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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1903)
Sunny Bank Farm By FLOYD LIVINGSTON CHAPTER 1. F.r away anions tij New England - t:HJ:!i4-a 4'irf--e!4 fri!iiii'ii farm 1 iiiisc, around whose hearth stoue not n.any years agone a band of merry, noisy children played myself the merriest, noisiest of them all. It stood upon an :;i!..e;iee overlooking a broad strip of ru!!iijr meadow land, at the extremity of which was the old gray rock, where the Fii!d"!t rod and sassafras grew, where the Kiv-!t ivy crept over the crumbling wall, ami where, under the shadow of the t.. m iipple tree, we ttnilt our play luj lists, drinking our tua from the a com rowers, and (minting our dolls' tnnie v-jth the red juice of the poke berries, which grew there in great abundance. Just opposite our house, and across the preea meadow, was a shady grove, where, in t he spring time, the singing birds made their nests, and where, when the breath of winter was on the Know-clad hills. Liz-tie, Carrie and I. and our taller, itronger brothers dragged our sleds, dash ing swiftly down the steep hill, and away over the ice-covered valley below. Truly, our was a joyous childhood, and ours a happy home; for never elsewhere fell the summer's golden sunlight so softly, and never was mii.sic sweeter than was the murmur of the dancing water brook which ran past our door, and down the Jong green lane, losing itself at last in the dim old woods, which stretched away to the westward, seeming to my cbildieh im agination the boundary line between this world and the next. , In the deep shadow of those woods I liave sat alone for many an hour, watch ing the white, feathery clouds as they glimmered through the dense foliage, aLd musing, I scarcely knew of vhut. 'Strange fancies filled my brain, and i&ftentinies, as I sat there in the hazy ilight of an autumnal afternoon, there tame and talked with me myriads of lit ale people, unseen, it is true, but trtiii real to me. There, on a mossy bank, I ffelt the first longings for fame, though jl did not thus designate it then. I only knew that I wanted a name which should 'live when I was gone a name of which, jmy mother should be proud. It had been ito me a day of peculiar trial. At sch'Ril everything had gone wrong. I preferred tilling my slate with verses, instead of proving on it that four times twenty were eighty, and that eighty, divided by twen ty, equaled four, and my teacher must needs find fault with me, calling me "lazy," and compelling ne to sit between two hateful boys, with warty hands, who amused themselves by telling me how big my eyes and feet were. 1 hardly think 'l should now mind that mode of punish ment, provided I could choose the boys, ,but I did then; and in the worst of hu mors, I started for home, where other annoyances awaited me. Sally, the house maid, scolded me for upsetting a pan of milk on her clean pantry shelf, calling me "the carelessest young one she ever saw," and predicting that "I'd one day come to the gallus if I didn't mend my ways." ( Juliet, my oldest sister, scolded me for wearing, without her consent, her shell side comb, which, in climbing through a i hole in the plastering of the school house, l accidentally broke. Grandmother Scolded me for mounting to the top of her ' ,:,., ,.f ... . . i i .u . , ,, , . , in tbem; and to crown ail, when toward ' . T - . i sunset. I came in from a romp iti tbe .TV TtyZhV1 fl5"n a" "ver j split from the top downward, and my sun bonnet hangiug down my back, my mother reproved me severely, telling me I was "a sight to behold." My heart came up in my throat, and with the an gry response that "I couldn't help my looks I didn't make myself," I started through the door, and running down the long lane to the grape viue, my favorite resort, I threw myself upon the ground and burying my face in the tall grass, wept bitterly, wishing I had never been born, or, being born, that the ban of ugli ness were not upon me. t Mother doesn't lore me, I thought nobody loves me; and then I wished that I could die, for I had heard that the I'Tat dead of a family, no matter how unpre possessing they had been in life, were sure to be the best beloved in the mem ory of the living. To die, then, that I might be loved, was all I asked for, ns I lay there weeping alone, and thinking in my childish grief that never before was a girl, nine summers old, so wretch ed as myself. And then I fell asleep, unconscious that the daylight was fast declining, and that the heavy dew was falling upon my uncovered head. Meantime, at home many inquiries were being made concerning my wh'-re-tibouts, and when, at last, night came on and I was still away, my oldest broth er was sent in quest of me. I wag just dreaming that the trumpet of fame was sounding forth my name, when, ala! 1 awoke to find it waa only brother Chur lie. making the woods resound with "Kosa Lee! Where are you? Why dou't you anawer?" He stumbled over me as I lay. Seizing me by the shoulder, be exclaimed, "Yoo are a pretty bird, ccar Ing " out of a year' growth. Mothsr'll scold you well fat thU." Bat he was mistaken, for mother's manner toward me was greatly changed. The torn apron and the chewed bonnet strings were all forgotten, and in the kindest tone she asked, "If I were not cold, and why ( went to sleep on tbe grass." There were tears in my eyes, but 1 winked hard and forced them back, until Lizxic brought me a piece of ens lard pie my apeclal favorite which, she said, "she had saved for me, because she knew how much I lored it." Thw was tno'ninch, and sitting Iowa fi riirr'w's little chair, I cried aloud, si.y ii in reply to the oft-repeated questions u lo what ailed me, that "I didn't know, nly I was so glad." "Hyatericky a witch." wa Sally's jkarartertatlc comment an sar atranga be tavlar: at the aanta tiaM aft aaggnrtad ftct 1 ha pot to bad. That atgnt I wae tirad aad raatiaas. ibratac naallt npaa ray atUaw, ponh- k tJaaiYa ana .fro mf aaak, baeaoae ka aw from femathtag, aad lying awaka aattl I beard tha las clack In strike Osa hew af aea hi a made me moan in my sleep, and that mother, attracted by the sound, cann to tiy side, - feeiing my pulse, and saying, "What ails you, Rosa?" "There was nothing ailed me," I said; but in the morning when I awoke, the pain was still there, though I would not acknowl edge it, for scarcely anything could tempt me to stay away from school; so nt tbe usual hour I started, but the road was long and wearisome, and twice I sat down to rest. Arrived at school, everything seemed strange, and when Maria, the girl who shared my desk, produced a love letter from Tom Jenkins, which she had found on my side of the desk, and in which he made a formal offer of biiu-lf, freckles and all, I did not even smile. Taking my book, I attempted to study, but the words rati together, the objects in the room chased each other in circles, the teaehed seemed to be a great way off. while between her and me was a gather ing darkness which soon shut out every object from my view. For a few moments all was confusion, and when at last my faculties returned I was lying on the recitation bench, my head resting in the teacher's lap, while my hair find dress were so wet that J fancied I'd been out in a drenching shower. Everybody was so kind and spoke so softly to me that, with a vague impression that something had happen ed, I began to cry. Just then father, who had been sent for, appeared, and taking me in his arms, started for home, while Lizzie followed. -At the door father asked of mother, who met us, "Where shall I put her?" but ere she could reply, I said, "On grandmother's bed." And there, among the soft pillows nnd snowy linen, on which ! had often look ed with almost envious eyes, and which now seemed so much to rest me, 1 was laid. Of the weary weeks which follow ed, I have otdy a confused recollection. I know that the room was darkened as far as possible, and that before the win dow at the foot of the bed, grandma's black shawl was hung, one corner being occasionally pinned back when more light was needed. They sent to Spencer for Dr. Lamb, who, together with Or. Grif fin, held a council over me, and said that I must die. I saw mother when they told her. Hhe turned pale as death, and with a cry of anguish pressed her hand upon her side; but she did not weep. I wondered at it then, and thought he cured less than Lizzie, who sat at the foot of the bed, sobbing so loudly that the fever burned more fiercely in my veins, and the physician said it must not be; she must leave the room, or keep quiet .It was Monday, and a few hours af terward, as Bally was passing the door grandma handed her my dirty, crumpled sun bonnet, bidding her wash it and put it away. Sally's voice trembled as she replied, "No, no: leave it as it is: for when she's gone, nothing will look so much like her as that jammed bonnet with its chewed-up strings." A gush of tears was grandma's only answer; and after I got well. I found the bonnet carefully rolled up in a sheet of clean white paper and laid away in Sally's drawer. There were days and ,h i. , tl V,,,.. V T ' , 1 Ulen Wllu the vague feeling of one awak- ingiits or entire unconsciousness, citing irom a long, disturbed s een I -.i ., , ,rV '; 1 awoke again to Lie and reason. Hie wiDduw, of ww ,. 'e "thout, I heard the patter of fheVep temher rnirr. and tbe sound of the - tumnal wind as it swept past the house. Gathered at my side were my father, mother, brothers, sisters, grandmother; and all, as my eyes rested upon their faces, I thought, were paler and more careworn than when I last looked upon them. Something, too, in their dress dis turbed me; but, before I could speak, a voice which I knew to be I)r. Griifln's, said, "She is better: she will live." The fourth day after the crisis I was alone with Lizzie, whom, for a long time, I importuned to give me a mirror that I could see myself once more, yielding at length to my entreaties, she handed me a small looking glass a wedding jrift to my grandmother and with the con soling remark that "I wouldn't always If ok so," awaited the result. I am older than I was then, but even now I ?aunot repress a smile as I bring before my wind the shorn bead, the wasted face with high cheek bones, and the big blue eyes, in which there was a look of "crazy .Hal." which met my view. W ith the an gry exclamation, "They'll hate me worse than ever, I'm so ugly," I dashed the mirror upon the floor, breaking it iu a thousand pieces. Lizzie knew what I meant, and twining her arms about m neck, she said, "ln't talk so, Kosa; we love you dearly, and it almost killed us when we thought you couldn't live. Von know big meu never cry, and pa the least of all. Why, he didn't shed a tei- when lit "' Here she stopped suddenly, os if on a forbidden subject; but soon resuming tbe conversation, she continued: "But the day iJr. Lamb was here and told ns you would die, be was out under the cherry tree by our play house, and when Carrie asked him if you'd never play there any more, he didn't answer, bat turned bis face toward tbe barn and cried so hard and so loud that grandma came out and pitied him, smoothing hia hair Just like be was a little boy. Brother. Charlie, too, lay right down on the grass, and said he'd give everything he'd got if he'd never called you "bung-eyed," nor made fun of you, for he loved you best of all. Then there wni poor Jamie kept calling for 'Yosa.' Here Lizzie broke down entirely, say ing, "1 can't tell you any more; don't ask me." , Huddenly it occurred to me that I bad neither seen nor beard littlo Jnmb. the youngest of as all, the pet and darling of our household. Rapidly my thought traversed the paat. "Jamie wss dead!" I did not need that Lizzie should tell me so. I knew rt was true; and when tbe first great shock was over, 1 noesiloTicd bar of hia death, how and when It oc curred. It seams that I was at first taken with scarlet few, which soon assumed another form, bat not until it had com m an lea ted Itself to Jamie, who, after a few days' aetiog, had died. 1 had ever been hia favorite, aad to the last lie had tailed f er ase te aaaae; tay grandmother, ' with the superstition natural to her rge, construing It into an omen that I was soon to follow him. j I'esolute and dreary seemed the house; 1 and when I was able to go from room to room, oh! how my heart ached I ' missed the prattle of our baby boy. Away to the garret, w here no one could see it, they had carried his empty cradle; but 1 sought it out; and as I thought of the soft, brown curls I had so often seen resting there, and would never see again, I sat down by its side and wept most bi;ter!y. The withered, yellow leave of autumn wre falling upon hia grave ere I was able to visit it, aad at its head stood a simple stone, on which was in scribed, . "Our Jaiiiie." As -1 . leaned against the cold marble, and in fancy saw by its side what had well-nigh been another mound, and another stone, bearing upon it the name of "Rosa," I involuntarily shuddered; while from my heart there went up a silent thanksgiv ing that God, in flis wise providence, i had ordered it otherwise. ! From that sickness I date a more j healthful state of mind and feeling, and though I still shrunk from any allusion to my personal appearance. I never again doubted the love of those who had mani fested so much solicitude fT me when iil, and who watched over me so tender ly during the period of my convalescence, which was long and wearisome, for the snows of an early winter lay upon the frozen ground ere 1 was well enough to take my ai-customed place in the Id brown school bouse at the foot of the long hill. C'HAI'TKK II. Thanksgiving! How many reminis cences of the olden time does that word call lip, when sons and daughters, Ihey who had wandered far and wide, wli.ise locks, once brown ami shining with the sunlight of youth, now give tokens that tbe autumnal frosts of lite are falling slowly upon them, return once more to the old hearth stone, and, for a brief space, grow young again amid tbe fes tive scenes of Thanksgiving day. I shall not speak of our feelings as we missed our baby brother, for (hey who have lost from their fireside an active, playful child, understand far better than I can describe, the loneliness.' the 'long ing for something gone, which becon almost a part of their being, although at times they may seem to forget. Chil dren's grief j.-i seldom as lasting as that of mature years; and hence it is not strange if I sometimes forget my aorr-jw in the joyous anticipation of Thanksgiv ing day. which was then to me but an other name for plum puddings, chicken pies, meeting dresses, morocco shoes, city cousins, a tire in the parlor, and last though not least, the privilege of sitting at the first table, and using grandma's six tiny silver spoons, with the initials of her maiden name marked upon them. On such occasions my thoughts inva riably took a leap backward, and looking at grandma s wrinkled face and wh'te, shining hair. 1 would wonder if she ever were young like me; and if, being young, she swung on gates or climbed trees, i nd walked the great beams, as 1 did. Thn, with another bound, my thoughts would penetrate the future when I, a dig'iified grandmother, should recline m my arm chair, stately and stiff, tn my heavy satin and silver gray, while my oklest eon, a man just my father's size, should render me all the homage and respect due to one of my age. I!y myself, too, I had several times tried on grandma's clothes, specta cles, cap and all; and then, seated iu her chair, with the big Bible in my lap, I had expounded Scripture to the imag inary children around me, frequently irp rimanding Itosa for her inattention, ask ing her what "she thought would become of her if she didn't stop wriggling so in her chair, and learn 'the chief end of man.' " The Thanksgiving succeeding Jamie's death and my own recovery from sick ness great preparations were made, it being confidently expected that my fath er's brother, who lived in Boston, would be with us. together with his wife, a lady whose reputation for sociability and suav ity of manners was, with us, rather be low par. She was my uncle's second wife, and rumor said that neither himself nor bis home was as coniforta blt as they ouce bad been. From the same reliable source, too, we learned that she breakfasted in her own room at ten, dined at three, made or received calls un til six, went to parties, soirees, or tbe theater in the evening, and aeldoni got to bed until two o'clock in the morning; a mode of living which was pronounced little better than heathenish by grandma. Mother, who was more discreet, very wiaely advised her not to Interfere with the arranfiements of ber daughter-in- law. "It would do no good," she said, "and might possibly make matters worse." I'nlike most old people, grand ma was not very much set in her own wsy, and to mother's suggestion she re plied that, "Mebhy she shouldn't say any thing; 'twould depend on bow many airs Charlotte put on." To me the expected visit was a sore trial; for, notwithstanding my chi-eks and neck were rounder and fuller than they had ever been, my head, with its young crop of short, stiff hair, was a er rible annoyance, and more than once I tad cried ss I saw in Lmcy the derisive smile with which my dreaded aunt Char lotte was sure to greet me. At Isst sister Anna, who possessed a great deal of taste in such matters, and wlo onght to have been a milliner, contrived for tbe "picked chicken," as she called me, a black laee cap, which fitted me so well, and was so vastly becoming, that I lost all my fears, and, child-like, began to count the days which must elapse beforp I could wear It. Meantime, in the kitchen there was n loud rattling of dishes, a beating of eggs, and calling for wood, with which to heat the great brick oven, grandma having pronounced tbe stove unfit for baking a Thanksgiving dinner. From the cornfield behind the barn a golden pumpkin, four times larger than my head and about the same color, was gathered, and aft-r be ing brought to thi! bouse, was pared, cut f)(M-n, scraped and sliced Into o lit tle tin kettle with a copper bottom, where for hours it stewed and sputtered, filling the atmosphere with a fiiint, sickly odor, which I think was the main cause of (he severe headache I took to bed with me. Mother, on the contrary, differed from me, she associated It In some way with tbe rapid disappearance of the raisins, cinnamon, sugar and so forth, which. In sundry brown papers, lay open upon the table. The nest morning. Just ss the 4rt grsr streaks of daylight were appearing in tbe east, I swoke, fimling, to my rrent joy, tbst my headache was gone. Rising upon my elbow and leaning far out of hed. 1 Auabed o:d j tbe strined wrLua i which shaded the w indow, and lookln j out upon tbe ground below, saw, to n J j utter dismay, that it was covered ivitlf snow. To me there is nothing pleasant h ( a snow storm, a snow bank or a snow I cloud; and when a child, I used to think j that with the fall of the first flake thcra came over my spirits a chill, which wa ; not removed nntil the spring time, when, with its cause, it melted away; and even now, when, with my rubber loot, I darn brave any drift not more than five feet four inches high, I cannot say that 1 hare any particular love for snow; and as from toy window I watch the descent of the feathery flakes, I always feel i.n irresistible desire to make at them wry facea4ny favorite srthoi of showing my dislike. On the morning of which 1 have spoken, I vented my displeasure In tne usual way, and then I fell iu a deep sleep, from which I was nx h.l awakened by tbe loud shouts e my brothers, who. In the meadow across the road, were pelting each other with Halls, occasionally rolling over in the pure, white snow, which they bailed as an old and well-loved friend. (To be continued.) LIGHT AND OUR EYES. Failing; Eyesight Not a Resalt of Cl ilization In our issues of March 8 nml April 5, 1!K)2, tip noticed the ne wsiiiiticrish delusion that Tilling eyesight is a re sult of civilization, and that the proof of thin Is the increased use of spectac les, says American Medicine. W said that the nafTt'oii-colun'il medical journals would soon be ectioiug this nonsense. I'll Is ling come true, :iml we In our contemporaries that "failing eyesight Is the deplorable and unit voidable concomitant feature f advanced civilization," that the habit of wearing glasses Is the proof of thi.s, a habit growinpr not only in Germany, but all over the world, and that gai and electric light have much, to do with this eyesight failure, possibly, also, dust and fog, and traveling under ground. The cure advocated Is that "an Individual should avoid poring over small print by artificial light, ex cept when absolutely necessary." Poor ncwKpapcnJom. To write with out thinking, without any knowledge of the facts and without Keeking any knowledge, Is so easy that, In tho stilted language quoted, It seems "a deplorable but unavoidable concomi tant feature of advanced civilization." A little time aso this same writer ex plained that ths illhealth of Carlylo was due to "the Insanitary, and seden tary existence he led." He did not care to learn that Carlyle's "exist ence" was not Insanitary and abso lutely not sedentary, because he ex ereised in the opt n air the greater part of the walking portion of every day. In the same way our contemporary advises the use of the rushlights and tallow dips of our ancestors Instead of our superior gas and electric lights. Spectacles, we may add, are not a proof of failing eyesight, as there Is no scientific proof whatsoever that the eyesight of civilized people is failing, and there Is every reason to believe that It Is Improving. If there were proof of falling eyesight the cure for It is not to "avoid the poring," but to get proper spectacles for the "poror." Expedition Work. "Now cast your eye upon this tahl. cloth," continued the experienced trav eler. "The cloth was large enough for twenty-four covers. It had a hem of drawn work a third of a yard wide, and the rest of the surface, exccptii; the Rpaces left for candelabra, was covered with embroidery, which stood up half an inch or more. There were twenty-four napkins, a yard square, with hems of solid embroidery. That cloth was ordered by somebody and never taken," said she. "The original price was two hundred and fifty dollars, and I got It for seventy-five. The nap kins I ordered, and had to pay twenty, five dollars apiece for them. The set Is worth two thousand In this country. Japanese merchants are enterprising, and are not ashamed to seek patronage. When you laud at Yokohama you will find the corridors of the hotel lined with Chinamen, runners from the dressmaking houses. They give you their cards, come to your rooms to g'-t your orders and give you fittings, and the next day they will send the dress home, Jack ordered a broadcloth suit, with a frock coat, and It fitted him bet ter than any he ever had In his life. It cost him fifteen dollars and It wag ng good as any suit Tie ever paid eighty dollars for on Fifth avenue." Peanut Therapeutic. The peanut cure for consumption Is widely known and believed In. Now a Roxborotigh man cornea forward with a peanut cure for Insomnia. lie says of it: "I bad been a poor sleeper for five years. Finally, at the suggestion of a vegetarian, I tried the peanut. On my first attack of Insomnia I ate fifty, masticating them very thorough ly. While taking this large dose, I felt a gradual drowsiness stealing over me, They bave never failed of their effect" Philadelphia Record. - Clever Blreet Nlgns. Home of the artistic street signs now on exhibition In Tarls are clever. One of them Is by Gerome, who exhibits a sign for an optician's shop. It repre sents a Yorkshire terrier standing on Its hind legs and wearing eyeglasses. It bears the label, "O pli clen," which Is a good French pun for "Oh, liltlo dog." Population of Malta. Malta la tbe moat thickly populated Island In the world. It has 1,310 and I'.nrbadoes 1 ,0T4 peop'e to the square tulle. Hcsndal Never Dies. We recently beard a woman recalling a story that waa forty-eight years old. (The old onea will wonder If this la "on" them.) It Is usually aafe to avoid ummnU mm tmmm. tale nslvfaw a C; ; : ' ' ' ' Hint to Clrls. Bedspreads of net are especially dainty and airy for summer bedrooms. Upholsterers show a heavy variety of the net for this purpose wlhch Is rath er o&rse-ciesheuV -The spread should be large enough to fall over the bed on three sides and just clear the floor when finished; It should have an edge of heavy Russian lace 4 or 5 Inches wide . If liked, a ruffle or valance of the net may be put around the bed, the laee-edged spread to fall over It. These spreads Hre often used over an under piece of colored sateen, green, rose or yellow. To supplement the services of a small writing desk a deep shirred bag of heavy silk or of velveteen may be fitted and attached below the table of the desk. This Is useful to hold let ters, etc. A delicious tea enke that may easily give your "5 o'cloeks" a deserved rep utation Is thus mude: Ii'-stTve the white of one of six eggs, beating the yolks to a stiff froth: add five ounces of sugar and the same quantity of al monds that have been blanched and pounded fine Iu a mortar, with three ounces of flour, the grated rind of half a lemon," one ounce of orange pool cut very fine, a dust of ground cloves, and half a teaspoonful of cinnamon. Flmil- MRS. H. A. Mrs. Phillips was recently elected ly the single beaten white la quickly stirred In and the cake linked in small round pans. Harper's I'.uzar. Keatity, "1 art an 1 tiroce. Mrs. Laurence Towns'-nd. wife of the UuJted Stairs minister to Belgium, is one of the most popular-American women In Europe. Recently while on a visit to England she was a guest of the King and Queen, whose ad miration and high esteem she posses sen, and later hi Ijouduu she scor ed success as a musician. She Is mils. l. Towsst nd a composer of no mean ability and play the piano well. Mrs. Townscml Is a native of Phila delphia. She possesses beauty, tact and grace and la popular In the diplo matic set at the Hclglan capital. Hue takes a deep Interest In struggling American musicians abroad and has often helped them In tbe line of their studies and In oilier ways. Her home In Brussels Is famous for Its hospital ity, tbe brilliancy and wit of the host ess attracting to It noted personages. Among her particular friends In high places are the Prince and Princess of Pless. We,l I nit Ktiqnette. If you cannot be present at the wed ding reception of your friend you should send your cards to the bride and bridegroom and also to the bride's parents, or to whoever Invited you to the wedding reception. If you atteud the reception you should leave your cards at the house. Hhould tbe bride groom be an Intimate friend it would be both kindly and courteous to send A present to the brldo not rieeesarilj an expensive glft-with a note of eon gratulatlon and good wishes. It Is not necessary for the bride to provide carriages for the guests at the wedding unless the guests come from a long distance, and carriages must meet train. Itrldal veils should alwsys tie worn unless a bride wears a travel ing costume. Tulle veils.absolutely plain or finished with lace, are the most be coming of all. The veil should lie long enough to reach wltbln a short dls ta nee of the hem of the skirt. It Is al ways a little difflcult to arrange for a bridal procession when there la a maid of honor and only one Iwldeeaat4. at In older to mark tha distinct ha tween the two the bridesmaid should enter the room first, followed by tha maid of honor and then the bride with her father, or whoever is to give her away. As in a church wedding, the ushers Jiead the .bridaLproftresashia,. Health and Braulj Hint. A hot strained Infusion of cam omile flowers Is useful as a lotion when the eyelids are inflamed. Cold cream rubbed around the nails will counteract the tendency to crack and will keep tbe skin around the nails soft and fresh-looking. To cure conn take white-pine tur pentine, spread a plaster, apply to the corn and allow It to stay on until the corn cornea off Itself. Repeat this several limes. For chapped Hps wring a soft linen cloth out of hot water la which a little borax has been dissolved and press to the mouth, repealing the operation several times daily. A good remedy for sleeplessness Is to wet a towel and apply It to tbe back of the neck, pressing- It up to ward the base of the brain, .and fasten ing over this a dry cloih to prevent too rapid evaporation. The effect will be found prompt and pleasant, cool ing the brain and Inducing a sweet PHILLIPS. president of the Chicago Culture Club. and peaceful slumber. Warm water Is better than cold for the purpose. This remedy will prove useful to people suffering from overwork, excitement or anxiety. Children in schools should be care fully watched In order to guard against troubles with the eyes, as shortsight edness Is becoming yearly a more com mon defect. They should not bo al. lowed to hold tbe books nearer tha eyes than fourteen Inches, and must not stoop over their work. Tbe "no soap-on-the-face" fad would win more adherents If so many of Its advocates did not carry on their faces more or less blackheads tbe very thing that cohl vater and "no soap" are supposed to banish. There are without doubt some skins so tender that a smart scrub with a brush, warm water and soap roughens and breaks them. There are also many young women living In the country who have charming complex ons notwithstanding that cold water and hard water at that Is their only cosmetic. It la plain, however, that for most women who live In a Iarga town, where dust and grime are rampant, soap In some form is a necessity If they would keep t .elr faces clean. Plentiful bathing with cold water after the face bath with complexion brush and soap Is a necessity, but taken by Itself It gen erally works mischief. Katr Way to Clean Ifonse. A systematic way of cleaning avoids confusion and at the same time makes the work much lighter. For Instance, one or two days can be devoted to the cleaning of beds; another day to the cleaning of windows and taking down the soiled draperies which ran be washed and Ironed on the following day. After this Is done, a day should be set apart for the brushing down of walls and freeing pictures and mir rors from dust and dirt. This work can be followed by what Is necessary In tbe way of whitewashing, papering and painting. Then coim the floors. If you are fortunate enough to have I hem polished or painted, a day can be utilized In having them claaaed and freshened. Where carpets ar used It Is aa cU ant Idea to hare them taken op aad porlfled from tha wla tefa dirt. The expeaaa la as Unas and It give the aatUtaatiaa tfceu eaVs bouee la mora sweet aad haakhfat Aa eUetrle amrfat haahsr to to afte 4 r.