Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 16, 1903, Image 8

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ruitir r
to .mv-wi
Libby's Natural flavor
food Products
TiW.e ditliclnu prrparaVmnft allow of all
annuo! impromptu spread without the
impromptu appearance, and permit the
hmt--a to rnjoy rather th:in Have. Our
booklet. "How to Make ! 'Thing to
Eat." trre to hou'i'il.'eper." Libby's At
laant th World. Cijntaininj 32 new maps,
publishrtt c;.r,--.ly ic r u by the 1:rirt
map and alU putilihhrnt in America, i
reads- nnw. lndi-nt. aud irivr ni-w np
nf China. Smith Africa. the Philippine.
Cuba, i'ortu Kim. and Ik t as mm li prac
tical use a any at la published. W mail
It to any addrufc lor 5 two-cent ttainpn
Libby, F.JeNeill & libby, Chicago
The World'i Greatest Caterers
DapsiGum Vaseline
Put I!? in Collapsible Tubes.
A Sli.U-. fnt 3 Sup-i. t Mu-li.rtt'JT a
ath-r !'-'. aid wlit "' ''" ,"'"'' ";"c-
kin. Ttw pa.u .ti au.l curat.- H" .'t'o
tiiimr h--.are ..ond.riu,. It i.l "'l a"
K at tmee. and heartael.e anu ''-.
We r-e. nmi..nu itaHib-ati.l fa-jtTil
d f t o.vii tn ih el.ft and i'oB"-n ana aU
ji mrovi-, t.n!iw -l ',-,n;,,,,..a
A trad will it"v m.t w '-in rn for n. na n
trill Ifl ("im.l to I- li.vcluablH HI the (l..ilboli
Many people t1 " It l th best f a. I our t-otoa-
"p'rl" Hwti's at all drorirWf, of otlr dVntf ri.
or l.yvij.iiu? tl.iaiutii ttu ta intage tiauipa,
- mil ! 1 y-.ii tut t'V v.rt. ... '
Jwi iimi'l niotna !';;..'' j ' i-
leu the :! orri' out I.-. 11, oitreral. it u
not p-miiii.
17 State St., New Vork City. .
Tha re is nothing t h;tt will cat a
man all up so i horoly az Indolenge.
I liav seen men so lazy tljat tliar"
wiiirt: cnutT vice or vittfw In Uiem.
They woio alivi', but not live onufl
t'i sruat eimy whaic.
Anv one can (lye with PUTNAM
FAIjKCKKS WYE, no exiRTit-uce re-quirt
In the Air ''Is she iiianii'd?
"J'arii.iily.'' What do yon rufan
hy that? 'She not a divon-o and
lior husliand tfidk an appeal. One
court savs slie's inairicd and one
says .she isn't." New Vork Hun.
lny School Clilltlren Are Hickly
Mother jry'i Kwpet I'owdem for
Cliildrrn, ui?d if Mother Oniy, it nur
in Children'! Home, New York, Break Bp
Coldi in 24 bour, cure Constipation,
FYerlltfi?i.!t, lieadaehB, Stomach Trou
bles, Teething LtUord'TR, uiotb knd rem
olnt the bowel nd Ilcstroy Wonn.
Sold by all drnegifitfi or by moil, 25c.
Sample mi!e1 KItKK. Addrcm Alle I 8.
Olnufd. L Key, N. T.
( ) V NO VALfE.
Now tli-. re's a really yooii book"
No doubt, ho doubt; hut nobody's
taiUinc about it, and what's the use
of loading a book you can't discuss
with people S as to show bow liter
ary you are.V"
Sarah -Mr. Ilippler says that lie Is
a conflrrnt'tl litichelor. ?'
Susie I'.ut he didn't say how
many irls in town harl assisted in
C itrti ml iiu him did hoV
Self-government, with tenderness;
hero yoh have the condition of all
authority over children. The mother
should consider herself as the child's
s'.in a changeless and ever-radlent
world, with the small, restless fea
ture, quick at tears and laughter,
light. llckle.passi'inate.full of storms,
may c une for fresh stores of light,
warmth and electricity, of ralm and
courage. The motiiT represents the
divinity under that form of it which
14 Borv ;blf! to chiirtood. ? The relig
ion of a child deitends on what his
mother and father are, not upon what
they say. ,
The Ills of Women Act upon the
Nerves like a Firebrand.
The relation of woman's nerves and generative organs Is very
elope; consequently nine tenths of the nervous prostration, nervous
despondency, "the blues," sleeplessness, ami , nervous t irritability of
vri ttiif.ii arise from some derangement of the organism wMoh makes
her a woman.- Herein we prove conclusively that Lydia 12. 1'inkham'a
Vest-table Compound w ill quit kly relieve all this trouble.
Details of a Severe Case Cured in Eau Claire, Wis.
"Pear Mm. 1'inkiiam: I hne ten uilir.g from female trouble for
the p.tst live years. AlKiut a m rath apo I was taltea with nervous prostrn
tion, accompanied at certain times before menstruation with fearful head-a.'he-i.
I reaJ one of rour lio!,'t. nnl fintlinr many t-sli moulds of the licno-fl.-tal
effettts of Lydli 12. I'lnkham'H Vegetable 'oiii;joihm1, euperi
enccl by l.ti!y suM'crers, I enmmt-nced its u: and am happy to f.tatc that after
nsiutr a'fi-w Ixittloa 1 feci like a new worann, aclies and pains nil gone.
" I am recommending rour mcriicine to many of my friends, and I assure,
you tl.Ht you hat e my hearty thanks for your valuable preparation which lias
done so miteh pond. I trust all niiYeririf,' women will u:m your Vegetable Com
pound." Mas.' Mi.nsik Tiktz, G20 TrU Ave., I2au Claire, Wia. (May 28, 1001).
Xoflihujr Avill roL'ovo fliis distressing condition so
purely as Lydia E. I'ink'aam'rt Vegetable Compound; it
MioUies, strengthens, heals and tones up the delicate
female organism. It is a positivo cure for all kinds of
female complaints; that hearing down feeling, back
ache, displacement of the womb, inflammation of the
ovaries, and is invaluable during the change of life, all
of which may help to cause nervous prostration.
Read whzt Mrs. Day says:
"Pfar Mrs. 1'i.vkham : I will writ; you a f. w liacf. to let rou know of
the ben. dit I have received from tnkiir y.itir remedies. I Buffered for a long
time with nervons prostration, l.ewhe, sick headacl.e. painful mc.ustru- .
ation, pain in the stomacii after tatin , and const ipitl km'. 1 ft-ti tiionght I
would lose my mind. I begt.n to t iko J.ydJa C. I'inkbtil.i'ti Vegelatle
Compound and was win fe-liug like a new woman. I eannot jiraise it too
highiv. It does all tiiat it is re, ommeinl.'d to !. uml mi, re,
"I hope that every one wlm saff, ,-rs aj 1 did wtlTgive l.ydia E. riiikhatn't
remedies a trial." Mils. Marie Ijay, iiamira,-l'a. ( Marou t!5, i'jQl .)
Free Medical Advice to Women. -
Mrs. Pinkham invites all women to write to her
for advice. You need not he afraid to tell her tho
things you could not explain to the doctor your let
ter will be seen only by women and is absolutely con
fidential. Mrs. Piukham's vast experience with such
troubles enables her to fell you just what is best for
you, and she will charge you nothing for Iter advice.
Another Case of Nervous Prostration Cured.
" Psab Mit.s. Pi.nkium : Allow tint to express to you the benefit 1 hftve
derived from taking Ljdiall. Vlidiliaui's Vc jelalHe'Con.otti(I. Itefore
I started to take it I was on t ie v of IK-rvoilS pros! rai ion. touirt
notaleep nights, end I anfff-rcd dreadfully from iudigehton aud headache. I
heard of Lydia K. Pinkham', wonderful medicine, aud beaaits use, which
immediately restored my health. '
"I can heartily recommend it to all Buffering women." Mas, Bkbtha
B. Deibkixb, 25.' Lapidpo St., San Francisco, Cal. (May 21, 1U01.)
FORFEIT lf 'nrot forthrlth prndiic th orlBtnl lattari nd ilgntnrw of
ftbuvw f miienlitlt, wliic-h will prov rh.'h- ab.oiur fi, :'nMiM.
I.ydis K. l'lukhsm Mmliciuo Co., Lynn, Milk
Major Alvan 1', Havaj, Who Kecently
Died in California.
A man dietl recently iu Santa Mo
nica, Cat, who won the rijrlit to be
called the original ICepiibliean. TUia
was Majiir Alvitn
K. i'.ovtiy. Horn in
New York eighty,
live years ago. Ma
jor Jtovay emi
gratt d to Wieieen
sin in f.irly life,
settling ill Ripon,
became a lawyer
of ji r o m i no nee,
joined the Whig
party, act ed soine
t hues with the
Free Soilers, and
To the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., of Columbus, 0.
"Peruna is All You Claim for It."
started the first systematic movement
known anywhere In the United Stati a
to unite the anti-slavery men of all
parlies , into the coalition which as
Riiinul l hi Keputilleiin name. This
took shape lu a meeting at Itipon on
February -H, 1 sr. i. four days before
the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska
bill tliroiiIi the Senate, but when its
enactment was seen by the country
to be ilievit.'ible. At that meeting,
wlilelt- K as fiartieipiifeil in by WLugs,
rvee-Sollers and liemoerats, and
which was followed by another on
Match -', In each of which i'.ovay whs
the master spirit, a new partisan eom
biuation was forne tl, which adopted
the nntoe Republican, snggesii tl by it
self. At nearly the same time, though
a little later in each in.-tauee, gather
ings of freedom's champions wire
held ill various parts of Hie country,
the participants in which, iu most
eases, joined the nw 'party.
May u:, IS.-. t. tliree months oflcr 1he1
first of Dovay's meetings, and a day
after the passage of t lie Kansas Ne
braska bill in the House, thirty Whig
and Jiemoenifle members of that body
met In Washington, pledged themselves
to aid in forming a party to combat
slavery extension into the Territories,
mid agreed that it should be called lie
publican. I'.etween tlovay's meetings
and this one many other gatherings
with the same object in view took
place.' in the free Smtes. In time, dato
and eii-ctnnstntiec that was the origin
ol' the Itepublleitn parly of today.
Nothing more completely ba files
one who Is full of trick and duplicity
than straight forward and simple in
tegrity In another. Cotton.
Malice and hatred are very fretting
and make our own minds sore aud
uneasy. Tilloson.
Our first impulses are good, gener
ous, heroleal; reHcetion weakens and
kills them. L. A. Martin.
From the body of one guilty died a
thousand ghostly fears and haunting
thoughts proceed. Wordsworth.
... A sound head, and henest heart,
and an humble spirit are., the tluee
it ! jilncd into Ui tmrrila,
jircaih otct the membrane
and U abtorlied. He : ief U Im
mediate. Jt in not drying, dim
, 1.1,.. . I. ....... V. t I . r. ,., .H..( I -
nest gumes miuugn nuiu iu anmi,. i ,nll!(;jiu so cu. or bj mail.
ttlalr. V ' K'Y BHOS..M Warm St., N V.
A woman'sldf -a of a convenient
flat, is one tJiat has ihite closets ii
each room. ' ,
I ure to Mako S20 Per Week
eason Now t Its BEST
, (tn d for Terms.
Wauwatoaa, wia.
(Greatest in the World
m m.. iv. .ti hiatnrv nuirlt made it AdvertUitnff hu served to
urmderftil Moord in J1 hltory-merit made it Adverthilng hu served to make
VxtSSjtaSjM h" irXt idverttament ever printed could dono more than ffet
OASOABff.B JIJuBTS oao. Then OOOM the teat, and If CAaOARJTa did, not prove
fvi?, lalt rt naa MILLION BOXB8 A MONTH. This auooeaa
their merttoerawouldot No on. who tri.o OA SO Alt ET 3 lalla to ba
hf -fik- nLlv abTut uim OASOARBTS are aaalaat to buy, to carry, to take, to trive.
tlrA? HOM1 MBDIOWm Th.y are a perfect cure for Oonntlpatlon. Appendloitla.
TUB PRiTOTT V. ik Hohe Bad Breath, Bad Blood, Ptmplea, Piles, Worma and
Blllouanlaa, 8our Btoraaok, 8tok Jf' .NEVER BOLD IN BULK. AU druirgUta. lOa
ail uwwn . . . . . a A. LAArmmm HtArllTlir HATTliiaV LU.. UUlOBaTU UT flew a UTK,
ctAn. fiOd BamDieana pooawHw. -
r.m jjKM- iMi inn 'y fffM t
itrrra yore.
'mnm-!0ng--r-r! vii . .T.fi.'-.iaii.- jTSfrrrtraniwHiii iiiiiiaTMrrMitifTI'lt
Congrepsmnn Ti. V. V.';',i,.r, '.f ):i(-o 'it :, N. Y., writes:
The I'crtrna Meitlcne Co.. Columbus, Oh.'o:
CiersllcmenPerfiiiHilLiJ h) airier.'! I have tried your remedy and I have
almost fully recovered alter the use r.fj !cv bottles. Ism fully convinced that
Peruna i.i n'l you clzitu iur it, and ! cheerfully recommend your medicine to all
who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble."-- David P. Wilber.
Pe-ru-na a Preventive and Cure ( r Colds. j In 16'.)'.) I ke Sangerlust celebrated Its
Mr. C. h Given, Sussex. N. 13., Vice- lldtalti uanivereary
President i.f "Tho I'listimu. lSoutiax thration
Clnh," writes:
"Whetievt-r the euld went her seta in
I have for yeara-ffst lus u very Mire to
Hitch a evere ceid to"h w hard to
throw off, and which wee.Ul leave aftci--i-ffccts
on my constitution the n:ost uf
the winter.
"Last winter 1 was' advised to try
Perunn, and within five days the cold
was broken up and iu .'Ive ih.ys mure 1
was a well man. I reeu-nreended it to
several of my friet-ils ,i!.d till -ie ,k 'lie
hishest prnise for it. There Is nc'tiinq
like Parana for cttwrhal at:'.U:'nnn.
It Is well nvM intitlibL' as a cure, end
I gladly endorse it. " - C. F. Given.
A Piomment t ir. r SaveJ fn,m I.iiss of
with a large cele-
in .New 1 ork (Jity. ; i'ue lollow-
iiig is ui8 u suiuony: , ,
"About two years nso I caught a
severe cold while traveling and which
1 1 ; d into catarrh of the bronchial
rn'ies, and so affected my voice that I
was obliged to cancel my engagement-H.
In distress I was advised to try Peruna,
icl altliniitrli 1 had never used a patent
in.euiciue before, I sent for a bottle.
"'.'.,nls but illy describe my surprise
it.) find that within a few days I was
Itre'iilv relieved, and within three weeks
(.in. rely recovered. I am novel
t it now, and take an occasional
,-heu 1 feel run down." Julian
: 7..
Old-Time Way of i'.ikiu Leave of:
( f the l'ruud World.
Among tlniHc tftne-vvoni burying
kTotmils in which New finglaiel is sd ,
ricU tin; many doggerel mementoes of
Ihc departed which, but for the soloin
tdty of death in which they art; en
thrnudtsl, would partake of the farci
vul. In an obscure corner of York's
undent cemetery is an epitaph which
tjuite evidently was not dictated by the
occupant of the grave which the stone
marks, for it thus memorializes tlio
Here lies the body of Jonathan Drew,
Who cheated all he ever knew.
His Maker i.e'd have cheated, too.
l'.Ut that Ids I'.id he never knew.
Hero is one worthy of emblazonment
for the warning of the indiscreet:
"Kuiioa, daughter of Abraham and Ma-(
tirda ( ox, and wife or Theodore hlial
len, dietl July fl, l.StT, aged 21! years,
having five children; married too
young against her father's will. Kin.
g!e women, take warning."
in the- quaint old , Kittery 1 '..'id
(M.-.l cemetery, prostrate upon Hie
bank of the 1'lscataqua, is a gr.uiitu
block bearing these words, rough hewn
by the hand of a member of the only
race In the world that could have orig
inated such a "bull":
r.rij::et mid I have two children dear,
One in Irel 1 ami the other here.
Maine is particularly rich in grave
stone oddities, but no Inscription o(
them all can cap this one, which dis.
plays to such advantage the bitterness
of a local warfare over the individual
medicinal qualities of the noted springs
of two old towns:
Here lie John Jones and his two daugli-
,r tern,
Who died of drinking Cheltenham wat
ers ;
lf they had drunk the waters of Howe,
They might have nil been living now.
' Beneath a leaning slab in an old.
Massachusetts burying ground slum
bers an niirdent cynic, caustically ro
buklng. even In death, the curious:
I was Homebody;
Who, is no buMinpn of yours.
The old First Parish cemetery ol
Alfred, Me., saya the New York Mail
Bud Express, Is fruitful In unique cu
riosities of epltaphy, of which thlt
legend is a fair sample:
"John Hall, 1702-1.S13. May he resl
in peace till we meet again. His lovlnj
V jU e.
Mr. Julian Wcisslitz. !T.j S. ieva str;
Buffalo. N. Y.. is convspuail ng
tary of The S -hg.rliisi. ot .V" Yt.
is the leading sen-nd less f the K.i.;.
lust, the laru-xt (iermar s;ir.:i;ig ;.!,.-:.
of New York and alo :it ..Id-'.
do not derive prompt and satis
rcsniis from .the use of Perunq
i.in-o to lv. llarliuau. giving a
.-ti.t-ut of your ease, and ho will
.d to give you Uis- valuable ad-
( th-
Ifartman, President oi
Sanitarium, Columbus,
The Smalleat Practical llallroad.
What Is without doulit the amullesi
pruetleal -working railroad in the worl
lias its terminus in the village of Mon
son, Me. Although tho track In bn
21 Inches wide and 8 miles 0 Inches ii
longth, the train which runs oter 1
can make a speed of CO miles an lioui
with perfect ease and safety. It is fo
tho accommodation of the Inhabitant)
of the villages of Monson Junction, 0
the Bangor and Aroostook Itallroadan
those of the little town of Monsoi
The Monson Railroad Is Die only om
of It kind In the world. One man
James Estohrooke, la president of tb
road, general passenger and frelgh
agent, train dispatcher, geenral bag
gagemaster, roadinaster, superintend
cut of construction, station agent at
Monson, conductor, baggageuiater, e
press messenger and mall clerk of tin
j In a theatrical lithograph hung ti
around town an indignant woman aski
a man: "Did you write this letter T
After crosses ami losses im. ii grow
humbler and wiser.- Franklin.
Manner is one of the greatest en
gines of influence ever given to man.
Felt ham.
Soft cloth fabrics so they aie richly
blind to his faults is entitled to an
other think.
I understood you to say the house
was a brownstone font,'' said th:1
house hunter. ' Oil! in. "replied Hi
sii"k real estate man, "1 told yon it
was a brown front '' Huh ! It's noth
ing hut plaster painted.' True, bur
its all hand painted.." Philadelphia
FlTO r.-rmnnpiillvcaiftil. t.o nt. or nerT'i.::,t Wistae-?
1 1 tl t,f i ,i oi or. Kiu.-s Uraail 'rvif H
nr. if t- i- ;e"-t lit.'l-.it'.J tie bottle:... .1 -riOML
..R. ft. 11. KUN'fc Ltd.. 931. eta ..... I. l.u. !'.
N. N. U 767-16. YORK H BR-
(iood order is the foundation ol
good things. liui'ke.
It takes money to voice the opinion
of a lawyer.
Lying is the most disgraceful vice)
it lirst despises. God, and then feari
man. Plutarch.'
A novelty for the throat is a grace
fu! chain of platinum, which is passeti
th tough a diamond silde aud finished
witli two circualr stones.
Knieker Why dosen'l Smith comt
to the club anymore?
Hooker He's married.
Kniek-r And what brines Joucl
so often?
'" I locker He's married.
Vlwnyo look for this trade mark: "Tha
Klean. Kool Kitchen Kind." The stoves
without smoke, ashes or heat. Maks
comfortable cooking.
- maia.nv.wa r - nt Paaaj
Medicine Never Healed a -Wound
Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as
sist tier In doing her work in healing wounds and throwing on
disease. Nine-tenths of the diseases of man and beast have their
orliiln In some form of germs and if allowed to run and multiply
form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents ail
eerrnsdieases an 1 euros them, unless fermentation and inflamma
tion have too far developed, is that it contains every antiseptlo
" . ....i A 11 ,,.,-rv. rltCO'.SOJ tllC.ll .T.S tlOff
and gei.niCKia Known lj suichw. ahi;hiiiii"'.-- --3
S cholera, swine plegoe, corn stalk d iseaes. tubercokisis. blackleg and
,.o ,..i.,.- ,..Jt i,. nvi,ntsii hv Lrivinir I.iotiid K'tal In drink-
Ing water, because they are germ diseases and no germ can live
where Liquid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal Is unaffected Dy the
ea-strlc Juices of the stomach, passes through the intestines and
from there Into the circulation, permeating the whole system and
still retains all its germiclal properties. Diluted with water, in
the proportion of one to one hundred, it makes the best lice killer
known. ., . . . ...,... ,,ai..
. Price of Liquid Koal aeiiverea as your BMLiuu i i"iiu.
ONK BALLON - - 3.00
25 GAL.-I-2 BBL $2.25 GAL
50 GAL.-ONE BBL.. $2.00 SAL
nvnirUnffD M IMA
W thaonit'TnlKnert utoclt rloiK ol Madtnon County, Nehra.ka, ra ilna from
0toaM b".".t ho,e.eh yr hv., altar a (air ami Impartial trial ol Uaal-I KojJ
tMiVnlartorel l.r ih National Mertieal Company, of lieelon. Iowa, ami ori, Na
hraaki totind It to He He) H.t D1.lnfee.at1l, oorm Petlroy.r and Appellor thai hi
be" o p leaatira to o, an-1 we H ally Ihlnk that, man U -"A'"J.h.l,.?w
lUlil aho !' not "T 't. Waen their aKit oalla w a4vl any moiu ralaer la
buy .o.l .1 . L i... 1. k at. Thnmn v " Wad.. Batf.a On ak. H.bf.
IMtr, nor oi, r.ur. - - (Jro Khr.
K. I". Moinaii, 'Navrinaa Oo-ra, Nabr.
'" .4 DICOKXSab, 1MO,
We tha nnrtcralnned floek ralwr and lartbof gladly ta.tlfr u. lfi msnu of
Uantd i 1 naiiulciiint by ih. National Me.llral Co., ol
York Nbraka, We hare ntt.t ttilt pr.aluel ltl. ir.-ailfyliig iuocwa awl aivlaa til
y, air. It a trtal. It hnM M on er.ry S-. ,,.,..- .,.
Ruroi rmrj. -...-. V"iT if. stni.har.t. N.i.r.
frf !. Tl,r. . ' " n. w,ni,oiri.r s.arrt. N'-bf.
J . KlngfUarf r, Sr., Uarinaotown, Naat
J. K. MrIaioh, Kmerlek, Nebr.
M. t. Homau, knerlek, Nubr.
i. n. rry. mny
Wn. rlufbaupt, smptobunt, Nebr.
If your dealer doea not keep It write ua direct.
A 32-page htxik on the Diseases of Anlmala mailed free upon ap
plication to the national Medical Company, York, Nebr., and
Nattonal Cattle and Sheep Dip Is the best and cheapest Dip for
klUlofl off Tick! and Lice and the treatment of Mange, Texas Itch
and Scab in 8heep. It forms a perfect emulsion with water and la
barm lew to the membranes of the eye. t ...
K your dealer does not keep It write ui direct. Information
sent free.
k- - -
We'll bet that be did, judging froD
fata looks.