !fo a month: after ;h
n,.r. ,,f 'til I0- when he is botw.-in il
v,, ,
and TiO, $20; between .() and i--.
When a widower has been three yeavs
wifeless, he must remarry or pay the
tax. If he can prove 1hat he has tieen
1 1 i-t ... i-et'ii-ed as a liii.-biind within
one vear, he is nut taxable.
The best stiiliii'- vessel flying Die
American Hag is the steel four-master
Atlas, which arrived at T.altiinore ft
few davs ttiro after a run of 15,300
imiles from Hong Kong in ninety-two
days. The Atlas averaged a miles a
day, and 7 knots an hour. Her best
lav's run was 312 miles, at the rate
of knots an hour. This breaks nil
authentic records, except that of the
bark Amy Turner, which made the
'ran from Hong Kong to the Virginia
coast in elchty-sevcu (lays. The At
las bent out of sight Die British bark
Kelat which cleared for New york
eleven davs ahead of the Atlas. The
English contain boasted the sailm
niinlities of his vessel, but at the tlnif
tho Atlas reached Baltimore had not
lirrlved In New York.
A girl's first cake is often more or
namental than digestible
Cliildrens idea of a father is a man
wh'j never puts gravy on their plates
when they want it Ex.
"If some types of beauty were more
than skin deep they might prove fa
tal to the possessors thereof. Ex
The fact that virtue has its own re
wa d is more or less detrimental. It
should offer great Inducements.
. Kim-lf'-f KCKv-S K 'nl bottle m ?
. ii li H . EMM'. Ltd.. m rr 1'hlUutelitliw l'-
ASK YOUB DtALtB ruw int
. .im rvt TUIU
CMCPiUiPKj UVCI nuic inn
HALr A LtNiUtfi.
TOWER'5 gwrnentj bnd
hats are made cf the best
materials in black or yellow
e ..li bit rtf w.t work.
it i
irVou.n from W-M J?""
A r !f...'. xv f i. , 50ir 3 rilioes.
uy W."B ,. ,,
They are ju.t s ?oou ,. e. , "
, 1,, ,1 .lel V. h. Donglas sl.oea provei
P 'K mVfb tbw) superiority ever all other makes.
.No. '.. r4ilr. 1... ......it i.,. ,1,-uIitr evervwhera.
Pl'tll PftlCATAL0O FRff v. i i)..uKia 4 nut Kdw
wyuuiMS RBnriT,., ..i..lt' TV Line mnitm ur fqii.
" "J" If uj" y l any jirue.
Kntalillstiert 1818.
0 ""v
. i.iti r-i np" ('' " h''7r."t"
"T ' ...tpam
T7 I Doanlas mikes and seu mo
Oooiytr welt ihnnd-jew-d troew. ehoe.
oT,? am' n h.r mannlA' tuw i vhe worW.
Jinr nnn n-,-,. ,n i.e e! 10 hmvomp who
S25 ,000 Re ard - nu
Medicine Never Healed a worn
Na.tnre oerforms tlie healing process and medicine can only as-
Rlut her In doing her work in healing wounds-ann in"'"""
diseases NineAcnths of tne dlseasesof man beast have the ir
origin. n some form of germs and lowed to ruDBjtlpJ
form comp caiioni. iuo - . ,,,.
germs die4es and cures them, un ess ferment auon t,n nnfUmma,
uon f-'"., , mrtlsm ilt, as hew
and cemilC ua Known vj Miit"ic. -- . , a
cholera "wine , Lruc, corn Bt.alk diseas.tt.herco osis lcW wg
r?L .nld'Lal reaves V? Liquid Koalis unaflecte oy th.
irasirlc luices or ine nluiuu.i;ij, jjo,.-.-.o .....P" - - j
5?? .J.. if.,o irciiiMnn. nermcatlnii the. whole system and
.Kins an gmicul perti, hjud wit, water -
tbe proporiioD oi oue to uuc iiuum
known. j.,, i i. ,,, i..Hn le as follows:
Price or Liqnia rs.oai ucnvc " -
ONE GALLON - - 3-00
riVE 6ALLON8. Z.7S PEri
25 GAL.-I-2 BR'-,. $2.25 OAL
50 GAL, ONE B8L., $2,00 GAL
Not Atiendinir lo ItuHlnctin.
The shrewdness of one of the foun
ders of a famous estate in Maine gave
n-ido to mnnr anmslntr stories, one or
Svhleh lins recently been retold.
fine diiv the man. who was a large
lumber onerntor, was superintending a
crew which was breaking up a log jam
Jn the river. Suddenly tne spruce on
which ho was standing slipped. I in
lumberman dropped out of sight In the
twnter. and the loss closed over him.
The nearest Frenchman saw the ac
cident. HoDDlne briskly over the sllp-
norv Iocs, he beloed the "boss" to land.
Nothing was said anoni uie at-cmem,
After nn boor or so the I rciiclinian
ir..r, ti rt uniloim. because the re-
.Mf,,, n
ward wbleh he eonsldered due mm was
nnt fnrtbcomlnir. lie approached the
lumberman, and pulling clumsily at his
run. stammered:
' "I tee yon fall in, ra'slenr, nfd I run
nueek to pull you out 'fore yon drown
Trob'ly," snapped tbe lumberman,
"nroh'lv. If you'd been 'tending to busl-
npmi as Ton'd otiffhter, you wouldn't
hare seen me fall in!" Youth's Com
whan utni neoola want to praise a
baby, they aay. "Why, you wouldn't
tin-r-MRFR m. wna
11k bi wno uoemjoi. try ifc. nnu ' - - -
Ch4V U'U. Norfllt, Nebr
E. Mel li loth, Kmerluk, Nebr,
, f, Boauta, Emerlck, Netr,
Th'inm', P. Wade, KnUla Cr-U,
Wm. Hmvkinn, Muul.of 'Irove, Nebf.
K. 1'. liomnii, Newinn (irovo, HDt.
?ni"Jr',r,r V C Myr, Si. 1,'hnrei. Net,
WrkiupXUpl.hnit1 H.br. j.lWK,.rW.Hr..U..aoie,Mi
If vanr dealer does not keep It write us direct.
ABlbVKikoTthe Diseases of Animals mailed free uponar
lltlSPto the National Medical Cotmauy, York. Nebr., ml
NatiToattle and Sheep Dip Is ibe best and cheapest Dip fot
killing off Tick and Lice and the treatment of Mafiga, I e ixaalMh
and Scab In Sheep. It forms a perfect eruulhl'in wiui water and It
hArmlesa to tbe membranes of tho eye. .. . , ,
If yoaf dealer doea not keep it write us direct l nformUo
tot free.
I ft
know there waa a baby In tbe house!'
i ' M