. I Sro:t BUNDS. Tmb Jot wnai will i-nbllh your trnd, like the foltowlns , for .' a, per rear, hitch ad dttsr al w.iwt 73 mux. r.verv ramier or MMUmen In and iulHlir counties shonM h-J .-bi t e thr-lr brands in THkJoCk Iuk it elnuluttw all over tho tt. It m.kv r the means of saving monev lor yon Press-Journal S500 REWARD. For Hie arrest and conviction ot any party er p,uti- ii-lliigurdifiguringany brands u Hock belmtfing to Hie BudersigneU par . leu. I on left blr K. K. JASDT. Rn ni or rs. US 1! S n left jew 0 on l't hiii ol tattle, root WBoo, Hewitt, ,. Bioux Coaut v, Neormtka. UKOUUK SWANSON. tattle br:mitrd Horse branded - 11 , 1 on left side on left shou lder, rmiKe em Swhlter lYeek. Anv iiix-k branded as above being estra-- ed from my rn'ige, discovered by any body .en glvin- i lnlormntlwii will De rewarueu Address, i t. Robinson, Nebraska J. B. TARKEK. i Hone branded on P!l left shoulder and Cattle name on li'lt hip. ; Sheep barnded jjpj on ack or ark of Sheep. , Range oh Soldier I'reek and White Ktver. Address. Ft. Robinson. Nebraska. DKKITKKKW LIVESTOCK Co Branded mn left hip of tattle and on left cheek ol Horses Range ou Deep Creek. Address, Keep Creek Live Stock Co.. J. II. UalBBKT, foreman, iilen, Nebraska. Thiksday. April 28 , 103. C. C. Burke, Prop. KNTFKKD IN THE I'ST OFFICE AT IUR bU.-N NEBR. A SECOND C1.AJW MATTER OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JOHN T. SNOW. Horses bri.ji.led on left sboul fdei branded on left shoulder r-iu and Cattle p 1 1 on left Hide Tost Office Address, Patrick, Imainie Co. Wyo. JOHN A. HANSON v3 ()wn tht follnw- InKljraud oueiib er: Also HG on cat tle and hornet rattlttoD leftside horscM oq left shoulder. Range un Silver HprlDffrt and east of state line. PustofRce Harrison Neh. j. ti. wilhermsdohfeu, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Goll and Silver work clone. Kings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. 1 Saddles re-covered. rilAKMM NEWMAN. I The brand represented In this notice mid brand td any where on left side ; cattle, and over-lap out from the right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh ol I horses, belong to the undersigned. Basse near Kast Springs, wutli part fo . Sioux county. Chahlks Nbwmak, Harrison, Nebraska. !KI ANDREW CHRISTIAN Cattle erand ed on luftslde snnie as cut and horse branded on left shoulde same as cut are the property of Andrew ChriHtian an range tributary lo Van Tassel Springs. Address, Klrtlev, Wyo. HENRY M ARNEKE. Cattle brand ed on left side. Range on Running Water Crecek. SAMUEL KNORI. Cattle branded any where on left side of the animal. Range on l'rai- rie Dog and Mou roe Creeks. Address, Harrison, Nebraska 1 - I 2 WP. 0. Address Harrison, Nebraska. Cattle branded on left side j CHARLES H. NEWMAN, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER INrjw Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagons', Buggies, and Machinery of all kinds. Also Wind -Mills, Towers, Piping, Pumps, and everything in that line. I also carry a large stock of feed, ground and unground. I make a specialty of repairing Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. REMEMBER Marsteller Bros. IlAXDLK THRKE OK AS GOOD ItKANDS OK SHOES -AS AUK MADE IN AM CHIC A. THE SELZ SCHWAB SHOE CO. CHICAGO Is the largest manufacture of Shoes in the world And the old reliable line of M. I. WKLLER of Chicago And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Womens', and Children' Over Shoes, And we carry a full line of Dry Goods, Duck Coats and Caps, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Flour and Feed And a nice line of fancy Candies. Come and get our prices, which are always the best in town. HENRY WARD BEECHER. MARSTELLER BROS. nThe Commercial Bank. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. DIBBCTORS. C. F. Cokkke, President, u C F. W.Clarkk, Cashier Chas. C. Jamkson. II. S. Clakkk, A. McGinlky Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely o us to handle their entire Banking busines. iWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all times. REWARD. wtlT -7 5.00 reward for each head ,C Lave Col vt lie's horses branded on cither jaw or thigh turned ' over "M ohn Bieser on Runoinn water, alo $100.00 for proo aUo, Cattle branded Cattle bra.idcd on left lde On Ustt Hip HENRY WEISK, Foreman P. O. Address, Olen. Neb eo,vict any persoo unlawfully handling MY of said horses. W. J. A. Racm. j Horses branded jj on right thigh and shoulder and Brandd (E1 oh right Jaw Also, I have jBorses brandedRI ou left thigh rest Office' Address, Harrison, Sionr Co, Nebraska i 1 1 in . This on j J.8. TUCKER. Branded on left shoalder ot horses nd on left side of cuttle. And this on right side right side of cattle too. , Range un White Klver, near Glen. Foat Ufflce address, (ilen, Nebraska. jUOBERT F. NEECE. Cattle Branded 1 a I i . J on left Ride Rang o on left hip Also cattle branded 1 Shoulder or aide, 'llmjtm cni ' Banning Water. P.O. Address Agate, Nebraska. BREWSTER Co. OMtle brand jtt Mote as tbat ff Wp o l praaited with any of above brands. Addrsea, J. t. ARVMMO. Uarriaoi), Nabraska. t. T. HBWITT I I M left at. OCTAVE HARRIS. Cattle branded as shown on left side with over bit on left ear. Range on Run ning Water, P. O. Address, Marsland, Nebr. , ns n y PEDIGREE. Sired by Roseljery, Xo. 265. Dam 1st by Duke of Cleve land, No. 97. 2nd by Michael, No. 205. 3rd by Barnaby, No. 18. 4th. by King George, No. 161, by Victory No. 836. Remarks; Dam was a Hamaletonian mare of rare merits and a good trotter. Terms &G.00 to insure colt to Htand and suck. THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs, Druggist's Sundries, p.iirus! Oils;. VnrnisheS, a c...., xs BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. B. Hl'NTER. Cattle branded .1 1 as shown in ff ffc?!f",T' -iA cut, on right E&&gSf I Aamswn side, hip. or JLRU shonlder. zf&'.L Also a on left side. Right eai clipped SIOO REWAR.D will be paid forevldenee convicting any one for running cn or in any way tampering with stock having any of the above brand or brands. Ranch at Andrews, Nebr, Addrrss, Harrison Nebr. J.H. DENSLOW. 5 ROCK. ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION. Termb: 8.00 to insure colt to stand and Buck. DOCILE. Cattlj branded on .'ignt side ss.ne as cut. Ar.d also fj oa light hip. Horses bran,1edl?wjl on right shoulder or Jaw. Range on w.ilto River, on the old J Dave Colvill" rf.ncb. Wllllatn. iiantiey foreman. P. O. Address; Glen, Nebr. J. J.EVKR. Cattle branded IN LEFT SIDE Potf aMresa-Chadron Nebraska. Ell MASON. Cattle Branded, Range on Bus) f Ion left aide inlng Water Address) Agate, Beb. 3 r;ir3-Jous.AL si. 00 Tht Woman Of It Parkar Ak, I rov bb? a psv rot How loaf Un yoa bad It? Kdf wtB- Tbw wmbb. Parkr Caa It talk? Kanrra Don't know. My wlf fcMat glTta It ekaaca yat FRNK Sl'TTO. A. B. KENNEDY. Cattle branded side and same en der 'f horses. ii.iiiiiiiki( the lloracs t!u ..r., Itritnfl.'ll fill wide s hIkihUIiT siiiie as neserii alwve bauhd. on the left ! left shoill iH and rat. niii me .! lor tu AlilreH, !liirrin, Nbraikn. CKtlld.'HnunIed m 011 Right Hip Clioulder . 0. Address, Crawford, Nebraska. oyooooooooooc OB YES! -The PressJocrxal does Job Work. Neat, First Class and Up-To-Date. Call in and get our prices on Business Cards, Note Heads, -Letter Heads, Envelopes etc. The Press-Journal. PERCHEON and MORGAN STALLION. Terms: $7.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. The above stallions will stand at our barn in Harrison this season. Fees will be due and payable at once in case mares are disposed of or removed from the county. Call and see n if you desire the service of horse this season. DIECKMANN fc-LACY. We have made arrangements with the publishers of the Young People's Week I) one of the best periodicals of its class, so (hat we can furnish said paper in connect ion with the Press-Journal each one year for the amal! sum of 11.25 for both papers or to those in arrera on subscription who will pay what they owe and 23 cent extra we will send the 'YonnK Peoble's Weekly one year. Those who have pnid in advance for the Press-Journal and want a first class paper for the young f.lks can come in on the deal also, bj paving 23 cents extra. The Young People' Weekly has reach ed its marvelous success and attained a circulation of over 2 10,000 copies a week because its contents interest young read era. Its popularity extends to thought ful parents who recognize in it one of the best aula In keeping yountf folks in healthy touch with the active world gi viinf them a taste for clean, vigorou reading, and pranentmg truth in I bur meat attractive form. I To Curo a Cold In Oso Day aWvaa BSkw fcoaaa aoM k Bev4 IJ Matta Tth tiTTt,' SFKjr Grip la Two Days. ca every fccx.35c. NEIL JORDAN. PUP Horses and cat tle branded on either sld, same as on sut. And Cattle branded ll-. asd Horses on lnll on left jaw. Address, Itodarr, Nebraska. HOUR RET A WINS. Cattle brand ! siihk ss that in cut on nth r sldo of nnl-tiial. tad this iMFJ on left side of alw iuk. And lollowlng on left side of csttlr. Mm mmrm And this on left side and hip. Range on Unimlng Water. I'lMUnTce NdilroM, Msrriaun, N.drf.tskja. m 4