Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 16, 1903, Image 7

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The Iron-Worker's Daughter
Meantime Mayr Try wa apprehensive
lest sum-tVing iud l.i-f :iJIi-a Irene fath
er. For various re.iaons, he the
officer of justi. , bad t Wn in advance
"of "Dunn'."' ir Xi:y 1i:id tiaif rhe fvhk-nee-Uunu
tud to go on tiicy would have ar
ivsieii Lota the men suspected. Mayberry
wait on Iks way to the t.tBee of hi lawyer
friend Nickerson. when he encountered
hi Mijw-'Ier.. I'nrker.
"That you. May berry? Which way?"
"To caii ou a friend Nicker-soii."
They had taru'd a corner, when a
young man rnn against them in his baste.
"Ma; berry'."
"NickeriDti! Just the man I want to
"Ta-la." said Parker, moving on.
"Ion t no, K.ilp!i." said Mayberry.
. "They've arrested Atherton," said
yiekerMm. iu a low tone.
"Arrested iiim!" Mayberry answered.
Then he called lialph 1'arker back.
"Here, lialph, I need you. No secrets
from Parker. Mr. NVkerson. We are old
friends. When did they arrest him?"
i "Half an hour ago. 1 saw the officers
with him, looked in the centra! office, and
found the truth from a friend of Atlier
too'g." f "You hear?" tail Mayberry to Parker.
"Atherton's arrested for murder."
"l'oohr said Parker. "If there's any
hody going to bring that affair up, I'll tell
just how it all happened."
J His companions looked at Parker in
undisguised surprise.
"I saw all that happened. I was look
ing out of the window just over their
head; heard the first word Atherton said
and the last; and he is as innocent of mur
der as any of us here."
"What in the world are you talking
f?" aid Mayberry.
"Of this silly, this ridiculous arrest of
'Atherton's for killing Bob Peters. I tell
you I waa" looking at them, heard and
nw mil; but Mr. Meeker, when I told him
bout h, preferred to let things take their
course. Gripp knows it just as well as I
"What does your friend refer to?'
asked Nickerson.
, Mayberry related the circumstances at
tending Peters' sudden death.
Nickerson looked meaningly at May
berry when he concluded the story, eougU
ed, and said:
"This may explain some thing."
"It accounts for many things I could
not understand," said Mayberry, positive
ly. He thought he began to see the con
nection between Mr. Gripp and Dan
'Atherton. "But what is to be doue? We
must get Atherton out."
"That is not so easily managed," said
Nickerson. "In all probability he may
have to remain in a cell over night."
"It is not to be thought of," said Ar
thur Mayberry, quickly, as he pictured
the distress of his daughter.
"We will see what is to be done," said
Nickerson. "Suppose I volunteer my ser
,Tices." So the three yonng men hurried to the
police station. On their way they dis
cussed the various phases the question
presented. Mayberry, whose intimate re
lations with Parker may be surmised,
poke freely before his friend.
"Parker, I owe you one. You throw
daylight upon a lot of things that were
In the dark."
"How in what way?" Parker inquired-
"Why, to begin with, Atherton and I
were dialing together; we were going to
pnsh his patent process, when all at once
Gripp, who stole Atherton's idea, seemed
'to take my place. Now I see why Ather
ton did it This affair of Peters has been
mt the bottom of the whole business."
"Not much doubt of it," said Nicker
son. "It's evident Gripp has exerted ex
traordinary influence over Atherton with
in the past week. We will say that Gripp,
to begin with, looks out for number one.
He sees the beginning of a quarrel. We
will say that Gripp thought he was the
sole witness. When the coroner's jury
failed to bring out the truth, Gripp pre
sumed upon Atherton's silence and threat
ened him."
"If he did he would get a blow," said
Parker. "Atherton's the last man in the
world to put up with a thing of that
"We will say Atherton did not like to
have the thing talked over, that he is a
thoughtful man, and, when the story was
not brought out in the first place, had a
dread of the doubts that might be ex
citedj When a day or two elapsed it
.was too late to have the nutter righted.
Oripp. we will say, browbeat and bully
ragged him. Atherton was afraid on ac
count of his daughter, and so yielded to
Gripp, rebelling all the time, and yet all
the time keeping his secret. I've known
some very g'tod and courageous men to
yield under circumstances less disagree
able than Mr. Parker here points out."
"It dou't seem like Atherton's way of
taking care of himself," said Parker.
"I believe you are right," said May
berry to the lawyer. "I have a reason.
I heard something like a quarrel between
Atherton and another. I think now the
other person must have been Oripp."
' ''At all events, the theory is good until
I 'And a better, or until Atherton tells us
the truth," said Nickerson. "I will see
what he has to say, and if he does not
talk freely I will give him my theory, and
notice what effect it produces."
, The friends1 were nearing the police sta
'tion, when Mayberry observed a man
running toward him. The figure was fa
miliar. Mayberry halted a moment.
"Is that you, Mr. Miyberryr
"What ia it, Jones?"
"I mnst speak with you matter of
"All right. Too folks go on; I'll be
with yon presently."
Then Mayberry turned to Jones.
"Now, then, what is itT'
"It's about Dan Ataertea'a gbt
"What! Irene! What hM happened?"
Mayberry grassed Jack Janes' eoat ia-
' "I carried per the news. Cm just
UagWdV 'It was ee rMtentana,' alw said,
ad I trae Magtag bar to at hisa,
. when ml at eace ska waahaaod.
"Da pm mmm ana aiw faiatr
" Tea: afa wtat I aati. Ami I was
' r tit a an art her.
i v
hailed her. She was a Christian and
come. 'You'll have to help nie home with
her.' says she. 'How far?' says I. She
pointed around the corner, and we man
nged to carry her there."
"I" "he there nnw?" -
"Yes. She didn't faint just gave cut.
weak like. Hut she's sprained her an
kle." "A sprain. O'. Why didn't yon say so
at first. I will go with you. We must
get a physician at once, Jones, if she
needs one."
"I'm glad I met you. I didn't know
what to do."
They were walking quickly to the honse
Irene was carried to. Ihrectly they
reached it. The place was mean, shab
by beyond expression, but the woman
who met them in the doorway inspire.!
cmibdence. Mayberry and his companion
stepped in. and beheld Irene sittinii on the
solitary sound chair in the dingy room.
"I am pained to S"e you here," baid
Mayberry. going t.) her side.
"It ia a triUe. I have sprained my an
kle. I am so glad I have met you. I
want you to go "
Sue checked herself, and her lover took
up the sentence for her.
"Y'oti want me to see your father? I
was on my way to hi in. There are
friends with him now. I have sent a law
yer to him."
"If you will be so kind as to procure
a liniment for me and bandages '
But her lover had disappeared. He
brought back not only the articles re
quired but a physician, who pronounced
the injury slight, applied a lotion that
gave immediate reHef, and after advising
Irene not to use her feet, but to rest as
much as possible, retired,
"I must see my father," said Irene to
her lover.
Jack Jones had returned to the police
station to inform Atherton that he had
notified his friends, and of the accident
that detained his daughter. Bobby Wal
ters, who had kept In the background,
now came forward, and Irene started on
seeing him.
"You are the boy who brought me a
note for my father? Mr. Gripp gave it
to yoa?"
"I knew it," said Irene. "I suspected
"Bobby," said the woman of the house,
"what was it?"
"Why, pshaw! only a note Sir. Gripp
told me to give to Athertons."
"Are you Mr. Atherton's daughter?'
The woman of the house looked at her
"I am. In great trouble."
"It will soon be over," said Mayberry,
in a reassuring tone.
"May I ask what it is?"
"I will tell you," said Mayberry, sud
denly. "He is arrested for murdering
Mrs. Cole."
"Cole! Why I am Mrs. Cole. There is
no other Mrs. Cole."
"O! yes there was, mother," said Bob
by. "I took messages to her for Mr.
"This is important information," (raid
"Don't be alarmed unnecessarily," said
Mrs. Cole to Irene. "There ia no doubt
as to the murderer now in my mind. Tour
father is as innocent as you as I nm."
"I know it," said Irene, "but I must
see him. I cannot go home until I see
"You shall see him," said Mayberry,
and again he disappeared. He was ab
sent only a few minutes; he found a cab.
returned quickly, and with Mrs. Cole's
aid placed Irene in the carriage and drove
rapidly to the police station.
Mayberry was anxious to wee Athc.-ton
and to rejoin his friends. He thanked
the fortune that threw him, as it were,
beside Irene again.
"I do not know what I would do with
out your aid," she said.
"You would manage some other way,"
he said, gallantly.
"But not so well. You are sure they
will release him soon?"
"I do not see how they can hold him."
He had ventured" to take her hand:
she did not withdraw it, but let it lie in
his. She did not speak again; she seemed
to be content to be silent while he read
in her face the happiness and content that
comes of true love.
Braver faith than these two had in
each other could not be found; and yet
their love seemed so sudden, of Buch swift
growth. The love that grows at first
sight is sometimes often deep-rooted,
There wan something in Mrs. Cole's
manner that impressed Mr. Gripp strong
ly. "What Is she up to now?" he asked
himself when he recalled her parting
Gripp was, up to this time, as uncon
cerned as any man apparently. He went
his rounds, met all his appointments,
was as methodical, as dry, as correct in
bis language and deportment as any man
who contemplated and carried out a great
crime successfully. It is your half-way
scoundrels who exhibit timidity, and leave
traces everywhere to tbe hand of the au
thorities. "There was a meaning in her words.
Does she suspect anything?"
Then Mr. Gripp reassured himself.
Pooh! Why. tbe blundering detectives
had not even. struck the first clew.
There was Atherton's patent. There
was a million aye millions in it. Gripp,
who was of a mathematical turn. Immedi
ately went off into a series of calcula
tions. The resnlt was pleasing. Yes,
there were millions if the process was
handled by m man who understood tbe
iron trade. And who knew It better than
lie would begin by freezing Atherton
out of the business. Atherton was in
tractable, piK-headed. Had ridiculous
notion about workingmen, labor of all
kinds, capital of all kinds. An imprac
ticable, blundering ass! Iike ill Invent
ors and discoverers, only in the way.
He would baild up k line foundation
with Mr. Mead for a corner atone. Mr.
Mead's reputation wauld suffice for may
eaterprta. It waaM aot do to affend
Mr. Mead. Nor ta sqoeese Mai ant Mr.
Mead wis e entlal to the growth, the
perfection, tfca devetapmeat of Orlap's
I Mr. Gripp was looking over his cash
' book. It made a good showing. He had
' done very well in the five years he had
been dealing with the principal manufac
turers of Pittsburg.
Suddenly a face looked in at hi win
dow. Certainly it was a face or was it
only fancy? Mr. Gripp moved quietly to
his door, opened it quickly, and looked
out. There was uoliody near. Mr. Gripp
experienced a strange sensation. Then
he suited to himself, and hi mind revert
ed to Atherton's process. '(
"A big thing a very big thing." Gripp
said to himself repeatedly. But what
was that? A sound, certainly, as of feet
near his door.
- Grippp'"'d the door, looked out quick
ly, ami was chagrined his hearing must
! be defective. There waa a souud, he
codld be sworn.
Mr. (iripp resorted to a ruse, ne af
f.sted to be bending over his book; in re
ality he was looking curiously out Into
the open space near his office at the pile of
brick near at hand; at the pile of scrap
iron and pig metal.
Suddenly Gripp started. There was
B'WnelMidy near. A man's head slowly
rose above the scrap pile. The head turn
ed deliiierately, and a face looked straight
ht Gripp's office. Then the head sudden
ly sank a --a in.
Then a boy's head popped up above a
pig-tnetal pile, and was as suddenly with
drawn. The head belonged to Bobby
Walters. The head that rose above the
si-rap heap was familiar to Mr. Gripp.
"Where have I seen that face?" Gripp
asked hiiiiM-lf, as he bent over his book.
All his ealcnlations. based on the pat
ent process for making iron, were knock
ed out of Gripp' head.
"Where have I met that man?"
A strange tremor came over Gripp. He
looked at his trembling hands and smiled.
Stnili-d scornfully.
"Pooh! It is a coincidence."
But he forgot Atherton's invention. It
was as though it had never entered his
mind. -
Gripp's thoughts reverted to an even
ing when he met a pale, cold-looking
woman on Federal street in Allegheny.
He recalled her appealing look. He re
called rhe words he uttered as he strode
past her. He recalled the deliberate man
ner in which he went around a block, re
turned to street, entered number
quickly, and hastened up the stairs.
He recalled the white, stained face that
turned to him as he entered quickly,
closed and bolted the door behind him.
He remembered distinctly his greiting.
"Now, curse you, I'm here." How she
shrank at first, then, rendered desperate
by her need, bow she met his look bold
ly, and answered, "It is time, unless you
want my blood on your head." "
Then they glared at each other. He
cursed her for returning to the city. She
demanded to know why she bad not ft
right to live, at least. And he said not
at his eipense.
And all the while a demon whispered
him to end it, to throttle her then rnd
there, and done with her forever.
(To be continued.
High Time for Cnangc.
A Btory is told of an old New Hamp
tshlre family which may or may not b
strictly true, but which passes for
truth among tbe Inhabitants of the
place where It originated.
A man who had struggled through
boyhood under the name of Zephauiah
Smith married a young woman whose
Incautious parents bmd christened her
"Pamela Jane." When their flrtt child,
a girl, was born, they announced their
Intention of giving her a number which
she might change for any name she
chose when she reached years of dis
cretion. They were blessed with ieven chil
dren, and pursued the same course
with each child. Numbers two, four,
five and seven were boys, and lived on
In the town where they were born,
never seeing any need to select Chris
tian names to the day of their death.
But when "Three" Smith Iwarue en
gaged to a young man by the name of
Hills, she considered It desirable to
change lier number to "Susan."
Shortly after that "Six" was united
to a young Koote, who promptly named
her "Lucy."
"One" clung to her name and single
bU-SHedncBS until middle life, when,
having relented mifticiently to accept
an offer of marriage from Thomas
Hogg, h1m saw tbe advisability of be
coming "Mary" with some haste.
Lightning's H trance. Freaks.
Lightning in the recent thunderstorm!
that have visited tbe liarltan valleys In
New Jersey bus performed several odd
A bolt struck the residence of I. V. N.
Hoagland, near Millstone, melted the
metal framed from a number of pic
tures, hit tbe piano, where it made more
noise than a brass band, mnd put the
Instrument out of use, pissed out of
the room through the wall at the back
of the piano, leaving a clear-cut hole
tbree-qunrters of an Incb In diameter.
Five of a group of thirteen cowg that
were standing tinder a big tree on the
farm of Welling Cruser, near Harlln
gen, were killed by a stroke of light
ning. The herd was composed of eight
Jersey and five Holstein cows. Only
the Holstelns, which were dark In color,
were struck. The tree under which the
cows stood was not Injured.
Lightning struck a wire fence on a
farm near Uellmead. and after travel
ing along the fence for several feet It
darted off Into a group of five calves
standing In the corner of a field. All
of the calves were killed Instantly. 1
During the dame torm five cows on
the farm of Edward Durham, a few
tnllea away, ays a correspondent of the
New York World, were killed by the
lightning while they were standing In a
Well fnppllrd.
Ida Yea; ten girls gave him tbe
mitten In tbe last summer.
May Then that la fir pairs. Ha
certainly will not suffnr with cold
hands tola winter. ,x .
Pearfal of ConMrjsjeaaea.
Mr. KaJlow Er-bcg pardon, Mima
Rnappc. but can I smoke?
Maw tuppa I'm sore I don't know,
bat If oa't narer triad bafors plana
dart tafia nara. PkUadalpkla Praaa.
Art of Managing a Man.
"There are three things," salth an
ancient proverb, "which can only be
mai.iigcd by coaxing:; A kid glove, a
tire, and a man." The woman, married
or single, who fights for her right has
a hard and bitter struggle, often to
fail at last, while she who takes them
gracefully, with a smile and a sweet
thank you, Kir. Is allowed to walk off
freely, if not invited to come again.
Any married woman, gifted with even
a siiuiU decree of diplomacy, may have
her own way quite as much. If not
more, than Is good for her. If only she
be cari ful always to defer to her nomi
nal lord pnd master and never to allow
any one. himself least -of all, to sus
pect that she has been able to persuade
him that her way Is his own. The
secret of her power lies In a nutshell;
it is the power behind tbe throne which
never openly ai-Herts itmdf.
All decent men are, as a rule, good
to their wivi s, according to their lights;
It Is the part of a clover wife to keep
those lights trimmed and burning. The
man who swears at his wife is a bully
and a coward, still he exists, and It Is
something In the way of excuse for Iiim
that he la usually husband to some
woman who nags. Even be may be
best endured by nonreslstence, or at
least by getting out of bis way. The
mild power Is usually the strongest,
and a fortress which resists nssault
may sometimes be easily carried by
Insidious approaches.
All men bate to be ruled; Indeed,
no man will be If be knows It. Tbe
henpecked husband of the humorist
Is almost nonexistent. The woman
who Is truly mlstrees of her household
never falls to set her husband upon a
pedestal and to Insist tbat all the house
hold shall honor him as lord and master
A woman's privileges are In most
cases by far more valuable than her
rights; the best way In which to In
crease those privileges is to take them
with great show of gratitude to the
man who confers them. "Vanity, van
ity, all is vanity," and no man ever
lived who was not accessible to flattery
In some form or other. To conquer, a
woman must sometimes stoop, the more
gracefully and reRdlly she does so the
better for her purpose, Gentle per
suasion goes a mile often where aggres
siveness cannot stir a foot. There are
not many things In the world outside
of matters of conscience, pure and
simple, which tie worth contention
upon a woman's part, against the man
whom she loves and who loves her; and
for these few things the reward, gained
through martyrdom, conies usually In
the hereafter. Standing up for one's
rights against one's husband Is weari
some work; it Is more comfortable to
relinquish them; still tbey may be had,
except In rare instances, by asking for
then) as a favor to be granted for love's
sake. Moreover, the submissive wife
may easily escape responsibility which
she does not care to assume by plead
ing her duty to her husband. ".Inck
likes this." or "Jack objects to that,"
are reasons the validity of which no
one can question.
However perfect a bit of mechanism
may be, lis bearings must be kept well
oiled or there will 1 friction; what
tbe oil can Is to the mechanical en
gineer Is tact to the wise wife. Defer
ence to her husband is the drop of oil
which keeps the wheels of the domestic
machine running smoothly; If she Is
clever enough to turn those wheels In
the way In which she would have them
go, while to all Intents and purpose be
Is acting under his direction, so much
tbe better, perhaps, for all concerned.
There Is much In mental suggestion.
Take It for granted that a man will
do a certain thing nine times out of
ten he does It. The tactful person drops
suggestions and leaves them to take
toot and bear fruit. Just as the husband
man sows his seed ukii fertile ground.
Pictures in the Home.
While out calling the other afternoon
a small boy answered the ring of the
bell, and at the same time volunteered
the Information that "mamma was
dressing and the girl was out." I said
that I should wait for mother and,
childlike, be proceeded to entertain
me. He began by showing me the pic
tures on the wall-all of which bad
jbeen selected wlfh care. Before a fine
autotype of a familiar Corot he bad a
tstory to tell of Orpheus and his lute.
A small print of Canterbury Cathedral
'brought out the tale of Thomas a
Becket first riding on bis white mule
with Jingling chains and gorgeous rai
ment, then lying senseless at the foot
of the altar. There was a portrait of
Beethoven, an Aurora. a Slstlne Madon
na, a Greuzo "Broken Pitcher," and of
these and more this boy of 8 bad
stories to tell.
He was not an extraordinary child In
any sense of the word-nothing but tbe
ordinary fun-loving, marble-playing
loy but he hud been let Into the se
cret of enjoyment In pictures. Before
a colored print of a landscape by Diaz,
which was pinued to the door frame
and had probably come with the gun
day paper, his Imagination found a
way Into tbo depth of the woods, be
admired tbe coloring and peopled the
forest with robbers and creaturee of
fancy. Rome clever person had given
bin tbe magic kef to a werld of en
joyment beroad.tbe sidewalks mad car
tracks. Wbarerer be might travel in
altar yean be waaid never be loo.
Tills fable, as old Aesop would say,
has a moral. Choose pictures that have
m meaning and tell the children about
tnem. - jirey will prove an emlte
source of entertainment, and then, are
we not continually crying for culture
and an upward way In education ?
Chicago Post.
Hints on I-'umiithing.
There are a few general points In
the furnishing of a boy's room that
may be well to bear In mind, says the
Washington Times. On the fl r
should be a good ingrain carpet of a
cheerful tone almost every boy likes
red. The furniture need not be ex
pensive, but It must be strong. The
sofa may be an old one, but should
be covered with some durable material
of small pattern that will not show the
wear and tear. Cushions? Of course!
What lxy was there who ever owned
a sofa and didn't clamor for cushions?
Have them of cay colors, but si-e that
they blend with the rest of the room
It Is a mistaken Idea to Imagine that
these little things will not be noticed
by the boy and tell on his taste in the
long run. We are all affected, per
haps unconsciously, by our environ
ments, and Just because It happens to
be "only tbe boy's room," there Is no
earthly reason why It should not be
made as attractive and comfortable as
The average boy loves light, and
does not care for heavy curtains at his
windows. One boy a cousin of the
writer has fine cheese cloth curtains
close to the windows, tied back with
a bow at each end. These, of course,
only come to the ledge. Within are
curtains of turkey red, which hang In
straight lines to the floor. They are
light and cheerful In tone, and add
especially to the beauty of the room.
See that tbe Illuminating qualities
are good In the boy's room. Gas fix
tures are, as a rule, so placed that
they are of little service to the young
fellow working at his desk. A stu
dent's lamp Is excellent; so is a bracket
one. The latter may not add especial
ly to the licauty of the room, but Is
useful, and what Is still more to be
considered safe.
These are a few bints In the furnish
ing of ihe boy's room the details will
have to be added according to the indi
vidual taste of Its owner.
Women Too Llghtlr Won.
Sordid and commonplace? Perhaps,
to those who know nothing of the mis
eries of mlsmated couples. Home and
family require money, and Its posses
sion will not prevent a growth of sen
timent. Make the body comfortable
and the soul will find Its peace without
much difficulty. Mind you, I am not
advocating a marriage for money, but
am strongly In favor of something sub
stantial on which to build the new
life. And that Is not all, for congen
iality Is absolutely necessary to make
the life of two beings, no matter what
sex, livable within the narrow confines
of a home. There Is altogether too
much KenllinentuHty In American
women. It penults them to overlook
the estimable qualities -of their own
husbands and overestimate those of
other men whom they have not tested.
The same charge can be laid up
against men. and Homebody Is to blame
fur the serious state of affairs. Per
haps women are 'too lightly won, too
eager to accept the first masculine
hand extended to them. It is abso
lutely true that when a man Inserts a
matrimonial advertisement In any kind
of a paper, even the most obscure, It
Is found by feminine eyes and la met
with an overwhelming number of an
swers. The winner of such a proposi
tion generally has cause to rue ber
luck, but I can find precious little
sympathy for ber. Tbe stock of good
men has not yet been exhausted; so
why put up with imitations, and pretty
bad ones at that? I cun see some real
ly Justifiable reasons for divorce, but
they arc a mere drop In the ocean of
applications. Where Is the remedy? In
common sense, my friends. Betty
Bradeen In the Boston Traveler.
Mine MiHred Howells.
The young lady whose portrait np
pcars in this Illustration, Miss Mildred
Howells, though handicapped by hav
ing a famous man
as father, made a
name for herself
In art while still
In ber early twen
ties. She was In
troduced to the lit
erary world by
her father, Will
iam Dean How
ells, when he put
ber in a book
railed "A Little
miss liownxa. Girl Among the
Old Masters," which contained her Im
pressions of Europe's great paintings
and specimens of her work. A few
months ago her engagement to Profes
sor Falrchlld, of tbe Smithsonian Insti
tution was announced.
Mfaw Ht. for Girls.
Large, flat-shaped straws will be
about tbe smartest of tbe new bats for
girls of all ages, and tbey are quite
simply trimmed with large bows of
toft, wide liberty satin ribbons, and
look aa If tbey were dented Into most
becoming efaaees by the lavlab wealth
of spring flawers.
five-sixths ef the cotton need In Brit
lab alUa g Aaerlcu.
ecure a Free Home In tbe Fertlto
W heat Fields of Western Canada, j
To the Editor: The emigration of
wcll-todo farmers from Ihe United'
Mates to the ("atiad'an Northwest nan
tsKumed fcuch proportions tiuu rj:un
bed efforts are now being made by in
teieslcd persons and corporations to
stem the tide. The effort are b lug
Initiated chiefly by railway end real
estate interests In the Stat' s from
Which the bulk of the euiigrat ion dike
place. The movement or popiilnilon
has taken from numerous S'.'i'es thou
sands of persons whose presence along
railways In these Stales made lul-
ness for the transportation comi anii s.
The movement has also .lie. oiiie. s-
widely known that It Iih prevented
the settlement of vacant hinds along
these lines, parties who might have lo
cated there being attracted to the free
find more fertile lands of Cunndn. The
result of the movement bus been that
the railway companies not only sea
the vacant lands along their lines re
main vacant, but they nNo sec bus-'
dreds of substantial farmers who have
helped provide business for these rail
ways move away find so cense th-ir
contributions. The fanners have1
moved to t'liniida because they were
convlm-ed Hint it would be to their;
fimiueLal Interest to do ko. In mov
ing they have been Inconsiderate'
enough to place their own financial
Interests before those of the financial
Interests of the railway corporations.
In addition to the railway corpora
tions, real estate dealers are working
to stem the tlow of emigrants, of
course every emigrant who goes to
Canada means the loss of commissions
on land deals by real estate dealers.!
Now a person has but to know what
the Interests are that are trying to stop,
the flow to know what motive Is lu-
fiuenclng their course. The emigration'
means financial loss to railway corpo-j
rations and to real estate men. These
Interests therefore are not directing
their opposition efforts out of any love
for the departing emigrants or out of
any high patriotic motives, either.,
.They are doing so purely from selfish
Interests. It Is a matter of dollars and
cents with them. They are so patriot
ic, they are so consumed by love for
their fellow citizens, that they want
to prevent these fellow citizens going
to Canada and getting free farms or
tbe best wheat bind In the world; and
Instead they waut to make them stay
on high-priced farms In the United
States, where they will continue to
pour money Into the pockets of these
railways and real estate men.
One of the methods employed by
these interests to stem the tide la the
distribution of matter to newspaers,'
painting Canada in the darkest colors
These articles emanate chiefly from a
bureau In St Louis. They are sent
out at frequent intervals for simulta
neous publication. A writer is em
ployed at a high salary to prepare the
Moreover, statements absolutely at
variance with the truth have lately
been published broadcast. These ap
pear chiefly In what purport to be let
ters from persons who are alleged
to have gone to Canada and ltocome
disgusted with It. Only a few of such!
have been published, and tbey eon-
tain statements that are absurd 4DJ
i . - n' .v. . i . ..
ineir imsnj. r uemer ina parties
whose names appear In connection
with these letters have ever been to
Canada, and, if so, their history while
there. Is to be thoroughly looked into.
The discovery of their motive, like the
discovery of the motive of the Inter
ests who are engineering the opposM
tlon. may prove Illumining. In the
meantime, however, It may be pointed
out that only a few of such letters
have appeared, but since IS97 over
87,000 American settlers have gone to
the Canadian West. Can any reason
able person suppose for a moment that
if ('anada was one-quarter as bad as
represented In these letters, the 87,(WO
Americans now there would remain
In the country; or. If the Canadian
West had not proved the truth of all
Unit was claimed for it, the pH-rs of
every State in the American North
west would not be filled with letters
saying so? Imagine 87,(siO aggressive
Americans deceived and not making
short shrift of their deceivers. Tbe
fact Is. the 87,000 are well satisfied
and are encouraging their friends to
follow them.
Anyone who sees any of these dis
paraging letters should remember that
it Is railway and real estate Interests
who have from purely' selfish reasons
organlipd a campaign to stem the flow
to Canada. If Canada were half at
bad as represented there would be no
need of such an organization. The fact
that such exists Is of Itself a magnifi
cent tribute to Canada. Finally, It
should not be forgotten Uiat the let
ters published are brimful of false
hoods and that 87.000 satisfied Ameri
cans In the Canadian West constitute
n living proof that such ! the case.
The Canadian Government Agent,
whose name appears in advertisement
elsewhere In this paper, Is authorized
to give all Information to rates, and
available lands In Western Canada.
Speculators love dox at least the;
ire fond of good polntcin.
J Shirtwaist of halr-llnn velvet In
gun metal coloring, brightened by t
dash of some gay tint, ure Included
In the sctuion's productions.
"Beware of saying or doing any
thing nastily," sud the. man who
gives much advice, '1 have no fcai
on that score" answered the eminent
statesman "The dlscipllno of my ca
reer as 4 United States senator hat
removed all danuer.,,-Waslihigtoc
f MiMr iltuut la u,. .,iT
"Ta oltuir or tnk kobi.u.
tii laid ar acsniK.
Tk.iuTiTn.u (! aaaisfc,aTac
fin, to i see-Lear is
"Tr 'nil
, i '.