Harrison Press -j ournal 0 VOL. XV, HCRIRISOZN", NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1903. IS1 O. 44: y I LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Dr. W.I. Seymour coming. J. H, Cook u from Agate Tuesday. Jo Sturdivant this weak. 1 was up from Hewitt J. H. Bartell returned last Friday. from Omaha A fence gang is here building fence for the R. R. Co. L. L Wilson was down from Pleasant Ridge Monday. Chas. Umphenour was up from theOT ranch this week. John H. Harris and wife were up from Marsland this week. Frank O'Conner started to work for T. O. Williams this week. Jack Raffen was down from Patrick, Wyo. the first of the week. Dr. Seymour will be in Crawford Neb. May 20th at Gate City Hotel. A brand-new piano was presented to the Harrison House this week. Joe Reed and Emmet Burke left for Belle Fourche, 8. D. Monday. Rev. Horton went to Lusk Tuesday morning, returning in the evening. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. II. Davis; Supt. J. A. Rice and family have been visit ing with T. O. Williams' folks this week. John Anderson shipped a car load of thorough bred bulls west lust Saturday Joe Htasney is down from Hamiehire, Wyo. this week visiting willi his family Mr. T. W,bb, foreman of C. F . Coffee's ranch at Raw Hide, was in town this week. Abe Umphenour was up from Chas. Smith's ranch at Hewitt the lattpf fast week. -; .17 .!;" George Davis nnd family, from Pleas ant Ridge, were visitiog'io town this wek. Neligd Pat. flour warranted, none betterat frJ.OO per 100II.S. Call at Ger liwii's store. Mrs. Hagerman, Mr. Christensen, Mr. Hunter, and Ed Marshal were up from Andrews Monday. John Hanson and family have been visiting witli Charles Hanson and family in town this week. Miss Nellie Lindsey quit the Harrison eel tool last week, and returned to her home south of town. From the number of bums that have passed through town during the past week, it juust be bum time. There will be Quarterly Meeting at ' Pleasant Ridge next Sunday morning, and at Harrison in the evening. TO UVBK A COM) IN OSK HAY. Tske IjuhIIvw Itro o ynliiliic ThIIM. All druRKlaU refimrt lite money If It fall to urn. K. W. Urove's signature is ou each bos. u. Rev. E. H. Say re has sent word Uiat he can't be at Bodarc and Union Star next Sunday as stated in last weeks issue. Chas. Webster and wife, who have been up in South Dakota for the past (wo or dime months, returned to Harri son Monday. We have a few $12 50 gents Ulster over-coats that we are cosing out for 910.00. Now is your chance, 59-if Lewis Gerlach. And still it mows. It started lo snow here Monday evening and Is still at it. It ems vory hard for spring to open up; thought forawh.le that winter had Med, but have changed our iniads. but hop this is our last, storm. Devnjer at CeMs m.m4 Grip. Tim greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia. If fg liable cure is used, however, and Chamberlain' Cough Remedy taken, all ( danger wilt be avoided. Among the tens of thousands wlu h ire ud this remedy ,' for these diseases we have yet to learn mt m tiugle ciiae having resulted In pneu ' Mow!, which snows conclusively that ft lag certain preventive of thai dangerous , wresHpt, It will mre a cold or an attack of the grip in les time thin go) olner ' MtlAMfit. It is pleasant aofl safe to CJ for U tf all rMw. i :HERE AND THERE X We learn there was a dance at the Harrison House Monday evening, prob ably in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Webster who returned from S. Dak. that day, and the new piano. ILirnson Nebr. ' April 7 1908. Wanted Employment for a woman and hoy on a Ranch, or for man. woman and boy after the middle of May. For particulars call at the Press-Journal of flee. Oscar Hanson and Cecil Johnson went to Crawford last Saturday to take glimpse at president Roosevelt. They reiurrea wun smiles on their races, so thev must have bten well pleased with his looks. LOW RATES The North Western will miike low rates to the following points on dates named. For.further information apply to the Agent. St. Lo-lis, Mo., April 29 to May 2. New Orleans La., May 5 to 8. Chas. Smith received a telegram last week from Solomonsville, Arizona, stat ing that his mother was very ill and was not expected U live, and he left for Arizona Thursday evening. We hope he will see liia mother alive and that she may recover. We are in receipt of some recent photo graphs of Dr. Seymour and family, which were made especially for his patients, also a booklet containing very strong commendation. tie re quests that his patients write at once, if they have not received either, and he will be pleas ed to forward same. Egworth League. At the M. E. church every Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock. Everybody invited. Subject for May : ' SIGNALS TO GO AHEAD. Subject for May 3. Confidence in God. I Cr. iii. 21 23; I Tim. vi. 17; II Tim. i. 12. ScstK Tufper; Leader. Grip Hemedlee In Great Demand When colds nnd grip are prevalent the quickest and surest remedies are in great demand." Mr. Joseph"D." Williams of Mcl Hiff, Va., mys that he was cured of a very deep and lasting attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy after trying several other preparations with no effect. For sale by all Druggistn Inverting the Terms. Johnnie, tsdng asked bv ttio ttacher to write Uie llgure nine on the blackboard, replied that he did not know how. "Do you know how to make the figure six?"' she asked. "Yes," he replied. "Well," she said, "write the figure six upside dowu and you will have the figure nine." The next day his grandpa asked him. "How old are you?" "Six, but if yeu turn me upside down I will he cine." The Little Chronicle. Revenge la Sweet. James. 4 years old, has been naughty to the point ef evoking a whiping from his loog-suffering mother, nnd all d;iy long a desire for revenge rankled in his little bosom. At length bedtime came, and keeeling before her, he implored a blessing for each member of the family individually, she alone being conspicuous by tier ab sence. Ihen, rising from his devout posture, the little suppliant fixed a keen ly triumphant look upon her face, saying, as he turned to climb into bed: 'I s'tKise you noticed you wasn't in it" Harper's Magatine. Tlie entertainment given at Andrews last Friday evening was a decided success. The weather whs very nice and there was a Urge crowd in attendance. The most of the young people of Harrison were there, and so Harrison was well represented. The exercises were well reislered by the scholars, and no doubt they hail to do c msidernble practiceing. It was a piessure to hear them, after the school exercises, a num ber of selections were spoken by the older ones. After the exercises soma of the specta tors returnwl to their homos, hut some of them spent the night in the city of Andrews and returned home the next day, aad some did not return for four or five day. dont know whether they got lost, and wandered around on tin streets or fell in love with her haauLiful scenery; probably they spent their time in boat riding on White river, which flow through the city, well we don't begru.lge their pleasure for we are glad we got them and out again without calling for a guide, but we are longing for the time to come when we can have the pleasure of listening lo the scholars of Andrew, as they render another programme as woU. For Sale. 160 acres of land j mile from Harrison with good house, well, and other im provements. For further information c '! at tins uftii e. - Owing to the enclemency of the weath er there was not a very large crowd at the pie social Monday evening, but all these who atUnded had all the pie they could eat, and a jolly good time. Early in the evening it began to rain, but about the time the social wag to be held it had censed, but did not look very favorable, and the Leaguers were quite a while decideing whether to hold it or not. but finally decided to have it and set the pie solicitors te gathering the pies, and it wasn't very long until they were being devoured. While the pies were passing away the rain started to pour down again, and the crowd tarried for quite a while expecting to see it stop, but they finally had to walk home through the rain, and when morning cawie behold the rain had turned to snow. Carey Items. Alva Saxton attended Presbytery Bridgeport on the 17th Inst. at Since my last items John Meckems have been made happy by the arrival of a little daughter. O. C. Tilly's baby wasduite sick last week, but is better now. There were thirty cine out at S. S. last Sunday. H. O. Bee be, agent for the Nebraska State Inxurance Association, was doing business with the people in this vicinity last week Anton Meckem marketed several dress ed hogs last week, and received 9 cts. per pound for them. Sorry "Zekiel" has decided to become a city dude. We hay seeds will miss his items very much. Mrs. Rice should come to Sioux Co. if she wants to enjoy warm weather. Sunday the thermometer registered HO in the shade with a light shower in the evening to cool off things; and again to day (the 27th) stock was glad to seek the shelter of shady places, and this eve ning quite a heavy rain came up with prospects of lastiug all night. . .. Timothy. : B:eeze from Gln, May Wetier was home last Saturday and Sunday. We had a good Sunday School last Lord's day. Mr. Lars Peterson has gone to Hot Springs lor liis rheumatism. Mr. Nyholms went to Crawford Mon day, nnd camu home in the rain. Dcjn't forget the "Box Social" at the Uleo chuivh, Friday evening. May 1. Mr. Parker caught a coyote in a trap last Sunday. We are glad lo get rid of a few of them. We are having lots of snow here which makes us think that winter lias Dot left this part of the country yet. We expect to go to Harrison Friday morning, as the Supt. has set that day for the 8th. grade examinations. We are sorry to learn that tliere will be no preaching here Monday evening May 4th, as slated in last week's paper. We took in the entertainment last Fri day evening, at Andrews It was just fine, and we enjoyed our trip very much. Miss Lilian E. Harris came to (lien last Saturday afternoon, anJ visited here until Monday when she left for Andrews. We expect that she is at her home in Lincoln by this time. "Buo" Bodarc Gleanings. Jimmy Wilson is on the sick list suffer ing from a revere attack of rlieuiiiatism. Nearly every one in the valley is busy tearing up the soil und hastening to get their crops in. Eli Zimmerman and his sister, Mrs. Dout, with her children, spent Sunday with their parents. Mrs. Millard fhajer has been quite sick for the past week, but we learn site is now much better. Rev. B. II. Havre has notified Mr. Ant rim that he can't hold services at Bodarc next Sunday as was announced last week. All the suffers from La Grippe sem lo have recovered, which will account for nn unusual good attendance at Sunday School. Jimmy Wilson has been mnking war on the israiriu dogs all spring, nnd now Arthur Miller has core to his nsl with a new 22 rifle. We presume the race of prairie dogs will soon be exterminated by the two sportsmen. Poem. To Zekiel. We read in the Press- Journul this evening Ynu medltaUi moving to town, And may with it's sunshine and blossoms Wi II Hod you there settled down. There are many who've moved to the city Who sigh for the freedom they've lost, Who long for the broad stretch of prairie agaio And wish, they Lad counted the cost. Your regrets seem all for the bird's songs And the flowers that bloom by tlie way Have you none for the neighbors you're leaving Who have brightened the years of your stay? You think they are glad and won't miss you A mistaken idea we feel, Let me call to your memory this maxim It's a poor spoke not missed from the wheel The city may have it's attractions To one who for pleasure would seek. Where Leagues, Lodges, and Banquets Fill up every night in the week. Where each man's a Knight or Woodman A Mason or some other dodge, Where money, that mighty ruling power Will admit you into each Lodge. We wonder what spirit has moved you Away from Wyoming to stray. With it'g ermines, gold mines, and rye fields And come to Sioux county to stay. We shall miss all those wonderous story s That so freely have flowed from your pen, And will And ourselves searching the columns Vainly Japing to read them again. The larks and the sweet pea tassels Are beautiful in their place,. But are trifles when, weighed in the balance ' With the light of a neighborly face. So keep a green spot in your memory For the people that around you do dwell, Some time you may wish to move back there For the future no mortal can tell. M. A. C. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ' w hen I had an attack ol I lie grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy," says Frank W. ferry, Editor of tlie Enterprise, at Shortsvillf), N. Y. "This is the hooest truth. I at times kept from coughing myself to pieces by takiag a teaspeonfu of this remedy, und when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval tlie cough would pass off ami I would go to sleep (perfectly free from couth and its accompaning pnins. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise is putting is very mildly, l Had no icea that It would or could knock out the grip, simply because had never tried it for Such a purpose but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only be of less duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I had not u-d the contents of one bott le before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu." For sale bv all De'iggista Andrews Happenings, Thomas Jones was on the sick list Sunday, Mr. George Baldwin returned to And rews Friday. Pearla Jones was visiting with Eva Proctor Monday. Mr. J. R. Hunter returned Thursday from South Dakota. We hear Buds and Blossoms will be in a bouquet next week. Mrs. Downy and Eddie Neece left for Crawford Saturduy evening. Miss Lilian E. Harris left for Glen Saturday on the afternoon freight Mrs A. L. Hagerman and the Misses Converse went to Harrison Monday. Tom Jones and family took supper at Mrs. Bnsxetts' lust Thursday evening, Mrs. W. L. Baldwin, who has been visiting with Joe Vurley, returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hughes were visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. DeSomber Sunday. Mr. Robt. Neece, Mr. Charlie Lewis, ft rid Mr. rred Ketcheu were oil the liver Sunday. Miss Lilian E. Hsrris returned to And rews Monday and packed her things lo go to Lincoln. Mr. Christensen' family, Ed Marshnll, El Schwartz and Grandma took supper with Mrs. Basset Saturday evening, Ed Schwartz is flie draymn of And rews; Anyone wishing to have any dray- ing done call on Schwartz street, near the wonderful White river. Mrs. J. D. Proctor and daughter, Miss Eva, were Harrison visitors Thursday. Eva had Dr. Schwartz test lier eyes, and he said the had to wear glasses. She bought a pair nnd had to wear them lo ll te entertainment. The programme given here April 24th. was a success, The house was crowded and hardly enough room to acrommedate. all present. The children rendered their parts beautifully, and all present were delighted, and thanked the teacher and pupils manv times for the trat. We hope Andrews will keep up the reputat ion for good programmes always. The school work is over, summer is near; Oh, let us remember the lessons so dear. Enjoy tins vacation all you can and get refreshed so you can enter into your school next year with renewed strength and vigor. May God protect and guide tliese pupils: Clara Christen sen, Pearla Jones, Eva Proctor, Thomas Jones, Mabel Christensen, Pearl Shepherd Ralph Shepherd, Ray Hagerman, Hoy Hagerman and Birdie Jones. I Mrs. S. C. D. Basset visited our school last Wednesday and reported the discip line good and instruction the best. Wi felt complimented for writing in the register "iirsl class school." This was her fifth visit to our school. She gave us a very interesting and profitable talk. Mrs. Basset said in part, site had seen an item in a paper, of a colloquy between distiller and a saloon keeper as follows They were walking through a cemetery uud reading the inscriptions on the grave stones, they recognized there Drinking Dan. here Tippling Tim, and Whistling Whiskey Will and other drunkards. The saloon keeper was agitated and exclaim ed that if the customers died so rapidly their business would soon be ruined. The distiller pointed to the school yard near by where rosy cheeked frolicking boy und girls were playing and said. "As long as we can get the boys to patronize us we will keep up our business." They must have the boys at any cost, No matter about praying, broken heart ed mother's and father's counsel. No wonder they hold out the allurements o music and dancing, and oppose temper a ice teaching in the schools. She emphasized the importance of temperance instruction in the schools. At the close Mrs. Basset made the point that if all tlie boys and girls of our land would sign tlie pledge und keep it, the saloons would die for want of patronage when the present generation of drunkards were gone. War Bonnet Topics. Snow again I am afraid it will play havoc with some of th fruit prospects. Mrs. Johnson was on the sick list, but is better at present. Robert Keel is a spry man but when the grip gets a grip on him he has to go down, and it had him Sunday so he was unable t'o attend church, but he is better at present. Will and Joe Grimm, and Beu Finely visited with Ed and Ben Scott Sunday. Miss. Maggie, John and Joe Schaefer Visited at the S E Sunday. Mr. John Marking has left tlie S- E to resume his woik on Running wator. Miss Dor man visited at Mr. Plunketls one day last week. Mrs. Jack Finley visited ut Scotts last Wednesday. Arthur Dunn run his horse a J mile lo have the pleasure of opening a gate for Emma Norish, Arthur is pretty young to think of mntnmonv, hut then I would advirte Mrs. Norish to look out or she wi loose all of her girls. Mrs. John Fitzgerald nnd son Willie and Mrs. Martin Carroll of Harrison visited at F. S. Scotts last Thursday. Robert Keel has a Mr. Thompson work ing for him at present. Ben Finley spent a few days on the devide last wee!: with his relation. John Anderson had 32hed of very fine white face bulls drove from theS E last Friday he had sold them for $50 per head and shipped them west. Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Conner and Mrs. Pontius visited witli Mrs. Bell Dunn and brother Jack Sunday. Miss Nellie Scott came home Friday accompanied by Miss Mabel Hunter and stayed till Sunday. Jack Finley has commenced to move his saw mill; he lias the saws as far as the Duun ranch, I don't know whether he intends setting the mill there or not. Mary Scott visited with Saddle Grimm last Wednesday. Mi. and Mrs. Joe Dunn took 'heir departure with their drove of cuttle (which thny have been feeding on Andrew Knoris place) last Wednesday to their ranch on Squaw creek. They lived in the valley only a few weeks, but Ihev gained many friends who will be sorry to see them go, Peggy for one. Mrs. Paul Zerlwt and Mrs. John Plunkkntt were kind and thoughtful enough to go Saturday and renovate the school house preparatory to the coming of the minister Sunday. They made it look yery nice with clean paper and evergreens, and I know all the neiKhbors will join with me in thanking thesi through these columns. I am sorry to hear that Zekiel is going to move as I nhii)l miss his items espe cially to the pnetiy, but Dvrlwps I shall Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE. Anorney-aMjw. Prompt attention given u, all leg matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Stato Land Office. Fire Insurance written in rehabl companies. ty Legal papers carefully drawnv Harbison. - Nebraska J. H. LACY. SUCCESSOR tO E. KOHWER. DEALER IS Harness, saddles, range goods, lumber, all kinds of .building material. Farm machinery and hard ware. Flour, grain and feed- When in need of anything in my- liner give me a call: We will treat you righU- The North western. LINE ONLY R.alIroad between Missouri RJver aneV Chicago. Direct line to Ct. Paul Minneapolis. Direct Line to Black Hilt. Apply to nearest exgeat for rates, map. Bind time c&rds. New Schedule of Trains. Taking effect Sunday Nov. 28.. West Bound. Eis Bounds Morning. Eve r.iiig. No. 59 Fi t.4:15p.m. No. 60, Fit. ...2:8 No. 5, Psgr. 10:55 No, 4.Pstr. arrive :5, departs 7 HXh Both trains carry passenger. have the pleasure of making m quaint ances which perhaps is far better, l ot I think any one is foolish to exchai ge the free air of the county for the city, butv everyone has their own opinion. Rev. Hnrton wsr kind enouch to iome out and deliver to us a very nice sermon Sunday, we all appreciated it so much- The school house was filled, we wer glad to welcome the visitors who crime- ame ulso. There were Mrs. Horton Mr. nnd Mrs. Burke nnd four little ones.. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family or Harrifon. Mist Maggie, John, and Joe- Si hafer of Bodarc, we hope they will u'.l! ;ome again, our S. 8 will beat 2 o'clock? M. every Sunday and church every two weeks nt 8 o'clock P. M. every one invited. The next preaching then will be; remember nil, on May 10th don't faiH to come and hear a guod sermon, it w illt do you good. Mr. John Plunkett and sons Tom and John and Marcus Vnldez were branding- horses and cattle Sunday, and prevented them from attending church. Now there- s some more of your industrious woikers- this fashion of working on Sunday is av. very foolish habit and a very useless one I know if you would stop to think voir could have done what you lay off lor Sunday just as well through the week. These are only a few of the many who huve thU fault, and there are other faults ust us bad, but none so easy reminded F on't believe, and 1 donl believe niy one ver gained anything by Sunday work- I speak for experience which some t lines is a very dear lesson. Let no one he ffended nt ttvs, but profit by it as t bal ls the way it is intended for you- Prwv. Slight Mltundgrotgndlnp: "If," sgld the druggist. "ou wint give this new tonic a trial I'm surv you will never us any other." "Excuse me," rejoined the cus tomer, "but I pr?fvr something g. lit Ug lg faUL." j V